Published: 13-Nov-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
A girl, some crayons
Head angled down
Tilted to elongate the slope of the neck
The sweet slope of the neck
Ending in shoulders, divine
And a softly rising chest
I am drawn
Sure as the pull of the Earth
I am hypnotized
A soft breath calls me back
Eyes focused
Crayon-fist staying in the lines
Hair falling
A few strands
And then more
Holy light radiates
One finger, quick
Draws the strands of hair
And tucks them once more behind the ear
One flowing move, simple grace
Nature's curtain aside
Oh, the Ear!
Unclothed again
The Ear!
Curves and folds, turning
Ending in perfection
Soft it calls My lips know the language
I am hypnotized
By the ear
And she turns
Her face to me
A flower bright and smart
Blue-green pools of light
Of delight
Meet mine
Eyelashes flutter
And eyes search
Joy hits my mouth
I smile
And my eyes
Her face shines
Her lids lower
Following mine
Love's look
I bend
My lips come soft
Against her cheekbone
Warm and soft
I draw away
Her face is alight
I whisper the words
Those words
She turns to her crayons
Taking her light with her
A shadow before the sun now
But the ear is left to me
I consider its curves again
Curious and winding ridges
But soft
I am overcome
My lips meet her yielding ear
Her hair presses to my nose
Grateful for the aroma
Of sunshine
My lips linger
My nostrils draw
A quick turn
A swift, sweet smile
"I love you too."
Can you here the drumming?
It grows now
What a beautiful drawing!
Crayons drop, one rolls to the floor
My lap is full now
Folded legs, soft buttocks
My arms sweep eagerly but slowly
Around her slender middle
To her arching back
Her arms
Slender and soft
Wrap my neck
I grasp for a moment Eternity answers
I watch
Everything slows
Her eyes half-closed
Her lips pink and turned out
To me they are turned
To me
Warm and wet
Pink and soft
They meet mine
Slippery and sweet
I can hear my heartbeat
Eternity, slowly
My fingers find her back
Drinking every sensation
Our lips part...
Her eyes blink slowly
Thunder echoes off into the distance
and the noise
Of the world returns
I hear my breathing
And hers
She clamps my neck tight
And does not let go
But then I lay her down and press my
Ear to her little chest
Her heartbeat...
I just listen
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |