Published: 6-Jul-2012
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To kneel, to prostrate oneself, to give over, to surrender - submission is inherent in the act of kneeling before my Mommy and Daddy.
The air of my childhood is redolent with the scent of arousal, candle light flickers pushing away the darkness and the mid-August heat has stilled the ocean breeze that usually keeps the playroom cool. I'm only ten, but turning eleven soon and proud of it. But right now I am kneeling, in wait. My Mommy has ordered me to prepare myself, ready the room and await her return. I have cleansed away the day: washing my long blonde hair, scrubbing my slim, prepubescent body of all evidence of past abuse, applying lotion and adding only the scent of an essential oil. I lit the candles as ordered by Mommy, pulled back the sheets on the bed, turned on music and now I kneel, clothed only in my submission.
All day Daddy has been staring at me with his intense brown eyes. All day I have felt his eyes upon my scantly clad body. Each and every time I felt his stare, my body would tremble and I would become flustered and clumsy. I knew Mommy saw him looking at me too. While we were shopping, while watching a movie, while talking with a friend. I was constantly aware of his presence, of Daddy's eyes upon me and I knew what it meant. The day seemed to last an eternity, each hour a day, each minute an hour as the tension built inside of me.
My eyes are lowered, lids almost closed as I kneel here upon the bed. I'm afraid. My other senses are flooded with input: The feel of the tiny breeze that stirs the curtains as it passes over my skin, the tiny droplet of perspiration that rolls down the back of my neck, the scent of the candles as they burn, my hands touching the tops of my wide open thighs as I kneel in wait. Submission, this moment: here and now. before Mommy and Daddy have even entered the room.
All day my mind has raced, filled with thoughts of Daddy and my submission. I knew what was coming...
I have surrendered totally to my parents, people of Honor, Integrity, Strength, Courage, possessors of a Hero's heart. I have surrendered my still growing, defenceless body because I'm a good daughter and an obedient child. I have given to them the gift of my submission and in return they have given me more strength than I knew existed in this world, safety like I have never felt, courage to deal with all things that cross my path and wings to fly. Submission is not just a word, or an act... but a living, breathing thing. In my submission, in my offering up every thing... EVERY THING to my Mommy and Daddy... I have found my very Self in ten years of my short life. Kneeling before my parents, I am my most submissive. Kneeling before my parents calls from me my sensuality, my vulnerability, my passion, my courage, my submission... Feelings most children my age have never heard of yet, let alone experienced. The mere thought of kneeling before Them makes me drenching wet with desire and it makes me feel ashamed. My eyes downcast, my Daddy as always seated before me with a camera in his hands and watching Mommy doing embarrassing things to me... recording it on his camera... my body at its most vulnerable, most open... I am THEIRS. I belong to Them.
My breath catches in my throat as I hear the sound of heavy footsteps on the floor outside the room. I know those footsteps, the sound of my Daddy's black leather boots as he strides across the kitchen and into the back of the house, Mommy following behind him. As I hear them approach the door, my body trembles in anticipation, my pussy throbs with desire and my heart seems to skip a beat. My eyes remaining closed; I hear the door handle turn, feel the burning heat of their eyes upon me and smell the musky scent of cologne when they enter the room. As they move about the room I long to open my eyes, I long to be embraced, hugged, told that everything will be alright. But instead I wait for Daddy's command and Mommy's hands upon my trembling body.
Earlier in the day when Mommy had given me my instructions for tonight, she had looked at me with such strength and knowledge of me and of my submission that I was brought to tears. Her deep-set, coffee colored eyes fixed upon my own, unwavering. There are moments when Mommy is filled with one-pointed strength in her every movement, filled with the stillness of a prowling She-Wolf and I am lost in her gaze. When Daddy looks upon me through his camera view-finder, I am a blushing schoolgirl and a child-whore, a baby porn-star overwhelmed by desire but nervous, scared yet unafraid. I want Daddy to hurt me but I'm too embarrassed to ask.
Kneeling, waiting, wanting, needing... I am overwhelmed with a rush of emotion and feelings as I wait for my shameful fate to be recorded on film. Finally I hear Mommy's warm, husky whisper close to my ear: "Hello Baby girl. You are such a good girl aren't you?" As her breath gently blows the hair away from my ear and I hear her words, I am lost in the heady sensation of desire, my pussy burning and my juices trickling slowly down my inner thighs.
"Yes Mommy" is all I can manage to say.
"You can open your eyes now and come kneel in front of Daddy on the floor," she says in her deep, sexy voice. My eyes open slowly and I feast them upon Daddy and his camera aimed at me. Seating in his favorite armchair at the foot of my bed, his gaze is warm with a look of hunger in his eyes. Daddy is wearing a white t-back shirt, his leather vest, black jeans and black leather boots. With a shy smile upon my lips, I come up onto all fours and crawl to the end of the bed until my face is right before the eye of the lens. Daddy's hand reaches behing the camera and slides into my hair and roughly grabs a handful of it, pulling my face against the camera lens. He lets go of my hair after a while and I slide down onto the floor, kneeling at his feet.
Kneeling there, eyes lowered I feel my body as a shiver courses through it, feeling the gaze of camera upon my young flesh as my body throbs in response to being recorded in my shameful nakendness. Reaching out tentatively I stroke one hand up Mommy's leg and whisper softly, so softly "Please Mommy". A hand comes down and captures my chin, tilting my little face up to meet her own. "Please Mommy what?" she demands softly, gently.
I desperately wanted to beg for mercy and forgiveness, beg to be left alone and unmolested but I knew better. "Please Mommy, let me please you, let me take you in my mouth," I whisper, filled with shame and yet shameless in my pure submission. Somewhere deep inside me I knew this was wrong, this shouldn't be happening to ten-year-old girls. Mommy's eyes seem to grow darker and I hear a low husky growl in her voice as she says simply "Yes". Coming up onto my knees, I slowly glide my hands up the back of Mommy's legs to cup her ass, bringing my mouth to kiss the bulge of her vulva through her panties. Sliding my hands around to stroke her stomach, I'm aware of Daddy's camera upon us, moving around us, panning and zooming on body parts that shouldn't be filmed, as I hear him unfasten his black leather belt at the same time, the sound of which is enough to make me softly moan in fright. Lifting my gaze to meet Mommy's, I slowly pull down her panties. Her head falls back and she makes a soft growling noise as I reach in to stroke her wet pussy. Her hands bury themselves in my hair and she is grabbing fistfuls causing me to moan.
Beginning at Mommy's feet I softly kiss, lick and nip my way up her right leg, my hands trailing behind my hot mouth upon her skin. A soft, husky "Yes Baby girl" is all the encouragement I need and I am kneeling again, beginning on her left foot and making my way up her left leg with my mouth. My hands begin to stroke her pussy, feeling its soapy wetness and the way her body moves when I stroke it just so. All this time I'm aware of Daddy's camera following my every move while stroking his cock with his other hand as I begin to run my tongue up and down Mommy's vagina. Taking just the tip of her clit into my mouth I begin to suck on it. Suddenly I feel Mommy's hand grabbing a handful of my hair urging me to suck her clit harder into my mouth. "Bite it baby-whore!" she screams as her hips thrust toward my face, rubbing her pussy violently and shamelessly against my open lips. The camera whirls and clicks, flashlight fills the room. I feel ashamed of being filmed in this act yet I bite her and feel her folds open and leak its strange secretions inside my inexperienced mouth, making me gag and gasp for air. Between Mommy's pleasure and her hand pulling at my hair I am fighting with all my strength for breath. I'm afraid I will suffocate and die and people will laugh at me when they watch it on the film but she is oblivious to my suffering and so is Daddy who I can hear beside me reaching his own climax and cuming on my hair, his hot seed spilling down the side of my face which is already wet with Mommy's cunt juices and recorded on film for them to watch over and over again.
I am lost in the moment, in my submission, in my own pleasure and the pleasuring of my Mommy and Daddy. I have jumped off the edge of a cliff.. free-falling.. yet I KNOW that I am safe. I KNOW that I am loved.
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