Published: 6-May-2012
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Author's Profile
I won't lie to you. I'm a single mother and any money is good money. That includes earnings my daughter makes by posing for artists who need a child model to draw, paint or photograph. Often they require her undressed, either partially or all the way. Sometimes they require a little more than that. Like I said, I won't lie to you. Most parents would call my entrepreneurial skills child endangerment. A year ago I would agree with them but since then I have changed my views on the subject. I never imagined I would be capable of exploiting my daughter's 10-year-old body for profit, let alone become aroused by it. But opinions and tastes change especially if they make life a little more comfortable on the side.
Monday started like hundreds of others at the art college where I take Emma to work as a model. We came in through the main door, walked down the corridor and into the main office.
"Good morning all," I greeted the office staff.
"'Morning!" they returned and others waved at Emma.
I turned and was about take Emma to the scheduled drawing class when the Secretary called out, "Oh, Christine. Just a minute."
I looked around the door at the slight figure of Margaret, the wiry-haired and bespectacled secretary. "I should have told you last week, but as Henry has his exhibition on for two weeks in London, the class will have a new teacher this morning."
"Oh," I said. "Who is he?"
"She's Annabel Williams from the Manchester Academy of Fine Arts."
I was intrigued. To be honest, women were less sympathetic to employing children for human figure posing which always required the model to be naked before the class but I also knew who Annabel Williams was which is why I was feeling intrigued. I went back inside the room and leaned on the secretary's desk.
"Isn't she the one who recently had a great exhibition at the Liverpool Art gallery? Specialises in erotic painting in pastel."
"That's the one," confirmed the Secretary. "The newspapers reported that she sold every painting. She's a good teacher too."
"Sounds interesting," I said. "We'll go up and meet her.
The drawing classroom was on the next floor. As the class had not started, the door was wide open. I walked in leading Emma by hand and saw a woman, with shoulder length auburn hair, standing with her back to me. As she heard me enter she turned around. Her smile was instantly welcoming so I went over and said, "I'm Christine, the mother of your model Emma."
Her smile broadened and she held out her hand. She took mine in a very firm grip. "Hello, Christine. Hi Emma. I'm Annabel. Very pleased to meet you two." She stroked Emma's hair. "She's a very pretty girl, isn't she? But lets not waste time. I think we'd better have a quick chat to sort out what we're going to do today."
We walked over to the side of the room where there were three chairs. We sat down and I looked into her face. I noticed that she was several inches taller than me. She seemed about 35, and her auburn hair surrounded a very pleasant looking face with a few freckles scattered here and there. She had a very attractive smile and a firm but very smooth voice.
She gave me the impression that she was a person very much in charge. She had a fairly full figure with a generous bust but, as far as I could see, her body was quite firm. I wondered whether she might work out a couple of times a week. Certainly there was nothing fragile about her. But what intrigued me the most was how she looked at Emma with steady, measured gaze as if judging the shape of her body under the clothes.
"I understand Emma's been modelling here for almost two years now?"
"That's right," I replied, omitting many private sessions at the hands of kinky fashion photographers whose sense of fashion began and ended with a pair of thong panties or pervy art students who painted only for the sake of raping models with their eyes but knew nothing about composition or primary colours. "She's been modelling since she turned nine. She enjoys it very much but different people require different kind of modelling. She's done a lot of work for Henry but I was wondering what will you require from her today?"
"Well, I aim to present the class with a pose that's interesting to draw. If possible I'll ask her to imply some small action in the pose, or present a position of tension." Her eyes widened and a faint suggestion of a smile played at the corners of her generous mouth. "I'll try not to make it too difficult for her, I promise."
"You obviously take a genuine interest in your work," I smiled. "I've known so many artists who just want their models to stand, or sit or lie down without knowing what effect they are creating. It makes models and artists look thoroughly bored."
She then looked straight into Emma's eyes and asked, "Emma, do you get shy sometimes when lots of people look at you without any clothes on?"
I saw Emma hesitate a moment before replying. I felt this was a testing question.
"Well ... sometimes if there are many, many people in the room and I have to pose for a long time. But if it's only few people then I don't mind."
"And tell me Emma, can you hold a pose for a half an hour or an hour, even if it's a difficult pose?"
"Once I held a pose for two hours with only a little break," Emma said proudly.
"She's a good gymnast," I added quickly to reassure Annabel. "She even won some prises at school level competitions."
At those words Annabel seemed to straighten, her brow raised almost imperceptibly and the smile at the corners of her mouth appeared again. "That's interesting; very interesting."
We both looked deeply into each other's eyes and, at that very moment something happened that I really cannot put into words. It was as though a chord had reached out from her mind to mine. A certain chemistry passed between us and I experienced a tangible bond of trust with another woman I had never previously experienced.
Just then a man and a woman came over to speak to Annabel and the magic of the moment evaporated. Before she answered their question, she turned to Emma, lightly touched her arm and said, "We'll start in a few minutes, sweetheart. Will you get changed please?"
I went with Emma into the changing cubicle still wondering what was it that I sensed in that woman. As I helped Emma take off her clothes I remember wondering whether it might be because of the way she looked at the little girl, exploring her body with lust I've only seen in men until now. But I rejected that idea. It was impossible, I thought. Completely improbable that another woman would have the same secret feelings I felt hidden inside me.
I put the robe on Emma and we went out into the room. By now almost every student was arranged either sitting down or standing behind an easel. Annabel was sitting on the edge of the podium, and as we walked in her direction she stood up smiling.
She introduced herself to the class and then said, "You all know little Emma who has been your model for some time. I'm going to have her do a few three-minute poses, then we'll have a couple of ten minute poses and follow those with a longer one of about 25 minutes. That will take us up to coffee time."
Previously, taking the robe off my daughter and presenting her nude to the class was something I did almost without thought. There was no embarrassment for her or myself and it was just a matter of routine. To be honest, all I had on my mind was the fee I was going to charge for her modelling time. But now, I really wanted to let Annabel see my little girl naked. I faced in her direction, took off Emma's robe and let Annabel arrange her body into the first pose. At first Annabel just stood there, absolutely still with her eyes fixed on the naked child, taking in every detail of her small defenceless body before helping her assume the first pose.
She then made a circuit of the 15 or so students just glancing to see what they had done, occasionally pointing at their canvas or giving an advice. As I stood at the back of the class I felt the old excitement returning. It never failed to make me hot as I watched roomful of complete strangers drinking in the sight of Emma's nude little body displayed only for them to study and analyse in tiniest detail.
"Thank you Emma, we'll get you now into another pose." I saw Annabel kneel down to Emma's level and rearrange her limbs. Again I noticed how her hands lingered over the little girl's skin as if not wanting to cease touching her. She brushed her hair away from the shoulders and pushed her back into a severe arch which presented her budding breasts to the full view of the students.
I sat quietly at the back of the class as I watched Annabel's careful hands manipulate my daughter's naked body and tried to imagine what was going through her mind. Did she feel aroused as I did? If given a chance would she molest my little girl and if so how far would she take it? The more I thought about it the more various scenes played out in my mind. I saw Annabel doing unspeakable things to Emma. I saw every student in the class join her, taking hold of her limbs so she couldn't defend herself from relentless fingering, probing, kneading and pinching of her tender flesh. They all towered over her like a pride of lions devouring a small baby gazelle caught in their deadly grasp while soft cries and sighs were all that escaped from the violated child.
I woke up from my daydream when I heard Annabel speak again. For her third pose she had her lay on the podium with her back still arched and her hands spread flat at her sides. She slowly walked around the podium and stood at Emma's feet looking down at her nude body. I was thrilled when she quietly said, "That's a lovely pose Emma. You really are a good model."
For the long pose Annabel asked Emma to sit on the podium with one leg up forming a triangle and the other flat on the podium but bent with her foot under the other knee. This meant that her little pussy was on full view to those in front of her which was about 70% of the class. Annabel came over to the podium and took hold of the leg which was lying flat and moved it further under Emma's other leg. As I watched her touching Emma slowly and deliberately I felt a surge of pleasure run up my legs to my crotch. From where I was sitting it looked like she had a firm but gentle touch. I wondered whether Emma's pussy, in full view of so many students in the class was enlarging, getting pink and opening. It looked like it but I couldn't be sure. Then Annabel took one step back and in almost inaudible whisper said, "Yes, I really do like that."
When the long pose was over and Annabel said her last "Thank you, Emma," I thought how quickly the time had passed. While all the students were leaving the classroom I came over to the podium carrying the robe for Emma. Annabel was commenting to her on her posing and I could see Annabel from time to time looking down at Emma's quite stiff little nipples.
"She was terrific, Christine." Annabel said when she saw me. "You have a very beautiful child, very supple and... how should I say this... Very enticing."
"Thank you. She can be a handful too."
"Well, I mustn't keep you must I?" she said as she glanced at her watch. "You'll probably want to be getting home." As I turned she gently stroked Emma's back and said "It's been lovely working with you sweetheart. I shall look forward to next week."
Emma and I walked slowly down the flight of steps and out through the double door into the car park. With money for today's session secured and nothing planned for the rest of the day I was going to take Emma out shopping for yet another outrageously skimpy little dress before heading home. I gave a sigh as I looked at my watch and saw it was getting quite late. If only we could find a taxi somewhere. I had almost reached the exit onto the road when I heard a car coming behind me. I moved Emma to the side to give it room to pass but when it came alongside us it slowed down. The driver lowered the window. It was Annabel!
"Can I offer you a lift anywhere, Christine?"
The magic took over once more. Can she offer us a lift? You bet! I tried to remain calm as I replied, "Oh, that's very kind of you Annabel. Which way are you going?"
"Oh, don't worry about that. Just tell me where you want to go and I'll take you there. I'm in no hurry."
I quickly led Emma into the car and Annabel pulled out onto the main road. I told her we wanted to go to the children's clothing store on the edge of town just over a mile away. "There's a small pull-in just before it. If you could drop us off there I would be terribly grateful."
During the short journey I offered her congratulations on her latest exhibition of figure drawings which had been a sell out. I also asked her about the various models she had used. I secretly wondered if they had been Emma's age but she said Emma was her youngest ever nude model. Soon we were at the pull-in where she stopped.
Annabel switched off the engine as she finished answering my questions about the other models. "The youngest model I worked with before Emma was a 13-year-old girl. She was very good." Then she deliberately turned and looked at Emma straight in the eyes. "But none of them were anywhere near as good as you, sweetheart." I saw Emma blushed slightly and looked quickly down. Then she slowly raised her eyes again.
"Thank you," Emma said shyly.
"I think you flattered her," I smiled. "But seriously, she really enjoyed the class today. Having you in charge seemed... somehow, special."
"You mean she likes working with me?"
"Oh yes. Don't you Emma?"
She clapped her hands in delight, "Yes, I like being your model!"
Annabel turned and momentarily looked out through the windscreen as though thinking. Then she returned her steady gaze to me. "In that case, would you let her do some private modelling for me at my studio?"
My heart missed a beat - or several beats. It doesn't happen often that we're offered private modelling sessions. It's not that I was impressed by by the offer itself but more by what it stood for. Private offers always meant more lucrative fees and sexual or at least erotic involvement of the model at some point.
I tried to control my voice as I replied, "Oh, definitely. I'd love to see her be painted by you. I could tell all my friends she modelled for the famous Annabel Williams."
She turned to Emma then and reached forward, lifting her chin in her hand. "And you sweetheart? Are you sure about that?"
"I'm not shy Miss Williams if that's what you mean."
"Well I've noticed that in the class today and I'm grateful for that. It will be in the evening time. Will that suit you?" She looked back at me.
"Yes," I replied. "Just tell me which evening." I'd have taken Emma if she'd asked her to model at three in the morning. Then I added, "But I must inform you the usual modeling fee will apply."
"Of course, Christine. I'm happy to pay you whatever you ask." Annabel returned her gaze through the windscreen once more. "So let's see. Today's Monday. I have a meeting tomorrow evening and I'm having visitors on Thursday evening. Can you manage Friday?"
"Yes, I think we can manage that." I replied.
Annabel took out a business card and handed it to me. "This is my studio address," she said. "Can you make it by seven o'clock... no, let's say half past six. That will give us plenty of time. I don't like rushing things."
"We can definitely get there by half past six," I said, the excitement rising inside me. We'll see you then. Oh, and thanks very much for the lift. It was really sweet of you. Bye now!"
Getting out of the car I wondered whether I had done the right thing mentioning the modelling fee so early in the game. It certainly seemed right to me but I wasn't so sure about Annabel. However, my doubts were dispelled as I shut the car door and Emma waved her hand. Annabel was beaming at her and she blew her a kiss.
As I floated along the pavement with Emma skipping at my side I meditated on her words. "Half past six... I don't like rushing things." I wondered what things she didn't like rushing.
The interval between Monday and Friday had never seemed so long to me. Emma had scheduled several more modelling jobs at various classes and studios but neither of them was anything worth mentioning or maybe it was the case of me becoming used to the ordinary nudity of my little daughter while she posed for anyone who asked for it and I needed something more to get me excited, something more extreme or unusual? But more than that I found the wait really frustrating. All I could think about was seeing Annabel again and finding out what exactly she had planned for Friday.
Eventually, the day dawned and we were up bright and early. Like every morning before her modelling work I spent half an hour with Emma helping her do some pretty strenuous exercises to stretch up her muscles and then more time supervising her shower, helping her wash all tricky little places on her body that needed special attention and then setting her hair in two blond pigtails, filing and polishing her fingernails and toenails and removing a rare hair on her still prepubescent body. She had to be as near to perfection as possible. To her immense amusement and an occasional giggle I studied her naked little figure in every detail until I was quite satisfied with what I saw.
After that was done the only thing I had her wear was a bathrobe. For the rest of the day I let her play, watch TV and do her homework until eventually it was half-past four. Two hours to go, but it would take us only 20 minutes to walk to Annabel's studio so I decided to put a little make-up on her. I consulted a few books on the subject. I didn't want her to look like a tart but I did want to make her look sexy.
All this finished, I decided on just one other touch. I went to a drawer where I kept my perfume and took out my favourite, but subtle, aroma. I applied one spot under on each of her little nipples, another behind each ear and the last right between her legs which made her giggle again. Then I took one final look at her and decided to get her dressed. I chose the briefest pink silk undies she had in her dresser, a dark red pleated mini-skirt and a low-necked white blouse with two very slight shoulder straps. My little girl was finally dressed but, with any luck, she wouldn't be for much longer.
Knowing the area well, we easily found the address on Annabel's card. It was a large double-fronted Victorian villa in an avenue of trees. I was ten minutes early but I couldn't wait any longer. We went up the short flight of stone steps, rang the door chime and waited impatiently. We were rewarded by the figure of Annabel opening the door. She was dressed in an off-white and paint-stained artist's smock but I noticed that she was wearing carefully applied makeup and her short hairstyle was flawless.
We stepped into the large hallway. Annabel turned to Emma and looked her up and down with a broad smile of obvious approval. "You look absolutely gorgeous," she said. Then she came down closer to her, took her little face in both hands and kissed her on the lips. "I hope you don't mind Christine. She's a beautiful little doll."
"Not at all..." I stammered surprised by her bold move.
"Lovely to see you both again. You managed to find me alright?"
"Oh yes," I replied. "No difficulty at all."
"Let's go up to my studio then." She took Emma's hand in hers and led us towards the bottom of a wide staircase. "I use the biggest bedroom in the house as my studio," she explained.
"I expect you need a lot of space for all your paintings," I suggested.
"Yes, that's true. I hate working in a cramped space; I like to be able to spread myself a bit."
I liked her terminology, and kept hoping.
"Another reason I use the room is that it has a north-facing and very large window which is not overlooked by anyone."
"Oh, that must be a real bonus," I said.
She opened the door for us to walk inside. I was totally impressed. The cheerful pink evening light enveloped me. If this had been a bedroom, you could have slept ten people in it. It was almost square and the window at the one end occupied almost half the wall space. The deep red curtains on either side were held back with heavy gold tassels.
On another wall was a huge swept gilt-framed mirror which reached well over half way to the high ceiling. It seemed to add extra length to the room. There were several chairs, one of them a maroon Queen Anne with gold trimming. A matching chaise lounge stood nearby and on it sat a couple of antique porcelain dolls which Emma has already noticed and hurried over to play with.
Along the bottom of one of the walls was a collection of paintings, some framed, some just on bare canvases. Apart from one cupboard, two shelves containing some very large books, and a low set of narrow pastel storage drawers, the only other items in the room were two easels, one with a large sheet of tinted blank paper on it, and a podium, set in the middle covered with a mattress.
Annabel gave me time to look round and take in the whole picture and then said, "Well, what do you think of my studio?"
"I'm overwhelmed," I returned." I really do love it. I can imagine it must be heavenly working in here."
"Yes, I totally agree with you Christine."
She then started walking towards another door in the corner of the room.
"This is a walk-in store cupboard that I use to store my costumes. Would you like to see them?"
Costumes? It was just as well she had her back to me. The smile vanished from my face as I automatically followed her to the door. Costumes! She wants to paint Emma in a costume? After all my preparations? I'd been carefully planning all this time to use my own daughter to seduce this woman for financial gain and my own twisted fantasies but now it seemed she wasn't as kinky as I imagined her to be.
We both went into the small anteroom. There were steel tubes across the room and hooks all around the walls, all hanging with costumes of every sort and size. And along the skirting board there must have been 20 pairs of shoes. There was a very large wicker basked in the corner out of which bulged an assortment of, what I assumed to be, drapes.
Annabel was standing by my side. "You... er... want Emma to wear a costume?" I queried.
She shot me a quick glance and smiled broadly. "Oh, no. Painting her in a costume? Now wouldn't that be a gigantic waste? A sweet little figure like hers should be put on display so people can admire it." She was incredulous that I should ask. The tension inside me disappeared.
"No, Christine. I want to paint her nude. In fact I have something specific in mind. I'm a great admirer of Albert Von Keller. I consider that some of his paintings are amongst the greatest ever committed to canvas. Are you familiar with his work?"
I hesitated a little. "Well, I can't say I'm familiar with Keller."
"Come over here," she said moving towards the bookshelves. I followed. She took down a very large, thick book with the name "Albert Von Keller" heavily embossed on the cover. I noticed there was a marker in the book. She flipped open the page to reveal a painting of a naked young woman, her one hand nailed a cross and the other tied to the other side. I have never seen it before, but now I felt it was to have greater significance for me and Emma.
"This is called 'Moonlight'. Keller painted it in 1894. I saw the original when I went to Berlin last year and visited the gallery where they keep it. It was absolutely stunning! I was rooted to the spot for some 20 minutes before I could move. What do you think of it Christine?"
"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed.
"Notice how her naked body is turned and twisted around to face us and her arms stretched sideways tied to the cross? Her beauty is there for us all to see. She is naked and helpless. See how her head is resting on her outstretched arm and her eyes are closed as if at peace with her own fate? This is the work of a genius."
She slowly closed the book and looked at me. "I want to do a pastel painting of Emma based on that painting. It will be quite simple compared with the work of Keller of course. I want her spread out on a cross as if she is a slave girl who disobeyed her master and is being punished for it. I want your daughter to be a naked slave girl. What do you think, Christine?"
What a question? I couldn't have dreamed up anything more perverted and alluring if I'd tried. "Oh, I think that's an excellent idea," I said. And I really meant it.
"So you like the idea?"
"I love it!" I replied. "I know Emma will enjoy playing out a slave girl but since this is a very uncommon request I think the modelling fee should be increased 10%."
"Of course, Christine. I agree. This is a very demanding position that will put a lot of strain on her tiny body. She deserves to be rewarded for her effort."
My heart leapt by her generosity. I was going to give her a hug but I thought it might be a little too early for that.
"Right then. Lets get ready our little slave girl." She said and there was nothing I wanted to do more than see Emma in that pose..
She went over to the podium and arranged a large cross closer to the edge while I went to interrupt Emma in her play with dolls. "That should give her plenty of room to pose in the centre," she said. "The light from the window will be striking sideways across her body throwing her figure into deep relief."
I led Emma by hand as we approached the podium. I helped her kicked off her shoes and socks on the floor. She seemed a little comprehensive when she saw the large wooden cross that Annabel brought to the podium but I did my best to calm her down. We stood her on against the cross and then Annabel stood back and looked at her.
"This will look pretty good," she remarked. "You may help her now to undress, Christine."
I unzipped Emma's mini-skirt and put it aside. Then I pushed the thin straps of her blouse off her shoulders and lifted it over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra because there wasn't much development yet in her chest area. Her tiny lacey panties were all that remained. I slowly put my thumbs in the waistband and edged them slowly down. From experience I knew our customers enjoyed this part of the show. To them there was nothing more erotic than a mother undressing her daughter for their own perverted use. When her panties were just below her knees I helped her stepped out of them and placed them to the side. Emma stood completely naked on the podium before Annabel.
I looked her squarely in the eyes and asked, "How do you want her?" I tried to put as much meaning into the words as I could.
She joined me on the podium and put her hands on Emma's waist.
"Emma, sweetheart, if you lean against the cross you should be able to reach the horizontal bar with your hands and hold onto it as though your hands were tied there. She placed her hands where she wanted them and let her hand slide down Emma's arm before going around behind her. She controlled her by taking her hips in both her hands. "I'd like a bit of an "S" shape to the pose, the way it is in the painting. Put your legs together and slightly bend them at the knees as if they are tied. You can also rest your head on your right arm."
Annabel then stepped down from the podium and stood looking at Emma with a smile of satisfaction. In the large mirror facing her from the side I could watch my little girl hold the pose. Everything was on show - just as I wanted. "Oh yes, she looks really lovely. I hope I can do her justice," Annabel said.
She picked up the easel with the paper on it and placed it in front of the podium. I watched her as she worked swiftly in pastel sketching the main elements of the pose. I was absolutely thrilled just standing there knowing she was looking at every intimate part of Emma's nude body. She worked in silence for some 15 minutes and then asked, "Are you warm enough, sweetheart? I put the heating on well before you arrived. There's nothing worse for a model than being cold but I can't keep it too warm in here because it will dry out my paints too soon."
"I'm a little cold," Emma replied without breaking her pose and judging by the look of her hard little nipples I think she was right.
"Maybe we should take her temperature before I turn up the heat," Annabel suggested. "I can't make it much warmer than it already is."
It had me puzzled but not for long. From somewhere she produced a large thermometer and stepped behind Emma. "I'm going to insert this inside your bottom, Emma, so don't move. It will help us tell if you're getting cold and it won't interrupt your pose."
From looking at the mirror and at Emma's wincing face I could tell she was pushing the thing inside her anus. It went in slowly but but deliberately and she was relentless in her pursuit until the thermometer entered all the way inside my little girl. It left me somewhat irked even though I admired her ingenuity at the same time. No, it wasn't so much concern for Emma's well being. She's been through hands of many perverts before to know what was expected and required of her. I was more concerned about the fee I asked for because it certainly didn't entail any bodily insertions. Such liberties required at least 20% on top of the original fee. At least 20%!
"Annabel... um.. That was very thoughtful of you," I began my already well practised monologue, "But we never mentioned.. er.. penetrations or insertions when we talked about the modelling fee. You see, it's very delightful you would go to such length to take care of Emma, but I think I must ask for additional compensation if such actions will be practised on her."
Annabel blushed for a second, then said, "I'm really sorry, Christine. I was only worried that she would get too cold. You know how children are. They get sick so easily. But don't worry about money. I will pay for your trouble double if that's what it takes to paint this little angel."
With that settled I relaxed again and continued to enjoy the view. After a further five minutes Emma said the muscles in her arms begin to ache slightly. Another five minutes and she began making sad faces at us and said and they were getting even worse. Annabel must have sensed this. "Would you like a break, sweetheart? Your arms must be quite tired by now."
"Yes, they are a bit," she replied.
Annabel smiled and took hold of her left arm. "Oh yes, your arm is getting a bit cold. Let me warm it for you."
She started at the top of her shoulder and ran her hands around in little circles right down the arm to Emma's hand. Then she did a series of swift brushing movements up and down the arm. When she started on Emma's other arm she made sure to keep it quite near to her side so that as she moved her hands up and down they brushed the side of Emma's chest.
I'm sure she enjoyed the sensation as much as Emma did. Even I did just by watching them from the sideline. Then I saw Annabel give me the faintest of smiles as she went behind Emma. She placed her strong hands on the tops of both little girl's arms and again circled her hands around right down her arms, this time lightly brushing both her tiny breasts with her fingertips as she did so.
In the mirror I could see her knee pushing against Emma's bottom, pushing the thermometer even deeper inside her. Her hands were on Emma's hips, fingers pointing downwards. Then she slid her thumbs around the front of the child's hips and deliberately held her in a firm grip. Emma's eyes were closed and I heard a quiet whimper coming from her lips.
"How's that? Are your arms better now?"
Emma's voice was weak and quiet as she replied, "They are fine now. Thank you."
"You really seem to have a magic touch." I wanted her to know that her involvement with the model was approved by me. Then an idea suddenly occurred to me.
"Annabel, I wonder whether her arms would ache less if you actually tied them to the cross? She wouldn't have to grip and hold anything."
Annabel held her chin in her hands for a few moments as she considered this. "That's an excellent idea Christine. Now why didn't I think of that? I can see you're not just a concerned mother; you have ideas as well."
Oh, I had ideas all right. I was just hoping she'd be able to share them.
She went over to the cupboard and returned to Emma with a length of thin blue rope. "Now, don't be afraid, sweetheart. No one is going to hurt you. This will only help you hold your position for longer without becoming tired." First she tied her wrists firmly to the horizontal cross bar so her hands were outstretched in a common crucifixion pose. Gripping her legs she placed them at the foot of the cross and tied her ankles with another piece of rope. Then she guided her upper body into an arch that together with her slightly bent knees formed 'S'.
"How's that?" she smiled and Emma nodded her approval.
Annabel went back to her easel. "How long do you take to complete a life drawing?" I asked.
"Generally about an hour-and-a-half to two hours," she replied. "Any background work I can complete in the studio without the model."
Again she worked swiftly for a while but then her movements became less sweeping and smaller. I realised that she must be putting in some detail. Thirty minutes later Emma's arms were fine but her leg bearing most of her weight were starting to feel the strain.
"Another break?" asked Annabel, once again wiping her hands. Emma readily agreed.
"How are your arms now?"
"My arms seem OK," she replied. "It's my legs that are beginning to ache now."
Once more Annabel joined her on the podium. Without a word she knelt down in front of her and gripped her left leg, just above her ankle, between both her hands and started the circling movements just as she had done before with Emma's arms. Slowly she made her way up the leg. When she got to her knee she ran her fingers deeply into the muscles behind it.
"That feels good," Emma whispered feeling the hands run up her legs. Annabel continued up her thigh and increased the kneading of her muscles. Soon she was almost up to the child's little pussy and I think I saw her fingers brush against the bottom of her vulva.
She repeated all this with Emma's other leg, then brushed her hands swiftly up her legs occasionally making firm contact with Emma's pussy as she did so. Then suddenly she stepped away and said, "Oh dear. We forgot about that thermometer up in your bottom. Let me take it out for you now."
Of course, I thought. I forgot all about it myself. It was incredible Emma haven't complained all this time. Perhaps she like the feeling. It's not the first time someone inserted something in her anus. Such things were required part of modelling from time to time and she was taught that every proper model has to follow directions of people who hire her.
As Annabel knelt behind the little girl I stepped closer to see the extraction of the instrument. It was a slow process accompanied only by Emma's trembling sighs until eventually the long glass tube was held free in Annabel's hand.
"Quite long, wasn't it?" She asked looking at me.
"Long and hard," I agreed looking proud of what my daughter was capable to take inside her. "Perhaps she could help you clean it up now?"
"What do you mean?" Annabel looked at me genuinely confused.
"Here, let me show you," I took the thermometer from her hand and approached Emma. "Open your mouth, sweetheart."
"But mum...!"
"No arguing, Emma. You know what you must do to be a proper little model, don't you? Be nice and do what people tell you. Now open your mouth as I asked you to." Reluctantly she parted her full lips coated in lip gloss and looked at me with her big sad eyes as I slowly sank the the thermometer between them and along her tongue, deep inside her oral cavity until it touched the back of her throat. "Now suck on it, nice and slow."
"I never thought you'd be so... adventurous," Annabel's words came behind me while we both watched Emma working her little mouth on the thermometer that only recently was buried deep inside her rectum.
"I've learned over time what our customers like to see."
"I see..." she said as if hypnotised by thermometer going in and out of Emma's sucking lips.
"Of course," I added, "Performances like this one are charged at special rate."
"Yes... I can see why..." Annabel breathed behind my shoulder while her hand furiously worked between her thighs.
We went into the third session. Emma was feeling better after a short rest and a drink of coke to wash out the taste of her own... Well, you get the picture.
"I must say you are an excellent model," stated Annabel for a hundredth time. "Not only just to look at, but you hold the pose so well. You are more than a model. You're a performer, you're very talented."
By the end of that session I was beginning to think she wanted to nominate her for Oscars.
"We'll have another break now," she announced. "Would you like a cookie to give you back the energy?"
"I'd love one," Emma replied.
"Chocolate or plain?"
"Chocolate please."
Annabel went over to the shelves near the wall and picked up a packet of cookies. When she returned she untied Emma's hands. "I expect you're beginning to ache everywhere by now, sweetheart," she said. Emma agreed and stretched her arms high above her head. She stood on tiptoe and wiggled her hips from side to side. Annabel took in every movement the little girl made with what seemed like appreciation.
Then she went over to the cupboard and returned with a bottle of baby oil. "Lie down on the edge of the podium and I'll give you a quick massage." Emma needed no second bidding. She was lying on her tummy in a flash.
Annabel poured out some baby oil on her hands, rubbed them together and then started kneading the muscles on the tops of Emma's shoulders. It must have been relaxing for her after being tied to the cross for so long and it helped the tension ebb away. Annabel's firm hands moved down the child's back. She spread her fingers and worked both thumbs up her spine, then her hands moved around to her sides as though taking her little body in a firm hold.
From where I sat near the podium, enjoying my role of a voyeur, I could see her fingers probing Emma's ribs as she worked her way down to her waist then around her hips circling under her bottom and up the cleavage between. There was a pause. She spread her right hand flat on Emma's little bubble bottom and swiftly moved them sideways in both directions.
The wiggling effect was fantastic to watch; it was as though she was applying an electric shock between the child's legs and I knew she was deliberately trying to turn her on. She was succeeding too! Her fingertips brushed the lips of Emma's vulva as she moulded her inner thighs and then right down to her little feet which she plied with her strong fingers.
At that point I decided to give them a little room. I said I needed to go to bathroom and it was partially true because I wanted to bring myself off after so much accumulated eroticism in a relatively short time. For a few minutes I was finally alone and I had time to reflect at the things I've put my daughter through and it made me horny more than I like to admit. My imagination took over again as I saw her alone in the room being humiliated and molested by Annabel who by now had clear idea of how far she is allowed to take things with Emma. If that made me a bad mother then I had nothing to say in my defence. I simply enjoyed seeing my daughter used in sexual ways by complete strangers. It was made even sweeter by knowing that allowing people to molest Emma provided us with money to live on quite comfortably.
Returning from my short intermission, I decided to do a little spying. I hid behind the wall next to the studio door and peered behind the corner. Emma was still lying on her tummy but not for much longer. "Now, turn over and I'll finish you off." Annabel whispered in her ear and Emma instantly obeyed. Again she poured baby oil on her hands and rubbed them together. She started to work quite gently on the muscles on the sides of her neck quite near her ears, the same circling movements that I saw spur such pleasure in her.
Then she massaged the top of Emma chest with left to right movements and tapping movements with her fingers leaving sleek, oily trails all over her soft glowing skin. She moved her hands right across to the edges of little girl's chest and down her ribs to her slim waist. Annabel touched her wrists together as her hands flattened out on Emma's upper tummy and then pushed upwards covering her budding breasts which she kneaded in strokes upwards and outwards. I watched as she pinched her tiny nipples between two fingers and squeezed them hard until Emma winced in pain. After she released hem they stood hard and erected like two little soldiers.
My feelings of recent sexual gratification were nothing compared to the effect I felt by the next move Annabel made on Emma's defenceless little body. After twice circling her tummy, she touched her thumbs together and, with considerable pressure, moved her hands down over her smooth pubic area, down over her opening vulva and onto her thighs.
After taking hold of Emma's ankles and deliberately moving them further apart, she continued up her legs making great play between her open thighs. Watching this from my hideout even I could feel Emma's pangs of pleasure shooting from her crotch to every part of her body. It was obvious Emma was becoming sexually aroused. I've never seen anyone being so intense with her before. Sure, others took advantage of her before; they licked her and prodded her, fingered her, pinched, spanked and slapped her. They rubbed her, they rubbed against her, they gagged her, tied her, abused her and cummed on her. But no one has been so sensual with her before. No one made her feel as good as it felt for them.
Annabel then bent over her and kissed her lightly on the tummy. "How do you feel now, sweetheart?"
Emma arched her back and stretched her arms above her head. "I'm feeling kind of sexy." she answered quite shamelessly.
"Good!" Annabel retorted. "I'm going to put the finishing touches to my painting now, and I want you to look like a really sexy slave." She handed her a cookie and as she ate it, Annabel just sat and looked at her hardly saying a word but deeply conscious of her growing love for the little girl.
Right then I decided it was a good time to come out of my hiding place and return to the studio. Annabel blushed a little when she saw me back and we both smiled at each other. "How are you two doing?" I asked to break the ice.
"We've been getting to know each other, haven't we Emma? But now it's time to finish what we started." Annabel returned the cookies to their place and then went back to the podium. "Right, slave, let's tie you up again," she said smiling.
Emma looked directly up into her face. "Yes please," she said and Annabel playfully kissed her on the forehead before proceeding to tie the little girl to the cross. It was while she was doing this that I once again looked closer at Emma's pussy and saw her vaginal lips swollen and thrusting out from between her legs. I could also see a glint of moisture on them. It was fascinating to watch her remain in this state of high arousal until eventually Annabel announced "I think that's it. I've finished." She wiped her hands again and stood back from the easel to regard her work.
She came over to Emma and untied her hands. "Would you like to see my naked slave girl painting?"
"Yes! I'd love to!" She clapped her hands in delight.
She hurried over and reached it before me and Annabel. She stood in front of the easel and gazed in admiration. "Wow! I'm pretty." Although it had a photographic quality that revealed every detail, it was also painterly to the eye. "That is really astonishing." I said when I saw it. "What do you think of it Annabel?"
She came around the easel and stood behind me looking over my shoulder. "Frankly I think it's the best figure drawing I've done so far. Your little girl really inspired me, Christine."
"That is what I'd call a really sexy slave girl." I gave a little laugh.
"I'd say it's a really sexually aroused little slave girl," Annabel replied. "Do you approve?"
I moved slightly closer and rested my hands on Emma's waist. "Oh yes, I certainly do approve. I approve utterly." I moved my hands across her slim little tummy and my fingers touched.
"Then that makes us unanimous."
I moved behind Emma and took hold of her hands in firm hold behind her back which arched her back and pushed her chest forward. "We're going to play slave girl with you now. You'll like it, you'll see," I tried to reassure her. Annabel moved her hands upwards over Emma's bud-like breasts and held them cupped in palms of her hands. Once again she held two prepubescent nipples between her strong fingers and squeezed. Emma moaned either from pain in her nipples or pleasure in her pussy and arched her back deliberately, pushing her breasts even firmer into Annabel's punishing hands. Annabel alternately squeezed and released the nipples. Realising the extent of Emma sexual enjoyment, I reached between her legs with one hand. I moved swiftly and cupped her bold and swollen little vulva. With two fingers I traced small circles between the open wet lips of my child's vagina who gasped in ecstasy and moved her head back to rest on her shoulder and face her other assailant who was still torturing her painful nipples. I watched as Annabel's head moved closer to seek out Emma's parted lips and they kissed their first lovers' kiss.
I released Emma from my restraining hold as Annabel greedily embraced the little girl. She put her arms around her back while Emma tried to hold for dear life with her arms around her lover's neck. She was pulled down onto Annabel's mouth and their tongues danced an electrified erotic dance, twisting and twirling like sexual dervishes.
Then Annabel broke away from her grasp, put one hand behind Emma's waist and the other behind her knees and lifted her up gently into her arms. She carried Emma over to the podium and sat her on one corner.
"Lie down," she ordered as she looked down at her little lover and started to unbutton her own smock. Within seconds she flung it to the side and I saw she was completely naked underneath. She had a firm body and bust with muscles which showed rather more than the average woman. I was impressed.
She knelt down between my daughter's ankles near the corner of the podium and their warm bodies met as she moved up to kiss her. Again their tongues intertwined urgently and they both gasped as the erotic tides swept through their bodies. Annabel moved down to Emma's tiny breasts and her lips sought out her nipple. Her mouth encompassed the entire golf-sized breast as she sucked in the flesh while poor little Emma who was on verge of her first sexual peak groaned and panted.
After giving her other breast the same treatment she moved downward with her tongue in little licking motions. When she arrived at Emma's navel her tongue moved round in quick circles as she licked her naked skin. Then she held her mouth close as she blew on the moist patch. The result was incredible and I watched Emma's head move from side to side in sheer ecstasy. I didn't know how much more of this she could stand.
As Annabel's mouth moved lower over the little girl's smooth pubic area, her kissing and licking took on a new urgency and then her thick strong tongue drew a line right down over the child's wide open labia. I felt as though my groin was on fire as I watched my fantasy unravel before my eyes. She continued to press her lips all around the area, even going as far as bathing Emma's pink little anus with her tongue. She then put the tip of her tongue between the lips of Emma's vagina and made rapid movements with it from side to side as it moved upwards. I saw how Emma's back arched and her little legs spread ever wider. This woman was doing magic things to her little slave girl..
Next she took Emma's enlarged sexual lips right inside her mouth in a passionate kiss. Her tongue darted inside her, then back out. In again, then out and so she kept going finally ending up inside Emma whose juice by now was pouring out of her and who was almost beside herself.
Then Annabel suddenly pounced on the child's clitoris and took it into her mouth where she continued to suck it and bite it and move her tongue around it. Finally she used just the tip of her tongue and licked her little abused clitoris at an amazing speed and, as she did so, it seemed as though something exploded inside Emma and I watched as the juice shoot out and run down between her legs. She was panting almost uncontrollably and her chest was heaving as she realised that she has experienced her first ever orgasm.
Until now Emma's customers were all men. They enjoyed using her small body for their own gratification but rarely gave anything in return. I never realised it could be like this with a woman and I was determined from now to seek out more female customers for Emma.
I came closer to Emma and held her protectively in my arms. She was hot and sweaty but smiled when she saw me. Gradually her breathing returned to normal and then I looked Annabel in the face. She was panting slightly too. I wondered if she also had had an orgasm too.
I smoothed my baby's hair and the side of her face with my hands. "You were wonderful model today, darling."
"Thank you, sweetheart. That was wonderful." Annabel joined me in caressing the tired little girl.
Emma smiled proud of her achievement. She let her nude body rest on ours and it rekindled our desires once again. I lifted my legs and coiled them around Emma's body, crossing my ankles and holding her close. Annabel did the same from the other side. Effectively we encircled the child between our spread open thighs. We moved her small naked body rhythmically between our legs, rubbing her shamelessly against our open vaginas. It was happening again. We clasped her close in our arms, spread our legs wide open and wrapped our arms firmly around her. I arched my back and pushed my hips hard against my own little girl and Annabel did the same.
"Lets take her again, Annabel!" I pleaded. "After all, she's our naked little slave girl."
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