Published: 7-May-2012
Word Count:
The crazy emotional attachment that sex with Jenny had brought up just made Derick all the more anxious to get the hell out of there, but he still had some things to do.
In the mean time he had decided to move Jill back to her room, figuring that it would be easier to prepare, and bring them their meals if he didn't have to carry it all at once.
In the rush, and frenzy of getting prepared he had kind of let the dishes pile up.
Now why Derick had even cared about the dishes being cleaned is a hard question to answer, and if he had known what would happen when he decided to enlist Jackie's help for that task would he have done it anyway?
That's an even tougher question, but what happened next was exactly what he had thought he was trying to avoid.
He had been bringing Jenny, and Jill their meals, and shuttling them both back, and forth to the bathroom without incident, and although he had been tempted they had both seemed to have learned their lesson about provoking him now that they'd had their cherries burst, and their tight little pussies thoroughly fucked, not to mention their tight little asses.
However he had also kept his time with them down to a minimum, and now that he had a pile of dishes, it seemed that Jackie was the right woman for the job this time.
He reasoned it out like this, even if he did break down, and fuck her, she was a grown woman, which somehow didn't seem as bad.
So he went up stairs to the master bedroom, and said in a pretty matter of fact way, "I need some help cleaning all these dishes."
Jessica's eyes lit up.
She hadn't had her pussy played with in days, and she still had no idea what he might very well do to her if they were alone together for too long, and he was trying to keep her from finding out.
"Jackie, would you come with me please." He asked cordially, and she rose to her feet, walking towards the door with a blank expression.
Jessica looked absolutely crestfallen when he locked the door, but that was too damn bad.
He had already forced her mother, her fourteen, and thirteen year old sisters to fuck him, he was not going to add twelve year old Jessica to the list if he could help it.
Once they got to the kitchen Jackie headed straight for the sink, and began washing the dishes without saying a word.
Derick didn't honestly know her well enough to be able to say whether or not this was odd behavior for her when she had been held hostage for a week by a strange man who sexually molested her, and her daughters, but something seemed off.
There seemed to be a higher level of tension coming off of her than had been usual up to this point and Derick wondered what the matter could be, besides the obvious.
As he watched her cute little ass wiggle to the rhythm of her scrubbing a particularly dirty pot he tried to think of a way to ask her that wouldn't sound absurd.
After everything he had done suddenly expressing concern for her emotional well being would almost certainly come across as disingenuous at best, and outright ridiculous at worst.
The twisted part was that he really did care, and not being able to figure out how to express it in a way that she could accept was driving him mad with frustration.
He was almost completely absorbed in thinking about this when Jackie grasped the side of the sink, took a deep breath, and then hung her head, letting out a heavy sigh.
Derick barely had time to notice this when, in one deft motion, she pulled the biggest butcher knife out of the wooden knife holder on the counter, and came at him.
He jumped to his feet, backing away, and knocking his chair over, and she stopped at the table, grasping on to the edge for leverage, brandishing the blade with red faced fury.
"Get out of here or I'll kill you!" she screamed, and Derick was overawed by her fury momentarily, and wasn't sure what to do.
"What are you gonna do Jackie?" he chuckled when his senses returned. "Stab me?"
"Don't make me do it!" she spat through gritted teeth, drawing back her hand for a good swing.
"Why would you want to go, and do a thing like that for?" he asked, sounding honestly concerned for her.
"You think I'm deaf or something?" She shrieked, tears streaming down her face. "I know what you've been doing to my daughters you bastard! I could her them scream, and cry. They begged you not to, but you did it anyway."
It's hard to say why Derick did what he did next.
There was a part of him that felt like he deserved to be stabbed by her for all that he'd done to Jackie, and her daughters, and in some ways this would make a fitting end to his life, but then there was another part of him that was certain that she wouldn't stab him because he'd known some real hardened killers in his life, and when he looked into her eyes he didn't see a killer.
As he slowly advanced on her shaking body he was fully prepared for whatever would happen next.
"I'll do it!" Jackie warned taking a step back, and bracing herself, shaking with a combination of rage, and fear.
"Okay," he said softly, taking a step forward, reaching up, and yanking his shirt open so that the buttons popped off. "Go on then."
At that Jackie swung the blade towards his chest, but managed to stop just before it plunged into his chest.
"Don't make me do this." She pleaded; holding the tip of the blade just inched from his naked chest.
"Here, let me help you." Derick offered, and Jackie's eyes got as wide as plates as his hands slowly came up, and grasped hold of the butcher knife.
"You have to turn it to the side to get in between the ribs." He instructed, slowly rotating the blade with one hand while with the other he grasped Jackie's hand, helping her to adjust her grip accordingly, and then he reached down, gently grasping her other arm, and planting her palm over the hilt of the knife.
"Now just press good, and hard, and that should go right into my heart." He said simply, a single tear rolling down his otherwise stoic face.
Jackie could only stare at him in confusion, and she began shaking even more than she already had been, her face getting even redder as she braced herself to plunge the blade into his chest, but when Derick drew in a deep breath, puffing out his chest until the tip of the knife began to bite into his flesh, she suddenly gasped, quickly pulling the bade back, and then dropping it to the floor.
As the carbon steel blade clattered on the kitchen tiles Derick opened his eyes to see that Jackie was even more torn, and upset then before, but when he gave her a weak smile she suddenly flew into a rage pounding his chest with her little fists.
"Who are you?" she screamed through hysterical tears. "What are you doing to me?!"
Derick just let her hit him a few times, and then he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in tight so that her arms were pinned up against his chest.
She continued to struggle for a moment, but then let out a cry of anger, fear, and frustration before she finally broke down, and began weeping on his shoulder.
"Shh, that's okay, let it all out Jacks." He whispered soothingly, gently rocking her slender body in his arms.
A chill ran down her spine when she heard this.
Only her dead husband, the father of her girls, had ever called her "Jacks".
She cried for what seemed like a long time, and Derick just held her, kissing her on the head occasionally, whispering kindly words into her ear.
She finally raised her head, looking into his eyes searchingly, and then without thinking about it at all he dipped his head down, pressing his lips firmly against hers, and for a second it really caught Jackie off guard, but then as she felt his tongue in her mouth she began kissing him back.
They shared a deep, and passionate kiss for what seemed like forever, their tongues dancing, and playing as if they had been lovers all of their lives.
Derick loosened his grip, Jackie slipped her arms around him, and before long they were going at it hot, and heavy, kissing, and groping each other like two teen agers in the back seat of her daddy's car.
Jackie felt so torn and confused by all of this, and although she knew that she should be stabbing him, or at the very least fighting him, the feeling of being held in his strong arms as he kissed her deeply was too much to resist.
Derick suddenly broke from their kiss, and said, "Come on." Heading for the stairs, and dragging her along behind him.
"Whe-where are we go-going?" Jackie panted, still a little out of breath from the intensity of the little scene that they just played out together.
"You almost stabbed me." He said in a very matter of fact way. "You'll have to be punished now."
Her knees got a little weak, and her pussy got moist upon hearing this as visions of his hard cock driving into her willing cunt flashed through her head.
As ashamed as she was to admit it, the way he'd taken her in the bathroom had been just about the best sex of her life, and the sick, and wrong aspect of doing it in front of her daughter had made it even hotter.
However she was not trying to have sex in front of Jessica, and if she could she was determined to shield her from any further trauma. What she didn't know was that Jessica had watched through the crack in the door while Derick had fucked her in front of Jenny, but that wasn't the only thing that she didn't know.
As it turned out Derick's little brush with his own mortality had caused him to have an epiphany, and he realized that Jackie had given him the perfect excuse to do what he had honestly wanted to do from the beginning.
He unlocked the door pulling Jackie in behind him, and walked her to the other side of the bed, not even bothering to close the door. The ropes that he'd tied them up with that first night were still knotted around the bedposts so once he'd gotten her to her knees at the foot of the bed it was a simple matter to tie her wrists together.
Jackie had scanned the room as they'd come in, and seeing the bathroom door closed, and no sign of Jessica she concluded that her little girl was in the bathroom, but when she heard the toilet flush she started to get worried.
How could she convince Derick to lock her in the bathroom, or maybe take her to one of her sisters' rooms?
"Mama?" Jessica said uncertainly as she stood in the doorway of the bathroom watching Derick finish tying her mother's wrists together on her knees on the other side of the bed.
"Please, don't do this in front of Jessica." She whispered urgently so that only she, and Derick could hear.
"Do what?" Derick asked with a coy little smile.
Under other circumstances she would have played right along with him, but there wasn't time so she just cut to the chase.
"Don't fuck me in front of my daughter." She insisted, keeping her voice as low as she could.
"Don't worry," he whispered back. "Jessica's not going to watch me fuck you."
She breathed a small sigh of relief, but that soon turned into a shocked gasp when he added, "You, are gonna watch me fuck Jessica."
Her eyes almost popped out of her head, and she was completely dumbfounded as Derick then stood up, walked to the other side of the bed, and then called Jessica over by saying, "Jessica, sweetie, come on over here, I need your help again."
Her knees were almost knocking with nervous energy as Derick sat on the edge of the bed, motioning her over.
Although she had an idea of what he was going to do to her, see didn't really know for sure, and that uncertainty was twisting her stomach into knots.
She was excited at the prospect of him touching her little pussy again, but scared, and ashamed at the same time.
The fact that her mother was on her knees on the floor, and tied to the post on the other side of the bed just added to the weird vibe in the room, and her cheeks flushed hot with shame as she felt her little vagina getting wet.
This was all so wrong, and even she was old enough to know that, but as Derick beckoned her she couldn't stop herself from walking to him. After all, what else could she really do?
"Please don't." Jackie begged through tear filled eyes. "I'll do anything you say, just don't do this to her."
Although Jackie had tried to keep her voice down as Derick grasped Jessica's hands, and pulled her in to stand in between his knees she couldn't help overhearing her mother's urgent pleas, and she began shaking, tears suddenly appearing in her eyes as she began to get really frightened.
What was her mother so afraid of ? She couldn't help but wonder, and why was all this making her little pussy tingle?
"Would you do something for me Jessica?" Derick asked quietly.
"I guess so." She replied dubiously, not quite sure what to expect.
"This is easy." He assured her, reaching up, and wiping the tears from he hot, red cheeks as he went on. "I just want you to go into the bathroom, and flush the toilet again."
"But I just flushed it." She responded, almost whispering, and kind of gesturing towards the bathroom, obviously confused as to why he would ask her to do this.
"I know sweetie." He chuckled, pulling her in closer, and kissing her hot cheek. "But could you just do it again for me anyway."
She started to protest, but then he added, "Please." Turning her around, and aiming her at the bathroom.
"Okay." She agreed absently as she ambled towards the bathroom.
Meanwhile Derick turned around, and got right up in Jackie's face grasping her by her bound wrists, and whispering urgently, "This is happening right now Jacks, and you can make it easier, or you can make it harder."
"No, no!" she begged, shaking her head, her voice barely audible due to the intensity of the emotions involved.
"Yes Jackie." He insisted. "I'm going to be shoving my hard cock into your daughter's virgin pussy, and popping her cherry. Now you can help her, or you can make it harder. It's your choice."
Then he tuned back around, sitting up on the bed just as Jessica returned to the bathroom doorway, and Jackie's head was reeling with what he'd just said to her.
Jessica stood there for a moment, and her gaze kept shifting back to the open bedroom door.
It was obvious that she was thinking about running for it, and although Derick could have easily caught her, and drug her back, he preferred to keep her under control without having to be so overtly physical about it.
"Come on over here honey." He called out casually, scooting over a little so that she could see her mother on the other side of the bed as he added, "It's okay, isn't it Jackie."
Jackie felt like a deer caught in the headlights being so thoroughly put on the spot like this, and the way her elbows rested on the bed as she stood on her knees next to the bed made it look as if she were praying, which to be honest, she was.
"It's okay, isn't it mom?" Derick prompted again, making ready to break for the door should Jessica take flight, and Jackie knew what she had to do.
"Yeah, it's okay." She said in as calm a voice as she could. "Come on over here."
Jessica was a little surprised at this, but she just said, "Okay mama." And began walking back towards the bed.
Of course Derick intercepted her, pulling her over to stand in between his legs again in her little flower print dress, and white knee socks.
"You look so pretty." Derick gushed, groping her tender young flesh through her clothes, the sweet smell of her almost making him drool.
Jessica kept glancing over his shoulder at her mother, who was doing her best to keep a brave face on.
"It's okay baby." Jackie reassured her. "Everything is gonna be fine honey."
She was feeling really nervous about all this, and the memory of all the things that he'd done to her so far wasn't helping either. She tried hard not to think about the way he'd rubbed her little pussy through her panties with his hard cock, but it was hard not to, and her little nipples got all hard, and excited as she remembered the way he'd touched her in the kitchen.
Even with her mother trying her best to reassure her that it was going to be okay, she still feared what he might do to her next.
"Okay now lift up your arms." Derick instructed, grasping the hem of her little dress, and lifting it up over her head.
She caught her mother's eye, and when she nodded Jessica just sort of shrugged, and put her arms up, allowing Derick to take her dress off.
Once he got her dress up over her head, exposing her pale, slender body to his hungry eyes Derick couldn't help leaning forward, and taking one of her hard little nipples into his mouth, sucking, and then backing up so that when it came out with a little pop it made her tender breast flesh jiggle.
Jessica squirmed, and whimpered with her dress up over her head, once again scared of what he might do to her in front of her mother, but his mouth sucking at her nipple just made her feel even more excited, and scared, her pussy getting all wet as she shivered in fear.
When he pulled the dress off completely she yelped a little, and then almost immediately threw her arms over her exposed breasts, the way that he was ogling her hot young body making her more than a little self-conscious.
"You don't have to be shy." He cooed, grasping her wrists, and pulling her arms open so that he could get a good look at her young body. "You have a nice body."
Standing there in nothing but a pair of white cotton panties, and knee socks as Derick held her arms open so that he could look over every inch of her was really weird and oddly exciting too.
The way that he drooled over her made her feel pretty, but it also made her feel vulnerable because whatever he had planned, it seemed that he had talked her mother into going along, and that meant that there was nobody to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to her. She leaned out, and looked at her mother again, but Jackie had a hard time looking her in the eye, what with knowing what was about to happen, and knowing that she couldn't stop it made it even harder.
Derick was looking up, and down Jessica's body and that's when he noticed the little wet spot on the crotch of her panties.
She was almost certainly afraid of what he might do to her, and in fact the whole situation, but as the stain on her panties attested, she was also kind of turned on by it.
Derick could feel his cock pulsing in his pants, and by the way Jessica's eyes suddenly got wide when she glanced down she must've noticed too.
"Oh, you are such a pretty girl Jessica." Derick whispered as he leaned in, and kissed her on her neck, and ear, placing her palms on his thighs, and sliding one of her hands up until it touched his thick penis.
She gasped, and tried to pull her hand away, but he had a good grip on her wrist, and he continued sliding her hand up until it was filled with his meat pulsing through his trousers.
"Yeah, touch my cock baby." He panted, squeezing himself with her hand until precum leaked out.
She whimpered, and squirmed, but the fact was that the feel of his cock in her hand was making her little virgin pussy feel all tingly, and as he wrapped one arm around her naked waist she could feel the other hand sliding down her tummy.
"Oooo you're so wet for me baby." He panted as he slipped his hand into her panties, and began rubbing her all over her hairless little vagina, slipping a finger in between her fat pussy lips, and playing with her stiff little clitty.
"Mama, it feels funny." She whined, raising up onto her toes, and thinking that maybe her mother might do something to stop him.
"I know, I know it feels funny sweetie," she said with feeling. "But try, and relax. Do that for mommy honey, that's a good girl."
Inside it was tearing her apart that she was actually helping this man to deflower her daughter, but what else could she do?
No matter what this was going to be a traumatic experience for Jessica, and if she could do anything to make it easier on her, then she had to try.
Derick was panting, taking in the smell of her sweet flesh as he held her around the waist, and played with her little pussy.
He could feel the heat from her blushing cheeks as she squirmed in his grasp, and her delicate little hand on his stiff penis was turning him on beyond belief.
The way his fingers slipped through her hot, wet slit was more than enough to make him want to fuck her, but the way that she squeezed his cock as she tried to balance up on her tippy toes was making him crazy with lust.
She yelped as he bit her neck, and then with a growl, he pulled his hand out of her panties, and practically flung her on to the bed next to him.
He had already ripped the buttons off of his shirt so he easily slipped out of it, dropping it on the floor, and then he kicked off his shoes.
Jessica lay on the bed, gasping for breath when he opened his trousers, releasing his hard cock, and when she saw it she whimpered a little in fear.
She watched wide eyed as he took off his pants, and then approached the bed, and it was only then that it occurred to her to try and get away.
She began to crawl backward away from him, but it was far too late for that, and he grasped her by her slender legs, easily pulling her back until her ass was on the edge of the bed, and her legs were spread open wide.
He griped the back of her thighs, pushing her tight little ass into the air, and then he crouched down, firmly pressing the shaft of his cock against the wet spot on the crotch of her panties.
Jackie buried her face in between her arms to hide her tears, and because she couldn't watch any more.
However she could still hear Derick grunt, and Jessica whimper along with the quiet squishy sound of Derick grinding his thick shaft against her daughter's virgin cunt through her wet panties.
She was ashamed of herself for not being able to stop this from happening, and she was afraid of what Derick's penis might do to Jessica's tiny pussy, but more than anything else she was ashamed of herself for getting turned on, and jealous.
Because despite everything she really did wish it was her that Derick was fucking, and the fact that he was taking her daughter in front of her like this made her pussy all moist, and excited.
Jackie knew that it was sick, and wrong, but she couldn't help it.
"Oh Yeah Jessica, your sweet little pussy's so wet." Derick cooed as he rubbed his cock against her tight little slit causing the crotch of her panties to become soaked with little girl juice.
Jessica had slammed her tear filled eyes shut, and was steadily shaking her head back, and forth, but his pulsing shaft stroking her stiff little clitoris was really starting to get to her, and as much as she feared it, she could tell that if he didn't stop soon she'd be cumming.
Almost as if he'd heard what she was thinking Derick suddenly stood up, and her eyes popped open in surprise.
She regarded him with more than a little confusion as he began to slowly close her legs, but once he had them together in the air, and resting against his chest he reached down, grabbed the waist band of her panties, and yanked them out from underneath her smooth, round little ass.
After a quick yelp she began shaking her head, and pleading, "No, no, don't take my panties off." While Derick slowly slide the wet cotton fabric up her thighs, caressing her soft skin all the way up.
"Shh, shh, shh, don't be scared baby." He whispered. "It's gonna be okay." And then quickly added, "Isn't that right Jackie?"
Jackie's head jerked up, and watching Derick slowly removing her daughter's panties as she lay flat on her back, turning her head to look at her with a face that pleaded for some kind of reassurance, it took all of her self control not to burst into tears.
"Tha-that's right." She stuttered, fighting hard to hold back her tears. "Everything is gonna be fine honey. Just try to relax."
So Jessica tried to relax, but as Derick finally finished removing her wet little panties, dropping them to the floor, and then spread her legs open again as he dropped to his knees on the floor until his face was so close that she could feel his hot breath on her moist little pussy she couldn't help but whimper, and squirm.
She was trying so hard to be a good girl, and do what mama said, but the way this grown man touched her, smacking, and leering as he firmly gripped her tender young thighs was really freaking her out, and she was sure that it was only going to get weirder.
As Derick held her soft thighs open, putting his face right up in between her legs, her fat, bald outer pussy lips were opened just enough to give him a tantalizing glimpse of the wet, pink treasure within.
He inhaled deeply through his nose, and then let out a long shuddering sigh as the sweet scent of Jessica's aroused, virgin pussy caused so much precum to leak out of him that he could feel it running down his shaft, and dripping off of his balls.
He couldn't resist anymore, he just had to taste her beautiful little vagina so he plunged his tongue in, and it sank into her juicy little cunt as if it were a piece of ripe fruit.
Jessica quivered, and squirmed in his grasp, whimpering out loud as she felt Derick's tongue slide in, and up her tiny wet slit, tonguing her tight little hole, and her hot little clitoris.
Before long he was licking, and sucking her tender, pink flesh like a man possessed.
As he savaged her stiff clitty, and warm, wet slit with his mouth Jessica began involuntarily rolling her hips, quickly approaching orgasm.
Her cheeks flushed hot with shame, and she threw her hands down in between her legs attempting to push his head away, but he was far too strong for her.
"Mama! It feels, it fee-fee-feelsssssaaagggghhhh!" she cried out, her embarrassed attempt at an explanation suddenly turning into a cry of ecstasy as she began to climax.
Jackie's face also flushed hot with shame, and embarrassment as her pussy suddenly became so wet that she felt it soaking through her panties.
Being forced to watch as this man licked her daughter's little virgin cunt to orgasm was more horrifying than anything she could have imagined, but for some weird reason it was also an incredible turn on, and being unable to stop herself from getting aroused filled her with at least as much shame as Jessica herself was feeling at that moment.
She got to her feet with some difficulty, trying to get closer to her baby girl as her little body was wracked with spasms on the mattress next to her, but the rope around her wrist tethered her firmly to the bed post, and kept her from getting any closer.
The sights, sounds, and smells of Derick holding Jessica down, and eating her little virgin pussy as she got off hard was so hot that before long Jackie's panties were so wet that she felt a thick bead of pussy juice running down the inside of her thigh.
This was madness, and the fact that watching her poor innocent daughter being violated by this strange man was getting her so hot, and bothered was really doing a number on her head.
In fact it would almost be fair to say that at this point Jackie was almost as aroused as Derick himself. Almost.
The way Jessica's hot, pink flesh felt in his mouth as he sucked her tiny clit, and then probed her tight little hole with his tongue, the musky sweetness of her orgasm as he lapped up her juice, and the way that she bucked her little hips, pushing hard against his hands holding her tender young thighs to the bed, unable to resist the power of the oral stimulation he was inflicting on her virgin pussy all combined to make him hornier than he'd ever been in his life.
He wanted to eat out her hot cunt all day, but his cock was aching to split open those fat, wet lips, pop her cherry, and fill her tight little hole.
Keeping a firm grip on her thighs, he suddenly stood into a crouch that put his tool at just the right spot, and although he had to bend over a little since his dribbling dick was standing almost straight up, he was soon rubbing the head of his cock firmly against her throbbing clitoris.
She was already good, and wet, but the edition of the precum he was leaking everywhere made it even slicker down there so that his stiff penis slide smoothly all up, and down her clittly, stimulating it like crazy.
When Derick had stood up Jessica's head had popped up off of the mattress, and she stared, wide eyed down in between her legs, her mouth hanging open as he began stroking her with hard, wet cock.
She was just starting to come down off of her orgasm, but not just the feeling, but the sight of his thick tool thrusting against her aroused clitoris quickly propelled her to the crest of yet another even stronger orgasm.
"N-no! I-I-ca-ca-can't- caaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn't!" She tried to protest, but then her body took over throwing her into a fit of ecstasy.
She threw her head, and arms back against the bed, shaking, and writhing as her little pussy pumped out cum.
She felt her thick juice flowing over her taint, and down the crack of her ass in little rivulets as her eyes rolled back in her head, and her little nipples got so hard that they actually hurt a little bit.
She felt like she was going crazy because even though she knew that this was wrong she couldn't resist the pleasure of it.
Jackie, meanwhile, was going a little mad herself, and much to her surprise, and chagrin, watching this scene unfold was bringing back long forgotten memories.
When she was eleven the man that lived next door, who'd she always had a crush on, started teaching her "secret games".
First he'd taught her to French kiss, how to stroke a man's cock while he played with her little prepubescent pussy, and then he'd licked her tender young cunt to orgasm.
She knew that she shouldn't have done those things with this grown man, but her orgasms had been so good that she couldn't stop going over to his house, and finally after a solid month of molesting her slender young body he'd finally stuck his cock up into her little virgin hole.
It all ended when he suddenly moved away, but she had never told anyone about the things he'd done to her, and she never had sex again, at least not until she'd met her husband in collage.
Even though she'd had a long, and satisfying sexual relationship with her husband she'd never cum as hard as in those days, not until Derick had taken her in the bathroom in front of her daughter.
Now, watching the same thing happen to Jessica was turning her on like crazy.
Not only that, but she couldn't help feeling intensely jealous, wishing that it was her pussy that glorious meat was rubbing all over.
Derick leaned over a little more, and couldn't help grunting with pleasure as the head of his cock slid easily in between Jessica's think wet lips until the tip came to a rest right over the entrance to her tight little honey hole.
Still keeping his hands on her thighs, he grasped either side of her bald, and swollen outer lips with his thumbs, pulling them open so that he could see the tip of his dick pushing up against her hot pink opening when he looked down between them.
"Oh yes Jessica," he panted salaciously. "I'm gonna fuck your sweet little virgin pussy baby." Saying it more to himself than to her as he began pushing in, forcing her slick hole open with the head of his cock.
She was still cumming, and although her little girl juice was pumping out pretty strong it didn't seem to stop Derick's thick penis from entering her.
In fact it seemed to have quite the opposite effect, and in a matter of seconds he could feel her rhythmically squeezing the head of his cock with as the tip pushed hard up against her intact hymen.
It felt so fucking good that he could almost have blown his wad right there, but no, he wanted the fuck this little girl, but good.
"N-n-no! you-you ca-can't, pluh- pluh- please!" Jessica finally managed to stutter, shaking her head from side to side, and tears streaming down her face as she felt his stiff meat begin to push into her moist virgin hole.
Now she was really scared, and confused as she began coming down off of her orgasm, and her rational mind came back to inform her of exactly what position she was in.
This grown man was about to take her virginity, and not only could she do nothing to stop it, but her mother, the person that had always protected her, was right there, and just as helpless as she herself.
She once again lifted her head off of the mattress, and then propped her self up on her elbows, looking as appalled as she was aroused to see the tip of his penis firmly lodged inside her.
Jackie couldn't reach Jessica, but she moved closer to the bed post that she was tied to, and she could almost stand up, only having to bend her legs slightly.
She had bent down, covering her face with her hands when she first reached this position, so shocked was she by the sight before her, but she almost immediately slid her fingers down, exposing her eyes.
She didn't want to watch, but she couldn't look away, and as Derick raised his torso up a little to give Jessica a better view of the tip of his dick inside her virgin hole, Jackie also got a better view, and couldn't help rubbing her legs together like a cricket at such an erotic sight.
Her cheeks flushed with shame at the reaction of her pussy, and the tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife as Derick hovered just at the entrance of Jessica's wet little vagina.
"Here it comes baby." Derick grunted just before pushing his hips forward.
"N-no! It's too bi-big!" Jill started to protest, but as she felt his cock sliding into her, stretching her hymen she involuntarily sucked in a sharp breath, and as her cherry popped, coating Derick's hard shaft with her virginal blood while it slipped halfway into her, she made one of the sweetest sounds that Derick had ever heard in his life, an almost pained little high pitched sigh, followed by heavy panting as she stared down at the cock halfway inside her.
She tried to relax like her mama had said to do, but she had never felt anything like this beefy invader stretching her young vagina open, and after panting for a few seconds she suddenly burst in to tears.
Jackie couldn't have been more shocked by her own reaction to seeing her daughter impaled on Derick's thick tool.
"Shh, shh, it's okay baby, don't cry." He tried to sooth her as he pulled his cock out a little, feeling it throb as he looked down, and saw the streaks of bright red blood on his shaft.
"It's gonna be okay," he went on. "Right Jackie?"
When she heard her name she jerked her head up, but she was still cumming, and not quite sure what to say, so she bit her lip, and fixed him with a puzzled expression as she tried hard not to rub her crotch against the side of the mattress.
"Jessica needs her mama to tell her that everything is gonna be okay." He prompted, suddenly noticing that Jackie was getting off on this. He had been focusing all of his attention on Jessica, and had completely missed the effect this was having on her mother, but when he saw that look of pain, and ecstasy on her face as she ground her crotch against the bed he felt his cock throb, and he almost blasted his load into Jessica's bloody little pussy right there.
"It's-It's okay sweetie." Jackie panted, struggling to keep her voice steady. "Just try, and relax. That will make it easier." And she couldn't help but remember how she had cried the first time that her neighbor fucked her little pussy when she was eleven.
She'd never felt that completely penetrated by another cock in her life, and reliving it through watching it happen to her daughter was having an effect on her that she would never even have imagined, but all her shame couldn't keep her from getting off on it.
Derick meanwhile, leaned his torso back a little more too really give Jackie, and Jessica a good view as he began working about an inch of cock slowly in, and out of Jessica's swollen little pussy.
Jessica was still propped up on her elbows, and staring down in between her legs as if she couldn't look away, her tear filled eyes suddenly getting wider as her sobs were overtaken by her panting to the slow rhythm Derick was rubbing into her tight little hole.
"But-but mama, it's so-so b-b-b-big!" Jessica stuttered between pants, and sobs as her cunt kept involuntarily, and sporadically flexing around his stiff penis.
"I know honey," Jackie called back, the sound of her daughter's voice echoing almost the same words she had spoken all those years ago when her cherry had been taken making her even hornier than before. "But it's all gonna be okay, I promise."
"Now I'm gonna put it all inside you." Derick suddenly growled, slowly slipping the rest of his hard cock into her bald young vagina.
"N-no! It's too-too big!" Jessica cried, attempting to pull herself back away from him as his thick penis slowly stretched her pink, and red little hole open.
She tried to roll here narrow hips, but Derick had her firmly pinned to the mattress.
"Shh, shh, it's okay baby, it's okay." He panted as he drove his cock deeper and deeper into her tiny hole. "Here, it comes, here it comes baby."
And then with a final push he buried his whole cock inside of her causing her to start panting heavily, the feeling of the full length of his thick meat inside her making her look up at his face as expressions of shock, pain, horror, longing, lust, hate, love, and so many other conflicting emotions flashed across her face.
Derick leaned down, and scooped her little body up, and as he squeezed her tight she almost couldn't help throwing her arms, and legs around him, squeezing his body, and weeping a little against his chest as she felt his entire cock filling up her oh so recently virgin pussy.
"It's okay baby, let it out." He whispered tenderly, and she did let it out, crying for a good little while.
Of course this made Jackie cry a little too, and as Derick listened to them mourn Jessica's lost innocence he couldn't help but be touched, despite the fact that he had been the one who had taken it.
After a little while Jessica began flexing her hot little cunt around his thick meat in between sobs, slowly crying less, and grunting more as the pain subsided, and the way his hard cock was filling her up started to feel kind of good.
It still hurt a little bit, but not like when he'd first plunged in, and as he held her young body tight against him she squeezed his penis more, grunting harder every time she did.
Derick could tell that Jessica was just about ready to really get fucked, but he suddenly got a very wicked idea, and he just had to do it.
He laid Jessica's body back down onto the bed, and as he unwrapped her arms from his torso she actually whimpered a little bit, but when he grasped her thighs, and began slowly sliding his cock out of her slick hole she began panting really hard, and rolling her hips a little, once again propping herself up onto her elbows so that she could see as well as feel what was happening between her legs.
As his shaft got closer to exiting her bloody cunt a little whine began to accompany her pants, slowly rising in pitch as he pulled more of his meat out until she let out a tiny squeal as he popped the head out of her tight cunt.
As Jessica lie there, trying to catch her breath, she watched curiously while Derick gently released her thighs, and left them spread open on the edge of the bed.
Then when he began walking around to the other side of the bed, she really got curious.
What was he going to do?
Jackie looked up, and vaguely wondered the same thing as she saw Derick approaching her.
She didn't have to wait long for her answer.
"Lick it!" he commanded, pulling her around to face him with the rope tied around her wrists, and then forcing his cum, and blood covered cock into her face.
"What?" she croaked, not quite sure of what she was hearing.
"Lick it clean." He insisted, suddenly releasing her wrists, and grabbing her by the hair of her head as he rubbed the head of his slimy penis against her lips.
She looked up at him with fear, and disgust, but never the less she stuck out her tongue, and began licking up her daughter's virginal blood.
Derick reached down, fondling her breasts while she lapped the blood, and cum from his hard dick which brought more memories back. She remembered how, when she was eleven, her neighbor had played cops, and robbers with her, "frisking" her, squeezing her tight young ass, and massaging her little breasts, and then making her take "the breathalyzer." Forcing her to lick, and suck on his hard cock until he came in her mouth.
Jessica had turned her head to the side, and she lay there on her back watching as if spellbound while her mother cleaned Derick's thick penis with her tongue.
It was weird, and scary, but also highly erotic, and her young pussy tingled at the sight.
"Yeah that's it, clean it all up." Derick cooed as he to watched Jackie lick him all over his hard cock.
He squeezed her tits, pinching her nipples, and as he looked down on her he noticed the wet stain on the front of her dress where she'd been rubbing her pussy against the mattress.
She had closed her eyes, and seemed so engrossed in licking his dick that she just kept going, even after she'd cleaned him completely, and he let her for a while, but then he took his cock away from her, and picked her up, laying her down against the bed so that her crotch was right up against the edge of the mattress.
"Watch this." He whispered in her ear before walking back around to the other side of the bed, his erect penis bobbing up, and down as he walked.
Jessica was still staring at her mother with amazement, and Jackie couldn't meet her gaze so ashamed was she of what she'd done, but when Jessica felt Derick grasp her by the thighs, his thumbs pulling her outer labia open as his nimble tongue began stroking her all over her hot young pussy she suddenly jerked her head back around to look between her own legs again, squealing with a mixture of alarm, and lust.
He cleaned all of her blood from her thick, pink lips, and then thrust his tongue into her tiny pussy hole as deep as he could get it. She responded to this by rolling her hips, and grunting, grasping fistfuls of blanket, and squeezing hard while he once again ate out her tender little vagina.
Once he was satisfied that he'd cleaned enough blood from her pussy he began really grinding her stiff clitoris with his tongue. She panted, and moaned, and before long her breathing became quick, and shallow, her moans becoming higher, and higher pitched until her body quivered, and she let out an almost ear slitting cry as she had another intense orgasm.
As she was cumming Derick quickly sprang into a crouch, lined the head of his cock up with her tender opening, and with one push he easily reentered her, once again stretching her vaginal canal with his hard cock.
Much to Jessica's surprise it didn't seem to really hurt at all this time, although it still felt big, as if it were almost too much, and she still flushed with shame at enjoying the feeling of his rod thrusting into her tiny pussy.
The orgasmic pulses of Jessica's hot young hole felt so good that Derick had to stop once he'd gotten all the way inside her to keep himself from cumming to soon.
He picked up one of her legs, hugging it against his stomach, and chest with one arm, and then grasped her by the thigh just above the knee of her other leg with his other hand, moaning, and hissing as her young cunt pumped, and massaged the full length of his penis. Of course he hugged the leg on the opposite side from where Jackie was so that when he grasped her other thigh as well it had the effect of tilting Jessica's crotch slightly towards her mother, and giving her a better view of Derick penetrating her bald little pussy.
"Oh Jessica honey, your sweet little pussy's so good baby." Derick cooed as her orgasm finished off with a shudder, and he began slowly fucking her.
As much as she wanted to look away in disgust, the sight of Derick's hard cock pulling out to the tip, and then being buried back inside of her daughter's little pussy was far too arousing to turn away from.
She started rubbing herself against the edge of the mattress remembering how her neighbor had held her until she stopped crying the first time that he'd stuck his big, hard cock inside her tender little pussy, how he'd then slowly fucked her the way Derick was fucking Jessica right now.
How could something be so wrong and so hot at the same time?
She didn't know, but she did know that she couldn't stop rubbing herself on the edge of the bed, and that if Derick kept giving it to her daughter like that she was going to cum again soon.
Jessica soon settled into a pattern of hissing, sucking in her breath as she felt his thick cock slowly split open, and fill her tiny pussy, and moaning as it slid out to the tip.
She was being fucked by a man's big, hard penis, and as freaky as it was to have her mother there watching, and as scary as it was to be violated like this, it was also genuinely arousing, and the more he fucked her, the more her young cunt adjusted to having a man's cock in it, the better it felt.
"Sssssssssss, aaahhhhgggg, sssssssssss, aaaahhhhggggg, ssssssssssss, aaaaahhhhggggg." She went on as his meat continued to slide in, and out of her hot, young pussy.
"Yeeeaahh, you like that cock in you baby?" Derick growled as he picked up the pace a little bit, fucking her just a little bit faster.
"Yeah, you love it, doncha you little slut?"
"No, no." Jessica whimpered, her eyes tearing up again as she tried to protest, but realized as soon as she said it that he was right, she did like it.
It was all so intense, and crazy, but at the same time she'd never felt this kind of pleasure in all of her young life, and she didn't want it to stop.
Her body rocked on the bed as he thrust his throbbing prick repeatedly into her tight, wet pussy, and as much as she wanted to resist, her cheeks flushing hot with embarrassment, he was driving her to the point of orgasm with his thick penis, and she was helpless to stop it.
Suddenly she felt him come all the way out of her vagina, and slid down her taint.
Her head popped back up off of the mattress, and as she sucked in a sharp breath she made a little high pitched whine of fear, her eyes as wide as plates as she felt the head of his penis stretch her little sphincter open, burying itself in her tight asshole.
"N-no!" She protested in a high pitched little wail. "That's my bu-butthole!"
"Oh, I know baby." Derick responded through clenched teeth as he worked just the head of his cock in, and out of her tight ass. "I'm gonna fuck your little butthole too."
His cock was so slick with her pussy juice that it had easily penetrated her tight ass, and as Derick slowly worked just a little bit more in Jessica threw her head back on the bed, shaking it back and forth before finally grasping a bit of the bed sheet between her teeth, biting down hard.
The feeling of his thick meat stretching her little asshole was even more intense and painful than when he'd busted her cherry, and she grunted, and whined griping that bit of bed sheet between her teeth to keep from screaming.
When Derick pulled out of her ass, and began fucking her little pussy again she released the sheet with a gasp, moaning, and grunting as he once again trust his cock in, and out of her slick little vagina.
While still hugging one thigh tight against his chest Derick slid his other hand up her other thigh, and then splayed open her fat, bald outer lips with his thumb, and forefinger so that not only he, but Jackie, could get a better view of his cock trusting up into her daughter's tender young pussy.
"Oooo, you like it better in your pussy, don't you baby?" Derick asked salaciously, addressing Jackie as well as Jessica.
And although neither Jessica nor Jackie heard the other as she whispered, "Yes." Derick heard them both.
Jackie's eyes were locked in between Jessica's legs like she was mesmerized as her ass almost imperceptibly rose, and fell while she rubbed her thoroughly aroused cunt against the edge of the mattress.
She was still reliving her own eleven year old experiences, and it was as if she were watching her own little pussy getting fucked for the first time again, and when Derick had stuck it in Jessica's ass Jackie remembered how she had squealed in fear the first time when her older neighbor while playing "doctor" had stuck his "special tool" in her own ass.
He had already "operated" on her tight little vagina a few times, and she had gotten to the point where she would roll her narrow little hips, fucking him back, but when he'd suddenly penetrated her asshole she had started crying again.
"Wha-what are you do-doing?" she'd wept, but he'd just shushed her.
"We have to operate on you little butthole too now sweetie." He'd explained in a lecherous voice. "You want to get better don't you?"
"Ye-yes." She'd wept meekly.
What else could she have said?
Derick's hard cock sliding smoothly up into her tight, pink flesh looked almost as good as it felt, and his hips began slapping against her tight little ass cheeks as he fucked her good, doing his best to make her cum again, and from the why she was moaning his best was doing the trick.
Her tiny breasts, that had all but disappeared when he laid her on her back, were now bouncing up, and down to the rhythm he was pumping her vagina with.
Jessica herself couldn't believe how fast his thrusting tool had brought her to the edge of ecstasy again, and just before she started getting off again her confused mind tried to grapple with her aroused vagina.
"Wha-what are you do-doing to-to meeeeeeeeeee?" the end of her sentence becoming a shuddering cry of pleasure, and fear as she began to climax.
"I'm making you cum little girl." Derick answered, taking advantage of her ecstatic state to pull out of her pussy, and slip his stiff meat back into her ass.
As he slowly inserted his cock into her deeper and deeper he began rubbing her clitoris with his thumb to insure that she finished her orgasm.
Once again raising her head, and looking down in between her own legs with wide, tear filled eyes Jessica could see as well as feel her juice pump out of her young cunt roll over her taint, and land on Derick's shaft allowing him to get in deeper, and stretch her asshole open further with every thrust.
His cock thrusting into her little ass felt weird, like she was going to the bathroom only a little more painful while at the same time her orgasm felt so good that she wasn't quite sure how to feel.
She had never felt so many intense and conflicting physical sensations in her life, and her brain just kind of shut down from sensory overload.
Her head fell back on the mattress, and Derick noticed how her eyes rolled back in her head, and she started drooling a little as her whole body was wracked with spasms, her tiny swollen pussy flexing like never before as he fucked her ass, and rubbed her clit.
Jackie meanwhile began getting off herself, whispering things like, "No Mr. Johnson, it's too big!" and "You put your tool in my butthole!" with a combination of fear, and arousal as she relived her childhood experiences through her daughter.
The sight of Derick's cock sliding in, and out of her daughter's ass bringing back all of her memories of those days oh so many years ago.
Derick was getting pretty fucking close himself at this point, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out, especially with Jessica's tight little ass wrapped around his cock, practically milking him as she continued to cum.
Then he heard Jackie whispering, and he had to lean forward to hear the words.
"No Mr. Johnson, I don't want to play Doctor any more, I'm scared." She panted, and Derick's eye popped open in surprise.
He wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but it seemed like Jackie was reliving some experience of her own, and it was sounding very hot to his ears at that moment.
It was good timing too because it felt like Jessica was coming down off of her orgasm, and that meant it was time to change holes again.
He quickly pulled out of her ass, and thrust all the way back into her wet little pussy, and it almost felt tighter than before. He released her leg, and of course with his cock all the way up inside her it had no choice but to fall to the bed so that now her legs were wide open with him in between them.
She had taken a sharp, deep breath when his cock had exited her little ass with an almost audible pop, and then she'd let out a shuddering sigh as she felt him slip back into her tight little cunt, dropping her leg back onto the mattress.
Suddenly he leaned over, and she felt his strong arms encircle her slender little body, and before she could catch her breath, or even think, his ass began moving up, and down as he started to slowly fuck her pussy again.
Now that Derick was on top of Jessica on the bed he could hear Jackie better, and with every word he pumped his cock a little faster into Jessica's hot little twelve year old pussy.
"Oh, it's so big inside my little pussy." Jackie whispered in a little girl's voice, her eyes now closed as she became completely absorbed in her memories.
Her neighbor, Mr. Johnson, had held her head pointed towards her crotch, forcing her to watch the first time he'd violated her virgin pussy.
"Okay, now you're going to feel a little pressure as I push the tool in." he'd said as his hard cock had entered her, breaking her hymen.
The blood had really scared her, and she'd said as much, crying almost hysterically.
"That's normal." He'd reassured her, slowly pushing his thick meat all the way into her tiny pussy.
"Please take it out Mr. Johnson. I'm scared." She pleaded quietly just as she had all those years ago, only now she knew what was coming.
Derick was grunting, and panting, the combination of Jessica's tight little pussy, and Jackie's running commentary on this whole other sexual incident bringing him closer, and closer to orgasm every second.
This was so fucking crazy, and hot, and wrong, and right that Derick felt like he was no longer in control, but being controlled by these two vixens, and as he fucked Jessica she suddenly through her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist, squeezing him hard whilst she began to cum again.
"No! don't put your wiener in my pee pee again, it's too big." Jackie whimpered, rubbing her cunt hard against the edge of the bed as she relived being fucked the second time. "Oh-oh no, n-n-no, it's too-too-biiiiiig." She squealed as in her minds eye she saw Mr. Johnson's hard prick violating her prepubescent vagina.
Although Derick didn't know exactly what was going on in Jackie's head, he had a pretty good idea, and her panting protests along with the felling of Jessica's tight little vagina flexing around his thrusting tool was more than he could take.
"I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum." He panted as he continued to plow into Jessica's poor, abused little pussy, and Jackie suddenly snapped out of her reverie at hearing this.
"No please, you can't!" she begged in a voice filled with terror, but that just seemed to make Derick's orgasm come even quicker.
"Oh god, here it comes Jessica, here it comes baby." He panted, ignoring Jackie's pleas completely. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He panted, and then shoved his throbbing cock all the way up inside her tiny hole as he grunted, "Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh, uuuuuggggghhhhh, uuuuuugggghhhhh, oooohhhhhgooooood, yeeeeeaaaahhhhh!" to the rhythm of his cock blasting it's semen deep into her quivering vagina.
The feeling of his thick sperm squirting hard against her little cervix, it's warmth seeming to fill her body had the effect of making her orgasm even stronger, but because of the way her mother had protested she felt ashamed, and tried to excuse herself.
"I'm so-sorry mama." She panted, straining to speak as she was getting off like a rocket. "but it fee-feels so-so goo-goo-goooooooooooooood!" and the sound of her daughter, and Derick getting off just made her own pussy begin to pulse again.
Derick's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he almost lost consciousness as Jessica's sweet little pussy milked his cock like she needed it.
It seemed to go on forever, and by the time it was over Derick wasn't really sure how much time had passed, but he suddenly became aware of the fact that he was pulling out, and then thrusting back in just a couple of inches, and little Jessica panting, and whimpering with every thrust.
She'd let her arms fall back onto the bed, and her legs fall open so that she just lay there passively beneath him.
Jackie was softly sobbing to herself as she attempted to catch her breath, and come to terms with what she'd just done.
Derick was feeling really wrong about all of this, and so he quickly unwrapped his arms from around Jessica, and pulled his now only semi-erect penis from her cream filled pussy.
Once he'd exited her cunt, and backed up a little Jessica just lay there panting, with her legs still spread wide, and he couldn't help staring as his pearly white cum slowly dripped out of her now gaping pink hole.
The sight made his cock twitch, but then he almost immediately felt guilty.
He quickly walked around to the other side of the bed, untied Jackie's hands, and said "We're done here." Coolly before walking back around, picking up his clothes, and leaving the room, closing, and locking the door behind him.
Now he knew he had to get the hell out of there, and so he waited until everyone was asleep, and crept up to the master bedroom, quietly unlocking the door.
He could smell soap, and knew that Jackie had washed herself, and her daughter, and as he watched them cuddled up together in the bed, sleeping so peacefully, he almost thought twice about leaving.
He slowly walked to the dresser next to the door, the one he'd hidden behind when he'd surprised Jackie that first night, and he was filled with so many mixed emotions that he had to just stop there for a second, and collect himself.
He laid the keys on the dresser, and then pulled a wad of cash from his pocket, her cash.
It just didn't seem right to take it after all he'd put them through.
Suddenly he heard a rustling on the bed, and when he turned around there was Jackie, sitting up, and staring at him wide eyed.
"This is yours." He said quietly, laying her money on the dresser next to the keys.
They just stared at each other for a long moment, and then Derick muttered, "I'm sorry. I'll leave now." Feeling a hot tear run down his face as he turned, and walked out of the room, leaving the door wide open.
As he made his way down stairs, and to the front door he wondered vaguely what was going to happen next.
Was Jackie already on the phone to the local police?
It was no less than he deserved, and as he unlocked, and opened his car door he realized that he didn't care anymore what happened to him, which felt oddly liberating.
Before he could get into the car her heard the front door of the cabin fly open, and as he looked up Jackie came bounding toward him. He was half expecting her to be wielding that knife again, but no.
"Take this." She said simply, pressing a white index card into his hand, and giving him a long meaningful look before turning on her heel, and running back into the house.
Derick got into his car, started it up, and drove out of the driveway, all in a daze.
Had that really just happened?
He was so shocked that he didn't even think to look at what she'd given him until he was a couple of miles down the road, and when he glanced at it he was so shocked that he slammed on the breaks, and sat in the middle of the road staring at it.
There on the card in neat little letters was written Jackie, Jill, Jenny, and Jessica, then an address, and a phone number, and finally this simple note, "Keep in touch."
It's a little harder to swallow than many stories, but it's pretty well-done for all that. Oh, and it's 'Stockholm Syndrome'. The woman and her daughters need to be less cardboard and more real; they started that way, with the acting practice, cheerleading practice, and love for the water, but once Derick entered the picture--especially once he was in the house--there was little to distinguish one of the family from another. Even without follow-up (would be rather fun), the story would benefit greatly from some rewrite that helped add dimension to the family.
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