The Incident At Cherry Lake, Part 3

[ M/Fff, fant, 1st, teen, reluc, coer, het, Mdom, oral, anal, pett ]

Published: 29-Apr-2012

Word Count: 9580

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show Story Summary
This story is entirely fictional, and ant resemblance to actual people, or events is all in your head.

Derick awoke with a start to a loud rapping on the door to the master bedroom, and then Jackie's voice calling out, "Jill! Where's Jill? Where's my daughter?"

He had been sleeping on the floor right next to the door so it was unlikely that she'd been at it for very long before waking him.

Derick sprang to his feet, fumbling for the key, and saying, "She's fine, now back away from the door."

Jackie stopped banging, and he could hear her feet on the hard wood floor, backing away, so he put the key into the lock, and opened the door. Jenny was sitting up at the head of the bed, and Jessica has sitting closer to the foot with her slender little legs dangling. Jackie was standing between the bed, and the door, wringing her hands, and looking anxious.

Before she could ask again Derick said, "Jill's in her room. She's fine."

When Derick had returned to find Jill leaning against the counter in a towel, all fresh, and clean, he'd just ushered her back to her room, and locked the door, deciding it was best to just leave her there for the night.

"Well how do I know that?" Jackie blurted out, her face flushing as she went on a little more nervously, "I mean no offense, but you are holding us hostage. Forgive me if I'd prefer not to take your word for it that my daughter's okay. I don't even know your name."

"My name's Derick." He responded without even thinking. "And Jill's fine."

Jackie obviously did not like this answer, and he had to admit that her concern was reasonable.

The only things that she really knew about him were that he was holding them against their will, and in the course of their captivity her had sexually molested her daughters, and fucked her.

She had no way of knowing what he was capable of, and seeing as how he had fostered that uncertainty to keep her under control, he couldn't be at all surprised that she wanted a little more than just his word that Jill was okay.

"I'll tell you what," he said calmly, not really wanting to stress Jackie out any more than necessary. "I'll take one of you down stairs to help me with breakfast, and on the way back up, we'll check on Jill. Will that make you feel better?"

Jackie nodded emphatically, agreeing, "Yes, that would make me feel a lot better, thank you." Obviously relieved to find that he could be reasonable.

He quickly decided that Jessica was the choice being that she was the youngest, and the smallest, and thus would be the easiest to keep under control.

"Jessica." He called over to her. "Come on, you're going to help me with breakfast."

She hopped off of the bed, and on to her feet with a shy little blushing smile, but as she began to approach Jackie put her hand out, stopping her in mid stride, insisting, "Can't you just take me instead?"

Jessica looked up at her mother with a little pout, clearly not liking the sound of this, but she broke into a wide grin, her cheeks flushing a little when Derick responded by saying, "No, Jessica's a good little helper."

Jackie, realizing that she didn't really have a choice, let Jessica go, and she skipped forward to stand beside Derick in the doorway. Jenny had watched all this transpire with interest, and when Derick chose her sister instead of her she couldn't help but feel a rush of jealousy, causing her to glare at Jessica's back as she skipped away.

When their mother had stopped Jessica she felt hopeful for a moment, but then when Derick had made it clear that it was Jessica he was taking with him she'd almost flown into a jealous rage.

She stared daggers into her sister's back, and then looked up, and caught Derick's eye, and she quickly looked away, her cheeks flushing hot with embarrassment for feeling so jealous, but also for being caught giving Jessica the dick eye.

All of this transpired behind Jackie's back, and so she remained unaware of what Jenny was thinking, and even Jenny herself was a little uncertain as to what her unbidden emotional response meant, being only thirteen, and not very experienced with boys.

As Derick ushered Jessica out of the room, he turned back to Jackie, who was facing the door, clearly worried, so he said, "Don't worry, we'll be back soon with breakfast, and Jessica will be able to tell you that Jill is fine."

Then he closed, and locked the door, Jessica's little yellow sundress flaring out to the rhythm of her little bounce as she skipped down the hall ahead of him.

Although she wasn't sure why, having been chosen to help with breakfast was oddly thrilling, and when he'd called her, "...a good little helper." Her knees had gone a little weak.

The last time he'd asked her for her help it had resulted in the shaft of his thick, hard penis stroking up against her little vagina through her panties, and his fingers rubbing her clitoris to orgasm, and he'd done that right in front of her mother.

Now that they were about to be alone together she didn't know what might happen, but the image of him fucking her mother drifted through her mind, and she couldn't help feeling scared, and excited all at the same time.

Once the got to the kitchen Derick put her straight to work on last nights dinner dishes, and he began preparing breakfast, nothing too fancy, just eggs, bacon, grits, and toast, but it gave him something to focus on.

As he cooked every so often he would hear Jessica scrubbing away at some dish, or another, causing her tight little ass to jiggle underneath her loose fitting sundress, and he couldn't help but steal a glance.

The light in the kitchen was just right so that her cute little ass looked perfect, and he could feel his cock swell in his pants as he watched it shake.

Jessica noticed him looking at her out of the corner of her eye, and for some weird reason it made her feel really excited.

It didn't take too long for her to notice that whenever she was scrubbing, that's when he would glance over, and so she started really bearing down when she'd scrub, sticking her butt out ever so slightly so as to really give him a good show.

This little game went on for a while, but all too soon Jessica had finished with the dishes, and Derick began plating up the food. It began to look as if he wasn't going to do anything other than look at her, and even though part of her was relieved, another part of her wanted to pull up her dress, pull down her panties, and scream "Touch me!", but of course she would never actually do anything that brazen, and in fact just thinking about it made her blush with embarrassment.

She couldn't understand why she kept having all these naughty thoughts.

She had always been a good girl, but it was as if now that she had been awakened to her sexuality, even though it frightened her, she wanted more.

She was a little distracted thinking about it as she dried her hands, having finished washing the dinner dishes, so she didn't hear him the first time he called her name, but then he whistled, and said, "Earth to Jessica.", and she looked up like a deer caught in the head lights, and he said, "The foods ready. Do you want to help me take it up stairs?"

It took a second for what he'd said to register, but when it did she smiled shyly, and said with a little giggle, "Yeah, yeah, sure." Scurrying over to pick up one of the trays.

It smelled good, and Jessica suddenly realized how hungry she was as they mounted the stairs.

"We'll bring Jill her breakfast first." He directed as they reached the top of the stairs, and as the reached the door Derick had to lay his tray down to get the key out.

He put the key in the lock, and then stopped, deciding that it was only sporting to give Jill some warning before they just barged in, so he rapped lightly on her chamber door.

"Come in." she called back a little uncertainly, and at that Derick turned the key, opened the door, and motioned for Jessica to take the lead.

Jessica strode boldly into the room, calling out "Breakfast!" in a bright, yet casual voice, clearly taking delight in the look of surprise on her sister's face.

She quickly placed the tray on Jill's dressing table, and then turned, and jumped on the bed, embracing her sister tight. Jill threw her arms around Jessica, returning her embrace, and they both got a little misty eyed at being reunited.

"Are you okay?" Jill asked, quickly shooting Derick an accusing glare as she held her sister close.

"Sure, I'm fine." Jessica answered with characteristic bravado before saying, "But the real question is are you okay? That's why I'm here. Mom wanted to make sure you were all right."

Jill once again looked at Derick over Jessica's shoulder, this time with a look that was part fear, and part longing as she remembered what he'd done to her last night, her cheeks flushing just a little as she replied, "Yeah, I'm okay. Tell mom, and Jenny not to worry. I'll be fine."

As the girls conversed Derick couldn't help but notice that Jill had taken advantage of being in her own room to change clothing, and she was clearly dressed for bed.

She had on a little pink silk camisole, lacy, pink panties, and that was all.

They both looked so sexy, Jessica in her little sun dress and Jill in her under clothes that it took a great effort of will to not just sexually assault the two of them right there.

He began unconsciously rubbing the bulge in his pants as visions of stripping off what little clothes they had on, and penetrating their tight little virgin pussies danced in his head.

Jill noticed that Derick was slowly rubbing himself through his trousers, that strange look of lust in his eyes, and decided that it might be a good idea to cut short her visit with Jessica before something unseemly happened.

She held her sister out at arms length, and wiping a tear from her cheek, she said, "You'd better bring mom, and Jenny their breakfast before it gets cold."

Jessica glanced over at Derick, then back to her sister, and the two of them exchanged a meaningful look before Jessica quickly nodded her head in agreement, jumped off of the bed, and removed a plate of food, and glass of orange juice on the dressing table for Jill. When Jessica picked up the tray, and headed for the door this seemed to snap Derick out of his state of reverie, and he backed out behind her, telling Jill, "Enjoy your breakfast, and I'll be back to get the dishes in a little while."

The door closed, and as she heard the key turn in the lock Jill suddenly became very worried about her little sister.

If she had only herself to worry about it would have been a lot easier, but with her mother, and her younger sisters also in the same position, she was deeply concerned with what might happen next.

She decided that it was probably a good idea to consider the problem on a full stomach so she walked over to the dressing table, sat down, and ate the breakfast that he had prepared for her.

Derick picked up the other tray in the hall, and then followed Jessica back to the master bed room where Jackie, and Jenny were waiting for them.

With as little fuss as possible he left their food, and quickly retreated back down stairs to the kitchen to eat breakfast himself, and try to plan his next move.

As he ate he reviewed the events that had transpired thus far, and realized that if he couldn't think of a good way of removing himself from this situation it was only going to escalate.

Derick had always prided himself in being in control, and only doing what he had planned, and intended to do.

That's what was so disturbing about this whole situation.

He hadn't intended to do any of this.

He hadn't planned to take them hostage, he hadn't intended to fuck Jackie, or molest her daughters, but here he was, and he had to admit to himself that his self discipline was failing him utterly.

For the first time in his life he felt completely out of control, and he didn't like it one bit.

Even now as he tried to think of a way out of this that didn't involve him going to prison, he couldn't stop thinking about how sexy Jill's slender body had looked in her silk camisole, and lacy, pink panties.

He silently prayed that she would do something, anything, to provoke him, so that true to his word, he could "punish" her by violating her sweet little virgin pussy with his hard cock.

He caught himself thinking this, and cursed himself under his breath, "You sick son of a bitch, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

He had been finished eating for about twenty minutes when he decided that it was time to go clear up the dishes, and so he mounted the stairs, heading for Jill's room first.

As he approached the door he started to knock, but then stopped short when he heard a muffled beeping coming from inside the room. He turned his head, cocking his ear towards the door, and listening intently when he heard the unmistakable sound of a mobile phone being dialed.

He quietly slipped the key into the lock, and then in one deft motion, he unlocked the door, and quickly opened it.

The sight that greeted him was Jill's tight little ass in her lacy pink panties.

She was bent over with her head out the window trying to get a signal, and when she heard him come in she jerked her head back towards the door, her eyes wide in surprise, and her jaw dropping open.

Derick stood in the door way for a moment regarding her with a wry smile, and she slowly pulled her head back in, and stood up, still holding the phone up to here ear.

As he advanced on her she started to back up, but then remembering that the window was behind her, and she was trapped, she closed her phone, and held it out to him, hanging her head in defeat.

"Silly girl," he chuckled as he gently took the phone from her hand. "What on Earth ever made you think that you'd be able to get a signal way out here in the woods?"

She just kind of shrugged her shoulders, looking down at the floor as her pale cheeks turned bright red with embarrassment.

Derick gathered up her dirty dishes after slipping her phone into his pocket, and then just before he walked out the door he said, "I'll be back later to administer your punishment."

Her head snapped up, and her eyes went wide with fear as she looked into his lust filled eyes, and realized what that meant.

As he closed, and locked the door his body was shaking a little with excitement as it dawned on him that he would be coming back later to fuck this pretty little fourteen year old girl's virgin pussy.

He almost began to pant, and he felt his cock straining against his pants at the thought of it.

It took him a moment to compose himself before going down the hall to the master bedroom to retrieve the rest of the dishes.

When he unlocked, and opened the door the first thing he heard was Jackie saying "Thank you for letting Jessica see Jill. I feel much better.", but in truth he was only half listening.

He was so preoccupied with thoughts of having sex with Jill that he was kind of running on auto pilot as he had Jessica gather up the dishes, and help him carry them down stairs to the kitchen.

Once he got her started on washing the dishes he sat at the table watching her absently, and she couldn't help but notice how distracted he was.

She didn't really know why, but she felt like she wasn't getting the attention she deserved, and although she felt deeply ashamed for thinking this, she wanted his validation.

In fact, she began to crave his attention so bad that she started acting like she had an itch on her hip, and she had to pull up her dress a little to scratch it, giving him a quick glimpse of her white cotton panties in the process.

That seemed to get his attention, and as she saw him begin to slowly rub the bulge in his pants out of the corner of her eye, her cheeks flushed hot, and she was suddenly scared, and excited all at the same time.

When she finished with the dishes she turned around, and in a bright voice she said, "All done."

"That's good girl Jessica." He said with a smile, and then added, "Come on over her for a second, I want to talk to you."

As she slowly ambled toward where he sat at the table she suddenly got really nervous, and began to regret having lifted her skirt like she did.

She must have been out of her mind to provoke him like that, but at the same time as she approached him she could feel her little pussy start to get all moist, and excited.

She felt so confused about all this, and even though she knew it was wrong, she couldn't help but get excited about the possibility that he might touch her again.

He took her hand once she was within reach, and pulled her in so that she stood between his knees, gently caressing her delicate little hand as he cooed, "You're such a good girl Jessica," grasping her narrow hips with his knees before adding, "And so pretty."

She looked down, her face flushing hot with embarrassment, and then she asked, "Are you..?" but stopped short, letting out a little nervous giggle.

"What is it sweetie?" Derick inquired, gently swaying her back, and forth between his knees as he brought her hand up to his face, softly kissing it. "You can tell me."

"Well," she said nervously. "Are you, are going to..." She trailed off again, and as Derick placed her hand on his hard cock she took in a sharp breath, and then let out a little shuddering sigh.

With his other hand he lifted her chin up, looked her in the eye, and said, "It's okay baby, go ahead, and ask."

The feeling of his thick, hard penis under her hand was distracting, to say the least, but when she looked into his eyes she suddenly felt courageous, and she just blurted out, "Are you going to touch me again?" before turning her head away, her cheeks flushing even hotter as she felt a rush of shame for being so bold.

Derick let go of her chin, lightly brushing the back of his hand against one of her hard little nipples, and then across her tummy as he said, "I don't know Jessica." Leaning a little closer, and slipping his hand between her knees as he whispered, "Do you want me to touch you?"

When she felt his hand between her knees she parted her thighs slightly to admit him.

Her face was now so hot that it felt like it was on fire as she slammed her eyes shut, tears of shame rolling down her bright red cheeks, and she slowly nodded her head.

"That's good," he whispered, gently caressing her tender thigh as his hand moved up under her dress. "Because I want to touch you." He kissed her tear stained cheek, and whispered, "I want to touch you so bad baby."

They were both panting a little as his hand reached her vagina, and he felt the big wet spot on her panties.

She panted, and squealed as he began kissing her neck, and rubbing her bald wet pussy through the thine cotton fabric.

She felt his cock throb through his pants, and she squeezed his hard shaft causing precum to leak out, and make a wet spot on the leg of his trousers.

"No, this is wrong." She whimpered, suddenly feeling very ashamed of what she was doing.

"Oh I know, I know it's wrong." Derick panted, as he began rubbing slow circles over her stiff little clitoris through her wet panties. "But doesn't it feel nice? Don't you like the way I rub your sweet little pussy?"

The only response Jessica was capable of at this point was to moan, and squeal, her flesh quivering as she began to cum. She moved her hand up, and down, gently stroking his hard cock through his trousers as he slipped his hand into her panties, and lightly bit her on the neck.

"Ooohh god noooo!" she cried out, squeezing his hard shaft as she began getting off even harder than before.

With her other hand she reached down, and tried to pull his hand out of her panties, but her orgasm was so strong that she ended up just squeezing his arm instead.

As he felt her slick pussy juice flow over his fingers, her little hand rubbing his hard cock, he wanted to fuck her so bad it hurt, and that's when he realized that he was ready to give Jill what she deserved.

Jessica was just coming down off of her orgasm when he pulled his hand out of her panties, and began licking his fingers, whispering, "Mmmmm, your little pussy tastes so sweet."

She hadn't quite recovered her breath yet when Derick suddenly stood up, spun her around, and began rushing her toward the stairs.

"Time to get you back before your mom gets worried." He insisted, quickly returning her to the master bedroom, pushing her in, and closing the door before Jackie, or Jenny had the chance to say anything.

He made a bee line for Jill's room, seething with lust as he fumbled with the key, and then finally opened the door to find Jill sitting cross legged on the bed, bent down with her face buried in her hands.

When he entered the room she looked up, tears streaming down her face as she silently mouthed the word "No." over, and over again, shaking her head back, and forth.

He closed the door behind him, and then began slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he nodded, and said with a salacious smile, "Yes Jill, yes. You knew what the penalty was, but you misbehaved anyway."

He pulled his shirt off, dropping it on the floor, and then kicked his shoes off, and as her opened his trousers revealing his rock hard cock Jill practically screeched, "No! Please don't." and began crying even harder.

He removed his pants, and then began to approach the bed, and Jill uncrossed her legs, turned to face him, and started to back away from him across the bed until she hit the wall.

"Shh, it's okay," Derick soothed as he reached out, grasped her by the ankle, and began pulling her towards him. "Don't cry baby, it's gonna be alright." Parting her slender, creamy thighs, and crouching down next to the bed as he slid her ass across the sheet toward him.

Soon she could feel the shaft of his hard cock press against her thick labia through her lacy pink panties as he crouched down in between her thighs, and although she felt mentally, and emotionally conflicted about it, her body suffered no such confusion, and her little virgin pussy became wet from the contact with his thick meat.

She lay on her back, her ass on the edge of the bed with Derick holding her thighs firmly open.

She'd thrown her arms up over her head on the mattress, and her face was turned to the side, eyes closed as she sobbed quietly to herself, letting out a strained moan every time Derick slowly pushed his hips forward, rubbing the full length of his cock firmly against her rapidly moistening young vagina.

"Oh yeah Jill," he growled, still hot from his play time with Jessica. "I'm gonna bury my cock inside that sweet little virgin pussy of yours."

"No!" Jill whimpered, raising her head up off the mattress, imploring him with tear filled eyes. "Please!"

"No?" Derick scoffed, "Plaese?" as he grasped the wet crotch of her panties, pulling them aside to expose her naked, swollen little pussy to his hungry eyes, and hard cock.

"You knew the consequences Jill." He went on as he began in stoke his shaft up, and down her wet, naked pussy. "Now you have to pay with you virginity." And with that he leaned forward, pushing the head of his cock into the entrance of her tight little pussy hole.

"No, no!" she wept, nearly in hysterics as she reached up, and pushed her hands weakly against his chest in a feeble attempt to stop him, but Derick wasn't fooled for a second.

As he began slowly rocking the head of his stiff penis in, and out of her tight opening, tapping her little cherry with every inward thrust, he chuckled, "All you had to do was behave Jill. So you can cry "No!" all you want, but you, and I both know that you wanted this. In fact you've been dying to feel a man's cock inside that sweet little pussy, haven't you?"

"No!" she wept, shaking her head emphatically, while still attempting to push him away. "I'm a good girl."

But as she felt the tip of his cock push against her hymen she wondered if perhaps this was what she wanted.

Her face felt like it was on fire as she cried with guilt, and shame, thinking that maybe he was right, and she had asked for this because deep down inside she really wanted it.

After all, everything he had done up to this point should have made it clear to her that he had no compunction about touching her in a sexual manner, and if he was willing to do the things he'd done to Jessica right in front of mom, Jenny, and herself, then having Jill alone in her panties, and camisole was certainly not going to stop him, but it might encourage him to go even further.

He pressed his thighs up against hers to hold her legs open, as he slid his hands up, rubbing her tummy, and squeezing her firm, young breasts through the smooth silk fabric of her little camisole.

She grunted, and whimpered uncomfortably between sobs as his hands worked their way up her body, pulling her arms away from his chest, and finally grasping her slender wrists, pinning them to the mattress on either side of her head.

"Yes Jill," he growled in her ear, now practically on top of her. "I'm gonna fuck you in your little virgin pussy, and there's nothing you can do about it."

He made sure that his dick was pointing the right way, pushed right up against her little cherry, and then he quickly whispered, "Okay, you're gonna feel a little pressure." And then he pushed his hips forward, hard.

There was just a slight bit of resistance, and Jill drew in a quick deep breath, and then she let out a sharp, pained little whimper as her virginal barrier burst, and Derick's thick, hard cock easily slide halfway into her tight little hole.

"Oh god Jill!" he moaned, putting all of his weight on her as he suddenly lost all the strength in his legs due to the intensity of her young pussy squeezing him so hard. "Your pussy's so tight baby."

Jill cried, and whimpered, trying not to move, but at the some time wanting to buck her hips up against him as she sobbed, "Please, take it out, it's too big! It's too big!"

Derick slowly slid his arms around her slender body, holding her tight as he whispered in her ear, "Shh, it's okay baby, it's okay. Just relax."

Then he let out a long moan as Jill bore down, and squeezed him with her kiegels, trying to force him out, but it had the opposite effect in that it just made him want to get deeper into her.

She couldn't keep squeezing forever, and eventually she had to relax her muscles to catch her breath.

As she began panting under him Derick pushed in a little more causing Jill to take a sharp, deep breath, and squeeze again which in turn caused Derick to grunt, "Oh yeah baby, that's good."

She kept squeezing his thick meat as hard as she could, and every time she'd stop to breath he'd shove a little more of his cock into her tight little pussy, coating his shaft with her virginal blood until finally he was all the way inside her.

Jill's little sobs of pain were slowly becoming moans of pleasure as she began to get used to his cock inside her.

When he'd first popped her cherry it had really hurt, and now, although it did still hurt a little, it also kind of felt right.

Feeling him on top of her, holding her slender frame tight in his arms with the full length of his throbbing cock buried in her tight little pussy just kind of seemed like the way it should be, and even though she knew in her head that this was all wrong she couldn't help but grunt, moan, and sigh every time she squeezed his stiff penis inside her.

She'd left her arms on the mattress where Derick had pinned them. But now she had grabbed fistfuls of bed sheet, squeezing them hard every time she flexed her hot little pussy.

Derick could feel her hard nipples against his chest through the silk fabric of the camisole, and the way she was squeezing his cock was making him want to cum right there, and then, but he managed to control himself.

It was so intense the way she kept grunting as she'd squeeze his cock, and then pant hard when she relaxed.

She was almost ready to get fucked good, and proper, but not quite yet.

"That's good Jill." He whispered in her ear. "Squeeze my cock baby."

Before too long her panting began to sound less pained, and desperate, and more ecstatic, but when she began to slowly gyrate her hips, moving his meat around inside her, that's when he knew she was just about ready to really take it, but good.

So he moved up, and down a little, feeling her aroused clit rubbing against the skin at the base of his cock, and then he panted, "Okay Jill, get ready baby, I'm pulling out." And with that he released her body, and drew himself up so that he was standing over her, and then grasping her thighs, he began to slowly withdraw his thick meat from her hot, bloody little hole.

The little streaks of red on his shaft as he pulled it out looked almost as good as it felt, and when he got to the tip it took all of his will power to not just plunge back in, and start fucking her hard, but this was her first time, and she was only fourteen so he didn't want to hurt her.

She was panting, and letting out a little squeal that got higher, and higher pitched the more he pulled out until he finally popped the head out, and she let out a tiny squeak, and then her panting began to slow.

Derick looked down at her wide eyes, her tear stained cheeks, the hard nipples of her perfect little breasts poking up through the silk fabric of her camisole, and then his eyes fell on her swollen, bald little pussy With the crotch of her panties pulled to the side he could clearly see the tiny trickle of bright red blood that was the mark of her lost virginity.

He fell to his knees, grasping the wet crotch of her panties with one hand to make sure that it stayed out of the way, and then buried his face in between her legs, licking, and sucking her little vagina like he was starving.

The tart, slightly metallic taste of her virginal blood really set off the sweet taste of her pussy juice, and as he plunged his tongue into her tight little hole, and then flicked her stiff little clitoris she couldn't help but squeal, and buck her hips rubbing her hot cunt against his face.

As soon as Derick figured that he'd cleaned most of the blood off of her he began to really go to work on her clit, and she let go of the fistfuls of sheet in her hands, and grasped either side of her head, shaking it back, and forth as she gasped, "No, I ca-can't, ca-can't, CAAAA!" her protest becoming a shriek as her flesh quivered, and she began cumming all over his face.

Derick lapped it up with relish, knowing that now she was ready to get fucked for real, and as her orgasm finished off, he lifted her legs up in the air, quickly pulling her panties off, and dropping them to the floor.

Then he spread her legs open again, and still crouched between them, reached down, and grasped her hands, pulling her up into a sitting position facing him.

She started to put her arms around him, but when he grasped the hem of her camisole she just lifted her arms, and let him take it off of her.

In the after glow of her orgasm she was in no mood to offer much resistance, and once he had her completely naked, and was sucking on one of her nipples she said in a far away kind of voice, "Now- now what are you going to do-do to me?"

Derick kind of chuckled at that as he grasped the back of her neck with one hand, and reached down to support them both by pressing his hand against the mattress with the other hand as he leaned forward, slowly laying her on her back again.

He had kissed his way up her neck, and now whispered in her ear, "Well Jill, I'm gonna fuck your sweet little pussy baby."

Tears instantly leaped into her eyes upon hearing this, and she whimpered, "No, please don't, it hurt."

"Shh, shh, it's okay baby." He whispered soothingly, his hands sliding around to fondle her perfect little titties, and flat tummy as he once again drew himself up to stand in a crouch between her open legs. "The hard part's over. Now it will just feel good." And with that he grasped one of her thighs, cradling it against his stomach whilst with the other hand he grasped the shaft of his cock, and began rubbing the head through the soft, thick lips of her swollen little pussy.

Her fear was almost palpable, and as he slowly pushed his hips forward, splitting open her tight little hole with the head of his cock, her head popped up off the mattress, staring down between her legs wide eyed as she took a deep breath, bracing herself for the pain that she was sure would follow.

Tears trickled down her cheeks, and as she watched, and felt his thick meat go deeper, and deeper into her hot pussy she began to pant in an irregular pattern, thinking that at any moment it would start hurting again, but as she felt him slowly fill her up until he was all the way inside her, she slowly laid her head back on the bed, her eyes now wide with surprise that in fact it didn't hurt. That feeling the his cock belonged inside her that she'd briefly felt when he'd popped her cherry was now stronger than ever, and as she lay there, her arms splayed out over her head on the mattress, she was more aroused, and confused than she'd ever been in her life.

She couldn't help but moan as he pushed his hips against her, gyrating, and moving his cock around inside her tight, wet little pussy, cooing, "Oh yeah Jill, doesn't that feel good." The intensity of her hot, pink flesh wrapped around the full length of his manhood driving him wild with lust, and Jill had to admit that it did feel good.

She took in a sharp, deep breath as he suddenly pulled all the way out to the tip, and then let out a deep sigh as he slowly slid back into her.

"Sssssss." She hissed as he pulled out to the tip again, and then she let out a high pitch squeal in three sharp reports as he thrust half way into her young cunt three times fast, but then she began panting hard as he once again slowly slid his hard cock all the way back inside her, letting out a deep sigh as she felt his hips rub up against her tight little ass.

Derick hugged her leg close to his body with one arm, and reached town with the other, placing his hand on the lower part of her belly, rubbing her stiff little clitoris with his thumb as he began to slowly fuck her.

The feeling of Jill's sweet little fourteen year old pussy getting juicer, and juicer as he rubbed her clit, and slowly thrust his thick penis in, and out of her was just incredible.

She was so tight that it almost would have hurt if it weren't for the fact that she was so wet, and ready for his cock.

She started playing absently with her long blond hair above her head on the mattress, cooing, and moaning as she felt his hard cock repeatedly slide into her swollen, and aroused little vagina.

The heat from her blushing cheeks had seemed to spread to her whole body, and although somewhere in the back of her mind she was vaguely aware that she should be feeling afraid, and ashamed, for the moment all she could feel was his thick meat slowly fucking her, and it felt good.

Damn good!

She'd never in her wildest fantasies imagined that anything could feel this way, and she pulled her arms down, and began fondling her own breasts, pinching her nipples, and loving the feel of her own soft, and supple flesh in her hands while this grown man violated her little pussy.

Derick began going in a little faster with every thrust, and rubbing her clit more firmly as he watched her breasts jiggle under her hands.

Before too long Jill squeezed her titties, panting hard as she felt herself about to cum again, and Derick sensing that she was about to pop pulled all the way out, grasping his thick wet shaft, and slapping her hairless pubic mound with the tip of his dick.

Without thinking she quickly reached between her legs, and Derick let go as she grasped a hold of his hard, wet cock, guiding it to her hot little hole, and bucking her hips to try, and get it back into her, grunting in frustration when he failed to cooperate.

"What's wrong Jill?" he asked, pretending like he didn't know. "Do you want something?"

Jill started crying in frustration, "Put it in me!" attempting to buck, and roll her hips, but on top of holding her one leg firmly against his body, he had also slid his other hand down, grasping her tender young thigh, and firmly holding her in place.

"Do you want me to fuck you Jill?" he asked innocently.

"Yes!" she cried out, still hovering on the edge of an orgasm, but feeling it starting to slip away.

"That's not good enough Jill." He growled. "I want you to say it. I want you to beg for it."

She couldn't stand anymore, and she practically screamed, "Fuck me! God, please fuck me!"

That was all he needed to hear, and he thrust his cock into her sweet little pussy, and started fucking the hell out of her, cradling her leg in both arms as their bodies slapped together to the rhythm of his thick penis repeatedly plunging into her swollen little cunt.

This instantly brought Jill back to the edge, and as she panted hard, her slender frame rocking back and forth on the bed to the rhythm of Derick fucking her, his hard cock sliding in, and out of her thoroughly aroused young vagina, she began to let out a little cry on her out breaths that became higher, and higher pitched until she finally started cumming.

"Oh, oh, oh, go-go-god!" she almost screamed as the waves of intense pleasure swept over her, and her little pussy began flexing rhythmically around Derick's thrusting cock.

She threw her hands out, once again grasping fistfuls of sheet, and bucking her hips wildly to meet his powerful thrusts.

Her pert young breasts were bouncing up, and down, and as Derick saw, and felt her orgasm he felt like he was about to blow his own load any second.

"Oh god yes Jill!" he grunted as his balls began to draw up. "Your pussy's so fucking good baby." And then he thrust as deeply into her as he could, holding it there for a few seconds so that he could feel her hot, orgasm wracked pussy squeeze, and caress the full length of his cock before he couldn't take it any more, and cried out, "I'm gonna cum baby, I'm gonna cum on you!"

Then he pulled out, stroking his shaft, and almost instantly the first blast of pearly white cum came rocketing out with such force that it actually struck Jill on the chin, leaving a gooey trail between her perfect little tits, almost all the way down to her naval.

"Uuuuggghhh, uuuuggghhh, uuuuggghhh!" Derick grunted as his thick sperm continued to squirt all over Jill's smooth, and flawless skin, making her squeal every time she felt his hot liquid land on her body.

Jill seemed to cum even harder as she felt his man juice coating her young body, and as the last of his cum dripped down onto her pale, flat tummy she let out a long, shuddering sigh.

She was just coming down off of her own orgasm when Jill scooped the cum off of her chin with her finger, and popped it into her mouth.

"Mmmmmmm." She hummed as she sucked on her finger, and her other hand reached down for her belly, rubbing the thick, white fluid on her tummy with her finger tips.

She seemed to be completely lost in the sheer lust of the moment, and then slowly she began to snap out of it.

She pulled her finger out of her mouth, looking up at Derick, and suddenly feeling very self conscious as she lifted her fingers from her tummy, examining the sperm on her finger tips as if she wasn't sure how it had gotten there.

She could feel her cheeks burning, and she tried to choke back her tears, but as she rested her wrist on the bridge of her nose, palm up, she couldn't stop herself from crying with shame.

Not only had she not really tried to fight him, but she had enjoyed the feeling of his hard cock fucking her little virgin pussy, and when he'd cum all over her, she'd wanted it.

Derick squeezed out the last little bit of cum, wiping it onto the thigh that he was still cradling when he suddenly looked down at Jill.

He felt a sharp pang of guilt as he beheld this slender little fourteen year old girl, naked, splattered with his cum, and crying.

Then he looked down at the rust colored ring of dry virginal blood around the base of his cock, and it really sank in that he had just violated this young virgin girl.

He released her leg, and she quickly curled up into a fetal position, sobbing quietly to herself as Derick sat down on the chair in front of her dressing table, feeling kind of dazed.

He tried to excuse himself with, 'Well, she begged for it.', but he instantly dismissed that.

After all she was only fourteen, and had probably never been stimulated like that in her life, besides he'd thrust his cock into her tight little vagina, and busted her cherry long before that.

He held his face in his hands for a minute thinking about what he should do next, and the only thing that occurred to him was, 'Shower.'

"Come on Jill," he said gently. "Let's get you into the shower, and get you cleaned up."

She sniffed a little as she slowly put her feet on the floor, trying hard not to look at Derick, even though she wanted to look at him.

She wanted to look at his naked body, caress his flesh, and stick her tongue in his mouth, but she felt so guilty for thinking all these things that all she could do was blush, and look at the floor as she hurried towards the bathroom, wiping the tears from her eyes.

When they reached the bathroom and Derick began turning on the water in the shower she began to scoop his cum off of her tummy, eating as much as she could while he wasn't looking, and once again her cheeks flushed hot with embarrassment.

She knew that it was wrong, but his thick white juice just felt, and tasted so good in her mouth that she really couldn't help herself.

She watched his muscular body as he adjusted the water until it was just the right temperature, and once again she began having naughty thoughts.

The way he'd stretched her tiny cunt open with his hard cock, and then made he beg to be fucked was hotter than any fantasy she'd ever had, and it made her little pussy tingle just thinking about it.

"Come on Jill." He said softly, taking her by the hand, and she followed him meekly into the shower.

The water felt good on his skin, and he lathered up with soap as he watched Jill rinse off her lithe little body.

Despite just having had a massive orgasm, and his serious misgivings about what he'd done, watching her rinse and then lather up was making him feel really horny again.

The way that the water and soap ran down her naked body, not to mention the way her smooth round titties, and hot little ass jiggled as she began to shampoo her hair was really quite captivating, and despite himself he found his cock growing harder by the second.

When she had finished rinsing her hair, and opened her eyes to reach for the conditioner it was impossible not to notice him slowly stroking his dick as he regarded her with lust filled eyes.

She turned, and faced the wall with the shower head on it, not quite sure what to do, and when she felt his hands reach around, grasping her by her breasts, and tummy, pulling her tight against his chest, she placed her palms against the wall under the shower head, whimpering a little.

"Oh god Jill, what are you doing to me?" he gasped, as her crouched down so that his mouth was right up next to her ear.

He could feel a hard nipple poking his forearm as he squeezed, and massaged her other tit with his hand, meanwhile his other hand rubbed her belly, working it's way down until it was rubbing her soft, thick labia.

The shaft of his cock was rubbing in between her smooth, wet ass checks as he pushed her crotch back causing her to arch her back, sticking her ass out towards him.

Then he bent his knees a little more until he felt the head of his penis slide across her taint, and as soon as he felt her slick little hole, he pushed up, once again splitting open her hot pussy.

"No, please." She whimpered as she felt his hard cock begin to reenter her. "It's sore." But that didn't stop him, and as he kept pushing deeper, and deeper into her poor swollen little vagina, rubbing her clitoris with his fingers, all she could do was whimper, and cry.

"Oh, yeah baby!" he grunted as he shoved the last couple of inches in, and that when he realized that she had actually raised herself up onto her tip toes to try and get away from his throbbing cock.

If it was hurting her that bad then he couldn't really fuck her again, but on the other hand he really felt the need to bury his cock inside her, and that's when he got a really wicked idea.

"It's okay baby." He said with mock sympathy as he began slowly withdrawing his meat from her abused little pussy hole. "I won't fuck your pussy if it hurts that much."

She felt his cock pull out of her, and slide up her taint, the head lodging itself against her sphincter; however her sigh of relief soon turned into a yelp of surprise when with one hard push the head of his cock was buried in her tight little ass.

She began whimpering, and rubbing her hands against the wall of the shower stall as if she could some how climb up and escape his thick, stabbing penis.

"Wha-what are you do-doing to me?" she whimpered, squeezing hard, and trying to push him out.

"I'm fucking your sweet little ass Jill." He said salaciously as he began slowly pumping his hips, introducing a little bit more of his cock to her tight little asshole with every thrust.

If anything her ass was even tighter then her pussy, and once he got his dick halfway in he had to stop for a minute.

He kept steadily rubbing her stiff little clitoris while squeezing her tit with his cock lodged half way into her ass, and it felt so good that if he hadn't just blown a wad he probably would have cum right there.

As Jill leaned forward, turning her head, and pressing her cheek against the wall she felt torn, because although she knew that this was really wrong, and it felt weird, and uncomfortable, just feeling his cock inside her was making her excited.

After a minute she started wiggling her ass, and then, much to her own surprise, she pushed down, taking a couple of more inches in with a loud grunt.

"Oh fuck Jill!" Derick exclaimed, and then began pumping his hips again. "That's it baby. Fuck my cock with your ass little girl." And before long she was doing exactly that, pushing her ass down to meet him as he thrust his hard cock into her ass.

He continued to fondle her firm yet yielding breasts with one hand whilst his other hand busied itself with her aroused little clitoris.

He leaned in; pressing his face against hers so that he could really hear her grunt, and moan as he slowly fucked her in the ass, Jill once again pressing her palms flat against the wall in front of her.

Jill couldn't believe how much she liked having his hard cock thrusting into her little asshole, but as she pushed back against him, taking more, and more, until at last she was taking the full length of his tool into her tight little ass, she squealed with delight. Of course it didn't hurt that he was playing with her titties, and rubbing her clit, and pretty soon she felt herself on the verge of an orgasm.

As the pressure kept building in her loins she could tell that this was going to be the most intense orgasm she'd ever had in her young life.

"Yeah, fuck me in my little ass!" she gasped, and then her cheeks flushed so hot that Derick could feel it against his cheek.

It was something that she'd seen in a porn on the Internet, and when it had drifted through her mind she'd just blurted it out without thinking.

Now she remembered watching it with a sick fascination, and thinking that no girl would ever really like that, but here she was, and as Derick began thrusting into her tight ass a little faster, she let out a rhythmic high pitched whine as she started cumming.

The feeling of her hot flesh against his as he pumped his cock into her ass was mind blowing, and when she started cumming, her body quivering, and shaking in his arms as her pussy pumped out her little girl juice, and it flowed across her taint further lubing her ass, he knew that he couldn't hold out much longer.

He started really fucking her, and the rhythmic slap, slap, slap against her tight little ass as he penetrated her was just another of the erotic sounds that was driving him over the edge.

"Oh Jill, I'm gonna cum in your little ass baby!" he panted, and then thrust up into her so deep that he almost lifted her off of her feet.

"Oh god!" Jill cried out as she felt the first blast of hot cum squirt deep into her ass, and she started getting off even harder knowing that she was draining this grown man's balls for that second time in as many hours.

Somehow just knowing that she made him that hot, and bothered was really getting her off.

Not only that, but she was also kind of proud of the way she'd taken him on like a real porn star, and this in turn made her feel ashamed of her self.

Good girls didn't enjoy getting fucked in the ass by strange men, did they?

He began pulling out just a couple of inches, and thrusting back in, to the rhythm of his cock pumping it's thick, creamy seed into her tight little asshole.

"Uuuugghh, yeeaaahhh, fuuuuuck, yeeeaaahhh." He grunted into her ear as his cum filled her little ass, and once he was completely drained he stayed all the way inside her, holding her up as she continued to orgasm in his arms.

"Oh god, oh god, oh fuck, oh god!" she chanted as he rubbed her stiff little clitty to yet a new height with his hard cock shoved all the up her cum filled ass.

She shrieked, and cried as she started getting off so hard that she felt like she was losing her mind, and for a second there she really did.

Her little cunt was practically squirting out her joy juice, and if it hadn't been for Derick's strong arms holding her, not to mention his hard cock buried up inside her, she would have fallen down.

It was so intense that she actually lost all awareness of herself for a second, and the only thing that seemed to exist in the universe was this feeling.

Slowly she began to come down, and as she came back into an awareness of her self the first thing she noticed was that she was crying. She felt Derick pull his now deflating cock out of her ass, and almost instantly she felt his this, hot cum run out, and down the inside of her thigh.

She still couldn't quite stand on her own so Derick gently lowered her into a squat, Making sure that she was holding steadily to the wall before letting go of her, rinsing off his dick, and exiting the shower.

Jill decided to take advantage of the squatting position she was in, and squeeze the rest of Derick's cum out of her ass.

As she pushed out his sperm like she was taking a dump she couldn't help but think, 'What a waste.' She could be eating that cum, or better yet, it could be up inside her pussy making her pregnant.

She was really surprised at her self for even having that thought; after all she was just a fourteen year old girl.

She didn't need to think about getting pregnant for a long time, yet as she rubbed her belly, and thought about it all swollen with Derick's baby it made her little pussy tingle.

Meanwhile Derick had gone over, and sat on that toilet, grabbing a towel, and drying himself off as he wondered how far this was all going to go.

He knew this much, he needed to get Jill out of the shower, and back to her room, then he needed to sit down, and seriously think of a way out of here before this incident got any more out of hand than it already was.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s

Do smear

Really enjoy reading this series, could do with proof reading before submitting but other than that it gets a massive thumbs up from me.


Hell man, dont worry about proof reading, just concentrate on writing some more chapters... AmAzInG read!!

Sparky Ginlow

It's very good, and it gets better and better. Keep up the work, hope the next chapter is coming soon.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.