Published: 12-Jun-2013
Word Count:
My name is Lindsey Macon. When I was seven years old I found my pussy. It was fun to look at, and to play with.
It started so innocently. One Saturday morning I was one month from my eighth birthday when my mom, Grace, came into my room unannounced. I was playing with my pussy with just a thin sheet covering me. Mom didn't say anything right off. She just sat on the bed beside me, watched my hand move for a minute or so, and ask if I did that a lot?
"Do what a lot mommy?" I asked back.
"Well, um ahhh," she stuttered, "play with your pussy?"
"I do it every day mommy. Sometimes I put things inside and push them in and out."
"Have you ever don this in front of people honey?" she asked.
"With Sophia, and now you mom. Why? is it a bad thing to do?" The preteen asked. She knew the answer already, but, it was her mom.
"I wouldn't say it is bad to do, no. All girls, and women do it." She smiled. "Does it ever make you feel special good when you do it?"
"Oh yes mommy. When I cum, it is sooo great. I was about to cum now, when you came in. I have my brush handle already with lotion on it." She looked at it lying on the table and said, "see, I wish it were a little bigger."
"How long have you been doing this, and where did you learn the word cum?"
"I been fucking my box for about six months, and I learned about it from Sophia Woods. She's almost nine now. And, she has a play toy rubber cock she uses. She let me use it before, and I really want my own." She smiled at her mom, "I was going to ask you how I could get one?" Has a boy ever touched you there? On your cunt I mean?" "Not a boy, exactly but Mr. Carstairs from the pharmacy in the mall has."
The grown woman shifted her ass on the bed and ventured on, afraid of the answer, but had to ask, "what did Mr. Carstairs do exactly Lindsey."
"Well, he said first not to tell anybody, but you being my mom and all, and catching me with my hand in my pussy, I guess it will be OK to tell you. But you can't get mad at us, OK?"
"OK darling, I won't, and will not tell a soul. What did he do?
"He rubbed my pussy, told me I could call it a cunt or pussy. He said it was pretty big for a seven years old, and my clit was almost big as his thirteen year old daughters."
"What else, did he do anything to you?"
"He finger fucked me, and licked my little nipples. He taught me some fuck words, then he did the best thing ever before in my life. He kissed my pussy, right in my hole, and all over my clit. I had never cum so hard before. I still let him do it some more when we can get together. His name is Luke, and he is just younger than daddy. Really handsome. I felt his cock."
"Has he ever fucked you darling," asked the very hot mother.
"No mommy. He said he would when I was eight years old."
"Well, I think you are ready to fuck right now baby. Hell, after all you were ate before you were eight," the mom laughed. "So you could very well get fucked before you are eight also."
"I would really like that mom."
"Anyone you particularly would like to give it to the first time?"
"Yes, but promise you won't get mad." "Can't get mad at you darling. I am so hot right now listening to us talk, I can hardly think straight. I am going to need a cum too, soon. Who do you want to fuck Lindsey?"
I would like to fuck Donnie from next door before he goes away to college. I know you fuck him when daddy is out of town working."
"You know that, do you , you little fuck darling?" Gracie smiled.
"Yess um. I seen you suck his cock, and I want to do that too." The preteen, now lying there completely naked, two fingers in her box, looked at her mom. "Can I mommy, can I? I will never tell."
"Lets do it today. Your dad will not be back till Tuesday, and I need some too after this talk."
"Oh, goodie. The girl fucked herself with her fingers. Wish I had a toy like Sophia. Maize has one too, but she is nearly ten. Mom saw the pussy cum oozing from around the fingers. She dearly wanted to hug her little girl. So she did, while Lindsey was cumin, and she almost came herself.
Mom remembered when she was eight years old, and her first fuck, Blackie was the dogs name, and Al was the mans name just a week after Blackie. She would have to ask Lindsey if she ever fucked with a doggie. "Oooo, Weeee, Sooo Gooood", she thought.
Then the mother rose up and said, "I'm gonna get you my rubber cock baby. You can use it this morning." She left the room with slippery thighs, returned a few seconds later with a nine in spongy black toy cock. "Here baby, use this." Then the mother left closing the door behind her.
After lunch, "I am going to the mall Lindsey. Will be gone maybe two or three hours, wanna have a look at this Mr. Carstairs. Should give you plenty time." said her winking mom, Gracie. "Donnie is home alone, so you should be able to get him in here pretty easy. He is one horny son-of-a-bitch, with a seven inch cock. I think you can handle it after watching your performance this morning."
"I am more than ready," spoke the little girl. She was dressed in a long T shirt that was tight across her chest showing her little nipples. She had on a pair of white transparent bikini panties that last year were small on her body. And she was a hot little girl.
Lindsey heard her mom drive away. Then went to the back yard where she could see and be seen. Soon Donnie came outside. "Wanna come over, mom has gone for a few hours and I am lonely."
"Yeah. Guess so, for a while. Watch wanna do, play foxie?"
"Something like that. Come on."
Inside the living room Lindsey sat across from him with her shirt above her knees, up on her thighs. Donnie was looking.
"How old are you now Lindsey?"
"Eight next week," she replied with a grin, spreading her knees giving him a good look at her pussy that was eating her panties.
"How old are you Donnie?"
"I'm eighteen, going off to college this week. Wanna come sit by me?"
The preteen moved over and was soon on his lap. Her shirt to her waist, and his hand on her panty clad pussy. She was hot.
"You want some pussy Donnie? Wanna kiss it for me? I have been eat before, but not fucked yet, and never sucked a cock yet either. But mommy said I could." She smiled at him and removed her shirt. She felt his cock underneath her ass, and went for it. Let me see it Donnie. Mommy said it is about seven inches long. Lemme see."
They were soon both naked. His cock hard, she wouldn't let go. Lindsey put it in her mouth as much as she could. Oh fuck shit, it was sooo yummy, she told him.
He kissed her cunt, her first 69, and told her how big it was, and her clit was huge. He sucked till she came. Then the preteen sucked her first cock and took cum in her mouth. She wanted more.
Soon she was lying on the couch, her right leg resting atop the back cushion, and her other foot on the floor. Lindsey had nearly all the seven inches in her fuck hole before she hardly knew it, and had cum twice already before she felt him bottom out. The two fucked for fifteen minutes more before he unloaded his nuts in her hot hole.
As he was getting up, he rached down and rolled her panties like a fat cigar and stuffed them in her hole. "To keep the cum in till you can let it go," he told the girl.
Lindsey put her hand over her panty filled hole and asked, "you like sucking my little nips. It really made my pussy feel like there was a string tied between them. Oooo sooo gooood"
"Oh I loved it little one." He kissed her lips, "I have a friend who likes little girls much as I do. Want to give him some too?"
"Oh yeah. And I have a couple girl friends who like to fuck too. We could have a party. OK?" She smiled.
"Now fuck me some more before Gracie gets home."
He nailed her perfect eight year old ass to the couch and cum loaded her again before replacing the panties in her cunt.
Once more Lindsey was sucking his cock when they heard a car come into the driveway. Raising her head the preteen, still holding his hard cock mumbled, "it's only mom. She wants some cock too." The girl went back to her pleasure.
"If I am going to fuck Gracie, I will need all my stuff. So, best you don't suck me anymore right now. You can suck some more of this cock tonight, OK?"
"Mmmmm, fuck, shit, what a bummer. I will go dump this pussy." Hand over her panty stuffed hole the girl headed up stairs. "Maybe lay down awhile so's you can do mom really good." The preteen left.
"Hi Donnie," greeted the beautiful Gracie. Where are your clothes, and where is my daughter."
"She just went upstairs to empty her pussy, so she says." That is a real fuck machine you have there. You know Bob is gonna want some of that little girl pussy when he gets home."
"Yes. I know my husband. And now I know my slut eight year old daughter. She will surely give him some."
The woman sat beside him and took his cock in her hand. "Why is it still so hard?"
"Lindsey was sucking on it for the third time when she heard you coming, and I told her if I was going to fuck you she had to let go. I promised to let her suck it again tonight."
The woman began to strip, "then lets get at it. I have been so hot since catching my little girl jacking her pussy this morning, and listening to what she had to say."
Taking her preteen daughters place on the couch, Gracie soon felt the hard rod split her nether lips, and grind her big clit. Gracie came long before he did, and they fucked for another twenty minutes before he came in her. She had three more orgasms, and made up more fuck words, while thinking of her little eight year old fucking this same cock. And the cock of that handsome Luke Carstairs. "Holy shit, but this is sooo goood," she murmured.
A few minutes later Donnie kissed the mama nymph both on her mouth and on her very wet pussy lips. He left her there legs spread, pussy soaked in cum, and went to his ball game.
Later that evening Sophia the nine year old friend of Lindsey's came to spend the night. Earlier she watched as Lindsey sucked more of Donnie's cock. Sophia didn't get any that time. Just a feel.
Later in bed the girls were too excited to sleep and lay rubbing their own pussies. "I would love to fuck your daddy Linds. You think he would like some of my little girl pussy?"
"I'm pretty damn sure he would. He's home Tuesday, and I am going to offer him some of mine. Mommy said I could."
"Damn, fuck shit." Sophia said as she felt her box boil over. "Ever eat a pussy Linds?"
"Not yet. But I am going to try it soon. Mrs. Kinny wants some of mine. I can tell every time I go to her music class. I have been letting her see my panties. I know she likes it."
"Please let me know sweetie. I want to try it too. Maybe we can do it after."
"Yeah, sounds OK if we like it. I'm gonna take my panties off next class and let her see my hole, and my clit. Mommy says I have a really big clit, and a big hole too. I took all of Donnie real easy today. Fuck a doggie, but he was good."
The girls crept their hands to each others hairless pussy. They fell asleep that way.
It was Sunday afternoon, Grace and Lindsey had just come from church. The mother suggested lunch at the mall.
"Goodie said Lindsey. I might just get to see Luke Carstairs." She looked at her mom, "You care if I let him kiss it?"
"Oh, fuck no baby. I might like to watch if you two don't mind."
"Lets go to the pharmacy, he is off about this time on Sunday. We can take him to the van. OK?"
Gracie moved the van to the back of the mall parking lot. Not any traffic at all this day. The AC was humming, while Lindsey sat in the rear seat, her panties in her hand, legs spread, while Luke ate her baby box. "Holy shit, I gotta suck his cock mom. Can I?"
"Yes baby. Take all you want, suck him good."
The girl came big time at hearing that. She reached down and loosened Luke's britches and grabbed his big eight inches. She went on her knees in front of him, smiled in his eyes, and slobbered her mouth over the big cock head. She took at least half of it, before she began her suck fest.
Gracie strummed her clit as she watched for the first time her little girls cheeks hollow on the up stroke just like mommy. The girl swallowed the load of cum, and wanted to fuck.
"It will be a few minutes before he can get it up for you baby girl," Grace told her daughter. "I will help."
The mother took her daughters place on her own knees and proceeded to deep throat the cock in front of her. She didn't want to let it go, but knew she had to. Her baby girl needed a fuck bad.
On her back Lindsey felt the big dick head spread her bottom lips, then he had it all in her, it was the best so far she mumbled to her mom.
"He fucking shit out of my box mommy, I want his cum in my hole. Roll my panties mommy, so I can plug my fuck slot with the cum."
Lindsey felt him shoot hard and hot, she had her second cum as he loaded her. After a minute or so, he began to pull out. Her mom handed the girl the panties and watched as she pushed them in her fuck hole.
Gracie drove to the entrance and left Luke with a promise of her own pussy next time.
The girls drove home. Lindsey with her naked ass on the bucket seat next to her mom. The girl had her legs spread wide as possible, and both ladies were looking at the panties sticking from her hole. "These are your panties mom. Where are mine?"
"Luke has them honey."
Gracie picked Lindsey up at school before school was actually out. "How did it go today baby?" she asked.
"Good mommy, I don't have my panties on. I took them off at music and let Mrs. Kinny see my naked pussy." The girl looked at her beautiful mother, "she nearly had a cum right there."
"Your daddy is home," said Grace.
"I thought so. It is Tuesday. Mrs. Kinny, uh Beth is her name, felt me up after class, and wanted to eat me. If I had stayed I would have let her. I am still so hot."
"I thought so just from looking at you. I saw Mazie in the playground, she was teasing the coach. Tell me honey, do all the girls fuck when they are seven or eight?"
"Yes most all do mommy. They first start sucking cock, then by eight are fucking man cock."
"Speaking of man cock, your daddy has a pretty damn big cock. Like ten inches and really big around. Don't try to take it all at once, OK?"
"OK mom. Have you told him about me yet"
"No honey. That's your department. It is your pussy and mouth. You want to give daddy some, that's up to you."
"You are so great mom." The girl raised her skirt, both saw how open she was when she spread her legs and put her right foot on the seat. I sure hope he wants some of this." She rubbed her clit.
"Oh, he will little girl mine. He will, and come back for sloppy seconds and more." Gracie reached over and touched her daughters pussy for the first time in years. It was furnace hot, and wide open.
In the house Lindsey went to hug her daddy while he sat on the same fuck couch she and her mom had used with Donnie. "I'm going up stairs I'll be in my room lying down if you wanna talk daddy." Another kiss on the corner of his mouth and a little tongue wiggle. The preteen mounted the stairs and was gone.
Bob looked askance at his wife. "What?"
"Not for me to say darling. Just hope you are in a good horny mood today."
"I am. Let me just go up and see what has my daughter all mushy."
He kissed Gracie on the lips, "damn she is already a beauty, and that ass. Damn, it is nice even at her young age."
"You don't know nothing yet darling. Go see her."
Lindsey was lying on her queen size bed in just a T shirt and the outline of panties as the shirt fell between her slightly spread legs.
"Hi baby, You seem upset about something what seems to be the problem."
Lindsey patted the bed beside her. He came over and sat, and for the first time noticed her nipples as well as her camel toe pussy.
"I'm fine daddy. It's just that I am so hot from school."
"We can turn the AC to a better degree if you want honey."
"Not that kind of hot daddy." She took his hand, placed it on her budding nipple, "Kiss me daddy. That kind of hot."
"Wwhaa, you mean, uh , uh, that kind of hot, like sex hot? You are too young baby. We can't kiss this gaaaa" The preteen kissed his mouth with her tongue deep in his mouth.
"Yes I am old enough, and big enough. Daddy, I am not a virgin, and I want to fuck. I want to fuck you daddy." She removed her mouth and reached for his hard cock. Lindsey opened his pants. Her mother was not lying, or kidding. His was the biggest ever.
"Give me some of this cock daddy. Mommy said it is OK. Fuck me with it sweet daddy, fuck me good, she removed her shirt, told him to take her panties off and look at her big pussy and clit. "If you don't want any then, so be it. I will go to the mall and get some."
He looked at the preteen snatch. "It is so big and beautiful darling girl. I'm gonna kiss it. It is a darling baby box, I love it." He stood and stripped, heard a noise and looked at his wife standing in the door in just her panties.
"Go ahead darling. She wants it and needs it very badly. She is truly my daughter. Fuck her Bob, fuck the shit out of her."
After a fantastic 69, and mouth cum father and daughter commenced to fuck the afternoon away, with mommy watching and fingering her own hairy box.
"Call Donnie mommy, he is here till Thursday and needs some pussy like you, ups, like we need cock." The girl flipped her hips to get more dick. "That all right daddy, mommy loves to fuck too."
"Go for it girls. It's your pussy, spread it around."
Donnie came in five minutes later. Naked, he lay down next to Lindsey. Gracie sucked him a few seconds then rode his boy cock for all she was worth.
Husband and wife watched each other fuck.
"Sophia is coming over to night daddy. She wants some of your cock too." The preteen wrapped her legs around the back of his knees and felt the cock head at her depths. "It is the best yet daddy, fuck your little nympho good and deep.
"I got most of him in me mommy, next time it is all mine. If Sophia doesn't fuck him to death first."
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