
[ Mg, rom ]

by Éamonn


Published: 15-Jul-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

11-year-old Mona watched the moon, through her window, as it shone brightly in the night sky. She thought about everything that had happened recently. For instance, her first kiss. She loved it, it made her so excited, but she dared not tell her parents about kissing him. She closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh.

Suddenly, she heard a soft tap. She opened her big eyes and looked around. Nothing. She looked out of the window. Nothing, again. Suppose I imagined it, she mused as she padded on her tip toes to her bed. Then, she heard it again. A sharp tap. It had come from the window. She spun around and rushed to the window. She gripped the handle, and swung it open. She bent over the sill and looked over. Standing beneath her, was a familiar shadowed figure.

"What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night, Rob!" she pledged.

"I know. I had to see you. Don't ask me why, I just did. So, if it's so late, why are you up?" replied Rob.

She sighed, slightly annoyed. "I was thinking, that's all."

"Aren't you tired?" she heard him ask. "Can I come up? It's freezing out here."

"Are you crazy? If my parents saw you in my room, they'd kill us both!"

"Then you come down. We can take a walk. Down by the shore." He suggested.

"I thought you said you were cold!" she countered.

"I am. We can go to my place, instead. I'll even make some hot chocolate. How does that sound?" he asked.

Mona thought for a moment, then made a decision. She closed the window, turned around and slipped out of her pink nighty, and into a pair of jeans and a white sweater with pink bunnies on it. She took her yellow teddy bear under her arm and opened her door stealthily, hoping not to awake her parents, and walked silently down the steps. Downstairs, she unlocked the door and slipped out of the house.

Once outside, she looked around for Rob.

"Mona..." he whispered and touched her shoulders, and she looked up at his familiar face, smiling.

"I missed you!" she flew into his arms. He let her circle her little arms around his waist and then he came down to her height and kissed her cheek. She pulled back and looked at him with smile on her bright face.

"You haven't kissed Toby", she pushed her teddy bear to him so he could kiss it too.

"Come on, let's go now", he said, picking her up and carrying her in his arms. They headed down the walk way, towards his apartment building. As they walked silently down the path, Mona took a moment to observe the ring that Rob had given her. It shone brightly, like her love for him. She turned her head Lightly, and watched him silently. His features were gentle as always and she could feel his love for her.

A warm feeling filled Mona, sort of like when her mommy and daddy kissed her before her bed time, but somehow different. Rob glanced at her and noticed that she was looking at him.

"Are you sleepy, Mona?" he asked, playfully.

"No..." she sighed and tightened her grip around his neck. She looked at him again, and he smiled at her. She let out a sigh and she touched his cheek with her cold little palm. She held out her hand, and Rob took it and kissed her fingers.

Soon, it became even colder, and Mona shivered as a cool wind blew. Rob pulled off his jacket and offered it to her. She looked at him, slightly worried.

"But aren?t you cold? You were before you came and asked me out!" she said, surprised.

"Yes, but you risked getting in trouble to come outside with me. It's the least I can do." He helped her put the oversized jacket on, and she thanked him. They continued walking, and Mona snuggled against him, trying to keep him warm, trying to be as close to him as possible.

Soon, they reached his apartment building, and they walked inside. They stepped into the small elevator, and Rob pushed the button to his floor. There was an uncomfortable silence, till the doors swung open. He let her down on the floor, took out his keys and opened the door.

Inside, it was dark. Mona felt around for a light switch, and when she felt a small knob under her fingertips, she flicked it upwards. To her surprise, the fireplace lit up, and slow, romantic music began to play. She turned to Rob, who was smiling at her.

"That never happened before!" he said in a mock tone. Mona looked at him suspiciously as he walked into the kitchen. He came back with a tray which had to mugs on it, and a bag of marshmallows, "Hmmm, I wonder who could have put this out?" he asked, smiling. Mona looked around the room in some wonder. It was a beautiful apartment, nicely decorated too. Rob sat down beside her, and offered her one of the mugs.

"Thank you" she said as she took a sip. She turned to him. He extended his hand and slowly ran his finger down the side of her beautiful face. She shivered slightly.

"Are you cold?" he asked suddenly.

She shook her head. "I was worried."

He turned away and took a sip from his own mug.

"Mona..." he looked at her, his eyes sparkling. "I... I don't think you realise this... but..." he trailed off.

"What, Rob?" she asked curiously.

"Well... I love you." He said simply. Mona placed her cup down slowly and hugged her teddy bear.

"This has been a night full of surprises..." she commented to herself. She looked into Rob's eyes, and realised, for the first time how beautiful they were. "I... Can I love you too?" She whispered.

Suddenly, Rob leaned forward, moved the teddy bear away, and kissed her softly on the lips. Mona gasped, slightly startled. She picked up her teddy bear again, looked him in the eyes and returned his kiss just as passionately.

The End

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