Jenny: Trip To The Mall, Part 5

[ g, b, oral ]



Published: 18-May-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Jenny looked at the boy next to her. He sure was cute, his little cherub face and the hint of baby still on his body. He was about the age she was when her bondage training had started and she could just imagine all the things that could be done to him if he were to be trained a similar way.

Of course her mother had to decide what to do with him. Jenny had managed to keep him from having to go with the malemen. Her mother had agreed to take him home with them while she thought about other options. It was a risky move, asking her mother to bring a stranger into the house, but she felt it was worth the risk. She was really beginning to like the boy.

Jenny rolled the string she was holding between her fingers, at the other end of the string was the noose the older boys had attached to Johnny's tiny penis earlier, Jenny's mom had left that in place so Jenny could keep him from running off. He had his pants and shoes back on and looked like nothing had ever happened except for his cheeks bulging out. Mother had stuffed his underpants in his mouth to keep him silent, just as a safety precaution. Jenny didn't think he'd try anything, he seemed happy to just be standing there next to her.

Jenny adjusted the clothes she was wearing and looked over her shoulders at the other two boys. They appeared to be suffering greatly but deserved it after what they had done to Jenny and Johnny. She adjusted the backpack she once again wore, all the toys and weights had been put back into it and waited patiently for her mother.

Rather than try and walk with Johnny through the mall and risk being taped on a security camera Jenny's mom was going to pull the van next to the new entrance that wasn't yet finished. She had noticed earlier that there were no cameras yet in this wing so she could get her daughter and the other boy out without evidence.

She sighed as she stopped the van at the nearest spot to the doors and scanned the parking lot as she calmly walked up to the doors, jimmied the lock and walked to the room the children where in. Why was she taking this risk? She could have left the little one to the malemen, made quite a bit more money and never have thought of him again. But her daughter had seemed insistent that she couldn't let this happen and there was something in Jenny's voice that had convinced her to take him. Maybe she was becoming soft. For the last two, nearly three years she had completely controlled her daughter and Jenny had been a nearly perfect slave. Two years ago if Jenny had made such a request she would have been flogged severely, but she had gone through a lot of training since then and if it was important enough for her daughter to take such a risk then it was important enough for her to take a risk. She entered the room and beckoned for the children to follow her.


It was all very surreal to the young boy this morning he had begged his mom go to the mall with his big brother and now he was in the back of this strangers van as it left the mall parking lot. Why had he agreed to go with them? He certainly didn't have to worry about his brother constantly tormenting him, he seemed to have learned his lesson back in the mall and the lady said some people were taking him away, never to be seen again. What about his mom? Would she call the police? Johnny doubted it, his mom hadn't cared too much about anything when she was drunk, and she had been drinking constantly after his dad left six months ago. He looked at the girl sitting next to him, Jenny her name was, she was the only person who had seemed to care about him lately and he cared for her. Although her mom seemed mean she obviously cared for Jenny very much and maybe she'd care for him the same way.

Johnny looked at Jenny who was sitting next to him in the van. To Johnny she was the prettiest thing imaginable. He looked at the string coming out of his pants, she was still holding it, he knew she had complete control over him through that string but really she had had complete control since that kiss in the room.

Jenny adjusted the ill fitting clothes again and sighed, she saw out of the corner of her eye that Johnny was looking at her. She gave a playful light tug on the string and heard Johnny grunt. She turned to smile at him.

Johnny felt the tug on the string and grunted at the increased pressure but then he saw her smiling at him and all the discomfort was forgotten. She leaned forward a little and the shirt that was too large gave Johnny a perfect view of her nipples. His little penis became hard. As she reached over and started to undo his pants it became even harder still.

Jenny undid the little boy's pants and pulled his erect tiny penis out. She gently stroked it as the boy closed his eyes and tilted his head back, enjoying the feelings. Jenny stopped and Johnny opened his eyes to see why Jenny was still smiling at him as she pulled off the ill fitting clothes. Johnny watched, entranced as she stripped down to nothing but the leather thing she wore like underwear. Johnny staring at her chastity belt, amazed at the locks on each side that kept her from getting out of it. Johnny felt Jenny start to lift his shirt off and he made no attempt to stop her. Once his shirt was off she looked down at his pants. She had already seen him naked down there so without hesitation Johnny slipped off his shoes and pants, not waiting for a prompt from the girl.

Jenny's mom looked at the children in the rearview mirror, thankful the vans windows were tinted to passing motorists couldn't see in. It was at least an hour before they'd be home and she planned to take a longer way home to be sure the boy wouldn't know where they lived. She expected them to start playing on the way home and figured as long as the boy had no clothes on there was little chance of him trying to escape.

Jenny sat on her knees on the floor of the van and spread Johnny's legs. He gasped through the underwear that were still in his mouth as Jenny's tongue expertly massaged his small prick. He closed his eyes and basked in the pleasure as she took his entire member into his mouth and expertly sucked on it. Johnny had never felt anything like this. A tension was building in him, and was just about to burst out when Jenny stopped, he looked down at the girl, pleading with his eyes for relief, she smiled at him and started again. Again he felt the tension building, nearly bubbling over, he humped his hip at her mouth instinctively, the feelings building and building. He felt like he was on the edge of something great. He was almost there he knew it and then she stopped. He cried in frustration and tried to push Jenny's head back down onto his crotch. The moment he did this he felt a quick sharp pull on the noose. He quickly let go of her, placing his hands on his crotch from the pain.

Jenny glared at the boy, the smile gone off her face. He could feel pleasure but he'd feel it on her terms, trying to push her back down was a big mistake. She climbed onto the van seat, straddling the little boys lap, putting her nipples at the same height as his mouth. Johnny was confused at first but then she touched one of her nipples to is lips and he understood. He gently licked her left nipple then took it into his mouth and began lightly sucking on it. His hand instinctively began kneading and massaging her right breast. She pulled back and he stopped, moving her right breast over his mouth he began to orally work on her other breast while massaging the left one. After having him switch between her breasts for almost 30 minutes his mouth was sore but when she moved away from him she saw a smile on her face. He was happy to have pleased her and was even happier when she got back on her knees in front of him. He spread his legs to allow her access and was once again thrust into bliss by her talented mouth. He watched her this time, watched as her mouth gently caressed his prick, enjoying the feeling of her running her tongue over his glans, wrapping it around his shaft. When she pulled back again before he came he obediently watched her and didn't make any effort to keep her going. Finally she went back down and sucked again. This time she kept going, she built him up to the tipping point and used her skilled mouth to bring him right over it.

Johnny was awash with a feeling he had never experienced before. It was the greatest thing he had ever felt. He writhed and moaned through his gag at the pleasure. As he came down from his very first ever orgasm he was disappointed, he wanted it to go on forever and tried to will his penis, which was quickly becoming limp to get hard again.

Jenny rose off her knees to kiss the little boy, knowing this was probably his first orgasm and how special it would always be in his memory. As she leaned over him to kiss him Johnny put his arms around the girl and they embraced in a passionate kiss. AS the two kissed Johnny felt himself become hard again. Jenny pulled away and looked down at the little boy's penis, amazed at how quickly he recovered. She was about to go back down to suck him off when the command came from the front seat.

"Jenny, blindfold him." She commanded

Johnny's heart raced as Jenny picked up his shirt and tied it around his head. Johnny was thrust into darkness, the he felt Jenny's touch. Jenny was lightly playing with his prick, sending shivers of pleasure through his young frame. Johnny was almost completely oblivious to the outside world as Jenny continued to play with him. He vaguely felt the van go over a bump and travel up a slight incline, vaguely heard a garage door closing. Then Jenny stopped and he felt himself being helped out of the van and into a house.

Jenny watched as her mother escorted Johnny into the hose and down the stairs into the basement. Jenny knew what was down there and wondered if any of the items in the dungeon would be used on Johnny. When her mom came back up a few minutes later, alone, Jenny knew Johnny would be staying down there until her mother made up her mind. Jenny tried to push her new friend from her mind as she went about performing her duties. Even though it had been a long day Jenny was still a slave and had much to be done before her parents would chain her to her bed that night.

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Great story, even if I'm not a fan of the male being the sub. Must know more about Jenny's life prior to this. Her earlier training and such. A prequel, please?


Amazing story. Jenny is a great character. I personally was not a big fan of the guys being added but I loved the bondage and punishment. I hope you will write more chapters soon.

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