Jenny: Trip To The Mall, Part 2

[ F/g, bd, toys, ped ]



Published: 18-May-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Jenny followed her mother into the mall. The air conditioned mall was much cooler than the summer heat outside and Jenny's nipples became hard. She looked down and saw they stood out prominently from the thin tight T-shirt she was wearing. Although only 8 years old, the frequent tortures and stimulation her nipples had received over the years had made them very prominent. She became scared her mother, seeing he nipples so erect, would become embarrassed, any embarrassment to either of her parent s would result in severe punishment and with a heavy backpack full of unknown toys and torture devices she didn't want to find out what the punishment would be. She quickly pulled her long, fine, blonde hair so that it hung in front of her shoulders and partially covered both nipples.

As she followed her mom through the mall they passed the food court. In there Jenny was surprised to see a bunch of girls wearing little more than swimsuits and sandals. Little did Jenny know that the Catholic Girls School's swim team had a meet earlier in the day and had taken the team to the mall afterwards as a treat. The girls had just finished lunch and began to wonder in groups around the mall. Jenny's mom was well aware of the swim meet today and knew the girls would be at them mall. It was part of her plan for Jenny's punishment if she were to misbehave today.

Jenny's mom smiled at the thought. It wasn't if she misbehaved, it was when. Although Jenny had progressed very far in her training her mother was always able to find ways to test Jenny's endurance. She was sure that Jenny wouldn't be able to keep the remote button in her mouth pressed the entire visit to the mall and once pressure was released from it the dildo trapped inside her would come alive, resulting in behavior that would be considered embarrassing.

Sure enough Jenny's tongue was beginning to tire from holding the button in her mouth. And as she tried to mover her tongue a little to ease the pain the dildo kicked on. Jenny was surprised by the sudden feelings but was able to shut it off before the feeling became too much.

However she did stop walking behind her mother during this and realized to her terror that she was getting dangerously far away from the remote her mother carried that would also activate the dildo. She struggled to run after her mom, her heavy backpack, and bound thighs, making it very difficult. She finally did catch up to her mother and continued walking behind her while trying to catch her breath.

After visiting most of the stores on the first floor Jenny's mother headed towards some stairs to visit the second floor. By now Jenny was beginning to wear out and as her mother approached the stairs she didn't slow down her pace one bit. As Jenny came to the first step she realized her bound thighs were going to make this very difficult. She struggled her way onto the first step, using the railing to pull herself up. Her mother was already four steps above her. Jenny struggled to speed up, watching her feet as she carefully climbed step after step. A quick glance up showed her mother was already halfway up the stairs while Jenny was only a quarter of the way. Jenny continued on, struggling with the effort. As Jenny got to the halfway point she looked to see her mother at the top of the stairs. She was relieved to see her mother had stopped to look at a small advertisement near the top. Jenny continued her efforts.

Jenny's mom, while pretending to look at an advertisement, looked down the stairs at her daughter. She was struggling at the halfway point of the stairs and she knew it wouldn't be long before Jenny wouldn't be able to keep up with her. She was tempted to start walking off now, quickly moving too far away from her daughter and leaving her helpless on the stairs as the dildo kicked on. She decided to toy with the girl some more first. She waited until Jenny was on the second to last stair before quickly turning and walking away.

Jenny was nearly to the top, just two more steps to go. A sense of triumph was building in her and for a moment she had a feeling of hope that she'd be able to keep up with her mom the entire shopping trip. Theses hopes were quickly smashed as her mom strode away and Jenny felt the dildo begin to operate. She struggled to ignore the feelings and finish the climb. Once on the second floor she began running after her mom, trying to get back within range of the remote. This time her mother was even farther away than the first time and Jenny was already very worn out. Her plight was made worse by the feeling building from her cunny. She was getting closer though, her mother was only 100 feet away. Then 75. She pushed on, her mother now only 50 feet away. Suddenly she felt her footing give out and too her horror she was falling to the floor.

As she hit the floor her mouth opened and the remote slid across the floor, then over the edge of one of the second floor railing. She heard it land with a splash in the fountain below. The feelings of the dildo were too much and she was squirming around on the ground. She felt hands lifting her and was surprised to see it was two of the girls off the swim team.

"Are you okay?" one of the girls asked

"Y-yeah," Jenny said while trying to stand on shaky legs and hide what the motion of the dildo was doing to her.

"This backpack weighs a ton, what's in it?" The other girl asked.

"Just some school books and stuff," Jenny answered. Just then she saw her mom glaring at her from a few feet away. "I've got to go, thanks."

Jenny struggled to walk over to her mom as the two girls walked off saying "See-ya".

As Jenny made it to her mother and stood in front of her, still fighting the feelings from the dildo. Despite being close to her mother's transmitter there would be no way to turn it off unless she could get her remote from the fountain.

Jenny continued to struggle as her mom grabbed her arm and nearly dragged her across the mall. They entered a newer section of the mall that was still under construction. Jenny and her mom continued to walk farther into the new section and gradually the sounds of the other customers faded away. Her mother began trying different doors, all of which were unlabeled, until she finally found one that was unlocked. Jenny was dragged into this room by her mother and suddenly plunged into darkness while her mother closed and locked the door behind the two.

Jenny was quickly blinded by the bright, cold florescent lights being switched on. Still having the feeling in her cunny build, she nervously looked about the room. It was a small room still under construction. There were exposed pipes and scaffolding all about the place and tools and other building supplies lay all about. There was no drywall up yet and Jenny could see the fiberglass insulation exposed in the walls still. Jenny's mom led here to a nearby table and gave the order Jenny was dreading.

"Prepare yourself for punishment!" her mother shouted.

Jenny noted the way her words sounded in the room and assumed, correctly, that it was pretty well soundproofed. Jenny quickly placed her backpack and sandals on the table next to her and neatly folded her sundress to place it alongside. She then bowed in front of her mother, the standard punishment position, and recited a the line she had become very familiar with.

"This slave is not worthy of your attention but needs to be punished."

The vibrator continued to work at her insides and Jenny felt herself nearing orgasm. Jenny thought hard to push away the feelings, knowing that an unauthorized release would result in worse punishment.

"You've been lagging, slowing me down, all day, slave," her mother began, "I probably should have punished you when you first walked in here and showed you nipples off to everyone you worthless whore."

Jenny gasped, partially form the dildo, and partially because she hadn't though her mother had noticed.

"And then you embarrassed me by climbing the stairs so slowly and tripping while trying to catch up. Also, back there you talked to strangers, two of them!" her mother continued, "What is the punishment for talking to strangers?"

Jenny wracked her mind to think what the punishment was. She knew it was against the rules but couldn't remember what the punishment was or if she had even been told it.

"This slave doesn't know the answer to mistress's question." Jenny finally answered. Tears welling up in her eyes

"What do you think the punishment should be?" her mother asked.

Jenny carefully weighed the question, trying to look at it the way her mother would. If she suggested too light a punishment she would get a much more severe punishment and if she answered too harshly she would suffer more than necessary. After deliberating she carefully answered .

"This slave deserves 20 hits for talking to the strangers." Jenny carefully answered, again feeling the dildo push her dangerously close to release.

Jenny's mother smiled, "That sounds reasonable, 20 hits for talking to strangers, and since there were two of them you'll receive 40!"

Jenny nearly missed the last part from concentrating on holding back the feelings that had built up from the vibrations. She didn't know if she could bear 40 hits.

Her mother quickly led her to some scaffolding. She pulled a pair of leather cuffs out of the backpack and placed them on Jenny's wrists, a similar pair were placed on her ankles. Then Jenny was forced to stand on a crate while her mother attached the clips on her wrist cuffs to bolt-holes in the overhead scaffolding. Jenny's arms were spread painfully apart and she was forced to stand on her tip-toes.

Suddenly her mother kicked the box out from under her, and Jenny was hanging by her arms. Picking up a piece of pipe, laying near by, Jenny's mom placed one end of it against Jenny's right ankle cuff and held it in place with some duct tape that was lying nearby. She then spread Jenny's legs and secured the other end to her left cuff, again securing it with the duct tape. Jenny's legs were spread painfully far apart. Jenny's mom then removed two of the seven five pound weights that were in the backpack and hung one from each of the ankle cuffs.

Jenny groaned with the weight and struggled to resist the stimulation her cunny was getting. Her mother walked around in front of her and showed two nipple clamps, connected by a chain to the bound girl. Jenny's mom began rubbing and pinching her nipples to get them to once again stand erect from the stretched skin of the small girls chest. The stimulation was too much for Jenny to ignore and as her nipples became hard she was pushed over the edge into the throws of her orgasm. She was so overtaken with it that she didn't even feel her mother attach the nipple clamps. Seeing no the pain wasn't registering with the girl, Jenny's mom Pulled another weight from the back pack and hung it from the chain between the nipple clamps.

As Jenny came down from her intense orgasm she became aware of the intense pain in her chest. She looked down to see the five pound weight hung from the cruel clamps mercilessly stretching her nipples downward.

"Slave, what is the punishment for cumming without permission?"

Her mother's question brought Jenny completely back to reality.

"This slave should receive 25 hits for cumming without mistress's permission," Came her answer.

"So how many hits does the slave deserve now?"

"65," came Jenny's answer after quickly adding them up.

"Each of the three weights hung on you are for each of the three times you've embarrassed me today," Jenny's mother said, "And now you'll receive your whipping."

Jenny obediently opened her mouth to allow her mother to insert the gag. She listened carefully as her mother drew a riding crop out of the back pack, heard the footsteps of her mother walking up behind her. She listened to the whistling of the crop through the air, braced for the impact, but felt nothing.

Jenny's mother laughed as she watched the young girl flinch as she swung the crop through the air. Twice more she swung the crop making the noise without hitting the girl, finally the fourth practice swing the young girl didn't flinch.

Jenny counted the times she heard her mother swing the crop, practicing for when she had to count the actual hits. Finally, on the seventh swing she felt the impact. Completely unprepared for the pain Jenny almost didn't remember to count as four more blows rained down on her back. Five, she was at five hits she thought to herself. Her mother quickly brought five more blows down on the child's back, bringing the count up to ten. Five more followed, now at 15. Jenny was glad her mother was doing this in groups of five, it would make it easier to keep track, but she knew she had to be careful. If her mother hit her only three or four times in an effort to fool the child her punishment would become worse.

Twenty, twenty-five, thirty. Her mother kept the pattern up. The girl was having difficulty keeping track of the individual hits and the feelings from the dildo were beginning to build again.

Another group of blows came down. Jenny nearly counted 35 to herself when she realized that wasn't a full five hits. 34 she said to herself. Her mother continued raining down groups of five until she got to 64 hits. The girl was nearly senseless as her mother began to remove the gag from her mouth. Once the her mouth was free Jenny quickly mustered her senses.

"Mistress this slave is not through being punished. This slave only received 64 of the 65 hits."

Jenny's mom smiled, walked around behind the girl and gave her one final blow to her back. The force of the blow nearly made Jenny cum again but she held back.

"For taking all of your punishment so well and ensuring you received the full punishment you are allowed to freely cum the rest of the day," Jenny's mom said.

No sooner had she heard the words then Jenny she and convulsed with her second powerful orgasm of the day.

"I think I'll leave you here to enjoy your privilege until I'm done shopping," her mother said, "I hope you don't mind hanging out here."

"This slave thanks its mistress." Jenny managed to say as her mother left the room.

Jenny hung in her bonds, enjoying the feelings from her cunny, as she came a third time she noticed that her shaking caused the weights on her nipples and ankles to pull. She gently swung in the air as a fourth orgasm built. She had never been allowed to cum four times in a day and was beginning to feel sore. Still the dildo continued its effects and she groaned as it continued it's vibrating and pulsing. She noted that it was beginning to slow down and become less intense, and assumed the batteries were dying. This made it even worse, now it was bringing her even more slowly towards another painful climax. For nearly three hours it slowly worked away inside her. During this time she became aware of how sore all her joints were and how much her nipples hurt. She was very close to her fifth orgasm when the dildo died completely, she was glad for the reprieve but felt she still desired relief. In her frustration she shook in her bonds. She tried vainly to reach another orgasm. The pain in all her joints was too much. Tears were streaming down her face when she heard the door open and shut behind her.

Jenny was flooded with relief at the thought that her mother was finally here and her bondage could end.

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