Published: 18-May-2012
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Jenny hated going shopping with her mom. She sat in silence in the back of the van as her mother drove towards the mall. Her mother could spend hours shopping, slowly wondering from store to store, at the end of her mothers shopping excursions Jenny would be completely exhausted but she was still expected to continue her normal duties once she returned home.
Jenny looked out at the passing scenery, concentrating on keeping her mouth firmly shut, remembering her mothers warning earlier.
"It's important you're on your best behavior while we're out. This will keep you quiet and polite," she had said as she inserted the device in Jenny's tiny mouth. The device was a remote button. She had to keep her mouth shut at all times to keep the remote in place and had to use her tongue to push the button to the roof of her mouth. If the button were released, or the remote slipped out IT would turn on.
IT was the large dildo held into her pussy by the chastity belt she had been locked into on her pussy she had been locked into two years ago on her sixth birthday. Once the button was released it would start vibrating and pulsing and she wouldn't be able to stand it. Of course her mother had another remote transmitter that could activate it, and if she were to wonder too far from that remote it would also activate. She knew that if it were activated her squirming would embarrass her mother and she would be punished for it.
A strong vibration jarred her back to her senses. Her mother was glaring at her in the mirror, the second remote in her hand.
"You're not even listening to me! We'll deal with this once we get home," she smiled, still glaring at her Jenny, "I said, you're going to wear your backpack the entire time we're shopping and are not to sit or rest the entire time we're in the mall."
Jenny looked nervously at the back-pack on the seat next to her. It was a normal looking children's back pack but her mother had packed it with 35 pounds of weights and Jenny would soon be sore form lugging it around. To make matters worse her mother often insisted that they use the stair rather than the escalators and elevators.
Jenny groaned as the van pulled into the parking space at the mall, her mother had chosen the first open spot, near the far edge of the parking lot, and Jenny realized she'd have to not only walk all the way to the mall, she'd have to make the same walk to return to the van. She carefully climbed out of the van and grabbed her backpack when her mother opened the door. As she slid the backpack onto her shoulders she was surprised by the weight of it.
"I put a few extra toys in there just in case they're needed," her mother stated, "And I won't hesitate to use any one of them for any reason. Now come on!"
Jenny struggled to keep up with her mother. Her mother took long strides and made no attempt to slow down for the girl. Jenny's plight was made worse by the fact that under her short pink skirt her thighs had been tied together, further shortening her stride. She practically ran to keep up with her mother, her only relief knowing once she was in the mall, her mother normally walked much slower as she looked around.
Jenny thought back to the last time her mother had brought toys to the mall.
Her mother had prepared a surprisingly large breakfast and had encouraged Jenny to eat, in addition she poured Jenny glass after glass of Jenny's favorite, Cherry Kool-Aide. On the way to the mall her mother had given her a large bottle of water and told her it had to be all drunk by the time they got to the mall. Jenny opened the Liter bottle and began obediently drinking. Once at the mall her mother had continued to give her bottles of water out of her backpack, insisting that she drank them all. Jenny was happy to continue drinking, feeling her backpack grow lighter with each bottle she drank. After about three liters of water Jenny realized what was happening. She had to go to the bathroom but realized asking her mother if she could use the bathroom would be breaking the rules. Still her mother made her drink and she continued to suffer. After five liters she had to fight the urge to throw up with each drink. Finally, all ten liters of water that were in her backpack were gone. Jenny and her mother had grabbed some burgers from the food court and to add to Jenny's torment her mother insisted they sit by one of the fountains in the mall to eat. After finishing her burger Jenny was aware that the seat of her pants felt damp. He mother stood and Jenny immediately followed, looking at the small wet spot as she began to walk away. Her mother, seeing Jenny look back, looked as well. Seeing the wet spot she immediately looked at Jenny's pants, and began marching her to the nearest bathroom. Jenny felt totally humiliated, sure everyone could see she had wet herself, and afraid of what her mother would do. After checking to ensure the bathroom was totally empty Jenny's mother locked the door, and turned to face Jenny. Jenny was shaking with fear.
"You've embarrassed me today and the day isn't even half over!" Her mother shouted, then, gaining control of her emotions continued in a lower tone, "Prepare yourself for punishment."
Jenny instantly completely undressed, neatly folding her clothes and placing them on the counter next to her back-pack. She then bowed down before her mother and recited, "Mistress, this slave is not worthy of your attention but needs to be punished."
Her mother/mistress took a step towards the shivering child and opened the backpack. She pulled out a ball gag, lifted Jenny's head off the floor by her hair and placed the gag in her mouth. Jenny returned to her position when her mother released her hair and stayed still while her mother fastened the leather straps of the gag behind her head. Her mother then ordered her to stand. Her mother opened a on of the stall doors and threw a rope over the bar on top of the door. She positioned Jenny in the open stall door and tied the ropes to Jenny's wrists. She then tied Jenny's ankles to each side of the doorframe, spreading her legs and forcing Jenny to stand on her toes.
Jenny heard water running behind her and was surprised when she looked up to see her mother hanging an enema bag to the bar over Jenny's head.
"Oh dear, it seems we left the KY Jelly at home," her mother said with a grin.
Jenny grunted as she felt the large nozzle enter her bottom and felt the warm water flow into her. She then heard water running again. Her mother hung a second bag over her head and as the first bag emptied she switched over the second, taking the first bag back to the sink to refill it. After taking three full enema bags her mother quickly pulled out the nozzle. Jenny clenched her bottom to prevent any of the fluid from leaking out. She looked behind her just in time to see her mother pull out a large butt-plug. Jenny groaned through her gag again as her mother inserted the plug. A swishing noise was the only warning Jenny had before a sharp pain across her bottom indicated her mother planned to whip her as well. Blow after blow landed across her bottom as Jenny squirmed in her bonds. Knowing her mother would ask once the gag was removed Jenny tried to keep count of the blows.
The whipping continued mercilessly as Jenny tried to keep count.
Jenny's head hung limply as and she looked down at her distended belly while she continued to count to herself.
Jenny's bladder which had little relief from the small accident earlier, was in pain, begging for release.
Jenny felt a small amount of urine flow out and run down her leg. She concentrated on holding her bladder more and hoped mother didn't notice.
She lost control and her bladder emptied itself onto the floor. Her mother quickly stepped away and watched as Jenny continued to humiliate herself. Once the flow had stopped Jenny once again heard water running. Her mother was splashing water on the floor and Jenny watched as it ran down the drain of the stall in front of her, tears rolling down her face.
Once the water was mostly drained Jenny's mother stepped up behind her. Jenny shivered as she felt the riding crop trace her spine from her butt to the nape of here neck. With a quick flick of the wrist brought it her across Jenny's shoulder blades. Jenny tried to remember the number 16 as her mother lay into her back with a series of quick blows. Jenny counted eight when her mother started talking.
"You just continue to embarrass me! Forcing me smell you while you act like an animal," her mother said, continue to rain blows down on the child. Jenny continued to count and was at 18, remembering 16 still.
The blows continued as Jenny's concentration began to falter. She was at 23, 16, why was that number important 16, now 24 blows, what was she trying to remember? She began to panic as she realized she had forgotten something that was very important. 27,28,29,30, Jenny tried to keep count of the blows across her back now not even sure if that count was correct. At 33 her mother stopped. A sense of dread and relief mixed as her mother removed the gag from her mouth. Once she was released from her bonds Jenny quickly took up her pose on the floor.
"This slave thanks it's mistress for the lesson," Jenny recited before kissing her mothers shoes.
Jenny was still shaking as her mother looked down on her.
"How many times did I whip the slave?" her mother asked.
"The slave was whipped 33 times on its back," Jenny stuttered, unsure of herself.
"And what of the whipping on the slaves bottom?"
Jenny began to shake as she tried to remember what the number was she had forgotten.
"Do you need a reminder?" her mother asked as she began moving Jenny back towards the ropes.
Jenny was in a panic as she was lead back towards the stall. Some writing on the stall wall caught her eye.
'Jenny was here' it read, the irony not lost on the small girl. Under it was written a date.
The date stuck in Jenny's mind even as she allowed her hands to be secured over her head. The number was there! She knew it but didn't know which.
She felt her left leg be tied once again. It couldn't be 98 she thought to herself. Her mind was racing between the 12 and 16, unsure which it would be.
She felt the ropes on her right leg, spreading her and once again forcing her to rise up on her toes.
Her mother was reaching around her with the ball gag, Jenny's time was running out. Her mind raced as she made a decision.
"16!" she nearly shouted, "The slave was whipped 16 times on her bottom"
"16 times? Are you sure slave?" Jenny's mom asked.
"Jenny was shaking, "Yes mistress, the slave received 16 to it's bottom and 33 to it's back. Thank you mistress."
Jenny felt more confident in her answer after saying the phrase and was relieved when her mother pulled away the gag.
Jenny was completely unprepared for the three sharp swats that followed, landing on the back of her thighs. She nearly cried out but quickly bit her lip and held back.
"Do you know what that was for?" her Mother asked.
"N-no mistress," Jenny stuttered.
"What is the punishment for lying?"
"Th-three hits," Jenny answered, suddenly realizing what had happened. Her mother had realized she wasn't sure of the answer and had caught her in that lie. "This slave thanks you for the punishment and is sorry for lying to its mistress."
Jenny's mom quickly untied the girl and threw the ropes in the bag. Jenny had resumed her bowing on the floor.
"Get up, we still have a lot more shopping to do," her mother snapped. "And clean yourself up!"
Jenny used some damp paper towels to clean the drying urine and traces of blood off her legs. As she bent down she became aware of the enema still in her and the small cramps that were starting. She knew a few hours of walking around with this and she'd be struggling to follow her mom around. As she stood back up she looked at her back, a network of marks criss-crossed her back and bottom and the three welts on her legs were bright red. Surprisingly only a few were bleeding and most of those had already begun to clot.
She caught her T-shirt as her mom threw it at her but was surprised when her mom put her pants in the backpack. She put her shoes and socks on her feet and wondered what her mom planned to have her do. Surely she wouldn't have her walk around the mall with no pants on!
"Tie this around your waste, make sure no one can see you have no pants on," her mother said, handing her the jacket she had worn into the mall.
Jenny quickly tied the jacket on, thankful it could easily wrap around her thin waste and checking to make sure it didn't reveal too much of her bare thighs. Although it was a cool day out most of the other shoppers would assume Jenny had worn shorts to the mall, Jenny would have to be careful though, a wrong move would easily reveal her secret, bringing on still further punishment. She walked towards her back pack and was surprised at the pain the coarse fabric of the jacket caused to her raw butt cheeks. When she placed the backpack on her shoulders she grimaced at the pain the weight on her sore backside caused.
Jenny spent the next threes hours following her mother around the mall. The fluid in her belly, combined with the backpack and jacket rubbing on her raw backside made it one of the most unbearable shopping trips she had ever experienced. She was grateful when she and her mom finally left the mall and hardly felt it as she stood in the frigid air while her mom pretended to be unable to find her car keys, the wind whipping at her bare legs and arms.
Jenny and her mom had finally arrived at the front doors to the mall. Ever since that trip to the mall Jenny never doubted whether her mother could or would punish her anywhere at anytime. She smiled to herself as she entered the mall. It was a warm day and all she had on was her short sun-dress and a pair of sandals. Even if her mother decided to punish her in the mall again today, there was no way her mother could make her go around in less clothing.
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