Published: 19-Sep-2011
Word Count:
This story contains graphic descriptions of sex between a young teen female and a grown man. If this type of behavior offends you, read no further. If this type of material is illegal where you live, please stop now and go away.
I spotted my dream car on Ebay nearly a month ago. I made a substantial bid for the car, then sweated out the bidding period. Finally, the bidding ended and I rejoiced in winning the bid on the car. I contacted the owner, then made arrangements to get there. I flew in, then took a minibus to the address provided me.
I met the car owner, then inspected the car. I found that he had fudged on a couple of the details, so he knocked the price down five hundred dollars. The nearly resored 1948 Buick started on the first crank of the ignition key. As giddy as a kid with a new toy, I pulled out of the driveway onto the street. The car was not only responsive, but handled like a dream.
I took it out on the highway, measuring how it responded at certain speeds. I decided to drive home at a leisurely pace, and as such, I still had all of Sunday to do that, but it was Saturday evening, and there was no point in not breaking up the trip.
I found a nice hotel, and bribed the hotel clerk into saving a primo parking spot for the car, then I went to a sports bar near the hotel to watch a football game. After I was seated in the sports bar, I saw something even more lovely than my new dream car.
She walked over to my table and asked if I wanted something to drink. I was stunned by the beauty I laid eyes on. Her appearance screamed "pixie". She stood just over five feet with a soft round face that sent the message that there was some oriental blood in her. Her almond shaped eyes were brown, she had a sculpted nose and her lips were full. Long light brown hair fell to her C cup breasts, which pushed against an all too tight white waitress shirt. Her waist narrowed to some lovely hips hugged by her short black skirt.
"I'll have an ice tea please" I managed to get out, then I watched her tight little butt jiggle as she walked away.
When she returned, I told her, "Forgive me, but you are the most beautiful waitress I've ever had in my life".
She smiled, thanked me, then took my order. She returned a little while later with my order. I asked her her name.
"Becky", she replied, then asked, "What's yours?"
"I'm Chris" I told her.
We then made small talk, and I told her about buying the car. The game had already started, during which she made return trips. Between trips, and during commercials, I kind of watched the cute little pixie. I liked the way her cute little butt wiggled. I imagined casting her in a porn movie. That would be delicious.
While I watched her, I noticed something else. She counted her tip money twice and she was adding figures on cocktail napkins, which she ended up discarding. With a worried look, I saw her walk a couple of times, and once a discussion with another waitress which looked like an intense discussion. When she made her next trip to my table, I asked if she was alright. At first, she tried to wave it off, but then she broke after I pried. She looked around, then sat at my table.
"School, my car, insurance, just everything", she confessed, "it will be the first in five days, and I need to make at least two hundred in the next five days. Three hundred will get me through, but I don't think I'll make it. I need to put gas in my car, and....it's just hard."
"I'm sorry", I told her, "I could leave you a nice tip, but I don't think it will help."
"It's not your fault", she said.
"Ummm", I thought for a moment, "I, uh, hate to sound crass, but you're a very lovely girl. Have you thought about stripping ? "
She paused a moment, looked around, then replied, "Yeah, I thought about it. The only problem is that I have four older brothers. My brothers and their friends go to strip clubs all the time. I would just die if they saw me."
"Okay, umm", I answered, "how about a private show ?"
"A private show ?" she asked with a confused look.
"Strippers do it all the time. For instance, if you came to my hotel room tonight, and did some dancing, I'd pay you a hundred per hour."
"Dancing ?"
"It would be fully nude. The thing is, it wouldn't be a club, and no one would see you but me."
She got a look. "I don't know, I don't think so."
"It was just an offer. Sorry if I offended you."
"It's alright, thanks. I better get back."
She got up and returned to her waitress station. I returned to watching my game. I noticed her look a couple of times. A little time passed and my team had gone up by nineteen points with five minutes left inthe game. I waved Becky over and asked for the check, which she quickly produced. I gave her a pair of twenties and she disappeared to make change. When she returned, I purposely produced a wad of money. I peeled off a hundred and gave it to her.
"That's your tip for tonight, and some help on your problem.". I then slipped her my business card and continued, "There is more where that came from. If you change your mind, I'm just a phone call away."
I then left the sports bar, made a short pit stop, then headed to my hotel room. I was actually kind of antsy when I got there. Part of me wanted to go out. The part that over ruled told me that I had a classic car and it stood less of achance getting messed with at the hotel than in a club parking lot. Most likely I would have to valet it, and there was no way I wanted some no count valet laying his hands on my prize. I forced myself to sit down and channel surf.
Just a little over an hour later, my cell phone rang.
"Hey Chris, it's Becky."
"Hey Becky."
"I'm still thinking about it."
"You don't have to do anything you don't want. The full nude part though, is non negotiable."
"A hundred bucks an hour ?" she asked.
"Yep, and if you do a good job, there might be more."
"Okay, I should be there in a few."
I then told her how to come to my hotel room. After hanging up, I worked quickly. I had a bucket of ice and I had picked up a four pack of wine coolers after leaving the sports bar. I put two of the wine coolers in ice. I also plugged in my camera. It had a full charge earlier in the day-I was just making sure. I also plugged in my video camera. I was going to get the full effect of this visit.
Fifteen minutes later, Becky knocked on my door. I let her in and seated her on the bed. Ithen offered her a wine cooler.
"Oh thank God", she said as she accepted the bottle.
She ravenously ripped the top off and downed half of the wine cooler, causing her to wince. I could tell she was a little nervous.
"You alright ? ", I asked.
"Yeah, fine. So, how do you want to do this ?"
I explained that I wanted to start with her modeling, that I would snap a pic with every article of clothing that she took off. I always found those kinds of pictorials the most erotic.
I then unplugged the camera and started snapping away. When she was down to her bra and panties, I had her stop. She was wearing a bra one size too small for her overflowing cups. I came up behind her and unsnapped the bra. I gently took the bra off of her, then reached around and cupped her natural D cuppers.
Her breasts were so much larger than I thought. The bra had hidden their true size. Now unleashed from the restraint of the bra, they jutted out magnificently from her chest. They were so soft to the touch. I groped them for a couple of minutes before returning to pose her. I took several pics of her anatomical wonders, then turned my attention south.
I had her tease me with her panties before revealing that she had a shaved snizz. I was impressed that her kitty didn't have a five o'clock shadow, like so many shaved snatches do. It looked as bald as the day she was born-as if hair one had never grown there.
I was oozing precum, but it was important to get this right. I had her layback and I took several shots of her pussy, the last two of which were close up. I then had her hold that position while I put up the camera and turned on the video camera.
I buried my face in her mound. She pushed my face against her mound, hissed, and arched her back. I responded with a vigorous licking of her pussy to which she let out a long low moan. I started circling her clit with my tongue. Her breathing became quick and shallow. Suddenly, she gripped my head with her thighs, going into an orgasm that caused her to ungulate and turn to the side. I quickly undressed for the most important part.
I mounted her, seeing a look of trust and luck in her eyes. She put her hand on her mound and panted as the head of my dick entered her tight pussy. She let out a scream as the shaft continued on, filling her. She gripped my arms tightly.
"Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me", she requested.
I obeyed, going slow at first. As I began to increase my speed, she had her second orgasm and asked me to stop for a second. When the spasms stopped, I continued. By this time, she had dug her heels into the back of my thighs and was pulling me into her. I had a mind shattering orgasm that caused me to lose my breath and just lay on her. My dick shrank and popped out of her, along with our mixed fluids. She let me catch my breath.
"How old are you?" she asked. When I told her, she spit out "God, you're nearly three times my age. Are all old dudes as good as you?"
I nodded.
"Shit, scratch high school boys off my list, I'm getting myself an old rich boyfriend."
A thought suddenly occured. "How old are you ?" I asked.
"Sixteen ?"
"Just turned, last week."
"Don't worry, I won't screw this up for you. If you like, we can do this every weekend, what do you think ?"
"I think it's a good idea."
"Looks like you're hard again. I think you better fuck me again."
I entered her for the second time as she giggled.
I fucked her twice more that night, and still do every weekend.
The End.
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