Paul's Story

[ Mg, exh, sed, cons, rom ]

Published: 8-Aug-2011

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The following is entirely a work of fiction. It was written purposely for the entertainment of adult readers. This type of fiction should never be read by minors. Readers of this type of fiction should never try to copy the actions within, lest they look forward to a very long jail sentence, followed by a life of forced poverty.

This story contains graphic descriptions of sex between a preteen female and a grown man. If this type of behavior offends you, read no further. If this type of material is illegal where you live, please stop now and go away.

Sunday, March 1, 2009, 1 p.m.

"Go on in, she'll be right with you", Katherine said as she locked the front door behind me.

The Kit Kat Club wouldn't be open for business for another six hours. It helped to be a minority owner, but that wasn't the reason I was in so early. Today was to be a special day, an audition.Today, I would meet the girl who would most likely be the co-star in a movie I was going to produce.

The events actually started a little over a year ago. When some money had come my way, one of my investments was a forty percent share of the club. It was shortly after that I met Joe. Joe is a film major at the local university. He pays his bills by being a clerk at the adult book store next door.

I had gone in the store and bought a couple of porn videos that starred some young women who look far younger than their adult age. This opened a line of discussion and we had a meeting of the minds that we like "young stuff". Over time I told him about the desire I had to film a realistic Lolita movie. For me, the 1960's movie was far too tame and the 1990's movie was way too depressing.

It had been my opinion that a lolita story could have a happy ending. We brain stormed on ideas and I banged out a screen play. In my version of the story, the mother of the girl wouldn't die, she would wander off. The girl would seduce her reluctant stepfather, and the couple would find love. Also, because I knew my story would get crapped on by any film festival, it would be a straight to video venture that would actually have nude scenes by the girl, and a sex scene. I realized that I would lose at least half of the money I invested in the venture, but this was going to be a labor of love for me.

I wasn't going to sugar coat the story. I figured if it was permissible for Hollyweird to crank out torture porn movies, why couldn't we see a movie where a young girl not only wants sex, but crosses the taboo of seducing a father figure? Yes, this kind of thing was actually rare in reality, but it did happen. In reality, it happened much more often than the kind of torture seen in your run of the mill torture porn movie.

I poured myself a soda at the bar. I went into the VIP lounge and sat in one of the booths. The VIP lounge has eight spacious booths and a mini stage in the center of the floor. Normally, the VIP lounge is kept in near total darkness, like most of the club, but today the lights would remain on.

I was seated just a few minutes when Motley Crue's "She's Got The Looks That Kill" started playing. Seconds later, she walked in the VIP lounge. She stepped up on the stage and started a bump and grind. She was a vision of loveliness, dressed only in a white, two piece, babydoll negligee, her long blonde hair tied in braids down past her shoulders. Her face was that of one usually found on a china doll, with hazel eyes, a tiny nose, and plump rose colored lips. She had a petite figure, obviously just into puberty as her tiny breast buds were well hid by the outfit, obviously made for someone more developed.

As the song ended, she made eye contact with me and seductively untied the knot between her breasts. As the top opened and slid off her shoulders, tiny breast buds, topped with small light tan nipples, came into view. As a Journey ballad played, she slowed her movements and then beckoned me to her with a curling finger. When I reached her, she took one of my hands in hers and led it to her hip where her panty was tied on. I tugged on the knot and the left side of her panty came loose. I then went to her right side and untied her right side. The panty fell between her feet, where she kicked it off the stage.

Grasping my hand again, she placed it between her legs, on her bald kitty. I ran my hand along her slit, feeling her moisture. She smiled at me, then backed off to lay down. She spread her legs and started playing with her kitty, sometimes licking her fingers after running said fingers along her gash.

I went back to my booth. A minute later, she followed me into the booth. She straddled my lap, facing me, and said "Hi".

"Hello", I answered, "what's your name?'

"Patricia" she answered, before asking if she could have a drink. As she took a slug I asked how old she was.

"Thirteen" she answered.

"Have you worked here long?" I asked.

She laughed. "No" she answered, "my aunt helped me learn how to dance. You know Kellie, right?"

"Yeah, she told me you're interested in the part. Do you have a passport? We'll have to go overseas to film the movie.

"I'm expecting it anyday now. I started the paperwork months ago."

"Were you expecting to travel abroad?"

"It's weird, I had a dream that I was going to be traveling to other countries. I told my civics teacher about it. He travels often, so he got me the paperwork and told me what to do. I borrowed the money from my Aunt Kellie. She's like my older sister."

I know Kellie well. She's a barely legal hottie who uses wields her sexuality like a pro baseball player swings a bat. She's given me many a good time here in the VIP. I had told her about plans for the movie. Joe and I had planned to cast the lead actress in Europe, but when Kellie suggested Patricia for the part, that immediately made things a lot easier. European actresses are open about nudity, but the part would require sexuality. Patricia had that in spades.

As she sat in my lap, she noticed the rock hard lump in my pants. She palmed my lump, then dipped her finger in my drink. She placed her wet finger on a nipple, which she then lifted to my lips. While I suckled on her, she massaged my neck with her fingers. She leaned in. While next to my left ear, she whispered "Put your finger in me."

I complied with her request. As the first digit entered her, she winced and moaned. I waited a few seconds, then entered the rest of my middle finger. She let out a moan, then started panting. She grabbed me by the shoulders and started bouncing her hips. On my part, I was working my finger in her. Her motion grew faster.

"OH GOD !! " she yelled out, then shrieked, before reaching down and pushing my hand away from her mid section.

She leaned back against the table in the booth. When she caught her breath, with a smile, she said "That was intense. I liked it."

She then slid off my lap and sank to the floor. She undid my belt. When she struggled to open my pants, I helped her. She worked my pants to my ankles, then had me lay down in the booth. She mounted me, first sliding her slit along my dick, then reaching down to guide it into her. Since she is significantly smaller than me, it took some effort to get my dick in her. First, my dick head popped in her, then she started working the shaft in. I noticed she winced as my shaft worked in.

It was also painful for me, but this was the first underage pussy I was getting into and I wasn't going to pass up a special offer like this. After a while, most of my shaft was in and she bounced slowly on my dick.

I decided to rotate her into missionary position while remaining in her. It took a moment to do, but now I could control the motion. I sped up the pace as she panted and moaned. She looked up at me and her look just enhanced the sexuality of the situation. I felt my cum rising and she yelped as my hot seed filled her. I grunted a couple of times and shook as this was the most incredible orgasm I'd ever experienced.

I braced myself so as not to fall on her. As I caught my breath, my dick shriveled and popped out of her. When we caught our breath, she said "That was better than I thought it would be."

"Your first time?" I asked.

"First time with a man. I've been using using a marker and a hair brush. The other night I let a cousin stick his thing in me. He's a year younger than I am. I wanted to know what it felt like."

"So, how did it feel?"

"With you or him?"

I gave her a look. She smiled and half laughed. "It kinda hurt", she said, "but I liked it."


Tuesday April 14, 2009

It was our first day of shooting the movie. We had arrived in the north African country two days earlier. We had scouted out a one story mud brick building hotel as the location for our interior shoots. We had talked to a local government official about our shoot. A two thousand dollar bribe gave us a week to do what we had to without interference. Another two thousand to the local Constable gave us two full time Officers to keep lookieloos away and free rein to work with privacy.

We had cast a middle aged local stage actor in the lead role. I had talked to him about the fact that he would have to act with a naked young teen girl in several scenes and that in another scene he would have to simulate sex with her. He was fine with that. He also sat in when we talked to the cast and crew about the need for discretion. The movie would be marketed online through a Ukranian dealer with the DVD's produced in Macao. Listing the movie on a resume would insure a visit by the FBI, with ugly threats of incarceration and worse. Everyone connected with the production would be well paid, and it was best to approach the experience with a discretionary mercenary attitude.The crew consisted of a camera crew with a cast of only four actors. The cast and crew agreed on the discretionary approach, especially since I had leaned on a erosion of First Amendment approach.

I had set the nude and sex scenes in the first days of production just in case any girl we cast wouldn't get cold feet and try to back out. Based on Patricia's club performance I wasn't overly concerned, but I figured better safe than sorry. Joe had the cameras set up by breakfast, and I went into the adjacent room, where Patricia, wearing a school girl outfit, sat reading the script.

"Ready?" I asked.

"It looks pretty easy. When do we start?"

"In a few minutes. Let me check with Joe."

I talked to Joe. He was making last minute light checks, then checked the cameras. When he was certain everything was ready, he gave me the go ahead. Patricia and Lou went to their marks. Lou sat on a couch in our living room set. Patricia waited outside the door. "And action" Joe announced.

Patricia opened the door and walked in, carrying a book bag. Lou acknowledged her presence asking how school was. "Fine" she answered as she walked over to the couch. Sitting down on the couch, she took off her shoes, then her socks. With Lou watching, she stood and took off the skirt. She then sexily undid her shirt buttons, one by one. We zoomed in on Lou's face with one camera as he looked worried, but turned on at the same time.

Patricia slid the shirt off, then laid it on the couch. Keeping eye contact with Lou, she reached behind and unclapsed her bra. She laid the bra on her shirt. Smiling, she played with the waistband of her panties, then she slowly and sexily slid them down her legs. Stepping out of the panties, she laid them on her clothes. She gave Lou a good long look as a camera caught her full frontal. She picked up her clothes and announced "I'm going to my room. Come on up if you want, anything."

She emphasized the last word, giving an enticing invitation. It made my dick throb with excitement.

She then walked out of the room. Joe waited a few seconds, then said "And...cut!!"

Joe then rewound the scene to see what the camera captured. I watched with an uneducated eye. It looked good to me. Patricia walked back in the room, she was still nude. Joe rewound and watched the scene again.

"Looks good to me" he finally announced, "let's set up for the next scene." Looking at Patricia, he asked "Ready?"

"Yeah" she announced.

This scene would be consecutive to the scene we just shot. Patricia took her mark outside of the room. Joe asked a crew member if the phone was ready. He nodded in affirmation.

"Everyone ready?" Joe asked.

When he heard affirmation he called "And...action !!"

The phone on a bureau behind Lou rang. A still naked Patricia walked in and answered the phone. She started simulating a conversation with another person on the phone. While she talked, she walked over to the couch. Sitting on an armrest, knowing she had Lou's uninterupted attention, she spread her legs. She finished the conversation, got up, gave Lou a come hither look, hung up the phone, and walked out of the room.

Joe called "Cut", the looked at the playback. He shook his head, then called Patricia into the room. He had her sit on the edge of the couch with her legs spread. He put the light meter between her legs, then had a crew member adjust a lamp in the room. Still not satified, he had the window shades adjusted, then he placed a floor length mirror next to a camera with a light shining on it. Finally he reset the scene, then had Patricia replay the scene. This time, after he watched the playback, he was satisfied.

Joe looked at his watch. "Let's take lunch" he announced.

Ten minutes later, the entire cast and crew piled into three rented Range Rovers. We headed out to a local restaurant, where we dined on local cuisine. Patricia had put on some clothes for lunch, but I noticed the looks she got from the guys that they were mentally undressing her. Once offered red meat, a carnivore wants more. I wondered the extent of masturbatory fantasies she would be in tonight.

After lunch, Joe reset the cameras and lights. The next scene would play out in the bathroom. A still clothed Patricia, along with Lou, rehearsed the bathroom scene. Joe took light readings in the room. When Joe was satisfied, Patricia drew a bath and undressed.

Her lack of modesty, or courage, around the crew was admirable. She was very comfortable being naked around prying eyes. It's like she enjoyed the attention.

When the tub was filled, she slipped in the water. Joe called "Action" and Patricia went about the act of taking a bath by soaping and rinsing her arms. Lou walked in the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet, he said "Cathy, I need to talk to you about your behavior lately. Since your mom left, you've been different."

"Different how dad?"

"Well, you've been very open about your body."

"Open how?"

"You know..."

"You mean, like this?" she said as she stood, giving him (and the camera) a good long look at her body.

Lou pursed his lips and looked indecisive.

"It's not like you're my real dad", she offered, "it's not wrong to love. Love me Paul."

Patricia stepped out of the tub. Lou wrapped her in a towel, took her in his arms and stepped toward the bathroom door. "And....cut !!!" Joe announced.

We all stepped back and looked at the playback. It looked good to me, but Joe ran through the playback again. Satified with what he saw, he ordered to set up for the next scene in the bedroom. Kellie, who had accompanied Patricia on the trip, had Patricia put on a robe. The two of them then disappeared for a bit.

The duo reappeared just as the bedroom set up was finishing. This scene was to be the movie's pivotal sex scene. Joe sat down with Lou and Patricia to run through the scene. Of course, the scene was only to go as far as Patricia allowed and was comfortable with. A safety word was decided on in case Patricia wanted to stop. Deep down I knew that Patricia would handle the scene well, but this was mainly to assuage Joe, who feared an international arrest warrant for statutory rape. Joe had Lou and Patricia do a run through while Joe used his light meter.

Just as everything was set for the scene, Patricia ran in the bathroom, disrobed, and poured water over herself. She needed to look like she had just come from the tub. Lou picked her up in his arms. "And...action !!" Joe announced.

Lou carried Patricia in the room and laid her in the bed. He unwrapped the towel, savoring her body like it was a great birthday gift he was unwrapping. He climbed on top of her and started kissing her. Patricia returned his affection, caressing him with her hands. They started grinding their hips on each other, then I saw her whisper to him on monitor two. She reached under him. His hand also went under him. I saw the waistband on his sweat pants loosen. Joe looked at me. I motioned to him to keep rolling.

It was obvious they were about to have sex, for real. Lou is easily three times her size. She was hidden under him, with only her arms and most of legs sticking out from under him. Suddenly his hips started thrusting and she started grunting and moaning. His lily white, but hairy, ass came into view. She was holding onto his sides and his face was buried in a pillow, next to hers. His thrusting became more forceful. Their breathing was like that of two athletes in a race. Suddenly, he grunted and shook, with two more grunts coming.

They stopped moving and it was obvious they were catching their breath. Finally, they both looked at where we sat. Joe finally recovered from what he just saw and called "Cut". Everyone laughed.

When the laughing died down, Patricia asked if Joe was going to check the playback.

"I'm not reshooting that scene", he announced to more laughter.

"Let's call it a wrap for the day", Joe announced.


During dinner, I noticed Patricia had a type of glow about her. She had done something highly erotic in front of a dozen people, mostly guys, and she was enjoying the looks of guys who were mentally replaying the scene that had unfolded in front of them. My own loins were just throbbing with excitement and I was debating if I needed to find a hooker or just jack off in my hotel room later.

After dinner I was in my hotel room, still mulling over my options. If this was the U.S., I'd be on my way to a strip joint to relieve the tension, but this was a barren, arid, and sparsely populated African country. Still, the mind wondered if there was a local brothel. While I mulled my options, there was a knock on my door.

I opened the door to find Patricia. She was only wearing a robe.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"Sure" I answered, opening the door and stepping back."What's up?"

"It's my third night here", she answered, "and it's pretty boring. Kellie went off with some guy, probably to fuck. I wanted to see what you were doing."

"I'm bored, just like you."

She was walking around my room while she talked. She noticed my grand sized bathroom, which included a jacuzzi.

"Wow" she said, "my room doesn't have this, it only has a tub."

She walked over to my jacuzzi and sat on the edge, putting her feet in.

"Oh, this feels soooooo good", she moaned.

She untied her robe and slipped entirely in. She luxuriated in the water, even dipping her head under the water for a moment. Finally, she took note that I was watching her.

"This feels great", she observed, "why don't you come in ?"

I undressed with her watching closely. When she saw my rock hard throbbing dick appear, she made a suppressed giggling sound. When I was naked, I slipped in the tub opposite her. She waded right over and straddled my lap. She reached down, positioning my dick so that I could enter her. Like last time, she winced as I entered her.

Slowly, she worked my dick, pushing down with her hips, hands on my shoulders, softly moaning as she did. I was so worked up that I grabbed her hips and started pumping hard. In seconds I came in her in a good hard orgasm in which I shook and grunted. She looked at me in amazement. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to my bed.

I laid her gently down and proceeded to make love to her. We started with some kissing. A couple of minutes later, I moved to her ears, then down to her neck. She moaned softly, obviously enjoying the experience. Next, I moved my attention to her nipples, where I licked and suckled on her.

She played with my hair while raising her hips against my stomach. Finally, I moved between her legs. She let out a gutural moan as I licked and sucked on her clit. She stiffened and clawed at the sheets with her hands as I worked her clit and pussy lips. Finally I inserted a finger in her. She shrieked and bucked her hips.

After a minute of finger fucking her, I figured it was time for the main event. I inserted my dick in her. I gave her a moment to get used to my size, then I started thrusting in her with a gusto. She tilted her head back, clawing at my shoulders. She was breathing hard, panting, and moaning. I was about to cum, so I paused and waited a moment for the feeling to pass. She looked up at me in surprise.

I rolled onto my back and put her on top of me. Our love making now became more gentle. With her on top I could play with her breast buds and kiss her while we moved with a gentle rhythm. With our love making in a playful mode, she giggled some and was lost in a moment of girl/woman in which she could be playful like a child, but also rippling in pleasure like a woman. I felt my loins start to build with excitement again.

I rolled her back onto her back again. I started thrusting in her again, with a steady, but not hurried pace. She looked up at me with a look of lust, holding my face in her hands. I made my strokes short and fast. Finally, I came in her in a long satisfying orgasm in which I spurted no less than six times.

I collapsed on top of her in exhaustion. She held me tight to her. When my breathing had returned to normal I rolled onto my back again. I pulled her on top of me. We caressed each other gently, falling asleep in this manner.


Sunday, May 14, 2009

The Boeing 767 touched down with a bump on an American runway. We had been out of country for a little over a month, but it felt like an eternity, with two weeks in Africa, and another two in the south of France. The thing most of us craved was American food. Holding to a promise I had made to Patricia, I took her to a Denny's where I had steak, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and several vegtables and fruits delivered to the table in such a way that we could dine buffet style. The waiter gave us a curious look, but we explained we had been out of country where the food was less than palatable.

After stuffing ourselves, we went to my house. Patricia had a look around as she was about to move in. We had become lovers on the movie set, where apparently no one cared. After making room for her in my bedroom, I rented a small moving truck so that we could get the rest of her stuff. We spent the rest of the day settling her in.

Three weeks later, the first DVD of the movie arrived. Patricia and I watched in rapt attention. We both liked the final result. Over the summer, the movie sold better than I expected. I made back most of my investment.


Epilogue: Patricia started high school last week with something most high school girls don't have, a wedding ring. The ceremony was small and brief. Patricia wore white, and was positively radiant. We honeymooned in Los Angeles, where we saw all the tourist stuff. We made it back in time for her to start school.

On the first day of school, she came home in her official schoolgirl outfit. She couldn't resist the temptation to replay the seduction scene in the movie. When she was fully nude, we made eye contact and we both laughed, which led to some sloppy love making.

We get the occasional stare in public, while holding hands. We laugh it off, but everyday married to a teenager has it's challenges.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.