Published: 18-Jul-2011
Word Count:
OK, so I won the lottery, but after taxes, it was only 1.28 million. Still, it allowed me to quit my high pressure job and move out to the country. After setting up my new home, I came to several realizations, among them that I no longer had health insurance.
I looked around for a while and found a security company that fit the bill just right. 32 hours a week, which was the right amount of pocket money, and I was able to get health benefits. I ended up being placed in a low rise with two evening shifts and two day shifts- weekends. I was allowed to read a book and listen to a radio. A perfect job for a student, or retiree.
My first Friday night was when I saw her. A little young teen goddess who paused for a second as she passed the security desk on the way out. She looked part Asian and was somewhat small for her age. Based on her clothing and looks, I thought she might've been someone's little princess using daddy's computer for some project.
A week later, I saw her when she came in. I noted the name, Lia Thermopolis, as she signed in at the desk. She made a noticeable gesture of looking at my nametag. "Working, or visiting?" I asked.
"Working," she said.
"Really?" I inquired.
"Just part time, but it's pocket money."
"Well, have fun," I said.
She walked off and disappeared into the elevators. I went back to the novel I was engrossed in. She reappeared a couple of hours later to sign out. After placing her time out, she looked again at my nametag.
"It says, J. What is the J for?" she asked.
"My first name is John."
"How old are you John."
"I'm 42, how old are you?"
"I'm 14."
That's when I was amazed. She stood just barely over 4'6," but quickly explained that her mother was Vietnamese and her father was Greek. She went on to explain that she worked a couple of hours a week cleaning an office for twenty bucks a week, as a favor from one of her father's friends. The money allowed her to not use her debit card, which her father carefully monitored.
During our discussion, I also took in her appearance. Her face had a doll like quality with a tiny nose, but exaggerated lips and almond shaped brown eyes. Long light brown hair framed her pretty face and fell onto the shoulders of a petite frame. Golf ball sized breasts hid underneath a tight blue terry cloth top, and her tight little round butt was snug under some blue shorts.
We concluded our talk with me telling her the hours I worked. "See you next week John," she said with a smile. It was a perfect smile on that wonderful face of hers. She was a delightfully beautiful girl with a nice personality. Where I grew up, beautiful girls like her were cheerleaders with an exaggerated opinion of themselves, but this one actually worked, and took time to talk to a stranger like me.
The following Friday, she stopped by the desk again. We talked about the weather, her school, that spring break had just begun, then moved on to her family. It seemed that her mother had returned to Vietnam three years earlier and her father traveled quite a bit on business. That was when she bit her lip and asked if I would mind staying the night with her until her father returned, which would be on Tuesday-four days from now.
The first problem was that it was Friday night. I had an eight hour turnaround until my next shift, and I lived twenty miles away. I asked where she lived. She told me it was the ritzy subdivision behind the building.
I agreed to pack for a visit when I got home, which made her light up. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and dashed off.
The next day, Saturday, she showed up an hour before my shift ended. "Are you ready?" she asked when she came in.
"I have to wait for the end of shift" I explained before we got into a discussion of the things we would do over the weekend. During our talk, she slid up to sit on the desk. It was then that I noticed that she was wearing sandals that day, and that she had beautiful feet. I'm not a foot fetishist, but, Lia actually had perfect beautiful feet.
The nails were in perfect proportion to the toes they were on and the toes were in perfect proportion to the size of the foot. Feet like these were photographed for sandal ads in magazines. I don't know why, but I took her right sandal off, placed her foot on my knee, and placed my hand on top of her foot to feel the soft skin on it.
She only paused a second at my display of weirdness, but several minutes later I replaced the sandal. It was then that my relief came in carrying his book bag. He was a college senior who took little notice of Lia sitting on the desk. "I have some killer mid terms" he announced, "so if you would like take off early, I got no problems with it."
Lia and I took off to her place. The house looked like the others in the subdivision from the outside, but the treat was just inside the door. The house had a sunken granite themed living room complete with a waterfall and fireplace. The dining room, just beyond, had a nautical theme, and the adjacent family room had a western theme.
We dumped my stuff and headed out to the movies. We did some mall walking, then ate in a nice restaurant. When we got home, we took in some TV in the family room. She sat right next to me. I could feel the warmth of her body and the suppleness of her thighs pressed against mine. I put my arm around her shoulders and she leaned in. It grew late and I had to turn in because my final shift of the week was at six in the morning. Lia only let me get up from the couch after a hug.
The next afternoon, we did some sightseeing before having dinner and heading home. We again took in some TV. Lia fell asleep on me and I carried her off to bed. As I laid her on her bed, she rolled over onto her side. I paused for several minutes to watch this perfect beautiful little angel sleep. Feeling a warmth in my chest, I went off to the guest room.
The next morning at breakfast, our discussion was a little intimate involving feelings about our families and our growing relationship. I confessed to her that the first time I saw her, I thought she was a cheerleader and/or a model. That tripped something in her as she told me that she had been approached to do some modeling, but her father turned it down as the taxes on her income would cost him money. She told me she wanted to do some modeling and her father had a nice digital camera.
After breakfast we retrieved the camera and she showed me how she had downloaded pictures onto her computer. She was brimming with ideas about what she wanted to pose in. I suggested the waterfall and she headed off to her room to change. While I was still checking the light in the living room, she appeared in a beautiful blue formal gown.
I posed her and took half a dozen shots. She took off and reappeared in jeans and a frilly long sleeve shirt. We took more shots this time, filling the camera's memory. We downloaded the pictures, then with the camera ready again, I headed for the living room while she changed. Several minutes later, she appeared in a bikini. I posed her in some similar shots, then had her stand in the water. On the second pose, I had her lean towards the water to catch her backside. I took the shot, then asked her not to move.
I leaned over and moved the waistband on her bottoms to expose a couple of inches of her butt crack. As I took the shot, I said "A little bit of tease."
After the shot, she asked, "How about a lot of tease?" as she moved her bottoms to expose her entire rear. We both giggled, then I took the shot.
"And more tease?" she asked as she placed a hand on the string tying her top. I took the shot, then she tugged some on the string. I took another shot, then the knot came undone. I took the shot and Lia turned to face me. Reaching behind her neck, she undid the knot at her neck. I took a couple of shots.
The fabric on her top kept her tiny breasts concealed, but not for long as she discarded the top displaying tiny white cone shaped breasts topped with nickel sized beige nipples. I took several shots of her topless, then she went for her bottoms, taking them off as well. A slit with just a few hairs came into view.
I took a couple of full frontal shots, then had her move to the couch where I posed her in different shots. Just then, the camera beeped, signaling the memory was full. We walked to her room and downloaded the shots. After the camera was ready again, she asked "now what?" I told her she could put on an outfit, or we could take some naughty shots on the bed. "I want to take the naughty shots," she answered.
I had her spread eagle on the bed, then go to a spread, pussy lips pulled open shot. After I took the shot, she asked, "Why am I the only one naked here? Take your clothes off."
I undressed with her eyes watching my every move. I noticed her eyes lock onto my dick as my shorts came off. I started to suggest a pose, then she countered with, "How about a picture of me holding your weenie?"
She slid over to the edge of the bed. She gently took my dick in her hand. I took a couple of shots. "Now kiss it" I instructed. I took the pic as her lips touched the tip of my dick, which decided to ooze pre cum just then.
"Is this pee?" she asked.
"No, that happens when a dick gets hard."
"Is it sperm?"
"No, but close."
"What should I do with it?" as a good sized drop had gotten on her hand.
"Just rub it on me."
I felt the most wonderful sensations while she rubbed my pre cum on my dick and stomach. "Lay back" I instructed her. She laid back and I spread her legs. Lowering my head between her legs I began to lick her clit. She jumped, moaning loudly with an "Oooooh." She started breathing deeply, gasping as I licked her slit and tongue fucked her little hole. She shrieked as I forced my finger, just an inch, into her little hole.
She was moaning and shrieking as I licked, sucked, and finger fucked her. Her hole was so little and so tight, I didn't think I would be able to get my dick in. She began raising her hips. Then screeched as she pushed my head away and went through the spasms I knew was an orgasm. I waited for her spasms to subside and listened to her breath. She looked at me with a new look of lust as I moved between her legs and placed my dick at her opening. It took several minutes of both of us trying, but I finally got just the tip in. She arched her back and winced in pain, but I was able to get another inch in. I waited a couple of minutes, then pushed a little more, but it was all I was going to be able to get in her.
Slowly, I began using a pumping motion. She was gasping, moaning, and clawing at the sheets. Suddenly, I fell over the precipice as my dick shot a load of cum into her. It was a long satisfying orgasm as my cum filled her hole, spilling back out onto my nuts, her ass, and the sheets.
I withdrew and laid next to her. She lovingly ran her hand along my chin before giving me a long kiss. "Wanna try again?" I asked.
"No, it hurts," she replied, "but we'll try later, OK?"
"I think I love you," I told her.
"I love you too. I'm glad you stayed over. My dad is gone often. Can I stay with you when he's gone?"
"You don't need to ask," I gave her a kiss.
"OK daddy."
"Daddy?" I asked as I poked her in the side.
She giggled and ran from the bed. I caught her in the bathroom and playfully spanked her a few times.
Needless to say, I have a new wonderful girlfriend.
If you like my story, check out my website.
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