The Interview

[ Mg, exh, sed, cons ]

Published: 25-Jan-2011

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The following story is entirely a work of fiction. No real children were involved in the making of this story. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between a preteen girl and full grown man. If this turns you off or offends you, please go away.

This story takes place in an alternate universe. In this universe, the anti child porn law of 1978 was challenged and went to the U.S. Supreme Court. The end result was that states were given the right to decide their own porn law. Of course, in Utah you had to be 21 to view porn of any type, but three western states decided to create their own sanctuary of sorts. One of those states made possession legal, but distribution was illegal. Another state made non sexual performances legal. The third state stated that girls 13 and above could work strip joints if they had parental permission and only worked three four hour shifts a week. It is in that state and one of those clubs where the story takes place. Mg, exh, sed, cons.

I've driven nearly eight hours since getting off the plane. I'm in a club called Pedo Bob's. Pedo Bobs is where thirteen year old girls dance for tips. Soon after opening at three, the club fills up. On the main floor, four stages are going with little girls in various stages of dress. Little girls sit with men old enough to be their fathers or grandfathers in booths around the main floor. Occasionally, a girl will get up and dance naked in front of the booth for a five dollar table dance. The real money is made in the back VIP rooms.

It costs a twenty dollar wristband fee to have access to the rooms. The rooms also go for a hundred bucks an hour. The girl also charges a fee. No one will talk about what goes on in the rooms, but my contacts verify that linen is changed out in the rooms by janitors who enter the rooms through a back door. I've rented out one of the rooms to conduct my interview.

Usually, a man heads to one of these rooms with a girl in tow. I haven't selected a girl. I'm here to interview"Stacey", who is the hottest preteen porn star in the world. She is only twelve, so I don't know how she's going to get into Pedo Bob's. When I made arrangements with her management for an interview, it was either here or not at all.

I'm seated in the room, which is ten feet by ten feet. There is a couch and two small end tables in the room. The paneling is dark, as is the plush carpeting. There is a dimmer switch in the corner, near the back door, which my subject uses as soon as she gets in the room.

Stacey stands at about five feet. She has long dark hair and a doll like face with a light complexion. She has a slim figure and looks like your typical middle school girl. She is dressed in a blue denim jacket, red blouse, and blue jeans.

"I like it a little darker", she says as she turns the dimmer switch.

Once the room near pitch black, she reaches under one of the end tables. Subtle red and blue light appears from recessed lighting tracks near the ceiling. A revolving light lets small shafts of white light dance around the room.

"That's a lot, better, don't you think?" she asks as she sits on the couch.

"I'm James, from the Independent Press", I say as I extend a hand.

"Stacey" she replies as she shakes my hand.

"So, how old are you Stacey?"

"I'm twelve" she replies.

"Pedo Monthly lists you as the hottest porn star on the planet."

"That's what I hear."

"How many porn movies have you done?"

"I don't know, I lost count."

"You lost count?"

"I've done scenes with boys, men your age, and much older men. You lose track after a while."

"When did it all start?"

"I'm not sure. I frequently go around nude at home. My Uncle took pictures of me and it started from there. I think I was about six."

"Your parents didn't mind that your Uncle took the pictures?"

"Not really. My Uncle lives with us. We have a large house. My Uncle and his son. My mom, my younger brother and sometimes my aunt comes over."

"You mean your Uncle's wife?"

"No, my Uncle is my dad's brother. My aunt is my mom's sister."

"Where's your dad?"

"I dunno. Never met him. Mom said he left right after my brother was born. That's when Uncle moved in."

"So, are you the only one at home who goes around nude?"

"No, we all do. That's kinda how it all started. One night after dinner, we were all in the den. I kept looking at my Uncle's dick. He took my hand and put it on his dick. He showed me how to do a handjob. Within a week, I was giving my Uncle, cousin, and brother handjobs. Soon after that, I was doing blowjobs, it's a lot less messier. Anyway, my Uncle took pictures and video."

"So, that's how you lost count?"

"I guess."

"So, how old were you when you lost your innocence?"

"What do you mean?"

"The first time you had a... thing, inside of you."

"Oh, I was nine. My Uncle had been showing me how to use a dildo. He said I needed to stretch my pussy. After a couple of months, my brother put his thing in me, then my cousin-he's my age. I couldn't get my Uncle in me until I was ten."

"Your mom doesn't mind?"

"She works the camera when it's me and my Uncle."

(I noticed that when she answered the question, she started taking her shoes and socks off.)

"So, when did you start having sex with someone other than family members?"

"Just before I turned eleven. The studio that handles us asked if they could set up movies (she makes quotation marks with her fingers). In my first movie, I played a girl who ordered pizza. When the pizza guy came over, I couldn't pay him, so I gave him a blowjob. In my next movie, I play a girl home alone when the plumber comes over. I'm naked when I answer the door. He starts working on the sink, but I'm squatting next to him. He carries me to a couch and we do it there. That was the first time I had someone else inside of me who wasn't family. Right after that, some old guy paid my mom a lot of money to have sex with me. We traveled hours to meet him in a hotel."

"How was that?"

"He was really nice. I was real nervous at first, but it was the first time someone licked my nipples and pussy. He made me feel so good."

"So, you liked it. Have you been with other customers?"

"Six, altogether."

"So, do you go to school?"

"Kind of. My brother, cousin and I go to a small school with a couple of local kids."

"Do you ever talk about your porn movies at school?"


"No. It doesn't come up."

(I've noticed that she's peeled her jacket off, and now her jeans).

"I'm noticing, um...are you changing clothes?"

"No, I'm getting naked actually. I have to perform in a little while."

"I thought you had to be thirteen to work at Pedo Bob's."

"You do."

(I decide to let the matter drop. I watch as she gets undressed. As her shirt comes off, I notice that she has small breast buds with light brown puffy nipples. As her panties hit the floor, it appears that her pussy is hairless, but the lighting is poor in here. Once she's naked, she sits with one leg up up on the couch, her elbow is on her knee. Her legs are spread and I can't help but look at the hairless pussy facing me.)

"So, James, have you ever been with a young girl? she asked.

"Uhh, no."

"You haven't?"

"I was sixteen when I lost my virginity. My sister's best friend was eighteen. I've always been with someone over eighteen."

"That's too bad."

(There's a come hither smile on her face. She's toying with me. I could take her, but I need to keep my journalistic professionalism.)

"So, do you have any movies lined up right now?"

"I'm going to do a gangbang on my thirteenth birthday. Right after school, I'll come here and work the floor. I'm going to pick the lucky guys who get to do me."


(She stood up.)

"The couch folds out", she points out,"will you help me fold it out?"

(I stood up and we take the cushions off the couch. We then fold the couch out. There are pillows, sheets and a blanket. She arranged the pillows, sheets and blanket. Climbing on the bed, she laid on her side, then patted on the bed, indicating where she wanted me to lay. I reluctantly climbed on the bed. I was trying to keep my integrity, but she made it difficult.)

"So", picking up where I left off,"when do you turn thirteen?"

(She leaned in. Using her right hand she started unbuttoning my shirt.)

"In six months."

"What do you have planned between now and then?"

"You know, it's okay to touch me. Go ahead, put your hand on my shoulder."

(I reluctantly wet along with her request.)

"See", she said,"doesn't that feel better?"


(Reaching up, she took my hand and guided it between her legs. Raising her right leg, she gave me full access to her pubic region.)

"I'm so wet", she cooed.

(She scooted in and closed the distance between us. Reaching down, she found my hard on.)

"Take your pants off, fuck me. I want you."

(She had me at the point of no return. Standing on my knees, I quickly undid my pants and opened them. She half sat up. Finding my dick, she pulled it towards her. My pants were at mid thigh, but I needed to do her, now.

Moving between her legs, I lined up with her opening. She was reaching and there was a momentary tug of war with my dick. Once the head of my dick was at her opening, we both released. I started easing into her, finding her wet, hot, and tight. She wrapped her legs around my waist. In a minute I was fully in her.)

She was panting."Yes, yes". she was whispering.

I started pumping my dick in her. She reached up and caressed my arms, shoulders, and neck.

"Faster, faster", she whispered.

I started pumping her in earnest. I was excited at doing, not only a twelve year old, but a seductive twelve year old who clearly knew what she wanted. My cum rose up and shot out of me in powerful spurts. After five spurts, I felt spent. I momentarily collapsed on her, then climbed off. When my breath was under control, she asked"Did you like that?"

"Oh yeah, you were great."

She leaned in and kissed me,"thanks" she said.

She climbed off of the bed and started gathering her clothes.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I have a performance. I need to shower and put on something sexy."

"Uhh..." I said, surprised at her behavior, not sure what to say next.

"That was a freebee. If you want more, see the concierge at the front. I'll be here until seven thirty. If you don't have cash, they'll take a credit card. Gotta go, bye."

With that she ducked out into the back hallway.


If you liked my story, use the search function at ASSTR for Dudester or google Dudester's stories.

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Just read The Interview ... loved it. You gotta write more. Would have loved to learn about her home activities with Uncle, brother, etc. Thanks! David

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