The Corruption of Nia

[ MF, Mg, sed, cons, rom, slow ]

Published: 3-May-2011

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
The following is entirely a work of fiction. It was written purposely for the entertainment of adult readers. This type of fiction should never be read by minors. Readers of this type of fiction should never try to copy the actions within, lest they look forward to a very long jail sentence, followed by a life of forced poverty. This story contains graphic descriptions of sex between a young teen female and a grown man. If this type of behavior offends you, read no further. If this type of material is illegal where you live, please stop now and go away.

This story is a long read, but has a very satisfying ending-it is well worth working to the end. Please stay with it.

Sasha Peters felt terrible. In the past two weeks, her entire world had crumbled into nothing. As she drove a borrowed car (from her parents) into the foothills of the Allegany's, she resisted the urge to pull over and just cry. She was trying to be strong for her daughter Nia. The soon to be twelve year old had been somewhat stoic, but had realized that something had gone terribly wrong in their lives.

Sasha remembered it all. It had started a year earlier. At an office party a year earlier, the company Chief Financial Officer had given her an indecent proposal. Because she had a few drinks in her, and that the man was good looking and well spoken, she took him up on the offer. A former beauty queen, Sasha had long had the urge to do a strip routine on a stage, but had put the urge away as financial success meant more to her than a harbored desire to disrobe on a stage for an audience. In the case of this desire, the audience would just be one man.

The offer was ten thousand, in cash, for a two hour session. Sasha's husband was away on business, and Nia was being babysat overnight. This was going to be a onetime thing, and no one would be the wiser. The CFO had rented a special suite at an hourly hotel that had a special room for a small show. Room 103 at the Irish Inn had a small stage, stripper pole, extra chairs, special lights, a Jacuzzi, wet bar, and an oversize bed.

Sasha took the stage in a light blue gown that she had attended the party with. She wiggled on the stage, danced around the pole, worked the dress off, then did pole work wearing just a thong. Sasha saw the CFO licking his lips and looking at her like a hungry man looks at a steak. It gave her a warm feeling inside. She felt a stirring in her loins. Hearing the applause from her audience, she walked off the stage and gave a very personal lap dance. She loved having the CFO caress her naked body with his hands. She ended up having sex with the CFO in the chair next to the stage, in the Jacuzzi, and on the bed. .

After that night, Sasha returned to her normal life as a mother and executive assistant. Two weeks later, though, the CFO came around again. He asked for a return performance and told her he would bring a friend. At first, she resisted, but he not only dangled money in front of her, but offers of company funded trips and a promotion. She reluctantly went along with the offer, that night having sex with both men.

The CFO was good on his word, kicking her upstairs, where she found herself as a promotions agent for the CEO, CFO, and three Vice Presidents. Soon, she was traveling across the country, and across the Atlantic. Doing the CFO twice a month, along with his friend Bernie, was providing Sasha more money than she had imagined, great travel, a company car, and great sex-which her husband had had little interest in recently.

Sasha's husband, Phillip, had seemingly lost his libido two years earlier. Phillip's work schedule had taken a lot out of him. His boss was a stickler for details. Phillip was working twelve hours a day on weekdays, and eight to ten hours on Saturday. On Sunday, Phillip was going to church, sometimes taking Nia, and Phillip was also taking in the occasional bible study. Sasha felt isolated from him, and this isolation led to the indecent proposal and everything that came after.

A month ago, Phillip received a transfer to a work site in Africa. It was sort of a God send to him. After a two year hitch overseas, he would be promoted, but he would also be away from the stickler that made his life miserable. Phillip knew that his wife and daughter wouldn't be able to follow him, that section of Africa was far too dangerous. He bid a fond farewell to both and got on the plane. Two weeks after he left, the F.B.I. came knocking on Sasha's door.

The allegation was insider trading. It turned out that the CFO, the two V.P.'s, and Bernie were all involved in the trading. Because Sasha had benefitted greatly over the past year, the air of suspicion was thrown on her also. The feds took the company car and had frozen her bank accounts. Sasha lost her job as the company quickly cut ties with those involved in the scandal. Sasha lived on credit cards, but sooner or later, the bills come. Sasha went to her parent's house completely distraught. Sasha's parents made far less than her and were of little help, save to supply solace, temporary shelter, and the loan of a car.

While at her parent's place, Sasha surfed the net, looking for work. She tried making calls to possible employers, but her ties to the scandal left her only with the possibility of working minimum wage at a Starbucks or McDonald's. This depressed Sasha to no end. The city depressed Sasha to no end, she needed a fresh start.

It took several days of looking through Craigslist, but Sasha found something that would suit her and Nia. The offer was for a live in hotel maid, with free room and board, plus a stipend of fifty dollars a week-in cash. The FBI wouldn't be able to go after her pay, she would have a roof over her head, and food in their stomachs. She called the person who posted the ad. Emails were sent and pictures were exchanged. Sasha and Nia returned to their condo one last time, took what they could, piled it in the back of the 1969 Mercury, and drove way out into the country.

It was mid afternoon when Sasha and Nia reached the outer limits of Blacksville. Neither female had seen anything like it. The buildings in town were either boarded up, half destroyed, or in a state of utter disrepair. It took a supreme effort for Sasha to continue on and not turn around. She followed the directions given her, going exactly 1.5 miles to the intersection with Highway six, turning left, and going 1.2 miles to the railway bridge. One hundred feet from the railway bridge, Sasha saw the large white building with the green roof. Slowing down, she looked for a place to park. There was a half driveway next to the building. She pulled into the half driveway and stopped.

"What is this place mom ?" Nia asked.

"I don't know baby."

Both females then saw a stocky middle aged man coming out of the front door. He was wearing a a red long sleeve cotton shirt over a pair of blue jeans. He smiled and waved to the females as he walked towards their car.

Tom Conlin was blown away by what he saw. The female he had hired over the net was far more beautiful than he had ever imagined. Looking like she was about five six with a majestic figure, she had caramel colored skin, dark hair just past her shoulders, and facial features that suggested that she was a mix of white and African-American. The 11 or 12 year old girl with her looked like a mini version of her mother. Dressed in a T shirt and jean shorts, the small bumps under her T shirt indicated that the girl was just into puberty. Tom cleared his head of impure thoughts and braced himself for what he had to do next.

"Welcome to the City Hotel", Tom said, holding out his hand.

"Hello" Sasha said with an uncertain tone.

"I know what you're thinking, it looks like crap on the outside. It has to blend in with the rest of the buildings here. Just wait until you see the inside."

Tom led the two females to the front door and opened the heavy wooden door. The sight before them made the females reel in awe. The lobby of the onetime hotel had a stone tile floor and the tile went halfway up the walls. The walls were painted midnight blue with paintings of sailing vessels and naval vessels hung on the walls. The ceiling was covered in pressed metal decorative plates, had several ceiling fans, and gleamed from recessed lighting.

"It's majestic" Sasha said.

"Why thank you", Tom responded, "it's fancier than the hotel's heyday, but it's my home. Wait until you see the rest."

He then indicated a door off of the lobby. "This is your quarters" he said, showing them several rooms fancy enough to be in a three star hotel that included a living room, and two bedrooms. Going on, he took them back into the lobby and then into main hallway. The first door to the left was a fancy dining room next to a large kitchen that could easily serve eight to ten. Back into the hallway, across from the dining room was a small but fancy library with blue carpeting and mahogany bookcases.

"And now for the piece de resistance", Tom said.

Tom led the two females to the end of the hallway. Opening a door, he showed a large indoor swimming pool with half moon windows. Blue tile circled the pool, and like the lobby, went halfway up the wall. Nia whispered a "Wow" !!

"This is nothing", Tom said, "check the water."

Nia smiled at her mother and knelt down. Touching the water, she said "Coooooollll, it's really warm."

"There's a natural gas well about a hundred yards behind the hotel", he explained, "as part of my agreement with the company, they run a line straight in. I can heat the pool for next to nothing." "Amazing", Sasha said.

"The hotel has been in the family for over a hundred years", he went on, "a cousin left it to me, along with a trust account. I already owned the land behind the hotel. It was an orchard and I had to give up a dozen pear trees to put in the well, but there's still half a dozen pear trees, three apple trees, four cherry trees, and boysenberry bushes. The fruit isn't the best quality, but it's edible."

Both females looked at Tom in amazement. He then went on to tell them about the history of Blackville. A nearby copper mine had closed in the early 1960's. In 1969, Congress took the passenger rail from Blackville. Those two economic blows had hit the town hard, forcing two thirds of the town to leave. The final blow came in 1995, when the railway merged and the repair yard was closed. In the years since, the town had dwindled to eleven residents, including Tom. He completed the spiel with "And in the past few years, I've kind of been sort of Mayor, Fire Chief, Police Chief, and Town Maintenance man, all rolled into one. That's why I need a maid. The building is kind of large, but I'm spending half of the day either making patrols or doing maintenace and upkeep on the town vehicles."

"Town vehicles?" Nia asked.

"When the town dissolved ten years ago", he explained "I was left to take care of the dump truck, backhoe, water truck, garbage truck, grader, and fire trucks."

"Are we safe here ?" Sasha asked.

"Absolutely, we haven't had trouble here in years. Why don't I help you carry your stuff in, then, while you're settling in, I'll cook dinner."

An hour later, the trio sat down for a dinner of Cornish Game Hens, stuffing, corn on the cob, scalloped potatoes, with chocolate cake for dessert. After dinner, Tom strapped on a gunbelt and carried a shotgun as he departed for evening patrol. The two females settled in while Tom made the hour long patrol of the remains of the town.

The next morning, at breakfast, Tom announced that the three of them would have to make a trip to see a resident-Mrs. McGillacuddy.Nia was twenty miles from the nearest school, too far to travel five days a week, so Mrs. McGillacuddy would home school Nia three mornings a week. There was a lot of paperwork to do in preparation for this.

The paperwork finished just before noon. Tom took the trio to a highway diner, ten miles away. After lunch, and back at the hotel, Nia was given permission to swim. She happily launched into the activity as Sasha began her maid duties.

And so the days went as Sasha and Nia adapted to their new environs. Nia took to Mrs. McGillacuddy, but she also took to Tom. Tom became the present father figure that she had been lacking. He took her on an evening patrol, a garbage patrol (where he collected and dumped the town's garbage), but the highlight of the outings was a fire truck ride around the town. Because the 1938 fire truck didn't have seat belts and the doors were so old, he had her wear a fireman's helmet and bunker coat for protection. Nia was in sheer heaven. She even rang the bell mounted in front of the radiator. She went on all evening, describing the truck and the ride in great detail to her mother.

Tom saw the light in her eyes, and he felt a stirring within his heart. She was just a girl, but he realized that he was very attracted to her. The pain of failed relationships with women had created a longing within him to find someone not so complicated. A girl would love unconditionally, unlike a woman-who puts conditions on things, and grants sexual favors in return for granted requests. A girl is light and Tom found himself wanting Nia to be his partner, in love, and in bed.

Society had, decades ago, outlawed girl/man relationships. Men were supposed to not feel stirrings for girls. Seeing Nia's smile and her bouncing brown eyes, not filled with the contempt of women towards men made him want her more. Like many men, he would keep his desires to himself, but if the opportunity presented itself....

That weekend, on Sasha's day off, he took the two females on a nature hike in the mountains. Nia, again, was besides herself with joy. Sasha was filled with happiness, seeing her daughter so filled with joy. She looked at Tom in a different way and she felt stirrings within. That night, after dinner, and after Nia had drifted off to the land of nod, Sasha made herself up, put on her sexiest nightgown, and made her way to Tom's bedroom.

Sasha knocked on the door. Tom opened the door to see a very sexy Sasha standing there with a smile.

"Hello", Tom said, "Is there something wrong ?"

"No", she answered, "I came over to thank you for today, and to thank you for being so great to Nia."

"You're more than welcome. I'm happy to do it."

Making a show of opening her top to reveal her breasts, Sasha said "No, I really want to thank you."

As any man facing an identical situation, Tom suddenly found himself overwhelmed by the sight of a beautiful woman, exposing herself, and her soul. Adrenaline surged through his veins as his heart rate dramatically increased and blood was redirected to parts of his body not used in a while. With most men, the new sensation would've led them to just give in, but Tom was a survivor of several romantic wars. Tom cleared his head and spoke.

"My God you're beautiful" Tom said.

"Thank you" she purred, trying to work her way in the room.

"Before we do anything though, I have to have your solemn word that what we do tonight, is only for tonight, and never happens again. Do I have your word on that ?"

Sasha was taken a bit back. She never had had a man try to negotiate out of a sexual relationship before. Many men had begged to share a bed with her, but this was the first one to dictate terms, especially after she had thrown herself at him. "Well" she rationalized to herself, maybe she would get him to change his mind.

"Okay", she agreed, accepting his terms.

Tom welcomed her into the room. Within a minute clothes hit the floor, and two naked bodies intertwined on the bed for two solid hours of love making. It was quite cathartic for Sasha, as it had been three months since she had been in bed with a man. Tom knew his way around a woman's body. He wasn't just one of those hit and run players. He took his time and made sure that he pleasured her before he even started his own pleasure process. Finally, the two adults collapsed into a sweaty mess on the bed.

With morning's light, Tom sat up from the bed and started searching for his clothing. Sasha felt the bed move and she stirred awake. She saw Tom sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hey lover", she asked, "where ya going ?"

"Morning patrol."

"Do you have to go ?"

He turned and looked at her. "We can't do this anymore. You are beautiful and last night was great, but we can't handle anymore of this."

"Did I do something wrong ?" she asked.

"No, it's me. I promise you, if we continue this, in several months, you'll want me to change, or you'll put some requirement on me. When I don't comply, you'll get disappointed and angry. I've been hurt several times, and I foolishly tried the physical only relationships. Those don't work for me either. You're a stunningly beautiful woman. You deserve a man who will be everything that you want. I'm sorry, but I can't be there for you, not that way."

Sasha's mind was reeling. She had never met a man like this before. She had never been turned down before. She was willing to bargain.

"Isn't there anything" she asked, "I can do to change your mind ?"

He looked her in the eye and coldly thought to just say no and walk out, but since she seemed sincere, he decided to take a gamble.

"There is one thing."

Tom searched for the words, but as he opened his mouth to speak, the words got caught in his throat. He was about to go out on a limb. Being an honorable man, he was going to ask, and truly speak his heart.

"There is one thing", he repeated, but went on. "I want to do something, but I need your permission."

Again, he had to search for the words, "I ask, because I think it's right to ask, and not take. And so, I ask you, I'd like to start fresh, to do something new, to try. I think Nia is very attractive. She's a very pretty and sexy girl."

"Sexy? What do you mean, 'sexy'? She's not even twelve years old!" Sasha's words of shock and horror rang through the room.

Tom's voice was calm and soothing, 'Yes, your daughter is sexy. And, yes, she's only eleven years old. But you were the one who asked. You asked if there was anything more you could do to change my mind. I want, I would like for Nia to be my girl, my lover."

'Absolutely not! There is no way I'd give my beautiful, innocent daughter to a pervert like you!'

'Funny. You didn't seem to think that a minute ago when you asked what you could do to change my mind'.

'I know, but that was before you said anything about fucking my daughter!'

Tom went on, "Sasha, you know how much I care about you and about Nia. I'd want nothing more than the very best for her. And, I think that her experiencing sex now, with someone who really loves her would help her avoid all the bad stuff teenagers usually do. And, now you know how I really feel about her. How I want her. Sexually."

Sasha's voice was muted now, soft and quiet, "But she's so young." Her words hung in the air. Then she shook her head, "I can't believe I'm even contemplating giving you my daughter to fuck!"

"Until fifty years ago, and for thousands of years before, girls her age were married off to men my age. For fifty years, we've been trying to undo thousands of years of evolution, pretending that it doesn't exist. I think you know by now. I'm not just some predator. I'm asking your permission, which is the honorable thing to do. That's the way it was done, but there was also, an offer of money back then. I'm not asking to buy her. I'm asking for a chance to win her heart."

Sasha was blown away. She had never expected to hear what she heard. She had never expected a man to do what Tom had just done, and to ask what he asked. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"I know" Tom said, "I asked a lot. I'll go on morning patrol, and we can talk more, later." After morning patrol, Tom showered, then breakfast was served.

After morning patrol, Tom showered, then breakfast was served. After breakfast, he took Nia to school, then went off to check on the town vehicles. He had barely begun when the thought of earlier this morning took over his being. He took out his cell phone and called Sasha. He told her that he needed to go after parts and he would be busy most of the day, so Sasha would have to pick up Nia after class. Tom then put away the phone and drove 35 miles to go see a movie.

It was late afternoon when he got back. Nia was sitting in the lobby and Sasha was carrying plates to the dining room. Both females could tell that Tom was in a sour mood. Tom picked up that Sasha was signaling Nia with her eyes.

"Hey, Tom, let's go swimming" Nia asked.

Tom looked at Sasha.

"It's alright", Sasha said, "dinner won't be ready for at least half an hour. You two enjoy yourselves."

"Come on Tom", Nia pleaded, "it'll be fun."

Tom looked at the two females. He knew what was going on. "Okay" he agreed. "Yippee" Nia shouted as she ran off to change into her swimming suit.

Tom looked at Sasha, "thanks" he offered.

"You're welcome", she responded, "we'll talk more tonight."

Tom changed into his swimming shorts. Nia was already in the pool when he got there. She was more playful than usual. She changed his mood from dour to upbeat.

A little while later, both were in their swimming attire while at dinner. Nia was being overly attentive towards Tom, frequently getting up and keeping his plate stocked. Tom was definitely liking it as the preteen girl rubbed against him and she touched him around the shoulders often. After dinner, Sasha told Nia to take a shower and asked Tom to help her clear the table. When they were alone, Sasha opened up.

"I've been thinking", she said, "about how we can both get what we want and need. About fifty miles from here, there's a few strip joints. I can make some extra money and get laid, but to do that, I'll have to leave mid day Friday, and come back Sunday afternoon or evening. You can be alone with Nia. I think this weekend would be too soon for you to undress her, but you can certainly get more friendlier with her, with me not around."

"Have you talked to her about this ?"

"No, I thought I'd bring up the idea with you. Make sure it was alright first."

"It sounds like a great idea. Thank you."

"You're welcome" she said with a smile.

"By the way, what did you tell her to make her act this way today ?"

"I told her it was the anniversary of your cousin passing, and that you needed extra attention today."

"Thanks again, for that."

"You're more than welcome."

Friday, just after lunch, Sasha lit out to begin her weekend. Tom took Nia out to see a movie, and then dinner at a buffet restaurant. Back at home, they watched TV together. Late evening, Nia excused herself to change into her P.J.'s.

A little while later, she climbed into his bed in her PJ's. A moment after she climbed in she asked him if it was alright if she spent the night with him because her mom wasn't around. She smiled when he told her that it was fine. Curled up next to him, she responded with a slight moan as he touched her back and gently massaged it. Mia relaxed and laid out, then seemingly fell asleep. Tom then undressed and climbed in next to the girl.

The next morning, after breakfast, Tom took Nia around town in the other fire truck. This one was a 1948 with a closed cab, safer than the older truck, but it was still a lot of fun for Nia. During the trip, he stopped off and talked to a couple of residents that Nia hadn't met.

After lunch, they took a hike, then returned to the hotel to swim. This time, with no one else around, the play was a little more friskier. Several times, Tom copped a feel of Nia, on her chest or butt. Nia, for her part, pretended as if it was just play. At one point, she playfully grabbed Tom between the legs, but it was more a painful thing (she didn't know that).

At dinner, she only wore a T shirt and panties. Tom could see, from stolen glances, that Nia had tiny cones, topped with large brown nipples under her shirt. After dinner, they retired to his bedroom to watch TV. Sitting next to him, on top of his bed, Nia had kind of a mischievous look on her face. Tom reached out and touched her thigh. The preteen pounced on him and a wrestling match was on.

He was much bigger than her and could have pinned her in a second. Of course he didn't do that, but he took advantage of the opportunity to tickle her, making her squeal. She tried tickling him back. But he poked at her ribs, open arm pits, and behind her knees. Finally, he pinned her hands above her head. She got a "what now" look on her face. He leaned in and tried to kiss her neck, causing more squealing, giggling, and kicking.

Finally, she calmed down. Laying next to him, and looking up, Tom reached down and gently caressed her face. Nia leaned into his hand and gently touched her lips to his hand as he began to pull away.

"Hey Tom", she asked, "how come you're not married ?"

"Oh wow", he replied, "that's a loaded question."

Tom took a deep breath, then in the nutshell, he told her about the three failed relationships in his life.

"So" she then asked, "would you marry my mom someday ?"

"I can't", he answered, "she's my employee, and employers aren't supposed to be involved with their employees that way. It causes all kinds of problems."

"Oh, so, who would you want to marry ?"

Just then Tom noticed that Nia's belly was exposed. He dove for her belly, making that lip vibration sound on her tummy. Nia squealed with delight and tried to wrestle from his grasp. Grabbing a pillow, she bapped him on the head. He grabbed a pillow and there was a short pillow fight before the two collapsed on the bed breathing hard. Tom was laying on his stomach and Nia was laying on her back. After a minute, he reached over and caressed her belly, which was still exposed. Nia asked him to rub her back as she rolled over again.

Tom started rubbing her back, then he thought to put his hand under her shirt. Unlike the night before, he took his time, gently kneading each part of her back. He grew aroused and he wondered how much he could get away with without alarming the girl. As he reached her lower back, he worked around her waistline, then decided to go for it, reaching in her panties to caress the top of her butt cheeks. He stopped at mid butt cheek, pulling his hand out, but then picking up the massage near the top of the thigh, and continuing it on until he had massaged the entire back of her body.

When he finished, he laid next to her. Nia reached over and placed her hand on his. He gently pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it. Nia smiled at him. Tom wrestled with himself, then decided to push things a bit. He moved over and spooned next to her, kissing her cheek. Nia adjusted her face and they kissed, lip to lip.

Nia took a deep breath and rolled onto her back. Tom climbed halfway on top of her and a makeout session of sorts ensued. Tom made sure to keep his mid section away from her body to hide his raging hard on. While kissing her, he caressed the side of her body, and a couple of times, copped a feel on her small boobs. Nia didn't resist or object as he touched her. Finally, after a little while, he stopped and he retreated. Nia made sure to hold his hand and they fell asleep touching each other.

After morning patrol, the couple had breakfast, then went to church. After church, they had brunch with a group from church. One of the men in the group noticed how glued Nia was to Tom's side. His stare caught Tom's eye. Tom made sure not to do anything untoward in the man's presence. On the ride back home, Nia held Tom's hand part of the way. Tom wondered what would happen when they got home.

Back at the hotel, the couple went to Tom's bedroom. There they watched TV for a bit, before Tom took up a reclining position. Nia snuggled in next to him. She did get up once to pee and get them sodas, but immediately resumed her position reclining against Tom.

Sasha came home just after three. Like any child would, Nia rushed to her mom's side. Tom, in desperate need of release, locked his bedroom door, pulled out a porno tape and relieved some pressure.

While Sasha unpacked from her trip, Nia played the dutiful daughter, asking her mom about her trip. Sasha gave her a thumbnail sketch, fibbing that she was cocktail waitressing As a young girl would, Nia asked an exploratory question, "Mom, would it be okay if someone my age had a boyfriend Tom's age ?"

Sasha felt a chill go up her spine. She had readied herself for this eventuality over the weekend.

She gathered herself, turned around, and looked at Nia.

"Nia, did you do something over the weekend ?"

"We just held hands, kissed and stuff ?"

"Stuff ?"

"We kind of wrestled, had a pillow fight. It was fun."

Sasha took a deep breath of relief. She sat down next to Nia. "It's time we had an important talk", Sasha told her.

Sasha then went on to explain that Nia was becoming a woman, and as such, to utilize discretion. To that end, Nia wasn't supposed to "kiss and tell", meaning that it was okay to tell her mom about the important things in her life, but she wasn't to tell anyone else about affairs of the heart, and that it would be wrong to tell friends and acquaintances about anything going on with a boyfriend or husband. Being more specific, she made sure that Nia understood to tell no one else about her and Tom because of societal biases.

At first Nia had difficulty grasping that society would think Tom an evil man for kissing her and loving her. Eventually, she understood and promised her mother that she wouldn't. tell anyone else what was going on .

That night, after dinner, Sasha had Nia wash the dishes. While Nia was busy, Sasha told Tom about the talk she had with Nia. Tom was relieved and thanked her. Tom then inquired about Sasha's weekend. Sasha confessed that while it was a profitable weekend, she hadn't climbed into anyone's bed.

During the week, Nia spent more time with Tom. Kisses were stolen and there was hand holding. On Friday, Sasha left out for the clubs right after Nia went to class. Tom picked Nia up right after class and they drove out of town for a movie and dinner. When they returned to the hotel, Nia ran off to her room to change clothes and freshen up. Tom freshened up as well, anticipating some tender friendliness from Nia.

Some minutes later, Nia appeared in Tom's room. She was only wearing a loose T shirt and panties. Like she did before, she climbed up on the bed and snuggled up to Tom. He had already plugged in a movie. Nia attentively watched the movie with him. The second the movie was over, she laid on her stomach and half whispered "Rub my back."

Tom reached under the T shirt and started to rub her back. Just a few seconds in, she stopped him, and started pulling up her shirt. He helped her pull it up, but she went so far as to completely remove it. Then she laid on her stomach again. Now free to use both hands, he went to her shoulders and started there, working his way down her entire back. When he got to her waist, he didn't presume anything. Like last week, he reached inside her waistband, but she reached down and started pushing her panties down. He helped, just baring her butt, but she said "Take them off", looking him in the eye with a playful look.

Tom's heart was trying to leap out of his chest. He willingly obliged Nia, removing her panties and throwing them on the floor. He returned to her butt, massaging it. As he came to her thighs, she parted her legs. He could see a pair of lovely bald pussy lips. He was pretty sure what was about to happen, but he resisted the urge to reach up and cop a feel.

He worked his way down her legs. As he reached her ankles, she rolled over. He looked at the naked preteen girl. Dimpled brown puffy nipples topped tiny white cones. Her pubic area was as bald as the day she was born. The look on her face came across as an offer, and Tom was sure what she was offering. He leaned in, cupping one of her cones as he kissed her.

She reached up, hugging him as he shared kisses with her. After a little while, he was able to move his head to her chest where he began to suckle on her tiny cones. Reaching down, he fingered her slit, sliding his middle finger across a continually moistening area. Nia began breathing deep, partially panting and moaning. Finally, he moved his head between her legs.

Only a minute into licking her, she started arcing her back, pressing her bald mound into his mouth. It was then that he began to work a finger into her. Her moaning took on a high pitch. He wasn't sure how close she was to orgasm. He retreated from between her legs, then rising, he took off his shirt as he positioned himself beween her legs. With his pants open, and down to his knees, he lined up his groin with hers. Maneuvering his dick, he found her opening. Pushing, and feeling her tiny opening painfully compressing the head of his dick, he kept pushing until the head popped in her. She let out a slight yelp as he entered her.

He looked and saw her wincing. He took his time and slowly worked until he had about one third of his dick in. He began working his hips. Nia was panting and moaning. After a little while, she relaxed enough that he was able to get more than halfway inside her. Tom felt his cum rising. He shot several spurts in her and he nearly collapsed on top of her. His dick deflated enough to be pushed out of her. He rolled to his right and laid next to her. Nia reached out and took his hand.

A moment later, she rolled over and cuddled up next to him.

"You all right ?" he asked.

"Yeah, great", she answered.

"Does it hurt ?"

"It's a little sore."

"Are you bleeding ?"

She got a confused look, "Bleeding ?" she inquired.

"Usually on their first time, girls....uh, bleed."

"Oh, that, uh, my mom knew this was coming. She helped me with this vibrating thing. It hurt and it bled. We had to do it twice."

"Your mom ?"

"I told her about you and me. She told me to not tell anyone else because people wouldn't understand. I think it's mean that someone like you can't be my boyfriend. We have to be careful, right ?"

"You have a good mom."

"I know."

He lifted one of her hands to his mouth and kissed it.

"You know what this means, right ?" he asked.

"What's that ?"

"You don't have to wear a suit in the pool anymore."

She giggled, then noticed that his pants were at his knees. She sat up and helped him take his pants off. She then climbed back on the bed and cuddled next to him. After a moment, she said: "Mom said to ask you about a blowjob. She says that all men like theirs differently. How do you like yours ?"

This time, it was Tom's turn to laugh. He gave Nia a course in the finer points of fellatio. She was a quick learner. It took a while for Tom to get there because of his prior entry into Nia. Finally, he shot his load in her mouth, with Nia swallowing everything.

Nia then climbed into his arms and the naked couple fell asleep together.

In the morning, after breakfast, Tom broke out his new digital camera. Being a technophobe, he had to rely on his young lover to show him how to work it. He wanted to take nude pictures of Nia, and wanted to start in the lobby. He started with her sitting upright on the couch, then had her pose, lying on her side. Moving her over to the chair, he had her pose with her legs spread, one leg dangling over the arm rest.

They then moved to his bed, where she posed stomach down, on her side, on her back, and finally on her back with her legs spread. He had wanted to move on to the pool, but his little head was talking to him, and Nia was giving him a come hither look.

After an hour long love making session, the couple moved to the pool. There, she posed several times before they both dove in for a dip.

Afterwards, he remembered that he hadn't done morning patrol. The couple showered, dressed, and hit the streets in his Chevy Blazer. Later, they took a midday hike, then drove to a diner for a late lunch. After lunch, they headed back to the hotel for more love making. They remained naked throughout the evening and night, only dressing the next morning for church. This time, they avoided the group that had looked them over so carefully the week before. Sasha returned just after midday. She quickly picked up that Nia and Tom had been making love all weekend. Nia couldn't wait that she had tried and loved skinny dipping in the pool. Nia then convinced the adults to all take a dip in the pool, completely naked. During the dip, Tom got his camera and took pictures of the event.

Feeling frisky, the naked trio then went to Tom's bedroom. Sasha declined having sex with Tom, but she did help her daughter-giving tips to Nia and stimulating her while Tom and Nia made love. Soon, the camera entered the fray, and Tom took pictures of the two naked females in his bed. Shortly afterwards, the pictures were moved to his computer.

That evening, while dinner was being prepared, Sasha pulled Tom aside. She explained that she had met a pilot. The pilot had pull in the charter service that he partly owned. Sasha had negotiated a 3k per month salary off the books, and under the table-to make money without the money being tracked. In return, Sasha had to be his beck and call girl on the weekdays. The deal wouldn't start for another week. The pilot gave her time to tie up loose ends.

"First thing" Sasha said, "I have to get Nia to an OB/GYN and get her on the pill. I can't have a pregnant 11 year old. Speaking of which, her birthday is Thursday. We need to plan something special."


The next day, right after class, Sasha picked Nia up and drove her to an OB/GYN for an examination. It was Nia's first time for this kind of examination. Sasha stayed with her all the time, explaining what the doctor was doing and what she was looking at. Sasha discretely asked the doctor to prescribe birth control pills for the preteen, hinting that Nia had boyfriend a couple of years older than her. The doctor wrote the prescription without much trouble.

Sasha took Nia straight from the doctor to a pharmacy. While she was there, she stressed how important it was to take the pill daily, without fail. Nia listened intently. She had still yet to have a period, but it was just a matter of time. Sasha also picked up a couple of feminine hygiene products, explaining to her what nature had in store for her.

As Thursday dawned, Nia awoke to find her mother packing bags. Nia was confused and near panicked. "Are we leaving, why are we leaving ? Is something wrong ?"

"It's a surprise" Sasha explained with a smile. "It's your birthday, and we're taking a trip to celebrate it."

"Is Tom coming along ?" Nia asked.

"Of course, he's packing too."

Nia's face lit up. "Where are we going ?"

"It's a surprise."

Nia jumped up and ran over to Tom's room. She found Tom also packing. She gave Tom a hug and kiss, asking him where they were going.

"Your mom didn't tell you ?" he asked.


"It's a surprise then."

Feigning outrage, she fired back "Why does everyone keep saying that ?"

"You'll love it. I promise. Go dress nice."

Three hours later, the trio was on a flight to Charleston. Arriving just after noon, they loaded up a rental car and drove to the Charleston Marriott. Nia had never seen such a hotel, it was very much an eye popping experience for her.

After taking their bags to the 12th floor, Sasha told Nia that they had to leave. Nia was confused again. "We're going to a spa", Sasha told her "you're going to get your nails done and some other nice stuff. The day is just beginning."

Three and a half hours later, as the spa trip was wrapping up, Nia was starting to get dressed. Just then, one of the spa workers brought a pair of garment bags to Nia and Sasha. Sasha looked at the labels and handed one of the garment bags to Nia.

"What's this ?" Nia asked.

"One of your birthday gifts."

Nia opened the garment bag and saw a sparkly light blue dress. Her eyes bugged out. "IT'S GORGEOUS !!" she gushed. She ran in front of a mirror, holding the dress to her body. With the ear to ear smile of young girl she squealed with delight, then started to put the dress on. After leaving the spa, as Sasha and Nia entered the hotel lobby, they found Tom in a suit and tie. Nia was amazed, she had never seen Tom dressed up before.

"You look amazing, both of you."

"Thank you" both ladies replied.

Nia gave Tom a quick hug.

"You ladies ready ?" Tom asked.

"I am" Sasha answered.

Nia looked back and forth at both adults, "another surprise ?" she asked.

"Yep" her mom replied.

"I think I'm beginning to like surprises" Nia mused.

Half an hour later, the trio was boarding a boat for a dinner cruise. Nia drank in the experience, enjoying every minute-the salt air on the deck as the boat left out, the three course dinner, the dancing, and the harbor view after dark.

Later, when the trio returned to the hotel and went to their room, Tom softly said "a final surprise for today."

He had Nia stand in front of the curtains while he turned out the lights. He then opened the curtains to expose a majestic after dark view of the city. The city below them looked like multi colored gems splayed out on a field of black velvet. Nia whispered a "Wow". Tom stepped behind her and held her to him. Sasha came over and joined the couple to take in the view. For a long moment, there was silence in the room, then Nia spoke:

"This is the most perfect day, ever."

Over the next two days, Nia was able to play on the beach, take a pirate tour, see the aquarium, took in a ghost tour and harbor tour. It was a relaxing and refreshing time for the entire trio. Nia especially enjoyed the trip.

On Sunday morning, the trio went to the airport. Shortly after they entered the airport, Sasha turned to her daughter and said, "It's time to say goodbye, for now."

Nia got a confused look. "I don't understand" she asked.

"I didn't want to ruin your weekend", Sasha told her, "but I've landed a new job. I have to be in another city from Monday through Friday from now on."

Nia looked at both adults with shock and confusion.

Sasha continued, "You can't be with me during the weekdays, but I'll come back to the hotel every weekend, you can count on that. Besides, you have Tom now, and he loves you very much. I'll always be just a phone call away if you need me. You're a young woman now and you have a good man. Be strong for me and give me a hug.

Nia gave her mother a strong bear hug. When she was done, Sasha gave a squeeze of the hand to Tom and said "Thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome", Tom replied, "and thank you. You've given me, a lot."

Sasha gave Nia another hug, then walked off to another part of the airport. Tom and Nia then checked in for their flight home.

The End.


If you like my story, check out my website.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


I would think strongly on extending this story to include coming months/years. This could be a strong storyline to build on.


A little strange beginning but i did enjoy the story Thanks Bob

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