Kevin's Asswhipping

[ M, F/bg, spank ]


Published: 5-May-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

Beautiful Young Kevin, an Orphan, has had it easy until now and is starting to act up. He is fortuitously placed with his Loving Aunt and Uncle, who believe that SEVERE BARE BOTTOM DISCIPLINE is the only way to stymie a Child's Misbehavior! story = Kevin Thompson was a real "boy's boy"-- 11 years old, platinum blonde with longish hair, cobalt blue eyes, pert upturned nose, high cheekbones, slight freckles, perfectly proportioned body-- with Protuberant Buttocks that seemed ready to Burst out of his Tight Trousers at any Moment! In fact, while getting dressed as of late, Cute Young Kevin had to apply extra emphasis to get his now bulging fly to zip. . . It was such an effort to get everything "down there" covered up in preparation for school lessons. . .

Sadly, Kevin's natural parents had died when he was but six years of age, and he spent some time with elderly Granparents who had to go into a Nursing Home when Kevin was Eleven. Sadly, these elder Folks had no Idea of how to discipline a developing wayward lad, so he was not so much as Hand Spanked during this period. Afterward, being an only child, it was only logical that the Simons--that is Uncle Peter and Aunt Stacy (with the youth's relatives) should take charge of the bright but saddened Boy. Uncle Peter and Aunt Stacy willingly took up their Familial Responsibility; they knew all about Children having 4 of their own-- ages 14, 12, 10, and 8. The Eldest was a Daughter, Assia, who had straight long Red Hair, Slight Freckles, a Beautiful Child Face and the most Pert Buttocks in the Neighborhood. Young Adolescent Boys could not help Gazing upon the Perfect Hillocks, under Tight Trousers with clear Panty Lines, that seemingly begged for Bare Bottom Punishment followed by Hot and Sweaty Fornication. . . Even Boy's Boys who generally ignored Girls noted an unmistakable Rise in their Trousers upon Assia's arrival. . .

The remainder of Uncle Peter's and Aunt Stacy's Children were Boys. And such Boys. . . Gorgeously Cute. They attracted attention wherever they went. Tommy, at 12, had the Family's Soft, Shining Platinum Blonde Hair, cut somewhat long so his ears were covered. He had Slight tan Freckles about his cute Nose and high Cheekbones-- and Sparkling Bright Green Eyes-- altogether looks of a Disney Movie Prepubescent Boy Star -- and Plump Buttocks that Stuck out so Impudently and Enticingly that one had to exercise incredible Self-Control to avoid planting a Sharp Spank on his Bulbous Hillocks-- seemingly Begging to Burst Through his Pants at any Moment! This was because, Tommy was developing in Front, his Uncircumcized Penis generally Turgid and Poking out in Front. . ., In Fact, Tommy's Front Poked Out much more than one would expect, giving a a casual observer an incredibly noticeble silhouette of his rapidly growing Penis and even in Testicles framed in tight trousers, shorts, or especially the tight "Fruit of the Loom" Underwear he wore in the later evening hours. . .

Devin, Uncle Peter's and Aunt Sally's 10 year old, had brilliant Red-Orange Hair, Mild Freckles Scattered about his upper nose and high cheekbones, and sensuous Lips (reminiscent of McCauly Culkins's) which seemingly begged to Suck on and Kiss Something. Like his Older Sister and Brother, he had a perfectly formed Body, neither fat nor thin, but amazing Buttocks which seemed to have a life of their own. This was a Boy who had a wild streak in him. . . and obviously needed VERY STRICT DISCIPLINE to mold Him into a good Boy. Happily, Devin had had the Benefit of a Severe Bare Bottom Spanking on frequent occasions, likely accounting for his improved attitude-- But had only had Hand Spankings before. His Discipline would soon Change!!!

Last but not Least, little Jason, the Baby of the Family, was a tender 8 years of age. He had Black Hair (rather long) and sparkling Blue Eyes, with a smattering of slight freckles across his cheekbones. His Bright Blue Eyes literally lit up a room, and all who met him were inclined to adore him. Especially of note were a most incredible pair of Plump Buttocks which rose, of their own accord, between Jason's low back and upper thighs. These were of a sort seldom seen, a Bubble Butt which receded medially into a deep and Secret Cleft. Little Jason was a real miscreant, who apparently begged for Spankings on a regular basis. Uncle Peter and Aunt Stacy would intimately explore his Cleft regularly--- exposing his Rosebud Anus-- in front of the entire family and any Visitors. Despite Begging and his Cute Pleas to Keep his Underwear on, Bare Bottomed Spankings were MANDATORY for misbehavior in the Simons family. The Rules were Simple:\


FURTHER, simple application of a Hand or Punishment Instrument to the Rise of the Buttocks was judged totally insufficient. . . especially for such Egregious Sins as Masturbation (the Most Common Offence). This was dealth with Specially!!!

To expiate this most frequent Transgression, Family Tradition taught that the Entire BUTTOCKS AND GENITALIA HAD TO BE WELL LEATHERED-- Boy or Girl Alike!!!

According to the ancient Family Doctrine, as passed down through the Generations of Uncle Peter's Family, Only Totally BARE BUTTOCKS were to be Punished-- No Underwear Could Interfere! Despite the most heart-rending Pleas from the Child being Punished, THOSE UNDERWEAR MUST NOT ONLY COME DOWN, BUT COMPLETELY OFF!! Many were the miscreants Tears provoked during this Ritual performed in front of the Entire Family and all Visitors Present!!!

The Most Trusty Instrument for Punishing Masturbation was the Martinet, a Soft, Supple Leather Whip with Several Polished, Softened Tails, which Would Reach Every Centimeter of the Miscreant Youth's Plump Buttocks-- Exploring the Cleft, Anus, Clitoris, Penis and Testicles as Deemed Necessary to correct the grevious Sin of Masturbation!

Fortunately, there was no danger of permanent Injury-- since the Red Welts left by the Martinet Stung Desperately as the Buttocks and Genitals received their Supple Leather Kisses-- They Gyrated Wildly when the Punishment reached its Climax-- but the Flaming Marks soon faded leaving the "Area" of Punishment apparently unscathed within just a Day or so (and ready for Re-Application as Necessary!!!).

Now Gorgeous Blonde Kevin, at 11 years old, was now Part of the Family-- He would soon Witness AND Experience this Lenghthy and Loving Punishment in front of the Entire Family!!! He Could Not Yet Imagine the Excitement of Witnessing, following by the Excruciating Mortification of Participating, that Soon awaited Him. . . He faintly heard the Martinet Crack in the Distance apon a Neighbor's Family's Beautiful 13 year old Girl's Behind, Obviously Totally BARE from the Shotgun Resonance of Leather Exploring and Correcting not only her Pert Buttocks but also her Virgin Anus and Vagina. . . Her Screams permeated her Family's home. Wow-- this was apparently an accepted practice in the neighborhood! And Very Soon Kevin would speak Firsthand of this Loving Correction!!!

Chapter 2

Now Kevin was a real "boy's boy," who turned heads even with people who seldom eyed children. At 11 years old, he was shimmering Platinum Blonde (much like Ricky Schroeder at that age), with longish hair with bangs, cobalt blue eyes, pert upturned nose, high cheekbones, slight freckles, and a perfectly proportioned body-- with Protuberant Buttocks that seemed ready to Burst out of his Tight Trousers at any Moment! Indeed, both the Back and Front of Young Kevin appeared in a constant struggle to stay contained in his tight trousers. In fact, while getting dressed as of late, Cute Young Kevin had to apply extra emphasis to get his now bulging fly to zip. . . It was such an effort to get everything "down there" covered up in preparation for school lessons. . .

Upon his reception into his Loving Uncle and Aunt's home, Young Kevin was astounded to learn that his new Caretakers had an amazing method of Disciplining their 4 Gorgeous Children, aged 8 to 14. The eldest was a daugher, (Assia) and the remaining 3 boys ( Thomas, [12] Devin [10] and Jason [8]) were ALL subjected to the same type of Punishment, administered according to their age and infraction. Specifically, ALL PUNISHMENTS IN THIS HOME WERE SPANKINGS AND/OR WHIPPINGS APPLIED TO THE AREA UNDER THE CHILD'S UNDERWEAR!!!. No sooner had Kevin arrived, when he was sat down by Uncle Peter and Aunt Sally (in the presence of their children) and explained the Family's firm policy regarding Punishing Childhood misconduct. Kevin was at first mortified at the prospect of undergoing (for the first time!) Bare Bottom Correction-- which he understood was a Family Affair and administered before the Whole Family and any Guests present. He was worried that His bevahior would not be up to snuff-- and the extremely embarrasing Punishment which was surely in store for Him...

Fortunately for Kevin, He was not the first to be Punished following His arrival. In general, the Home seemed very Happy. He rapidly acclimized to His new enviroment. He felt very welcome. The Cousins accepted him immediately, and he felt vague, inchoate sexual stirrings especially toward Redhaired Assia with his newly developing Tits and amazing Ass, all of which stuck out provocatively. Uncle Peter was a fascinating man, extremely well educated and entertaining. Aunt Sally was a wonderful cook, making each meal a tasty experience. These People believed in doing everything to its upmost, (including Punishments) to get the Verve of Life. . .

Devin, Uncle Peter's and Aunt Sally's 10 year old, had brilliant Red Hair, Sparkling Green Eyes, Mild Boyhood Freckles Scattered about His upper nose and high cheekbones, a Pert Nose, and Sensuous Full Lips (reminiscent of McCauly Culkins's) which seemingly begged to Suck on and Kiss Something. Like his Older Sister and Brother, he had a perfectly formed Body, neither fat nor thin, but amazing Buttocks which seemed to have a life of their Own. They impudently Stuck Out of his Tight Shorts, a perfect "Bubble Butt, with a deeply formed Cleft Separating the Magnificent Backside. Likewise, the Front was also quite conspicuous, with an unmistakable silhouette of Genitals appearing as though they were ready to BURST through His Zipper. When he ran about in His tighty-whitey Fruit of the Loom Underwear in the Evening, the appearance was breathtaking. This was a Boy who had a Mischievious streak in him. . . and obviously needed VERY STRICT DISCIPLINE to mold Him into a good Boyhood. And it was never long in coming. . .

Happily, Devin had had the Benefit of a Severe Bare Bottom Spanking on frequent occasions, likely accounting for his improved attitude-- But had only had Hand Spankings before. To his sibling glee (and Kevin's), His Discipline would soon Change! Uncle Peter and Aunt Sally were firm believers in advancing Punishments to be commensurate with age and infraction. While all Punishments were administed in the Family Room (after a general announcement to everyone in the home), the Instruments of Punisment and Severity thereof varied considerably to be tailored to the malfeasant Child. For instance, Punishment (WHILE ALWAYS ON THE BARE) could be carried out with a Loving Parental Hand, Hairbrush, Two-Tailed Tawse, or Whippy Cane. The Supple Martinet (6 gleaming leather snakes connected to a wooden handle) was reserved for Sexual Impropriety-- Especially the grevious sin of Masturbation! Unsurprisedly, it found frequent use in Uncle Peter's and Aunt Sally's Caring Home. . .

Bang! The door to 10 Year Old Devins room was flung open by Aunt Sally. The Beautiful Young Redhead was caught, "redhanded," on His bed with his right hand DIRECTLY wrapped around his turgid Penis. His partially pulled down Fruit of the Loom Underwear were about His languid thighs; his knees partially bent. Aunt Sally was bugeyed as She saw that His Youthful Penis was in a state of Full Erection! Aunt Sally went livid. The Boy had obviously been thinking evil thoughts, and was now abusing Himself! "What do You think You are Doing, Young Man?" Aunt Sally Barked. Devin was Thunderstruck. "Ohhh. .. Nothing Mommy. . . I. . I. . had an itch!" Aunt Sally quickly approached the Boy's Bed and was shocked to see a PLAYBOY MAGAZINE which Devin was furtively trying to Hide with His Body. "PORNOGRAPHY!" shrieked Aunt Sally. This was a great Sin and must be thoroughly Punished, before the whole Family!!!

Devin was ordered to remain in his Room while Uncle Peter and the Whole Family, including Young Kevin, were summarily summonded into the Living Room. Everyone was asked to sit on the Couch or Chairs, Facing a Stool which stood alone, having had been placed in front of the gathered. Observers "What's going on?" Kevin asked his Cousin Tommy. "Just You Wait And See. . " Tommy exclaimed. "I think my Brother Devin was been caught playing with his Pee Pee---- and I hear my Dad Fetching the Martinet!". "What's That?" Kevin asked excitedly. "It's the Special Shiny Whip we get when we do Evil Things," Tommy replied. "It's the worse Punishment We Get--IT PUNISHES US ALL UNDER OUR UNDERWEAR." Astounded, Kevin was transfixed as he saw Uncle Peter enter the Family Room with the leather Martinet Whip with 6 gleaming Tails (kept very moist by something?!) and the heard Aunt Sally coming down the Steps in the Family Room, leading Devin by the Ear to Face His Punishment. Silence Fell as All Eyes Glued Upon Beautiful Young Red Haired Devin, who was wearing only Tight White Underpants and a short White Tee- Shirt which showed his belly Button. His Pixie Cute Face reddened as He saw the assembled Family. A Tear fell from his Brilliant Green Eyes down his Slight Freckled, Blushing Cheeks. An Obvious Erection was Prying the elastic of his Underwear forward, as He was led to the "Punishment Stool." Uncle Peter was briskly swingly the Martinet back and forth; it made whistling noises. The Family came to Full Attention. . .

A Severe Punisment was ready to begin. . . the Whole Family, and especially their Young Cousin Kevin, were mesmerized.

Chapter 3

As was described for You (in Part II), Aunt Sally and Uncle Peter had very strict ideas regarding Punishment of Children-- especially for morally grievous sins like Masturbation! When any of their own gorgeous offspring were caught "red handed," it meant the culprit would soon be sporting a blazing red Backside-- and Frontside too! Naturally, the Chastisement would be administered in front of the Whole Family along with any Guests present! This was to ensure that the Discipline be not only Painful, but Humiliating-- and a strong lesson for the other Children witnessing. Kevin, along with his Aunt and Uncles' other Children, were now eagerly awaiting beautiful young Devin about to get his just desserts from Uncle Peter.


This of course meant that the Underwear had to come completely off, so as not to obstruct the areas to be Disciplined in any way. There could be no hindrance to the loving kisses of Chastisement; no barrier to limit their stinging effectiveness on Child Behavior!

It was particularly important that the ENTIRE AREA UNDER THE CHILD'S UNDERWEAR be well attended to when the crime was Masturbation. . .

Accordingly, gorgeous Devin was now positioned pinioned over the "Spanking Chair," with his prominent Buttocks open to the Family's eager eyes. His slightly Freckled face was blushed and little beads of sweat formed on the bridge of his angelic nose. A tear formed in each eye and ran down his high cheekbones. His brilliant Red Hair was matted down in a Beattle's style on his gleaming forehead. His Body was trembling slightly, and his Buttocks involuntarily Yawed Open as the command from Uncle Peter to "Spread Your Legs Further" reverberated through the Family Den. Now his Boyish, but growing Penis and Testicles could be clearly observed by Kevin and the Family to be dangling between his perspiring Thighs. The Penis was now semi-erect, and spasmed slightly with each of Devin's waitful heartbeats. Uncle Peter now stood to the left side behind Devin, and lifted the glistening Martinet with his right hand. The shiny Tails splayed out as he figured the proper distance to reach every nook and cranny of Devin's jutting Plump Backside. The Whipping was now Beginning! The Family watched trance-like, their hands surreptitiously covering their moisening crotches. . .

Thhhhhhwwwwwikkkk!!!! Whistled the Martinet. It landed square on Devin's Bubble Butt, with the Tails separating to strike at varying targets. One luminous Tail landed across the Plumpest portion of the Right Buttocks, leaving a Red Wheal. Another flipped back to Scorch a spot of the Left Buttock, leaving a dime-size Red mark. With amazing supple grace, a third Tails dove directly into the deep Crease between the Yawing Buttocks, while the fourth somehow came up from underneath, between Devin's Thighs, to loudly SMACK against the dangling Genitals! YEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Shrieked Devin, as he gyrated his Buttocks in a small circular pattern-- without loosing his Stance. To do so would necessitate the Punishment to begin from scratch!

Sweeeeeickkkkk!!!! Came down the gleaming Martinet again-- this time two Tails landed on across the lower portion of the Right Buttock. .. and two Tails snapped back on the Left Buttock to leave a total of 4 bright Pink Stripes. EEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!! yelled Devin in a high pitched squeal. Now the Buttocks moved up and down, the dangling Genitals bouncing frantically in time. Still, Devin knew enought to hold his legs in position!

Swwwwwaaaakkkkk!!!!! The Martinet now aimed low, with two tails hitting the gaping Rosebud Boyhole and two striking the Youthful Genitals-- one apparently hitting the mark on the Scrotum and the other gracing Devin's increasingly turgid Penis, which now had grown to its full 4 inch Glory.

"This is what happens in this Home to Children who Sin by Playing with Themselves!" announced Aunt Sally as all eyes remained fixed on the dramatic Punishment Scene unfolding before them. . . Kevin was fascinated as he drank in the wild contortions of Devin's Pert Buttocks, Ball Sac and Willy-- amazed how his younger Cousin could keep in position so well! He noticed a wet spot forming near his zipper area. . .

Weeeeeiiiipppppp!!! Sang the Martinet-- Again and Again!!! Uncle Peter was Punishing his pretty Cousing in earnest! Tears were rolling down his Cherubic Face, while the Impudent Buttocks Yawed Open and then attempted to Contract-- only to be met with another Firery Kiss of the Martinet!!! The Entire Buttock Area was decorated with thin Red Welts, which were equally distributed into the Crevice, along the Perineum, on the Back of the Scrotum and the Underside of Devin's Stiffy-- which bobbled up and down continuously now as though wishing to escape his wiggling Ball Sac. The Buttocks Gyrated madly as Devin fought to keep his feet properly Spread so that the Punishment could have maximum effect, as Uncle Peter and Aunt Sally demanded.

After about 20 strokes of the Martinet, Uncle Peter commanded Devin to Rise up off the Spanking Chair. Devin immediately grabbed his Red Hot Buttocks, one with each Hand, and did a most spectacular Spanking Dance with his Willy and Balls flying about in all directions. Especially intriguing was the way the tumescent Penis pointed here, there, and everywhere as Devin danced. The gawking Family was mesmerized!

"Peter," Aunt Sally spoke up again, "I see You did a most excellent job on Devin's naughty Backside, but his Front is still mostly untouched. . . I think we need to Complete the Job!" Uncle Peter nodded in agreement."You are right, Sally, we must give Devin the full measure of his Punishment for Masturbation!" Kevin's jaw had dropped as he watched agape, along with his Cousins.

Devin looked at his Mom, and then Dad, in Horror. This could only mean one thing! A Full Genital Whipping!!! "No, Mom, Dad, No Please Not THAT!!!" cried out Devin as the news that his Punishment was far from over overcame him. But Uncle Peter was resolute. This Naughty Boy must have Full Genital Punishment for Masturbation, so that he would learn his lesson about the wicked sin of self-pleasure. Uncle Peter and Aunt Sally were firm in the belief the this loving treatment would (eventually!) cure their wayward Children-- while purifying them from this evil Sin forever!

Tearful Devin slowly walked back to the Spanking Chair, under the Whole Family's watchful gaze, to take his new Punishment Position. . .

The reviewing period for this story has ended.