Tommy Snowden was a popular 12 year old boy. With his penchant for mischief, he had a class reputation of being a clown. He was very cute, with blond hair in a "Beatle" style, blue eyes, slight freckles and an impish grin. He looked like young Ricky Schroeder but for a singular distinguishment -- Besides for his pretty face, his Pert Buttocks were the object of considerable attention@ They were appreciated by both Teachers, Schoolmates and Parents! Tommy's youthful Buttocks were very round and jouncy, stuck out noticeably, and when compressed sprang back with an obvious resilience. These Buttocks exemplified a form of perfect Spankable Boyhood. As such, many of his friends couldn't help but lay a playful pat on his well cleaved bottom, which he took with a dismissing grin.
Tommy's childish pranks often earned him a spanking, by either of his parents. This would always be administered on his bare bottom, with his pants completely removed. This was the same punishement, given with the bare hand, was also used on his brother Mark (10) and sister Allison (14). Tommy's parents believed in spanking, but it was generally very mild and only to the point of drawing a tear or two from the culprit. While the spankings were given in private, in the children's bedrooms, the sound of a hand striking bare flesh followed by yelps often was heard drifting down the steps into the living room. Nonetheless, Tommy and his siblings continued to be as recalcitrant as ever, with no shortage of things to break, report card to forge signatures upon, and petty thefts. It was hard for the parents to be more strict with their beloved (and manipulative!) offspring, and it was evident that a firmer hand was needed.
Tommy's parents were going to Europe for a month that summer, and they needed to "farm out" the kids to their relatives for that time. Allison was sent to her mother's sister, an accentric artist, and Mark to his maternal grandparents. On purpose, Tommy was sent to Father's brother Jake. Now Uncle Jake had little patience for mischief, and was a firm believer in the older methods he had been raised with. He believed that sound punishment, upon the bare bottom of the offending boy or girl, was the only solution to stymie juvenile delinquency. He gladly took up the suggestion that Tommy should stay with him for a month, to help improve the boy's attitude. Uncle Jake had several children of his own, and they were noted by the whole extended family to be very well behaved. If one of his children misbehaved, it was time for clothes-off discipline in front of the entire family, including any guests present. Uncle Jake AND his wife felt strongly that Tommy would benefit from this loving treatment-- which should not be delayed!
No sooner than the day that Tommy arrived at Uncle Jake's, he had already gotten into trouble! He had brought with him a pen-knife, swiped from the local drug store, and decided to carve his initials into the top base of the bunk bed he would be sharing with his cousin Derrick. So what if no one had done so before? It was a canvas waiting for artwork. He also carved in a crude drawing of an erect penis, just for effect. Tommy didn't know that the shavings from his penknife had fallen onto the sheets on his bunk below, and that Aunt Sally would look up and see his "artwork" upon making the bed. He could not guess the rapidity with which the report would be told to Uncle Jake, nor the speed at which he was confined to his room to await Uncle Jake's response. Severe discipline was in the offing!
Upon examining the errant artwork, Uncle Jake pronounced it "obscene" and a destruction of his valuable furniture. He told Tommy that it was time he learned His lesson, and the pixie cute blond Boy now trembled when informed that he must now be thoroughly Spanked!
Now Tommy was actually a very modest boy about being undressed in front of others, and was horrified to hear Uncle Jake pronounce that the spanking would be on Tommy's plump Bare buttocks in front of the entire family! At this point, Uncle Jake led young Tommy, by the ear, out to the den. Here the whole Family was anxiously awaiting seeing their gorgeous young Cousin get his overdue desserts!
Uncle Jake now informed Tommy that he was to remove ALL of His clothing.! Tommy blushed and flushed. He slowly complied by taking off his shoes, socks and T-shirt. The family was bursting with excitement to see Tommy's magnificent Bare Bottom, which stuck out so enticingly through his tight trousers. A bulge under the front zipper line was clearly noticeable-- and apparently enlarging-- as well!
Tommy looked up and asked "Can't I keep my pants on, Uncle Jake" to which his Uncle just laughed. "No, Tommy, all my punishments must be given on the naughty bare-bottom! "Remove your trousers now!". Tommy hesitantly complied, feeling the eyes of the whole family upon him. With the trousers removed, the family could see the boy's five foot muscular frame and the bulge in front of his underwear. "Uncle Jake, couldn't I just please keep my underwear on?" Tommy implored. "Absolutely not-- I intend to treat you just as one of my own children, and have your parents permission to do so-- Remove those underpants now!" Sadly, his cute face blushing, Tommy slid the underwear down and off. Now his embarrasment was complete, but he shielded his hairless crotch and youthful penis wish both hands. "Hold your hands above your head!" Uncle Jake commanded. Now the entire family would see his small, but rapidly growing Penis and Testicles. Tommy wished he were anywhere else but here!!!
Uncle Jake sat on his special Spanking Armchair, dreaded by all his Children, and calmly instructed young Tommy to come close, and crawl over his lap. Tommy's turgid Penis fit right into the space between Uncle Jake's muscular thighs. Uncle pushed up his right knee a bit, so Tommy's impudent young Buttocks stuck out impertinently. The whole Family was mesmerized!
Now Uncle Jake believed in starting with a firm, exploratory Hand spanking-- to get to know the Child one-on-one. He lifted his large, toughened hand and brought it down with a sharp "SMACK!!!" on Tommy's left pale and protruding Buttock cheek. The "SMACK" reverberated through the den--m Tommy let out a loud yelp, "OWWEEEE" and Uncle let his hand stay cuddling the cute Buttock for a moment. When he lifted it, a clear view of his palm and fingerprints were emblazoned on the pert Left Buttock!
Again Uncle Jake lifted his strong arm, landing a loud "SMACK" directly the errant Boy's glorious Right Buttock! Another yelp from Tommy was heard, and the same deliberate slow lifting of the hand, after cuddling the miscreant's heating Buttock, occurred. . .
"Smack, Smack, CRACK, SMACK, SMACK, WHACK!" Uncle Jake's arm pummeled the rounded bubble Buttocks, which seemed to bounce back with such perky resilience. The Boy began to squirm on His Uncle'a lap, tears were flowing down his freckled cheeks, and his pretty Face was becoming as red as His well-obseverd Bottom. "Please, Uncle Jake, no more! It Hurts! I'll be a good boy! I'll never do it again!!!
But Uncle Jake was far too experienced a Spanker to be swayed by punished Children's pleas. He alone would determine when the Punishment was complete. Besides, this Boy was here to be corrected-- his Parents had obviously failed at the job-- and had now enlisted his help. He would not fail them. It was time for the Paddle!
Uncle Jake picked up the eight inch long, 3 inch wide, 3/8 inch thick Paddle with the handle which had been so useful for correcting his own children's misdeeds. Uncle Jake had made it himself, in his toolshed, and had drilled rows of holes down the business end, which left small dots on the youthful buttocks being attended to. He smacked it hard down on squirming Tommy's bare bottom with a reminded to keep still, if Tommy didn't want the punishment to start all over again. "OUCH" Tommy yelled, as the finely smoothed wood contacted his quivering plump buttocks. "Please, Uncle Jake, not the Paddle-- I'll be good-- I promise"
"OUCH" smacked the paddle again, "I love you Uncle Jake-- please stop, PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!!!" But Uncle Jake and Aunt Sally would not fail in his responsibility to straighten out this wayward lad. Again and Again the wicked Paddle SMACKED, CRACKED and WHACKED upon the opening Backside-- but still leaving the area between the Cheeks unreddened! A thorough SPANKING of a naughty Child must scrupulosly attend to this exqusitely sensitive and normally well hidden Private Area also. To achieve complete Childhood Correction--
This Family Tradition was particularly true for Masturbation, for which Tommy would soon mean the true meaning of Family Discipline!!!
Uncle Jake's strong left hand held the squirming Boy in place, and the Family's eyes were riveted to the stimulating scene. The other children had put their hands over their crotches to cover the excitement they were feeling watching their beautiful young cousin get his behind blistered. With Tommy's bucking and writhing, he turned and twisted his body enough for the other children (and Aunt Sally!) to see that his young penis was growing, even during the spanking! Now Uncle Jake, an expert Spanker (cultivated from many happy years of severely Punishing Miscreant Children. The neighbors knew of his impeccable reputation and regularly sent their cute, errant Chldren for a long Bare Bottomed dose of Uncle Jake's Firm but Loving Correction!!!
Now Uncle Jake decided that to complete the Job the ENTIRE BUTTOCKS must be well attended to! With his left hand, he gently pulled over Tommy's left buttock to open the crevice between the buttocks. He used the edge of the paddle, wielded with his right hand, to run up from the upper inside thigh along the inside rise and Buttock crease, sequentially delivering hard SPANKS along the still while left crease and anus area. Then, to Tommy's dismay, Uncle Jake placed left hand on Tommy's right Buttock, to displace it enough to open the perspiring Crease from the other direction. Uncle Jake landed an array of hard SPANKS!!! directly into the deep Crease, with the specialized Tip his crafted hardwood Paddle-- successfully reddening the entire insides of Tommy's youthful Buttocks!!!
At this point Tommy was screaming from the SPANKS, a lICKING of a kind He had never experienced before but had been long overdue!!!
Now his Sparkingly Blue Eyes drowned in tears, but he was now holding his bottom still-- He sure didn't want this spanking to start over!!! Finally, Uncle Jake put down the paddle and was finished.
Tommy just then felt a strong sense of love and affection for Uncle Jake, this man who obviously cared so much about him. He reached up and hugged Uncle Jake, putting his tear stained face and soft blond hair against Uncle Jakes large chest. "I love you, Uncle" Tommy said, to which his Uncle unabashedly said, "I love you too, son". When Tommy slid off his Uncles lap the whole family could see his now semi-stiff Penis wobbling around, and his Buttocks blazed bright, bright red. Interetingly, Hhowever, there was not even the slightest mark on his back or Thighs, the redness abruptly ending exactly under each Bottom Plump Jutting Bottom Cheek. A Perfect Spanking!
Uncle Jake was speaking.. . "I expect better of you in the future, Tommy, since next time you will get the Martinet Whip bending over the chair upon both Your Naked Bottom and Penis! Tommy blushed even brighter red as His perky young Penis jiggled up and down, and his Buttocks spontaneously gaped open and closed as he frantically tried to rub the intense heat from them. His mind was now on the Martinet. . . some sort of Spanking Whip? He would soon find out!!!
Despite the cute Punished Boy's new concerns, the entire Loving Family eagerly hoped that next time would happen soon!
And indeed it did. Tommy just could not keep himself
out of trouble at uncle Jake's, playing with his Cousins. Especially since it was a hot summer, and their was a water hole which had been declared "off limits" by Aunt Sally-- for it was considered very dangerous to swim there unsupervised. However, Tommy had been "double dared" to jump in by his cute Cousins. . . and those same daring Cousins soon came in shouting to Aunt Sally that Tommy had been swimming there! Aunt Sally flushed with anger, and proclaimed that Uncle Jake would have to be fully informed. He was out on his Harvestor, gathering in the crop with the field hands. Tommy was told to wait in His room for the return of Uncle Jake! The whole family was electrified, knowing that soon their pixie cute Cousin would be stripeed NAKED. . . getting Severe and Resoundling Discipline on His Prominent Bare Buttocks, AND PERHAPS EVEN HIS IMPUDENT GROWING WILLIE!! Tommy was told that his Loving Treatment would be administered in front of Front of his Aunt and Uncle's entire concerned Family-- and would be scupulously obsevered by any Guests present, should hotly blushing Tommy be so fortunate!!!. .
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