Peter Taylor was only 12 years old when his father received the report from the middle-school-- Unless his son improved his grades and behavior over the next 2 months, he would have to repeat 6th grade. Now Peter had a penchant for play and mischief rather than schoolwork-- he would much rather be with his friends Tommy and Derrick exploring the nearby woods, or playing softball. He was a real boy's boy, with a medium build, Red hair in "Beatle Style", and slight boyhood freckles across his pert nose and high-boned cheeks. He was well physically developed, particularly his Plump backside which stuck out with a well rounded and pertly shaped impudence. Even though corporal punishment was not allowed at his school, several teachers hadn't resisted giving him a mild smack, or at least a pat, to his jouncy Buttocks. He had bright green eyes and an easy smile, and could be very playful. He dismissed the teachers "love pats" on his Bubble Bottom with a mischievious grin.
Unfortunately for Peter, this playful streak had gotten him into trouble time and again with his parents, and after trying various punishments, they together decided that only severe spanking seemed to get Peter's attention at all. To be fair to his older brother Mikey (age 14) and younger brother Justin (age 8) as well as his slightly older sister Janis (age 13), family punishments were standardized so no one could complain. After the culprit had been confronted with and admitted their need for punishment, the fate was sealed. After dinner the whole family would procede into the living room, where the punishment would be administered in full view of everyone, including any family or guests present.
All punishments were administered upon the child's Bare Buttocks, after they removed ALL of their clothing in front of the family. Peter's parents felt that this humiliation and submission was essential to proper chastisment. If the culprit resisted, they would be "assisted" removing their clothing, and the severity of the spanking increased. A special chair in the living room, called the "Spanking Chair", was used to assist in the punishments, which happened on the average every week or so. The whole family waited in eager anticipation of these loving sessions, which seemed to occur with increasing regularity!
All of the children got their share of punishments, the only difference being the implements used and severity (and sometimes position) which was determined by age and the seriousness of the infraction. For young Justin, the Spanking was often given by hand, or with the hard-backed wood hairbrush, over his father's knee, until his buttocks were blazing red and he was no longer struggling. Father was a very thorough spanker, covering every square centimeter of the buttocks, and not neglecting the inside of the crevice between them. When released, His Youthful Penis was invariably Erect, and he did a fascinating dance before the Family, with his boyhood flopping about frantically.
For the older Children, there was a Strap, a Two Tailed Gleaming Tawse for more serious offences, and the Whippy Pliable Junior School cCane for the most severe crimes. Again, ALL Punishments were ONLY administered to the NAKED BARE BUTTOCKS. Today, miscreant Peter would get the Two-Tailed Well Oiled Tawse.
After dinner, the Family gathered in the living room. Peter had not eaten much, and had a downcast expression on his pretty face. The other children were astir at the prospect of watching Punishment-- which they hated getting themselves but loved witnessing. With the rest of the family comfortably seated, Peter's Father moved the well used "Spanking Chair" to the center of the Living Room, and issued the commands-- "Peter, you know why you are here. Tonight you will be severly punished for you laziness and inattention. You will recieve the Tawse on your Naked Buttocks! Remove All Your Clothing now, and fold it up". Miserably, Peter complied. He undid his belt and unsnapped his trousers, while avoiding looking at his watchful family. He removed his gym shoes and socks, and slid His tight Trousers down over His Pert Buttocks and completely off, folding them and putting them on the coffee table as his father had said. He removed his wjite Tee-shirt to show his muscular 12 year old frame, with pinpoint Nipples on his gleaming white Chest. . . The observant Family noted a slight bulge in his bright white Fruit of the Loom Underwear--- a develpment which was not lost on He nor They. Peter realized that His newly developing Boyhood would soon be examined by the Whole Family!!!
Father now had the tawse, black leather, Supple from Use, 2 tails, about 12 inches long with a 6 inch leather handle. He was swishing it back and forth impatiently. "Remove Your Underwear, Peter!" he commanded. This was the moment of truth, for the whole Family to see what Peter had been hiding under his Pants!
Peter reluctantly complied, his semi-erect penis emerging into full view of the family. He slid the Underwear down and off his ankles, placing them on the coffee table with his other clothing. "Bend over the chair, Buttocks high, grasp the lower rung" his father intoned. Peter complied. His perfectly formed, impudent Buttocks were high in the air, directly facing the family. "Open your legs wider" Father commanded, Peter did so they were about 16 inches apart.. "Arch Your back, stick your naughty Buttocks out further"-- Peter did, the family now could see his jouncy plump Buttocks, quivering in anticipation, as well as His youthful Penis and testicles dangling between his thighs below His Buttocks. The Family's excitement was palpable. The Real Punishment would Now Begin!!!
"Swish" smacked the tawse on Peter's naked buttocks. He yelped. "Swishhhh-Smackk" like a rifle shot. Again, and again, and again. Peter bounced up and down upon the soles of his feet but knew enough to stay in position, or the whole punishment would need to start over. "Sssswack!!!" loudly cracked the gleaming Tawse. Father was an expert Tawser. One tail (the upper one) would snap across the Child's Mid-Buttocks, leaving a livid Welt. Simultaneously the lower Tawse Tail would bend, seemingly on it's own accord, and invariably find its way into the crevice between the Buttocks. Peter was being Longly and Hotly corrected with this Loving Treatment, to the delight of the whole Family!!!
As the Family sat wide eyed, they noticed that sometimes the Lower Tail of the supple Tawse would even catch Peter's Balls or turgid Youthful Penis-- the Proper Penalty for Childhood Misbehavior!!!
Smack, Swish, Swack!!! sang the Tawse, a very Long and Painful chastisment. His Shrieks were music the Family's ears. Now constant Tears were streaming down Peter's pretty Freckled Cheeks as the Leather Tawse did it's unmerciful work. Peter's hips bucked and squirmed, but He didn't let go of the chair rung. He started pleading "Please dad-- enought-- I'll be good-- It hurts to much-- Please aim a little higher-- I love you dad-- please-- I'm sorry-- I'll do better in school--Mom, tell him to stop" But Mom didn't-- she fully supported Father's methods of punishment. Finally, Peter's Gorgeous Buttocks were entirely livid red, from top to bottom where His Thighs meet the rise of his Buttocks, and deep into the crevice. Even the back of his youthful, hairless Ball Sac was flaming Bright Pink. Peter was learning His lesson in earnest!!!
Peter's shrieks had died down with acceptance of His Punishment' He was now crying softly, as his Plump Buttocks opened to receive the Whip. The shiny Tails struck on every centimeter of his gorgeous Buttocks, and deep into the Cleft between them. His Genitals regularly received Loving Attention with the Tawse, causing shrill shrieks from the Angelic Boy.
Finally, the awful Swishing and Smacking noises stopped. "Ok, Peter, you may get up now and get dressed" Father said. Peter's hands jerked off the chair rung and he reached back to grab one Buttock in each Hand. He jumped Up and Down like a frog in front of the whole family, frantically rubbing the fire out of his Naked Buttocks. Sweat dripped from his Bathing Suit area onto his Gleaming Thighs. The Family scrutined His Youthful Penis which had now grown to twice it's normal size, and it was frantically Bouncing Up and Down as Redhead Peter hopped and wiggled. His Sister stared in fascination, bright eyed. His brothers now had bulges in their pants, which they put there arms over to conceal.
"Peter, next time it will be the Whippy Junior cane on your naughty Bare Buttocks, in front of the whole Family. . . In fact, we will invite Company Next Time! .. . So You had better learn to behave in school". As Peter tearfully slid his Tght White Fruit of the Loom Underwear over His Swollen Backside (and Frontside!) to cover his Engorged Privates, He had a strong feeling he would be feeling that Whippy Junior School Cane across his Bare Buttocks Very Soon!!
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