Timothy's Enslavement: A Boytoy, Inc. Story, Part 4

[ M/m, nc, bd, slavery, mc ]

by Dirt


Published: 30-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

As phase two continued, Timothy's new master made sure he was now comfortably seated on the cushioned chair. It was large enough so that he was cuddled tightly with his new master who was seated next to him. They were holding each other tightly in their arms. Timothy had quickly recovered from the quite severe caning he had just experienced. Even if he could feel some of the lingering pain. But the pain faded fast since the weapon was designed that way. The boy did not realize that his pain would have been 20 times as severe right now if his master had used a primitive cane. But he was now mostly thinking about that almost revelation type happening near the end of his punishment.

I had trouble putting my thoughts in order. So mush was suddenly so outside my experience and so sudden, that I had trouble completely understanding exactly what was happening tome. But and the end of that punishment it was as if I only then really understood what being a TRUE slave-boy was all about. And it involved in totally abandoning yourself to your master. That I didn't LIKE the pain of the punishment was not relevant. But it was necessary for two reasons. First it is the lot of slave to be punished for not doing as his master wants. But ore importantly, I realized that it didn't even matter if it was a punishment. That my master WANTED to do this to me and had HIS reasons was enough! And I then not only accepted the punishment, I realized I LIKED being punished by my master. Sure I hated the pain, but that didn't matter. And I now felt that much closer to my new master.

And as we sat on that big couch, my master taking me in his strong black arms, I felt such a rush of comfort and joy almost cried. My master then started telling tin quite some detail exactly what he expected of me. And I decided I wanted to please him. Although some of his rules felt awfully restrictive. But because I WANRED so much to be his obedient slave-boy, I decided I was just going to MAKE myself LIKE all his rules. And I was amazed that in a short time I DID like the idea of being bound by them. ALL of them even the ones I for the life of me could no longer understand why I thought them so difficult to accept. The first few were easy. Like obeying all his orders, and always telling him the truth, and never questioning his orders unless invited to do so. That was all just common sense. He was the master after all. And I felt SO GOOD being his slave. Just realizing that I now totally BELONGED tom master made me so happy.

As I said at first I thought some of them so restrictive and difficult to at first accept. But number five which was to do NOTHING unless I understood that it was something my master would approve. Wow. And number six was to make NO decisions before I first asked myself what my master wanted or expected of me. That was complicated. But in no time, after really understanding exactly WHY my master made this rule, I could no longer understand why I found it difficult to accept. Gees! It was all so simple and also made me happy to obey.

"Boy, we about done here. Do you need to go over all these rules again?"

"No master. And thank-you. I will submit." I wassailing hard my mouth hurt.

My master was pleased I could tell and that even made me happier if that were possible. "Good boy. We have made an excellent start. When we gat home after your completed modifications, you will be given more specific examples to confirm all these rules in your mind. But do not fret. We will both enjoy this journey."

My master stood and as instructed I made no move until I was directed by my master. We left the room and greeted Dr. Dogood in the next room. It was filled with all kinds of equipment and a large tank. I was thrilled that the rest of my modifications were about to be done.

"Timothy," my master addressed me -- I understood that since he used my name that I was now in what he called 'boy-mode,' as opposed to 'slave-mode,' where my actions were so much more restricted. "Now I want you to do what the good doctor says and cooperate as much as you are able. Understand?"

"Yes master."

He kissed me passionately and I returned it as best I could. My penis was sticking out rock hard, but I sure knew better than to touch it. It was solely my master's property. I moaned inwardly when my master left. But I knew the faster I was modified, the faster I would be his forever slave-boy. And exactly the way he wanted me.

I was told that this first gene-splice was to reinforce and permanently confirm all of the neural and brain modifications that had already taken place. It was also to modify and enhance the tie in of my sexual arousal with all of the above changes. I was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and wires and put into this tank. At first I thought I was going to drown and reflexively I fought hard but then suddenly found myself actually BREATHING this thin liquid without too much problem. I had been told that my lungs would be able to take the oxygen right out of this liquid and now had to believe them. There were a tiny ear phone set put into my ears and I could hear all the doctor's instructions. There were tubes coming out of my mouth and throat that I wasn't sure where they went. There was also tubes again hooked up to my penis. This time I could even feel it in my bladder. I dozed off and on, mostly on, over the next few weeks and couldn't tell if anything had actually happened.

Finally I was pulled out of the tank, dried off in this special air blower thing, and I was so happy to get all those tubes and wires off and out of me. Then to my great surprise my mew master showed up. I was thrilled to see him, and was feeling suddenly so excited at the prospect of becoming his permanent-never-to-be-separated-from-him slave. In fact I suddenly realized that I was getting a feeling from my groin area that I had not entirely experienced before. Sure, before I had this overall excited feeling and even those orgasms, but this was SO different and 10 times as powerful. I then simply HAD to grab my now ram-rod stiff penis and start rubbing it.

"Stop boy! That penis belongs to me and only I will touch it!"

I couldn't help myself. I wanted to stop but couldn't. My master reached me and pulled my hands away forcibly. I moaned in frustration. He was obviously prepared for how I was reacting. He pulled my arms up, put me over his shoulder, and secured this thick and wide leather-like belt around my slim waist. It locked in the back with a smart click. Then my right wrist was forced into a small cuff that was part of the back of the belt. Then my left wrist was done likewise so that I could touch fingers but not move my hands and arms were I so desperately needed them. I tried rubbing my penis on my thighs, but he easily stopped this by putting this bar between my ankles by way of a couple leather ankle cuffs. As I was now walked forward, I was almost falling down all the time since my legs were forced out so far.

"You will of course be punished for your behavior boy. But first I need to speak with you."

I looked at my master -- yes, I definitely not only LIKED the idea of being his slave, I actually reveled in the prospect of being punished. It felt so right!

I genuinely replied: "Thank you master." I couldn't help smiling I was so utterly happy. I was also realizing that they must have REALLY done something with how I thought. The former vague idea of being excited by the prospect of being a slave had now become an all out joy. I simply could NEVER remember being so happy.

In spite of my arms being forced behind my back, and my so desperate need for sex, I was still able to concentrate enough to simply think about a future caring for the needs of my new master. My emotions were so rampant I started crying.

My master scooped my naked body into his arms and held me tight. "There's no need to cry boy. (He addressed me as 'boy.' I recognized that I was now expected to be in 'slave-mode.') I will take care of you, and I promise that your punishment won't be that bad."

"Permission to speak master."

"Please boy."

Master. Sorry master. It's not about any punishment. I am just so happy that you are here and that I'm your slave. In fact I sort of LIKE the idea of being punished. Somehow it makes me feel more like being a slave."

My master looked over my head and saw the main doctor and exclaimed: "I see it has been a great success."

"Yes. In fact the boy's predisposition for slavery was even greater than we had thought. A perfect subject for the procedure. And a delightful outcome."

"So let's sit down and discuss the boy's schedule for his remaining modifications."

I shivered in vicarious delight at the suggestion of my master doing even more things to me. And I also kept having this overwhelming desire for sex. Good thing I that I couldn't use my hands. But what was simply not fair, was that the very idea of being kept from sexual gratification, I got even hornier. I could also feel my master's really big tool push up into the crack of my butt. That didn't help either. I had to really force myself to concentrate on what my master was saying as I sat there on his lap.

"So the next gene splice will be to modify his total hormone structure so that he will never physically or emotionally mature."

"Yes, Mr. Black. And we will also remodel and enhance his rectal sphincters so that he will not only be able to accommodate your size, but he will be able to maintain this tightness indefinitely."

I should have been listening a bit closer but I claim being so sexually aroused that I missed the nuance when my master asked: "And he will always feel the initial penetration as if it were the first time?"

"Absolutely, although as soon as his enhanced and implanted prostate starts to be stimulated, he will immediately participate in the sexual pleasure and his climax will be almost as great as your own enhanced system. In fact, he will be able to orgasm often and consecutively. He will be one truly fucked boy!"

I was so happy that my master was making sure I'd also have fun with our sex.

The doctor continued: "His mouth and throat will also be changed so that he will not only be able to deep throat you, but will have his breathing temporarily rerouted so that he can keep your member in his mouth and throat indefinitely."

I listened with a smile. I was really looking forward to servicing my new master.

My master asked: "And his teeth."

"They will loosen enough to be easily removed. The pegs will also be inserted into his upper and lower jaw for any future implant either permanent or temporary. You will be in full control of his mouth. His digestive, urinary, and immune systems will also be changed as specified."

I was a little concerned about my teeth but decided it wasn't important enough to worry about. But this thing about digestive system; I was wondering what that was all about. Oh well. If my master wishes it, it must be good.

"Great. I will be looking forward to feeding my slave. How about his skin, musculature and ligaments? Will his body do well being hung, or put into severe bondage?"

"All the usual precautions will be taken care of. He will only take about 12 hours to recover from class one and class two torture,and less than 35 hours for class three and four. Als,even the most severe and restrictive bondage situations will cause him no physical distress."

Now I was a bit scared. I was going to be tortured? My master must have felt my reaction. He remarked to me: "Look boy, you want to be my good slave boy?"

"Yes master." I was definite about that.

"Well then you will have to learn to let me torture you from time to time. I promise you that you will have great orgasms. I promise you boy."

I believed him, but I was still worried. But I was determined to be a good slave.

"I'll try to be a good slave, master."

Master set me onto the floor and looked into my eyes. "I need a slave who IS a good slave. Not one who just tries."

I decided to accept this as a good slave. "Yes master."

"Good. But don't be concerned boy. I will take good care of you. I know how difficult some of this may be for you. But I also promise that I will care for you for your entire life. We will become as one, boy. You will be more than just my slave boy. Do you understand? I want you as part of my life."

The reviewing period for this story has ended.