Timothy's Enslavement: A Boytoy, Inc. Story, Part 3

[ M/m, nc, bd, slavery, tort, mc ]

by Dirt


Published: 30-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The first ten hours were intense and difficult and at times even very distressful. But what I found amazing was the fantastic detail of the memories as they came back to me. Like they just happened. And many of them were horrible. It's amazing how much your mind seems to protect you by 'forgetting' things. Or portions of things, especially the emotions that accompanied things. It felt like this whole first phase as they called it lasted hours and hours, but Dr. Dogood later told me later that it was only a bit over three hours.

The whole experience was so unique that it is hard to explain what happened but I will try. Of course I cannot reiterate all the stuff that went through my mind, but I will try to hit the main things. First of all I started remembering all the times that I was so sexually aroused. And WOW, this felt GREAT! Think of the BEST, most detailed wet dream you've ever had and then make it feel REAL. Of course not everything was without some consternation. (The exact word needed here is impossible to relate). What was happening was that all those thoughts that got me aroused that did NOT have to do with being used, or being a submissive, or being in bondage, or a slave, or even those few that had me as the dominate partner, were somehow forgotten and I felt some distress when I could no longer recall a certain thought. Ever think of something you wanted to say and then suddenly be sidetracked and later can't quite remember it? Well, it was something like that. But the thing went so fast that the distress was very fleeting, and then the next memory was brought to mind. Now all those that involved my being submissive, or being a slave, or being used sexually, or being forced to do stuff, and all those sexual arousal thoughts that were of this type were intensified. Dr. Dogood said later that these thoughts were being multiplied throughout my brain. Especially those that enhanced my wanting to become slave. The doctor said that I had a number of orgasms during this period. And I now LIKED what was happening! During the previous part I was in a lot of distress from loosing memories and the doctor said that I was moaning and twitching a lot.

Finally something totally indescribable happened. It was some how more than a matter of just memory. It felt like my entire sexual being was suddenly wrapped up with being someone's slave. And I was so delighted! Dr. Dogood said that this when my brain was making new pathways linking my desires, especially my sexual desires with being made a slave. And as long as these thoughts remained physical and arousing I was OK.

But then things suddenly changed. And I fought this! I started having all these thoughts and emotions which made me horrified about becoming a slave. Especially when my mind was directed to the emotional and cognitive consequences of this happening. But as those memories that did not allow me to want or enjoy being enslaved occurred that too were suddenly gone. Eventually I started having all these thoughts of being secure, so safe, so at ease, so comfortable, so loved, so needed, so taken care of, and so a lot of other things that I started to associate with my slavery. And it was strange but this period was NOT sexual at all, but it was VERY emotional. And all those reasons NOT to enjoy my slavery that came to mind, like religious ideas which I had been taught, or all those things we were taught from all kinds of places that made sexual activity that involved another man and all that were also 'lost.' And suddenly I felt this amazing sort of 'weight' lift from me. I felt SO FREE! I was not exactly sure now why but suddenly I realized that all my thoughts of gay sex and even being forced into sex by my master as being wrong was TOTALLY unfounded! I couldn't understand where all my previous anxiety about all this had come from but it was now ALL gone! I felt so free. I reveled in this feeling.

But it didn't last long. I started thinking about all those things that now as a slave I'd never get to do. All those things that only a FREE person could do. ESPECIALLY making my OWN decisions. Dr. Dogood said that this period was accompanied with me trying to yell and REALLY fighting my bonds. I lost quite a number of memories during this period I was told, but my response to Dr. Dogood when he explained this to me later was: "Well I guess its then fortunate that I don't remember." I even laughed. But I was now in REAL distress, as these ideas came to mind. Fortunately I started to realize that none of this mattered too much. What really mattered was that I could be happy in my future life. So many things I thought I wanted led to my being so distraught and sad. And not happy at all. And I realized that as a slave I'd never nave to worry about so many things. I be secure. Never in physical need. Never worrying about hoe I could afford something, or even get something. I could have someone else to rely on. And this someone was somebody I could love. I could want to do things for. I recalled all those times when I was so happy not by having things, or even getting my way, but by doing something for somebody else. When I deliberately did something because THAT person was made happy by it. These thoughts cascaded through my mind and I found my self so happy! I was starting to LIKE the idea of being someone's slave, but now for many different reasons. And a lot of them entailed making THAT person happy!

There was a lot more that went through my mind during this phase but I no longer remember. I felt that I could now ENJOY being someone's slave, and the only disquiet at all was the worry that I'd have the RIGHT master for me.

When I was eventually awakened, I found myself with a roaring headache and drenched in sweat. I also think I pulled some muscles. Then I saw my master, I mean my future master, undo all the plugs, and tubes and my mouth gag, and then all my bonds. I suddenly felt so free. And not just physically.

"Master, thanks." I was not sure he understood my croaking voice. But it didn't matter. I just wanted him to take care of me, and he did. I felt so secure and happy there knowing that he was concerned and would do whatever necessary to care for me. I was so happy I smiled in spite of the headache.

"Thank you master."

Then he touched my arm with a pneumatic syringe and I felt instant relief from the headache.

"Don't worry boy. You are mine now. I love you and I will forever take care of you."

"Thank- you master."

I then became agitated as I realized that I did not know what exactly I needed to do to please my master. What would be his rules? His demands? His needs?

"Master, what do you want me to do? What should I do?" I was am Almost in panic.

"Listen carefully boy. You are now my slave. And must obey me. Do you agree?"

The stress and panic started to recede. "Yes master, I agree. I am your slave." Just thinking this gave me so much joy and feelings of security. Of not needing to worry.

"Good. I now command you not to fret. Not to worry about what I want right now. You will learn, and I will make sure you do learn. Let ME worry about that part. You just do one thing. Submit and obey.

I was determined to do so. And I hugged my master not worrying if I'd be punished for doing something not specifically directed. Even the idea of being punished for mistakes had its appeal.

"Of course, boy, we have a lot more to do today. But rest first."

I fell asleep soon after my master literally picked me up and brought me into the shower with him. I had not realized he was naked 'til then. I guess I was thinking about other things.

But I realized that I was quite happy for the first time in years. Sure I was still worried and concerned about a lot of what would NOW happen. But I decided to just let my master do most of the worrying. After all that was what was great about being slave.

A short time later, Dr. Dogood was in conference with Timothy's prospective master. They were both in good upbeat moods.

"Dr. Dogood, thank you. Can you tell me how things are going from your perspective?"

"Things are even better than anticipated. As you know these new implants can direct the boy's memories and thoughts much more finely. And thus we can be a lot more discerning with what is removed from his memory. We can now confidently state that your boy lost only 18.5% of his overall memory. This is significant. Also he reacted well, in fact VERY well, to the new pathway changes. We even discovered that his own mind directed some of these changes. I know this might seem impossible but our implants were able to discover brain pathways that approximated some of the necessary changes and through a series of many small changes, we could dispense with some of the more drastic ones. I am now confident that his personality is at least 78% intact. This is almost revolutionary in this type of modification."

Many details were discussed and then Dr. Dogood started explaining about phase two. Actually this part will be accomplished both in the lab, finished after the boy is taken to his new home.

"What we need to do is now make his wants and desires to be specifically tailored to you as his master. He should now be ready to be a willing participant in most of this. In this phase, your slave-boy will learn specifically what is expected of him as your slave. You will introduce him to all your rules, to the type of sex he will participate in and I see according to your file, to the types of torture he will be subjected to."

"I do have one worry doctor. You noted that although extremely submissive, Timothy had almost no inclination toward masochism. And although I expect never to subject him to torture above level four, how should this be handled?"

"Not to worry. There is one aspect of the boy's personality that will easily permit this. And eventually this boy will come to completely accept his torture at YOUR hands. And I repeat. ONLY at YOUR hands. This is critical. And this is why only yourself and a couple other prospective masters were satisfactory for this boy. It will be because he realized that you can come to love him that he will WILLINGLY allow you to do with him as you want. He will want so much to please you, that he will allow you to torture him in spite of not responding to the pain as a typical masochist. In fact, in the long run, this type of response is even more binding. I even envy your future relationship with this boy. Imagine. I boy still essentially himself, and freely wanting to be your personal slave. Even to the extent that, so long as you do your part, will make him an intensely loyal slave his entire life."

"I am so excited myself, and I have to admit I am really falling for this boy."

"Butt here is one overriding warning. You must never allow this boy NOT to be your slave!"

Timothy's prospective master was for once perplexed at the doctor's warning. "I'm not sure what you mean. Of course he will be my slav-boy. For life."

"Well, what I am trying to say is that you can't let your affection get in the way of reason. In fact if you want what is best for this boy, you will always treat him AS A SLAVE. Nothing more! Sure he can be a spoiled slave and may never really have to physically work like one, but he must ALWAYS be treated as a slave. Always forced to obey. Always directed. Always under control, and this will even entail physical control. Perhaps even long periods of enforced and severely restrictive bondage. The particulars must be worked out as you both grow together. But the worst thing you can ever do for this boy is to start treating him as anything other than a slave. Even physical punishment must be maintained as a regular regimen in his life."

"I think I am starting to understand. You needn't fear. This boy WILL be a true slave. You can be assured of this. I WANT a slave that I can treat as a boy. Not a boy I can treat as a slave."

Timothy awoke to his master's touch. He smiled and felt a wave of longing. But he waited for his master to begin any conversation.

"Boy, before we start on the next phase of your neural modification we must address another issue. You recall that you hugged me before I gave you permission to move. Is this correct?"

The boy started shaking she recalled this. "Yes master." Tears formed in the corners of his eyes.

"Good. Then you know why I am being forced to punish you. Do you understand?"

"Master, I think so."

"You have any questions, boy?"

"Master, I did not know all your rules yet. Is this fair?"

"Two things boy. You will now remember this rule I am sure. I can not be worried about informing you about all nuances of my rules. You will have to learn by experience. Remember I AM your master. Do you dispute my authority to make this decision?"

Timothy thought for a short time and even smiled: "No master. Please punish me." After a short pause he added: "Of course as you will it."

The boy was required to grab his ankles exposing his tender and cute butt. His master did not want to mare such perfection. He spent an excoriate amount of money on very special tools of torture. Coupled with the physiological changes the next gene-splice will accomplish, his boy will be easily be able to physically withstand and recover undamaged from all envisioned torture. But now, even with this special neural cane, he had to still be careful. The pain experienced will be the same, and if he hits his boy with the right force, he will not even leave a physical mark.

After the second strike his boy started crying. After the fourth he was crying and yelling almost uncontrollably. After the ninth he was pleading for his master to stop. After the fifteenth he stopped pleading and was just enduring. After the twenty-second, the boy experienced a really weird joy. He was so TRULY HIS MASTER'S SLAVE! Of course he still did not want the pain but he was resigned to it. And to his master's will.

There was no twenty-third-rate. His master saw the subtle change in his slave-boy's demeanor. And he smiled. He inspected his boy's butt and saw only two faint lines. He needed to practice more.

"Boy, you may stand and lets clean up all that sweat. And let me help wipe your tears."

Timothy reveled in the process of becoming this person's slave. He though he was finally starting to REALLY understand what slavery is all about. And he decided he LIKED it! Even if some of it involved painful punishments. He also could feel his master's love in the care and tenderness with which he washed away his sweat and his tears.

His master was quite pleased with his boy's amazing progress. And now to continue with phase two which the boy had not even realized had started.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.