Timothy's Enslavement: A Boytoy, Inc. Story, Part 1

[ M/m, nc, d/s, slavery, bd, mc ]

by Dirt


Published: 30-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I was crying unabashedly as my trembling hand failed to activate the emergency beacon and transponder on my master's ground/air car. I only found out later that in order to activate it, one must have the proper chip implant in one's wrist. And my master's wrist was a quarter mile away.

We had been having a wonderful hike through the climax Redwood forest with the nearest person probably 10 or 20 miles away. My master was enjoying his freedom as much as I was mine. He from his usual work routine, me from my frequently attached bondage devices. I REALLY enjoyed my periods of moderate to severe bondage, but this time of bodily freedom had it's momentary allure and pleasure. Even my penis was entirely free from it's frequently attached chastity devices. It felt so naked.

But right now I was so distraught I could barely function rationally. All thoughts of sensual or sexual pleasure farthest from my mind. Only the image of my master groaning under the limbs of that massive fallen tree kept me focused. His wrist-com was unfortunately so pinned by a branch and an underlying rock that I was unable to reach it though I had several broken nails for my failed effort. And my master seemed to have a concussion. Though not unconscious, he was not functioning too well either. And as much as I had tried to coax him, I could get no response from him that included a command or even instruction. I was so unfamiliar with acting without instructions or commands that I had to REALLY concentrate to be able to give myself my own commands. It felt so entirely alien to my position as slave, that it brought on a feeling of total unease. But I HAD to do this. I was my master's only hope of rescue.

My only recourse was to pilot the small air car to the nearest police facility. I was so thankful of the technology which allowed the car to almost fly itself. Even it's navigation could be left to the computer. I entered the car with trembling legs. I'd not been on my own like this since my master had brought me home from Boytoys, Inc., more than 10 years ago. This is the first time in years I was required to do something with the responsibility of another life in my own hands. I certainly did not relish this task. Being a slave has been SO freeing. It was so wonderful to be without serious worry and also know that your every need would automatically be taken care of. I so LOVED my life as a slave that even contemplating another existence would barely occur to me. And when it did, I was immediately grateful for my master choosing ME as his personal and lifelong slave. I fully realized just how fortunate my life was. And consequently I always did my best to make sure my master enjoyed his life as well.

But now I HAD to function as a 'free' person. And although I was quaking at the prospect, I HAD to succeed. My master needed me. I would literally give my life for him if I had to. In fact, that's how my master got himself pinned under that tree to begin with. (I mean it was the exactopposite). I heard a strange noise and then the thunderous snap behind me. As I turned I saw this good enough sized dead tree break free from its former resting place and make its descent straight at me. I heard my master yell and then a second later felt myself pushed aside as branches scratched down my naked torso. Then I almost died in fright as I saw my master now pinned by that very tree. He had sacrificed himself for his slave. I could see his feet emerging from under the tangle of branches and felt relief to see them moving a bit. I immediately ran around to find my master very dazed and incoherent. Fortunately, though totally pinned, he seemed relatively unharmed. I lookedfor blood but fortunately found none. But then I started worrying about other injuries.

So now I had gained access to the air car, put the matrix key into its proper slot, enter the code, and given the navigation computer its destination.

"Take us to the nearest police station."

My tears had dried and determination and resolve had taken their place. I rummaged around the car to find a chastity device and perhaps some pants. The only chastity device I could find, and which I was able to activate, was one for punishment. Not only did it not allow an erection, it administered a small electrical jolt when an erection was even begun. I shuddered as I fastened it onto my penis and testicles. Then I added the retaining support that kept it in place. Then I did find some pants. I felt so weird covered. I was not that often permitted clothing. As my master said on numerous occasions, my body, along with its boy-parts, belonged to him. And he enjoyed seeing them. Of course I enjoyed giving him this satisfaction even though it could be a bit embarrassing at times when strangers were invited to my master's estate.

A signal was given and I saw the car approach its destination. It had only taken minutes but it seemed intolerably long.

The computer advised me of our location and asked if I wished to land with computer assistance. I'd never piloted a car before so of course had the computer and landing radars along with the positioning devices take over. I was immediately confronted with two equally determined officers.

"What is your emergency. You have landed in a security area."

The molecular polarity of the windows only allowed me to see out. I opened the car door, and stepped out. The officers were a little startled to see that an obvious slave -- my collar along would have proclaimed this -- was unaccompanied. In fact in my case, not having been established in an 'obedience' collar, was technically illegal. 'Obedience' collars forced the wearer to always obey any order given to it. My master never believed in their use. He expected me to obey because I WANTED to obey. And he also wanted me to be able to properly discern when a given command was detrimental to either myself or to my master. But for now I'd let my master deal with the consequences of this technical violation. All I was concerned with was my master's rescue.

I bowed showing respect and indicating my status. "This slave respectfully requests help to rescue its master."

I quickly told him the circumstances. Fortunately, they also were not presently concerned with technical violations of the law. The officer's partner had already obtained the cooperation of the nearest rescue facility and a team was being put together. Thankfully everything happened fast. And I was heartened by the fact that unnecessary questions were held in abeyance. Fortunately this was a very disciplined and regulated society and the usual bureaucratic nonsense that was put up with where I was born was largely eliminated.

"OK boy, we need the location of your owner for our nav-comp."

I again bowed in a respectful manner and answered. "This slave apologizes, but I do not know how to do this, and the comp of our car is code-guarded. But if you will allow, please let me have my master's car retrace its flight and also allow this slave to accompany you since my master is a about a quarter mile from the landing site and my master's wrist-comp has been damaged."

The officer seemed conflicted. To allow this, he too would compromise the law regarding allowing a slave without an 'obedience' collar, such free movement especially out of his master's control. I understood his hesitance and dilemma and came to his rescue.

"Sir, there is a full restraining device in the seat next to the pilot. It was specifically set up for me and is easy to utilize. In fact a single control need only to be activated."

The officer made an immediate decision and I was placed into the restraining seat. I took off my pants, sat down, and then fitted my lower legs and feet into their appropriate positions. I then sat back making sure my arms and hands were properly positioned on the extended arm rests, and my head back onto the resting cradle.

"Sir, you need now only key in the code in the touch pad. It is 213334."

He did so and immediately straps were automatically wrapped around my torso and extremities, totally ensconcing me within their embrace. Then a partial mask framework even extended around my face. I had given him the code for the class 3 restraint. The class 4, which included a plug which would have entered my rectum and anchored itself there, along with a restricting mouth gag, I knew to be inappropriate at this time. With the chastity device in place, the plug would not have been possible, and I also needed to be able to speak. But for the first time since the accident I finally felt at ease. I luxuriated in the security of my confinement and the feel of my bondage.

The officer, now seated in the pilot seat, had just engaged the car to retrace its last journey and we seemed to breath a sigh of relief together.

He then looked over tome with a puzzled expression. I could read his mind. Many people were uneasy seeing slave. Though uncommon, because of the enactment of the consensual slavery laws, we were an element of their society.

I guess my look invited the question.

"I don't understand boy. From your actions I can see that you feel deeply for your owner. And because of the law which requires a totally free statement from you each year maintaining your desire to be retained as a slave, I know that your situation is consensual, but shit! How can you allow yourself to be enslaved?"

I smiled for the first time in his presence. " Sir, I am a slave, because that is what I am. And I love my master with my whole being. And he loves me. I truly believe that I am one of the fortunate people on this planet. And I am chronologically 22 years old. My body is that of a 12 year old through gene-splice technology."

I deliberately failed to mention that my original enslavement was NON-consensual. And that I had been both physically and mentally modified in the laboratories of Boytoys, Inc. Another good reason not to be 'obedience' collared. I can now lie when necessary. Or withhold the full truth as in this case.. I even smiled because I was quite aware that being actually forced into my slavery was a continuing sexual turn-on for me. I even remember sending a message of thanks to Dr. Dogood for making the modifications on me that he did. This was soon after I was brought to my masters estate, and fully realized just how fortunate and happy I was.

I felt a sudden strong jolt to my penis and could not stop my yelp. I lied again assuring the officer that it was just a muscle spasm. I guess technically it was even true. I again smiled at this obfuscation of the full truth. Fortunately the car now landed, I gave the officer the release code for my confinement, rummaged around for a leash that he could affix to my collar, and we were quickly off to find my master. I lost my right sandal right away but did not allow the sharp stones stop me from running to my master, heavily tugging on my leash. The rescue unit was also there hovering above. We reached him quickly and I was immensely relieved to find my master conscious and now apparently coherent.

My master was quickly freed by a grav-lifter, and put on a grav-sled for transport. He summoned me close. I knelt at his side and bowed my head. My joyful tears were unrestrained.

"Thank you boy. You did as expected of my dutiful slave. I even see that you put yourself into a chastity devise but would only question your extreme choice."

I basked in my master's high praise. "Master, it was first one I could find that I could operate."

Then my master saw my bleeding foot. "And boy, I see that you damaged my property. You will be suitably punished when we are next alone."

We both smiled. I liked THOSE kinds of punishments fully as much as my master enjoyed giving them. No matter how severe they got, they always ended in the most amazing periods of unrestrained sex.

My master then addressed the officer who I led here and who was nominally in charge. "Thank you sir for your such prompt response. My slave told me that you were uncommonly accommodating to his special circumstances."

"Just doing my duty sir. Though I confess I had never spoken to a live slave-boy before. It seems that I need to do some re-thinking about things I'd thought I'd already decided. I voted against the continuation of the consensual slave laws when they were on the ballot last time. But your slave is making me re-evaluate my position."

"Thank you for your open mind on this subject. My boy also thanks you. And feel free to visit my estate when you have a chance. The invitation is always open."

I missed what they next spoke about since my master had ordered me to allow the medic to minister to my foot. I was then put into the same airlift car as my master. We just lay side by side basking in the closeness of our bodies. And souls. I also had to be careful. The chastity devise was still operational and those jolts were more than a reminder. My master snickered when he realized what was happening.

On the way to the hospital, I started to think about how I came to be my master's slave. I had been born Timothy It started almost 11 years ago. Well probably even further back if you include my awakening to the fact that I was gay and the problems which that entailed for me. And how I soon included among my sexual fantasies, elements of bondage, being controlled, and even slavery. Of course they were totally unreal and highly romanticized, but they nonetheless contributed to my eventual abduction by Boytoys, Inc.

At that time it has been almost a decade since that first Boytoy, using advanced gene-splicing techniques and precise brain implants, had extensive brain pathway changes and restructured memory deviations so that he could be changed into a totally cooperative Boytoy, always ready to satisfy his client's sexual proclivity and need. But now a new type of sophisticated implant together with a more advanced gene-splice technology and more subtle techniques augured a new era of sophisticated Boytoy mental manipulation.

Dr. Dogood, now in overall charge of the implant and gene-splice operation, was showing his colleague the new experimental Boytoy that will receive this new technique. Because of his now advanced standing, he was also allowed to have accompany him his own personal Boytoy. This happened to be a boy, maintained forever as a small 15 year old. Dr. Dogood liked to molest and torture someone capable of full emotional and sexual response to this type of sexual activity. And this boy had been especially modified moonlit withstand his torture but also to recover physically in an extremely short period of time. And with the usual mind alterations, he even came to like how he was treated. In severe bondage that barely permitted him to follow his master on his leash, he hobbled after his master on their current tour of the labs.

Dr. Dogood had been mentioning that there was an ever demanding market for a boy who would retain much more of his original personality together with a greater ability to interact with his new master in areas other than sex. And also to make these man-boy sex sessions have deeper meaning for both of them.

They were both looking down at the small young teenage boy who would be the first test subject. That small boy was myself. I had awakened with a profound disorientation after so long a 'sleep' and had trouble understanding exactly where I was. Then it all came back with a rush.

"Please, will you let me go home? Please?" Reality was far from fantasy and I wanted nothing of what was about to happen to me.

This is not an uncommon plea at this stage even for a boy who had been deeply excited by initial sexual encounter, as I realized that my entire world was about to be totally change.

As Dr. Dogood looked down at the amazingly cute 15 year old, he was stirred to quite an arousal.

"But Timothy, we have been all through this. (His future master had been very specific, He stated that the boy was to retain his actual name). Your future master and we ourselves have gone through a tremendous task of preparing you for your new life. Remember you yourself stated that you were really excited when those two men first molested you. Well just think, you will be molested now every day for the remainder of your life. Your new master specifically stated that he wanted you so modified that you will always be ready for his sexual needs. That was why we helped you to become very sexually stimulated just by parts of you being touched. Don't you feel SO sexy right now?"

The doctors scared me. Everything here scared me. I was so scared about what was happening to me; but I had to admit that I was indeed really aroused. But I was still able to realize that good sex was only a part of the future life I had envisioned and wanted for myself. I may have been quite physically immature, but I always prided myself in my ability to make rational decisions. I made that really bad blunder getting into that car, because I had momentarily let myself be swayed by the excitement of the moment.

But this feeling I was now having was somehow vastly different. It was an entirely new experience for me since I have been taken out of that weird tank. The way it felt now was like I had an always present need to have someone to touch and molest me.

I can still remember that very first time. It was in that huge van that had parked right next to my bicycle near the park entrance. Nobody else was around and when this black guy got out of the back and came over to me, I expected him to be asking directions. They were obviously lost, or so I thought. What he DID say sort of surprised me and got me really scared.

"Hay kid. I remember you. You were that kid last week at the top of those steps who the other kids 'de-pantsed'."

The memory at that time was suddenly so vivid as the episode came back in an embarrassed rush. Indeed they not only pulled down my pants while four other were holding me down, but even pulled off my briefs. I was so embarrassed when one of the kids laughed at my stiff penis. And it got so much worse when one of the kids started touching it.

"Wow, Tim. You got a boner! But you're sure small yet."

That was five months ago. At least that's what the doctor here says. And my genitals were quite small compared to my classmates whom I looked at as sneakily as possible in the shower room after gym class. For some reason I couldn't stop myself from getting excited seeing all those penises and testicles bobbing around. (Well I suspected the reason but was holding out. OK, had been holding out. It's definite now. I'm gay). But at that time I got so excited when they were doing this to me and was secretly glad that I had been the one chosen to be 'de-pantsed'. I guess by the time the boy touched my penis, which gave me a fantastic thrill, I forgot to keep struggling.

So how did this guy know about that thing on the landing? He must have read my mind.

"I was wondering kid how come you didn't struggle all that much. I was watching from across the street. How about getting in the back here and letting me and my friend do the same?"

He never actually let me reply but instead just grabbed the back of my neck and almost pushed me into the spacious back area of the van. There was this long seat along one side with another guy sitting there. I have to admit that I was again so excited by the prospect that I didn't resist enough. And so fast the guy sitting down latched onto my arms helding them so tight and the black guy closed the door and right away pulled off my shoes. By the time he started unfastening my belt I had completely stopped resisting. I WANTED them to expose my private parts.

"Look boss, he's cooperating. Aren't you boy?"

I was too scared to say anything but I did nod yes. Just then the guy holding my arms started pulling my shirt up and feeling all around my thin chest. It felt so exciting and more so because that were forcing themselves on me. By that time I almost completely stopped thinking and just enjoyed the whole thing. I let things just happen. And happen they surely did. My pants came off easily and my underpants quickly followed. My penis was now as stiff as an iron rod. The white guy behind started fondling my privates and I almost bucked my slim body out of his arms. Wow! Strangely there was almost no talking. But then the black guy did something that I never expected. He liked his finger and started pushing it into my butt hole! I almost hit the roof of the car. But it felt SO fantastic I started moaning. And wanting him to do more.

"See kid. This is called being molested. Most kids are too scared or just don't like it, but you seem like you can't get enough."

I sort of answered him in my mind. And my continued squiggling and cooperation answered for me. I never felt what i was now feeling. Atfirst I wasso scaredas the black guy started rubbing my rigid penis with his fingers. But soo I was in a different trality just enjoying what was happening to me. Even that finger in my rectum felt so fantastic. I couldn't help squirming all over but wasn'treally trying to make themstop, even if I at first tried to resist. And i sureliked the feeling thatI got from the guy behind me holding my arms so tight. Ihad never reallygiven much thoughttowhat it meant when someone mentioned about kids being molested. At least in any detail. But now, knowing that ir was actually happening to me sent a real excitement through my whole body. And then I thought that I was going to pee on the guy. I had a fleeting thought that he might not like that, but then I was so overwhelmed by the amazing feeling my penis area was feeling and even mywhole bodythat I couldn't think on anything else. My body started spasming and i couldn't stop. I didn't want it to ever stop. It was allover too quick and mypenis was suddenly so sensitive I tried to stop thae black guy from touching it.

Rinally I could make sounds that were actualy words. "Stop. It hurts." Not quite exact but allI could thinkto say. I wasjust laying there as the guy wentback to rubbing my legs. I couldseea small amount of liquid came out of my penis but it wasn't pee.

"Well kid. How didyou like your first orgasm?"

I knew all about orgasms, or I had thought so, but somehow i always thought I'd have to get through puberty. But right now I didn't care. But I wasalso starting to worry now what would happen.

"Wow, but can I get dressed now mister?"

"But boy, it's now our turn. Don't you think it only fair?"

I couldn't answer. I was getting REALLY scared now. "But I have to get home." I finally said.

I tried to sit up and look for my clothes. Just then the black guy opened the curtain toward the front of the van and I totally lost it. But all my wild struggling was for naught as they finally stuffed me into the small cage there. I started to collapse when I heard a lock snapped into place. Later, thinking backon this moment, I couldn't figure out why I never did yell or scream.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.