Published: 28-Apr-2012
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The metal framework was designed with three aims. One, it was obviously meant to hold its captive generally immobile. There was room for some movement, but this was kept at a very minimum. Two, it was designed so that the captive could be so positioned that either of his sex holes -- mouth and butt -- could be easily utilized by the captive's master. The entire thing even allowed the captive to be bent at the waist for easy ingress of his butt hole. Three, it allowed as much access to the captive's body as possible while still granting the captive as little freedom of movement as possible. I was quite pleased with both its design and construction. And one more thing. It was still possible to even add to the captives extreme immobility by adding on some additional apparatuses.
I guess I had been so acquainted with the frame since I had built it, I didn't realize just how shocking the thing could be especially to a very intelligent 14 year old. He was especially agitated when the actual reality hit as I started to mount his body into the severe restrictions imposed by its structure. And I was so immensely aroused as he started to struggle, I didn't even mind the few bruises I received.
What Chen saw as he entered this room would be two rather substantial stanchions resting at two ends of a slightly raised pedestal or platform. These stanchions each consisted of two hefty supports that were firmly attached at their bases about 15 inches apart, and as they rose they slanted toward each other until they met several feet above. At the juncture of each stanchion support was a substantial metal bearing. These two stanchions, not too unlike those of a Ferris Wheel, supported the entire frame. This frame consisted first of all, of what appeared as a couple inch thick and several inch wide loop of metal. But unlike a Ferris Wheel, the two hefty shafts supporting this is circular loop were welded equidistant onto each outer side of the metal loop or ring. These two short shafts in turn extended into each of the stanchion bearings. Viewed from the front one would see a large circular ring, almost 7 feet in diameter, suspended between two vertical stanchions by two shafts extending from opposite sides of the ring. The bearings were used because the entire frame could rotate on these shafts. In fact, because of a sprocket welded to each shaft as they extended from the metal ring being connected to small electric motors on each stanchion via a short chain drive, the entire immense ring could slowly rotate. When turned, the top of the ring rotated toward one standing in front, while the base of the ring rotated away. After one half turn, what had been the top of the ring was now the bottom, and the bottom now at the top. If a person, say a small slave boy, were forced into the interior portion of the framework that extended inward from the outer wide ring or loop of metal, after a quarter turn he would now be facing the floor, One more quarter turn and he would be upside down, and his cute upside down naked butt now facing the one in front. One additional quarter turn, and the ensconced slave boy would have his feet toward the person in front, and he himself would be facing upward.
But it was the interior part of the framework which required most of the engineering solutions. The ring was actually hollow, and if cut through and seen on end, its cross section would look like a thick letter 'C' but with the front open ends less than an inch apart. Inside this ring were roller bearings covering the entire interior surface of the back of the 'C' plus the interior surface of each side of the 'C.' These were needed because the bases of the seven arms that extended inward from this outer ring, resided within this ring and could ride easily on the bearings. In other words, each of these seven arms could be independently moved around the ring and anchored wherever wanted. Two arms were so designed for holding each of the boy's legs. From its base extended a very hefty metal rod which extended upward going past where the boy's heel would be positioned and ending just at his groin. At ankle level, just above and below the knee, and at the groin, were heavy metal loops which could be opened when say installing a boy's leg, and then closed around four points of his extended leg -- just above the ankle, just below and above the knee, and at the groin. The constricting band at the groin was angled and shaped exactly to fit snugly the very top of the boy's thigh as it emerged from his groin and butt. This would be one of the major supports for the boy's weight. There was one additional portion of each of these arms, and this consisted of two rigidly emplaced rods that were so shaped to extend from the supporting rod, around the boy's ankles, and join rigidly on the two sides of what looked like five small rings welded together. The top portion of this ring assembly opened so that the base of the boy's five toes fit into the now five semi-circular divots. Then closed, not only were the boys toes held snuggly in place, but his feet were kept mostly immobile at a 90 degree angle. One might wonder why not simply secure the boy's foot onto some sort of platform. Well this particular master understood how immensely satisfying it was to torture the base of his slave's feet, and wanted them available. Because each base of these arms could move within the ring, the boy could be positioned with his feet relatively close together, or moved upward so that they are stretched quite far apart. The far apart position would not only significantly change the support points of the boy's weight, but would also allow his master clear access to both his butt hole and genitals. And if the wheel is rotated 180 degrees, that very butt hole would be facing upwards from a now upside down boy. There was one additional feature of each of these leg holders. Up from each base could be fitted a small foot shaped platform which could serve as both additional support for long term placement of a standing boy, so as to takeoff the stress from other support points. Of course from the fertile mind of the boy's master several additional items could be placed onto each of these "foot-rests."
The next two arms joined rigidly together in the middle and appeared to be a simple bar that traversed the middle portion of the ring. But closer inspection would reveal that its middle segment was shaped precisely to conform exactly to the back of the boy at waist level. When the boy was installed, a front piece, conforming to the remainder of his waist, was attached to the front. The design was simple. However, being a major support for the weight of the boy's body, it was designed to not only hold the boy's waist in place, but it also placed quite a constriction on the boy's waist especially from the sides. As the master experienced later, simple in design, but not so simple a task to fit a wildly struggling boy into its constricting form and lock the front formfitting bar into place.
Two other metal arms were to entrap the boy's two arms. However these first required an additional supporting structure. This consisted of three generally ring shaped metal forms that were connected on edge. To describe this item it is easier to first explain its use. One ring would close around the base of the boy's neck. It was so designed, however, never to allow any constriction of the boy's windpipe, not matter what his position. Rigidly connected to the sides of this ring were the two other "ring" that was so shaped to hold the boy firmly around the top of his shoulder and circling around under the boy's arms. This too was a major support point for the boy's body, especially when suspended upside down. This support was formed when the extending rods from two more metal arms are attached to pivot points on each side of the rings around the boy's shoulders. Additional rings along the length of these arms are also closed about the boy's wrists, and points just above and below his elbows. These arms also can be moved and anchored in a variety of positions. The boy's arms themselves can be positioned so that they are held rigidly well above his head to positions equidistant between his waist and legs. Of course there are other attachments which using a skeletal metal framework, can be attached to the boy's hands holding them rigidly open where even his fingers and thumbs have little freedom to move. Again, as with the "foot-supports," an additional feature of these had immobilizers, was an attachment that could be used with diabolic intent.
There was one last arm. This was a simple, but hefty rod, that extended downwards and which could be attached to the partly padded metal framework that could be attached to the boy's head. When fully installed, portions of this framework would be fitted into the boy's widely stretched open mouth. Other portions could even be extended into the boy's ears and nose passages. Portions of this complicated framework could be extended over the boy's eyes to either restrict or completely deny the boy sight. Additional options include a severely restrictive metal frame work that fit about the boy's neck and attached to the ring about the bas of the boy's neck. If fully installed, this portion of the frame work would deny the boy any movement of his head or face. There were even attachments that could be fitted on each side of the boy's lips, inside and outside his mouth, that were purely diabolical. Onto this structure could even be attached a forced feeding device.
Of course when Magnon led my boy into this room, he realized that his boy could not immediately take in all the particulars of this framework at once. But the general structure and idea was enough to instill fear. Of course watching his boner stay fully engorged, Magnon understood that fear was not the boy's sole response.
. . .
Magnon, holding a seriously looking gag in one hand, finally corralled his scampering boy, grabbed him about his slim waist with his other arm and ... forced the gag into his yelling mouth. This was not the simple task it would have seemed and took almost four minutes. The boy was strong enough so that his wildly thrashing limbs and twisting head made it quite difficult. But eventually the ball gag was forced into his mouth and by the expedient of simply sitting on the boy's back, it was strapped tightly behind his head. Of course this procedure had several effects. One, the man's arousal was at a new level. The boy also became strangely quiet soon after he realized his now severely muted voice could not be understood. Third, the boy appeared to be as aroused as his master. Of course, as soon as his master picked the boy up bodily and forced him toward the open mall of the waist restraining arm, his efforts to avoid the frame elicited anew round of thrashing limbs and now muted pleas. Of course to no avail. But because of the boy's unwilling behavior, and of the severely constrictive nature of this waist restraint, again a simple procedure became difficult even for a master who more than doubled his slave's bulk. But finally by grabbing the boy about his testicles and slightly squeezing, the boy's back was pushed inexorably back into the molded waist restraint, the frontbench was strapped into place and finally the boy, being held in place by at least his severely constricted waist, stopped much of his struggling since it only added greatly to the severe discomfort he felt about his waist.
Magnon, momentarily resting from his efforts, stepped back from his now mostly unresisting boy, and smiled. What an amazing turn on! Never in his life was he so sexually aroused. Even his testicles and penis were now dripping. His boy, realizing the nature of his discomfort, but unable to get sufficient purchase with his legs, held onto an upper "arm" with his hands and pulled himself upward thus relieving a lot of the pressure on his slim waist.
Such a simple procedure but almost twenty minutes had already elapsed since his boy had first seen the frame.
Magnon stepped up to his boy and grasped his rigid penis to get his undivided attention. The boy moaned loudly but otherwise stopped his attempts to escape. His right hand could find no external release for the bar that now encased the front of his waist. "Ok boy, you must realize now that putting you into that frame is inevitable. Do you understand?"
The boy looked wildly into his master's eyes, but his crying had long stopped during his efforts to resist instillation. He nodded yes, when he realized his vocal attempts could not be understood.
Magnon then took out the severe mouth gag. The boy seemed quite relieved and started stretching his mouth. He also tried again to support himself and he was finally successful in placing one of his slim naked legs onto the framework of one of the "leg arms." Magnon allowed this for the time being.
"You know that you can do nothing will stop this don't you?"
The boy, again fighting back tears, hoarsely answered: "Yes master."
"That no amount of pleading or begging will dissuade me?"
"Yes master."
"So listen carefully. This is what I not only want you to do, it is what I demand you to do. Every time you have any though of trying or even hoping to stop what I am doing to you, you must immediately realize that you must submit to the inevitable.
Through slowing tears the boy again answered weakly: "Yes master."
Magnon then took the boy's right leg, fitted it back into its "arm," and quickly closed the four rings around the boy's leg. The boy was again fighting him as he felt the constriction of the closing rings. To close the one around the boy's upper thigh, it was first necessary to take hold of him about his chest, pull upwards a bit and then close the ring, and because of the boy's renewed resistance, this was quite a chore. But Magnon, aroused by this resistance, allowed it to continue. He then installed the boy's left leg in like manner.
But now Magnon was quite surprised when he realized that not only had his boy suddenly stopped fighting him, but right in the middle of his most furious battle to get the final restraint around the upper thigh of the boy's left leg, the boy just issued a heart rending moan and became totally passive. Magnon stepped back worried that something was terribly wrong and observed his now passive boy. Whom he now realized wasn't totally passive at all. He had taken ahold of his own penis and was wildly masturbating himself. Magnon didn't know whether to be pleased or angry. What he did however was to redirect his boy into the proper master-slave relationship. He grabbed the small electric prod, turned it to maximum, and touched it to his boy's penis. His boy screamed loudly at the severe shock and immediately looked up at his master.
A suddenly contrite slave boy started crying again and moaned: "Sorry master, but I suddenly got so horny. Please don't hurt me again. I promise to be good. I promise master." Clearly the boy believed to be in serious danger of severe punishment. It had been drilled into him that this was one of the most forbidden things he could ever attempt.
"Chen," Magnon used the boy's name to help engender some trust, "Refocus on your role. You are the slave. All sexual stimulation will be at the discretion of your master. For your punishment, right now, I want you to do two things. First, I want you to repeat what I have just said."
The boy was both relieved nuzzled. This was a "punishment?" But he complied as much ash could: "Yes master. You are my master and in charge of my penis and testicles. Only you are permitted to touch them. I promise to obey. I promise."
Not exact but Magnon was still very pleased. His boy submitting to him about his sexual role was worth any number of punishments.
"Very good boy. Now I want you to tell me that I have the right to do with you as I please."
The boy was now clearly agitated but finally responded: "Yes master. You can do with me whatever you want."
"Magnon added: "And you will not resist."
"And I will not resist."
Magnon had taken over a half hour getting the boy's lower body, from his waist down, installed into the rigid confinement of the frame. Well almost; he still had to secure the boy's feet. He grabbed the boy's right foot, moved it into position with the base of the boy's toes on top of the five half-rings, and closed the upper fastening. It fit quite securely, forcing his boy's foot to stay at a 90 degree angle to his lower leg. He did the same to the other foot. This process took only a few moments because of the now totally passive nature of his boy. He looked up at his boy's eyes and realized that now his boy seemed more curious than frightened as he intently watched his confinement into this frame proceed. In fact he now recognized that particular type of passive response that his boy sometimes exhibited especially when he was greatly sexually aroused. It was almost like switch had been moved. During his extreme arousals, the boy became totally submissive. Magnon decided that, as much as possible, it would only be during these moments high arousal and total submission would he proceed with his planned torture sessions.
The boy was exhausted, and when he finally stopped fighting enough he realized that a very large part of him LIKED what was happening. Sure he was still frightened, but the idea of his impending torture itself had a certain element of compelling allure. He was already half fitted into this strange and frightening frame and this very happening. The intense feelings he had just experienced, together with the physical feeling and emotional response to his bondage, suddenly caused an overwhelming sexual arousal. He stopped fighting and started almost unconsciously to masturbate. All other thoughts seemed right now to fade into insignificance. There was now no fear, no struggle, not even a tomorrow. Only a present filled with the greatest sexual arousal he had ever felt. Of course he was returned to reality by a sudden and severe pain in his penis that rivaled any pain he had ever previously felt. It started in his penis, but was immediately all over. He was only thankful that it was very fleeting. He was now suddenly fearful. This was totally forbidden. But his punishment seemed minimal. He was glad to reconfirm what his master was insisting all along. That his master decided everything. That he was to submit. That only his master had the right to touch hiss sex parts. It was only after he voiced these affirmations that he realized that he was truly trying his best to mean them. And this elicited a mixture of fear and wonder. Was he really starting to totally submit to his master? Somehow this idea did not seem so alien anymore. Thus he simply concentrated on the moment as his extreme arousal was enjoyed as he let his intense curiosity follow every facet of his continuing confinement to this weird frame.
Next his master confined his feet. His toes felt so strange with those rings holding each individual toe. Somehow he realized that a large part of him liked the idea of what was happening. He discovered that even this kind of severe bondage was a real turn on. Next his master out this strange three ringed thing around his neck and shoulders. It was quite heavy and as each "ring' was closed, he felt their severe restriction as more of his body was being held immobile. Then his arms were pulled straight out and fixed in two other extensions of the frame. As the rings were closed about his wrists and then his arms, he felt a slight sexual thrill flow through him. His penis was now so engorged he thought it was going to split. Then his master even fixed his outstretched hands into sort of skeletal metal framework which kept each individual finger and thumb into an almost totally rigid "glove." He could barely now move any joint of his entire hand.
He was so intent on what his master was doing to him that he at first didn't understand what his master was saying. He was concentrating not only what his master had been doing to him, but the strange sensation of what his restricted bondage was also doing to him. In spite of the strange new pressure points bearing the weight of his small body, he realized that the over all effect of his bondage had him more intensely aroused than he had ever experienced.
For a fleeting moment he was even thankful that it was he who was chosen to be his master's slave boy.
"Listen up boy. We are almost finished. But this last part of your confinement might seem quite strange and threatening. Just keep trusting your master. You will not be injured. You will also find out one of the reasons I had all of your teeth removed."
Chen looked with great curiosity at the weird metal and leather framework which he now positioned so that he could see all its extreme detail. And again fear started seeping into the boy's consciousness as he recognized the form of the devices enough to understand that they were meant for the only area of his body still able to move without major restriction -- his head, face, and mouth.
Magnon, on the other hand was not a bit frightened. But he reveled in his boy's reaction. His boy was indeed in for quite a novel experience. Magnon himself even shuddered at what he was now going to do to his boy. With a sexual arousal of an intensity he had never before experienced, Magnon approached his boy with unrivaled anticipation.
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