The Purchase, Part 8

[ M/m, nc, bd, slavery ]

by Dirt


Published: 26-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

It took quite some time for my mouth to heal. In the meantime all the other holes had healed and about a week after that day I lost all my teeth, that day when I REALLY FELT that I indeed WAS a slave, my master told me that I was to be fitted with my permanent 'jewelry'. Strangely, a small part of me LIKED being treated like this. When I just let myself submit to my master I got this fantastic sexy feeling. So even when I lost my teeth, I kept concentrating on the idea of being a SLAVE and allowing my master decide what happens to me. That I had no choice and I HAD to give in. When I keep thinking about it like that it felt OK; but what I had problems with were those times when I realized that I had to totally give up running my own life. My master said that he liked the idea of total control. I was scared a lot of the time. But just when I thought the worst about things, my master then would then show some affection and try to make me understand that I must trust HIM enough to make sure my life is a good one. That he realized that a person needed more than just submission to another to have a happy life. I had to admit that he frequently asked me how I felt about things, or even what choices I'D make concerning things that he himself had to make. And he even listened to me sometimes even though I was just a kid.

Well, anyway I was finally starting to get used to the idea of having no teeth even if the plates I need to use are a pain in the butt -- or more exactly -- a pain in the mouth.

"Look boy. I like the idea of having complete control over you and that includes physical control. But I see how you are reacting already. You seem to like the idea of being controlled and not just on a sexual level. I want you to rest assured I not only want a slave, but I want a HAPPY slave. And I will do what I can to bring this about. Can you honestly say to me that the idea of being a slave, as you have so far experienced it, has not appealed to you?"

My immediate first reaction was to say yes. But what I gave these past weeks some real thought, though I had been scared about things at times, generally I've been happier than I'd been in along time. I was genuinely starting to really care for my master. And I know in his weird way, he cared for me too. I told him this. But I also said that I was scared that in the future I'd not really feel this way.

"Look boy, the sooner you understand that you are my slave forever, the sooner you will put your energies where they belong, namely, becoming the slave that I want you to be."

Of course, now that I was missing all of my teeth, I couldn't speak right unless my master put in either my plates or just the light plastic things which just were installed to fill out my face. I had not been aware at the time but the dentist had installed within my gums three metal bumps -- well they felt like bumps --which were there so that three posts in each of the upper or lower plates would be held in place. Worked pretty well until food got under them. Of course the real light things could not be used for anything but cosmetic. That's what I had in most the time except when my master's penis was in my mouth. Well anyway I thought my master went to too much trouble that I could suck on his penis with smooth gums. Of course once when I expressed this opinion he said that was only part of the reason.

"It also is indicative of the control I maintain over you. And also a reminder to you of your status."

Later, after the usual morning routine of bath, special cleaning, and breakfast, my master stated that the day's events would take place in the dungeon. That in fact I would be spending most of my day there. I had quite mixed feelings. I was so aroused every time I was brought there. But that was also the place of some of my worst pain. I decided that I'd just worry about the moment. Besides, I couldn't do anything to change things anyway. And there was something about being so controlled that further aroused me.

I was led on leash attached to a neck collar to a padded chair that had separate places for my arms and legs. I was positioned so that my butt hung past the end of the bottom seat, and strapped in. I knew that being made so helpless was sometimes prelude to torture but this was supposed to be just about getting my permanent 'jewelry.'

No sooner had I been put into the chair my master smiled and stated: "This is a big moment boy. You will be getting your permanent rings, and other restrictive devices. After today, you will be more properly kept in my full control. Your movement will be from now on determined only by your master."

I shuddered at his statement but at the same time was thrilled. What was happening to me? He was saying that I would be in such bondage that I would never again have any real physical freedom. He'd been talking about this for a couple weeks and finally it was going to happen. And my own body was turning traitor. My penis was rock hard.

Ten minutes later my master ushered in that same scruffy-beard person. This time he was not only carrying his big case, but also another large box. How much stuff was going to be put on me? I found out and my master was quite pleased with the outcome. I, on the other hand, found out that almost all my movements were entirely managed or restricted.

"Look boy, I haven't strapped you down and I want total cooperation or tonight you will receive punishment that will make what I've don to you up to now, seem like a reward."

I believed him. I cooperated. Even when I was so frightened that I'd never be able to move again.

The scruffy guy opened the case, and got out all kinds of plier-things and then frightened me with what looked like a branding iron but he explained was for silver soldering. I quickly found out why he needed that thing. And didn't know whether to be apprehensive or excited. Excited won out as he began to attach several rings here and there. First he brought out two identical rings about a half inch in diameter and pretty thin. The temporary posts that had been pierced through the tender parts of my nipples were taken out.

He addressed my master: "I am glad to see that these have all healed nicely."

My master smiled as if it were he who was praised. Then one of the rings was put through the hole there. There was a small bead none end which slid up and joined both ends of the silver ring. Then the frightening part occurred. I was scared sine I thought I was going to be burnt. That iron thing was HOT! But he attached these very large metal things that clamped onto each side of the bead. He said they were heat sinks that would stop me from getting burnt. They did and didn't. I sure felt pain from the heat but I guess it wasn't enough to blister or anything. Then the second ring was put into my other nipple. They sort of made me feel sexy. And they kept making me think of my nipples.

The scruffy guy then said: There, now they are permanent. Of course you could cut them off."

"They look great. How do they feel boy?"

I told my master the truth.

"Well boy, now for the interesting ones."

Holy shit! The ring that was pulled out now was BIG! It had to be at least an inch and a half in diameter and an quarter inch think. Ok he said it was 3/16 inch think. It felt a whole lot bigger when it was installed -- between my legs. The temporary post there was removed and the same procedure was used to install that ring. My master had me walkabout and tell him how it felt. It felt like there was the big weight pulling down on the base of my penis right behind my balls. And I couldn't totally close my legs together. Then my master really gave me a problem. He attached the huge extra weight that clamped onto the original ring. Now I could only walk with my legs spread apart. It was very awkward and made me sort of have to waddle somewhat. Then he smiled as he showed me a set of five pins that could be put into place around the diameter of this device. I could see what would happen. They were sharp enough that I'd be forced to keep my legs wide open.

My master explained: "At times I want you only to be able to be situated with your legs open ready for use."

Intellectually I was appalled, but again my body turned traitor and I was heavily aroused at the thought.

I simply replied: "Yes master."

Of course things got even worse. There were two more rings to install. The first was the one at the end of my penis. This one was about an inch in diameter and about an 1/8 inch thick. It felt weird as the ring was forced into my piss slit and then forced to exit out of a hole about ¼ inch below the glans on the front side of my penis. The guy said something about it being called a reverse Prince Albert. I heard of the term but never knew what it was. In a way it felt pretty neat -- and made me hard almost instantly. But this one was very different. With a twist the two fat ends which were not lined up, now closed with a snap and locked into place. Wow, a locking ring. So this one was not "permanent." Then a smaller but stouter ring was forced around the ligament that was exposed at the very base of my penis where a few of my scarce hairs was sprouting. It sure hurt both when it was forced into place, and burnt like hell when soldered shut. It was only about ¾ inch in diameter but was still at least 3/16 inch thick. And I thought I was pretty smart but couldn't figure out its use. It was then that my master had me stand next to him. With a chemical cold pack he reduced my raging erection and then with a tiny key opened the ring in the end of my penis. I finally made the connection and almost revolted.

"Please master no. Please. "

"I've told you boy, I am in control of you, AND all your parts. Especially this part."

My master then quickly folded back my penis and after running this open ring through the thick ring at the base of my penis, twisted it shut. Instantly I tried to get hard abut my poor penis couldn't completely engorge. It felt agonizing, more from not being able to get an erection, than from physical pain. It only a couple minutes it was already driving me crazy.

There were no more rings. And I was wondering about that hole in the septum of my nose. That one had hurt the worst and still hurt when I bumped the temporary post. What was out there was a strange thing that looked like a small cylinder. It had rims that when installed kept the thing in place. It also hurt like hell when it was installed. I tried to hold still but my master had to help hold my head. I kept yelling for them to hurry. I finally stopped crying when the pain suddenly quit.

"There boy, now I have a hole through your septum which I am sure will come in handy from time to time."

I was so glad that there was no ring installed overlapping my lips. But I could really have liked what had happened a hell of a lot more except my penis thing was driving me insane.

After scruffy guy left, my master asked me how I was feeling. "Master, how long do I have to have my penis bent back? It's terrible." Actually it was more than that. It kept making me so horny and then I was so frustrated when my penis tried again and again to get stiff.

"Ah. That is totally fascinating how it is working out. I wasn't entirely sure I could stop you from getting a boner that way. Now boy, I keep telling you. I am the master. You are the slave. I especially will be in control of your sex parts. When I decide that you may have a boner, or an orgasm, I will undo those rings. But you will have to get used to it. Of course I have even more diabolical contraptions planned for you. And remember one thing. I alone have control over your penis."

I had to admit that the whole thing really turned me on. I weakly replied: "Yes master."

"Look at the bright side boy. How many boys do you know have all the great sex that we have together?"

Though even as he said this, Magnon was realized that keeping his slave TOTALLY under his control at all times was his eventual goal. And though he wanted his boy to eventually submit, the realized that progress over the few weeks he had his slave, was necessarily slow. But now most things were in place. His boy was in for a surprise. He readied the necessary items.

The slave, Chen, also had his own thoughts. Although he realized that not only was he so aroused by bring forced to submit to his new master, he also decided that he would try to escape as soon as possible. Things were simply going too far. This whole thing with those rings keeping his penis bent back. And those sessions with his master where he was tortured. Except for some punishments, he hadn't been really tortured now foremost week, but still, realized it was again inevitable. And that thing with his teeth. That just proved that although he felt his master really cared for him in his own way, still he feared that this guy would eventually to some terrible things to him. He kept talking about all this total control stuff. Definitely, as soon as he is not anchored to something, he was off!

Magnon could sense the rise of rebellion in his new slave. He realized it was inevitable once the boy started to understand just how much control he wanted to maintain over his boy. But he was still confident that given the boy's personality and his extreme submissive streak, once he KNEW with his whole being that escape was impossible, and total submission was the only possibility, he would soon abandon himself to the inevitable, especially since he could satisfy his basic need for sex. His frequent 'talks' with his boy over the past few weeks had convinced him that Chen would respond in a very sexual and eventual full submission when confronted with an extended period of extreme bondage, loss of any control, and torture. As long as he could keep eliciting a sexual response from the boy. And Magnon was determined to make sure that sex arousal for his boy was maintained as much as possible. He was even not averse to slipping his boy frequent doses of cialis and viagra. And now that everything was in place for the next stage, he would implement it immediately. Not only was he determined to force his boy to submit to near

Standing in the middle of the side room off the main dungeon -- a room the boy had never seen yet, was a metal framework made to exacting measurements. He also had in readiness other pieces of bondage again designed with great care to fit his new slave-boy. There were several types of extreme gags. And his friend had finally delivered the head encasing masks that his boy would become very familiar with.

But bondage, no matter how severe and restrictive, was not enough. He too much enjoyed torturing his boy. It was during such sessions of torture that he had his greatest arousal, and after which he had his greatest orgasms. But he also had no desire to damage his boy beyond repair. And he wanted for his boy to eventually not only accept his extreme bondage and abuse, but to so tie it in with his own sexual arousal and release, that he would at least accept his situation, and his master, as permanent.

Thus there were also available quite all the usual devices of play and torture with the boy's penis, testicles, and butt hole in mind. And although he necessarily would only use floggers, canes, paddles, and straps which would not too severely damage is boy's skin and internal tissue, he had one new item that would allow some extreme torture without inflicting damage with unwanted lengthy 'repair-time.' Some of its parts had been specifically designed to fit onto various appendages, and into the usual holes and orifices. And of course there were the several rings that his boy now sported that would become interesting attachment points. And the device had been specially designed, had also been equipped with monitors that ensured that his boy was not physically endangered.

And so Magnon was possibly as aroused as he could remember anticipating his boy's coming 10 days of extreme bondage and torture.

He had momentarily left the dungeon leaving his boy unattended and unfettered. He was wondering if the boy could resist touching himself as commanded. Before he returned he watched for a while in one of the many monitors he could use when needed and he observed his boy wondering the confines of the dungeon looking at the now somewhat familiar items of bondage and even torture. The boy could not resist touching one of the harsher cages which would force its occupant into uncomfortable positions, or the chains manacles, whips, paddles, and floggers lining one wall. Most of these were antiques and only for visual effect. The items he intended to actually use were presently stowed away in cabinets and drawers. Next the boy was drawn to the very table onto which I had immobilized him when he first came here. I could see him shudder probably remembering the harsher moments of his first torture. I was pleased to see that he refrained from touching his now partially engorged and contorted penis. I smiled at his effort to obey me. And to think that no matter how obedient, it would not save him from the next 10 days.

I quickly undressed. I could no longer wait. My own black penis quickly erected to its full extent. I had absolutely no need of the drugs I was intent in forcing on my boy. As far as possible, I wanted him to maintain a forceful erection at least 90% of the time over the next 10 days. Over that same period he would only be allowed orgasm after a protracted period of torture. He was to eventually discover during his future life with me, that only after torture, or after giving his master a prolonged and satisfying period of sexual ministrations, would he himself be allowed to have his own orgasm. (Yes, I want him to sexually enjoy his time with me too. I intend to be a very kind master after all).

The boy looked around in a little fear as he realized that his master had reentered the dungeon room. He had this mild though generalized feeling of guilt even though his master had not specifically forbade his curiosity. His feelings of guilt gave way to anticipation she saw the beautiful and commanding naked body of his very black master. He certainly was aroused by both the color and form of his master's body, but soon focused his attention on his master's very black and very rigid penis sticking outward from small bush of kinky black hairs and the pendulous black testicles swinging below. Of course the sight only brought a moan to his own lips as his own penis strained against its cruel bondage. He worried that it might soon be forever be twisted out of its normal shape. He had once seen a picture of someone's penis that had an unnatural bend and a couple bulging knobs on the Internet. The caption had claimed that this was the result of severe abusive penile torture. He shuddered at the image. He momentarily lost his own willpower and reached down in an effort to try to put his own penis into a more comfortable position.

"Boy, stop!" The boy obeyed and stopped him hand just short of his own genitals.

"Master," his boy asked with a growing fear, "what's do you want me to do?"

Magnon was pleased at the boy's question; he was starting to automatically place himself in the role of slave, asking his master's for orders.

"I am very pleased with you boy. For your reward we will be doing something quite different today. I will be introducing you to several more restrictive bondage devices today and I will even allow your penis its freedom."

The boy was first aroused by the mention of bondage, and then thrilled knowing his penis would be free of its cruel bent position.

"Thank you master."

Magnon smiled as he reached his boy, and unlocked the unusual ring through the reverse Prince Albert piercing. But he left the ring in after freeing it from the thick ring at the base of the boy's penis. He was pleased at how well these piercing had healed. He then hit a control and another large door opened in the far wall. Chen was surprised not realizing there was even a door there. His master took his hand and with his other, guided him into the well lit room. He had to swing his legs awkwardly because of the large ring still hanging between his thighs. His penis was now also free to bob up and down in its newly engorged state. And those rings now felt pretty arousing as they could not be entirely forgotten.

As he entered the room, Chen suddenly froze as he saw what appeared to be a strange networked metal rods and rings anchored to at slightly raised pedestal and roughly in the shape of a body -- a small boy's body. A body HIS size. A number of the rigs and fastenings stood open just awaiting its occupant. Chen pulled on the hand now clasping his right wrist with force, trying to flee from what he realized was about to happen. Visions of his total immobility coupled with memory of previous torture, had him yelling in fear.

"NO, master, please NO!"

Magnon touched a control and then let go of his now straining boy's arm allowing him to search fruitlessly for a doorway no longer visible. He smiled in anticipation of forcing his boy into the frame. The idea of physically forcing the much smaller boy into the unyielding frame of mostly metal rods and rings, so designed to allow his boy almost no movement, had him aroused more than he could remember. He allowed his boy time to grow weary of his forlorn effort. He then picked up a small prod from a drawer and approached his boy. It was set on a very low setting -- just enough to get his boy's attention. He touched the boy's naked shoulder and he immediately shrieked as the electric pulse surged through his small naked body. It was not enough to cause him to more than flinch; the surprise elicited most of his yell.

"Boy, you must standstill!"

Chen now stood in fear but stopped his wild attempt to escape what he now realized was a door-less room. At least no door he could discern and more importantly, exit.

"Master, please don't hurt me any more!"

"Boy, you must remember your place. You are my slave. That means I decide everything. You job is merely to submit. Do you understand?"

The boy was hoping against hope that cooperation will be rewarded. "Yes master." Tears were still running down his cheeks. His skin was in quite a stark contrast to that of his master's. Though of a slightly darker cast consistent with that of his forebears, he was still quite light compared with his master.

Magnon only desired momentary cooperation. Just enough so that he could explain in brief just what was to be the boy's fate. He WANTED the boy to fight his instillation into the frame. It was exciting to him to have to force the boy into this cruel restrictive device. And then there were the other items to be forced onto his boy. He was now so aroused thinking of what he was about to do to his boy, he almost gave into his lust and raped him on the spot.

"Boy, can you stop long enough to listen?"

"Yes master. But please don't hurt me. I promise to be good."

Magnon was pleased to see a stiff boner on his boy in spite of the circumstances. His boy was aroused by the situation too. Of course he had no idea of how much pain he will be required to endure over the next 10 days. "I know you will be good boy. And I see that you are smart enough to realize that this frame will soon be entrapping your cute body. I firmly believe that you are even aroused by this prospect. Isn't that true boy?"

"Yes master." He was still hoping that whatever planned, it would not be too bad. "Are you going to leave me in it very long?"

Ah, his boy asked the perfect question. "Well boy. I will be perfectly honest. I indeed will be installing you into this frame. And then over the next 10 days, during which you will STAY in this frame, I will be torturing you periodically. More pain than you've ever experienced in your entire young life.

His boy's rapidly changing expressions were priceless. IT finally settled on stark fear. The boy wailed: "NOOOOOOOOO1" PLEASE NOOO!" He suddenly thought back to the 'old days' when he was called Micky, and his life was so much easier. Even if he yearned for intimate companionship.

Magnon decided that first off he would partly mute his boy with a severely restrictive gag. The boy must immediately realize that he was not even going to listen to his pleas. And for such a small boy he fought quite well. In fact it took Magnon almost a full hour to completely install his boy into the basic frame. And all the other devices were still awaiting. It was the beginnings of his boy's training. Magnon realized that his boy would be a very different person when released from his torturous confined 10 days from now.

Magnon, holding a seriously looking gag in one hand, finally corralled his scampering boy, grabbed his boy about his slim waist with his other arm and ...

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s



I have really enjoyed this story. Thank you for writing it, and please write more.

Also, I would enjoy reading similar stories from you but perhaps without as much focus on pain and torture.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.