Published: 26-Apr-2012
Word Count:
I could not move a single portion of my body except my eyes. This was the something 'special.' I couldn't even move a single toe or finger. I was so aroused that I was now constantly dripping. I should have been scared witless but somehow I was just focused on my sexual arousal. My body was tightly strapped onto a padded table. Four straps encircled my horizontally stretched arms and four more held fast my legs quite wide apart. My feet were strapped onto projecting foot pads which had individual minor straps for each individual toes. My hands and fingers were likewise held immobile. A harness kept my head immovable. A severe mouth gag also kept my mouth and tongue in place. I was so aroused that my now free penis was dripping copiously.
My naked master approached the table and hit switch. The table gradually brought me into a vertical position. I was so tightly affixed to it that my body barely moved. I looked at my master's naked black body and if possible I became even more aroused. His black penis was sticking out a good seven inches indicating that he was possibly as aroused as I was. I suddenly had the thought that I was happy to see that I could so please my master. Of course there was a thought I could not erase from my mind that the last time I was immobilized was the last time my master tortured me. And although I was dreading that, I was still somehow happy to be forced into this situation. My thoughts were so mixed up.
My master then removed the gag. I had to move my mouth to help relieve the stiff muscles. I knew better than to speak though. I watched intently as my master picked up a small object from nearby bench.
"Listen closely boy. I will be subjecting you to a moderate amount of torture this evening. We are months away from really severe pain but I need to know how you are able to cope with what we do tonight."
I could not help it. I started crying. I almost disobeyed rule four and begged him not to hurt me again like this. It took a lot of will power but I resisted.
"Listen very carefully. I want you to do the following. I want you to resist yelling or screaming as long as possible. Will you do that boy?"
Through my tears I answered: "Yes master."
"Also I want you to resist as long as possible from begging me to stop the torture. Will you do that?"
"Yes master." I was pretty sure that I would not last very long. Strangely, later when my master interrogated me about what I was thinking when I was being tortured, it never occurred to me to think he had no right to do this to me. I just wanted it to stop --but realized it wouldn't.
"Good. This small object has a strong internal battery and will inflict a electrical shocks when it touches you. As long as I keeping touching your skin you will experience a continuous series of painful shocks."
At this he touched my navel area and I tried my best not to yell. I tried. I really tried. But only after a few moments all I could think about was stopping the pain. Then he moved the thing to one of my nipples. It was worse. I started yelling and screaming. I felt so helpless. He kept moving it back and forth. All I could think about was the pain. Then he stopped and all I could think about was relief. I was whimpering and then yelled in fright as he moved his hand to my penis. After the first touch I couldn't take any more. But while he kept touching me I couldn't make any words. After quite a while he stopped again and through my tears I begged him no more. I had held out as long as possible.
"Master, please no more. Please."
But he had this weird look. And I could see that he was aroused. His black penis was pointing straight out.
"Boy, you need to do better than this. It was only half strength and you only lasted several minutes. I'm really disappointed."
But I was so relieved when he returned the table to lying flat. My master then released my feet and legs and his touches were so completely arousing I never wanted him to stop. Even when he attached my ankle cuffs to a long bar stretching them wide apart again and this in turn he attached to a cable and hitting a remote, my legs were stretched far over my head. I then knew what he was doing and my only thoughts were that he'd also let me have an orgasm too.
He lubed up my butt hole and inserted a couple fingers. When he then also grabbed my penis I was on the verge. I blocked out everything else. But just as I felt on the edge he stopped and I moaned in frustration.
"Please master. Please let me cum!"
I realized my mistake as soon as I spoke. It was against rule seven. I knew I was going to be punished.
"Ah boy. You know you are not allowed to speak unless invited. You DO know that I must punish you for this infraction boy. Do you agree?"
"Yes master." I would have been more worried if I had then known what he had in mind. And I realized later that even without my transgression, the following torture would still have happened.
Strangely, the entire time I watched him preparing my next ordeal I was as hard as a rock. He wheeled over a small cabinet and removed several items including some wires. Now I got really scared. He picked up this small tube shaped butt plug, lubed it well, and gradually inserted it into my butt. He twisted it enough that I was really revved up again. He then turned the bottom portion and I could feel part of the plug expand. I moaned as I started getting pretty uncomfortable. But at the same time I WANTED it there. I was now possibly as aroused as any time in my life.
But he wasn't finished. My master then picked up a slender rod, lubed it also, and I was pretty shocked when he grabbed my throbbing penis and started pushing the end of the rod into my piss slit. I never felt anything like this before and was both scared and excited. Fortunately it didn't hurt too much and by the time the rod was shoved in at least five inches, I was moaning with both excitement and arousal. If my master had kept touching my penis much longer I would have had an orgasm.
My master brought me back reality when he attached wires from the cabinet to both the rod and to my butt plug. I was totally scared again. I almost broke a rule by speaking and only remembered just in time.
"OK boy. We won't use any of the other connections this time. And only low voltage. You will really like this!"
I could see by his breathing and actions that he was sure liking this himself. I then had a weird stray thought. I was glad that I could arouse my master like this. He was also smiling as he hit something on the remote again. WOW. I felt the tingling in both my butt and penis. It was sort of a sharp feeling but the minor pain was totally overshadowed by the other feelings I was having. I could not stop moaning.
But then suddenly I felt a very sharp sting. And another. And another. My entire penis and butt started to spasm. I could help but scream. As each jolt hit me it got worse. Pretty soon, I couldn't stop screaming as my butt and legs would not stop shaking.
But then it got so bad I couldn't think about anything but the pain in my genitals and butt, and even deep inside. It got so bad that eventually I sort of felt like it was happening to me yet I was just observing it also. Like I was somehow only partly connected to my body.
Finally it stopped and I could only think about one thing. Please no more. Please. But then with the pain suddenly gone I was startled as my master pulled out the rod and plug, grabbed me by my hips, and shoved his large black penis into my butt. He kept going and going and suddenly I felt my self climaxing. It was the most intense orgasm I'd ever had. I felt my rectal muscles clamp tight and then my master was moaning louder then I was. After he collapsed on top of me, I was not only feeling so pleased with my own orgasm, but a small part of me also was glad for my master.
Soon my master was releasing me from my bondage and my legs felt like rubber. He actually carried me to the elevator, and brought me to the suite of rooms that included his bedroom and walk-in shower, and Jacuzzi like tub. It was warm and ready to go. It felt wonderful. All the while my master was saying how fantastic I was and how much he loved me, and how he would always care for me. I was starting to believe him even if I realized that his 'taking care of me' included some periods of torture. And I even had the thought that just maybe I could put up with the torture sessions if all the other great things came with it. Of course I then remembered his words: "We are months away from really severe pain." And I got scared all over again. My feelings were at war. I wanted my master to 'take care of me.' But I could believe that I could take any worse than I had this evening. Then I had the thought that it didn't matter. As my master said on a number of occasions, I ALREADY WAS his permanent slave. And as my master attached a short chain which connected my right wrist cuff to a well anchored ring in the wall above after I was placed into the hot Jacuzzi, I realized that he was determined that I will REMAIN his permanent slave.
As he sat me onto of his lap and was soaping me up, I decided to just let things happen for now. I so much enjoyed his attentions and again my penis was as stiff as a metal rod. I could also feel his stiff member poking my butt.
"What were you just thinking now boy? I could see you were momentarily distracted."
I tried to explain both all the things I enjoyed about our relationship but then my great fears.
"Mater, you mentioned about the torture getting even worse. I can't even believe that I can keep taking what you did to me tonight. I'm scared."
My master looked concerned. "Thanks boy for being open about this. I can only say a few things. First you did great tonight. And those last jolts were actually as bad as I ever intended to do to you. And I am pretty sure, seeing how you are already responding, that a couple years from now you will be anticipating our torture sessions. I will go slow. But I have to admit that I really get aroused by torturing you. I also like our times of easy intimacy. I think that our sex tonight will be as good as we have had. We need to talk about this some more, but I want to ask a very important question. "You know that you are being trained as my permanent slave. And we are only partway there. Soon I will be putting you into more restrictive bondage. I what you to tell me how you feel about this."
I was totally mixed up. I knew that aloof this had me REALLY sexually aroused. And as long as I could also enjoy are lives together, and not just the sex stuff, I was actually excited about being his slave. But then I get worried about the torture stuff and also will I really be allowed to participate in other aspects of my master's life. And somehow my master was able to coax all of this out of me. I could not help crying, not because I was sad, but merely because it was also overwhelmingly emotional. I then repeated my worst fear.
"Master, I really like the idea of being your slave. Especially if what you mentioned about you also training me to be you partner. But I am so scared about this torture stuff. I'm sorry."
"I think this is as good as I could have hoped for right now. I am very pleased boy. But also remember. You have no choice. I intend to never allow you one. You WILL be my slave and I expect you to obey me and follow all my rules. In fact very soon all your new holes will be healed and your restrictive bondage will not only get more severe, but except for our nights together, and the occasional trip away from this estate, your bondage, to one extent or another, will also be maintained."
Instead of this causing me worry, I was for some strange reason excited about this prospect. This part of my slavery I somehow liked. What I also found to my liking, was the almost continuous companionship with my master. And in spite of being a 'slave' I really have never been made to do too much work. I liked that too. Then I had another thought.
"Master, is there something wrong with me?"
"Why do you ask this boy?"
"Well, when you talk about this bondage stuff and slave stuff I get all excited. All this being chained to this wall for example I LIKE. I was wondering if something was wrong with me."
"Definitely not boy. Many people get excited by this stuff. It can be quite sexually arousing to some people. And this was part of the reason why I decided to buy you. Because I believe as long as I still treat you as a person, I think you will be happy as my slave."
The sex we had that night and the next morning was fantastic. I really liked submitting myself to him this way. And somehow all that torture from the evening before seemed to enhance the sex we had that night. I decided to just let things happen. I had no other choice anyway. And my master, after securing my foot to its usual ring, mentioned that we would be going to a special dentist the next day. I was wondering if this was about the trouble I was recently experiencing with my teeth. Well I decided to worry about it tomorrow. I WAS excited about the trip itself. And about what my master just started doing with my testicles and penis. And for the first time that night he had me lick all around his own butt hole. At first I was repulsed, but after 10 swats with the heavy strap I was convinced to obey. And later I was wondering how come I so upset by being forced to do this. My master did it to me all the time and I loved it. So I guess it was only fair. And besides, I started to get turned on by it after all.
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