The Purchase, Part 4

[ M/m, nc, slavery ]

by Dirt


Published: 25-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

My master was addressing me. "Now this is something that is MOST important. I need you to be perfectly honest with me. When I ask you a question, even if you think I won't like your answer please understand I will only get angry if you lie or not tell me the exact truth. You are supposed to be quite intelligent I've been led to believe. Do you understand all this?"

"Yes master. But please master, I'm scared. I don't want you mad at me."

"Don't worry boy. Just follow the rules and you won't have any problem. I'm so thrilled just having you, and I want us both to be comfortable with each other. I know that you enjoy this kind of sex so just enjoy it with me. I fully intend to allow your own enjoyment but it will always be as I direct. You will eventually be trained to only do as I command."

I started to get worried again. How could I do only that? What else will I be doing?

"Master I am scared. How will I do stuff when you are not around? Will you always be giving me some instructions?"

"Not quite boy. First of all, we will be together most of the time, and when we are not together, I will make sure you know what I expect of you. Don't worry about that now. I can't expect you to learn everything all at once. For now just let me direct you."

"Yes master."

"Good boy. I want to know what you are now feeling about what I am doing to you."

"You. . . ., sorry. Master, you mean over all or just now?" I forgot to start with the word, master.

He must have had the strap near by because I got quite a wallop right on my thigh before I realized it was coming. I couldn't hold back the instant tears and the loud yell. Strangely, although I certainly hated the pain, I was so turned on by the fact that he was forcing me to follow his rules precisely. Even if I were punished for mistakes.

"Now boy I have several questions and I need the best answers you can give me. First, how do you feel about my buying you and making you my slave?"

I had trouble understanding how I felt myself. It was real mixed. I told him that. He seemed to be happy that I liked it even a little.

"I get real sexy feeling when I think about being forced to do stuff, especially sex stuff. I even liked being made to follow your rules. But it's hard to explain. I think it's more than just the sex stuff. I sort of like -- at least a little bit -- about being a slave. But I can't understand how I can do that ALL the time. Sorry master. You said you wanted the truth. And I'm scared about what you will do to me later. And how about going to school and all?"

"Boy, you are in school. My school. To become my slave."

I was really shaken when I realized he was serious. I keep being surprised when I AGAIN get conformation that my master REALLY intends to make me his slave. It seems too unreal but I was again brought to its reality. It is FINALLY sinking in. It seems like my brain could only process it a part of it at a time.

"Master, I still have trouble believing all this. People simply aren't made into slaves."

"You will get used to the idea. And eventually you will not be able to think of yourself as anything BUT my slave. I've seen it happen. And you're much younger which will make it easier."

It was about an hour later, when the first of four different men came to the estate to measure me for things, that I came to really understand what slavery meant. I was treated almost like I wasn't person at all. I felt about 25% completely embarrassed, 75% excited, and 100% owned. My master told me to answer the side entrance door when we heard the chime. He said that it was someone that needed to see me, and already knew that I was my master's slave. My master made me go answer the door completely naked. I was SO embarrassed as the guy totally looked me up and down.

"A little young, don't you think Mag?"

So my master's name was 'Mag'? My master brought me into the main lounge where there was a rug you could sink into. I was moved, stretched, measured, prodded, touched in my sex places, and totally treated like a slave. I was REALLY starting to feel like one. Then this guy opened a large satchel and measured just about everything about me. Head, neck, body, arms, legs, feet, and circumferences of everything. My penis was bone hard and it too was measured along with my testicles. They pushed several rods into my piss slit which hurt even though it was lubed up. Then they shoved my penis into a glass of ice water and it was measured shriveled up. Then the weirdest one. They pushed something into my mouth, and minutes later sprayed it with something and put it in a bag. Then it was done again but this time my mouth was forced way open. I got nervous thinking that I was being measured for some kind of gag. But I was so turned on I didn't dwell on it, especially when he then started next measuring my butt hole. He kept lubing up these smooth shaped plastic tubes until they got big enough I started yelling for him to stop. (I was punished later for disobeying rule three. I objected to what my master wanted to do to me. He said that was the same as interfering. Five swats with the tawse later and I believed him completely). By the time this guy was half done I was so sexually excited I was just letting him do anything he wanted.

Next was a dentist. At least he said he was a dentist. All this guy did mast make impressions of my teeth. I never did understand why. He then measured how far my teeth were apart when my mouth was forced all the way open.

Soon after came a bald older man. He had a small satchel and claimed to be a doctor.

He looked over at my master and said: "You sure picked a cute one. But I never realized you were into boys."

"Doc, this boy is the perfect candidate. I'd been looking for years. In spite of his age I am sure he is already starting to realize that he will thrive being my slave."

"That true boy? You want to be this man's permanent slave?"

I was entirely surprised. It had never occurred to me that I would be asked this question. But before I cold answer my master shouted to me: "Boy, you are not to answer that question."

I was totally conflicted. For the past couple days I had been so frequently thinking about how I could get out of this situation. To get free. But at this question I was amazed that right now I was not sure. But before I could say anything it was the doctor who responded.

"Magnon, I am truly surprised at you. If your boy doesn't want to be your slave then how can you possibly believe that he will obey that order you just gave him?"

I suspect that my master knew me better than I knew myself. I actually smiled at the situation. I decided to do nothing.

"Master, permission to ask the doctor a question."

My master was surprised at my request. After a small hesitation he said: "Granted."

"Doc, if I said that I was here against my will would you do anything to free me?"

The doctor laughed. My master commented: "I said he was intelligent."

It had suddenly occurred tome than my master would have hardly invited anyone here who was not sympathetic to what he was doing. When the doctor finished doing all his doctor stuff, including drawing blood, he hit my but with the flat of his hand--hard. I yelped.

My master intervened: "No more doc. That boy is MY property. Solely my property."

For some reason I was delighted hearing that. But what was going to happen next started me possibly regretting my momentary inclination for wanting to be my master's slave. After the doc left, my master brought me into his dungeon. It looked pretty modern for a dungeon, but the things in there certainly made it qualify. I was both scared and excited. I was brought over to a chair and strapped into it. Completely. There were separate rests for my arms and legs. I was so aroused I allowed my master to do anything he wanted. About ten minutes later this scruffy looking guy with a full beard walked in. He had a case that seemed pretty heavy. My master then told me to cooperate fully, and that it wouldn't hurt that much. I of course got really scared again. Especially when this guy opened the case and I saw a whole bunch of different shaped needles and other things.

By the time it was all over, I had screamed enough to get entirely hoarse. My master even tried to consol me as it was happening. I just wanted it to stop. Afterwards he put something on all my new holes that took away all the pain. And he also sprayed my throat with something that helped to soothe it. Finally, when I had calmed down, my master took me into his arms and started asking all his questions again.

"You did well boy. I'm proud of you. The last boy I'd seen done, fainted. But I want to say that you will look real good with all your new jewelry."

I had stopped crying from the pain, but was now sort of dazed. "Master, what jewelry?"

"Yes, all your rings and attachments. They will be ready by the time all these holes are healed."

All 'those holes' were now fitted with temporary rings and things. The one through the septum of my nose hurt the worst. Even more than the big hole near the end of my penis. The two in my nipples just throbbed a bit right now -- they were a lot smaller and the temporary rings pretty small. The one through the area between my butt hole and my testicles was throbbing much more, but it too didn't hurt much any more. The one that went through me right at the very base of my penis where there were it extended from my abdomen hurt quite a lot. The few pubic hairs there had been pulled out with tweezers. This one was actually the worst because it took so long to do. He said he had to find some ligament that was supposed to be there. The guy even used a anesthetic for this one. Looking down I now saw the two prongs of this weird U-shaped metal thing. It was quite wide and when he last pulled on it I could feel it anchored around something more than just my skin. I guessed it was that ligament he had mentioned. He had to put something on it to stop all the bleeding. He also left different things to use on these holes to help them heal and to keep them from getting infected.

Just when I was finally calmed down from all of this, the chime rang again.

My master looked up at a monitor on his desk and addressed me.

"Ahh. They are here. Boy, I have a little surprise for you. I will be a few minutes so just relax here."

I was so emotionally tired out that I was so glad that my master went to let him in. There was quite a delay but my master finally returned. I watched as my master exited the elevator. Immediately behind him was a well dressed oriental man probably in his early 40s. I was surprised to see the man holding onto a chain. But what was at the end of the chain shocked the hell out of me.

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