The Purchase, Part 3

[ M/m, nc, slave, piercing ]

by Dirt


Published: 25-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

I was certainly feeling better but so drained at the same time. And the memory of those two amazing orgasms kept intruding into my thoughts. And wondering what else my master was going to do with me. Finally we got out of the tub and went into a huge open shower. My master reminded me that only he would be allowed to clean my body from now on.

"Your body belongs to me now. Only my hands are allowed to clean all your special sex parts."

I felt more like the master and he the slave as he did all the work and I just relaxed and enjoyed it immensely. My master kept asking me exactly what things I liked best about what we did,and how I felt about things he was doing. I tried to answer the best I could. He seemed genuinely interested.

"Look boy. I will be your master forever. But you still have no real idea of what this will mean for you. What just happened between us is just a small part. I will train you to allow me to maintain complete control over you at all times. Now a lot of the time this will mean that I will have you in various stages of bondage and sometimes even extreme bondage. One reason I picked you specifically was because I saw that you LIKED that done to you. I want you to enjoy the sex between us, and out relationship as much as I do. Do you understand all this boy?"

I was a bit overwhelmed by everything that had just happened and had trouble understanding everything he was trying to say. And some of this stuff scared me now that I was not under the spell of being so sexually aroused.

"Master, I liked a lot of that stuff but definitely NOT the pain part. Why do you have to do that?"

My master sighed. "Look boy, you are required to satisfy MY sexual fantasies. And sometimes I just like the power it gives me and even the very idea that I am hurting you. You will just have to resign yourself to it. It will be part of your regular duties. But I promise that I will ALSO try to fulfill YOUR sexual fantasies. You will quickly find out that our relationship will be much more than just sexual. I don't want JUST a sex slave. I want a boy who will mature into a man, and who will be my ever attendant companion. But as a slave you will always be mindful of your position to ALWAYS obey me."

I shuddered at the implication of what my master was saying. It was finally starting to get into my total consciousness that I WAS A SLAVE. It was starting to feel more real. And although I was quite scared at this prospect, a small part of me was also thrilled. That I realized was nottrue. A LARGE part of me liked the prospect. If only the pain stuff could be left out.

I simplyanswered: "Yes master."

He held me tighter and started kissing me. I was so aroused again that I was quite willing to have him do anything he wanted. I kissed him back. But he suddenly stopped, and went to a huge walk-in closet. He opened it. I was stunned to see quite a variety of paddles, straps, canes, and lots of other things I could only guess at. He came back with a simple leather cuff with a long leather strap attached. He pulled my left ankle to the end of the bed, put my ankle into the cuff, and it snapped shut. I could see a key hole. He than attacked othe ther end by wrapping it through and around a ring that was anchored right into the floor at the lower side of the bed. That was clasped shut with another lock.

"He looked up with a smile. I see you sporting quite a boner boy. You like the idea of being anchored here?"

I realized he was quite right. I was sort of thrilled by the very idea of being anchored to the ring in the floor. I smiled back. I was so horny. I was so comfortable ensconced into my master's bed. And it was then I realized that my bruises no longer hurt either.

"Sort of master."

"Well, you ARE my slave. And until I can absolutely trust you, and sometimes even then, I will ALWAYS make sure that you can not escape. But this estate is huge. You will have a variety of things to keep you entertained. When you are not attending to me that is."

We slept until late morning. Our sex session lasted a couple hours and then there was another session when we awoke earlier that morning. I was thrilled as I roamed my hands and mouth and tongue over his so very black skin. He kept insisting that I do exactly as instructed and was I REALLY happy to cooperate. I liked him taking charge. And he did a lot of neat stuff to me. I must have had another couple orgasms in our first session. It was right after he had fucked my butt real good and came in buckets that the first problem 'occurred.' He eventually pulled out much to my disappointment and then he sat right on my chest, pushed his now slightly smelly penis onto my lips and told me to clean him up. I could even SEE some small spots of brown.

"No master I can't do that!" I was horrified at the prospect of being forced to lick even my own shit off of his penis. Greg always made sure I was completely cleaned out.

He only sighed, and went to his closet. I cringed as I saw him return with a slim cane and a real heavy strap.

"Your choice slave. The hurt from the cane is deeper and last longer. The strap hurts like hell but gets over quickly. Ten flogs with the strap of three with the cane?"

I started crying. It never occurred to me strangely to beg him not to do this. Somehow I realized that that would be impossible. I KNEW what that strap felt like and I wanted no more of that tonight.

"Master, I'll take the cane."

SHIT! NEVER could I have imagined how much that could hurt. I couldn't believe him when he said that it was the easiest of the canes he had. I was so glad there was only three swats but I had so much trouble keeping still for the second two remembering the first. I made a big blunder when I tried to put my hand behind me for the second swat. My hand erupted in pain. But then he did something that surprised me. When he came back from the closet this time he brought a small bottle and a pair of latex gloves.

"Lay over the side of the bed boy."

I did. And I felt his gloved hand smear some of this thick liquid onto my so sore butt. It immediately felt so much better.

"That will take care of the surface pain boy, but you will have a tender butt for several days."

He lifted me onto the bed and simple took up where we had left off. I still was so repulsed, and pleaded with my eyes for him to stop.

I was then stunned when he didjust that. "You would really hate that wouldn't you boy?"

"Please master. I think I could even get used to some of the torture stuff if I have too, but not this. Please!"

My master, remarkably thought for a moment,and then went into the bathroom with a partly wet towel.

"OK boy. The punishment was necessaty because you broke a rule. However, on this onepoint I will not insist. I DO want us both to equally enjoy are sex together. As I said, I want MORE than just a slave."

I eagerly cleaned penis -- with the towel. There seemed to bbe some cleaning solution on the end of it. I sure LIKED touching his blackpenis. And all his other parts.

"Now boy. As I've maintained. I WANT to know exactly how you feel about things. You never know when I will see merit in what you think. I wanta submissive slave, but I want one that can also ENJOY BEING that submissive slave."

For the first time I was starting to feel so much better about things. And I suddenly realized that I was actually starting to like my new master. And for the first timei started wondering if just maybe being his slave was not a GOOD thing. Maybe

Our sex that night was a dDAMN good thing. And again that morning. And again that LATE morning. If he'd just cut out some of that pain stuff, I could REALLY get to like this!

We went down to breakfast/lunch and I ate almost as much as my master did. The food had been actually delivered right to his house. Along with a dew different newspapers.

"Where did this come from master?"

"I have most of my meals delivered at precise times. When you learn enough, I may have you prepare some of our meals."

I was wondering if whoever delivered all this stuff knew what was happening upstairs. I sort of blushed thinking about it. But smiled also. He made me wait on him and kneel at his chair naked waiting till he wanted something else. All I had on were some leather cuffs with a small chain attaching them and making me take only small steps. I fell couple times before got used to it. There was also a belt around my slim waist which had a cuff in the back with my left wrist in it. I could only use my right hand. I got so horny when he did this to me and I was quite surprised when he immediately sucked me off right then and there. It was amazing.

"Can't have my slave leaking all over the floor can we?"

I had helped him get dressed before I lost the use of my left hand. I even sort of liked doing this stuff. He kept making jokes about what I was doing and the fact that I was starkers. I liked that too.

I was SO hungry, when he finished his main meal and I poured his third cup of coffee.

"OK boy. Get your own plate out of the warmer and also whatever you want to drink from the silver refrigerator, bring it over and eat. You may sit."

I was getting used to waiting for him to tell me what to do. I couldn't believe it. I was ALREADY being his slave. And I LIKED it! And I think it was because I was also starting to like my master. (Except for the pain stuff, he's been real considerate. He also kept asking questions about how I was feeling).

I never had Eggs Benedict before but really liked it. I had orange juice and cold milk.

While I was finishing up my breakfast, my master was reading the papers he had and sometimes even asked me what I though about some of the stuff he read tome. NOBODY at MY house asked my opinion about ANYTHING.

"So you think this war is immoral boy?"

"I think so. We are tearing their country apart for no result."

"A bit simplistic but in general I agree with you. But always remember boy, nothing is usually as simple as it seems."

"Master. Well, I always thought of a slave as someone whodidallthe work. What will you make me do?"

My master laughed. "Well boy, you will certainly be my slave. But most ofthe actual workon this estate likecaringfor the place and grounds,and the cleaning and soon I hire others to do that. Your time with me is much too valuable, however, for youtodosuch mundane things. I'm rich enough that I can be unconcerned about such things. You,on the otherhand, besides being my sex slave, and my companion, will probably only do those things that are personalservices. Like helping me dress,and in the shower, and even making me some of my meals. Most of your role will be sexual and companionship. Even the clean-up here will be done by hired help. They know to allow me complete privacy."

I was amazed. And pleasently surprised. I was even thinking that I could REALLY get to like this guy and being his slave. And maybe I could even get used to that torture stuff once in a while if only to please him. (Of course I still suddered at the furure prospect).

My master asked me what I was thinking and I told him. His smile was even bigger than my own. Then he went back to his paper as I finished my breakfast. I was quite surprised when I saw that he was nowholding up my own town newspaper. It had been delivered. It was last night's paper. He starting reading something:

"Boy Killed in Rail Tradegy"

The body of a fourteen year boy was found earlier today next to a very active railroad siding. It was presumed that the boy had been trying to get into the moving car and fell under the wheels. Identity was determined by his ID and other personal possessions since his face was quite damaged by the unfortunate accident. At press time his name was being withheld but Lieutenant Honors stated that the boy's parents had found a note earlier stating that the boy was intent on leaving home. The reason was not divulged.

There was more and I was shocked when my master told me the boy was later identified to the press as one Chen Lee Stevens. I gasped and spilled some of my milk.

"I'm not dead!' I shouted. And I didn't even run away from home!"

My master smiled. "When you are as rich as I am, these things are easy to arrange." And seeing the horror on my face he quickly added: "No boy. I never hurt anyone. The boy who was found was a convenient body from a morgue several cities away. And with some friendly people in the right places, nothing will be discovered that will disprove the above story. You are now officially dead boy."

I didn't know how to feel. I was only a bit homesick but didn't seem to care if my parents would ever be looking for me.

"Boy, go to the dungeon downstairs -- use the elevator --grab a twase from shelf two, and bring it here."

My master explained what a twase was yesterday. I was afraid I was going to be punished again. But somehow it never occurred to me to disobey. Or to even try to escape the house -- or estate. The whole time I was instead trying to figure what I'd done wrong.

I came back and fearfully approached my master. I trembled a bit as I looked at my master and asked: "Master, I'm really sorry. But master, what did I do wrong?"

He even laid his hand on my shoulder and then caressed my back as he answered: "You failed to address me as master, boy. That is very important. You should never let yourself to be unmindful of the fact that you are my slave. Do you understand?"

I spouted an intense boner as I felt his tender hand and I answered: "I understand master." I also realized at that moment, that I LIKED calling him mmaster.

"We need to fill in some additional rules but that can wait for now. Kneel and offer me the twase boy."

I did as instructed but was shaking.

"Boy, you are nowbeing punished because you shouted at the table and didn't preface your remark with respect. You failed to address me as master." And then he smiled as he continued: "And I see that you picked the softest one."

I was worried but relaxed bit when he leven aughed.

"Turn around boy, and grab your ankles with your hands. I will hit your back and legs since your butt is still pretty sore. Also note that the small of your back, in the area of your kidneys will NOT be hit. I will explain why later."

He never did say how many. When he reached four I was crying unabashedly. At ten I was pleading for him to stop. He stopped four strokes later.

"Boy, I suspect you will always remember that rule."

Through my tears I answered. "Yes master."

Then he had me sit down and he gave me two typed pages of rules.

"You will memorize the these tomorrow boy. I will make sure you are left undisturbed for this."

"Master, how about today?"

"Boy, read rule seven right now."

I did. "The slave will never question his master unless invited. This invitation has only three procedures. A) When the master specifically asks his boy a question or to do something and he needs clarification. B) When his master has invited his slave to join in a normal conversation. C) When the slave otherwise wishes to ask question but he will first ask permission from his master to do so."

"From now on boy I expect that rule observed. Do you understand?"

"Yes master."

By this time I had calmed down. I tried to comply with rule seven, part 'C'.

"Master, may I ask a question?"

He gave permission and I asked. He answered.

"Today will be very filled with getting you fitted for your various gear. I will also show you exactly where and how you will provide for your own hygiene. Even some clothes, for those rare time that you will be away from this estate. I also have several doctors and a dentist coming. Don't worry boy. I just want to make sure you are healthy. This will also take a good portion of tomorrow."

"Master, may I ask a question?"

"No need boy. You will remain naked the entire time. All these people know me very well and will not be surprised to see you naked."

The reviewing period for this story has ended.