Published: 25-Apr-2012
Word Count:
I couldn't believe that my life as I knew it was totally over. But as I had all that time to think as I was being transported in that box I started to have hope that maybe I'd be OK. I had to admit that the idea of being a slave was sort of getting me aroused. But it was strangely more than that. I was looking forward to this like it was some kind of adventure. I was going to hold onto my hope until I couldn't anymore. I kept dozing on and off, but it still seemed so long and I started getting scared again.
Finally, something was happening. I mean something different. I think I was in some truck or something for quite some time. But now both the noise and movement stopped. And I was getting hot. I seemed like forever but was probably just 15 minutes or so and finally I could hear some faint noises. Then my box was being lifted. I was scared all over again. All my figuring about how things would be OK could be just me being naive again. I couldn't believe how my emotions were all over the place. It seemed like forever before all the motion stopped. And I could feel the top of my box opening. And I was blinded.
"Here boy."
And a pair of wrap around sun glasses was put onto my face. I took sometime but I could finally see. The guy was smiling. I was again hopeful but now I just wanted out of that blasted box.
Twenty minutes later I was shivering. I was hung by my arms in an open shower area. I guess I really stank. My master -- he insisted I call him master -- seems to be a mix of two people at the same time -- very considerate and caring but also expecting me to obey him explicitly. Just as my wrists were starting to really hurt, this black guy -- I mean my master -- , who was as naked as I was, unhooked my wrists, and carried me to a padded table. My penis was about to erupt after he had dried me with a very soft towel. His was pretty rigid himself and I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. It was perfectly black and standing almost straight outward. I wanted to touch it SOOO bad. It was about 7 to 8 inches long and perfectly formed. His testicles swayed below as he moved. They were so big I was wondering if I could fit them into my mouth even one at a time. I was also so amazed at his such really black skin. No one would mistake him for a body builder but I sort of was turned on by his very slim body. He was plenty big enough to easily lift me. And I guess Greg was right. The more aroused I got, the more I just lie still wanting to be made to do things, or have them done to me.
I was laid onto the table on my back with my 5 inch penis was hard as steel and dripping. I SO wanted to touch myself but the one time I did that, right after he got me out of that crate, he gave me a terrible swat with a heavy leather strap.
"OK boy, we will soon start teaching you all the rules but for now just the most important ones. One, you will never ever touch any of your own erogenous zones. You understand what that means?"
I learned all about those places from Greg. He loved showing them to me when we first got together.
"Yes, master." I ALWAYS had to call him master.
"Good boy. Two you will ALWAYS obey without hesitation. Three, you will NEVER interfere with what I am doing to you. In fact you will always cooperate."
"Yes, master." My voice seemed to be getting husky. I realized that I was getting so turned on just by all these rules and calling him master. I knew he was gong to molest me and I couldn't wait. At least that was what Greg called it. I was a bit worried about him using my butt right now though, since he was a lot bigger than Greg.
"Now, I am now going to show you the kind of sex we will have a lot of. The exception will be at night time when we are sleeping together."
I was thrilled hearing that I was going to be sleeping with him. Even Greg and I didn't do that. So far I was starting to believe that maybe this will all be OK after all.
My master had me lay quietly as he said he needed to get some things. A minute later he brought over a cart filled with straps and a few other things I couldn't get a good look at. Then he took out a small section of padding on the top middle edge of the table, turned me on my stomach, and told me to place my face into the indentation left by the missing padding. I started lowering my head and suddenly stopped since I couldn't figure it out. There was this big knob thing in it. He saw my hesitation. Another swat, this time on my butt again brought tears. I decided to do what he said realizing just what that knob was for. The area was shaped to fit my face with a small hole at my nose and the knob I was forced to put into my mouth. It felt scary and thrilling at the same time. Next I felt this half shell piece being fitted over the back of my head. Soon I couldn't move my head at all, nor could I see anything. Sounds were pretty muffled. It felt like my head was not part of my body somehow. I mean that my body was now totally at the mercy of my master. I was so aroused by all this I was trying to move my penis to the edge of the table to rub it there but then a wide strap was fitted around the back of my waist and somehow I was pulled very tight onto the table. I just went limp and left happen what was going to happen. I was so aroused that I forgot all about being scared.
Then he grabbed my right hand and forced it through a hole in the table. I must have missed it being there. My entire arm was now dangling below the table since the hole was right below my shoulder. Then I could feel some mitt thing being pushed onto my hand which forced it into a fist. The top part was wrapped around my wrist and tightened somehow. Them I felt something happening to the end of the glove and suddenly my arm was pulled very hard downward. The same thing was done to my other hand and arm. My arms were pulled so tight I could hardly move them.
Wow was I aroused. Greg and I NEVER did anything like this although his CD's sometimes had a little of this stuff. Well let me tell you. The real thing is ten times better. My legs which were bent over the back end of the table allowed my toes to barely touch the floor. My legs were then stretched a lot sideways and my ankles were fitted into some cuffs so that I couldn't move them very much.
"Please master, please do something to my penis." I thought. I was so hard I thought my penis was going to explode. He must have read my mind. He grabbed my penis but then I started to yell as something was shoved into my penis slit. It was more the surprise than any pain. It went in pretty easy so I suspect it was lubricated thank goodness. But I got scared again. What the hell was this about? Then a moderate sized butt plug was inserted into my butt. It felt pretty good and I almost came right then as it hit my prostate. Then I was just left like that for quite a while.
Suddenly fire lit up butt. It was so unexpected and so sudden, and hurt so much I couldn't even scream right away. Then I let out a yell that would have been heard a block away if I wasn't so muffled. "NOOOOO. Please stop!." At least that's what I tried to yell.
It didn't stop. I lost the ability to even try to count. The only thing I was capable of thinking about was the pain. Then it all ended. I was sobbing convulsively. My back, butt, and legs were on fire. Then suddenly I felt a tiny tingle in my butt. And then inside my penis. Then it felt stronger, and stronger. And then it started to feel like my penis and butt were being kicked all over the place with stinging slaps. I started wailing. This went on for a hundred years or at least five minutes. Finally it stopped and I sobbed in relief. Then both the rod and plug were taken out and I could feel some smooth cool stuff being rubbed into my butt with a couple fingers and all over my penis with a second hand. I was so suddenly aroused I erupted immediately. It had to have been twice as intense than any orgasm I'd ever had! I just came and came seemingly forever. And even after it seemed nothing more was coming out I was still experiencing some spasms. Finally the hand left my butt and my now quite sensitive penis. The previous torture was totally forgotten. Well almost. It still hurt somewhat. Then a very soothing liquid was poured onto my back and my entire back was being massaged. Almost instantly the fire in my back disappeared. My master then began to massage my butt and legs the same way. It started to feel wonderful. I just lay there and enjoyed the sensation. I think the enjoyment was twice as good because of the previous pain. Then it stopped for a while and I could feel a very soft towel drying me off. The coolness remained. Then another gooier liquid was being rubbed allover my butt, and into my crack. It felt so good. My master's two hands then roamed all over my testicles, my butt crack and finally inside me again. He kept hitting my prostate and I was as hard as a steel rod again in spite of the previous mind blowing orgasm. I was slowly building up again. Then I felt a very thick something at my butt hole and realized what was about to happen. I was a little worried since I'd never had anything quite that large inside me before. I tried to relax my butt hole as much as possible. Suddenly it was pushed inside and I gasped in pain. Fortunately he stopped and I was able to finally relax again and most of the pain went away. My master kept this up and gradually pushed his monster penis into me in small stages. I was quite grateful he was being so patient. Then he started withdrawing and pushing backing. After a short while I could dismiss the pain and feel the wonderful fullness inside me. I always liked being fucked by Greg after I got used to it. But this was so much bigger. But it was starting to feel even better. His slow strokes in and out was again hitting my prostate and I was on fire with arousal. It was my entire world again. And somehow being strapped down and with my head so encased, took on an almost fantasy quality. The strokes got faster and more forceful. A few minutes later I again started to tighten down with heavy spasms onto his penis with my sphincters as I had another remarkable orgasm. At almost the same time I could feel him come inside me. Afterwards I was totally drained, and apparently my master just lay there on top of me too.
Several minutes later my master pulled out and I felt empty. He must have gone somewhere for a while but finally the straps were released and my legs and arms were freed. Then my waist and head were next. My jaw I realized was a bit sore and he had to help me up off of that big bulb thing. I had to move my jaw a few times before it felt like I could close my mouth right. Finally, my master picked me up and I collapsed into his strong black arms. My back, butt, and legs were hurting enough that they stealing a lot of my attention. My master easily carried me bodily into a small open elevator, hit button and soon we went up two floors and he carried me down a corridor and into one of the largest and most opulent bathrooms I'd ever seen. There was a hot tub in operation in one corner with jets of water swirling in a lot of different places. I'd never seen such a thing except in the moves. I tried to speak but he shushed me by putting his fingers on my mouth.
"For now boy, let us just enjoy this. You just gave me the two best orgasms I've had in years. And I hope you'd enjoyed yours also. You sure came a lot."
I was remembering the entire episode in quite some detail and suddenly started to cry.
He stepped into the tub and sat down bringing me into the wonderful feeling of swirling hot water. I was wondering I the had put something in the water because soon I was feeling no pain. I also liked cuddling up against his beautiful body, and I held on like he was a life vest. But I still couldn't stop crying, the emotions were so overwhelming.
He started hugging me and finally asked: "Why are you crying boy?"
"Master, it hurt so bad. You hurt me so bad."
"How did you feel after you had your first orgasm?"
"That was the most amazing thing I'd ever felt."
"And then why are you crying now?"
I was SO mixed up. "I'm not sure master. I think because you hurt me so bad but that's not really quite right. I think it's more because I'm so very scared."
"And why is that boy?"
I had trouble admitting this. But finally I simply had to say something. "I hated the pain and when you hurt me. But I think it was because of that that I had such an amazing orgasm. And that scares me."
My master kept hugging me and rocking me back and forth. And in spite of what he had done to me, I held onto him and wondered why I didn't hate him for what he had done. I was SO mixed up. I realized that even though I hated the pain, I LIKED what he had done to me. And I know that don't make any sense, but it's as best as I can explain. And I eventually told him that.
"Boy, I confess that I was going to wait a while before I had sex like that with you but I got so horny and I did it anyway. And I am so happy with your reaction. I have good hope that you will start to enjoy those sessions as much as I do."
He must have felt me shudder in fear. Sessions?
"Don't get too worried yet boy. We will certainly not be doing that every day. Probably more like once a week."
I didn't what I felt from what he said. In spite of being so afraid to feel all that pain again, I was strangely still lured by the idea at the same time.
I was certainly feeling better but so drained at the same time. And the memory of those two amazing orgasms kept intruding into my thoughts. And wondering what else my master was going to do with me. Finally we got out of the tub and went into a huge open shower. My master reminded me that only he would be allowed to clean my body from now on.
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