Published: 25-Apr-2012
Word Count:
It had been going on for about three months. And each time we met, he had me do more and more so that by now, when I was led into his bedroom, I immediately started this sexy routine as I gradually took off all my clothes. But then something entirely different happened. Before I had done much more, he picked me up and laid me onto his bed face up. I was used to doing as he said and allowing him to do with me as he wanted so I didn't think much about this.
"Ok Micky, what I'd like you to do now is just a bit different."
I was excited. Every time he'd use that word 'different', we did something that made me feel even sexier.
"Now be a good boy and close your eyes. This will be a big surprise. Now that you are completely trained as a sex toy there is one last step."
For the life of me I couldn't think what could be next but I was so sexually aroused and generally exited, I was determined to follow his instructions. It didn't even bother me too much that he accidentally called me his sex toy instead of his sex boy. Then a smelly cloth was pushed into my face and I started to struggle thinking that I was being smothered and then . . . .
When I woke up I was so disoriented I couldn't understand what was going on. I then tried to move and realized that things were REALLY wrong. I was like in this airbag. I could wiggle a bit but that was all. I finally opened my eyes against the glare of the lights and heard: "He's coming around. Won't he be surprised!!
There were two other men in the room smiling down at me. I tried to speak but there was this horrendously big gag in my mouth. I started to panic.
"Wo, little boy. We don't want you to hurt yourself." This was one of the other guys. He was big and black. Well at least compared to me he was big. But most guys were, and wow was he BLACK. "I just bought you boy and don't want you to hurt yourself. Your friend here promised me a well trained boy who really liked things done to him. But I didn't believe him when he said you were also as cute as you were compliant."
I was trying to make sense of what I just heard without believing what I thought it meant. I needed my friend. The black guy, looking concerned at my near panic, took the gag out of my mouth and I had trouble with my stiff muscles.
"GREG! Please help me!"
As I was looking upward (I couldn't move my head with the weird airbag around me) Greg moved into my view. He smiled. What the hell was happening? "Greg what's happening? Please help me."
Greg was 30 and I was really attracted to him. Especially after he introduced me to all that neat sex stuff. He was part 'something' that gave him a dusky look and his special parts were somewhat darker than the rest of him. And I simply fell in love with his brown pucker hole. I was a really horny 14 year old and even when he first 'lured' me to his house, I sort of really figured out what he wanted. And though too shy to ask out right, I secretly was hoping that he was going to 'molest' me. I read all that stuff on the Internet what to watch out for with men like him, so I knew all the signs to look for. And I was THRILLED! And he was really kind, giving me all that game stuff. I didn't mind; I'd have done all that sex stuff even without all the 'come-on stuff'. But best of all, he had always made sure that when we had sex, that I was enjoying what he did to me. In fact he refused to fuck my butt hole until he had gradually opened it up over a two month period. I knew he'd help me now he was here.
"Hi there Pup! Sorry about this but I got to make a living."
What the fuck? I struggled but it was near impossible to move more than a few muscles here and there. And I wasn't real strong anyway. I was barely over 5 foot and was under 90 pounds. I started crying as I realized that he was part of all this. I guess I was still in too much of a shock to get real scared yet.
"I thought you said you loved me?"
"I sure do Pup but you know, business is business. I will say that of all the boys I've trained for sale over the years, I really enjoyed your spirit. And you're also one of the cutest. And look Pup, I made sure that the guy I sold you to will not treat you bad."
I was bereft. I felt completely betrayed. Strange, I still wanted him too. I guess I was all mixed up. I suddenly realized what was REALLY happening. I was being sold. SOLD! It was finally getting through to me. SOLD? But I had my whole life ahead of me. I CAN'T be sold! That would mean every thing I know is all over! Of course there's some things I WON'T miss. But DAMN! All my friends -- ok they weren't that close but still -- and school, and everything. It was all too much to believe.
"What's going to happen to me? Please don't do this. Please!"
"Sorry Pup. You're too valuable to me as a piece of merchandise. Now don't fret. The guy I sold you too will be perfect for you. You have a big submissive streak in you and I know you will have a lot of great sex. Just not quite like you ever imagined."
So I was still naïve, or maybe too horrified to believe the worst. I looked at the guy who said he'd bought me.
"How long do I have to be with you?"
"Look kid. This is the real world. I've been looking for the right slave for a couple years. It will be forever. You're young yet. But you've been trained for sex. And all the tapes I've seen prove that you are a natural submissive. Shit, you LIKED being in restraints. You even mentioned to Greg that being forced to do stuff turned you on. And those CDs showing slave boys really turned you on too. So I will just be fulfilling your fantasies. Andmyownofcourse. Now I will train you to be MY slave boy. Even when you get older, you will still be my slave boy. Of course by that time you will be so trained that you won't be able to be anything but my slave."
My arousal betrayed me. I started breathing hard and had a big erection just thinking about what was going to happen to me. Besides, I figured it couldn't be much worse than where I was living. My step-mom barely tolerated me because I was part 'Chink' --that was the word she used. My Dad seemed not to care about me any more at all. Especially since he found out I was gay. I lookedupat this blackguy. I was starting to think that he was even more physically attractive to me than Greg. I guess I liked 'dark' guys. And I was wondering what he looked like naked. As for loosing verything, well I really didn't have any REAL close friends -- except for Greg. And now not even him. But what did I know. I did have some vague plans and hopes. And what about school?
"I will be your real slave?" I asked.
"That's straight boy. But I don't want you because you are just a boy. In fact I was looking for someone a little older. But I want someone like you -- who is turned on by being in restraints. And you're young enough to make sure you're trained as a slave and won't know anything else. This is forever boy."
I was scared, angry at Greg, and worried what will happen to me. But I was also SO aroused. I guess this guy knew that about me.
"Are you going to hurt me?" Iwas suddenly waking up to what could reallyhappen tome.
The black guy actually smiled. "I will be training you boy. When you don't do exactly as I command, you will be punished. Punished severely. But I want a slave I can eventually trust. So I don't intend to be cruel. That's not what I am all about. I will, however, demand complete obedience. And I also will want to maintain total control. That's what you will be trained for."
"May I ask you your name sir. Or I guess master?"
Greg butted in: "Didn't I say he'd be perfect?"
Greg was smiling along with my new master. The third guy there didn't seem to care one way or the other. I found out later that he was only the guy that would transport me to my master's home.
"My name is unimportant. You will for now always call me master."
I was eventually put into this weird crate with air tanks and all. While I was unconscious they had even put a tube up my dick and a plug into my butt. That big gag had a thing connected to some liquid so I wouldn't get too thirsty. The air bag was for keeping me unhurt. I was so scared when they closed the crate but my new master even kissed me on my forehead just before and I was thinking well maybe things weren't as bad as I thought. Some traitorous part of me even LIKED the idea of being a slave. I just HATED pain. So I was determined to be as good a slave as I could be.
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