Published: 23-Apr-2012
Word Count:
When the small boy he sat up in the strange bed --strangely made --he was utterly astounded. They had told him exactly what was to be done to him but of course he simply couldn't believe them. What they had described was impossible. Or so he thought. They claimed that his penis and testicles would be been reduced to his pre-puberty days. This was the first thing he checked. And moaned and even cried a little. But how come he felt so amazingly horny? His now 2 inch penis stuck up as hard as a metal rod. Then he remembered some of the other changes that he was to have undergone. He remembered now the entire conversation his new (?) master had with the doctor right they put him into this big tank.
"Absolutely. He will look like a 10 year old for the remainder of his life. Genitals and all. Of course we will enhance his prostate, and with the other neural and chemical modifications, he will be one very horny boy. And because of the neural manipulation, this feeling will intensify over the next several months and reach their maximum in about five months after removal. And although he will be intensely aroused at all times, and even though his penis and testicles will participate in this extreme arousal, no manipulation of his turgid penis will result in any orgasm. That will only occur by forceful anal penetration to at least a depth of five inches because of the placement of his new stimulating organs and his prostate. For sure this boy will be begging for anal penetration at all times. And what is so great, even after an extended orgasm, his need for orgasmic release will mount to maximum intensity in less than 10 minutes."
I was horrified hearing what was to happen to me. My master was smiling. He said something about my being his Fifth Slave-boy. I wondered what that was all about. But what the doctor said next was much worse.
"And doctor about the other refinements?"
"Oh yes. They will also be in place. Of course some of the changes will not become apparent until there is proper stimulation. But the boys integument, musculature, ligaments and tendons will all be so enhanced that moderate tactile torture will be recoverable in less than 2 to 4 days. Even moderate electro-torture will leave no lasting physical harm."
"And the brain function and neural implant transformations?"
"Already implemented. Of course some of the results will not be apparent like I said until the boy has the proper stimulation. But in short order he will not only want to be your obedient slave-boy. he will not want any other future. His original genetic and psychological make-up has made my work in this regard easy. He was already part of the way there naturally. Even the torture he will eventually come to accept and possibly even crave."
What the hell? Want to be a slave? Torture? Shit! Now what?
I was to find out in a few months when my gene splices had finished changing me.
I assume it was several months later when I was brought back to the land of the living. Or at least the land of the awake. I actually felt pretty good. And DAMED horny. They even allowed to let me try to masturbate. Hours later I gave up exhausted. Of course the next day, when my master arrived, I was never again to even touch myself in any sexual manner.
"All of you, especially your penis and testicles, and all the other erogenous zones belong to me. You are never to touch them again."
"Yes master." Damn! How come I was thrilled calling him master? And I liked being his slave! Shit. What else have they done to me? Besides making me the horniest boy on the planet or so it felt.
"Come little one, we need to get you prepared you for your future. I will care for you; you are very precious to me."
The boy looked up at the man who just claimed that he was responsible for his kidnapping and for having all the amazing changes done to him. He was very frightened, and wondered what was to really happen to him. He didn't want to be killed. Isn't that what happened to a lot of the kids who were kidnapped after they did with him what they wanted? Of course then why did this man go through all the trouble to change his body? And perversely, the boy wondered why he was excited about what was happening to him at the same time. He let himself be prodded toward the doorway by the man's hand on his shoulder. He finally got the courage though to look back at the man and ask: "But how about my clothes?"
"Boy, you are very intelligent. I am sure you have figured out by now that your kidnapping, and subsequent genetic manipulation, has sexual purposes. You of course will not be needing any clothes." And with a little laugh added sub rosa, "Ever again."
The boy suddenly become very self-conscious of his nudity and stumbled as he tried to hide his naked penis and testicles with his hands. But he also wondered how come he was more sexually turned on than ever before in his entire life. His small black penis was jutting out stiffly in front of him, so hard that he had difficulty concentrating on anything else. "But. . ." He never got to ask the next question."
"Boy, you better listen very carefully. I am now your owner. You are my property. I have gone to extraordinary expense and spent literally years looking for you -- my fifth and final boy. You will obey without any questioning. You are being taken to a preparation room so that you can be prepared for transport to your new home. Any disobedience or even reluctance on your part will be severely punished. Of course proper submission to me will be greatly rewarded. I am not an unkind master."
The timbre of the man's voice seemed to brook not the slightest resistance. And the boy wondered if indeed that man's promise of reward could be believed. And for some strange reason the boy felt himself being even more excited by his words than frightened. He was also wondering about all that genetic change stuff. Had they done something to him to make him feel this way? He shut his mouth and allowed himself to be led from the room. They turned down a barely lit corroder. The boy had trouble figuring out just where the light was coming from, even if it was subdued. And the soft flooring was even warm on his bare feet and not at all uncomfortable. They turned into a relatively bare room. There was a sort of padded chair-like affair that was reminiscent of a dentist's chair and a small cabinet with a number of things on top that the boy could not identify. Nearby was another man dressed in a sort of uniform. He smiled at they entered the room. And spoke: "Ah, I hope you are pleased with what we have done with your boy."
"Definitely, and the boy himself in still only aware of the obvious changes. The more subtle ones, and those which need a future trigger will be made known to him eventually."
The boy felt weird being talked about as if he were merely some object. And what were these other changes he wondered. And what seemed even more strange, that besides being very scared, he was also exhilarated at the same time. This was quite a sexual turn on for him.
That this man "owned" him was just starting to sink in. He commanded: "Boy, up on the chair. We have a lot to get done this morning. Put your feet onto the two lower extensions and your arms on the side ones. And unless you want to be strapped into place, you will allow the good doctor here to proceed. We will start with your feet and work up. Don't get too worried yet. What we are going to do today will be relatively painless. Remember what I have already told you. You are precious to me. I will never let you be harmed." Of course he thought to himself. People have differing ideas of what constitutes harm.
At the mention of pain, the boy became frightened, not understanding what was going to be done. But he did as commanded. It was definitely a command.
The doctor started to describe what he was doing for the owner's benefit. "We of course are using the latest technology. For example these new ankle restraints." The doctor took what looked like two very thick metal bands, that when joined together made a full circle. They were about two inches wide and fully an inch thick. And seemingly perfectly smooth. "Note that the boy's extremities have been prepared to accept these new restraints. You can see as each half will actually embed themselves into the boy's flesh as they ends are joined." At that he placed the two halves around the boy's ankle. As the ends met, tightly encircling the boy's right ankle, the boy felt a strange tingling as the metal bands seemed to not only merge with his flesh, but even sink into his very ankle. "Note that in a few short seconds, this restraint will completely bond with the boy's ankle and the bones below. It is now permanent. Short of amputating the boy's ankle, it will never come off."
The boy was both frightened and then strangely elated as the band was installed and he heard the doctor's words. His "owner" reached down and grabbed the seemingly metal band. No amount of twisting or pulling on the band could make it move. "How strong is it?"
"Stronger than the boy's leg, although the genetic splicing has greatly strengthened the boy's bones. You can hang the boy by this one band alone without harm."
The boy shuddered at the implication, but wondered how since the band was totally smooth. He looked at his "owner's" smile and wondered what was in store for him.
The left ankle was then also encircled with an identical band. "Boy, how do they feel? Can you move your ankle and foot without any problem?"
If the boy didn't know any better, he would have sworn he heard genuine concern in his "owner's" voice. He lifted his right ankle and moved his foot around. Wow was it heavy. At the realization of the permanent nature of the band he realized that he was going to have to get used to the extra weight on each of his lower legs. "No problem except they are awfully heavy."
The man looked at his new boy and said: "You will address me as Master. You are my slave boy. I told you that I own you." The man smiled.
The boy felt strangely excited about his newly understood relationship. He couldn't figure out just why. And his penis was totally out of control. It was even dripping. His was very sexually excited by the entire situation and happenings. His Master followed the boy's gaze and remarked. "Yes, I can see that you are sexually aroused by all this. One of the reasons just why you were chosen. All my boys enjoy their slavery almost as much as I enjoy owning and using them."
The boy felt his Master pat him on his shoulder and felt a a strange feeling of affection toward his Master starting to develop. He liked his master touching him. And he realized his response to this was more than sexual. Then he wondered just why he was feeling that way towards someone who had had him kidnapped and turned into a slave.
Next the doctor reached over and lifted a short thick rod from the cabinet. "This is only operable by your touch. If you touch each end of this rod to the inside of the boy's ankle cuffs and they will permanently attach, with only minimal movement allowed to enable the boy to move his feet so to walk."
The Master took the rod and brought it into contact with the boy's right cuff. It immediately attached not too unlike a magnet but was at least able to swivel. He then pulled the boy's other leg in and touched the other end of the rod to its cuff. The boy's feet were held now about a foot apart. He could only now walk by swiveling each foot around the arc of the short rod.
The doctor continued: "Note that the rod's length can be changed. But again only by your touch. Grab the rod in the middle and pull downward the rod will extend to a full length of four feet. If you push upward, the rod will shrink pulling the boys feet together."
The Master did this and as a result the boy's feet were forced wide apart. So much so that the boy shrieked. "Beautiful." He then readjusted the rod's length so that the boys' legs lay again on the chair's leg rests.
The doctor then reached over and grabbed a very large and thick metal loop. It was again gold in color, about 8 inches around and a quarter inch in diameter. And again totally smooth and rounded. Now for the guiche ring. This will be mounted within this metal sleeve." And he then picked up a slightly curved metal object about an inch long with a large hole running through it. He then touched a control on the chair which caused the back of the chair to recline a bit and lift the boys legs high into the air. It also allowed the boy's legs to bend at the knees. With the metal bar keeping the boy's feet widely apart, the boys testicles and penis along with his perianal region was totally exposed. "You will note that the hole through the base of the boy's scrotum is already in place."
The boy wondered what the doctor was talking about as his master lifted his hanging testicles. Which in turn caused the boy an absolutely amazing amount of sexual stimulation. He realized that in spite of his immature testicles and penis, he was in fact approaching orgasm. He let out a small moan.
"Yes I can see."
"And this sleeve with completely bond with the boy's flesh as did the ankle bands." At that pronouncement, the doctor forced the tube into a small hole apparently in place through the very base of the boy's penis, in that very sensitive region between his anus and his testicles. The curved tube felt immense as the doctor forced it into the prepared hole. He could feel it being forced into and through the very root of his penis. He again felt a strange tingling as the curved tube came to rest, totally penetrating the root of his penis. It felt immense. Fortunately it did not seem to hurt. In fact he felt even closer to an orgasm. The doctor then grabbed the large ring giving it a twist. It opened about an inch and the boy's knees were forced widely apart and the end was fed through the tube already in place. Another reverse twist and the gap closed -- and sealed. "As you can see, the ring, like each of the ankle bands, are now permanently in place."
The boy suddenly realized that he could no longer close his knees and bring his knees together. How was he going to be able to even walk?
The doctor seemingly answered his unasked question. "Now watch this. If you push at the bottom of the ring toward the boy the ring will collapse into a large rounded lump, allowing the boy to close his legs. Let me demonstrate." Note that the ring will again, like the bar between the boy's legs, only respond to your touch.
The boy's Master helped the boy to his feet. He had to help steady the boy as his feet were splayed widely apart and his upper legs were forced to stay separated by the guiche ring. He them pushed on the ring and it collapsed into a large metal ball which of course stayed attached between the boy's legs. Then he grasped the center of the rod and it too slowly collapsed into itself, pulling the boy's feet closely together. He had to hold onto his boy for a moment to get him steady enough to be able to remain standing. "How do you feel boy?"
"These things don't ever come off?'
A loud wack was followed by quite a yell from the boy, as the boy's master hit his naked bottom with a short wide strap. "Remember boy. I am to be addressed as master and obeyed without question. Answer my question."
"Yes master," the boy answered with some tears dripping from his eyes. He couldn't believe how much that wack hurt! "Master, I feel strange not being able to move my feet, and that lump between my legs feels so strange, and heavy."
"You better get used to them. They are permanent."
The boy realized that his master answered his first question. But instead of being dismayed, he felt a bit of a thrill. Feeling a need to express this thought to his master he continued: "Somehow Master, the things feel sort of thrilling. I don't completely understand."
His Master smiled at the boy. "Don't be concerned. It just means that I chose well. And that the doctors here have also done their part. You will make a great submissive slave boy."
The boy was placed back onto the chair with his legs again splayed out widely. The doctor then secured permanent wrist bands onto the boy. Again he was a bit dismayed on their seemingly excessive weight. The doctor added: "Note that with the genetic changes made to the boy's arms and shoulders, you will be able to hang the boy by his wrist almost indefinitely without harm. Of course there will still be considerable pain accompanying any lengthy unsupported suspension."
The Master smiled and the boy quaked. "Suspension?" the boy wondered. "What is my master really planning to do to me?"
The boy's thoughts were quickly interrupted as the doctor reached for something new. It was another ring but smaller than the last one. "And now boy, for one more most important restricting attachment. Again these will be permanent. And I want you to watch as your hand's normal use become permanently thwarted."
I was afraid again. What was he going to do to my hands? He reached over to the cabinet and retracted two small gloves that looked like mere metal frameworks. They fitted snugly onto each hand and were just flexible enough so that he could wiggle them onto each hand. Bands of metal went down the length of all his fingers and thumb on both sides and bands circled my wrists, my hand in a three places, and twice around each bone of my fingers and thumb. It was as if I wore a sort of skeletal glove on both hand.
"Now my boy, here comes the beautiful part. These gloves have been perfectly fashioned for your hands. And within their molecular make up is a sort of internal memory." The Master then brought a small mechanism with a couple of indentations. "When I activate those gloves, the metal bands will not only tighten around your hands and fingers and thumb, they will force your fingers and thumb to curl around but not quite close. It is easier to demonstrate. And he put his finger in to one of the shallow indentations. The boy had no power or strength to resist. His fingers curled downward so that all four fingers tips met the bottom of his hand, and his thumb lay up along the crook of his forefinger. They were not closed too tightly but some pocket remained inside his hand. His master explained this was done so as not to allow my hands to get too hot, and to also allow them to be washed as needed. But although he still had some movement in his wrists, he couldn't move any of my fingers or thumb whatsoever.
I almost panicked as I tried to open my hands. As I looked at my hands I could see these strange new frameworks. They were not even that heavy. But no movement of my fingers and thumb were possible. I really tried.
"Don't fight it boy. These too are permanent. As I said earlier. You will be made totally dependent on me for everything."
I almost started crying as the full implication was hitting me. A person did everything with his hands. Now, for all practical purposes I had two lumps at the ends of my arms. I no longer had hands as such.
"Look at the bright side boy, You will now have almost everything done for you. Even the wiping of your beautiful butt hole. And the restrictions of your movements and confinement of your body parts has just begun."
Master released me from the chair and I felt I was carrying a ton of metal on me. And I had no idea how I was ever going to get used to never using my hands for anything more than merely propping them on something. As I again started to stumble, master simply lifted me into his strong arms and brought me over to the bed that was installed at the for edge of the room. It seemed so out of place, but it was wonderfully comfortable. Even here though I was to be fastened into position, allowing me only minimal movement.
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