Published: 23-Apr-2012
Word Count:
The small not quite teen boy was finally stirring. Of course, looking at the boy's naked body you would not believe that he could possibly have been the same one that had been selected for the extensive genetic splicing just four months ago.
Atthat time he had been wondering through the back alleyways near his new home, quietly sobbing, and trying to figure out how he might possibly survive the future taunting of his two new older brothers. How had they figured out that he had great difficulty in standing up for himself? He always tried but always failed. He knew this about himself but was usually able to compensate by a lot of planning ahead. To make sure he stayed out of problem situations. But he was just thrust into this one. He had come to live here because his Dad had recently been killed in a freak transmission accident. (His Mom left his Dad years ago and he barely remembered her). The government was quite efficient in finding new homes for suddenly orphaned children. The process of determining what sort of background, personality profile, mental and emotional factors, and a myriad of other things they 'tested' for, thus finding the 'perfect' home, though seeming interminable at the time, was frighteningly efficient. But now, two weeks later, his feelings and thoughts were in quite a turmoil. For quite a number of reasons. One, he could not understand why he didn't miss his Dad more. He never really hardly knew his Dad being sent off almost the entire year to different schools so far from home, but still? He also wondered how the government had made such a blunder. This so-called 'perfect' home was definitely not perfect for him. But with effort he would be able to make do; all those years in all those schools taught him that.
But now there was even something worse that he could no longer deny. Now that he finally realized that he was one of 'those!' That only happened in fiction, or one of the 'uncivilized' worlds. He couldn't even think the word. How come he was this way when the government assured everyone that the scourge of being born that way (at least on this planet) had been eliminated from the gene pool decades ago?
He had thus understandable difficulty to reason how come he was the way he was. What now? Every time he sees or even thinks about another boy's . . . NO! He would not give in. Somehow he had to 'fix' himself. Whenever he got aroused he would only think of girls. But later that night, his own dream state betrayed him as he had an immense orgasm while dreaming not only about another boy, but to his further shame, he allowed himself to be tied onto first a bed, but later in his dream it sort of changed into a torture table thing in some dungeon. And instead of a boy, it was now this scary man with a penis longer that really possible. But the very worst part was when someone came to 'rescue' him -- it looked somewhat like that other boy -- and he was actually happy when the rescue failed. He awoke to the feeling of stickiness as he was in the throws of an orgasm. It happened just as the scary man plunged his monster penis into his exposed butt hole.
It was several weeks later when the new almost despondent small boy was required to show up at a government run medical center for more 'tests.' It was later no surprise to the boy when this somber doctor entered his cubical and pronounced a life sentence: "Boy, this has been quite rare these days, but it has been discovered from your earlier tests, and confirmed today, that you are an 'unrecoverable homosexual.' The upshot was that I was to be shipped to a special 'hospital' where I was to be a part of a 'study' to find some new so far undiscovered 'experimental cure.' I was horrified. I heard about these places. They were places where the doctors there were perfectly free to try anything they wanted on the 'inmates.' After all we were 'damaged' goods and expendable. I cried that entire night before being sent off. My new 'family' will probably relieved to be done with me.
Either fortunately, or unfortunately, I never got there. I was to find out later that some money exchanged hands and I was diverted to a different facility off planet. It wasn't 'til quite some time later, however, before I found out what had happened. I didn't even know where I was until then. My entire transport occurred after I was been drugged and fitted into a human transport pod. Of course, these were not 100% reliable but I was expendable of course. I made it intact, but one of the 'unreliable' things that did occur, was that I unaccountable regained consciousness during the 28 day transport. Thankfully it was only several days before removal from the pod. Of course it was also several days of experiencing the forceful elimination of my bowels. (Only once thankfully). Feeling that probe enter my butt hole and then route around in my rectum was 'uncomfortable' to say the least. The tube into my bladder didn't cause any problem until its somewhat painful removal. Even the tubes in my nostrils and down my throat to keep me breathing were more an uncomfortable nuisance. Even that horrible, and impossibly wide thing anchored in my mouth I eventually learned to put up with and even that icky liquid I was force-fed I got used to. But the most diabolical thing was that horrible suit that not only separated absolutely every part of my body from every other part, but I couldn't MOVE! Not even a finger! Nor see, or hear, or ANYTHING. You might wonder why that was sooo abhorrent a torture. Well let me tell you -- whatever drugs they gave me, I was as horny as I'd EVER been in my life and I could do nothing about it!
The first thing I attempted when released from the confining pod was to reach for my penis and do what comes natural. I was so horny, I never even thought about the other people there! And for as shy as I usually am, that was mighty horny!
"STOP THAT BOY!" The voice rang out chillingly in the relatively quiet room.
I was suddenly petrified as I realized not only what I was attempting, but that I was doing it in front of others. I was almost terminally mortified.
I stopped and wanted to say I was sorry but was too scared. I did look up, however, to see one of the most commanding men I'd ever seen. And don't ask me to explain why. He was trim and moderately built but definitely not physically imposing. He was not bad looking but his visage would not turn heads even slightly. Perhaps it was his demeanor, or something in his voice, or his presence. I do not know. All I know was that I immediately obeyed. (Of course, as I said, my personality was pretty timid to begin with).
"Do you know why boy you are not ever again to touch yourself?"
This was now approaching bizarre. Where the hell was I? Who was this guy? What the hell happened? I was obviously NOT in that horror hospital, but where was I? I though of the pod and realized that was only done for transporting people off planet who can not afford regular transport. And it was too hazardous except in desperation.
I finally got my nerve up: "Sir, what's happening?" I immediately felt an excruciating pain originating in my neck which immediately shot down my entire body. Fortunately it was quite transitory. I picked myself back up from the floor where I must have collapsed, brought my hand to my neck to discover the origin of the jolt to find a weird collar thing, and then looked back at the man. I no longer seemed to care about the few other people around. Did he do that to me?
I saw his eyes and answered my own question 'yes.' Being not unintelligent I soon decided that he WANTED his question answered and NOTHING else! I was quick to accommodate him. "Sir, because I'm not allowed any more?"
He smiled: "Correct as far as it goes. And I am grateful that my assessment of you has been confirmed. Not only are you possessed of intelligence, I believe that you will make me a good slave."
SLAVE! That hasn't existed for centuries. But I decided not to argue the point. And strangely I felt this sort of a visceral thrill at the idea. But did that mean that this guy considered me to be a slave? I again did a mental thing and decided to answer in the most placating manner I could think of: "Thank you master for explaining this to me. I will obey you." And from this too I felt an uncanny thrill. What the hell was the matter with me?
The man looked over to one of the other people there and said: "I see that that neural implants put into this boy before shipment are already starting to work."
The other man seemed upset: "But that's not possible sir. They may have been implanted and have sending their tendrils into various parts of this lad's brain, but no, their program to change the lad's brain pathways, and eliminate unnecessary memories, has not yet been implemented."
I stared at the other guy with horror. They were going to do this to me? But why?
"Amazing then. Our assessment has been even underestimated. Not only is this boy a total submissive, he appears to be a natural slave. I have chosen well. Implement the program now, and inoculate him with the gene splices as soon as possible. I want to collect this boy in three months. I am quite anxious to acquire my fifth boy."
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