A Different Kind Of School, Part 4

[ M/m, bd, slavery, cons, oral ]

by Dirt


Published: 21-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The very next day student number 16, group 2, class 254, was delighted to hear that he would have his final 'suck' test. One of the assistant instructors walked over to him and, after a complete inspection, was satisfied that he was in the proper and exact slave 'ready for sexual-use' position with his knees on the floor and widely spaced, his head bowed slightly and his hands spread open and placed crossed in the small of his back. He was also pleased to note the boy's entire demeanor was that of compliance and submission --even more important than any 'rule.' He commanded him to stand at 'slave attention.' The boy instantly complied in an act of supple grace by standing in one fluid motion. He drew his feet together and stood ramrod straight with his penis, in its vinyl cage standing also at attention. The instructor smiled as he saw the member bobbing up and down. This penile encasement was of the more severely restrictive type and specifically designed for each individual boy. In this boy's case, its inside dimensions was barely 1 3/4ths inches long, and 5/8ths inch in diameter. He not only could imagine the severe difficulty with which it was secured to the boy's member, but he had watched its replay right before he arrived. The very idea of having his penis so severely restricted had the boy so aroused that a second chemical aerosol was needed to deflate the boy's penis to its present dimensions before instillation. The expression on the boy's face soon after instillation was precious as his member was at war with its confinement. It was accompanied with several unsolicited moans until a few specifically controlled electrical jolts to the boy's butt plug, coupled with an impulse sent to one of the boy's neural monitors immediately above his testicles, 'corrected' this minor breach of behavior. The instructor was also intrigued by the boy's response to this 'corrective action.' The boy simply gave out a heavy silent sigh and then smiled. He no doubt had welcomed his own 'correction.' That was when this instructor decided to test this student himself on his final 'suck test.' He was sure that the boy was quite accomplished, at least for month one, in his 'sucking' technique. What he was more interested in discovering was how this such young boy could know himself well enough to be so sure of this quite unusual life choice. He had already cleared what he was intending to do with both the principal instructor, and, because this was potentially distressing for the boy, he also had the permission -- and watchful eye -- of one of the school's slave counselors.

After making sure that the boy's neural monitors were operational and functioning properly, he commanded the boy to follow him. They entered a small cubical no more than 8 feet square and totally unfurnished except for a small lightly padded stool. There were also several panels and concealed cameras of which only the instructor was aware.

The small boy was getting a little concerned. No other student had been tested in a private room. In fact, he considered the ability to concentrate on pleasing the instructor in spite of the possible distractions of the public classroom, an important part of the test. But over the past couple weeks it had been so drilled into each student that if commanded, the slave will obey without question. But incongruously, they had also been taught to really think about what was commanded. In order to better serve, they needed to give the command their best attention and understanding. So he decided to comply but also search for other cues as to what was expected of him.

"Boy, I want you to kneel on that low stool to bring you to the proper height since I will remain standing. You have permission to do whatever you feel appropriate in order to bring me to orgasm. You will of course be expected to swallow everything. You may also use your hands and fingers however you wish. I want you to bring me to orgasm in exactly 16 minutes. That is your only parameter. Of course I expect the best sexual experience you are capable of giving."

The boy relaxed. This was so very similar to test conducted with the special instructional aids. Of course this was the first time the boy would have a real penis in his mouth, and a real male body to work on so intimately. The instructor dropped his cloak and skimpy undergarment. The boy was so aroused when he saw the huge penis, but this actually helped him get into the right frame of mind to do as instructed. He took the man's partially engorged penis into his right hand while taking an ever so light grip of his testicles. The thrill of such intimate contact with a real person had him so excited. And aroused. He did his best to ignore his own 'screaming' constricted penis. He started by running his tongue about the glans of the sizeable penis, then ran it around the entire underside of the member. Over the next several minutes he continued with his oral ministrations as per two weeks of instructions. His hands alternately ranged over other areas of the instructors body including his ass crack and the sensitive area between testicles and anal ring. He both watched and felt for the slight cues to discover just which activities best aroused his instructor. The one thing he did not do (they were told this would be part of later instruction) was to use his tongue in or near the instructor's anal region.

Eventually he engulfed the long thick member using both his tongue and lips to their best advantage. He then started sucking and pulling his mouth back and forth. Eventually he forced the penis past his gag reflex and swallowed it whole. He tried to find the correct timing of his breathing, his mouth and tongue techniques, and match this to the responses of his instructor who was now responding quite positively, yet allowed the boy to continue unhindered. Eventually the boy introduced his well wetted finger into the instructor's anal opening and found his prostate. Feeling the man close to an orgasm he backed off a little in his ministrations trying to decide how close to 16 minutes he was. When he figured time was close, the boy sucked strongly and again swallowed it in one smooth action whereupon he started pushing his now two wetted fingers in and out of the man's rectum. Then he started vibrating his vocal chords and could feel the testicles pull up tightly. In a sudden spasm the penis erupted forcefully. Again and again the boy swallowed massive amounts of cum.

Finally the instructor pulled out of the boy's talented mouth and throat. It was indeed a well practiced performance. What he liked was that the boy seemed to understand almost instinctively just what actions really stimulated him.

Finally the instructor told the boy to stay where he was and left the room. A short time later he returned. The now anxious boy stood at slave attention.

"A talented performance boy. Certainly good enough for advancement, but I still have grave reservations about your age. I cannot believe that you can be mature enough to adequately decide your future. So I am going to do it for you. I will be recommending your dismissal from not only this class, but from the school."

The boy cold hardly believe his ears. From anxious anticipation to life threatening despair in seconds the boy had all he could do to stop himself from collapsing. Wild thoughts ran haphazard through his brain. He was so upset he never heard the instructor leave the room.

Over the next hour the boy went from despair to anger and then back to despair. How could this man so cavalierly dismiss him like this? He eventually struggled to make his mind behave. He eventually disciplined himself to continue following school rules instead of giving in to his desire to explode. Running from the room in a vane attempt to complain to someone would be neither efficacious nor available as a legitimate action. He then tried to review his own motivations. Could the guy be right? Could he have been deluding himself in believing himself to be a good slave candidate? He finally decided on a course of action. He would remain until dismissed as per school regulations. But if eventually confronted with dismissal he would ask for a review by the school counselor as per formal procedures. He eventually decided that he definitely WANTED to be someone's devoted slave. That he would hold onto as long as possible. Although other ways of obtaining a good caring master was so much more problematical, he decided that if necessary, he would follow whatever route necessary to see his dream fulfilled.

It seemed like an eternity but it was probably only several hours later when both the assistant instructor and the head instructor entered the room. The boy tried to hold his now quivering muscles under firm control. His emotions were in even greater turmoil. He was then surprise when the head instructor commanded him: "Boy, relax. You may sit in attentive relaxed form."

The boy used all his reduced self control to stop from crying. He obeyed and sat on the floor with his arms around his knees, and faced the instructor who addressed him.

I have reviewed all your records, together with all your recorded neural responses, and have concluded that you are indeed not only a good student, but more importantly, have the requisite personality and inclination of a prospective slave boy. Indeed both your behavior and neural responses specifically over the past several hours clearly attest to this. Congratulations boy, here is your new training rectal plug. You will need it for tomorrows instruction."

The man was smiling. As was now the greatly relieved boy, whose large smile showed his inner joy. He took the plug and thanked his instructor as per proper form.

He then looked at the other instructor and inquired: "Master, may I ask a question?"

"Yes you may boy."

"Was the past few hours some kind of a test?"

In many instances the instructor would not have permitted such a question. But he decided that he owed the boy something. He answered simply. "Yes, boy. You may get lunch now. Student number 21, I am sure, will be happy to familiarize you with your new training plug. Be wearing it when you return to class in the morning. You are dismissed."

As he turned to leave, after bowing to both instructors, he was surprised when a hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

The head instructor pulled the slight boy tightly to him and remarked: "You did good boy. Now relax and enjoy your afternoon."

The boy's spirits soared. Because of his particular personality he never did feel badly used nor any hard feelings to the other instructor. He decided to just focus on his future. Especially his immediate future.

When he arrived at his communal dorm, he couldn't find number 21. He so much wanted to celebrate with him. His next stop, after his usual after class ablutions, was the refectory for lunch. Several boys from a class several months ahead of them were seated at the strange forced feeding table. He was intrigued by the operation here but would not allow himself to be too distracted and looked around for 21. He finally found him sitting with two other of their class who had also successfully passed the first half of the month's course.

As per rule 16, part c, slave student number 16 greeted his class mates with only informal reference since they were in 'free' time.

"Number 2, number 21, number 23, this slave greets you." He had a secret thrill using that description of himself.

After proper greetings, they all talked about what school kids talked about world over -- their classes, their instructors, their tests, and what they wanted to do that afternoon. The evening was already filled by a school function. Month five students were going to be demonstrating various bondage apparatuses. That is they were the ones being put into various forms of moderate to severe restrictive devices from anywhere to binding straps and limb encasements, to full body suits. And from stretched out positions to those of extremely tight enclosures. Student slave number 16 felt an amazing thrill curse through him as he imagined himself in one severe situation after another. He had even heard rumors that some special students, in their seventh months, and according to the disposition of their future master, even have some permanent, or semi-permanent restrictive devices installed either on, or on rare occasions, INTO, their bodies. Number 16's chastity device was being uncommonly strained as these thoughts cursed through his imagination.

"That's awfully small number 16," remarked number 2 as he noted the new butt plug that number 16 had laid in front of him. Number 21 looked at number 2 as if to say "but he's awfully little himself," but didn't think his friend would appreciate the remark aloud. Even if number 2's butt hole was probably twice the size of number 16's to start with. And thinking of butt holes, number 21 was again feeling the extreme constriction of the new chastity device he was wearing. This one was entirely made of confining rings traveling down the length of his penis. It was now even hurting quite a bit. This had been the punishment of a minor infraction. It seems that he got carried away when visually inspecting a buddy's butt plug the other day and actually touched it. Even if the neural monitors installed in all the boys hadn't caught that breech, number 21 himself knew he had disobeyed an important rule. As per rule 21, part a, he abased himself before one of the class's disciplinarians the very next morning, and confessed his infraction. He was more upset with his momentary lapse than the punishment itself. And unknown to the boy himself, the counselor staff already knew of number 21's own feelings by way of his own neural monitors. On advisement from one such counselor, the disciplinarian had been quite lenient. The cage-type chastity device was to be worn by the boy for one week. Of course, unknown to the boy, a certain drug had been introduced into his food for the first two days of this week. His sleep had been quite restless.

Number 16, quite proud of his new training plug, was a little taken back at this remark. "Little? The instructor says that it expands."

Number 2 was quite proud of the size his butt hole could now accommodate. "When we get into the showers tonight maybe I can show you mine. It's twice that big I bet." He was referring to the fact that no student was allowed to remove or insert their own plugs. This was the domain of the instructors and their assistants. Or in some unusual instances, by upper class students. "If Master Gent or one of the dorm monitors allows, I'll show you just how big it is!"

Number 16 was not to be dismayed nor loose any of his enthusiasm. Nor was he overly proud in matters not relating to submission. "Well, I'm just a little kid yet with a little butt hole." He smiled.

(Number 21 refrained from laughing since he was thinking the same thing).

Looking at his good friend number 16 continued: "The head instructor said that you could show me how it works."

At this all the three other boys were enthusiastically helpful. For the next couple weeks their training plugs were to be a very great facet of their newly expanding experiences.

Number 21 grabbed the butt plug from the table and started pointing out its external features.

"Our first plugs were pretty simple -- just for monitoring and discipline. And of course getting us used to wearing the things to begin with. But these do all kinds of extra neat things. You already know about the valve at the bas and the expanding bladder inside -- well, that expands these three bumps right here."

Number 21 pointed to three equidistant spots around the bottom of the plug about an inch above the widened base.

"You can sure feel them. And I think there being three bumps instead of the full ring does more stuff to your rectum with all your movement. And see these three metal ribs that extend through the outer covering? Well they can be programmed to keep your sphincter muscles contracting and relaxing at various intervals depending on your muscle development. They want each of us to get well capable of utilizing our sphincter muscles to pleasure our master's penises."

Number 23, relatively quiet 'til now spoke up in a low but clear voice. "And they can also sure as hell be used for discipline. Not only can they charge up your rectum, they can also expand and contract rapidly. Wow, can THAT sure get your attention."

He was speaking from experience. "Two days ago during afternoon obedience training sessions, I missed a cue from the assistant instructor. I didn't miss the next one I assure you."

Number 23 was actually speaking of what was more accurately termed the "Awareness of Your Master's Environment" training sessions held for all students three times week. The main thrust of these sessions was to make all the prospective slaves gain better control of their conscious awareness of a "master's" wants and/or needs. They are put into various situations where they are awaiting on their "master' s pleasure." They must continually discipline themselves to be ever aware of any cues that a "master" -- some instructor assuming that role for now -- might exhibit so that the "slave" may be ever ready to respond or even anticipate their current needs. It was not just hoped, but even expected, that by month seven, each of the prospective slaves would find that such "awareness" would have become automatic.

Number 21 continued: "Also see these contacts here? They hook up with the training machines in class. And can make the plug do all kinds of neat things. And you then can train your butt to do what a master might expect. I am just now at the first stages of trying to exert the proper pressure on the plug depending on the circumstance. It's a lot of fun even if a lot of effort."

Number 2 then added: "And see this contact here on the side?"

All the other boys looked closer to see the slight protuberance.

"Well you will eventually find that that little bugger is used to REALLY stimulate your prostate. And wow does it work! Let me tell you. There are a number of things it's used for, but mostly just training you to keep your concentration on your task at hand in spite of being SOOOO aroused. Also later I'm told it's to help train you in penis control. But that comes in a later month."

All three boys finished their meal, want back to their dorm momentarily for early afternoon ablutions and rectal cleansing, and then prepared for the team sport that afternoon. For their class it was soccer. (Try to play soccer nearly naked with a plug up your butt)!

As number 16 and 21 arrived at the proper location, and before it was time to assume position six -- at "at ease" which allowed the boys some degree of relaxed posture but still made them show a proper measure of respect and submission.

Number 16, excited about the night's special function asked his friend: "Looking forward to watching all that neat bondage stuff demonstrated tonight?"

"Sure. Exciting isn't it?" But then looking down at his somewhat cruelly encased penis added: "Of course maybe I should not be TOO anxious to see all that stuff."

Number 16 looked at his friends chastity device and asked: "Does it really hurt a lot?"

"Only when I laugh."

That was a private joke meaning in fact: "Only when I get sexually aroused."

Unfortunately at just that moment number 16 lost concentration and "awareness of his environment," and failed to note the staff member -- a slave who had even played in the last Olympics -- had come onto the field. Number 16 had just begun to ask number 21 another question when he stiffened a bit and placed his arms behind him grasping each elbow with the other hand. Number 16 then knew he had been remiss in the proper attention required of a prospective slave. As per Rule 21, part b, he properly abased himself on the ground awaiting the coach's pleasure.

The coach decided to give his instructions first and to disperse the class to their required positions on the field, before attending to number 16's misdemeanor.

He quickly consulted both the boy's record on his wrist com, and then checked the boy's inherent reaction by reading some of the output of the boy's more esoteric neural monitors. He could tell that the boy would be so mentally punishing himself that he decided on a less seriously toned punishment. He was supposed to be the "guinea pig" for one of the evening's more strenuous and difficult bondage demonstrations. Considering the boy's natural limberness, his obvious disposition for being sexually stimulated by restrictive bondage as per his tests and neural responses so far, the coach, after briefly consulting his master for permission, made his decision.

"Assume position one boy."

Number 16, almost crying, not from being "caught" but from the emotional struggle within himself being so disgusted with himself for such a lapse of self discipline, quickly put himself at strict and rigid attention. He looked forward making sure his arms and legs, together with his entire body were positioned correctly. He remained silent.

"As you know boy, all infractions of rules by student slaves are serious, by the very nature of your situation -- the need to be in constant awareness of your slave's role. Do you agree number 16?"

As per Rule 3, part d, being disciplined by an instructor, counselor, or coach who is a slave themselves, he responded: "Yes, sir."

"Good. Look at me boy!"

As per Rule 3, part g, number 16 looked up at his coach while still trying to project a submissive posture. (He thought this was more a matter of inner aspect than outer. The counselor who was now also specifically monitoring this boy's neural monitors would have agreed. He was also impressed with the boy's will to submit properly). And later, he silently agreed with the coach's decision. Make the punishment part 'fun' for the boy. A boy very aroused by physical restraints. Even severe ones.

"For your punishment, right after soccer practice, you will report directly to Instructor Moran. Your monitors will direct you."

The boy did not have to know what was going to happen at this moment. But the coach did and snickered to himself. Master Moran was notorious for indoctrinating boys into his specialty when they showed such a predisposition for bondage as this boy did.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.