Published: 19-Apr-2012
Word Count:
There were only five of us invited for a free, all expenses paid, visit to the unrivaled human modification labs of Boytoys, Inc. I was quite ecstatic when I found out that among more than 5000 entrants, I was a finalist for the tour. The process had been formidable. The first survey was simple. We had to answer a list of multiple-choice questions about different sex scenarios and the ones we liked best. Also part of that included which role of the participant did we fantasize about being put into. It was pretty straight forward especially for me. Ever since I've been getting these neat free downloads from an affiliate of Boytoys, Inc. I've realized that I was so turned on by being controlled and made to do stuff. Sex stuff of course. The one thing I could never understand though was all that pain thing. NOT for me. But this last batch of downloads showed exactly how a Boytoy was created from a live boy. Every once in a while I start to fantasize about being 5 years younger and then being kidnapped by them. And of course being made into a Boytoy. And I can't seem to make up my mind. As I am watching a certain scenario, it seems like THIS is what I'd like done to me. I get SOOOO aroused. I cum in buckets. (I have pretty big testicles for being just 15). But when the next download comes, I have a new all time favorite. Especially that one which made the boys into half boy and half animal. I thought they kept just the right amount of boy so that you knew it was still a boy, yet made him have amazing animal characteristics. Ever since that survey way back, each week we were given a choice of a few different scenarios. I wanted them all of course but we had to choose. I seemed to always wind up choosing the most extreme one after all. And they even gave a way to code our downloads so that NO BODY can find them. (This is sure important for me since I have the most conservative parents on the planet. I can't even tell them that I am gay. How bad is that)? How the hell am I EVER going to get a boyfriend? But just last week I got this new weird program. I had to watch and listen to all these strange sights and sounds, and then tell them how I was feeling. They said that the original 5000 in the first survey was now down to just 16. And only the top 5 would get this special all expense paid tour. Of course my parents would NEVER let me go. Hell, what they do is not even legal where I live.
I got an instant message today which said that I was in the top 5! Wow. I will unfortunately have to tell them that no way can I really go. To bad. It would have been a complete sex blast. Just think! To actually SEE a few new Boytoys! I've seen holos of them after they are completely modified, especially all that mind conditioning that they do. Wow. They LIKE what has been done to them! (I'm sure having all the sex you can possible have is a huge part of it). Of course I never did go for all that pain stuff that some of them did. I really couldn't understand how they could like that. But to be forced to do all that stuff, and to be SO trapped into all that bondage stuff. Wow. Now THAT turns me on. And, well let's face it, I LOVE sex. I can't get enough!
I sent my coded electronic message, disappointedly telling Boytoy, Inc. that I couldn't make the trip. Five days later, I was home alone. My Mom had gone to help her parents move, and my father had been unexpectedly been called into work. I never got along with my father too well, and I once even overheard him say something to Mom I was a mistake to have been born at all. Something about forgetting to take her monthly pill. But I liked that they both had careers and essentially left me on my own mostly. This time was no different. Dad didn't even say goodbye when he left.
About ten minutes this big ground car, it was actually a big van, stopped in our drive. I was quite surprised when three big guys got out and came to our door. Two were bringing an absolutely huge crate that they needed a grav-lift for. I wondered what Mom or Dad had ordered. I opened the door after turned off the security patrol. I was too curious to wait. But before I could even speak the lead guy sprayed a gas into my face and suddenly, in less than a few seconds I dropped to the ground. I could see and hear everything, but I just couldn't make any of my muscles work. I started to panic wondering if I was going to be killed. And then WHY?
They effortlessly carried me inside, leaving the crate on the enclosed car port. The first guy spoke: "I guess you are wondering who we are. Well Jake, we are from BoyToy, Inc. and we just could not allow you to miss your trip. We needed five boys and you make five."
I couldn't speak, and although I was less frightened, I still was very scared. They were kidnapping me and I was not so dumb that I couldn't finally make the connection. I started realizing just how stupid I had been. They were going to make me into a Boytoy! And although I was somewhat aroused by this idea, a certain dread descended upon me. A sex toy for life.
It was almost as if they knew what I was thinking. He added. "And just to make your day even worse, let me show you just what we have in store for you. This is what you will become."
He smiled in triumph. And then replayed a miniature holo-film. It only hasted 3 minutes but my mind was now TOTALLY filled with panic! NO! Not that! This was worse than I could have even imagined!
But I had no chance. They quickly took all my clothes off, put me into a kind of bio-suit where all life functions are maintained, and then carried me out to the crate. Though I was totally unable to see, I could understand pretty much what was happening. The catheter that was put into my bladder was now emptying into some sealed container. My butt was totally plugged, and my nose had a cannula fitted all the way into my throat. My mouth was stuffed with a plug that allowed me to take a sip now and then. I was finally able to move a bit as the drug wore off but then suddenly the lid was put on and the crate filled with foam, arresting all movement on my part. As I felt the grav-lift bring the crate back to the van I realized that my life, as I knew it, was over. There was absolutely no hope. I would eventually become modified to become the object shown to me in that film. I cried uncontrollably. And bemoaned my utter stupidity.
A day later, I was released from the crate and brought into a room that had a series of five small -- very small -- cages. Four scared boys were already in the first four. None could do more than moan as each had this huge gag in their mouths. They were also completely naked. Three were crying, while the fourth just looked outward with a dazed expression. There was no point in resisting. I was put into the final cage and a gag was put into my mouth. My penis of course betrayed me as it became solidly rigid.
With not even a word to us, three lab workers came into the room bringing with them a small bio-tank -- about boy sized. I knew from their holos that this was the first stage of the gene-splice. Once I received that injection it was all over. Since a bio-tank was being used, and I'd be unconscious throughout, I knew only VERY MAJOR modification was in order. I started to wonder how come I never worried about this when I saw it being done to other captive kids. The first boy collapsed as he was dragged out of his cage. The injection was made and he was then fitted out with numerous tubes and wires and then fixed into the tank and sealed in. A few minutes later I could see him drop off unconscious. Just then some big shot came into the room followed with several other men. He was addressing them.
"You can see here one of the boys has already been started on the first of 4 major splices. This will be a very aggressive campaign. Their modifications will be quite severe. This first one will maintain their bodies at this stage of development. Their testicles and penises, however, will be drastically reduced to about the stage of a six year old since they will never have any further use for them except that their prostate and other glands will certainly force them into not only continuous need for sexual release, but enable them to have nearly continuous and intense orgasm. In fact, eventually their libidos will reach between 9.0 and 9.5 on the Menchner scale."
One of the men gasped: "But that will mean that almost no other thoughts other than ones concerning sexual matters and the continuous need to orgasm will ever be part of their thought process."
"Precisely. Eventually other splices will make their mouths and throats and their rectums become very adept at giving a magnificently tight fuck to penises that range in size of several inches in length and less than an inch wide, to ones over 12 inches long and up to 2 ¾ inches across. This is very necessary considering their only roles in their future lives will be to function as fuck and suck machines. Their digestive systems will also be modified to help use one of the common byproducts of numerous slaves--namely human excrement."
I was horrified to hear so boldly what was to happen to me. I saw the 3 minute holo but did not know what I would be force fed for the remainder of my life. I started crying again.
"One more thing gentlemen, let me show you their brain implants that will regulate their behavior, the little of it there will be."
I was being fitted with numerous tubes and wires for my own bio-tank when they left. I could no longer even move on my own I was in such total despair. The inoculation was then put into my vein, and my fate was sealed. The next time I was conscious would be in my new form. And I realized that this was even worse than being made into a boytoy.
The next thing I knew, I was being lifted onto a bio-bed. I was weak but felt remarkably well. But I knew what was to come and started shuddering, and crying. A doctor came up to my bed and was addressing a few others out of my view.
"Gentlemen, this is going to be a great departure for us. This boy will now be fitted with a series of major restrictive devices which will permit him ONLY that small movement he will need to accomplish for our needs. Note also that several composite rods will actually be thrust through his body so that we will have complete control of his future body movements. Note that he has been temporarily drugged so that he will not resists our efforts in this regard. Note also the tears. He knows his fate."
At this I was maneuvered into a cradle position and my hands and forearms were actually adhered to the outside of my lower legs and feet. This glue was temporary, but what was NOT temporary were the three bands of special composite that were adhered to my body. The first band encircled my wrist and my lower legs just above the ankles. The second was placed near the top of my forearms and around my lower leg just below my knee. The third was placed between these two. Then a machine was brought over and these bands were permanently emplaced.
"Note gentleman that these bands are now part of the boy's very body. They even have sent fibers into his bones. His arms and legs are permanently attached. Now for something new even for us. This white rod is stronger than hi-steel yet are capable of being permanently implanted into this boy's body. Note these holes that run through both of his ankles. Watch."
The rod was put into one of these holes and then through the one in my other ankle. Then my legs were positioned far apart. It was very uncomfortable but I will have a lifetime to get used to it. Then cables were fitted to the ends of the bar which now stuck out from both side by about a half foot. A switch was hit and the bar became permanent portion of my body, held permanently in place. The cables were removed. I cried realizing that I was essentially unable to move. But there was more. A white framework was positioned about my neck and hairless head.
"Now this head cradle will also be affixed permanently. It will only allow the boy movement of his head up-and-down, depending from which position the various penises are to shoved into his mouth for sucking. Of course that will be under our control and not his."
Again two cables were put onto two parts of the cradle and the switch was again hit. I could feel it adhere to my head, neck, and upper back. I could no longer move my head at all. But it was actually a relief since in longer had to strain to keep my head in anyone position.
"And now gentlemen, the final pole. This one, and the one through the boy's ankles, will be the pivot points of his body as it progresses through the daily line through the various animal-boy pens. This boy, along with the other four, will need only concentrate on one goal. To suck and to be fucked. All other things are done for him, even his daily movement through his living domain. At various times during the day, his face will be attached to a forced feeding machine which will address his nutritional needs. Of course his primary diet will be cum and human excrement."
At that point another white rod was fitted into the very long hole that started at the outside of one shoulder, through my shoulder blades and upper spine, and through my other shoulder. I could no longer move my shoulders up and down or even forward and back. Again the rod was sealed into place, and became a permanent portion of my own body. I was thankful that it at least caused no pain. These two rods, after being affixed to the moveable assembly line that wove its way through the various animal-boy enclosures, could also be adjusted to make sure my mouth and ass hole were at the right height and angle for the various penises that would be using them. I was still so frustrated that this was to be my place in life forever. I had stopped crying but was still horrified at my fate.
"Notice that since this boy will never need his penis or testicles, that the penis has been reduced to that short hard, pencil-thin, one inch projection that you see above his now bean sized testicles. One other thing gentlemen. You will note these special glands at his mouth and anus. They will emit powerful pheromones that will attract the sexual appetites of our newly modified animal-boys. As you know we have six different varieties at this time. Each one of these animal-boys has been modified so that their form is an exact replica of an animal. Note that physiologically, each animal-boy is still human, with the normal human physical needs such as food, and so on. But there is the difference. Although each boy is still mentally and emotionally a boy there is the addition of some of the characteristics of each animal that they have been turned into."
"The monkeys will be rambunctious and very sex oriented. Their small red penises will be frequently jabbing at everything in sight. This new boy here, along with the other four, will be used for the animal-boys' training. That the animal-boys are actually boys will enable a sure and fast training time. The next pen holds the goat-boys. They will tend to be playful but of course very horny. Their long slender penises will easily be accommodated by our five special boys. The dog-boys will be playful, loyal, and friendly. And constantly wanting to lick these boys' sexual parts. Again these five boys have been modified to handle the exceptionally large knots that develop during the dog-boys' orgasm. The fifth animal is our donkey-boys. They and the horse-boys have penises of up to 12 inches but again can be accommodated by the new five recruits."
As for these five boys, as their implants will gradually be engaged over the next few days, and the boys' brains will be forced to remove memory and function no longer deemed necessary for their future roles; they will increasingly be turned into purely fuck-suck animals themselves. They will have no other role and thus need no other cognition."
"Hence the new implant in this boy will gradually turn off about four fifths of his brain function. He will have his sight and ability to smell in place which will affect his desire for sex and his ability to enjoy it. Of course his libido will be gradually increased to the maximum we can force it. For this boy here it will hit about 9.0 on the Menchner scale. In other words, in a few days from now his ENTIRE desire and ability to comprehend will include ONLY one thing. He will have a continuous need and desire of having sex. He will suck with his front hole and he will be fucked in his rear one. Eventually no other thought patterns will exist. Of course this boy was special. Very few boys can be so limited in this way and still retain the full scope of enjoying sex. They usually start to connect the enjoyment of sex with many other things. But not these few boys. And our animals will sense this. They will be happy too. And that is our original goal. Each boy will suck and be fucked constantly for 18 hours, and then have a 6 hour total down time where all sensory input is closed off to them. Essentially, in a few days from now, all they will be are fuck and suck machines. They will not even be capable of understanding any other function. I told the boss I could do this with just 5 boys, and I will soon prove this.
Jake started crying again as he heard about his eventual fate. Total despair overtook him as he felt himself being moved over to a mag-lift cart to be brought to his final destination for his permanent instillation. His body movements were strictly curtailed by the manner in which he was permanently trussed up. He was brought to what looked like two long parallel cables set on a strange pulley system. The cables were set about five feet apart, hanging from them at short intervals he could see short brackets hanging down about afoot. The two poles which ran through his ankles and shoulders were now lifted upwards and they were now attached to four of these hanging brackets. He was now hanging with his butt toward the floor. He could see the other four boys now hanging in similar fashion in front.
Then he saw the same men he had seen earlier come into the corridor they now found himself. The head guy started to address them again.
"As you can see here gentlemen, now the five boys have been positioned onto the delivery system that will in turn bring them through all six of the animal-boy habitats. Their bodies and limbs have been so conditioned by their modifications, that these five boys need never be taken off this cable delivery system. We will watch as they enter the first habitat where the system and the brackets from which they hang will automatically adjust so that their respective holes will be in optimum position to be used by the animal-boys in question. Note also that in some cases these five boys; up and down orientations will be reversed depending on the way we want their holes penetrated. Note further that the cradles that have been permanently affixed to their heads and shoulders will automatically adjust their mouths and throats for the optimum angle. This corridor here is specifically designed to be their six hour resting place. Note that they will never need to be freed from the cable delivery system. When that control deems everything is ready, this section will automatically close off, jets of special liquid will bathe their bodies, and then arms will spring out to bring a nipple feeding device which will automatically be fed into their mouths. A device will clamp this nipple into their mouths, thus force feeding them what is deemed to supplement their diet of shit and cum. Their bodies have been so modified to extract out every last possible bit of nutrition. A chemical in this feed will also trigger their bowel movements."
Jake started crying again realizing that he would never be freed from these cables and brackets. To forever hang by these two poles that transfixed his body. That forever held his legs stretched wide apart. That he forever would be the sexual object of training animal-boys.
"So gentlemen, since there are no more questions, let us proceed. When I trigger this remote, the implants within the boy's bodies will permit the output of chemicals within their systems so that within a couple days, these boys will be the horniest boys on the planet. In addition, their minds will soon degenerate to have their one needed focus -- being fucked and sucking.
Jake screamed as the control was touched.
Eventually Jake could only consider and think about one thing -- having the animal-boys fuck his rear hole and for him to suck their penises with his forward hole. Life was so simple and rewarding. He was totally content to let the mechanism make all necessary movements for him as he was brought from place to place. He felt so content. And even fortunate. How many other boys out there get to fuck and suck their entire lives and reach such amazing orgasms? He felt so content. And there was amazing variety in his life. Sometimes the penises were small, and sometmes very large. Some had smooth tapered lengths and others had a huge knot. And there were wonderful varieties of both flavor and smell. Some mounted him with heavy force, while others were rapid and smooth. And then there was the amazing variety in position. Sometimes his mouth and throat were stretched downward so that the penis entered his mouth with the body of the animal-boy above his chin, while sometimes the hind legs were there and the body was touching his head. The same was true of his rear end. Sometimes the animal-boy will lay atop his tiny penis and stretch over his upper body. At other times he will be invaded from the rear. All this amazing variety!
And his one and only need is filled over and over again. No other cares existed. How wonderful his new life. Jake frequently smiled internally realizing that his dream of sex filling his life has come true.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |