Published: 19-Apr-2012
Word Count:
It has been almost a full year since I have been a regular guest of Dr. Dogood at his lab. I felt particularly fortunate since I know of no one else that has been so privileged, but I was now really missing those visits. I was fortunate to get the job with the company in the first place. I was simply a computer jock. I mean I was in the upper percentile of my class, but still, there are literally thousands at that same ability level. But I was 23 with my new doctorate and happy. I had a career and was hoping for my dream job. I was secretly fantasizing even being permitted to sample a few of their products so to speak, even though that was an impossibility! And when the physical I took right before my first interview was so utterly exhaustive I felt they were bound to find some flaw. And then when I was asked to volunteer for a special interview with one of their psychologists, I was not about to not-volunteer. I had to sign a waiver to undergo a portion of the interview under some drug but that was OK. They assured me that there would be no side effects and that some people even never remembered what had happened. I guess I was one of those who forgot. I always wondered what had happened during those two hours but when I got confirmation of a job offer immediately afterwards, I was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
So I was now quite pleased when I received this last invitation from the good doctor to visit him. But this time it was in a section of the lab I'd never been in, I was more curious than anything else. In fact I had never heard of Lab G1. So anyway, I received directions and there I was waiting. But only for less than a minute.
"Ah Jim, I am so glad you could make it today. You know I so enjoy showing you our cutting edge technology and techniques. I know you are always so enthusiastic. And I have some VERY good surprises for you today that I positively know you will enjoy."
Now he had my juices flowing, and my penis was already starting to swell. "Thanks so much doc. I appreciate the special attention."
"Think nothing of it boy. Think nothing of it. I might have mentioned in my electronic missive to you the new work we are pioneering in a brand new portion of our experimental labs."
Dr. Dogood ushered me into an area of the lad that looked quite new but with body tanks for long term gene-splicing mods that were of unusually large size. There was, however, the same hustle and bustle one saw among people who truly enjoyed their work. I was finally shown into a small room that had a seeming over abundance of monitoring equipment, and mental and behavioral conditioning apparatus. There was even the newest in entertainment centers so that the 'patient' could be spared the usual boredom associated with the long periods between gene splice therapy and even surgeries. But it was definitely state of the art.
I was excited not only to meet the new boy that would eventually be 'boy-toyed," but also to learn of his specific fate.
I looked around at the doctor and could see a strange expression on his face.
"Thanks again doc for allowing me to see your latest. Is the boy here yet?" I was recalling an episode a while back when I was actually invited onto the team that kidnapped one of the two boys that became the new subjects. I was thrilled even if for a so minor part.
"Actually, yes and no Jim. Let me explain. This is quite a departure for us. This new service will be to provide a boy who mentally and emotionally can withstand total forced slavery and even frequent light to moderate torture, and still respond positively to his master. And more than that, the people we would be accommodating want someone, who with the proper training and conditioning, will eventually become willing participants."
"But doc, I can't imagine any boy knowing their own minds to be able to do such a thing. It would be purely hit and miss at best. And still I wouldn't want to give any good odds at its success."
I really thought this way too optimistic. I thought that the good doctor was finally trying the impossible.
"You are correct of course. But we have finally bio-engineered a way around this obstacle. We will start with an appropriate adult, someone, say, in his mid twenties. We will then, with our advanced technology and techniques, physically revert him to say 10 years of age."
Remembering my own fantasy, I was stunned that it may even be possible. But of course a fantasy is just that. Not to be taken seriously. I would only want to live it for say a few hours a week.
"Wow. That is possible?"
"We believe so. Especially with the perfect candidate which we have been closely watching over the past several years."
"You have this person here?"
"Yes Jim. You're very intelligent. Can't you guess who will be our first experimental 'man-boy'?"
I suddenly did, and I also was remembering the meticulous care that this company makes to assure that any prospective "boytoy" is totally incapable of escaping. I almost collapsed. The good doctor smiled. All those special invites. That special exam. Those special moments when they could monitor stealthily my responses to what I was seeing.
I didn't even try to resist. I knew it was useless. And at least a tiny portion of my brain was even excited.
Dr. Dogood held out two halves of a metal collar. "Put this on Jim. The ends will automatically seal closed."
I did as he asked, sealing my own fate.
"Of course you probably have an inkling just what that collar does Jim. Can you also guess that?"
"Probably makes it impossible to leave this room, or set of rooms, and perhaps also can inflict pain if I fail to cooperate."
"Bravo Jim. One hundred percent."
I was still feeling shaky. My life as I knew it has ended. But at least I would still have a sort of life. He said that I would be conditioned to accept my role as someone's slave. My brain was already in survival mode. I even laughed at the irony of the situation.
"I guess that this time I will be watching the process every step of the way, huh doc?"
The doctor laughed at my attempt at humor.
"I observe that you can still see a real future. I observe that in your reaction. I was sure you'd be the perfect subject when we first hired you. At that time we were looking at 14 other prospects."
At this time Mr. Boyton entered the room. He looked at me and walked over and looked at me intently. Finally he said: "You will make a good boy-sex-slave. I almost envy you. To stay at 10 years of age the rest of your life."
The doc added: "Yes. We plan to have regressed you to about the physical age of a 10 year old prepubescent boy. Old pictures of you that we have been able to gather show that you were quite cute!"
I was shocked that they intended to revert me back that far. To pre-pubescence. I couldn't even remember if I was having sex at that age at all. In fact I knew I wasn't. Shit!
I was totally blown away. And scared. Could they REALLY do this? I was going to be turned into a BoyToy? I was thinking of my 7 inches, quite proud of its perfect form. I also liked my pendulous large testicles. Of course, if these crazy people have their way, my penis will soon be back to a mere 3 ½ inches, and my balls, I didn't even remember, but smaller by far. I almost cried at the idea of losing my sex drive and all that sex I was getting.
But the doctor said he knew me even better than I knew myself. He must have seen my shocked expression too. "I guess you are now bemoaning the possible loss of your sex life, boy. But do not grieve. If we are successful, and I have all the confidence in the world we will, in about a year from now, having sex will be almost ALL you will be doing. For the remainder of your life in fact. Think about that. Some people dream of that in their more outrageous fantasies. In fact we know that you have had such fantasies. Remember that visit to our psychologist? Well, that 2 hour period that you don't remember, well we have it all recorded. You were a raving sex machine. And so submissive. You will be the first of a new line of sex slaves made specifically to our clients specifications."
Of course I was also hoping for some kind of life apart from being a sex toy. But what the doc just said seem to dash that. I wondered just who might be this customer that wanted me for sex? And torture?
Mr. Boyton spoke as some of my blood returned to my face: "When you are finished with your modifications, you will look like this.
The holo-image that came up was quite cute in a way. The boy was not exactly me at that age. The skin was even darker to be almost black. And the features were even more Negroid. And I was bigger at ten though not by much. There were also some slave jewelry on this image. Besides the metal collar and leash, there were manacles about his wrists and upper arms just above the elbows, and similar ones about his ankles and just above his knees. The boy wore a chastity device that consisted of a wide belt and thin extension that went between his legs and up the crack of his ass. It held in place a series of very constrictive rings along the length of his penis which sprung outward at 90 degrees. His two small balls forced into some network of metal including a flattened ring just below the penis. There was a final wide ring about the base of the penis behind the scrotum. The penis also sported some kind of rod that was shown exiting the urethra with a quarter inch to spare. Below the testicles there was some kind of hefty guiche ring, connecting two other hefty rings encircling the boy's thighs right below his torso. These in turn were attached to the upper portions of his wrist cuffs. There were also a kind of metal framework or glove, that forced the boy's hands closed. The bands about the lower upper arms were also affixed to the upper edges of the wide waist belt. There was a small bar connecting the ankle shackles. Another bar connected his upper leg shackles. There were small rings through his nipples. The boy's mouth was filled with an extremely wide gag, that even included small metal pegs that exited his mouth but below and above his lips -- right through his flesh. These were in turn kept in place with two semicircular and rounded pieces of metal through which the pegs also penetrated. I assumed something in the boys mouth kept it in this position. I also suspected there would be some kind of full gag. The collar was quite wide and also made of metal. The final item was some kind of tube the edge of which barely showed at the end of the inside of each distended nostril. Where these went to inside was only a guess, but I suspected they were in place to keep the boy breathing when his throat and mouth were other wise occupied.
Mr. Boyton smiled at my reaction seeing the holo image. That was one TRUSSED UP boytoy! He then smiled and told me the rest.
"Here are the specifications from our client. The boy must be modified to withstand up to and including class four torture on frequent occasions, including long term moderate electro-torture. His libido must be maintained at a 6.8 on the Menchner Scale." He stopped reading and exclaimed: "Wow, I don't think this boy will be able to concentrate on much of anything but sex."
He continued. "The sole diet of this boy will be water plus his master's urine and defecation."
At this I almost went into total shock.
"The boy will be conditioned to love his master," he continued, but which I barely heard.
I was wondering if that were even possible considering what was to be my condition for the remainder of my life. Of course I then realized that everything I saw and heard had made me outrageously aroused.
"The boy will be incapable of disloyalty and want no other life for himself."
I was then remembering what had been done to those two black twins and realized that this was entirely possible. I could only console myself in that I would apparently be happy with my new life. I decided not to fight this at all. There was no point. I knew how effective Boytoys, Inc. and their methods could be.
I didn't resist at all as I was placed naked on a gurney and brought into an operating theater. They said that with new technology I would be conscious for the entire set of procedures. I would be medicated so that I could not move but I'd be aware of what was happening. Fortunately I would not feel any pain. First they removed my testicles and replaced them with small marble sized ceramic implants that were supposed to contain an imprisoned colony of genetically altered bacteria that would produce a hormone that would allow me to stay prepubescent -- when I arrived at that stage --but yet experience extreme sexual desire and intense orgasm. Just no sperm. Then several brain implants were inserted at strategic locations. Then, with a some new bio technique, these implants sent neural fibers throughout my brain. I never felt a thing. Finally, neural implants were inserted into my penis and prostate.
Three days later the first of a series of gene-spliced DNA was injected into my blood stream. I was supposed to take about a month for this first transformation to take place mostly decreasing my body mass and also my adult physiognomy. I was sedated and placed into a bio-tank to take care of my intake and output needs for this month. At least I would not go stir-crazy.
A month later, when awakened, I found myself strapped into a bed with Dr. Dogood smiling in my face. I was glad it was a smile. At least nothing horrible had happened to me. Other than what was intended that is.
"Ah Jimmy, you are with us again. That took a little longer than we thought but all is OK. You are now a 65 pound weakling!"
His brand of humor. And I suddenly realized that the weight was probably accurate. I actually felt remarkably good. Vibrant in fact. And I was THIN! I LIKED being young again.
"Doctor, I feel good."
I was also amazed at my new voice. It was a kid's voice. I tried to move but couldn't.
"Could you please remove these restraints. You know I'll cooperate."
"Just a precaution, Jimmy." The use of Jimmy instead of Jim had the strangest effect. It was that that made me feel most like a real 10 year old. "Don't try to stand or walk yet. Rehab people will be in shortly. You have a completely different balance that you brain needs to adjust to. And your muscles aren't quite strong enough yet either."
I was also roaringly hungry. They fed me liquids. Said my stomach had to recover yet.
Three days later I was running around like a little kid. Literally and figuratively. I was buoyant. I was also kept completely naked which surprisingly I got used to easily. I liked the freedom of it somehow. Mr. Boyton even visited me a few times. I was apparently famous -- in their world anyway. I also suspected I was being drugged. I was entirely too happy with my situation.
The next time Dr. Dogood came to see me he had the next series of gene-splice injections. These would be more gradual and I would be under normal hospital care.
"You are doing well Jimmy. This splice will start the necessary changes in your digestive, urinary, and immune systems. A diet of feces has a lot of bacteria that we have to guard against. We will also be removing your teeth when they loosen up enough. That will also happen."
I was suddenly reminded of my future diet.
"Doctor, am I getting drugged so that I feel this good?"
Dr. Dogood stared at me and replied: "So I guess that you guessed."
"Please discontinue them. I'd like to face this in my real state of mind. Please. As a former friend."
Dr. Dogood looked unhappy at first and then sighed: "I hope we can still be friends. And yes, I will discontinue the mood altering drugs. Just don't hurt yourself please. You are far too valuable. You have already cost us several million credits."
The second day was real rocky. I even asked to be restrained myself. My mood swings were tremendous. One moment I could not stop crying, and ten minutes later I was at least able to function almost normally, being resigned to my fate. Fortunately, over the next few days, I was feeling much better. But not quite really happy.
Then the doctor came in and said that tests showed the new changes were advancing at a good rate. "In about another month, we will start you on a diet of human feces. And I have a surprise for you."
A man entered whom I thought I almost recognized. Only he seemed too young. He was. It turned out it was his father that owned half the universe. Ok, that's was a gross exaggeration but he was wealthy. So I guess his son was likewise. Though his son was almost unknown to the media. Then I added up two plus two and got six.
He was not handsome but rugged was a good word. And there had to have been some oriental blood in his genetic mix. That along with his dark complexion, made me drool a bit. I supposed I was fortunate that my future master would be someone I could lust for.
I greeted him in my high kid's voice: "Thank you master for visiting me." And I lowered my head. I guess I really shook him up. Probably the only time I'd have it up on my future (or I guess current master). Surprisingly I even felt a small thrill.
"He seemed to re-gather his equanimity and asked Dr. Dogood: "I see you have already started his mental conditioning, doctor."
"Actually Mr. Hughes, it has not been started yet. His implants are still non-functional."
"Oh, the drugs he's on must be pretty powerful."
"Nor is he on any mind altering drugs."
At this Mr. Hughes seemed incredulous. He looked at me and commanded: "Look at me boy."
I did, keeping my expression as neutral as possible given the circumstances.
He then asked: "Tell me exactly why you have spoken such."
It was now my turn to be purplexed. I wasn't sure. "I can not say precisely master. I just feel resigned to my fate and I thought I'd surprise you. Please, I meant no disrespect, master." And I didn't. "I just felt like this was perhaps the only time I would ever have a momentary upper hand so to speak."
Mr. Hughes had a few different expressions hit his face and finally settled on a smile. And then he laughed uproariously.
"Don't you worry boy. You will never get another opportunity. You WILL be my slave boy. And fulfill your role as intended for you. Do you know fully what I intend to do to you? And with you?"
"Possibly not master. But I know that I will be in physical bondage, will be required to eat your body's excrement, and be tortured to provide you with sexual stimulation, and possibly to maintain the slave-master relationship. I really do not know your motivation. I am scared."
"You have a right to be scared, but you will be conditioned to accept and even enjoy your role. And your perceptions are almost on the mark. I want you to also respond sexually to your torture. That is why your body will be modified to withstand it. It is also my desire that you eventually come to love me. That is why your brain implants will be shut down just before you are delivered to me."
I was flabbergasted. My implants shutdown? That was the first I'd heard of this. I even started to have an inkling of hope that I can retain much of my personality and brain function.
"Ah, I am glad that I can surprise you too."
I don't think Dr. Dogood also know his intent. He looked just as surprised.
"Master may I speak?"
He at first looked as if he wanted to refuse my request. But then he must have thought further into what we had just discussed.
"Only if you remember that you are the slave. I will not bargain. I command and you obey."
"Master. Perhaps you might realize that the more my mind retains its original thinking abilities, the more I will be able to come to a true love, and not one that is bought at the expense of my will. Of course I admit there is a true risk for you."
Mr. Hughes looked thoughtful and finally said: "I will think on your words."
He then started discussing me with Dr. Dogood, as if I were not there.
"Yes, I think we picked well. He is as intelligent as you had claimed. He is also cute. What other changes will be made in his appearance? I want a very black boy. And remember, emotionally and physically I want a true 10 year old. With the few exceptions as I've noted. But most importantly, I want him to react as a 10 year old! You stated that those brain modifications were possible."
"It is a very complicated matter. It has to do with a lot of subtle physiological and brain pathway changes. It will be difficult to accomplish and not reduce its intelligence significantly. A 10 year old thinks differently than an adult."
"But this is paramount. Even if you must sacrifice intelligence."
"Very well Mr. Hughes. It will have to be done in small increments so that he will eventually become a quite precocious 10 year old."
"And I want his libido so elevated that he can never fully stop giving some conscious thought to his sexual arousal. And I want him to be able to have multiple and intense orgasms. Even under torture. And that brings me to my own sexual enhancements."
They left the room and I never heard the rest. I did not know whether to be appalled at what he requested or relieved. A emotionally accurate 10 year old? Can that even be done? And I wasn't even sure if I could accept being a true 10 year old again. Of course one with a rabid sex drive. That part I didn't mind. At least he intended to allow me to have sexual orgasms. Well, I would never have any say anyway.
A week later, I was feeling quite sick most of the time with the changes in my digestive system. It turned out that the food regimen was too rich in nutrients for my new system to handle. My diet became more bland and fibrous. Also I had all my teeth pulled. They had gotten very loose and it was an easy chore. There were a couple minor operations to my gums so that implants could be put in place. I remembered that holo of that impossible mouth gag and wondered.
To my horror, two weeks later I was put on a complete shit diet. Real human excrement. Anal waste. Defecation. Turds. Dump. Feces. Fecal matter. Shit. And I tell you shit stinks whatever you call it! I fear I will NEVER get used to this. When I went into that closed room with those two boys, I had a very efficient nose filter, and I was also quite sexually charged. I also forced one of then to feed on my own shit. Could they have been possibly faking actually enjoying it? I truly started to wonder. Two days later and I still hated eating shit. They had to start force feeding me. I just couldn't make myself eat it any longer. I think it was the smell even more than the taste.
Of course it was a day later when my world collapsed. My master had returned and ordered me to eat the shit. Just like that. I tried. I mean I really tried. I even cried to my master when I couldn't.
The next day I was force fed, and also my implants were activated. The ones in my brain and also those in my testicles and prostate. I went through 10 days of agony. No it didn't even hurt. But I could feel my memories slipping away. And I could even consciously trace a change in my thinking. The next series of gene splices were also implemented about a week before all this happened. I was unaware until later. These were the ones that not only so enhanced my sexual response and libido, but more importantly how my brain received and processed this information. The area of my brain that interpreted sexual response and desire was increased 5 fold. And more importantly my emotional responses and brain pathways changed gradually to that of a 10 year old. I found I literally had no control over my rapid emotional changes. OK, not quite true but it felt like it. And I seemed not to be able to nuance my process of reasoning. Damn it, I FELT like a 10 year old!
And I was gradually realizing that I LIKED the idea of becoming a slave. And especially my sexual response to it was almost overwhelming. Just the idea of being a slave, and being restrained and forced to do things almost put me into orgasm. On the fifth day, when I was forced fed my meal of shit, I did have an orgasm. And although a part of me still was dreading my forced meals, conversely a good part of my mind looked FORWARD to being forced fed these meals. In 10 days I was a very different person. I could even remember being somewhat different, but many of my memories were totally gone. And I craved sex ALL THE TIME! I was totally and forever HORNY! And what most got me sexually excited was the ideas and circumstances of my slavery which I had not only totally accepted, but also craved. I was even starting to thank this Mr. Hughes for picking me to be his slave. I was GRATEFUL and felt most fortunate. And I became impatient for this whole process to be completed. I asked Dr. Dogood, to whom I will be forever grateful, to please hurry it up if he could.
"One more month my boy." And I truly felt now like a boy. And I reveled in it!
"But we still have to finish modifying your urinary and immune systems. And then there is also your integument and underlying tissue, and their response to torture. And also your musculature. We need faster recovery time. And even your internal heating system. You want to be comfortable naked at all temperatures don't you?"
I readily agreed but told him to hurry. I couldn't wait. I got scared when he mentioned torture, but decided not to worry about it until it happened. I was also realizing that adults worried too much about unimportant stuff. And I couldn't wait to impress my new master the next time I saw him. I was SOOO grateful that he picked me to be his slave. I was sure that I was going to be the best slave boy there ever was. And all that sex stuff, I couldn't wait. Wow, was I horny. It was a good thing they had my hands restrained or I'd already be disobeying my master by masturbating. I now realized at least a bit why I was to be in bondage much of the time. Besides I didn't care because the idea made me feel SOOOO sexy and aroused.
The next two days were filled with my final surgeries. The first day eight holes were punctured through the area right above my upper lip and also right below my lower lip. One was even put through near the end of my tongue. Then my urinary tract was rerouted to a small bump right between my anus and my testicles. This took quite some time. The surgeon said that a small valve was annealed to this openings that only my master could open or close. Then more holes were put through the base of my penis right above this urinary valve. Next four holes were put entirely through my penis from its base up to just behind the glans, front to back. These holes even went through my urethra.
The following day there was some surgery was done on my nasal passages. The surgeon said it was to install tubes so that I could still breathe even when something was put down my throat. I knew what that was all about. And I got so aroused again. I was getting so aroused all the time. Especially since I was always naked. Then something was fused to the skin around my wrists, the area just above both elbows, my ankles, and the area above my knees. These were so that I could have permanent cuffs placed there that would not chaff me. Thinking about that got me all aroused again. Two tiny holes were put through my nipples. And finally a single hole was put through my scrotal sac, between my fake balls and my penis. I asked about that and was told that the flattened ring around my sac there would also have a part that connected it from front to back right through my scrotum. I was so excited about all these neat changes. I couldn't wait to get all my rings and stuff. The doctor said that after the stuff was installed on my scrotum and penis I would never again be able NOT to think about them. I couldn't wait. Of course I almost couldn't ever not think about them now. The only thing that made me a little concerned was about the gag they said I'd have in my mouth most of the time. How was I gong to eat my master's shit? Well I decided to let him worry about that.
Twenty-five and a half days later the waiting was finally over. My life was just starting as far as I could figure. I was sad that had I wasted so many years, but I was so happy when my master came into my room. He was followed by Mr. Boyton, and Dr. Dogood. Both of whom I will be forever grateful. I almost forgot and ran over to him to hug my master. Just at the last second I finally remembered to kneel at his feet and bow. I thought for a second what a good spanking would feel like, or even a good flog with a strap. I sort of knew I would mess up and find out. But I didn't care. Just the idea itself had my penis rigid and dripping. All 3 ½ inches of it. My balls were swinging below and they felt good even if I knew they were small fakes the size of marbles.
"Boy, that was very sloppy. Next time you will greet me properly. I will show you. This time I will only give you two swats with my whip."
He had a small crop. I remember seeing the thing in some movies. Wow did it sting on my bare bottom. I couldn't stop from yelling or crying. Part of my crying though was because I had failed my master. I was that more determined to do what my master wanted. And somehow I think I became even more sexually aroused if that were even possible. I LIKED being hit. Well sort of. Wow was that curious. I even fantasized a little about being REALLY whipped.
Then two other strange men also came into the room and my master led me over to a weird looking chair that I'd never seen before. I had these strange memories that I knew all about this stuff. It was similar to a gynecologist's chair but had all these straps. He commanded me to sit and put my arms and legs on the four extended 'arms' of the chair. I did and he quickly REALLY strapped me down. My butt hole and my testicles were wide open of course. It felt great. I REALLY liked getting strapped down like that.
First my master had these two guys bring over this big machine which fitted over my right leg which was momentarily freed. My ankle first felt this weird pressure and then weight, and then the machine was moved up to my thigh. Again some pressure. When it was pulled away I saw these two metallic looking bands around my ankle and just above my thigh. They were sure heavy. The same was done to my other leg and then my wrists and upper arms. I was allowed to see close up the one put on my right wrist. When I touched the opposing sides around certain spots on the cuff, a small metal loop somehow sprung out. It was surely meant to be attached to some other chain or cord or whatever. I was impressed at the technology since when it collapsed back into the cuff, it looked entirely smooth. I assumed all the other cuffs worked the same way. Then this thin stiff bar was also connected to the insides of my ankle cuffs. I was told to practice walking with it. My straps were released and I felt kind of weird without them. I needed help with my balance at first but smiled when I got the hang of it. I had to take baby steps. Then I was strapped back down but this time, my legs were left free. Then my master said to watch as he sort of twisted the bar between my feet. Suddenly the bar lengthened a few feet and my legs were split far apart. He said it was now a spreader bar and I remembered seeing them in commercials for bondage equipment. These variable ones were quite expensive. Another twist and my feet were a foot apart. Then a bar was attached between my thigh cuffs. I again was released and told to practice walking. This time it took a lot of practice. Wow was I really hobbled. Next, after being strapped down again except at my waist, my master really smiled as he took out my chastity device from its box. The waist belt was about three inches wide and consisted of woven metal thread, covered underneath with some synthetic that my master said would actually temporarily bond with my skin when fastened. I soon felt what that would feel like. He put it around my now very slender waist, and it snapped together in the front. Then he touched a spot and I at first got this really crawly feeling but soon it was quite comfortable. Then he touched another spot and it tightened and became quite stiff. This was less comfortable. Then he took out a stiff metal band about an inch wide. About five inches later it split into two thinner bands, and later these joined to form a thick round cord which a few inches later became a wide band again. The thing was flexible along its flat plane but not in any other direction. My master demonstrated this. He was very concerned that I fully understood what he was doing to me. I cold easily reach inside me sort of and tap into all the information and understanding my former adult self had but I liked it better being just a boy. I was sure glad I could be just the kid when I wished. This was attached first to the middle front of my belt. But before anything else was done my master smiled as he took out this rather large butt plug--especially for just a small boy hole. My eyes widened in apprehension but my master reassured me that it would easily fit. He said that it was somewhat flexible and was just smaller than his own penis. This thing was almost 9 inches long and fully two and a half inches across. Wow, I really couldn't wait to see his penis. He started slowly pushing it into my rectum without any lubrication. He claimed that it wasn't needed because of the special material it was made out of. I'd heard of these before, but again never owned one since they were prohibitively expensive. I also knew as a fact that it had a lot of other functions that could be turned off and on with remote. It could also change shape and keep that new shape. I was REALLY looking for feeling some of its more esoteric functions. Even the electrical ones. BOY did it fill me up! And did it sure rub on my prostate! The bottom of the thing attached to the band of the chastity devise as he placed the two separated parts around my small genitals, up inside my tender crack, and finally attached it in the back. It felt amazing. I really liked the feel of it. But then he showed me the actual chastity rings. These were a different story. They were meant to TOTALLY frustrate a penis that simply HAD to engorge! And was not allowed. The thing I found out was that it had another portion that fitted about 4 inches into the urethra of my 3 ½ inch penis! I had never seen one quite like this before. This other portion looked like a polished rod about 4 ¼ inches long and a full 3/8 ths inch wide. I blanched realizing it was thicker than my piss hole.
"Boy, now this won't hurt me a bit. But it WILL hurt you." Some humor. I tried to laugh but failed.
"Yes master."
It really DID hurt as he started inserting it up into my penis. I would not have been able to sit still. I was glad I was strapped down. But I sure yelled and cried a lot. It took a full minute for it to be pushed all the way. Only about a quarter inch stayed outside. It hurt a little less when he stopped pushing but I was still crying from the pain. I couldn't help it.
"Please master, make it stop hurting."
My master got this stern look and asked: "You are now giving your master orders boy?"
Through my tears I managed to say in a weak voice: "No master. Sorry master."
"Good boy."
I felt so good then he said that. I tried harder to stop crying. But couldn't.
Then he pushed something at the top, and pulled out on the rod. I was astounded to see four tiny rods sticking out of my penis. I now knew what those four holes were for. The pain was almost all gone. I think when the 4 smaller parts stuck out both the front and back of my penis, the rod got thinner.
"Thank you master."
"Don't thank me yet boy. The chastity devise is not fully installed yet."
Then he showed me the four solid rings and the one that broke open in the middle. They were connected by two thin metal rods that ran on opposite sides of the rings. These were to be fitted along the sides of my penis he said. They kept getting smaller as they went on. The one that he said fitted just below the glans of my penis, also where the first thin rods stuck out, was way too small to fit. In fact all of them looked too small. Or so I thought. He then said that the next pain I felt would REALLY hurt. He even tightened my straps holding me down into the chair. He also reattached the one around my waist and added two more at the very top of my thighs. . He even put a small gag into my mouth. I got suddenly VERY fearful. Then a jolt went through my penis that would have thrust me through the ceiling. I think I even got bruised from the straps. I didn't scream. I couldn't. I had no air in my lungs. I had expelled it all when the pain hit. But I sure yelled when I finally was able to get some air. I would have broken some ear drums if not for the gag. As it was I could think of absolutely nothing else but the searing pain. And just as suddenly it was gone. How could something that hurt SO BAD, be over just like that? I didn't care. It was gone. But I still couldn't stop from crying again.
But my master was very patient. He waited 'til I was able to watch again. He even wiped away my tears with his own tender fingers. I looked down to see a thin elongated penis, now stretched another half inch probably with the spreading of the pins. But width-wise it was shriveled. The rings fit on easily (except for the last which was snug). Each successive ring even bonded with its corresponding pair of pins. He snapped together the ring at the base of my penis, right between my body and my testicles and it was finished. Or I sure hoped so.
"There we go boy. I will take it off when we go to bed tonight. I am looking forward to our night of pleasure."
I no longer felt any pain. It was almost like it happened in a dream.
My master released my bonds and helped me to stand and then walk around. With the hobbles on my ankles and thight, and the huge shaft up my behind, it took some getting used to. And thinking about bed tonight with my master I was suddenly all aroused again.
"Aaahhhh! Master it's terrible! Please take it off! Please!"
My penis so wanted to engorge but it couldn't do it all the way. It started puffing up between the rings but they HURT. Not even close to that one shock, but still, it was building and never ending dull pain right in my penis.
"Delightful is it not?"
"Master it is not."
"Ah, but for me to watch you it certainly is! But I will confess, you will usually wear chastity devises that are not so painful. Just frustrating. But today is special."
I sure hoped so. And I ruefully thought that I sure won't stop thinking about my penis while this is on!
"Ok boy, onto the chair. We need to finish."
I was in torment, but I was at least getting a bit more used to the infernal thing.
This time one of the two men who came in with my master came over to assist. Or rather my master assisted him. And I was remembering that holo that washbowl quite awhile back.
First my master brought out a weird sort of pair of metal rod gloves. They reminded me more of a 'skelleton' glove. They easily fit over my hand, fingers, and thumb. Then he touched a button on a remote and the rods all constricted and my hand was quite forced into a fist. I tried to move my fingers or thumb or even my hand but could not. Only my wrist. I was more curious than frustrated however, and brought my one hand close for a good look. Wow, they felt weird. My hands were totally imprisoned. I would not be using my hands for much while these were on. And that of course was their purpose. To help make me totally dependent on my master. Right now I couldn't pee, or take a dump, or do much of anything without my master' s help. For some reason, however, this excited me more than anything else.
But I was not done. There were all those other holes put in me.
My master then took out a weird flattened ring about a half inch in diameter, It opened into two distinct pieces. Then there were two very small rings that had a small gap. And finally a large ring perhaps two inches in diameter and an eighth inch thick. First the two small rings were inserted into my nipples. They were about a half inch in diameter and barely a sixteenth inch thick. I was sure glad that the holes were already there. It was the other guy who then brought over a small stapler looking device. He fitted it over the ring, snapped it shut, there was a little heat, and there was the ring permanently attached. And so with my other nipple ring. I sure wished that my penis didn't bother me so much so I could enjoy this more.
Then the guiche ring. It was more massive and went through more flesh. But very quickly it too was permanently attached. And finally the weird one for my testicles. This fitted tightly over the top of my testicles and now I could see a piece that actually went through the small hole in my scrotal sac. A small snap and the two halves were one. But this one must have been very different. A huge machine was wheeled over and now the other guy got involved. My entire sac, ring and all. Together with my stiff penis were fitted into places in the machine obviously matching the sizes of my own parts. The machine was 'closed' around my entire genitals. Then this other man started making readings apparently off the side of the machine. He kept touching a touchpad but nothing was happening. Then suddenly I gasped as an amazingly strong orgasm hit me so unexpectedly. I collapsed into my master's arms. It was so intense all else was forgotten. It was absolutely the most forceful orgasm of my life if not the longest. I gradually recovered to find the machine gone.
"Master, please may I speak?"
"Yes boy."
"What happened master?"
He smiled and answered: "That ring is very special. Micro-fibers from it extend from it and into the nerve trunk that goes from your testicles to your brain It was directly stimulated for only a tenth of a second as the fibers attached themselves correctly. I thought you'd like that." .
The under statement of the year.
But there was one more huge thing to be done and I was a bit fearful. A strangely shaped ring which looked partially bent towards itself was shown. It also had sixteen small projections, and I remembered the sixteen holes in my lips. My master put a jaw spreader into my mouth, opened my mouth very widely while one of the other men put the very heavy ring, projections and all, into another thing with two handles, and inserted it into my mouth. The spreader was momentarily widen severely and I gasped in pain. Just as suddenly it was all over. I could feel the ring set into places in both of my now toothless jaw. My mouth was widely stretched open but fortunately not painfully so. Then after only the strange ring remained, another soldering-iron looking devise was inserted, it touched the ring and I could actually feel it bond to the tiny pegs already set into my upper and lower jaws bones to permanently anchor the ring. Then all eight pegs were fitted through their respective holes above my upper lip, and this small thin, semi-circular piece of metal, with eight small holes, was fitted over the protruding pegs. Then it after it was snapped into place my upper lip was held firmly in place. The same man then inserted a thin blade like device under the snug semi-circular metal piece, and grunted.
"It was well designed and made Mr. Hughes. No problem with blood supply to the upper lip."
Another similar piece was snapped in place over the bottom pegs and then tested. It too was deemed good. Then one final indignity was performed. A small flattened peg was inserted into the small hole in my tongue and this was then snapped into place on the bottom portion of my mouth ring. I could barely now move my tongue. Finally, a thin beveled metal cover, with a projecting full gag was pushed into my mouth. It was quite form fitting as it took up my entire mouth. The outside flanges of this cover were then snapped into place onto the two semi-circular metal pieces. My mouth was well gagged and stuffed. And I started to panic as I realized that I'd never talk again so long as this diabolical device was inserted.
My master must have realized what I was thinking. "Do not fret boy. Only the inner ring, set into your jaws, is permanent. And this can be collapsed to allow you to close your mouth on occasion. Or move it in speech. You will probably need a little practice, however, since your lips will not be quite as mobile."
I was then stood and two large rings were opened, threaded through my guiche ring, and secured around my thighs tight to my butt. Their small outside projection were then affixed to my wrist cuffs. Likewise, my upper arm cuffs were affixed to my waist belt. My shoulders were forced high, and my arms and hands were now virtually immobile.
Then one more thing was done that had me startled. A prong like handle was pushed against my collar and it fell into two pieces and was removed; I had thought that not possible. I thought it, along with the mental thought governor, as I thought of its computer chip, was permanent. For some reason I felt devastated. The collar I so much associated as a symbol of my permanent slavery. I started crying.
Again my master realized what I was feeling and thinking.
"Do not worry my boy. I have brought you your own special collar. It indeed WILL be permanent. Remember I had promised you that I would allow your mind now to be your own."
Instantly I was relieved. And pleasantly surprised. Out of a box of fine artistic inlay, my master brought forth two halves of a magnificent metal collar.. The thing was about an inch and a half wide, and fully a half inch thick. The way he hefted it, I knew that it had considerable weight. He quickly fitted it around my neck as I took a kneeling position before him. When the ends were properly aligned it instantly and permanently fused into one solid piece. I was now forever my master's slave. I cried in joy so overwhelming, that for a full minute I forgot about my testicles and my own sexual arousal.
My master and I embraced. We were one.
My naked body, with its doubled leg hobbles, arm restraints, neck collar, mouth gag, and chastity device, was quite at my master's mercy. I was thrilled. I had to be helped to my feet. My master then attached my leash to a projection from my tightly fitting and quite massive collar, and he commanded me to follow. I did. I was going home.
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