Published: 19-Apr-2012
Word Count:
It was fully five months later before I heard from Dr. Dogood again. I was thrilled just seeing the e-mail before I opened it.
Jim,Sorry about the long period of not hearing about our latest efforts, but when I tell you about our newest project I know all will be forgiven. We have located the perfect pair for out next experiment. These two boys have been intimate for over a year and are only 15 years old. I know that we usually work with prepubescent boys but this departure is exciting in that it will involve truly the forefront of bioengineering. This pair will not be subjected to much in the area of mind control, but instead most of what we will demand of them will involve coercion and threat of punishment. We have already received a huge advance on top of our usual whopping fee so we will have all the funds we could need. Thus I am offering to bring you into this case at the very start. In fact how would you like to be in on the actual kidnapping of one of these boys? If interested please respond on the secure server.
Dr. Dogood
I believe my hand passed the sound barrier grabbing for my laptop, and my personally coded secure account. .
A week later I was 750 miles away in a small town waiting impatiently for a kids' baseball game to be finished. One of the players was the boy we were looking at kidnapping that very evening. The boy's parents had been lured away with a fake call from a "hospitalized relative." The boy was informed that he would be home alone until later that evening and to 'behave.' Already in the back of our land vehicle, in full restraints and mouth gag, was this boy's 'secret' boyfriend. This boy, which had been snatched from his group home -- his parents were in prison for all kinds of stupid crimes -- and catching him in our web was easy. One of us had credentials stating we were from Juvenile Services. I was the one who posed as a prospective foster parent since I was black like the boy. The boy willingly climbed aboard and was in restraints in less than 10 seconds. He would be the lure for his boyfriend.
As the boy in question, a lanky kid about 5'5" and with --unfortunately for him -- just exactly the wrong genetic code. Of course making the plans of BoyToy, Inc. feasible. If he had known what his future would be, I doubt he would have climbed into that van no matter what the lure. (Latter we would discover that the ties that bound these two boys just may have been strong enough to have disputed my last opinion). We followed the boy as he walked toward his house. His boyfriend was in full restraints in a small seat bolted to the floor. He was fully gagged with an added bio-leather covering strapped around the bottom of his face further muffling any sound he might make. His hand were in unbreakable mitts and then strapped securely to his waist belt with his arms crossed over his stomach. His feet and legs were encased in a uni-leg-boot. Making walking totally impossible. He was NOT going anywhere we didn't want him to go. He was facing the rear doors. When we passed by his boyfriend we pulled to a fast stop, opened the back door, and called to him. Here was no one else around on the quiet street. The boy innocently walked up to the rear of our van and I said to him just as his eyes went wide recognizing his friend totally trussed up: "If you ever want to see your boy friend alive again, you will quietly get in."
With only a slight hesitation he got in. In a few seconds we were on our way, and five turns and two minutes later we had driven our van into the awaiting maw of another truck so that if on the off chance some one noted our van, we were now unfindable. In that same time, the kidnapped white half of the boyfriend combo was also in full restraints similar to those of his friend.
As we made our way, the leader of our team spoke to the two boys.
"You may wonder what is happening. We discovered you two by intercepting some of your e-mail and chat room correspondence. We know you are boyfriends and have been intimate for almost a year. We also know that no one else suspects but this is irrelevant. Because of your sexual orientation, and your relationship, and because especially of Pat's genetic code which makes our plans for you two feasible, you will be modified over the next year and take your place among our most advanced Boytoys. You will become the newest offerings of Boytoy, Inc."
The boys possibly never heard of Boytoys, Inc. but they surely knew that their lives were now totally 'fucked.' They started squirming and trying to look at each other. Only the feeblest sound came from either but not because of not trying.
I put in my two cents worth: "Hay look boys, just think, a year from now you two will be having more sex in one week than most people have in one year." Not too much of an exaggeration.
There were tears running down both faces. I was so aroused I could hardly contain my feelings. When we stopped at a private air terminal, we drove into an empty building, transferred the boys into our specialized transportation crates, and put them on their way to the secret labs. In two days, one of the boys will be forced to make a very important decision. I was assured by Dr. Dogood that I would be there.
Because of the necessity to get the proper sized restraints in place and medications especially tailored for the two boys ready, it was actually three days before the fateful day. The black boy was merely in hobbles with fabric ankle shackles and with his wrist held in tight restraint at his waist. A short leash connected his neck collar to the wall immediately behind him. There was also a short band affixed to one of his ankle shackles. Other than this he was entirely naked. As I watched through a monitor I was amused as he struggled to hide his erection. Totally restrained in a chair not four feet away was his boyfriend. His situation was very different. He could essentially move nothing. Even his head was held in a form-fitting and rigid restraint devise. His arms and legs were held essentially immobile with numerous straps. His hands were encased in an impervious synthetic material that allowed no movement but did allow for the evaporation of sweat. His mouth was held wide with a seemingly torturous gag. His eyes held fear and frustration. They looked at his boyfriend in silent plea. He was already told about his fate. Something unique even for Boytoys, Inc.
Mr. Boyton, always eager to be in the middle of all the very unusual projects, entered the room on the heels of Dr. Dogood. I entered just behind. The two boys obviously recognized me with some fear. I smiled.
Dr. Dogood spoke up: "Both of you boys now know what we do here at BoyToys, Inc. We supply specialized and sometimes modified boys as slaves for our customers. You have both been shown holos of both the process and the finished products. You both know that you will no longer have a future different from the one that we have mapped out for you. Now I will present one of you a choice. You will notice that one of you two is in full restraint. What you both do not know is this. The area of the brain allowing for speech is very precisely located and specific. There are three syringes prepared."
Dr. Dogood showed the three ampoules.
"This blue one will fit precisely into the fitting surgically in place on Pat's head. When the contents of this syringe is discharges into Pat's brain, it will destroy precisely that area of the brain that controls speech."
I didn't notice until now.
Pat's boyfriend lurched wild-eyed and yelled: "You can't do this. Please, you can't."
That was all he said before he screamed and collapsed in this bonds. He gradually recovered and was warned only to speak when questioned. There evidently was a pain giver attached to his neck collar.
"Before I was interrupted I was saying that neither of you has any choice."
Dr. Dogood attached the syringe to the fitting on a wild-eyed Pat's head fitting and pushed the contents into the boy's brain. He now added: "Within 15 minutes, Pat will never be able to speak again."
His boyfriend, started crying profusely.
"But we have two more syringes. Each contains a gene splice which will attach to appropriate receptor sites in Pat's cells. Each will start the process which we believe will successfully turn Pat into a miniature horse. If you will all look at the holo monitor we will now show a series of representations of our previous experimental successes with cloned bio-dummies."
We stared mesmerized as we watched the gradual transformation of a bio-dummy in the form of a man gradually turned into a horse. I found the process so sexually arousing that my penis was straining against my pant leg and dripping,
Dr. Dogood continued as he went from one holo-view to the next. "As you know, bio-dummies are almost genetic replicas of a genetic human being. They just do not have any cognitive function and are not self aware. But they are great tools in experimental gene-splicing. He have now come far enough to feel totally confident we can make then next step, With a real person. Our only challenge will be to keep the full cognitive function of the human intact as he is transformed. When completed, this horse will have the mind and physiological function of a boy, but will take on the form of a horse. There will be some interesting features. The libido of this horse will be so increased -- in teen parlance so horny -- that it will be forever looking for sex. And when our plan is completed I assure you that its wish for sex will be indulged. Also both boys will be so modified to stay physiologically at their ages as we see now."
I ask you Brian, do you understand what I have said?"
"Please don't do this to him. Do it to me. Please."
I was touched by the boyfriend's willingness to sacrifice himself. I also knew that it was to no avail.
"I will assume that you do understand. And I tell you now that this WILL happen. About that you have no choice. Pat will be transformed into the form of a miniature horse, with approximately the same body mass as he has now."
I looked over at Pat and could see both fear and incredulity in his eyes. He attempted to move but of course that was futile.
Dr. Dogood now addressed Brian specifically: "Now Brian, you DO have one choice right now. This green syringe also contains the first stage gene-splice but in addition it also contains a medication that will make the change relatively painless. This red one, however, does not, and the full transformation can be painful indeed. Brain you now have a choice. We will use the green syringe only if you agree to cooperate fully and without complaint. You will be allowed to care for your friend during his transformation. You, yourself will also be modified but this will be minor in comparison. Of course you will be required to fulfill one more requirement. This yellow syringe -- a new one made its appearance -- contains a new mind control drug. But it has one failing. It can only work IF the person who is injected gives up his free will voluntarily. This process takes about two days. You must choose. The green and the yellow, or the red. Which will it be?"
Brian shook almost uncontrollably and started crying. Finally, gasping as if almost in major pain he whispered: "The green."
Pat, to his horrified eyes, was injected with the green syringe. The process for Brian was actually a bit more complicated. He received the injection from the yellow syringe and then was brought to another room where he was hooked up to a slew of monitors. Then for the next two days was prompted time and again to submit to outside control.
I was told later that although he could still be able to direct his will himself, when asked to do anything by anyone else, he would have absolutely no ability but to do as asked. When I saw a holo of his transformation 10 days later I found it amazing. He acted perfectly normal until told to do something. Whereupon he immediately would do as told even if painful or embarrassing. It was fun to watch.
Four months had passed when I received another invitation from Dr. Dogood. When I arrived at the labs then next day I was escorted into a series of rooms that now housed the two boys.
Brian looked much the same. Though he seemed to have a haunted expression much of the time. He also sported a mammoth erection the entire time I saw him. His testicles were quite enhanced and his penis now sprouted an easy 10 inches with a curiously flattened and enlarged glans. Its shape seemed a bit odd also. His testicles were also about twice their former size and hung low. Although I could see that he very much cared for his now partly transformed partner. The boy Pat was now almost unrecognizable to the boy I saw 4 months ago. His face was distorted and a real elongation of his nasal and mouth parts was quite extreme. His body was also covered in a hair like that of a horse. His chest was quite changed and I could see the obvious bulging as would a small horse have. His shoulders also connected far forward and his arms were quite elongated especially his middle digit. His other digits were almost gone. There was even a tiny hoof now visible. The same with his legs. His thighbones have shortened and hugged his body while the other bones were distorted. His middle toe was very hoof like already. I was amazed at the transformation already taken place. He also could not stand and Brian took good care of his cleaning and grooming. As he struggled to find a comfortable position I suddenly got a good look at his genitals. Wow. They looked exactly like those of a horse. Of course on a smaller scale but still! And the penis now was only half retracted. And there was a nub of a tail just above his beautifully puckered anus. Also his skin was different. The texture was more like that of a horse and the color deep brown. And now that I looked closer I could see just the beginnings of a large nose that ended at the front of his elongated snout. The boys lips were also much fatter.
Dr. Dogood said that the process was going well, and in fact was two months ahead of schedule. There were only about six more injections needed. He said that the biggest problem was the boy's skull. They needed to perform a series of surgeries to make sure that the once human brain was unaffected by the skull shape.
The doctor addressed Brian. "Get Pat's next meal."
The boy immediately jumped up and scurried to the next room.
"I find that Brian's mental acquiescence remarkable. He obeys without the slightest hint of rebellion. He is also dedicated to his boyfriend. The combination will give us quite a remarkable sex team. There have been quite a few clients wanting to be fucked and to fuck an animal, but one that is entirely under control and can take complicated instructions. What better way than to start with a boy? Pat will stand at about two and a half feet at the shoulders and should look exactly like a horse that is simply miniaturized. Not like the feeble attempts of breeders to get miniature horses which have their proportions all skewed. We need Brian to take care of him since he will need a lot of continued help. Bain has also been enhanced in the sexual 'aids' department. If you noticed his testicles and penis you no doubt have seen their size and shape. The top of his penis sheath has already started to form. Brain will be sporting a penis and testicle sac exactly like that of a horse also. We will even be able to make it completely retract. So they will make quite a team. They will also be so horny all the time that sex will become their entire focus for the remainder of their lives."
Again I was starting to fantasize about all that sex. Only if I could have that life say for about 1 day out of 10. I wouldn't mind even being the submissive. But I couldn't do it 24/7. Not even 4/4. Oh well.
Brian returned with what looked like a large baby bottle with a penis sized nipple. The doctor explained that Pat, physiologically still had the body of a human boy. He needed the usual human nutrition but with the unfinished change in his mouth parts he needed to feed now from a bottle. After his feeding he made a sort of hoarse grunt and Brian immediately brought over a plastic urinal and the horse-boy relieved himself.
It was almost six months later when I received an electronic holo. I became excited when I saw that it was from Dr. Dogood. I left work early and viewed the holo as soon as I returned home. Sure enough it was of Brian and Pat, the newest of the company experimental Boytoys.
I was delighted at the beautiful animal that Pat had turned into. It was perfectly formed miniature horse about 2 ½ feet at the withers. The legs and body form were perfect. It was dark brown in color and even Brian, as good as he looked naked, was upstaged. What I also found amusing, the few different sounds that Pat could make were obviously understood by Brian and with the treatment to obey all commands, slavishly obeyed the horse-boy. But it seemed he didn't mind at all. In fact he looked like he was as caring for this horse-boy now as he had been when they were both boys. And also remarkable was that it seemed that the horse-boy was every bit as mentally able -- except for not being able to speak -- as he was as a boy. Brian would talk to him and the horse-boy obviously understood. This holo was taken at their accommodation at the lab right before their new owner had taken possession. Brian was feeding his 'boyfriend' and they almost seemed to hold a conversation since Pat could apparently get a lot across just with a few vocal sounds and movements of his head and ears. Soon after eating, both boys relieved themselves in a corner commode. Both sported penises and testicles like that of a horse. It was quite erotic seeing them just pee. Before either penis could retract into their respective sheaths, Brian became the sexual aggressor. He jumped onto his horse-boyfriend, pulled his legs out from under him, and was fast onto him in seconds. The horse-boy seemed fine allowing his boyfriend to do his will. Brian grabbed the horse-boy's penis and started stroking it. In seconds it erected to about a thick 10 inches. Small for a real horse, but quite a weapon for a horse-boy. Then Brian engulfed the entire 10 inches. I was startled saw the entire 10 inches quickly being swallowed. Brian pulled back and with a short gasp for breath engulfed it again. In merely a few minutes of this same action I finally saw the horse-boy have massive convulsive lunges as he started to spear his friends mouth and throat. I believe that the orgasm must have lasted a full 30 seconds. Brian finally pulled away gasping for breath and dripping semen from his mouth. But he was definitely not finished. The horse-boy stood on all fours as Brian with his own massively erect 'horse'-dick, fully as large as his friend's, took some of the semen dripping down his front and lathered up his penis. He then went to his knees, pulled up the tail of his partner and gradually inserted his horse-shaped penis into the horse-boy's rectum. He started pumping with increased vigor and force and about four minutes later he too had a forceful and intense orgasm. This seemed to last even longer -- perhaps about 45 seconds. He slumped over the horse's back for a while and then pulled out. He then went to a sink, wetted a cloth, and wiped both of their penises off as well as other areas of their bodies that needed attention. I was so aroused watching this that I'd cum myself.
The holo seemed to have a stop here but there was another scene. In this one, there were a couple other people in the room giving instructions.
One in a lab coat was prompting them. "Ok now Pat, I want you lick Brian's penis sheath and testicles until he extends his penis, and then I want you to give him your most expert blow-job as you have been trained to do. And watch your teeth. Remember they extend far into your mouth."
I could hardly believe it. An instructional holo.
The horse-boy's head was at the perfect height. He started licking with his long fat tongue at Brian's testicles and penis sheath and very shortly Brian's mammoth penis started to emerge. The front flat black headed glans came out and seemed to pause there. But further ministrations by Pat's horse tongue, and it continued to emerge and then thicken as it engorged. Then the horse-boy sucked it entirely into his mouth and throat and started sucking. Brian started gasping and moaning within a few minutes started to fuck his horse-friends mouth in earnest. He soon started shuddering and gasping loudly. The orgasm this time seemed to continue for almost a minute as the horse-boy's throat kept sucking at the penis. Finally Brian collapsed onto the floor, and as his penis pulled free, there were copious amounts of cum dribbling from it yet. It seemed that the intensity of the orgasm caused the boy to pass out. He lay still as the horse-boy came over to him and started licking his face. A minute or so later the boy groggily stirred, opened his eyes and pulled the horse-boy on top of himself. They lay in a close embrace when this episode apparently finished. I found it quite stimulating to see what apparently looked like a boy loving a small horse. I had quite an orgasm myself while watching.
But there was a third scene. This one had Dr. Dogood himself, fully naked, sucking on the horse-boy's penis while Brian was sitting behind his boy-horse-friend, with the tail in his right hand held upwards, and his left holding onto one of his legs. He also had his face buried into the horse's black pucker of an anus. Dr. Dogood had his hand squeezing the back half of the huge horse-boy penis with the front half in his quite stuffed mouth. From the horse-boys sounds and quirky movements it looked like that the good doctor was an accomplished artisan of the sucking trade. The doctor then started rotating his hand and his mouth in counter directions. The boyfriend Brian then started sucking and licking far into the horse's ass hole as far as possible. The small horse-boy went wild and finally started rutting forcibly and quickly. Suddenly his entire penis was thrust down the doctors throat. A minute later the doctor was finally able to come off the now flaccid penis gasping for air.
"Holy shit," the doctor moaned, "we will have to warn your future owner boy. And you need to watch what you're doing. We don't need any suffocated customers; bad for future business. Understand boy?"
The horse-boy nodded.
"Good. You definitely need some more training. Ok boy?'
Again the horse-boy nodded in the affirmative.
Brain was cleaning both himself and the horse-boy up. Apparently he had his own immense orgasm while sucking out his horse-boyfriend. His mouth, lips and chin were also covered with a certain brown substance. Obviously his own sucking ability was pretty good.
These two were going to make quite a team. And by watching the holo, I could see that the two were not only seemingly resigned to their fate, they seemed quite enthusiastic. This time, when I visited my account, I saw that I did in fact have enough to provide myself with a few hours with several Boytoys at the newly opened SinSity resort, just where this new boy-horse combo were destined in about one week. I made reservations for the week after. I booked an hour with this horse-boy combo. It was expensive but I believed well worth it. I also booked an hour with the tenth twin boy shit team produced by Boytoys, Inc. just a few months ago. (There was quite a demand for this new feature of their catalogue). These twins in SinSity's electronic brochure stated they were of Chinese extraction and only 10 years old. One holo showed them in full agony under electro-torture. Another showed their shit-smeared smiles as they greeted a new customer. The room in which they were permanently interred, however, had a new feature. There was a portion of the room where the shit was a full three feet deep. Both the customers and boys could be fitted with tiny air intakes that fitted into the body's nasal passage. It was so flexible that it was hardly noticed. Imagine having sex in a tank of shit! I was dripping just anticipating it. The funds also permitted me a full night with one of their regular boy prostitutes. The one I had reserved was a small black kid not quite 8 years old. The boy was texted to have already a year's experience, and had undergone a recent surgery to enhance his rectal tightness. The text also claimed that he could accommodate both orally and rectally up to a 7 inch penis with a girth of up to 2 ¼ inches. For once I was glad to be of only slightly bigger than average size. This boy was really cute. And quite willing. His smile was electric. But the thing that finally sold me on this particular boy, he responded very well to extreme bondage and mild class one torture. (Additional charges commensurate with any time needed for boy to heal between customers. Sorry, no electro-torture permitted). He also was supposed to have a specialty. His tongue was quite long for his age and size, and the text said that he liked 'ass holes'. I laughed at the apparent pun.
I also made an appointment to update my medical statement. Of course they would re-test there but this saved some aggravation.
I was now curious. This was a relatively new place. They even had some sexual units that were produced by BoyToy, Inc.'s main competitor, BoyBots, Inc. These boys apparently had some of the usual surgical, and gene spliced modifications, but their brains were implanted with permanent chips that directed all their activities. They were controlled more like . But I was told that some people didn't like their lack of spontaneity. I didn't think I'd like that either. I mean being fully mind-controlled. (I confess, some of my fantasies actually include being on the receiving end of a pederast relationship. Too bad I am no longer a kid).
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