Boytoys, Inc., Part 4

[ M/bb, nc, bd, tort, mc ]

by Dirt


Published: 17-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

From perspective of Jim, recently hired computer expert.

The next time I was fortunate enough to visit the good doctor he was making the rounds of new BoyToys, 'under construction' so to speak. But, though I'd never seen this happen before, with him, out of their cages and totally unshackled, or otherwise put under restraint, were the two must scrumptious looking young teen boys I'd seen in a long time. They were identical twins and looked to be about 12 years of age. They were handsomely Negroid in both their features and their extremely black skin. They were slim but had more than a hint of future muscle. Of course the doctor mentioned, as with all the new BoyToys, through emplacing, removal of testicles and implanting special ceramic ones with their own genetically mutated colony of host bacteria which produce a chemical that allows for extreme libido and orgasm, and other special chemical implants, they will neither age not mature physically.

The doctor started to speak as he watched the two boys holding onto two squeeze bulbs which I assumed was their morning meal.

"Ah, Jim, I am so glad you could make it again. We may as well introduce you to the newest in BoyToy technology. These boys requite special, aren't you boys?"

They seemed to take turns answering. "Sure thing doc, Hi mister. We're helping make new BoyToys, aren't we doc?"

The two totally naked boys were each sporting a stiff woodie and seemed not the slightest caring of any modesty. Their penises were circumcised and beautifully proportioned, and about 4 inches long, but obviously prepubescent yet. The small coal black rounded heads seemed to glisten in the light. The each had identical very pendulous ball sacs with their now ceramic replacement balls, which dropped about 2 inches below. There was not a hair in sight. In fact each boy had not a single hair anywhere on their entire bodies, and after I specifically looked, I realized that even their eyebrows were missing. Obviously, their new role as future BoyToys themselves dictated no hair. But, at least as of now, I could see no other obvious outward indication of their modifications. Strangely though, each boy had a sort of patch taped onto their thighs. They seemed not the slightest distressed that their future will no doubt be as a functioning sex toy for their owner's adult clients.

We all four soon came to another room and the story was entirely different. Strapped to the table was about a 14 year old oriental of Chinese extraction. What struck me was the series of straps about the boy's head, which in turn were affixed to a sort of eat with a mass of wires coming out and being fed into another machine. With only loose bonds, the boy was thrashing around and there was a loud moaning and keening coming from his severely gagged mouth. From the mouth extended a shout tube apparently a method of forced feeding. What I did not see at first was that the boy was wired for torture. There was a wire leaving the hollow conductive sound permanently held within the boy's 4 inch stiff penis. (Out of its middle was a catheter which was draining his bladder. Also, wires led from each of the individual cages about his testicles. Another came from an absolutely immense metal dildo that I was told was also permanently emplaced into his well stretched rectum. It too allowed his feces to be removed. The doctor that this boy was currently being used to test out neural responses to new common electro-torture.

"OK boys, as yesterday why don't you help change out his feeding tube and anal evacuation device, while I temporarily turn off the torture machine and check his other vital responses."

The boy stopped thrashing about as the machine was turned off and I could see dry tear tracks running down his face.

To me the doctor added: "As you can see here, this boy is a bit old for our usual BoyToy conversions. But he does have the right genetics for testing out our new neural inhibitors. We are trying to improve out method of allowing the torture of our Boytoys, while at the same time keeping them in prime "new" condition. The regimen of drugs this boy is on now is very promising. A week ago his neurotransmitter response to identical torture was double as it is now, yet his pain response is even slightly higher. That means, even though he will feel the same pain, it will have a drastically less effect long term on his brain pathways."

How long has he been used for these electro pain test doctor?"

The doctor I could see had not anticipated such a question. "Why I am not too sure. But I can easily check." At a computer consol he hit a few keys and announced. "Ah, here it is. Well just over one year. We will probably allow this one to physically mature through the first stages of puberty and then sell him to someone wanting a permanent slave for torture and other fun games. You will note by his erect penis and other signs of acute sexual arousal, this boy has been prepared for a life as a masochistic pain slave."

The twins completed their tasks, and the good doctor restarted the carefully controlled torture program. The boy dutifully restarted his muffled screaming and his severe contortions. I was glad to see that the table was well padded, and the straps very strong.

"Now for these two delectible miscreants." And with that he slapped the nearest on his butt eliciting a squeel. I could tell that the doctor had arrived a quite a fondness for these two slaves. "I am sorry to say that their drug regimen is complete and we only must perform the final testing before these two become the first of a new line of BoyToys. Unusual as it might be, these two boys will work the remainder of their lives as a BoyToy team. You can see that they are quite relieved to know that they will not be separated. Indeed, they will even be allowed to spend their sleep periods together.

"But doc, do we still hafta' become BoyToys?"

"Sure do you sprites. We have quite few million credits invested in you. You two are quite special."

At this pronouncement the two boys beamed. "But doc, when are you gonna tell us what we have to be doin' as toys?"

"Tomorrow boys, you will find out. Tomorrow. Today will be the last of the tests. Now hop onto this table and let me see your legs."

They quickly complied and were still slurping on their plastic bulbs. I was again amazed as I looked closely at their beautifully formed heads. Not a hair and they looked good that way. Many people do not. And their beautiful boy parts! (And I will admit here that I myself even fantasize about somehow having been kept at this stage of development. of course I still always want all the sex i can get). I had all I could do to resist from sucking on their prominently displayed rigid pieces of boy-penis.

The doctor first peeled away the patches on each of the boy's legs, and proceeded to examine the areas very closely. The patches themselves merely seemed to be some innocuous semi-solid gel, almost like a thick pudding. These I found out later were also examined to see if there were any cells from the boy's skin and if so how much. The doctor dried both spots, and then examined them first with various instruments, then looked at them under a large magnification, and then simply felt the areas with his ungloved hand.

"Jim, how about rubbing this boy's thigh right here and tell me what you feel?"

I was already hard. When I started feeling up the boy's leg and he just sat there and giggled, I was almost poking a hole in the cloth. When I 'accidentally' rubbed the boy's genitals, I was ready to cream my pants. Especially when the boy seemed to so enjoy it. His brother said: "And now me." Of course I HAD to comply. Of course I couldn't feel anything other than normal boy flesh. And I said so.

"That's what we were so wanting. It has taken us three years of experimentation to be able to have a boy's skin be subject to that moist environment indefinitely and not break down or even get sore. That is possibly one of the most important modifications we have made to these special boys."

"But why is that so necessary?" I was genuinely puzzled.

"Ah, but that is secret until tomorrow, when both you and the boys will find out."

I started to protest that I did not have a pass for tomorrow when he presented me with one.

"And we may as well inspect the other obvious modifications we have made over the past 5 months. You will note that the boys' penises are erect. They will stay that way permanently. These two boys will always be rather strongly aroused. Of course the remainder of their lives will be dedicated to providing sexual pleasure to their new owner's clients. It will just be that much more an incentive if they too can participate in having orgasms. But it will be monitored and controlled, however, and they will be under strict system of punishment and reward. All revolving around sex of course."

The doctor then simply picked up one of the boys who didn't resist in the slightest and placed him on his back on the padded table. Then addressed the boy's twin: "Here, you hold up and spread his legs wide. I want to show the gentleman the terminus of his urinary system."

The doctor turned to me and guided my gaze (away from the boy's genitals) and redirected it to the area immediately under the boy's testicles. I could see a small projection ending with a flash of metal and some special plastic-looking material that could actually bond with the boy's flesh as I found out later.

This is a valve that can only be released by a special cup into which this small mound fits. When the final instillation of these two boys is complete, there will be two special projections coming up from the floor onto which will be a special dildo which they will be required to force into their rectums. When seated the full 10 inches, which by the way, will quite stuff their rectums, another projection will also fit snugly over this urinary valve and release their bladders."

The doctor then had the two boys sit on the bench. I was looking still at both of their remarkably cute penile projections. Still quite rigid and shaking bit as they moved.

"Since you are staring at their penises now I suppose I should mention that implanted into the very nerve trunk from their genatles and also their quite enhanced prostate is a device that will continuously transmit a pulse that will make the boys totally unable to loose conscious thought of their penises and testicles. This implant, among others, will be brought into operation tomorrow. And we must not forget one of their best features. Instead of only doing the usual enhancement of their rectal sphincters with the addition of special musculature, we have added to them the ability to even repair these muscles at a rapid pace. Thus for all intents and purposes, even after just a nights recuperation, their rectums will feel like a new virgin's."

The two boys seemed proud of this distinction. They obviously knew that their lives will be in the sexual service to other men, but I wondered if they understood that BoyToys have NO other role or purpose EVER. It will be interesting to see their reactions when they understand just what their instillation tomorrow means for them.

"Now let's move up to their mouths and throats." The doctor had both boys open their mouths widely." As you can see all their teeth have been removed and replaced by those flesh protuberances which will play a big role in their abilities to give their owner's clients oral ministrations. They will provide a quite a stimulating blowjob on demand. And to facilitate this, their throat muscles have been enhanced, and also their airways have been closed off separately and can even take in air through a special intake just under their throats, if need be."

I looked and was surprised to note a fine line that could not be seen except on close inspection. I was amazed to see a small slit open for this task which, when closed, was virtually invisible.

the doctor continued: "This allows them to have something in their throats, or someone sit on their faces, indefinitely."

I was also surprised to see that the two boys did not seem too terribly upset by what we were saying. I asked the doctor forth reason.

"Well these two boys are quite a find. It seems that their step dad had been prostituting them out since they were 10 years old. They no longer had any other close relatives. The last 5 months has been a treat for them. And we promised them that they would never be separated. They came with us willingly. They are entirely homosexually oriented and are natural submissives. Of course we will be taking full advantage of those traits as you will see tomorrow. That that will be very sexually aroused by their intended role will make their special mental indoctrination work to our advantage. Their prospective owner will be here also for their instillation. Some of his most important customers have been inquiring about such a variant four usual Boytoys."

And I was thinking that their looks alone would draw interest from even the most jaded pedophile. I was wondering how my own finances were doing. I wouldn't mind booking an hour or two with them myself. And they were smiling the few times I touched them.

The good doctor went over to the two now very nervous boys. They were tightly restrained in order to avoid any injury when they started experiencing severe discomfort. They were shown earlier what their future roles as Boytoys would entail and they both started immediately crying and wailing. They started begging the doctor to let them do something different. But of course this was specifically what they had been chosen for and modified for. The doctor, professional as always, made sure all the straps on their limbs, and torso were properly tightened and secure. Also that their heads were secured by the heavy masks to the formed cradles. Too easy for a neck injury without these precautions. I was told that the discomfort for a while could be quite severe, though there was no real physical pain involved. And that the process could take as much a day or two. This first session would last up to 20 hours. After that the boys will be allowed to rest from the mental and emotional onslaught. Any necessary session would start early the next day. The doctor was hopeful it would only be a short one.

When I arrived this morning the doctor took me over to a small self contained room that was in fact a single unit that could be shipped as is. The room was about 15 feet by 10 feet, uncontained huge bed that, although I was assured was made out of a material impervious to degredation by almost everything, felt very comfortable to the touch. When I lay down on it, I could imagine a bed from the most posh hotel. The ONLY other thing in the room other than floor to ceiling walls which could be opaque out, or be made transparent. The finish on these walls was also interesting. Nothing would stick to them. As I joined the boy's new owner inside the small room the doctor, and another official from BoyToys, Inc., none other than Mr. Boyton himself were already there. And I thought interesting that the twin boys were also there. I would suppose as part of their indoctrination and instillation process, they needed to know what was being shown also. I was most intrigued. I could also see that the two boys were in full constraint and mouth gags. Obviously it was believed that the two boys might not react well when they learned their full fate. Waretown obviously

My mind had been wandering. (Ok I was distracted by the delicious sight in front of me. Each boy had leather ankle shackles and waist belts. Their wrists were also secured in leather cuffs that were attached to these belts in the front. They did not seem to upset by this treatment. In fact their small rigid penises were throbbing up and down and were dripping fluid. They were also on leashes which were attached to a short leather belt which in turn was attached to another set of leather cuffs just above their elbows. A rather large man had a good hold of the other end of these two leashes. The boy's were valuable property and they were taking proper precautions with the valuable twin boys.

I was able to take up the Mr. Boyton's exposition. "We had to make sure, considering what this room will always contain, that these walls would never need wiping. Nothing will stick. Thus, when we wish, they activity inside this room will be visible when desired. The entry way in the back is also of such a nature, that anyone coming-out this room, any residue on his body will be 99.8% removed by the sonic cleaner that runs the entire width and height of the entry way. The two boys Wellstone wearing permanent collars which will not allow them to ever to leave the room."

At that proclamation I could see the boys get a little restive. To know that you will soon be confined to a single room for the remainder of your life would be upsetting to most people. Of course, some Boytoys live under even harsher restrictions.

Mr. Boyton then showed up the other room's furnishings. It wasn't much. He walked over to two posts that were black, about an inch in diameter and rose to about feet from the floor. "These two posts are set about four feet apart. As you can see there is a semi soft dildo anchored atop these post on a swivel. After the boys rest period, they will be required to leave their comfortable bed, and the two boys will be required to position these right at the entry way of their ass holes. Note also this side projection. As explained before, these little cups here will fit over the boy's newly installed urinary outlets. Then, as soon as the two boys are properly in place, the pools will immediately lift until the boys are about 4 inches off the floor. At this time, the valves will be opened and their bladders will be emptied. This is the only method available in this room for this to occur. So the boys will be required to retain all their fluids for a day. Why don't we temporarily unshackle the boys and bring them over to demonstrate. After all, it will be solely the boy's responsibility to put themselves onto these two posts."

While the two now VERY nervous boys were attended to by both the leash holder and Dr. Dogood, Mr. Boyton fielded a few questions from Mr. Goodfellow, the boy's new owner.

"I was wondering sir. The boy's at this time will be alone in this room. Who will make sure that the boys are indeed put onto these posts, and installed properly."

I was wandering that myself.

"A very good question. As a matter of fact, one of the things we have yet to put onto these boys are their permanent collars, and their permanent wrists and ankle cuffs. These cuffs will be needed for the complete post instillation. This will occur once a day and probably only last a short time depending when the boy's first customer of the day arrives. Simply put, the boys will install themselves. They will want to do this! After their full mental conditioning, they will not only comply, they will be glad to do so!"

"And when will the conditioning take place?"

"As soon as we are done here, the good doctor will first put them into their collars, strap them down to that large bed over there, and initiate the implants that have been installed in their brains. These collars have a small chip that will always be monitoring their environments, and their situations, and orders, and insure compliance. But the implants will already do 99.8 % of the work before there is ever a client. The doctor and I are extremely anxious about this method of conditioning as it is revolutionary in this field. Ah, here come the cuties now. The two naked boys, visibly trembling but quiet, now only sported their gags. They were led over to the posts and told exactly where to stand and what way to face in relation to the post and the wall in front. While on the posts, the boys will be right in full view when the wall is transparent.

"Watch carefully."

As the two boys positioned themselves correctly, the posts suddenly but gradually rose until the boys were on their toes. As the dildos entered their respective anuses, the boys squirmed and let out a muffles moan. But it did not seem to cause them any significant pain. Their ass holes and rectums had been well prepared for such a simple onslaught. Just as the rise of the posts stopped, then from the ceiling came a slender cable, on the end of which was a slender rod with a rounded end. It was about 5 inches long.

"OK, boys. Let's remove your gags."

The boys seemed quite willing to give up their respective mouth pieces. I was astounded at the size of the gags. The boys started working their jaws to help relieve their apparently stiff muscles.

As one of them started to say something, Mr. Boyton told them that they must only answer to his questions. They were afraid enough at that moment that they complied.

"Good. I am so glad to see such well behaved boys. You two are truly special. Now if you coopperate, I am sure that you two will find the next demonstration very enjoyable. Very enjoyable indeed. Would both of you like to like enjoy a very pleasant orgasm?"

The boys, already quite aroused by their nakedness, and their situation, readily answered. "Yes sir, please. We will be good." The other twin said: "Definitely. We will be very good."

I had learned than morning that they had been kept well aroused all night without any relief.

"Here is what you must do each morning. After positioning your selves as shown, you will then be lifted onto your toes, and then this rod will come down from the ceiling."

The boys looked at the rods and nodded. Now this will not hurt. These are specially polished and will cause no real pain. Grab the end next to the cable and insert these rods into your penises."

The twins looked at each other, and when one of them shrugged, they both grabbed hold of the ends of the rods with one hand, their penises with the other and very gingerly put the rods just into the slits. They both looked at each other again, smiled and continued with the insertion.

Speaking to not only the boys, but to us, Mr. Boyton explained. "Because of the changes we have wrought with the twins' puissant genatils, they will find this insertion mildly arousing."

Watching the expressions on the boys' faces, I would say that this was a gross understatement.

"Now boys, your tasks are almost completed. There are just two more things. I know that you are getting tired on your toes like that so we have a way of helping you."

A small machine was wheeled over by another attendant, and the maw of it was raised to be at the right height for the boys to place their hands.

"Do not be afraid boys. This will not hurt a bit. I want you to place your hand into that opening and then grip the knob you feel inside."

The boy, though tentative, slowly put his hand inside. His expression relaxed when nothing bad happened. And then there was a whirling sound and the boy yelled, but not apparently in pain. Just with surprise. The boy quickly withdrew his hand and wrist and was amazed to see around his wrist a cuff which seemed to be made of a silvery substance but seemed soft. The cuff itself was about two inches wide and about ½ inch thick. There was also a small projection on the outside of the cuff that had a small hole in it.

"Now looks boys. Please remember that you can avoid ALL pain altogether by just submitting right from the start.

"Does that feel comfortable boy?"

The boy shook his wrist, and then gripped the cuff with his other hand, and then looked at it closely, more curious than appalled.

"I guess so sir."

In short order the two boys were not only sporting similar wrists cuffs, but also ones encircling their ankles.

"These cuffs we have deliberately made so that they will never chaff the boys' ankles or wrists. This is so necessary since they are now permanent."

At that pronouncement, both boys looked at each other and whimpered."

"They never come off sir?" One of them asked.

"Never. Now to help out your toes."

At this four cables came down from the ceiling and the boys were made to clip their respective wrists cuffs to the respective cables. This was done without much fuss and instantly the boy's arms were pulled upward and a little outward until they were stretched just enough to pull their toes completely off the floor. At this they start vociferously complaining.

"Stop shouting boys. I know as a fact that neither of you in in any pain. Your arms and ligaments have been so enhanced that you could be suspended like this for hours without any injury." (He never did say that there would not eventually be any pain. But the boy's cries died down pretty quickly as they realized that there really was no pain. In fact, they seemed to be even more sexually aroused by the entire thing.

"One last thing boys, keep your legs next to the post."

As they did do, a few snaps and a couple of whirls later both boys' ankles were snapped onto two short bars that extended their legs about a half foot away from the bar.

"Now boys listen carefully. This is what you will do every morning. And as your reward, this is what will also happen."

Just as the boys replied in the affirmative, they started gasping and moaning and flinging their heads back and forth.

"The boys are being stimulated now through their rectums and their penises to full and intense orgasm. This will commence quickly and last for a full minute. There will be a 10 second pause and it will start again. After 5 such cycles, the boys will be given a 2 minute rest period. Then a different type of cycle will commence. Watch."

As we watched, a lot of clear fluid was seen, not spurting, but at least flowing out of their respective penises. We were told that this could be consumed by a client as a powerful aphrodisiac and orgasm intensifier. The boys were now hanging limping and moaning loudly and breathing hard. It must be quite an experience. I almost wished I could take the place of one of these boys. But I would find out soon, that I would definitely NOT want to be them when the next cycle began. After about seven more minutes, the boys became calm for a couple minutes. Then with a sudden two toned, ear-splitting wail, both boys struggled greatly but in vain to escape their bondage. And the yelling and screaming only intensified.

"A smiling Mr. Boyton, explained: "I REALLY enjoy this part. The boys are now being tortured by the same implants, the penis rod and their rectum plugs. Instead of being stimulated for pleasure, they are now undergoing electro-torture with pain levels varying from class two to class four."

The boys were now shouting and profusely crying, screaming to be let down. Then begging. Then screaming louder as another cycle restarted. "As you could see, there was a 10 second reprieve. The cycles will continue for 8 more minutes. Then there will be a 2 minute rest period and then they will experience their delightful orgasms all over again. What you may find remarkable, that the next time they are required to impale themselves on these posts, they will gladly do so because they will only remember the pleasure. Their brains have been so modified, that any pain they experience will be immediately wiped out of both short term and long term memories. On a regular day, they will be kept on these post until their first client arrives, to the enjoyment of anyone outside their room who wants to observe. There will be sound from a set of quadraphonic and high fidelity speakers. Delightful! Let us end with their next period of orgasms and ask them how they enjoyed their impalements."

When let loose both boys almost collapsed and had to be helped over to their bed. They were finally able to sit and questioned.

The doctor asked: "Well boys, did you enjoy that?"

Both boys were very valuable in their praise and extolling of their unique enjoyment.

"Wow doc, can we do that again soon? Not just once a day?"

The other added: "Yeah, this might not be such a bad gig after all."

"Of course boys, we will let you two to have your own pleasure, but remember your purpose will be service your clients for THEIR pleasure."

"Sure doc, but what do we have to do? You haven't explained yet."

Mr. Boyton now allowed the doctor to finish explaining the boys' duties. Of course there will be men coming into this room wanting to molest you and fuck your beautiful holes. You have both been extensively trained and are yourselves experts at this. We demand nothing less that your very best efforts at ALL times. Absolutely no slacking off."

"Both boys agreed to do their best with the assurance that they will have a rest period for eight hours each 'night' where they will be allowed to enjoy each other's company and ministrations for the entire night. They definitely were reassured by this.

"Doc, is this ALL we will ever do?"

"Yes boys, this is all."

Before any more complaints could be heard, both boys were put back into their restraints and another machine was wheeled in. The first boy cringed as he was manhandled so that his head and shoulders rested on a form fitting cradle. The boy tried to object but the reinserted gag prevented this. He struggled frantically and had to be held down as the top of the machine descended totally covering his head and shoulders. there was muted whopping sound and the boy was released. A wide eyed boy struggled as he was take from the machine and there was a shiney collar around his neck just small enough that it had to rest on his neck muscles rather than his collarbones. The collar was about an inch wide and about a ½ inch thick and totally unyielding.

As the boy was let go to fall back onto the bed he tried to rub his neck to feel the collar. He was released from his gag and asked to assure his twin that the process was totally painless. He did and the other brother was collared with little fuss. Afterwards, still restrained, the boys were propped sitting up in the huge bed with their small torsos leaning against the soft back wall. Only their gags were left off.

The doctor then asked the boys: "Any questions.?"

The twin boys looked at each other and one asked: "Just two things doc. I don't see any kitchen here or even a toilet or bathroom. How do we poop and take a shower?"

"That's the beauty of this room and you two boys. You will NEVER take a shower again!"

"But doc, won't we start stinking?"

"Well boys, you should have noticed by now your sweat had no body odor or almost none. And with your diet it never will."

The boys looked totally puzzled: "But doc, OK no showers. I didn't like taking them all too often anyway, but where's the toilet?"

"Boys. There IS NO TOILET!" And the doc smiled and then laughed.

The other twin then asked although they both started getting VERY apprehensive: "But doc, how about when we will have to make a dump?"

'The doc smiled even bigger. "That brings us to one more rule you will have to follow completely. Whenever you feel the need to evacuate you bowels, or to take a dump as you worded it, you MUST IMMEDIATELY do it right where you are!"

The two boys gasped at the implication. "But doc, won't this room get awfully smelly? And how about our bed. We can't do it there."

"You will most definitely do it there. And gradually this room anyway will fill up with yours shit. And that brings us to another rule. When the room gets to about a foot deep in shit, you will be asked to fill some of it into a container that will be temporarily put into your room. Thus it will be kept at this level. Your bodies have been modified so that the bacteria in you poop will not harm you or your clients. Also there are machines in the ceiling that will kill off the bacteria. Your clients by the way will LIKE to do things to you in this shit filled room."

Both boys were readily crying by now realizing what was to happen to them. One made one last appeal. "Please doc, we will be good. We will do ANYTHING else. Please don't make us live in shit for the rest of our lives. Please."

A lot more begging and pleading got them nowhere of course. All of us listening and the doc were enjoying seeing their reactions. I was astounded at their prospect. To live in one's own shit! Wow!

"Now you also asked what you will eat. And this brings us to your final rule and this chair-like thing over here. When requested, one of you will put your head under this seat, the other will adjust these straps which we will demonstrate shortly, and the one under the seat will allow the client to sit on your face and feed you what is in his bowels. You will make a meal of his entire dump. From now on both of you will be used as toilets by your clients! Your digestive systems and metabolisms have been adjusted for this. Once a week you will be given a meal of something that will allow to obtain any additional nutrients we see that your bodies need. Now who wants to be the first to act as toilet?"

The boys were now wailing and complaining so bitterly and pleading so loudly that their gags were reinserted. In point of fact, neither boy was forced to ear any shit that day. They were given their usual ration in the usual plastic bulbs. But what was commenced were their conditioning as their collars were activated. What an amazing reaction! They were activated, and their blain implants were activated at the same time. Also, an integral part of the entire process, their respective neck collar were also activate at times the neural implants within their genitals and prostate.

The boys at first had this look of amazement on their faces, then they seemed to be twitching and moving all about and moaning from time to time. They were totally at the moment in their own little worlds.

"As you can see gentlemen, something special is happening. In no more than two days, the good doctor has assured me that not only will these two new Boytoys be functioning to full potential they will WANT to do so! They will be complicit in their own conditioning! This will revolutionize mental conditioning of future boy toys. Sure, we will still have those FORCED to cooperate by either physical force or by administration of pain and reward, or sometimes only pain, but this will create a new type of boy toy -- a willing toy!"

There were a number of shouted questions but Mr. Boyton explained: "Let me finish before more questions. What is happening is threefold. The chip in the collar is instructing the boy's brain implant to seek out each of the instructions as the boys just received. This instruction is being rapidly multiplied throughout the boy's brain. Before the conditioning is complete, these rules will indelibly be inserted in no less than one billion loci. Then another search is maintained. Every time the implant finds a particle of memory that corresponds to the boy rejecting or resisting the command, this memory is destroyed. Conversely, because these boys were carefully picked, and there is much in these boy's brains that actually has received all these instructions favorably. This is especially true of that area of the brain that receives input from the boy's sexual arousal and gratification. This then is not only multiplied millions of times throughout the boy's brain, it also is reinforced by a commensurate arousal and gratification of the boy's sexual need and desire. Once this process has taken place for each rule given, then we let the boy himself start to reinforce wanting to obey this rule. This feed back loop is important since it allows the boy to retain much of his former identity. What will happen is that the survival mode of the boy will go into effect. To limit the decaying of the boy's identity and will, it will allow the boy himself to make millions of new neural connections that allows the boy to accept and allow these rules to be followed even if they were not so happy with them to begin with. The boy will start inventing reasons WHY it WANTS to follow these rules. By this time there is no return. From here the boy will never be able to arrive at any point but full compliance. And even more. As the days and weeks go by, the boys will even become more satisfied with their new roles and even eventually happily perform as Boytoys as directed. And enough of their past memories will have survived so to give some depth to their personalities.

We left for a short repast and entertainment and returned to the boy's room several hours later. We could see one boy start to moan heavily, and then quiet down. And then the other boy do the same.

"What you see happening, is the triggering a memory or idea held by the boy that is in contradiction with the stated objective, he quiets down as all relevant spots where this information or memory is erased. We will eventually start seeing even an orgasm where a memory is reinforced and strengthened. This matter of positive reinforcement will necessarily make these two boys, sex fiends. For the remainder of their lives, a majority of their motivation will be in response to a sexual stimuli.

We then saw one boy lay on top of his brother. They immediately started to gyrate against each other. Soon they were both experiencing very intense orgasms.

"Now that is something we had not anticipated. Dr. Dogood. Is this something good, or should we separate these boys?"

"No. One of the strong incentives to acquiesce to our demands or rules, is the promise that they will never be separated. They are apparently using that to reinforce positively some of the consequences of these rules. I see this as a good thing and this degree of positive reinforcement is occurring far faster than anticipated. In fact to a staggering degree. I now have hopes of the boys retaining a very significant portion of their memories and personalities. This is a good sign. I am very pleased by this progress indeed."

Early that evening the doctor judged that enough progress had been made, indicated by the now rare occurrence of the boy needing a memory erased. Thus the implants were momentarily disengaged and the boys allowed to rest. Their restraints were also now removed as they were deemed no longer necessary. The two boys immediately entwined and they were almost instantly in a deep sleep. The doctor gave me another pass to come back to the lab the next morning and I was obviously thrilled. I was so much wanting to see the end product.

When the boys roused the next morning there was already a remarkable change. Both boys looked up at the doctor and even addressed him as doc. When Dr. Dogood told them that they must not address all others as 'master' they did so without any fuss. One of the boy's did ask if that meant that they were both considered slaves.

"Of course boys. You are required to obey any order given to you."

That twin turned to his partner and exclaimed: "See, I told you so. Remember that fantasy we used to have? Well it's come true. And it gets me so sexy feeling."

They then both smiled at each other. Then the other twin asked the doctor: "Doc, I mean master, do we still have to do all that gross shit stuff? The other stuff seems neat but I'm not sure we can be good at eating some guy's shit."

The other one piped in making a joke fit: "Yeah. We'd make a big mess of it." They laughed.

But one thing I noted was that they couldn't stop rubbing their penises. They were both quite sexually aroused. I supposed that this would be a sort of permanent condition for them now. I was also surprised to see that they seemed to be a lot like the bouncy boys of two days ago. Except that now the only questions they asked had to do with their role as Boytoys.

Then as part of the ongoing experiment that the boys were an integral part if, the doctors at down with each of them snuggling up to each side of him and he began a long list of prepared questions. The first half had to do with their past lives and what specifically they still could remember. Later I found out that about half their memories of their brief childhood were gone permanently. Almost everything that had to do with knowing other friends and things they liked to do with them that had no sexual overtone or connotation were also gone. There were a few strange exceptions. For example many of the games that they did only by themselves they could easily remember. The other questions involved what they thought of their new rules. What surprised me was that not only did they now accept them, except that they still balked at eating and living in shit, they were even enthusiastic about providing good service to their 'customers.'

"Well, master," I think it only right since we got such a great job that almost no one else has, that we should do our best at it. Besides, it will be fun."

The doctor had no difficulty in restarting the implant programs. This time they would never be shut down. The doctor assured me that he would arrange for me to see the twins when they had been fully indoctrinated and installed into their permanent life's work.

I found my bank account insufficient to justify such an extravagance as a session with these two boys, especially since they had been taken off planet and installed with the new Pleasure City that was the newest in adult entertainment and assuaging many of the possible unusual pleasures that one would seek. If you had the money. But I was able to obtain a holo disk of one on the sessions these boys had with a client. It must have been several months at least into their permanent imprisonment since the floor of the room was already almost a foot deep in a slimy miasma of human excrement. The cube started with the boys yelling and screaming at their testicle, penile and rectal torture. What I had not known before was that some of the jolts obviously included electro jolts between their ankles or wrists and then to their genitals or rectum. It must have been pretty extremisms many times their entire bodies spasmed and there was no sound for several seconds since they draw air into their lings to scream. This proved to be a very popular with the guests so that a full hour now of torture, interspersed with orgasmic stimulation was always scheduled. I think the amazing contrast in the boys' reactions to first extended and intense orgasm to sudden and intense pain, was a turn on for so many. Finally the two boys were released from their bonds and the posts retracted a foot or so. Immediately each of the boys collapsed into each others' arms and onto a floor covered with almost a foot of shit. There was still a lot of individual long turds easily visible in the sea of brown slime. It had the seeming consistency of bread pudding, or perhaps just a bit more squishier. Soon the boys recovered and stood. They made absolutely no attempt to wipe the filth from anywhere on their bodies even their faces or heads, except to wipe the area about their eyes so they could see properly. As the boys stood they smiled at each other and started expression just how fantastic their last session of orgasmic pleasure had been. One boy wiped some of the offal from his brother's face with his finger, putting it immediately into his mouth sucking it clean (or as clean as the digit could now get) and exclaimed: "I think that was one of yours. I can now tell the difference." They both laughed as they proceeded to the large bed. It was smeared entirely with human feces and there was at least an inch or so of excrement over its entire surface. The two pillows, if they can still be called such, looked like brown mounds with a small brown lump here and there. The boys dove onto the bed like it was their special demesne, and a familiar place of sanctuary. They skidded across the huge bed and brought much of the foul excrement with them. There they wrestled, seeming to take wondrous delight in smearing the stinking mess between their bodies. They even were wont to lick the offal off each others private parts. Then one of the boy s started grunting a bit and a long turd was expelled from his rectum. The other boy took delight in grabbing portions of the discontinuous series of excrement and squishing it between his fingers.

Their world now was definitely no longer a thing to be begging for release. One would expect that if they were told they had to leave their room of shit, they would rebel and would wont to stay. They were at home in their excrement.

Then their entire demeanor shifted in the extremist portal opened and a naked man, about 6 feet and generally ordinary in every way. But his eyes were intent on the two boys and his penis, an average 6 ½ inches stuck ramrod straight out in front of him. His testicles were of moderate dimensions. What was notable, however, was his look of extreme arousal and his determined slog through the foot of offal. He seemed to revel in the sight, touch, and odor of his surrounding. Ashe got to the bed, both boys knelt down on the floor in front of him -- the shit up to their testicles -- and in a picture of extreme servitude in unison spoke: "Master, we are here to serve. Use us as you will."

The man, grabbed the nearest boy, flung him onto the shit covered bed, and jumped on top of him. A splat of slimy shit squished between the two bodies. The boy was instantly aroused to the fullest. This is what he had been designed for. And he reveled in it. He was determined to do his best to make this man feel as good as he was feeling. It was only right that he do so. And it brought him great satisfaction to be fulfilling his life's purpose -- to bring true all men's sexual fantasies.

The man, more aroused then he'd ever been in his life, told the other boy to get busy eating out his anus while he proceeded to molest the boy beneath him. What fueled his wildest fantasy was the actual smell and feel of wallowing in the boy's filth. And the knowledge that these two boys would be living their entire loves in this filth. Both boys obeyed every command and wish and seemed to be in extreme sexual arousal as they allowed this man's his every wish. The man forced his shit covered penis into the mouth of the boy beneath him and then started fucking his face. Every once in a while he would suck on the boy's penis which began to ooze a liquid that greatly enhanced his own arousal and enhanced his sexual pleasure. As the boy went into his own orgasm, the man's penis was entirely engulfed and sent him into his own lengthy orgasm. That by now he was sitting on the dace of the other boy who had his boy tongue well inside the man's rectum, slupering for all he was worth at the man's own slimy shit. The lengthened and facile tongue was able to get to the man's prostate and this added to the man's stinulation. Of course due to his feeding on the other boy's penile juice, he was still as hard after his amazing orgasm as he was before.

After a short pause just to revel in his arousal, he flung both boys to the floor to fall into the deep shit of the room. Both boys immeduately assumed a pose of total submission. The act of such total submission was for the two boys an extreme sexual turn on. That they had to wallow in the stinking filth of their own past bowl movements only added to their sexual arousal. Periodic orgasms wracked their small frames. To the boys this was the best possible of all lives.

The man now, wallowing in the filth himself, forced his penis, which was as hard as it had ever been, plowed it into the willing ass of the one boy as the other he pulled to himself in a crushing -- and squishy -- embrace. After several more orgasms, the most he had experienced in such a short time since he was a teen, the man lay down on the shit smeared bed and pulled the two boys into him. He would kiss one, and then the other, each time tasting their shit filled mouths. Eventually he was aroused on last time by thinking about his final degrading act. He wanted to force the entire contents of his shit filled bowel into one of these cute boy toys, while the other gorged himself on his now shit covered penis.

"Ok boys, which of you will be my toilet?"

The boys immediately went into a discussion about which one would have the honor.

"It's my turn." one of the boy's stated.

"But can't I do it this time?" the other twin said: "I only got a single turd last time. And I'm still hungry."

His brother gave in and started strapping his slime covered head of his brother into the cradle that lay below a oval shaped opening. Almost climaxing just sitting on the boys face, the man was estatic as he could feel the boy's lips latch onto and kiss his anal ring. And then start a furious sucking. The boy was possibly more aroused than the man, anticipating the ingestion of his foul diet. The man then pulled the other boy's mouth onto his on engorged penis. As he began force feeding his abundant dump into boys mouth and throat, all three had one last final orgasm. The man, as he left the cubical room, realized that his experience there would never be rivaled in the intensity of his sexual experience. For a tiny moment, he even experienced a small amount of concern for the two boys, condemned to their lives living in shit. And as toilets.

The Boytoys' reaction was very different. They were thrilled that they could so help this man achieve so many good orgasms. And reveled in their own. They kissed, allowing both boys to taste the new contribution of their cruel diet. And they anticipated their next client with avid joy and arousal. After taking a small drink from the liquid provided they lay down on the slimy bed entwined in each others limbs, waiting. This was their life and all that they now knew -- forever.


I was later reading up on this new process of enabling the full submissiveness and cooperation of the new Boytoys. I was reading the doctor's words:

"This new "toying" process, where the entire expressions of their personality and world is so severely pared down to the sole service of their client's sexual needs, was still able to retain enough of the Boytoy's original personality, so that the client feels like he is being serviced by a real boy. Thus he obtains better experience."

"We used to do it with simple force. Some like that. but I get more satisfaction some how out of making the boy make himself into a toy. To so completely restrict his entire behavior to sex and the satisfaction of the clients. What is so great is that their very thoughts are so ordered and controlled. They soon become incapable of thinking about anything else.

A few months from now -- that is all the time it will take -- neither of these boys(or toys) will not be in the slightest ever again be even ABLE to have a noncompliant thought. So amazing. when you think about it. Entire sections of their brains are so entirely shutdown. And of course that allows the other sections to take primacy. These two will very quickly become phenominal at their given tasks.

A year from now, neither of these boy will ever again be able to reenter normal society. Strangely enough, by this time, the boys usually appear to be genuinely happy. They have a very ordered, even if restricted life, and they see themselves eminently successful at it.

I am VERY curious what will happen to these two boys. We have never before tried to keeps two boys, let alone identical twins, together and even allowed to be intimate with each other. It should prove interesting. I have a bet going with my confreres that this factor alone will be able to preserve so much of their personalities, that they will even remember me and will be able to relate to me as more than a prospective client. Well, we should see."

The reviewing period for this story has ended.