Published: 17-Apr-2012
Word Count:
5 months earlier - perspective of soon to be new Boytoy.
"Ok boy, here's what'll happen. And you will have no choice. Over the next several months you will be modified for use as a sex slave. We already have a buyer for you and he has given us explicit instructions in how you are to be modified and enhanced."
On hearing these words, the small boy was unsure what to think. Other than that he was really REALLY scared. This was even worse then when he was first taken. Even when they had told him that he had been sold. And even the time when he had been transported here in that large crate. At least he slept through much of that. But this guy couldn't be serious though. Made as a sex slave? And especially since he wasn't even able to have sex yet. He was hoping that these men would let him go. He wondered if a ransom was going to be asked for. But he really started to suspect that what this man said was actually true. He just couldn't imagine how. Even life at home didn't seem so bad compared to what these men were talking about. He remembered every detail of his original kidnapping.
He tried to say something but that thing they forced into his mouth made him not able to talk. He tried desperately to get it off when it was first put on him but the strap somehow locked behind his head. And the thing pulled on the back of his lips and was really uncomfortable. The men just laughed then too. And how was he able to say anything? He suddenly realized that they didn't want to hear anything he had to say, and he got even more scared. Could they really mean what they were saying?
The boy started to panic and even if it seemed futile he nonetheless tried to escape the room he was now in. His sudden dash toward the door only brought laughter from one of the men. The door would not budge. Terror struck at his very heart. He suddenly now believed just what the man with the glasses had said. But why would someone what him for sex? He wasn't even mature yet and didn't even give sex much thought. It was his brother that had suddenly gone girl crazy last year. But even though he was at about his brother's age now when that had happened, he couldn't seem to get any enthusiasm in looking at girls as all his friends did. Of course he wasn't really mature yet. And although some of the thoughts he found himself thinking had him a bit worried a time or two he was sure that when he went through puberty all would be OK.
With certain ease the large black guy with the bulging muscles simply lifted the boy by the front of his shirt and put the boy back onto what the boy thought of as a strange dentist's chair. He never saw one with a separate thing for each leg though. He started trying to break free when he saw the lab coat guy start putting that belt thing around his waist. He tried to yell for them to stop but all that came out was a high pitched mumble. And all his efforts got him were a few strained muscles as the black guy and the other bulging muscle type seemed to hold him down without even breaking a sweat. Of course his 70 pound frame was no match for even one normal adult let along two monster hulks. He suddenly gave up struggling and left the men strap him into the chair. But then he got apprehensive again when they didn't stop with just the belt around his waist. There was another put around his chest and even others around his thighs and calves. Even his arms were fastened in two places each. How dangerous did they think he was? Did they think he was some karate wiz? About he knew about the marshal arts was what he'd seen in the movies. But then he suddenly became aware of something that terrified him even more that the words just spoken to him. All the manhandling of him got him totally erect. And even worse he LIKED what was happening to him. At least on some level of his awareness. And even more to his own amazement he was more curious about what then man said than apprehensive. How weird was that?
The man with glasses continued as if nothing had happened: "Along with that training we will be modifying your body as per instructions of your prospective owner."
What the hell did modifying my body mean? The boy started getting scared all over again. But also a tiny bit intrigued at the same time. He remembered some of the stories he'd read on the Internet. But those were just fiction, fantasies. And most of the really weird stuff couldn't be done anyway. But what did scare him was maybe they were talking about castrating him. Now he REALLY got all upset. He suddenly wasn't particularly intrigued anymore. The real thing was so much different than a few harmless fantasies.
He wanted to be home! He'd even let his step-dad hit him with that damn strap again. Hell, he'd bring the bastard the strap himself! And he'd pretend to his mom that he wasn't worried about being gay after all. He decided what was a couple years of acting compared what was maybe gonna happen to him now.
And for the millionth time he couldn't believe how stupid he'd been. Running away from home with so little planning and trying to get to his uncle's house halfway across the country. And he was REALLY pissed when the breakfast he'd finally gotten to eat he wound up throwing up anyway when the men grabbed him. The stranger seemed so nice and kept listening to everything he was saying like he really cared. And for some reason he couldn't understand he told the guy things he'd barely even told to himself. The guy offered to drive him all the way to the city where he could get the bus. He never did get that bus. Instead he saw the man getting paid some money just as the two big guys grabbed him and picked him up and literally threw him into the back of the van. The last thing he remembered was seeing a small guy with a hypodermic coming at him as one of the big guys got in the back of the van with him and too easily held him down. Now that he thought back on it he realized he didn't even scream or yell. It was all so unreal.
The next couple weeks had been a continuous nightmare interspersed with a few happenings that he didn't want to even admit to. Because those things were even worse than what the was being done to him. The first thing he remembered when he woke up was that he was terribly thirsty and had a slight headache. And he realized that he was in a very normal room in a very normal bed, but there ended all normality. He needed to pee real bad and he tried to get out of bed and suddenly fell half onto the floor when something grabbed his right ankle. His right ankle was in a manacle which was chained to a ring in the floor! And that was when he realized that he had no clothes on. And he only found out later but he was being monitored all the time he was in this room. He was trying to get back up when a guy with glasses, and almost as small as he was, came in and made him get back in bed. He tried to cover himself but the guy seemed not to care one way or another.
"You probably need to pee; use this." And he handed me a plastic jug. I really tried but with him watching I just couldn't pee any more. Him watching froze me all up even if I was under a sheet.
I tried to ask him what was happening and a whole bunch of other stuff be he simply ignored me. When I wouldn't stop yelling he picked up this metal prod thing from his belt and touched my arm. I couldn't help it, I threw up all over the bed. So much for my breakfast. But it HURT SOOOOOO much I couldn't believe it, and none of my muscles would work right for quite a while. I also started crying. The guy threatened to zap me again if I didn't shut up and help change the bed. I don't think I was much help since I was using all my will power not to cry. One thing I finally noticed was that my right foot was grabbed by a huge leather cuff that was chained to a big ring bolted right into the floor next to the bed. This was getting real scary. All I could think of was not to get this guy upset again and if they were going to eventually kill me. And why did they want me? I was just a skinny not too good looking kid. Very average actually. But I was afraid to ask any more questions. I got something to drink a bit later and it was so good to get that foul taste out of my mouth. The guy also turned on an air conditioner and the smell in the room started getting much better.
About two hours later hoping something would happen since I couldn't sleep and there was nothing to do -- not even a TV set, a guy in a fancy suit came into the room accompanied by the small guy looking after me and another guy with a big satchel. It turned out that this guy was some kind of doctor I guessed since he gave me some kind of physical. They even tried to drain me of blood filling several glass tubes. It got SO embarrassing when they made me bend over and the doctor stuck this ratchet thing up my butt and sort of opened it up. I was especially embarrassed when I sprung a really hard boner. And the guy wouldn't stop touching me in my privates. But the very worst part that I didn't want to really think about was that the whole thing sort of excited me. And what made matters even worse if that were possible was that the doctor guy even mentioned this to the guy in the suit. They seemed all interested that I was responding this way.
Over the next couple weeks I was not allowed out of the room and they even brought me stuff to eat usually KFC or McDonalds. Another really embarrassing thing was every morning I was made to take a bath with the some guy always there with me watching. They unlocked the chain from my ankle from the floor and relocked it to a hook on the wall above the tub. It didn't even allow me to get my right foot all the way into the tub.
Now sometimes I am really dense in spite of supposing to have this high IQ. It wasn't until I was halfway through my first bath that I realized that none of these arrangements were specifically for just me. After all the room and its rings in the floor and wall had to have been there quite sometime. I was even more afraid when I realized that I was almost certainly just one in a line of kids that they had kidnapped. But so frustratingly I could not get a single bit of information from the guys that kept me there. After the second zap that had me gasping for air for a while and shaking in pain, I decided not to ask about anything again. I was just praying that I'd not be killed. Of course I tried to rationalize that why go through all this trouble if some one was going to off me.
Of course I finally realized that I was in that room for a reason. DUH! The third day there a few men were led into my room by the suit man I never did know his name. And here's where I got real scared. They made me display myself totally naked. I even had to bend over and one of the men put his finger into my mouth and then into my butt hole. I felt so embarrassed and scared, but beyond it all I was also thrilled somehow. And I couldn't stop from getting a really hard bone that wouldn't go down no matter how I tried to change my thoughts. For some reason all the men liked that. What was also demeaning was that they discussed me as though I was just some object that they could use.
And another DUH! It wasn't until the next group of men showed up the next day that I realized that I was on display to be SOLD! Another couple groups showed up the next two days but then it was just boring for a week. I should have been happy with boring. Because at the end of two weeks I was apparently sold and on my way to my new owner. Or so I thought. It wasn't until I reached my next destination that I learned that this was where I was to be "modified" and "trained." I didn't know this yet, but had instead all kinds of fantasies about my "new owner" built up in my imagination. My imagination apparently was not near up to the task as I was to eventually find out.
Someone I'd never seen before brought a large rectangular lidded box into my room. It had wheels at one end and a handle at the other. It seemed pretty small and I wondered what it was for. But of course by this time there was no way I was going to ask any question. The last jolt from that prod was the last one I ever wanted. If I had only known, I would gladly have suffered a hundred of those jolts to have gotten out of where I am now. My leg shackle was taken off and I rubbed my leg where it had gotten a little raw.
"Into the box boy. Now!"
I looked up honestly puzzled. Even as small as I was I couldn't fit. Well I was wrong. I did not see the guy with the prod until it was too late. I stepped into the box and lay on my side in a fetal position with my head bent in but I did barely fit. One guy reached in and taped my mouth shut.
"Now don't pee yourself boy if you don't want to live with that smell."
I was more worried about cramps. And after I felt the lid closed and locked, and the box wheeled outside somewhere, I was then worried about freezing to death. Fortunately I was then lifted onto a truck that had heat, but unfortunately bad suspension. I was now wondering if I would be bruised to death. Fortunately this ride was relatively short. Eventually my box came to rest, and the lid opened. I had to be helped out. And then I panicked as I saw huge shipping crate -- with a boy-sized pocket. Later, as I lay ensconced within the crate, I still couldn't believe they were actually shipping me in crate like a piece of merchandise.
After dozing off and on, the air bag thing I had been enclosed in I could feel was being lifted intact out of the crate in which I had been sealed for quite sometime but a time that I was very unsure how to measure. I was evidently drugged and was dozing off and on so had no real way to measure it. But it seemed VERY long. Well anyway I could feel the bag in which I was ensconced being lifted free of the crate and then put onto something flat that moved on wheels. I was thinking something like a gurney and I could feel straps holding me fast over my legs, waist, and upper chest. Did they think I was about to run on them? I only wished they'd let me out of this thing that I feel like I've been in forever. Just to be able to stretch my arms over my head would feel like an unimaginable luxury. Or even just one hand.
After going through interminable corridors we finally stopped and then I felt myself going down in an elevator a couple of floors. And as I said here was when I met the guy with glasses that kept saying stuff about training and modifications.
Then someone jabbed my neck with a needle and I don't remember much until I sort of woke up and found myself strapped onto this movable cart thing. I also felt funny. I suddenly realized something was REALLY REALLY wrong when I tried to speak and I couldn't figure out how to make any words! It was like I could remember them all but I no longer was able to figure out how to say them. It was unbelievably frustrating. And I almost started to panic. They said modifications. What had they all done to me? I started crying as I realized that this not speaking alone was almost unbearable. Then I was wondering if it would wear off somehow. I was to find out that it was permanent. They had done something to my brain. I then tried to move and fond myself so strapped down that nothing could be moved. But the real shock came when I tried to move my fingers and realized that they were no longer there! They cut off all my fingers and thumbs. How was I to do anything? This was crazy. I started really struggling then and also discovered I had no feet. I think it was then that I sort of despaired. I sort of just stopped struggling. What was the use. They had already done terrible things to me. And there was no going back. Strangely I sort of felt an immense feeling of pleasure in my groin area just thinking about this. What was that all about? And I realized that I was even excited a bit about being used like this. I wondered if I were already driven insane. Maybe.
present time -- with guests assembled for unveiling of the third of three new Boytoy units
Dr. Dogood was rightly proud of this latest of his Boytoys, the third to be introduced this day. He was still somewhat energized by having just participated in the torture and rape of the previous Boytoy. He looked out into the audience and noticed a new face. He smiled. This was the new computer wiz just hired. He had been given a special pass to get to see this last Boytoy to be shown today.
Perspective of Jim, a recently hired computer expert
I was very thrilled to invited to this instillation of this new and unique Boytoy unit. I had been very recently employed as a computer programming expert and was pleasantly surprised to get this very invitation from Dr. Dogood himself. Along with two other Boytoys just introduced today, this will mark the first use of the advanced gene-splice technology of Zephyr Corporation on Grendola IV. This company was far enough away from Federation Space to be unconcerned with their laws, but close enough to enjoy a thriving market for modified human flesh. This particular laboratory has been in the production of specialty boy-toy units for over 150 years. But today marks the beginning of something truly special. Not only can we now enhance and manipulate specific body features, but also change the very fabric of an individuals internal neural response. The innovations in this new frontier of medical technology was mind boggling.
I could hear the old gurney being brought into this instillation room. He thought it quaint that Doctor Dogood sometimes liked using anachronistic apparatus and devices. Hence, instead of merely using one of the more powerful hypnotic drugs on this unit, he favored just using brute force. As the gurney was wheeled into the large room, he could see its occupant, a boy of very youthful aspect, tightly strapped down with a number of bonds over his naked prone body. These held tight his calves, thighs, forearms, upper arms, waist, and upper chest. Covering the entirety of the boy's head was a leather-like materialized bag that conformed tightly to all his features. So much so that it must have been made specifically for the Boytoy unit. The bag was tightly locked into place around its neck. There were NO openings whatsoever. The unit was throwing its head back and forth and making a barely audible deep throated breathing sound. It was evidently tightly gagged also. An d there was a not so evident opening under a slightly raised flap of skin at the base of the boy's throat through which it was breathing. One of the many modifications made over the past few months to the unit's so young body. Of course, the past life of the unit was terminated a while back. It was no longer a boy, but a Boytoy unit, a play thing of anyone fortunately rich enough and so inclined to that specific type of sexual activity. This unit now, and for the remainder of its life, had only one purpose -- to be used as a sex toy. The unit being brought here will be installed into its newly prepared bondage apparatus. Not only will this unit never be permitted to act under its own volition, it will even be kept in restrictive bondage so that no movement, apart from that demanded by the expressed and narrow use of the unit's sexual purpose, will be allowed or tolerated. The unit will be spend the remainder of its life -- and in this case easily 40 to 50 years -- in this very room. Its only purpose the sexual gratification of its users.
Doctor Dogood was very happy with the outcome of this units progression through its many body modifications. He also LIKED this particular type of unit. Designated FBT-1, the 'F' stood for forced. Non-consensual. And not by mental manipulation or even by the use of drugs, but by the sheer application of brute force. Though since the unit was barely of the physical age of an 11 year old, and a small 11 year old at that, a single strong adult could easily overpower this Boytoy unit and force compliance. As it was compliance was being coerced, not only by the presence of two very burly and well muscled participants, but the unit's own body was modified so that it too would enforce the need of total compliance. The unit will have now certain needs that will soon become apparent to the unit and Dogood was eagerly awaiting the look on the unit's face when it fully comprehended what was in store for it. Also of course, while being attached within its apparatus, compliance was easily forced by simple physical means. The unit, when completely ensconced within its apparatus, would be allowed no movement except for some minor wiggling and the use of its own mouth parts to perform its now main function. Its secondary function, to yield up the use of its anal orifice to anything wanting entrance was also in the script. But other than exercising its newly enhanced sphincter muscles, no other movement by the unit was necessary. No other purposeful movement will be allowed the unit. It is now time for the final instillation. And again Dogood wanted to watch as the unit was made aware of exactly what will be happening to it. And just how it was achieved. One such Boytoy when told would not stop moaning and shaking for hours.
Doctor Dogood was anxious to explain the situation to the few guests who had paid handsomely for this privileged occasion of the unit's permanent instillation. Dogood always made sure that his Boytoys fully knew what was irrevocably happening. He liked also to witness their struggles to avoid their fate, and even their screams. That is why he liked the instillation of "Forced" boys.
The "B" part of the boy-toy's designation referred to the fact that boy would be forever and permanently bound in continuous and strict and unyielding restraints. There was absolutely no opening whatsoever be given for its own purposeful movement. Its life of single minded purpose unwavering and unforgiving. And Dogood wanted the unit to be fully aware of its fate. He liked to see the units expression as all possible hope is taken from it as its instillation is completed and it is put to use. And it becomes fully aware of just what modifications had been made to its body and even mind. And the full alarm when it finally realizes just what its use will forever be. When the boy-toy comes face to face to its own reality of total and complete bondage and servitude. It is now a thing, a unit with one purpose. And here is where the "T" portion of its designation comes into use. The "T" stands for "toilet." The unit will forevermore be made to act as a full functioning toilet for whoever so desired to use it as such. This unit will soon be engulfing the excrement of many men each and every day of its entire long future life.
Dogood started his explanation as the gurney came to rest and all eyes were on the now feebly struggling boy.
Jim, just watching the boy, knowing what was in store for him just this morning, made me almost cream my own pants.
Dr. Dogood addressed his eager audience:
"As we see here, the current unit here was an 11 year old black male when first brought in to be modified for its new owner. That was 5 months ago and as we can now see quite a lot of exterior modification has been performed. I would like to point out that both feet of this unit have been permanently removed from just ubelow the ankles. Next all fingers and thumbs have also been removed. We did this right from the start so that the unit quickly learned that its former life is no longer an option. Then you can see the obvious adjustment to its throat and trachea. This breathing opening will allow future users to be able to sit on the Boytoy's face for extended periods. Also note the metal encasement of its testicles and penis. This device is actually not just a covering but also a stimulator. Because of the enhancement of his prostate and the change to his testicles, this boy can have extremely intense and long lasting orgasms. And the liquid escaping from the hole in this metal encasement is actually now a powerful aphrodisiac that the users can ingest to help his own pleasure. Also watch." Dr. Dogood started rubbing his hand over the slim boy's obviously undeveloped chest. And at this the boy started to moan and shake with intense desire and need for sexual release.
"It happens now that most of the trunk of his small body had been turned into one large erogenous zone, and the boy will be totally at the mercy of his users."
"I just like the idea of taking such a youthful and innocent boy and stealing from it every vestige of it's former humanity. This boy has been reduce to a thing, something to be used at entirely our pleasure. Never again will this unit be addressed as anything but a toy to be used for the sexual amusement and gratification of our many clients. His entire life is forfeit to a continuous use as a sexual Boytoy. And I especially like the non-compliant model of unit as it makes tits last fruitless and despairing struggle to avoid his ultimate fate."
"Let us now start the process of this unit's instillation."
The boy heard everything said and started trying to resist what he dreaded was to happen to him. Already he realized that a part of him was no longer under the control of his own mind. He also realized that indeed he was breathing through a hole in his throat. His mouth and tongue felt funny. And after moving his tongue around realized that he no longer had any teeth! Also he kept feeling a sense of need coming from his testicles that he had never felt before. And when they started rubbing him he felt his whole body going into a weird overdrove of sensual pleasure. He really liked that. But he had no control over it. And with that hood over his head he couldn't see anything.
But just then the hood was removed and in a few minutes his eyes had adjusted to the light. Again he felt total frustration when he found it impossible to speak. He simply found that he no longer knew how to form words. And when he tried, he couldn't even make a single noise! He finally started moaning in his frustration. Of course the only sound heard was a small breathing sound at his throat. Dr. Dogood smiled.
"This Boytoy will be perfect for his role. And now to proceed with its permanent instillation."
Two hefty men, unstrapped the boy or unit from the gurney and very easily picked him up by his four extremities. They then moved a few feet to the side and held the boy over a strange looking framework.
Dogood then smiled and said: "Let the unit see its final resting place."
At this the boy was pulled upwards by his arms so that he could see the weird contraption. He started renewing his struggles. Dr. Dogood said: "I love this portion of the project."
At this point, watching the boy thrash around and wiggle in the hands of the two men had me dripping pre-cum from my penis. This was so utterly sexually stimulating. I was happy to know that a recording of the entire event would be given us as we left later. I would be forever thankful of Dogood's thoughtful invitation.
What the boy had seen was a row of eight large bolts aimed upwards from a very sturdy frame. These exactly spaced bolts were to be inserted into eight previously anchored bolt receptacles placed into the thoracic vertebrae of the unit. To the front end of this array was a round frame with an additional 5 bolts arranged around its perimeter. These five shorter bolts would be attached to the prepared fittings already anchored in the back the unit's skull. This circular frame was attached very strongly to the main frame and when a 'seat' was put in place, the unit's mouth would be held in perfect position for some one to sit on the unit's face and position his own anus directly onto the mouth of the unit.
The boy was positioned over the thoracic bolts and one by one all eight were inserted permanently into his spine. This was done with much effort to hold the struggling unit in place since Dr. Dogood was describing to us what was happening and the unit realized what was to be his permanent fate.
Dr. Dogood added: "Note that we have reinforced the vertebrae of this unit over the previous four months so that there will be no possibility of any of his vertebrae breaking, or of dislodging the bolts. Note also that the chemical being used on the threads of the bolts will insure their permanency. Now as the final bolt is put into place I would like to state the obvious. This unit will NEVER be removed from his current position within this frame."
I could see the look of horror in the boy's I mean unit's eyes and could see the look of ultimate despair. It seemed that the fight had gone out of him I mean it as the placement of the five bolts into his skull were almost anti-climatic. The framework also had temporary extensions onto which the unit's legs and arms were affixed with small straps.
Dr. Dogood continued: "Also note that the unit's skull has been also reinforced. Those five bolts will allow the unit no movement of his head other than the slight up-and-down movement allowed by the frame so that it can always attain the perfect position with respect to the person who is sitting on his face."
The unit was now only able to look upward. Its eyes were roving wildly as he realized his predicament. The level of its breathing also increased.
Dr. Dogood was absolutely beaming at this unit was meeting his ultimate fate. "Now I would like to point out the metal manacles I have here. These will be put around the unit's wrists and also his ankles. And to make sure that the unit will not damage his wrists or ankles in the small movement allowed to his extremities, new technology will allow these specially prepared manacles to actually fuse with his flesh."
The first wide manacle, about two inches wide and perhaps a quarter thick was attached in two halves to the unit's right wrist. As the two halves joined, there was a small click and suddenly the manacle sunk into the units very flesh. The boy gasped as this happened. The other three were in turn attached and then a short thick chain was attached to the round link showing on the outside surface of the shackle. This chain was pulled upwards and outward and affixed permanently to the frame. The unit could wiggle and move his arm a few inches in different directions but that was all. Next his ankles were likewise affixed upwards and outwards. Again some movement was allowed, perhaps even more than with his arms, but that the unit was permanently affixed to the frame was obvious. All during this time the unit was moaning silently but offering little resistance. My own underwear was soaked by pre-cum and I felt just about to explode.
Dogood continued. "The instillation is essentially complete gentlemen. This unit will never again be anything but a toy used exclusively for the sexual gratification of its owner's customers.
The unit was wheeled away and prepared for shipping to its new owners. This was a conglomerate that ran a large vacation resort where almost any pleasure could be had for a price.
"Now that the unit can not hear I want to describe to you its future. With all the modifications that have been performed, it life expectancy is considerably reduced. But we still expect at least 40 or more years of good service from it. What it will not realize until the time comes for its use, almost any contact by its users along the main trunk of its body will proceed to send it into a severe need for sexual release. In crass terms it will be horny. But to such a degree that almost no other thought but sexual release will occupy its thoughts. Of course this can be accomplished only by two methods. One is by being forcibly raped."
"Its penis and testicles have been emplaced within their metal prison. There is a metal tube also inserted well up into its urethra and also several flexible metal rings inside its anal rings. These will activate when someone sits on the seat above its head to defecate into its mouth. If the boy does not wish to cooperate by feeding willingly, his penis, testicles and anus will undergo a series of ever increasing electrical shocks. I assure you that the unit will decide to fulfill its primary function on short order. Likewise, when cooperating by feeding on this meal of feces, the boy will experience a continuous major orgasm, the second method by which this unit can gain release. I assure you that this combination of pain and reward will certainly give its full and avid cooperation. And one more thing. So that the unit will always react as if this is the first time that its is forced to do such things, a chemical during its orgasm will enter its bloodstream and withi n a half hour will wipe out its memory of the entire affair. Every time it is raped or forced to eat someone's shit will be for it a first time experience!
"There have also been a number of enhancements made to the unit physiologically. For example its anal structure has been so upgraded that it will remain tight and forcefully muscular indefinitely. Each rape will seem like a first experience for the unit. And with the automatic erasure of its memory within 30 minutes of a previous sexual episode, will in fact seem to the unit that each rape to be its very first time, so enhancing the users pleasure.
As for those customers who want to experience forcing a full dump into the unit's mouth and throat, the digestive system of the unit has been so upgraded that merely adding a small amount of vitamins and nutrients to the unit's diet at the end of each day will be sufficient to keep the unit in prime condition. Also the unit's tongue has been lengthened so that the unit, which has been so programmed, will be forced to follow a 'feeding' with his pushing his tongue well within the rectum of a client who elects to stay there for awhile after the dump. The electrical device on the unit's penis, testicles, and within its rectum, will assure cooperation from it. The length of its tongue will also be sufficient to reach the clients prostate for additional stimulation. As we speak, the unit is receiving its final instructions. Let us view and listen in."
A large screen now awakened to show a view of the new unit and its owner giving it its final instructions. They will be final since the next day, after the instructions have been put into its long term memory, the unit's brain will be injected with a chemical which will permanently eliminate the ability of its brain for any additional long term memory transfer. The unit will not know this of course. Every awakening will seem to it to be the very first experience it will have had as a sexual pleasure device. The purpose for this is threefold: 1 to maintain the allusion to the customer that he is the first person to so rape or to otherwise use this unit; 2 so that this unit will not suffer a total emotional destruction and thus limit its effectiveness as a sexual pleasure unit, what has happened too much in the past; and 3 so that the unit responds as so conditioned and does not 'learn' anything that could compromise its mission. In fact, it will be incapable of learning anything new ever again.
On the screen was its new owner giving the boy its final instructions. The unit was looking up into the face of the man who purchased it, and who was leaning over its face.
"You are now mine and will be put to good use. You will perform for my customers as requested. Your instructions are quite simple. You cooperate in your use as a toilet. When the person is finished, and you have swallowed everything, then you will proceed to lick his anus clean. If he stays sitting on your face, you will then stick your tongue in to his rectum as far as possible and lick for all your worth."
We could see the unit crying as he feebly tried to move his arms and legs, the only parts of his body he could move at all. Well, he could also lift his bottom up and down a few inches.
The instructions continued. "Now that is simplicity itself. Of course you can choose to disobey. But I would not advise that. This is what you will feel until you start obeying your commands."
There was a sudden wail screaming from the boy as a harsh current passed through his penis, testicles, and asshole for just one second. The boy's limbs kept trembling for many seconds afterwards.
"And that lasted only one second. If you choose to disobey, it will not stop until compliance is obtained. Blink if you understand. The boy started blinking furiously all the while moaning and crying. There was nothing said to the unit about it being allowed continuous orgasm while being fed. We supposed that the unit will soon discover this for itself. Then we saw a large syringe being placed into a temporary port that fed directly into its brain. This chemical will activate in about one day, thereby rendering the unit incapable of forming any further long term memory.
The unit was then packed for shipment.
Perspective of Jim, newly hired computer expert
I returned to the guest lounge, and picked up the advanced hype about this new unit. I finally also read that this unit will remain as an apparent 11 year old for the remainder of its entire life. I had been wondering about that. I was so consumed with lust for this boy or unit that after I made a call to my financial agent to find out about my immediate cash reserves. I then call the resort who would house this uniformity use. I arranged an immediate reservation for a suite at their resort and purchased a few hours of time with unit FBT-1. I was looking forward to watching it flail its limbs as I force my shit down its young throat. And then push my 7 inch cock into its bowels. Just the idea of its total helplessness had me instantly hard. To see its eyes realizing that this now was the entirety of its existence! I spurted just thinking about my use fits body. A body that will never grow up. A body that will never experience the living any real life of its own.
A body totally at the will of its users. A body that will never leave its framework.
Perspective of the 'unit.'
That very next day, I was still somewhat in shock. Strangely I was no longer panicking. And I wondered if that strange doctor guy had realized that he had left the intercom in the room they put me temporarily was on. To keep reliving the same day over and over. Or much more than that, each time someone uses me will seem like the first. At least I finally realized that this was actually better than a remembered lifetime of the exact same day over and over with but minor variation. I guessed that if this were to happen to me then it was better that it was always a first time experience.
I was both frightened but then strangely excited. I had heard what I was going to be forced to do, and strangely I felt something I'd never quite felt before. My penis was very stiff and I had a kind of electric excitement centered around it. I wondered if this was meant by being horny. And for some reason I liked the prospect of guys raping me! Just the idea got me so excited. And to be forced to eat someone's shit! I was both revolted and excited at the same time. But I was sad when I realized that I'd only have another 40 years or so. But if this was all that I'd now have in life I decided to enjoy it. I was so determined never to think about what I will be missing out on. I was looking forward to my first meal of shit. And my first rape!
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