Boytoys, Inc., Part 1

[ M/b, nc, bd, mc ]

by Dirt


Published: 17-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.


Good afternoon gentlemen. My name is Boyton Forbes and I am the planetary representative for BoyToys, Inc. I see we have a good crowd here for unveiling of our new line of BoyToys. As you no doubt have seen in the promotional literature, we are excited to be not only presenting the latest models of our usual lines, but are happy to announce a completely new upgrade on one of our long time standard models, the FSF-12, and two entirely new models, the FTVS-1, and the PFST-1. As you know, with the new revolution in both cybernetics, and in the newest gene-splicing techniques, we are now able to bring you production units that just a generation ago would have been merely someone's wet-dream. For today's presentation allow me to presently the renowned Dr. Maximillian Dogood. Doctor."

A rather young looking man, in good shape and a big smile entered the room. He seemed to have boundless energy and his enthusiasm was quite evident.

"Good afternoon gentleman. As you know there have been profound upgrades in current BoyToy selections over the past decade. However, the three models I will be showing you today would not even have been contemplated 10 years ago. The new gene-splice technology has revolutionized the industry. We are now able not only to give to you serviceable boys that will be able to fulfill your current needs and demands, but these new units will now be able to be kept in productive use for upwards of 50 to 60 years!"

The doctor rightfully was proud of this accomplishment and allowed the buzz to go around the room at such an astonishing pronouncement.

"With the latest technology and drug therapy, we can now hold off the onset of puberty in our new models permanently! This afternoon you will be viewing three models that are currently at the ages of 10, 12, and 14, in physical development, and none of which has been allowed to advance into full puberty nor will they ever. Fifty years from now they will still exhibit the physical ages of 10, 12, and 14, and will have maintained their prepubescent looks."

"I know you are all anxious to see these new units so without any more preamble my assistant will bring in the first, a total remake of an old model, the new unit, the FSF-12!"

From the side door a young black man, totally naked except for a a waist belt onto which were attached an obvious chastity device and the enlarged end of an obviously large butt plug. An indication that this young man was well endowed was that this chastity device was a full 10 inches in length even if the length had to be measured along a 2/3rds circle into which his penis was constrained to assume! There was a metal and leather collar around his neck, and a strap arrangement about his head that fitted a leather pouch over the bottom of his jaw and mouth. It could be supposed, by the way the man's jaw was distended, that within his mouth was a rather large mouth gag. The man also wore a set of shackles on his ankles attached to a set of metal and leather ankle bands. Similar bands encircles his wrists but these were unencumbered for now. The fellow appeared to be a healthy 20 to 25 year old of slim but toned build. It was assumed by all that this "assistant" was also the doctor's slave.

This assistant was leading on a chain leash, a much smaller black boy also almost completely naked. A few remarks expressing delight was elicited from the audience. This new boy was sheer perfection of boy pulchritude. He was slender with only the tiniest hint of musculature beneath, yet there was obviously not an ounce of fat. He too shuffled along as he was apparently hobbled by a stiff clear plastic rod about a foot in length. The boy's arms were trapped somehow behind him, so that he was a bit off balance as he entered. The boy's small testicles hung in a small pendulous sac between his legs and a perfectly proportioned penis stuck straight outward. It was pitch black in color and had a slight helmet shaped glans fronting a 4 inch penis -- quite long for a 10 year old. It was seemingly as rigid as steel. Around the boy's neck was a dull finished metal collar about an inch wide and perhaps a half inch thick. It was tight enough that it rested in the muscles of this boy's neck rather than resting on his collar bones. What was really strange, however, was the entirety of the boy's naked head seemed to be encased within a thin clear plastic or acrylic hood that conformed totally to the boy's face and head. Although it could be seen that the boy's eyes were open, they too, seemed to almost have on goggles as the encasement was total. The boy's mouth, was also being held fully open, and within the opening, part of the same encasement, appeared to be the only opaque portion of the encasement, white in color. The small prepubescent boy had no other adornment, except what appeared to be a small flattened ring of metal encircling his small testicle sac just below his stiffly and almost obscenely protruding penis.

The boy's posture appeared to be very tense and hesitant, as he seemed to scan the audience. His head seemed to turn with a jerky movement, he seemed at the same time trying to move his arms which were apparently held fast behind his back.

"Stand still boy facing these gentlemen. We want them to see you."

The boy was apparently well trained as he instantly quieted his movements and faced the audience. The small whimpering noises that seemed to have been coming from the boy's throat also stopped.

The doctor continued. "Beautiful isn't he? Note that this is a total remake and upgrade of our FSF model 10b. This unit is, as you can see, has been fashioned from a very black Negro boy and now exhibits a physical age of 10 years. However, please note that due to suggestions and numerous requests from our past customers, who wanted a boy capable of understanding more complicated instructions, this boy, when acquired 5 months ago, had a physical age of 12 years, and a mental age of 15. Through new gene splicing techniques, we were able to digress his physical appearance by almost 2 years. Specifics are in the brochure before you. Also note that because of this new ability, we can be much more discriminating when selecting a new recruit. For example, this boy was first determined by brain scan and other determining characteristics to be entirely homosexual in orientation and of an extremely submissive nature. We have found out through the years, that these abiding mental characteristics provide us with units that in the long run provide the best service to our customers."

One potential customer asked question: "Doctor, may we ask exactly where you get your, ahem, recruits?"

"By all means. We have numerous agents throughout the 4 planet federation always on the lookout for potential subjects. This particular boy was one of several boys so far brought to our attention by a certain pediatrician, who shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons, over the past several years from the capital city of Devlon IV. As you well know that particular planet does not even allow consensual pediastery. However, he has been able to secretly test over a thousand prospective boys always on the look out for ones that would suit our particular requirements. Of course we must be careful when we later kidnap these boys that the doctor remains entirely above suspicion. In the case of this unit here, he was kidnapped right out of his home during the night."

The same gentleman wished a further question: "What I am concerned about is this. What if, in some strange circumstance, the boy is asked who he is or where he is from, wouldn't that be able to put many people in jeopardy?"

"A very good question sir." The doctor then faced the boy and asked: "Tell me your name boy? Don't you know it?"

The child seemed to get moisture in his eyes and finally answered with a negative shake.

"I wanted to demonstrate that this boy is totally incapable of leading anyone back to his family or even his home town. Through advanced memory erasure techniques, about which I can divulge only little, this boy's memory of his family member's names, or any other name that connect with his hometown have been erased. Although he still has memory of the people who had been in his life, he can never recall their names."

"Good gentlemen, let us continue." With that the doctor reached down and easily picked the boy up by his waist and placed him sitting on a high bench next to his podium. Immediately the small boy started to twist and turn and moan. There was a small murmuring coming the few gentlemen sitting in the front row.

"Ah, I can see that some of you have noted the small droplets of liquid dripping from the boy's erect penis. I would like to point out that this boy's original testicles have been replaced with the newest SEP units. These sexual enhancement producing units, when the boy is sexually aroused, secrete the very newest enhancement drugs. Also note that now the entire trunk of this boy's body has been made into a erogenous zone. Hence what happened when I touched his slim waist. Only a few drops, and your libido, stamina, and general overall sexual enjoyment will be sharply increased. You will also note that with changes made in the boy's brain, along with chemicals being produced by the boy's own greatly enhanced and enlarged prostate, this boy will forever experience a libido of a minimum 0.6 on the Menchner Scale. For those of you that are not familiar with this technical jargon, that would make this boy about three times as horny as the typical 17 year old when sexually a roused. Please also note that this current unit is also wearing the optional neural stimulator. It is that small band of metal you can see affixed to the boy's scrotum. If you would kindly turn to page 7 of your brochures, you can see by diagram 12 a through d, that there is a small projection of this ring that actually transects the boy's scrotum. This small rod passes through his scrotum and there are fine filaments which penetrate and are annealed to the nerves that previously enervating the boy's testicles. Watch what happens when I touch this remote."

Suddenly the boy gave out a deep throated whine and started dancing from leg to leg. Then the boy started a severe thrusting motion with his groin.

"Stop moving boy." the doctor commanded.

With what seemed to be monumental effort the boy quieted but still kept up a loud whimpering.

"Note gentlemen, that while this neural implant is firing, this boy 's libido will stand at a staggering level of 0.91. Note that this would cause most men (or boys) to immediately start raping the nearest hole. With the boy's recent conditioning to obey all commands, he is only then with great effort able to stand relatively still."

The doctor hit the remote again and a quiet sigh could be heard from the boy's throat and he noticeably relaxed. The boy started to look at his audience again and seemed to be in severe embarrassment. Again he made a futile attempt to move his arms.

The doctor addressed the boy. "Boy, stand still. You know by now that your hands and arms are permanently encased behind you. You will never be able to use them again."

The boy stopped moving and gave out heart rending whimper.

"That brings us gentlemen to describe the specific features of this new enhanced model. Note first of all, the clear bands about his ankles. These bands are an inch wide and appear on the surface to be about ¼ inch thick. However, they are not plastic as you might have guessed, but a revolutionary polymer that will actually bond with a person's body tissue under the right circumstances. Those bands you see extend an additional 1/4 inch into the boys body and there are even additional tendrils that attach to his very bones. Needless to say they are very permanent. Now this rod that is also permanently attached can be used for a number of things. As it is now, about a foot long, it acts as a very effective hobble. Note that it only flexes at his ankles. Now observe what happens when I pull downward."

Immediately the rod grew in length until it was a full 3 ½ feet wide. This of course forced the boy's feet wide apart.

"Note now it is a very effective spreader bar. And again."

The doctor pushed upward and the bar retracted. "The bar can be made to stop at any distance from 1 foot to 3 ½ feet merely by letting go. The bar is permanent. This boy will never walk normally again."

The doctor then turned the boy around and propped up his very cute butt. He then had his assistant wheel over an odd machine with a couple solid state controls and a long wand. Watch the meter when I insert this variable width prong into the boy's rectum. The prong at this time was merely ½ inch thick. The boy let out a small moan upon penetration. Also the boy's rectum could be seen spasming upon the thin rod. If you see the screen you will note that the pressure upon the rod is very consistent with the normal rectum of a small boy of this one's size. However, watch as I press this remote. The reading doubled and then tripled; the small boy seemed to be in his own world and started moaning.

"The boy is showing extreme sexual arousal and even experiencing quite a bit of sexual pleasure himself. That was another observation we have made over the years. In spite of many people thinking that we merely have to train a boy correctly, we still get much better results if the boy enjoys what he is doing. Watch now as I hit his much enhanced prostate."

In seconds the boy started shuddering an emitting a solid moan that gradually reached higher and higher notes. The boy stayed in orgasm for more than a full minute before his passion started to subside. From his small but rigid penis came a small quantity of clear liquid. Just the odor from this gave just about every one in the room their own rigid boners. Those that didn't have one already.

"Note gentlemen that this clear liquid being produced by the boy, as I've said earlier, is a powerful aphrodisiac." The boy was still breathing heavily as the rod was removed from his rectum. The doctor then hit a control on the machine and the once thin rod expanded to a width of a full 2 inches.

"Now watch and observe." With that, the doctor, holding the boy tightly, steadily pushed the now thick rod into the boy's rectum. There was a muffled squeal and the boy tried to escape the deep thrust, but the doctor resolutely held him and easily controlled the situation. The squeal came from deep in the boy's throat that increased in volume as the rod was pushed further and further. The doctor was undeterred by the boy's now heavy struggle and loud muted screams as thrust the rod in and out of the tiny butt hole. Then almost suddenly the boy quieted to a throaty moan and started shuddering again; he even started pushing his rectum onto the rod. This continued for several minutes whereupon the boy's rectum started spasming as the meter indicated.

"Note gentlemen that the boy's rectal grip with his greatly enhanced sphincter muscles will give anybody's penis quite a massage. Now watch as I remove the invading probe."

Quickly the boy started to relax his body but then started whimpering. Then shaking a bit as he looked back and tried in vein to impale himself upon the probe.

"We see the results of the extreme conditioning of this boy and the great enhancement of his sexual need. Also note the action of his small rectum. The person riding his little ass will get the fuck of his life. The rectum of this boy has been greatly strengthened and enhanced to provide all the tight feeling and muscle contractions one could possibly dream for. And it will never slacken off during the many years of service this unit can provide.

There was another question directed at the doctor.

"Doctor, what was happening when the boy seemed to be screaming and trying to escape the probe's penetration?"

"Good question. It just so happens that the particular buyer of this unit wanted this boy to feel the pain involved in thick cock penetration as normal for a little boy. He was feeling up to class two pain. If the boy were not so muffled, the screams would have been heard down the hall. But when the pleasure of his own started, then the boy became a willing participant in his own fucking. Also, as it is shown in your brochures, depending somewhat on the original physical make up of the boy, specific models can be enhanced take up to 3 inches of width without any preparation or any chance of damage."

The passive nature of the boy or unit in question could be seen as the boy was now leaning back into the doctor, seemingly reveling in the tactile contact.

There was another question. "Doctor, I've noticed that throughout, even during his period of intense pain, that the boy has sported a quite rigid boner. Is this normal for this model?"

"Yes it is. The chemistry and glands of this unit will cause and permit this unit to maintain a perpetual erection. Remember that this unit will always be experiencing some substantial measure of sexual need. He will always be ready to be used, either rectally or orally or both. Now let us proceed with the review."

The doctor then told the boy to stand on top of the high bench. He immediately tried to obey but needed the doctor's assistance.

He turned the boy so that his back was to the audience. "Note that the boy's forearms and hands are also encased with his hands forever held in a small fist next to his elbows. and behind his back. This is another measure to maintain complete and utter control of the unit. This clear covering is the same as that of his other bonds. It has fused with his very flesh and is permanent. This boy will NEVER use his hands and arms again. We have also implanted neural stimulators within the arms and hands which, when signaled during the unit's sleep and recovery periods, will maintain proper muscle bulk and tone."

There was an immediate question. "I noticed doctor that the boy occasionally tries to move his hands. Hasn't he been conditioned yet not to do that?"

"Actually that is a good question. It brings me to another subtle but what we think is a more charming response from the boy. What we did was to cause a chemical restriction in that small part of his brain which regulates the conscious regard of modesty. We stopped his brain from ever putting information of his nudity in front of others into long term memory storage. Remember when a teen, perhaps you had a dream of suddenly finding yourself in front of say your entire classroom, stark naked. That dream is a reality for this small boy, and further this condition will never change! His reaction is sometimes so strong that he tries to cover himself up in spite of 'knowing' that he can't."

There weren't few titters throughout the room. The doctor again turned the boy to the front.

"Next note the perfectly formed penis. This can give certain users hours of pleasure in sucking if they so desire. The skin and tissue has been so enhanced to be incapable of skin breakdown or chaffing. Also the unit will respond accordingly with near continuous orgasms that the aphrodisiac produced by the boy's scrotum will continue to drip out. Next we come to the boy's nipples. These will be a source of greater stimulation for the boy, but considering that his entire body trunk is now a erogenous zone, you might not see a significant difference in response. At the neck we see a small metal collar. Its dimensions are given in your brochure on page 26. This is much more than a standard collar. Inside is a powerfully discriminating computer that regulates all sensory input that the boy receives. When the boy first started into this room he had to be led since the only sensory information he was receiving was the sight of my assistant who was leading him. Note the clear head covering. This covers eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. It is bonded permanently onto the boy's hairless skull and face. He head is forever encased within. In conjunction with a small brain implant, this covering, and the computer in the unit's collar, ONLY sensory input that is sexually stimulating to the unit will register in his brain. This is a vast improvement from older models of this same type. Neurologically, a person's brain takes at least a fourteenth of second before any sensory information registers in conscious thought. This processor notes the unit's reaction to any stimulus, decides if the boy's response is sexual, and if not, stops the sensory input from registering consciously by means of the brain implant. So folks. With the exception of direct commands, this unit will ONLY experience sensory input that elect's a sexual response. This will allow this unit to function at a consistently much higher level and respond without unfortunate interruptions."

This brought a large murmuring response from the audience. On person finally asked the question that was on many people's minds.

"Doctor, you mean to say that this boy will never again have any experiences that are not sexual in nature?"

"Almost but not quite sir. All commands will be recognized even if not of a sexual nature. Also we are speaking of conscious regard. Those experiences which are neurologically reflexive will also register, such as pain if he is struck, or touch if he is touched, and so on."

"Doctor, what about the boy's conditioning? He seems quite willing to obey."

"Right you are. His conditioning, except for what I've already explained, consisted of nothing more than teaching him his trade so to speak. How to suck and fuck to put it crudely. The boy, however, before any commands were given, was fitted with a brain implant which monitors his response to commands. As soon as he consciously becomes aware of a command, with some necessary exceptions, he will immediately start to feel increasing measures of pure pain until he complies. The result is as you see. He instantly obeys MOST commands. The implant was also made to differentiate commands that would cause the boy physical harm and those are the exception. For example if one were to command the boy to sit onto a burning fire he is free to refuse."

"Doctor, can you explain a bit more about this new facial encasement as you described it. It looks like the boy's mouth is plugged or something."

"You note correctly. First the eyes. The lenses allow free eye movement, but no passage of anything through the covering. The ears are covered, along with the nose. Note that small interior tubes, not apparent unless you peer quite closely, exit the mask only at the back of the neck. This allows the boy to continue breathing even if someone sits on his face. Also these tubes extend all the way into the boy's trachea. Thus no mater what is shoved down his throat, which can accommodate penises up to 10 inches in length and 2 ¼ inches in girth, he will still be able to breathe. By the way all his teeth have been removed also. There is also a new energy restrictive field at present at all times within the boy's mouth and covering it. For the boy, unless something disrupts it, it will seem that he is forever gagged and quite profoundly. Within his mouth his tongue is held frozen, except for a minor movement to allow him to swallow occasionally. But what this shield do es do is make it impossible for anything to enter his mouth except the following. Any penis of course will gain instant entrance. The boy is conditioned to suck proficiently. The only other item than can gain entrance is the boy's feeding tube.

"Doctor, that is the one thing you haven't talked about. What is needed to take proper care of the boy. And exactly how to feed him."

"Each unit comes with complete care instructions, and an automatic feeder. The boy's needs are simple. Let me have my assistant bring in the care unit."

A few minutes later the doctor's slave assistant brought in what resembled small cabinet on wheels. The upper portion resembled a small casket although it was somewhat deeper and broader. Underneath were several reservoirs and tanks. The entire audience had seen nothing like it before.

"Gentlemen, as you see here this is revolution in specific BoyToy care. Each time the unit needs its normal daily sleep and care period, six hours will usually suffice, this mechanism here will save an enormous number of man hours. The instruction booklet is complete and need not be detailed here. All you need to do is place the boy unit into this top chamber, and hook him up. It is that simple. This tube here is placed into the boy's mouth. This small slender socket will fit over the boy's penis and adhere to it until this indentation is touched allowing it to detach. When attached, a small catheter will insert itself into the boy's urethra to make sure all urine is totally removed. This plug is like wise inserted into the unit's rectum, and again removes all feces. Not only will the mouth and rectal probes act as stated but will clean and freshen the respective holes to make them ready for the next day's use. Note there is a hollowed out groove here so that the boy's arms will comfortably be accommodated. As the unit's head is fitted snugly into its cradle, a source of air is automatically hooked up to the end of its breathing tube. Further, the lens portion of the head covering, although pretty impervious, is checked for any scaring and repairs if required. When this lid is closed, sensors within the tubes and probes will determine exactly what the nutritional needs are and deliver them. Also a refreshing bath will also commence. All items within are of course water proof. This will be the unit's life. Easy care during it's rest period, and all the sucking and fucking you could ever want during its use cycle.

The boy on the bench started shaking upon this pronouncement. One observant fellow wondered and asked: "Doctor. The boy evidently heard that last statement. You said that only sensory input that elect's a sexual cognitive response can be heard."

"So right you are. A fascinating boy, don't you think?"

The boy, not unintelligent, was now fully realizing just what his future bode for him and started to cry. Sobs wracked his thin frame. To forever and only be an object of sexual gratification for other men. His only consolation was that he at least enjoyed the sexual episodes. And even the fact that he was so 'used' was even strangely stimulating. He decided to try to make the best of it. He had no other choice anyway.

The doctor had the unit escorted away. "We must allow this unit to be processed for shipment. It will be delivered to its new owners, Boys for Pleasure, Inc. They have just opened their new vacation facility on Tringus III. I have been informed that this unit will be required to service clients continuously 16 hours a day for the remainder of its life. At all other times it will be resting in its service module.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.