Published: 15-Apr-2012
Word Count:
It was the next day when Brian and Chris were again talking about their experiences. Doc 'Rogers' had seemed quite pleased so for at the progress that Brian had made but knew that much more needed to be done. Especially about the 'guilt' that the poor boy had bound up all inside him.
Brain turned to Chris whom he had released from his last hold.
"But what the hardest thing to cope with is that fact that I GAVE UP! Chris. What you don't understand was that I COMPLETELY GAVE UP! I was down in that hole, totally helpless in all that concrete and I really fast realized that there was NOTHING I COULD DO! I thought I would be there forever. And I totally gave up. It was too painful to even try to cope. I had only one thing. I could entertain selfish thoughts of sex and that Yi had at least let me have that. I totally surrendered myself to it. I suspect that I had an orgasm several times an hour for hours on end. Even in my sleep I had wet dream after wet dream. And he had done something to my sex. My orgasms were something out of this world. It was too easy to just give in and let me be overtaken by constant thoughts of sex. There was nothing else."
"You seem to be distressed by this. But you really had no choice. Anybody easeful have done the same thing."
But suddenly Brian, in great anguish, cried: "But NOT like I did! I'm SO SORRY!"
The psychiatrist came over and gave Brian a shot to help quiet him down. He had started shouting and thrashing about. Chris realized that he really felt distressed or guilty about something that he thought so shameful. He tried to get Brain to talk about it but was unsuccessful.
Over the next couple days, both boys seemed to improve and even started enjoying their time together. They had even improved enough physically, even Brian that they had taken a few strolls around the island's gorgeous beach. Yi's body had been discretely taken care of and there were at least a hundred workmen, previously contracted by Yi building the boy's a new house that did not have any of their old bad memories.
It was three days before Brian finally directly started answering Chris' questions about what plans they could make and especially about maybe even returning to the USA. One thing, however, that Chris most fretted about, was Brain's apparent total refusal to have anything more intimate between them than an occasional strong hug. And Chris realized that now without Yi he NEEDED someone badly. And his feelings for Brian had blossomed again. Chris was even crying at night thinking that he so needed someone to love him and take care of him. He kept wishing Brian could fulfill that role.
Unbeknownst to Chris was Brian's misery in the thoughts he had been entertaining in his sexual fantasies about his friend Chris. And it made him feel so guilty and perverted. But he couldn't help himself. Not after entertaining these fantasies for months -- months where memories and fantasies kept him at least part way sane.
Finally it came to a head during one of the sessions set up by the psychiatrist.
"Now Brian." Doc 'Roger' insisted. "YOU are the victim! You have nothing to feel guilty about."
Brian suddenly started to cry and exclaimed: "But don't you understand? I became the monster I so hated!"
Now he had Chris truly puzzled.
"But Brian, you're not a monster and nothing like Yi at all. You care about people. I can see it."
"But I did the same thing to you that Yi did. I made you my personal slave. And did all kinds of perverted things to you! And I ENJOYED IT! I can never be forgiven. I can never forgive myself!"
It took the doctor a few questions to even start to understand what Brian was talking about. Brian finally got himself under control and almost cold bloodedly started to explain.
"When I was buried down in that hole I had only one thing to do. And that was to fantasize about sex. Sometimes I could not distinguish even from conscious thought and my dreams. They seemed to merge. And Yi had it all set up. There, 5 inches from my eyes was this small projection in amazing detail fall these different sex movies. And the sound was in my ears. I couldn't ignore them even if I had wanted to. And I needed them. It was all I had. And I started identifying with the guy in the movies."
Chris interrupted.
"So what. Everyone else would have done exactly the same thing."
"NO! YOU STILL DON'T UNDERSSTAND! All the movies were about some guy enslaving some poor boy and doing horrible things to the boy. And making the boy do all kinds of perverted things. And . . ."
Again Chris interrupted: "So what? It don't matter now."
Brian looked at Chris and with tears stated almost too calmly: "But don't you see Chris? In my fantasies I became the guy doing all those terrible things. And you were my slave."
Chris for a second didn't quite comprehend what he had heard and then gasped. "I was your slave?"
"Yes! And I know you can never forgive me."
Chris finally realized the full meaning of what Brian had confessed to. At first he was appalled. But then strangely he wasn't In fact he felt this strange feeling come over him.
He reached over to his friend and pulled him into a big hug.
"There's still nothing to be forgiven for. They were FANTASIES. Would you really do those things to me?"
"No. But you can't understand. I STILL WANT TO!"
Chris then had a weird thought. He also wanted Brian to be his new master! He NEEDED Brian to enslave him. He decided that he would literally give himself completely to his friend. And this time it would be out of love. Well, and his own needs too. He realized that Yi was able to enslave him because deep down he craved that kind of life. But how could he tell Brian this? So that Brian could understand. He took a chance.
"And I also want you to!"
"Want me to do what?"
"To be my master."
Brian looked at his good friend whom he had always had feelings of love for. And that was another reason why he now felt so guilty.
"I don't understand. And how can you say it doesn't matter?"
"Brian. Would you do all those things to me he ay you fantasized?"
Brain was horrified by the thought. "Of course not!"
"So you see. You are not like those people in those movies. You are NOT like Yi. Not at all." And Chris realized that for the first time in many months he did not think of Yi as his master.
"But Chris. It's not that simple. I have these thoughts. And I STILL have them."
"And I'm glad. Because I have similar thoughts right now."
Brain looked at his friend as if he just grew another penis from his nose. What do you mean similar thoughts? And what you said before. You want me to do what?"
"Brain, why do you suppose that out of all the boys Yi could have had, he picked me?"
"I don't know. I supposed it was because you were so cute looking and were Chinese. And I can't believe that you still look the same after almost two years!"
"What you don't know is that Yi chose me partly because I also had my own fantasies. But mine were exactly the opposite. I fantasized about BEING a slave. And having all those terrible things done to me! Now I have to admit fantasy and reality are two very different things, but at least part of the reality was even better than the fantasy. The sex we had was amazing. It is the one of the things I already regret not having. The problem was that was almost ALL Yi allowed for me."
Brian was perplexed. "But how could you want that?"
"Brain what I want may not be possible. But what I fantasize about is being a sex slave of someone who really loves me. No, I think that's not quite right. What I'd like is to be someone's COMPLETE slave for life. But I also need to have something more. I would need to be able to share in other things of that person's life. To be a part of something important aside from our slave/master relationship."
"You mean you WANT to be a REAL slave?"
"Yes. And I'd like you to be my master."
Brian was stunned. They talked about this for quite some time while each started to have hope that maybe, just maybe, it could work.
"And Brian, exactly what things did you do to me in your fantasies?"
Chris got so hard and excited by quite a lot of the things he heard. He wasn't so sure about some of the torture stuff but maybe he'd would do it just to please his master. Besides, just the idea of it being FORCED on him got him so excited! Even without all the drugs that Yi had finally stopped forcing into him.
Then Brian started asking about all the things Yi had done to Chris. And Brain was amazed. He had not even imagined some of these things. But now he heard of them he got so excited about trying them out on Chris-- whom he started thinking almost as his slave for real.
Over the next couple of weeks the two boys discussed just what they would like in a possible master/slave relationship and they finally agreed to try it out. They had even raided Yi's lab and home for a lot of the bondage things he'd used on Chris.
"Ok Chris, where is this special really great bondage bag Yi put you in a few times?'
For some reason the pain I felt as the surges were gong through me only made me content. Well not then. All I could think about then was the pain. But immediately after. I guess I was so in love with my new master that I gladly submitted to whatever he wanted. Then a strong series of jolts hit my butt and penis that I couldn't help crying and shouting for my master to stop. Pain HURTS. Of course not only could I NOT make these thoughts even coherent in my own mind until the specific jolt was over with momentarily, I had to not ability to actually make myself understood with the severe gag in my mouth. The sex afterwards, especially with those tingling points dancing around my whole body, was amazing. And so much better with the penis of the master who truly loved me ramming into my mouth and throat. I couldn't believe it but it was even bigger than Yi's. I had trouble accommodating it. But I did. I had no choice of course. I was the slave after all.
The next day, even while my new master was busy sticking needles into my body which was stretched in an upright rigid frame by ankles, thighs, waist, upper arms and wrists. My neck and head were free even of any gag. My master wanted to hear my screams. After my last scream which was solicited by his piercing my penis with its third needle. Even though Yi set of acupuncture needles were quite thin they still hurt so much going through my penis. It was quite difficult to comprehend what my master suddenly asked. Finally he got through the miasma of pain that surrounded me.
"You still haven't said. Is this Ok with you? Or was last night or is now too much?"
I could see the sincere concern on my master's face. And in spite of wanting the pain to STOP, I realized that more I wanted to make my master happy. "You are the master. I must submit to you."
The sex after the torture session was even better than with Yi if that were possible. I realized that it was because we really cared for each other. I really liked the feeling total forced submission as he had me bound face down on that weird table with the cutouts for my arms and head. My arms were held downward with my encased hands held fast to the floor. My legs were stretched wide bent over the end of the table. I was totally helpless and I reveled in the feeling. And even didn't mind too much when my master hit my butt with some kind of flexible paddle. Wow did that sting. And it went on so long that for a while all I could think about was the pain. I was crying uncontrollably when it suddenly stopped. But it was all worth it. My master used my butt hole for its main purpose. All 11 black inches of purpose. I loved the feeling as he plowed my rectum with ever increasing intensity. I suddenly had my own orgasm and as my muscles involuntarily contracted about my masters monster penis, I could feel his own spasms.
And we DID eventually compromise on the torture. Brian liked hurting me for the sake of using it to turn him on, but at the same time he really didn't want to harm me. So the torture would stay relatively mild. (If calling what had already been done tome mild). And I was even surprised when I even experienced a few orgasms while being consumed by the pain inflicted during some of out later torture sessions. Wasn't THAT weird!
But unfortunately it was a few weeks into their 'experimental' relationship, when Chris realized that he wasn't quite satisfied by their relationship. And he couldn't quite understand just why until one day Brain asked him a question.
"So slave boy. How about some real intense bondage? Want to try that box thing?"
Suddenly Chris realized exactly what was the matter. Slavery had to be more than a game. It had to be very real.
"Master, the slave doesn't decide these things. He just obeys."
Brain looked at his beloved slave boy and wondered at his slave's lack of answer.
"But I was just wondering what you would really like to do."
"Master. If you want to know than the slave must answer. I would really enjoy being put into that box. Especially because you were forcing me inside. But the master nonetheless still DECIDES what will happen. The slave can only obey. No matter what his master decides."
"But what if you can't stand what I'm doing to you? What if I start torturing you and you can't take anymore?"
"Master. I realize that you truly love me. And therefore I trust you. But it is the master that makes all these decisions. And he makes sure that the slave has NO POSSIBLE WAY TO RESIST. The slave is just that. A slave -- forever."
Chris was starting to cry he was getting so emotional. And Brian realized that this was a very crucial time in their relationship. And made a hard decision. But one that he truly realized that his slave wanted. Or perhaps needed. And it even gave him an additional thrill. He decided that he was going to make Chris a REAL slave. A thing that he really had not been doing. And fortunately Brian was intelligent enough to realize that being a true master not only was a real sexual turn on, but being a REAL slave was what Chris needed to be. So be it.
"Boy come here."
Chris obeyed with alacrity and a smile.
"Yes master."
Brian, having nothing else at hand, pulled out his belt and gave his slave a very hard stroke across his naked flank. Chris yelled. He had not in the slightest, however, tried to move out of the way of the belt. He wasn't quite sure just why he had so displeased his master. But the master would tell him when he needed to know.
"Boy, I do not recall giving you permission to speak. And I have also decided that I might try out some of Yi's acupuncture needles. I was wondering the other day just how much I could get you to scream if placed in certain spots. Of course I will need you in strict bondage when I do this. And if you don't fully co-operate I can always put you in one of your old chastity devices."
Their love making that night reached new highs for both of them. Even if Chris was a bit hurting from the two hours of torture he had undergone.
The next day, Brian had his slave on a leash. And started giving his slave boy the new list of rules he had drawn up while his slave had been held in a small cage which he had his slave help him carry into the master bedroom (pun intended).
Over the next week the regimen got very severe. And Chris soon realized that Brian was becoming an even harsher master that Yi had been. But his love for his master made all things easy. And their sex was fantastic.
And there was that very quirkiness to his master's orders that really appealed to him. One night, he was bound to a chair -- a very comfortable chair -- and Brian brought out lavish meal. Even three types of wine. (He must have been on the internet again). They enjoyed great dinner and 'retired' to the master bedroom where his master said he had a little surprise. He saw what looked like an ordinary pole running down the middle of the exceptionally large bed and affixed at both ends. It could only turn on its axis. On closer inspection it could be seen that the narrow pole was well padded and had a couple leather mitts near the top and strange leather stirrup near the bottom. Brian commanded his slave to lie on the bed and not resist. He complied; his severely rigid pole of his own leading him by a number of hard inches.
His master then forced his left hand into one of the mittens and laced it closed. He then put his slave's foot into the soft leather stirrup and laced it also closed. The he hit remote and Chris could feel himself being stretched. His left hand and left foot were being pulled apart forcing his body into a relatively rigid posture. His master stopped before he was too uncomfortable. His master than took the other mitten, which Chris now realized was not actually attached to the pole, and laced it onto his right hand. His master now pulled Chris' right hand up toward onto his right shoulder and with the straps already part of the mitten, affixed his hand in place by bringing one long strap around his entire chest where the end snapped into place onto the mitten itself. Another smaller strap was wrapped around his upper arm and similarly affixed. He sure wasn't going to do any thing with either of his hands tonight he figured. But the whole thing had him immensely aroused. Then his master tied a wide strap around his right ankle and forced his right foot back to near his waist. The ends of this belt neatly encircled his upper right thigh, thus forcing his right foot to stay near his butt.
Then his master took off his own clothes and Chris marveled again at the amazing size of his masters penis and testicles which Yi had 'improved.'
"Now boy, with the increased size of all the butt plugs I've been forcing into your rectum all week, I think you should be ready for my penis at long last."
My master was dismayed after that session more than a week ago when he saw the trickle of blood coming from my butt. I didn't even realize that he had injured me until he brought it to my attention. He seemed more worried than I was. Thankfully the lab had a number of drugs that helped even some antibiotics. Fortunately the labels were mostly in English.
Chris knew he would feel some pain regardless; Brian's penis was bigger than even Yi's. But he was mesmerized by the pitch black color and the beauty of its form. And the huge dangling testicles. Right now he wanted that huge pole forced into his rectum. He got his wish. And was grateful that this time his master entered him slowly, making sure he could get used to the invader. And he didn't mind in the slightest that his coming without permission would earn him punishment the next morning. He was now living in the present. Something he learned to do all the time with Yi. Their lovemaking that night was amazing. And again that morning it was even more amazing even if less physical. His master had released him from the pole sometime during the night and he awoke the next morning perhaps even more in bondage with all his limbs entwined around his master.
His master had finally turned him out of the bed and after attaching minimal restraints on his ankles and wrist commanded him to fix them both breakfast.
And it was over breakfast that his master dropped a small bomb.
"Boy, for coming without permission last night, you will get twenty strokes with the heavy strap."
Chris visible gulped but was thankful it wasn't the heavy flogger.
And then a medium sized bomb.
"I have also decided boy, that you will be going back to school. In fact we both will. It will be using the internet for a short while, but then at some college in the States. I was looking through Yi's notes last week and realized that he had a whole host of research projects going on. In fact a couple were already completed. One drug I found he was all ready to use on you. I will tell you about it in a bit. You have my permission to speak."
"Master, what will you be having me do?"
"Actually both of us. We will both need a higher degree in bio-chemical research. Some of the things Yi was working on, especially the end, would be real help to a lot of people. It would be a shame to completely abandon them. And I will probably even reopen this lab and even higher outside researchers. I have the money now."
And then the large bomb.
"I will also be needing your signature on a few legal documents today. A couple people will be here today and I will need you in clothes for the occasion. Since slaves don't own anything, you will be signing over to me the your half of the 769 million dollars Yi left us."
"Master, . . .what do you want me to wear. And I will also need to know what name Yi used for me in his trust documents."
We both smiled at each other at my choice of answer.
Then the atom bomb was dropped.
"Of course I will need something that will ensure you complete obedience in the future, especially when you will be on your own so much when we visit the States."
"Master, I assure you that I will always obey you."
"Oh I do know this boy. But this is more for the psychological effect. For you to know that you will ALWAYS be necessarily forced into complete servitude, without redress. So that even I couldn't change your status."
Now my master had me mystified and not a little worried.
"Master, you can hardly force me to stay chained up while I am going to school. Although the image has me both amused and aroused."
"Nothing that overt boy. Something much more subtle but a binding just as sure. It was that last thing that Yi had perfected. That drug said he was going to use on you. I've been reading his notes; thankfully they were in English. It will involve a series of injections, twice a day over the course of the next two weeks. Immediately following the ingestion of my cum."
"But what would this all do?"
"It seems that with the regimen of shots, followed by consuming my cum, that after a couple weeks you will have a need to feed on my cum." My mind boggled at the thought of what this meant.
"Don't worry. I intend to feed you very well."
My master smiled at the implied joke. I was still a bit worried but my penis thought it a marvelous idea. But then I was still wondering what this would all lead to.
"Master, but the what? After this two week time? About the injections I mean"
"Then the injections will no longer be necessary. Just my cum. It seems that by the end of this period you will be hopelessly addicted."
I blanched again at the implication.
"Master .. . Ah how often would I need then to . . .ah ingest your cum to stave off any withdrawal symptoms?"
"Well, according to Yi's notes, you would start feeling a bit uncomfortable at the 20 hour mark. At two days you would be begging me for a 'fix.' At three days you almost kill anything in your way to get it. It seems that no method of gradual withdraw will be possible. Yi noted that the mental distress of withdrawal was about 4 times worse, and five times longer, than with heroin."
My god I was stunned. By both the full ramifications of the heinous nature of this drug, And also by my master's actual willingness to use it.
"Of course because of the terrible nature of this drug. I will not demand that you actually go through with this thing."
I was finally relieved. Not so much because of the nature of the addiction, but much more so from what its forced use on me said about the character of my master. Of course then I was wondering why my master even brought the whole subject up and then finally realized exactly why. And I went pale again. Of course my penis was treacherously rigid -- that traitor. My master said not another word. He just brought me over to the padded table and strapped me down. And proceeded to administer 25 very hard swipes of the wide strap over most of the front of my body. I was quite in gasping tears at the end, begging him to please quit. Of course neither of us really expected that any plea for him to quit would be efficacious. And there was a very perverse part of me that was glad about that.
Of course any conscious thought about anything other then the pain I was feeling and the strap hitting me was nearly impossible, however some part of my mind must have been doing just that because after the punishment, I had made up my mind about something else.
Since my master had not retracted his permission to speak I addressed my master.
My master looked at me and smiled. I wondered if he could read my mind. "Yes boy?" He was in the process of laving my welts with lidocaine. My master believed that a punishment should not continue for too long after it was administered. I didn't put up any fight to stop him.
"Master, about those shots and the forced addiction. This slave would bow to his master's decision in this regard."
The shots started that night. My master stopped the shots two weeks later and by that time I was fully addicted. My master tested it out. At the 14 hour mark I was starting to feel just a bit anxious. At the thirty hour mark I was in great need. At the 33 hour mark I started begging for relief in spite of knowing that speaking without permission would garner me a punishment. He stopped the experiment at that time. I swallowed his cum as fast as possible. Relief still unfortunately was a good hour away. My master praised my bravery and then put me in severely restrictive bondage. And then proceeded to give me five so very exquisite orgasms over the next several hours. He used some of Yi's drugs in bringing me to some new heights. I had an amazingly considerate master.
It was the very next day that had us both laughing hysterically. I had never thought possible that one day I would feel so utterly weird wearing clothes that entirely covered your body. Just go without clothes for a couple years and you'd see.
My master insisted that I call him Brian for that day. (It seemed that our master/slave relationship had been evolving a bit also over the past weeks).
"Look boy, there are times when I want my companion Chris with me and not my slave-boy. You will just have to learn the distinction, and realize that even Chris is still my slave. Now just do it! Slave!"
"Yes. . . Brian." I even considered disobeying just to see what my master would do, but suddenly at the last second realized that this was definitely not the time for playing around. And of course I realized that I too needed this level of camaraderie. As I remarked to Yi a number of times, I needed to be more than a fuck-toy. And I realized that Brian needed more also.
So anyway, for most of this day we enjoyed being just Chris and Brian. It was especially nice after the so emotional day we had the day before. Suffering through withdraw and everything. And especially difficult for me was the psychological toll that was taken when for the first time I was so utterly aware of the ramifications of my new addition to my master's cum. And I think that this also fed my need for submission and helped fuel my amazing orgasms that night. (Maybe I needed to become a psychiatrist to try to figure out just how strange we really were in our sexual needs and desires). But I decided instead to just enjoy the moment and the day. Life was indeed good, if not normal.
Brain was wondering if he had done the right thing. In fact he was worried about a lot of what he was doing. And forcing his slave to do. But on the other hand, his slave 'needed' to be a real slave, (whatever that was). He was staring to realize that being a 'master' was certainly a lot more complicated than he had envisioned. In his fantasies, he allowed himself to go as far as he felt like at the time. But now that was neither practical nor even wanted. He didn't feel especially guilty about the money. He knew that the money was still for them both. He couldn't envision a future without Chris. (Or his slave). But he wanted and needed BOTH! So he decided that today would be complete (well almost complete) Brian/Chris day. And he WAS the master after all so he decreed it.
He was also determined to sound out Chris on all he was doing and planning. After all (that phrase again) he wanted a HAPPY slave, not just an obedient one. Of course he had to admit he really got a sexual boost by having such total control over someone. But didn't Chris get the same boost so to speak from being so totally submissive? One thing for sure, however, he was going to discuss this all with his slave.
He began trying to bring up this topic several times during the day and failed. It was during lunch, with Chris serving almost automatically, when he finally asked right out: "Chris I need to know how you feel about all the things I've decided for us. And I said this was a fun day. I can serve the food too you know."
"Yes master. I mean Chris."
"OK slave, what was I supposed to hear in your last remark?"
"Look Brian, I LIKE serving you! I truly LIKE that role. And from what I can see, you definitely LIKE being served. So how come you're getting all uptight about my being who I am? Namely YOUR slave. Please note. I LIKE being your slave. Especially since I know that you love me and I know that I can trust you. Now how about relaxing and letting us both be what our natures seem to be telling us to be."
Brian was considerably relieved. And he did realized that he LIKED being master over someone. But he still had a misgiving or two about exactly what he had been doing.
"Chris, I want you to sit down and talk with me. For one thing I want you to tell me just what you think about my addicting you to my cum."
Chris realized that he needed to be serious.
"Brian, at first I was appalled at the idea. But then I realized that wow, I wanted to FEEL like a slave. An honest to goodness real slave. Not just a sometimes acting part, and not a sometimes game. And definitely it is much more than sex, although that is a big part. And I REALLY like you controlling me. The bondage part I really like but not all the time like Yi did. But right now in fact I'd feel better if you would keep me on a leash. But you are the master. But see. This addiction is also a powerful leash. It gives me a sense of being totally in your control. The more I think about the whole thing the more I really like it. Even if the ramifications scare me a little."
"Good. That relives me a whole lot. But how about all the rest? School and all? And going to the States?"
"Brian, you worry too much. One thing I learned with Yi was to enjoy the moment. You need to learn that too. So what if one or more of your decisions aren't exactly to my liking. I wouldn't enjoy being a slave if I worried about such trivial things. And yes to me they are trivial. My need is to serve you and to enjoy being with you. Whatever you choose to do. And choose to have me do. Just take me with you is all I would like. I have some any other benefits besides. I don't have to worry about what to decide to do. I just await my master's orders. And please don't be afraid to be the master. And to give you an example. I really am NOT a masochist. I do not get off on pain. However, I am perfectly willing to let you torture me so long as I can stand it. I know you enjoy it and I love you enough, that I enjoy YOUR enjoying it. I know that may sound like gibberish, but it's the best I can put it."
Brian stood and embraced his slave with tears in his eyes. "Thank you Chris. I love you."
"Look Brian, you're supposed to ENJOY being the master. So enjoy it and stop worrying so much. But I also love you for worrying just the same. It tells me you really do love me."
"Thank you slave boy. I think I will take your advice."
"Thank you master. And just always remember. I AM your slave. So just let me be that -- your slave."
They sat back down and Brian watched a small smile creep onto Chris' face. And he perhaps even knew what it was all about. But damned if he were going to ask. Of course he was even more satisfied in his decision to discipline his slave that evening for telling his master what to do. He would think on it. But it will be something really special.
Then Brian brought up another topic that he felt he must. Even if it was disagreeable.
Chris, I was even thinking of visiting my parents when we get to the states. I'm reveling in the image of them when they realize that their 'perverted' son was now wealthy. And maybe even regret how terrible they made my life when they discovered that their son was gay. And I want you with me."
Chris froze. He had been deliberately NOT thought very much about his own parents since his abduction. He knew that his step-mom was most likely relieved Nott have him around anymore. Even his Dad hated that he was gay and he too was most likely happen when he 'found out' that Chris had "run-away-from-home."
"Your will will be obeyed master," Chris said formally.
Brian understood what Chris must really have been thinking about. His own parents. "How about your parents Chris? You think maybe we should also visit them?"
"Only if you direct me master. I will do whatever you ask. Even this."
Brain could not decide. He only would force his slave to have this encounter if he felt it served some good. He would have to think on it. Chris had once mentioned that strange doctor who had first attended him when first kidnapped. Chris had even mentioned that he 'almost' liked the idea that the doctor had proposed -- to go home with him. What the doctor had in mind was had been quite obvious. Unknown to Chris, Brian had inquired about the people who had him kidnapped. Yi had a lot of incriminating stuff in his computer files which had been released from his security codes. Brian made sure that this information found its way to certain authorities and police forces. Much of the ring had been subsequently arrested. It took a little time, and a little more money, but Brian had even discovered Dr. Galloway's name and address. And out of his slave's slight regard for the man he had so far refrained of revealing him to the police.
Then Brian had a totally perverse idea. But it would have to wait. More important things first.
Twenty minutes later, a small plane landed on the water and tied off on the dock. One of the new servitors and all around helpers he had recently hired tied off the craft and led the four men to him and Chris.
Introductions were made all around. And Chris even played the 'game' and it was he who asked the employee to get the refreshments that had been prepared. The native boy, no more than 10 scurried away. Brian liked the movement of the boy's buns they moved in his tight shorts. The boy had been found in nearby orphanage and was quite happy with his new home and new duties. He was told that this place was going to be his home and that there would be soon another real family living there to take care of the place when his current employers were away. They were quite strange and acted weird. But he didn't care. He was so happy to be out of that horrible place where he was picked on all the time. And he was treated so well. he even had his own room and even his own computer. Only rich kids had those. And that strange teen, Chris, insisted on serving HIM. Like HE was the servant. That was Ok, they were both so nice. And he could do mostly what he wanted. It was mostly when other people were on the island when he had to do stuff like now. He hoped he remembered what the cognac bottle looked like.
He was also looking forward to seeing his new 'family.' He couldn't ever remember having real parents. He was also told that he would even have a couple brothers and sisters, and a grand-pop. He had been a little scared but no more after he had spoken with them and even seen them over that computer screen. He did not even know that was possible until he saw it with his own eyes. And the oldest boy was about his age and he even liked him right away. They had all kinds of plans for when they finally got together.
The little boy served all the drinks and then the other refreshments that they called by a strange name -- 'can-of-peas.' Then he went back to the swimming pool. He was told that he'd not be needed 'til later. He felt a strange thrill whenever he got near that Brian guy. The bulge in his pants was enormous. The boy fantasized about what they look like uncovered. His own small penis seemed to get so stiff lately without almost no prompting. And while he was in the pool he did what that older boy showed him. And soon he got that amazing feeling in his groin. While he was doing it he started thinking about that boy he had formulated so many plans with. And he wondered.
Back out on the veranda, some less serious things were unfolding. After all the preliminary details were out of the way, the lawyer that was representing Chris seemed really annoyed. And expressed his annoyance.
"Ok let's stop all the rubbish." (For a resident of Hong Kong, this was tantamount to rudeness). "I must inform my client. Mr. Chris Wong, if that is your real name, I do not like this one bit. I have this nagging feeling that you are being coerced. And now that I see you I am wondering if you are even old enough to enter into this legal transfer at all. You surely do not look to be 18 as you claim to be. Why would anyone in their right mind willingly turn over to some one else all control of 387 million dollars?"
Chris commented: "387 million? Oh, it must have grown a bit."
It took some ingenuity, and some cash, and someone's craft at forgery, but Chris now had a good 'copy' of his High School ID card with picture. He also had a copy (a real one this time) of his birth certificate. And Mayaysian ID. An even Mayaysian passport. Also real, even if purchased.
It was Brian who answered. He was intelligent enough to realize that this was merely a ploy. And one that he and Chris had anticipated. Mr. Yew, the attorney, was probably interested in their background and if their apparent ownership or control of such vast wealth was indeed legal.
"Mr. Yew. Chris does indeed have a valid ID. But to make it even more certain I have a copy of his Sophomore High School year book with not only his picture, but also mine. We also have his High School ID that just happens also to have a photo."
These were produced. Two of the other men there were astonished. How could two apparently impoverished boys from thousands of miles away have wound up in possession of such a fortune? These two were Brian's lawyer and the bank manage that administered the trust and the deed to the very island on which they stood (or rather sat).
The forth now spoke up. "That's what we needed to confirm, Mr. Brown." (Brian's last name). He then proceeded to open a large leather brief case and produced quite a collection of affidavits, documents, and reproduced newspaper accounts. "I have documents here, that would indicate that BOTH of you were presumed kidnapped and/or dead."
It was Brian again who answered. "Wow, I've never seen this one about me. But I certainly do remember the accounts about Chris when he went missing."
Chris then grabbed the one about himself and started to read: "Just as I had thought. Nobody really tried all that hard to find me. It says here presumed run-away. See, not a kidnapped victim after-all."
Mr. Yew rejoined: "That is irrelevant. What we need to know is whether or not, you Mr. Wong are indeed a kidnap victim and now under duress to turn over this fortune to Mr. Bryant."
Chris started laughing. Mr. Yew was annoyed. "Look Mr. Yew, let's clear something up right away. I certainly am not under any coercion. Or duress. Or whatever word you want to use. But how can I prove that? Not only was I kidnapped and brought here, but so was Brian. How do you think we got all that money? It just so happens that Dr. Yi had us both kidnapped, but I will steadfastly refuse to say anything more about the affair except to note that Dr. Yi regretted this acts, and in recompense, left us all his inheritance. It staggered us when we found out."
"But the authorities have never been notified. None of this has been dealt with."
Brian answered: "And just why do we need the authorities notified? And of what? We are now free, and our kidnapper is dead. What needs to be dealt with?"
The lawyer seemed to have lost his speaking ability. "Well. . .why....I mean can't surely mean that you don't care about your kidnapping?"
"But Mr. Yew. What would you have us do? And more to the point, why should it matter?"
"But what of this possible coercion of Mr. Wong?"
Chris spoke up. "How can I convince you I am not being coerced? Perhaps I can travel, alone, back with you to Hong Kong and sign the papers there. Would you then believe me?"
"But you how about your parents? And are you being threatened?"
"Mr. Yew, you must know that I had no family that I wish to see. Your investigator here must know that. I would assume that they had been approached and spoken with."
Mt. Yew affirmed this. "They were quite rude and unconcerned that you were still alive."
So it was finally decided that Chris would go back to Hong Kong. The necessary air transport was hired. Just as they were leaving, Brian spoke up.
"Mr. Yew, please make sure that my boyfriend is back promptly tomorrow morning. We have plans to visit Canada to be married." Brian sniggered in this revelation but was surprised when Mr. Yew commented: "I will be glad to accommodate your wishes Mr. Brown. And my own partner will make sure that he is well provided for the time he is with us. Good day."
A week later Chris was riding in a stretch limo which was turning into a small but beautiful estate in the Chestnut area of the city of his birth. His master was being quite mysterious. But even with prompting, that caused him a quite interesting 'punishment,' he could learn nothing. He was even more startled when Brian had him totally naked except for wrist and ankle restraints together with lightweight chains connecting his ankle cuffs, and wrist cuffs. There was also a chain that connected the middle of his short hobbling chain to that of a ring at the very end of the chastity device tightly encasing his penis. This device was quite simple but very effective it consisted of a leather tube that completely entrapped his penis. There was a small hole through which his testicles emerged, and two others at the end that allowed the two ends of his rather large Prince Albert emerge. It was this ring to which that one long chain connected. Every step he took forced his penis to bob up-and-down. His wrist he was forced to keep up near his neck as they were attached to a short chain to his metal collar.
Chris was even more anxious as the vehicle came to a stop and his master pulled on his leash and commanded him to emerge right out in front of the door to a beautiful house. In spite of his now amazing embarrassment he obeyed. He had never felt so 'naked' on his life except maybe when he first was forced to undress all those months ago in that old warehouse. Or maybe the first time he was naked in front of his old master. But this was different. Everyone else was dressed. (Of course he never did see the driver behind that tinted glass ,but he assumed). And this was some stranger's house. Who the hell did his master know in this place? He glared over at his master but said nothing. Just obeyed.
His master rung some chime and very soon, another teenager, perhaps 16 or 17 opened the door. The boy positively gasped when he looked at Chris.
Chris in turn quaked in fright and embarrassment when he realized that he (or at least his condition) had not been expected. But he finally recovered when Brian simply and with seeming NO embarrassment spoke: "Dr. Galloway is expecting us."
Where the hell did he hear that name before. Chris thought it sounded familiar but couldn't quite place it. The startled boy apparently was able to recover and meekly allowed them entry. The limo was already down the end of the drive. Chris hobbled into the house at still quite embarrassed as he was lead on his leash. He was wondering about his master's sanity. He was even enjoying this entire affair.
"Holy shit!"
That came from a man who just entered the living room. Without another word, this man, whom Chris assumed to be the doctoring question, stared at Chris for a moment and then at Brian.
"I never expected. . ."
Then he was quite again. The boy Chris could not believe never said a word. he just stared at the doctor. Who now came over to Chris and started to smile.
"My god, I can hardly believe it!"
He then turned to Brian and said: "Well boy you really had me worried there for a moment. I thought that this was some one's way of informing me that I had been found out and was about to black mail me. May I address your slave?"
What the HELL was going on? I looked at Brian and he had this really goofy grin.
"Definitely. My slave is instructed to answer."
I was reeling in disbelief. How come every body thought that everything was perfectly normal. And that other boy just stood there.
The doctor then addressed the other teen. "Please go up into our room and resume your normal attire."
The boy instantly went up the stairs two at a time.
The strange doctor -- Ok he wasn't strange, but everyone was acting strange. At least I was not so much embarrassed now as confused. What the HELL was going on?
The doctor addressed Brian again: "He is remarkably well disciplined. He hasn't said a word or even moved. Remarkable under the circumstances."
"He had been in training for a couple years but of course has been my slave for only a couple months."
"You're Brian Brown I assume?" There was quite an emphasis on 'Brian.'
"Yes doctor. I thought I'd surprise you. Along with my slave."
I was suddenly starting to realize who this guy was. he was vaguely familiar. But the question became moot very shortly.
"You're Chris. I can't believe that it took me so long to recognize you. Though our moments together were quite short unfortunately, you made quite an impression on me. I SO wanted you for myself."
I was amazed as he finally confirmed just who he was. This was the guy who had kidnapped me! I almost blurted this out and suddenly refrained. I wanted my master to be proud of his slave. But I did smile. And then understood the seemingly strange reactions (or lack there of) by the other teen. He was coming down the stairs totally naked himself except for sporting a wrist and ankle coffined out of leather and a leather and steel chastity device of his own. I realized that all of these things could have been on him under his other clothes. The was carrying a very thick and wide leather collar. There was not a hair on him below his eyebrows. He was quite trim and had very little muscle development despite his age. I guess him to be about 16 or so especially considering his quite large genital endowment. He was darkly colored with straight black hair, but definitely not oriental. His skin was a dusky light brown and his rather large areolae were much darker as was the skin immediately around his chastity device. As he knelt in front of the doctor I could see the look of great affection in the doctor's eyes. And before the boy lowered his gaze, in the boy's eyes as well. I smiled again realizing the love I felt for my own master. Wow he really had me going too! What a diabolical surprise.
"Master, your slave obeys." The boy held up the collar.
The doctor then removed slim cord of leather around from his slave's neck and installed his collar. It was so wide and thick that it restricted his head movement quite a lot. The boy smiled as the doctor bent down and kissed his head. The boy in turn bent down and kissed his masters feet. It seemed more a move of endearment than servitude.
The doctor then spoke to his boy: "Please Serif, until commanded otherwise, you are to be my boy rather than my slave."
The boy stood and spoke: "As you will master. Would you introduce the boy and his master? You seem to know them."
"Giving me orders again boy?"
The boy smiled mischievously. "Yes master, I suppose I will be punished later?"
His manner belied his words.
I guess the teen, Serif, I did look quite young. But Brian looked his age.
'Very well boy. And I will use the flogger this time." The boy seemed to quaked at this but then rejoined: "And damage your slave's skin master?"
"Don't be sure I won't you insolent thing. Now get us some refreshments." A second later he belayed that order.
"I'm forgetting. This slave here Serif is Chris." He turned to me. "I can't quite remember your last name boy?"
It was a question. "My full name is Chris Wong." I was going to ask my own question but did not know if I yet had my master's permission. I looked over at him.
Brain said: "You may resume 'boy' mode." That meant that formal 'slave protocol' was no longer needed. I visibly relaxed --well as much as I could the way I was chained up. And started enjoying myself in spite of the unusual circumstances.
But before I could ask anything the doctor resumed. "Serif. this is the boy that you replaced."
"Master, I do not understand. You told me that I was your first and would be your only slave?"
"Not to worry boy. I had not lied. I must add that Chris was my slave only in my fantasies. That is until you came into my life. In fact it was Chris here who made me realize that my life was going in the wrong direction. I suddenly wanted my own boy. I suddenly missed not having an intimate fulltime partner. I stopped my occasional flings with boy prostitutes and searched. Finally you became available."
"I was so frightened master when I was kidnapped. Right off the streets."
It turned out that Serif was only 15 and became his master's slave about 1 ½ years ago. He had been selling his young body on the streets ever since he was thrown out of his house for being gay. He had matured sexually at quite an early age. His family were from Pakistan and were 'devout' Moslems. That gave them permission to hate gays, even if it were their own son. The boy was almost anaturalsubmissive like myself. And I suspect that the good doctor never punished him that severely.
"I was instantly mesmerized by the boy's eye's. He had been taken forcibly off the streets and chained to a bed in a boy brothel. I have to confess I visited this place in spite of knowing how some of the boy's got there. It was a very upscale place in spite of way they treated their boy's. Apparently one of the procurer had sex with Serif here and recognized his total passivity. He was 'recruited' shortly thereafter."
"I was totally scared but liked these part. And I was well fed and provided for, for the first time in months. Of course with my customers I had to pretend to like even if I didn't. But not my master."
Serif was 13 when I first met him. And the second time I visited that place I specifically asked for him. Boy was he surprised when I pulled his mouth off my penis."
"I was afraid I had accidentally touched him with my teeth. I was so scared. But he started asking me all these questions."
I decided to take Serif home that day. The owners sold him to me when I made an offer too high to refuse. Besides, he was getting too old for them anyway."
"And except for one thing, I am very happy to be my master's slave."
I was curious. "And this one thing?"
"Master makes me go to school!"
We all laughed. Then I remembered the main reason why Brian and I were in the States.
Then the doctor asked me to relate my story.
He was astonished with many of the particulars. But could see the boy interested in aloof the bondage stuff.
"Master," he asked, "Could we maybe do some of that stuff too."
"You mean that really severely restrictive things? I thought you said you were afraid of some of that?"
"That was a year ago master. Now I'm intrigued."
"We shall see boy. We shall see. Just remember who is the slave."
He smiled. And his smile seemed to indicate that in some ways the good doctor was the slave. It seemed to be a much looser slave/master relationship that the one I had with Brian.
When Brian got to how he was buried alive by Yi both the doctor and the boy were truly aghast. We finally finished our tale. It was quite late and the doctor convinced us to stay the night.
Doctor Galloway finally turned to me and asked: "You never said boy. Youdon'tseemto regard me with any animosity. Eventhough I helped kidnap you. I stopped working for Kerry a while back and even regretted some of the things I did for him. But I'd like to hear you say you forgive me. It would help me to sleep better."
I was truly at a loss. I wasn't too sure how I felt. "I don't know what to say. I guess I never though about you that much. You know that I almost said yes when you asked me to go with you. But I was still thinking I could get free somehow. I guess I had so much else to think about I never thought about you much. Sorry."
"Well, then answer me this. Are you happy?"
I smiled at my master. "Definitely. I will be my master's slave for life. So I guess I have you to thank for that even if you had not totally arranged it."
And that night, as my master and I were in each other's arms I sighed in totally contentment. And I thought to myself: "Thank you Doctor Galloway. Even if at the time you were acting in your own interest."
I turned over, and feeling the collar around my neck, thanked my master for having me as his slave. His 'perfect slave boy.'
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