Experimantal Slaveboy, Part 13

[ M/mm, M/b, slavery, bd, tort ]

by Dirt


Published: 15-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

That was in fact gratifying to those who heard it. It meant that the boy was aware enough of his outside environment that he could make a rational connection to it. By the end of the second week the boy was making small requests such as he was hungry or thirsty. Fortunately things progressed rapidly after that. The boy at a sudden turn became interested in his outside environment as if discovering it for the first time. He still had some difficulty speaking clearly enough to be understood, but at least mentally he seemed not to have deteriorated at all. He was just not able to respond in a very complex manner to external stimuli yet. But progress was being made. Suddenly, at the end of the third week, Roger, one of the physical therapist hired by Yi, awoke to hear the boy crying. Roger had been sleeping with the boy for the past 12 days since the boy would not allow himself be without the feel of another person without extreme distress signaled by a moaning and shaking. Holding the boy in his arms, Roger was able to provide the comfort that Brian evidently craved. But the crying was something new.

Roger stayed up and cradled the boy who still only had partial use of all his musculature. "What do you want boy?"

"Help please. Help me get home."

Roger was amazed and thrilled. This was the first time that Brian had shown any memory of his past. From here things began progressing at an accelerated rate. In two days Brian was asking all kinds of questions concerning what had happened to him and how he was doing. Then during the third day Chuck, the psychiatrist, when asking a relatively harmless question about the boy's sexual preferences, elicited a sudden response.

Brian started wailing and crying: "God, . . . my God, I remember now! That bastard buried me!"

After some words of comfort Brian finally quieted down and for the next few days his memory of events returned at an accelerated rate. Finally it was on a Friday afternoon when Brian looked at Roger and asked: "Oh my god, I just now remembered. How is Chris? What has happened to him? How is he doing? Where is he? And just where am I for that matter? You said that I was rescued somehow but never said how it came about."

At that moment Yi smiled, looking in a monitor screen in another area of the residence. He turned to his slave boy. "There boy, he finally remembers you. Are you happy now?"

"Yes master. Thank you master."

Chris was felling quite uncomfortable. He felt weird without being in some kind of bondage. Even his arms and hands were free. He wasn't even wearing ankle hackles or wrist cuffs. And yesterday he even experimented with running again. He forgot how exhilarating it could be. Yi even smiled as his slave boy -- or his former slave boy -- took such delight in such seemingly trivial things. Chris was also having trouble getting used to wearing clothes even if just shorts, shirt, and sandals. And under his shorts he found it necessary to ware a sort of miniature modified jockstrap (similar to one of his chastity devices) so that his unruly penis would not be sticking stiffly outward. Even without the 'booster' shots by his master, he seemed forever in danger of having an orgasm even if no sperm was ejaculated. And he so missed the unique feeling that his ever present bondage accorded him. He even entertained the idea odd of maybe sometime in the future trying to find some new sex partner who would be willing to 'enslave' him, even if just acting a role. And although he tried not to admit it to himself, Chris even missed BEING a slave. He also figured he'd 'get over' this feeling or need eventually. Chris turned his thoughts back to his master -- or former master when he saw his face contort in pain.

Yi then coughed with pain in his face. The cancer had spread to his lungs. He did not have much longer. He had even given up hope in himself being able to find any new cure.

"Very well boy, this is what you have been waiting for. How do you feel?"

"Master, I am not sure. (It felt strange referring to myself as 'I', even after a couple weeks practice). Sort of lost I think. It's been hard these past weeks functioning without asking you for direction and permission. I really did commit myself to you, you know. So it is difficult to change back to doing things for myself."

Chris then smiled widely. "And I really miss the fantastic sex we used to have. I will always remember that."

Chris then started to recall that amazing week of 'sex' as he now thought of it. For a solid week, while in 'storage,' he felt that his dreams were all almost real. He had one 'dream' after another in which all the most fantastic sexual fantasies came to fruition. And most of them centered around being used by ever more demanding 'masters' for not just sex but even at times bondage situations that approached 'torturous' if not downright torture. And in spite of seeing his friend Brian just that one time in all these previous months, thoughts of his friend even intruded into many of these 'sex episodes.'

When Yi recovered him from that casket-like gel enclosure, and he realized that what he had been experiencing were all dream inspired fantasies, he felt somewhat bereft. Like he had lost something. And if took forever and some special chemical to 'clean' all that gel from his skin and pores. And Chris loved every moment of his master's fingers traveling allover his body. Every once in a while his master could not refrain from exploring his rear entry. Chris loved the feeling of his master's fingers squiggling inside him. Somehow it was always better than even the most diabolical of mechanical devices, of which Yi had quite a few. Eve that one that that was part of that special body bag that Chris not only got to used to but even look forward to the sex immediately afterwards. (The real pain part he merely withstood and endured contemplating on the aftermath).

After exploring his rear hole with his fingers, Yi turned his boy over and entered him with almost reverence. Chris couldn't remember such intensity of feeling from his master ever before while his master was pushing into him. There was now a sufficient 'mental' connection between master and slave, that Chris was ever aware of Yi 'feelings' and this was DIFFERENT. Something was REALLY different if not wrong. His master still was his usual aggressing self, as he thrust away with increasing tempo and force, but Chris, at least until his own sexual arousal forced such thoughts into the background, felt some new and wonderful emotional connection with his master.

After his master was momentarily sated, he lifted his boy up and carried him totally naked to his huge soft bed. There he lay his boy down with seemingly tender affection. And for a moment gazed down at the beautiful 'perfect boy' before him. A single tear formed and slowly rolled down Yi's handsome face.

Chris wondered what was different as he emerged from the miasma of his recent orgasm. He was in his master's bed and knew that his master must have decided to start their sex session a little early. And without dinner. An then he realized that his master had not even reattached his minimal adornments and symbols of possession. His ankles were free even of the special soft leather cuffs that Yi liked to put on him while using his body in bed at night. He felt his ever present collar, that felt OK, but something else was wrong. And moving his arms and legs he suddenly realized. he was NOT BOUND to the bed (or room) BY ANYTHING! Not even the very minimal ankle strap to the floor ring. Chris, feeling totally ill at ease not being maintained in some kind of 'imprisoning' device, looked up at his master now experienced even greater consternation as he witnessed something he'd never would have contemplated. His master was crying! It so frightened him that he ventured a question.

"Master, may this slave ask question?"

"I'm dying boy. I'm crying. And very soon you will no longer have your master to care for you."

Chris felt a sudden chill and dread encompass his entire being. How could he exist without his master? He started crying himself as all kinds of thoughts went through his mind. As was even amazed himself when he realized that so many of his thoughts bespoke of remorse for his master. He would never had expected that thoughts of his master's ill fate even overshadowed his own worries.

Chris and his master spoke of many things that night and especially of the boy's future and what was to happen. Chris was finally realizing that at least he would be taken care financially. But he quaked at the thought of finding a 'new life' for himself. And then he thought of Brian and suddenly faced his master, and for the first time in months spoke without first asking permission.

"Master, what about Brian!"

Yi explained what he had been doing and why he had put his 'former' slave boy into temporary 'storage.' And Chris became quite excited at prospects of becoming reunited with his friend whom he realized now, he still harbored some intimate and close feelings of that had originally united the two of them in what he felt of now as his 'past life.'

It was now a couple of weeks later and Chris was almost afraid to go into the ext room. How would Brian react? How would he even be? Would his feelings for Chris be totally forgotten or somehow erased?

He looked up at Yi and realized even without a word being said, that he may never see his former master again. He could not believe that severe change in his master's looks even after such a short time. His face was pale and drawn and seemed in perpetual pain.

"Master, I am glad that I became your 'experimental slave boy.'"

"Son -- Yi had NEVER used that term for him before -- you became my 'perfect slave boy,' and that is the one joyful thought I will take with me."

His former master then stood with a grimace and walked Chris toward THAT door.

"Perhaps boy you may get reacquainted with your friend Brian. And I have only one piece of advice. Do not be like me. I know that I am entirely too selfish and self-centered. I admit that I never really considered you as a person when I captured you and made you my slave. Be a better person than I was. You and Brian will now have all the wealth you could possibly need. Put it to good use." Yi felt an errant tear drip from his eye.

"You know boy that I think I even started to fall in love with you. As if I am capable of love at all. But I think at least a little. I remember having some thoughts now and then wondering how I could make you happier but of course I would never entertain the idea of actually letting you go. You were my PERFECT slave boy. " Yi smiled. Chris smiled back.

"You even now have the chemical means of progressing through puberty right in that safe over there if you wish it. Any competent doctor will know how to administer it and any good lab can produce more of the hormone. It is actually a slightly modified version of testosterone which your body can no longer respond adequately to."

"But I am getting longwinded. I retrieved Brian for you. Go to your friend. Be good to him. Help him continue his recovery. You will not see me again. I would not have much longer anyway and do not intend to suffer."

Chris had an overwhelming moment of grief as he realized that he was losing his master. He walked over to Yi and buried his face into his chest. "Master I think I was also a little in love with you too. I am not sure. But I know that I will miss you terribly. Please master, hug me one last time."

Yi did, then he retired to his room and injected himself with a prepared syringe. He died a comfortable death a few minutes later with the hope in his heart that his slave boy could somehow redeem his former master's life of unbridled lust and selfishness.

Chris still had a bit of difficulty walking normally after almost a year of nearly total bondage. But his muscles were finally starting to cooperate. He was amazed at his own reaction to his master. That he would so devastatingly miss him. If only things between them could have been just a bit more reciprocal. If his master could have just allowed him a bit more of a life he could have certainly freely accepted his own slavery and bondage. But now he was excited about Brian's great strides in recovering from his horrid ordeal. That was the one thing he could not forgive his master for doing -- using Brian the way he had. And he was wondering what would have happened if his master had not gotten an incurable cancer. Well, if he had learned nothing over the past two years, it was ignoring what he couldn't change. And he was also wondering what he would now do with 769 million (Hong Kong) dollars. What his master had left he and Brain in trust. His master had said to do good. But exactly what? Well he had a lifetime ahead of him to decide. Now for the present.

Brian did not yet know exactly where he was; only that he was on some island off the Mayalsian coast and had been rescued by agents of Dr. Yi himself after Yi had realized that he had incurable cancer. He had just been told that by Dr. 'Roger' but he had difficulty believing it. He still wanted so much to continue hating that man. And now he was told that his friend Chris was OK and living in the same complex of buildings. That Chris was on his way right now to see him.

Chris walked into the room and hardly recognized his friend. He was so thin and his face seemed a bit different after minor reconstructive surgery.

"Brian? Is that you?"

Chris saw a very slim black boy of about 17 or so. He face was thin, very black, and his head very bald. And Chris was a bit embarrassed as his penis signaled him that this boy pleased him in 'other' ways too. The boy was dressed in a sarong that emphasized his very slim body. He was also wearing sandals and was standing with the aid of metal crutches. Chris could also not help noticing, despite the folds of the sarong, that Brian's genitals were quite prominent. Chris could not remember Brian having been that so endowed, and again could not refrain, with much more thrill than guilt, from hoping to see exactly what Brian was toting around between his legs some time soon.

Brian did not have the same problem -- that is identify his friend. He walked over using his crutches and grabbed Chris in his arms and wept unabashedly.

"Chris. I can't believe I am with you again."

After a long cry by both boys they sat down and started updating each other. Brian was amazed at Chris' tale of being Yi's slave. Brian kept asking questions and getting answers that he seemed not to believe. Chris had a bit of trouble understanding all Brian's words and then realized that he too had something in his mouth simulating teeth.

Chris was appalled at many of the things that Brian mentioned. "You mean that Yi did all those things to your body and you never understood why?"

"Not until that last horrid moment when I was being lowered into that pit. I didn't want to believe it. In fact, even after I saw the concrete filling up the pit around me, and realized hat it was, I kept expecting him to finally hit some button somewhere and pull me back up. You had made your promise after all and that I thought was what he wanted."

Chriscouldsee thathis friend was quite upsetrememberingall this and he held his friend that much tighter. He then could feel the amazingly huge bulge at Brain's loin. Wow! It may be even as big as Yi's. At this thought Chris realized that Yi was now probably dead. He mentioned this to Brian.

"I hope that man suffers for an eternity." Brain said with real feeling. Chris realized that he himself hoped, that if there were an afterlife, that his 'former' master would eventually become the person that he showed glimpses of now and then through his selfish exterior and finally find peace.

Brian then continued with his interrupted narrative.

"It was when the concrete came up to my neck and then he fitted that globe thing over my head that I truly started to panic. I now BELIEVED what he had promised to do. I was being buried alive! I tried to get my hands up to stop him even thought I knew it was useless. I finally collapse Dina funk of total despair. And when the concrete started filling up past my head I started crying uncontrollably. I WAS BEING BURIEDALIVE. But eventually I was pulled out of my total despair when I felt this amazing sensation in my groin and even my rectum. My penis suddenly erected so much I thought the skin was going to split. There was even something inside that covering on my penis that felt amazingly like it was sliding inside someone's butt hole. There were even a couple of short spaced pressure rings moving up and down its full length. And let me tell you my penis was now huge! I don't know-how did it, but my penis was now bigger than any of those pictures we looked at and wondered if they were fake. And I could feel the amazing weight of my huge testicles pulling upward. And let me tell you, I was grateful for that one thing that guy did to me. He put something in my testicles and he said even my prostate that he said would enhance my feelings. Wow was he wrong. "Enhance 'is hardly the word. For the next several minutes all other thoughts were blotted out. I suddenly looked at that sort of tiny movie screen in front of my eyes and imagined myself in doing what I saw. That, for the next several minutes became my entire life."

And Brian suddenly stopped talking realizing that he felt too guilty about what happened next. He thought about the scene in front of him and the words he heard in some sort of ear piece. That small boy screaming as someone was pushing his monster penis into the small boy's butt hole. The boy had been tied quite securely to the strange looking table with his arms going through these holes and tied underneath pulling his taught. His legs bent over the bottom edge of the table and were stretched far apart and these too were held immobile with rope at his ankles and just above his knees. And Brain felt delight as he pictured himself plunging his own huge penis into the boy's tight and delicious hole. He delighted in the boy's futile struggles. The more the by squirmed and yelled, the more aroused he felt.

A small of his rational mind that told him that what he 'pictured' himself doing was so wrong. But another part of him said so what -- this was not real anyway.

He continued until he felt his huge testicles tighten up even further and his huge penis felt like it was even expanding. Spurt after spurt was ejected into the boy's rectum. By this time the boy was moaning rather quietly and he realized that the boy was having his own orgasm. He felt less guilty. Finally it was all over and the guy in the film, the one that Brian identified with left while the camera was now focusing on the boy's small penis which had been pushed trough some opening in the table. The small immature penis had some clear liquid still oozing from its small opening. The boy had his own orgasm in spite of being too young to actually form sperm. As the cameras came closer Brian was shocked to see some wires connecting to the boy's scrotum and penis. The boy had been electronically stimulated somehow. And that was when Brian finally realized that this boy was in training. This boy was being trained to become sexually aroused and have orgasms when he was being used by his master. The man had been calling him 'slave' all during the episode.

Brian eventually allowed himself to be completely drawn into the 'reality' of the films he was seeing. This particular series ran for many weeks as the boy eventually became his master's willing toy. And Brian had became the 'master.' Brian quailed at the realization that he had become, at least in his imagination, every bit as bad or maybe even worse that monster Yi. He could not stand these thoughts for long and tried his best to rationalize them away. He finally changed to some other topic.

"Well Chris, how about your story? What things did you have to endure?"

Chris had been momentarily distracted by his own thoughts, remembering with a sort of regret that his 'former' master would never again plow his own butt hole. "What'd you say? I missed that."

Over the next horrors both boys spoke and told what of their own 'stories' they were comfortable revealing. Chris was embarrassed as he realized how much he STILL wished he were a slave. Brian on the other hand, felts guilty realizing that he so much enjoyed his 'fantasies' of using others as if they were his property. He especially remembered that one series of 'movies' that depicted black man totally dominating small Chinese boy and eventually making him his sex slave. Brian had envisioned his friend Chris in the role of the boy and now suffered a real feeling of intense guilt. He could never intentionally do that to someone he so cared for. And he realized at that moment his feelings for Chris, in spite of how he imagined him in his 'fantasies.'

Eventually the boys progressed to topics of more immediate concern.

Brain was startled at Chris' revelation: "You mean that he left US all his wealth? Millions of dollars to US?"

"Yes. We are both rich. Can you believe it?"

"No I can't really. But why would he do that?"

"Well, I guess I never did completely understand my master but there WAS some good in him. And in his own strange way I think he even loved me. And when he realized he was dying I think he started examining what he had done with his life. And he wants US to sort of fix things for him."

"You realize that you just called him your master."

Chris started crying again. "I can't help it Brian, I really miss my master. And I really WAS his slave. Completely. I had given up being anything else."

I was now Brian's turn to burst into tears. "I surely won't miss the bastard. I hate him. What he did to me. To both of us." Brian was now visibly shaking and Dr. 'Roger' said he needed to rest and calm down.

"Don't worry Doc. I'm OK. Or I will be." And he hoped he was right. But he was vaguely disturbed about perhaps he had somehow transformed himself into the very monster he detested. He would have to figure things out. But Brian smiled she looked over to his friend. He somehow also felt that things could work out all right as long as he had Chris in his life again.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.