Experimantal Slaveboy, Part 12

[ M/mm, nc, bd, slavery ]

by Dirt


Published: 15-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Noooooooooo!" The lament emanated from Yi's very soul.

His poor slave boy cringed (mentally) and was really freaked out by what could possibly have so upset his master. The slave (he had stopped thinking of himself as Chris months before) tried, but could not recollect when he had ever seen his master react out of anger. He was the most controlled of people.

A couple more desks and consuls were overturned before the rage in his master had finally quieted. Strangely, his master looked around and gazed at his slave boy as if he had never seen him before. And something in his master's gaze disquieted the slave. He was always used to the firm control that his master held. And was used to the firm control his master had of the slave. And he found he needed that. He had finally not just resigned himself to his life of slavery and the giving up of any control he had had over his own body, but lately he had actually thought that the slave was even happy in some strange way. The slave was content. The slave had his role and of course the slave was so distracted much of his time by the fantastic sex. And the slave had even found a bond with the master that seemed to even go past the basic master-slave relationship. If the master would actually give the slave at this time a choice to go back to the slave's old life or to stay with the master, the slave actually surprised himself in realizing he would choose to stay. And it was so easy now to just think of himself as "the slave" allowing his master to make ALL choices. Perhaps the change started when the slave's master started teaching him biochemistry and even included him in long discussions about his current research. Perhaps the change started when the slave discovered to his great surprise that the master had invented several new methods of combating certain kinds of cancer and had given away the patents! Perhaps the change started just a few months ago when, after one of their amazing evenings of pure sex, when the master, at the very edge of sleep, murmured: "I love you boy."

The slave was not quite sure, but it was sometime during these past months that he had done more than merely commit himself to the master. The slave had actually started taking joy in making his master happy.

But there was something that definitely DID upset the slave. And that was change. Anything that even hinted at a loss of security gave him moments of dismay. And this present action of his master almost brought on panic. And it was now when the slave realized just how much of himself he had given up. When he realized that there was nothing within himself that could bring back any piece of mind. He SO overwhelmingly needed his master for not only direction, but even for making the smallest of decisions. Fortunately the master finally calmed down and addressed his slave.

"So boy it would seem that the greatest research biochemist in the world is not so great after all. We must make contingency plans. But be assured my special boy, I will see to it that for my precious boy all will be well. Please be reassured."

That had been two days ago. And the past two nights had been occasions for possibly the most tender sessions of sex 'the slave' could remember with the master. 'The slave' realized that something in the very core of his master had subtly altered. Though still worried about what had happened two days ago. The master had never explained what had occasioned his outburst.

Then 'the slave' was quite perturbed when the master stated that 'his boy' would be put into temporary storage.

"I apologize boy, but this is necessary. I assure you, that you will be comfortable."

The slave of course couldn't reply since his head was fully contained within a plastic globe containing a heavy gel. Strangely, although it seemed transparent when looking in, it was opaque for the slave boy trying to look out. Even if he tried to open his eyes. It was also very heavy and forced the slave to be careful how he held his head. There was a 'feeding gag' in place and the slave was also forced to breathe through the hole in his throat. Strangely, except for attachments to one of the boy's 'fecal-extracting' butt plugs, and his urine valve, the boy's body was totally unencumbered. Even his genitals were left totally free. Yi then lowered his boy into a sarcophagus type plastic box except there was a notch where the neck would fit and no extension for the head. When placed into the 'box' the neck portion of his head 'globe' fit rigidly into the slot. When the 'lid' was then put into place a small tube at the very top edge of the covering lid snugly fit into his throat breathing hole. Then Yi filled up the clear plastic box with the same extremely dense gel. It would stop all pressure points on the boy's body and even allow for limited movement. His boy could be put into 'storage' this way for weeks at a time. Fortunately it would only require 7 to 10 days while his attention was totally forced elsewhere. He touched a switch which begun the feeding program. It contained drugs which would keep his boy in a semi-somnolent state indefinitely. Also VERY horny.

Together with the prostate stimulator, his boy would experience a succession of highly intense 'wet' dreams. He could already see the movement of his boys torso indicating extreme sexual arousal. He turned on the remote monitors just in case and left now to do something never even contemplated days before. All was arranged.

While the work party had already arrived in Yi's lab, as he left his boy in temporary 'storage.' Yi had consulted a number of construction specialists and finally arranged for a special crew to come to his island and see if they could disinter that black friend of his slave that he had put into live burial more than 9 months before. A couple specialists examined the concrete slab that had become Brian's crypt and finally concluded that it was possible to disinter the boy without killing him in the process. Taking care not to interrupt the flow of air to the boy within the slab of concrete, huge digging machines opened a trench around the entire slab and a crane, its cable entering a hole in the roof of the building, lifted it from the ground.

Yi wondered what the boy inside may now be thinking. A spike in his usual calm and slow heart rate and breathing noted that he could feel something unusual happening. Yi decided not to administer any drug to sedate the boy during the disinterment process. In fact he had actually administered one that would allow the boy some relief from his nearly continuous need for sexual release.

Next a series of small holes were strategically drilled into the slab from all sides in a band vertical to the boy's body and along the plane in which the body was held. Then a series of shaped charges were put in place.

The result was almost anticlimactic. The block merely split into two pieces with almost no other damage. Huge cables attached to hooks in each half of the slab were attached to winches and the now 'top' half of the slab was pulled away, revealing the still intact enclosure suit of the boy, topped with a now scarred plastic globe. One worker was finally able to take away the globe by the expedient method of cutting through the fabric below. The boy inside started crying through tightly closed eyes as his head was free of this helmet for the first time in almost a year. To get the other items away from the boy's body would take quite a lot more effort as many of these items had been bonded to his very body.

Yi struggled with the disinterment process. He had not envisioned this possibility so had not prepare for it's eventuality when first putting the boy into his living grave. Now he hoped he would be able to restore the boy fully to the land of the living. Of course he was assuming that the mental condition of the boy had not deteriorated so much to make that impossible. What would being buried alive do to a young mind with only sex movies and orgasm as a feeble hold onto reality. The doctor had no idea what to expect.

It took an entire week, and the ministrations of two advanced therapists to finally elicit any type of response from the disinterred boy to outside stimulation other than a sexual one. It was as if the boy had totally withdrawn into a world of his own sexual stimulation. Of course that was what Dr. Yi had been hoping for and for days he believed he may have succeeded all too well. But finally the boy was trying to speak. His jaws though were almost immobile at the start and only a heavy regimen of physical therapy even allowed the boy to take nourishment from an open container. Finally after a couple hours of intermittent attempt the boy mouthed one intelligible word: "Help."

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