Published: 15-Apr-2012
Word Count:
Finally, all was in readiness. His slave boy Chris, though much more 'cooperative' over the past couple months, still had not been able to completely submit and totally yield his will to his master. But Yi was convinced that his slave's ultimate capitulation was now at hand. He was excited about this prospect.
Yi went back into his lab to retrieve his slave boy. By this time the boy had almost completely resigned himself to HIS fate -- of course the operative word was 'almost.' Yi believed firmly that that was soon to change. That he would become his master's ultimate sexual play toy. Yi had considered the boy's petition for being more than this but Yi decided that this would interfere too much with his usual function of total submission.
Chris' time that was not spent specifically with some type of sex scene with his master, and also in his master's bed at night, was now spent in severe restrictive bondage. Yi started wheeling his boy into the room where he would be known of his friend's existence on Yi's island, and of course totally under Yi's control. Right now he had been recently attached to one of his master's favorite bondage frames. Chris' hands, encased in their metal coverings, were stretched taughtly along a horizontal bar. There were several rings fixed to the bar that wrapped tightly around each arm, allowing them almost no movement. Chris' body was also affixed to the frame behind him with bolts going through his metal waist belt, and another rigid fastener holding onto the back of his metal collar. His head was now encased inside a leather lined metal mask that allowed only holes for his eyes, and his forced feeding tube that emerged from his widely distended mouth. This mask itself was also bolted to the frame with several bolts extending from holes along its outside extended flange. One final restriction that Yi was justly proud of consisted of two bolts coming from the back frame and actually were screwed into metal housings that were now permanently installed within his boy's very shoulder blades. The surgery to implant these sleeves was now finally healed. As for the boy's legs, they were now extended widely outward, and slanting slightly upward from the boy's waist, fully revealing a butt plug impaling the boy's rectum. Encircling the boy's legs were also metal rings along their length that were in turn fixed to a metal triangular frame that extended rigidly from the base of the mainframe. The boy's penis was dripping copiously indicating high sexual arousal. Of course the metal rings of his current chastity penis cage only allowed partial erection.
Yi had the night before, lowered the drug regimen of both boys so that both would be able to communicate without constant distraction from their usual enormous sexual arousal. He wanted to make sure that what he needed to communicate to both boys was fully understood. The bolts holding Chris' head immobile were temporarily removed to allow head movement.
Brian, on the other hand had been fully prepared for his final insertion into his living grave. He was now fully encased into the rather large encasing suit that was now completely powered up and inflated. It was not too dissimilar to the suit which encased him for his shipment to the island. This suit however was infinitely more complicated since Yi had to allow for all contingencies of the boy's forever internment. Also there was the problem of the boy's overlarge testicles and penis. Between the boy's permanently widely spread legs was a peculiar bag that now encased his testicles. The bag would allow for upward movement to allow the boy unrestricted orgasm. Likewise there was a peculiar lengthy protrusion of the bag in front. From this emerged the tube coming from the boy's penis. There was also a metal ring that not only encircled Brian's neck, but was actually permanently sealed to it. Its outer flange merged with the encasing suit. Thus at present, only the boy's head was free. If you call the strange metal harness that now encased the boy's head freedom. This peculiar arrangement of strangely shaped ring-like bands of metal circling both horizontally and vertically, permanently affixed Brian's head so that his head was capable of no more than an 1/8th inch movement in any direction. Bands encircled horizontally around his forehead, and just below his eyes, encasing his nose. Vertical bands wrapped his head from its crown down across his ears and ended affixed to his collar. Another came up from the back of his head merged with the horizontal bands and finally with the other vertical one. From there two bands came down just to the side of his eyes and merged with his forced feeding devise, helping to keep it in place. Since the drug regimen was at a very low ebb, Brian was now fully awake to his predicament and was struggling furiously within his restricting sac. Of course to no avail. His eyes were roving madly about trying to affix on anything that could bring some sense into his now restricted world. Fear was also paramount and a gleam could be seen in his slightly tear filled eyes. Muffled noises came from his throat and mouth area but these were heavily muted and totally incapable of being understood as language. Brian was currently suspended from two stout cables that were affixed to two large rings in the upper shoulder area of his suit encasement. Below him, something he could not see, was a large gaping hole in the ground. It was fully large enough to accommodate his entire body with leaving a large space around him and both above and below. There was a strange wide tube projecting from the back wall which ended just at the brink of this hole.
Yi had to hit a switch on some panel that sent a small electrical charge to Brian's penis to get his undivided attention.
"Brian, squeeze your right hand."
Though all his fingers were individually wrapped within his "suit" he still was allowed enough movement to slightly move his hand. As he did so, a green light started blinking in the wall panel in front of him.
"Good. Brian. Now squeeze your left hand."
This activated a red blinking light.
"See Brian, we can now communicate in a fashion. Green for yes and red for no. Do you understand boy?"
A green light blinked.
Very good. Do you know what is about to happening to you?"
An obviously agitated boy squeezed his left hand and the red light blinked.
"Of course not. But you will learn shortly. But before this I must bring in here someone you should remember. When you knew him he went by the name of Chris. Do you remember him?"
Again agitation was apparent by the wild attempt of Brian to move within his encasing suit. It just allowed him a slight rocking movement. His black eyes roving back and forth. Perspiration form on his very black forehead. Finally the light blinked green.
"You are about to be reacquainted boy."
Yi returned to the small room with Chris being wheeled in on his frame. At first Chris, not having the slightest suspicion that Yi had another boy here, let along his friend Brain, was at a quite a loss. Brian also was puzzled. He was not able to recognize his former friend. But then Yi decided to remove his boy's mask, and mouth gag, reinserting his small mouth piece for speech. When this was done Yi gave his boy permission to speak.
"So boy, do you recognize your old school friend. This is Brian."
So many emotions surged through the poor boy's mind that he was ready to collapse. These ranged from amazement to fear, to, strangely enough, embarrassment over his relative nudity and then his bondage position, and then to happiness in seeing his old friend. Chris had been giving very little thought lately to anything from his old life. This was quite a shock. But then fear again began it's ascendancy in his mind as he realized that Brian was almost totally immobilized and was swaying over a gaping hole. He suddenly realized just what his master seemed about to do. What Yi had done to him awhile back. Somehow put his friend into the gaping hole.
Brian also gasped as he finally now recognized his friend.
"BRIAN!" Chris shouted. Yi calmly struck his boy his the tawse to remind him of the rules. His boy barely reacted being so overwhelmed by the appearance of his friend.
"Master please, what is happening? What have you done to Brian?"
"Excellent question boy! I will now tell you both exactly what I have planned and will be carrying out shortly. Now my boy," Yi said as he looked at Chris, "I can administer a really good shock to your friend's testicles. Let me demonstrate."
At that moment Brian wriggled violently and made high gurgling sound.
"And that was only a mild one. So boy you will not interrupt 'til I am finished. Understand boy?"
"Yes master."
"Good. As you can see Brian, I have made your former friend into my special slave boy. But as of yet had not been able to get his total and complete compliance."
Yi then turned to his slave. "Oh I know that you have been trying my boy, but nonetheless, you are not quite there yet. Now Brian. Right now I have administered a drug into your system that allows you to enjoy a few minutes freedom from your about to become totally slavery to your libido. You will note that your testicles, penis, and prostate have been immensely altered and enhanced. With the chemicals that your new testicles and prostate, which I have altered a bit, flooding your system for the remainder of your life, you will have a continuous, never ending, and all encompassing need to have an orgasm. The only relief you will have is perhaps 15 to 20 minutes immediately after an orgasm and then you will again be in total thrall to your hormones. You will also notice, that unless I allow that thing in your rectum to stimulate your prostate, orgasm will forever be denied you. Do you understand all this Brian?"
Tears were now flowing down his cheeks as Brian was hearing words like permanent and forever. But he finally hit the green blinker.
"Good. Now here is what is going to happen. Neither of you can stop this from happening. Brian, you will be lowered into this hole. All necessary tubes will be put in place to keep you breathing, fed, and alive. Then a clear polystyrene covering will be fitted over your head. On its inside surface will be projected a continuing series of movies depicting different types of man-boy sex, which you will be able to enjoy for the rest of your life. I do not want you to be without any stimulation. I want you to remain conscious and fully capable of understanding your predicament for the remainder of your life."
At this, Yi's boy cried out. "No master. Please. This slave will do anything. Just don't bury my friend."
At this Brian became quite agitated. He was not aware of the gaping hole. Yi hit his boy severely with the tawse again and again end even hit his penis, a thing he had never done before. His boy gave out a blood curdling yell and burst into tears.
"You do not yet have permission to speak boy."
By this time Brian was crying copiously realizing that he could do nothing about his apparent horrid fate.
Yi continued. "As I was saying NOTHING will stop this from happening. BUT my slave boy, YOU can do something for your friend."
At this Yi's slave boy was suddenly attentive. Yi continued: "If you totally commit yourself to me as my slave, and relinquish all rights to your body completely to me, I will do the following. I have a switch in place. Every time you especially please me, I will allow your friend Brian to have an orgasm. Note that is the only thing now allowed to him. He will have nothing else but his never ending movies of sex. Think carefully boy. What is your reply?"
Chris was aghast at his master and the situation that his friend was now in. Of course he had no real choice.
"Yes master. I totally give myself to you master."
Yi prodded his boy. "And about relinquishing control of your body?"
"Yes master. I give you total control and use of my body." Chris said this crying.
"You will willingly submit to total and permanent bondage?"
"Yes master, this slave submits."
Chris was now sobbing hysterically. But now he had no other choice. He would do exactly as his master commands -- forever.
Yi was really confident of this outcome, and pleased that his plan had worked so well. Now to complete Brian's live burial. Yi hit a switch and Brian started to spasm as he felt himself being lowered. He struggled even more fiercely when he saw the lip of the hole pass above his head. He started trying to beg for mercy knowing that it was useless. The winch stopped and Brian could look up one last time into the face of his once friend -- now slave. Then something even more fearful started to happen. Yi pulled the large pipe into position so that Brian could see it. He then hit a switch and a heavy grey substance started pouring out.
"Brian, this is concrete. You will be totally buried now forever. You will NEVER be rescued. When you die this will be your grave. But if I have done everything correctly this will be decades away. Many decades. And every time I think of you buried in this hole I will get strongly aroused and will use your former friend, now my permanent slave boy, for my sexual relief." Yi then laughed as the concrete finally reached to near the boy's head. He placed a thick and wide plank down onto the top of the concrete. and fitted a clear plastic globe over Brian's head, sealing it in place around his neck collar. He then attached a couple hoses to its very top. Yi then hit the control and a small image appeared right onto the front of the globe. It was a movie depicting the rape of an eleven year old boy by two men. There was even sound accompanying it. The boy in the movie was screaming and the two men were grunting in sexual heat. Yi removed the plank and restarted the flow of concrete. There was eventually a foot of concrete on top of the boy's globed head. In a couple of days the concrete will be totally hardened and Brian would be buried alive forever.
But Yi was merciful in that he intended to keep his word. He was fully willing to allow Brian as many orgasms as his body would allow. And with his extensive reworked sexual equipment, they would be powerful and frequent.
Yi disengaged the concrete delivery tube and paved the concrete smooth. He even inserted a small bronze plaque on the very top of the now slightly raised mound. It read: "Here lies Brian forever."
Yi looked over at the console where all Brian's bodily functions and parameters were carefully monitored. He wanted to make sure that Brian lived a VERY long time. He made sure that all breathing and feeding and draining tubes were functioning correctly. All systems were triple redundant. He then snickered as the feeding tube was engaged. Yi even turned on a small speaker. Weak moans could be heard. He hit a switch and these moans became louder. And finally even frantic. This lasted a full minute before gradually subsiding back to a murmur now and then. He turned to his boy. "You see? Brian has had his first orgasm. And who will ever know. Maybe he will even come to enjoy his situation."
Yi then looked upon his boy with some true fondness. "Well boy, are you finally ready for the rest of your life?'
Chris saw his master intently looking at him. He was still in shock and crying lightly. He could have never imagined such events. To have been reunited to his best friend only to have lost to him forever. The only thought now going through his head was that he would be sure that Brian would get as many orgasms as he was capable of providing. He would be the most compliant, the most obedient, the most submissive slave boy in the world. He was now completely and fully resigned to his fate. Which he thought had its allure after all. He found himself getting fully sexually aroused at the thought of his complete capitulation. He was ready now to serve his master and be his 'perfect slave boy.'
Meekly his boy answered. "Yes master. This slave is yours -- totally yours master. Forever master." The slave's penis was straining at its enclosure and dripping like mad. Something of which Yi was fully aware.
Yi was already thinking of some new and different ways of putting his boy into bondage. And new drugs to allow himself and even his boy experience even greater heights of sexual pleasure. He smiled. He now finally had full possession of his 'perfect slave boy'! 9 Months Later:
Dr. Yi looked at the lab results, and in a fit of anger and despair, flipped over the entire consul at which he had been working.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |