Experimantal Slaveboy, Part 9

[ M/m, nc, bd, slavery, mod, tort ]

by Dirt


Published: 14-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The sound that immediately came from his slave's mouth seemed halfway between a scream and a high pitched moan -- all drawn out, and LOUD. Yi now wished he could see his boy's eyes. Yi had himself tested to see what all those tiny electrodes on his skin would feel like, but he only tested it on part of his forearm. His arm went crazy. It wasn't pain exactly but it totally grabbed your attention. Just with the feeling on his arm it was difficult to think of anything else than the sensation of having a succession of prickly not quite painful touched dance up his arm. Of course his boy was getting patterns of these dancing prickles over his entire body. And those probes in his penis and rectum were not merely prickles. At irregular intervals they were giving his boy quite a jolt. Yi snickered as he watched his boy's body bounce around in its bondage. Then came a sharp yell as his entire body seemed to levitate off the table. Then these yells and screams came more often as the programmed chip in the device Yi had installed began to change the patterns of 'prickles' to include more and more of the boy's body at the same time. His screaming moans soon gave way to periods of total silence as he seemed to suck in a sharp breath and then suddenly explode in a terrorized scream.

Yi was getting fantastically aroused as his boy underwent his new form of electrical therapy. This session Yi had planned for 15 minutes before the electrical stimulation reverted back to minor 'touches' including the boy's penis and rectum. Yi was wondering what his boy was feeling as the electrical jolts continued and became ever more intense. Eventually, after about 12 minutes the boy seemed to just collapse and moan loudly. His body then just seemed to jump a bit every time a good jolt hit his genitals and rectum. Yi decided to speed things up and hit the remote again. The apparatus jumped to the last portion of the program. The boy started moaning even louder. And his penis started its own twitching.

Yi held off no more. He straddled his boy's slightly twitching chest, grabbed hold of the leather 'handles' attached to the head piece of the boy's body bag, and plunged his engorged penis into his boy's widely opened mouth. There was quite a bit of drool which helped lubricate the boy's mouth and throat as Yi buried the entire 10 inches into his throat. Through a small opening in the suit Yi pulled out his boy's throat plug, not wanting the boy to smother just in case the nostril tubes proved inadequate. He was driven quite 'wild' himself as he could feel his boy move to the 'touch' of his 'suit.' In a few short minutes, even trying to hold back, Yi deposited stream after stream of cum down his boy's spasming throat.

Several minutes later, as Yi started coming back from his intense orgasm he became aware that something during the past several minutes, his own boy had also come. There was an amazing amount of the boy's ejaculate covering the outside of his 'suit' even if it did not contain any sperm. But the watery stuff was in a quantity that seemed impossible. Yi also realized that at long last, the boy had stopped moving and jut lay there breathing heavily. Yi put in the boy's throat plug and was immediately conscious of his boy nearly convulsive moans. With a bit of anxiety Yi looked quickly at the monitor in spite of that fact that if his boy had been in real physical difficulty, a tone would have rung and the program would have ended immediately. Though his vital signs were quite elevated, there was no danger. Yi was relieved. He could no longer imagine a future without his precious 'perfect slave boy.'

Chris realized that he must have not blacked out exactly but sort of became 'disconnected from' his body. And after recovering from possibly the most intense orgasm of his young life, he started wondering if all the agony before it came on had been 'worth it." SHIT! What the hell had Yi done to him? For the first time in literally weeks, Chris had thought of his master as 'Yi' rather than his 'master.' Chris tried to make some sort of coherency from his tangled thoughts. This was the first time that his master had deliberately 'tortured' him. And he had a LOT of trouble fitting that in with his 'image' of his 'master,' whom Chris had actually come to 'trust.' Though some of the most severe bondage situations had involved a certain amount of discomfort, and even occasionally pain, Chris could not remember any moment where his master had deliberately caused him pain. Sure, 'torture' by denying him sexual release at times, but not 'pain torture.'

But thinking back on the entire experience Chris had to admit that after the worst was over, he had probably been more sexually aroused than ever before in his entire life. And considering what Yi had been subjecting him to, and the drugs Yi had occasionally pumped into him, that was saying something. That butt plug together with the teasing of his penis late in the session had held him on the 'brink' for what seemed like ages. He SOOOOO wanted to come. He NEEDED to come, and when Yi had pushed his own penis into him he was put over the edge. He liked the idea of being so helpless, so used, so at his master's 'mercy.' He ENJOYED servicing his master this way. And the waves of sexual intensity were even joined with a realization that he was glad he could also provide for his master's 'release.' He was surprised, now that he thought about it, that at some level he had a great caring for his master. Sure he was aware of this before, but now it seemed so intensified. Maybe it was because of the amazing 'intensity' of the past hour or so.

Although Chris was not consciously aware of it, there was a duality within him that was at a sort of subconscious war. Part of him wanted what was happening, and another more rational part of his mind understood the innate cruelty and selfishness of his master and maintained a certain mental resistance. This was the part of him that started to fear this sudden new twist to Yi's agenda for his slave. This was the part that feared what more 'torture' was in store. It was also the part of his mind that had so recently come to understand that a part of him needed to be more Yi's slave 'boy,' rather than merely Yi's slave 'toy.' This was quite a distinction in the boy's more rational thought process that Yi was trying so whole heartedly to extinguish. And Yi's plan had even been quite successful up to a point. For quite long stretches at a time, Chris was quite content to be his master's play thing. To be his total SLAVE. But he was still having moments when he couldn't quite commit himself so totally to his master's agenda. And it was his previous recent realization that he needed to be a more 'real' part of his master's life, coupled with the extreme 'violence' of his last bondage session, finally gave Chris the resolve to 'confront' his master at the next opportunity. A part of his mind rationalized that Yi would be better served by a slave that was content, than one that wasn't.

Chris was finally removed from his body-bag, and brought over to the shower area were his master so solicitously cleaned him and attended to his other physical needs. Of course his body was now playing traitor again and he responded with a renewed sexual arousal as his master opened the mechanical valve to drain his bladder, re-cleaned his bowel with a soothing enema, and attached the feeding attachment to the reinstalled severely imposing mouth gag -- the one that included attachments keeping his lips and tongue in secure stricture. Chris had come to even enjoy such physical controls. They seemed to imply his master's care for him. And besides, they were quite sexually stimulating to a boy whose submissive and even natural bent for sexual enslavement had been deliberately cultivated. The powerful effect of the hormones surging through his system from his 'enhanced' testicles and prostate also helped to insure his continued 'cooperation.'

However, this night it would not quite be enough to keep Yi's slave from voicing a 'concern.'

The sex session Yi had just had with his 'perfect slave' was intense and as fulfilling as ever. However, it was after the swell of pleasure had finally ebbed away into the usual comfortable and extremely sensually satisfying entwining of his body with that of his slave boy when Yi sensed that something about his boy was subtly different. And Yi then did something that was not usually a part of his nature. He decided to actually ask his boy if he had a 'problem.' The consequences of this question would be extreme and far reaching -- and would eventually lead to quite a surprising change in Chris' life -- but a change neither could have anticipated. Neither Yi, nor especially Chris, would understand its far reaching consequences for more than a year in the future.

Yi was a bit stunned and then mildly angry when his 'perfect slave boy' had indicated that things perhaps not quite 'perfect' after all. Yis' anger, however, was not directed at his boy at all, but internally. Somehow he had not quite yet succeeded in his overall master plan. He needed to do several things. He needed to contemplate everything his boy has said and to decide if it may even be possible to give the boyhiswishes.Ofcourse no sooner had this thought come to Yi, he wanted to dismiss it out of hand. After all, just who here was the master? And months earlier he would have done just that. But now even Yi had to admit to himself that his boy, against his own designs, had become just a bit more to him that a sexual outlet. But at the same time he also had to wonder if giving in to the boy now, even on this one issue would not start to undermine all of his other goals and plans --and the 'training' and manipulation already advanced. He decided to think on that later.

Right now he had a recalcitrant boy to deal with.

"Boy, don't worry about what you don't have, concentrate on what you DO have. Remember that all things begins and ends with your master. We can be very good together. Just let it happen."

"Yes master." Chris was so used to immediate surrender over the past several months that this was his first 'natural' reply.

"Remember, you decide nothing. You are the slave. I decide when you eat, when you drink, when you pee, and when you empty your bowels. And none of those things you will ever be able to do for yourself. Your total existence depends on me."

"Yes master." And Chris had to admit that these controls imposed on his somehow 'felt right.'

Yi, encouraged by his boy's immediate responses, advanced his agenda.

"Boy, I want you to plead with me to put you into permanent bondage."

"Master, I'm not sure what that means."

"Well, boy, it means that except for when you are being switched from one bondage situation to another, it means you will ALWAYS be in bondage. It means that you have now freely give your entire self into my full and complete possession. It means that you will live the remainder of your life dedicated to my sexual fulfillment by giving up you body to me. It means that you will become my perfect slave boy."

The boy paled at the implication. NEVER to be allowed to move on his own. NEVER to be able to do ANYTHING except be on display and in use his master. As much as he was thrilled by the sex and the bondage, he needed more. He quaked at the thought. His mind rebelled. No, he could never agree to anything like that in spite of how he so enjoyed individual bondage situations.

"Master, I will be a good boy, and I will serve you as your slave, but you said that a happy slave serves better. And I can't be happy this way. I need more. I have nothing else to do nor any one to do it with."

The next day Yi had been thinking about what his boy had said the previous night and was not particularly happy. His plan so far has not yielded the perfect slave boy. Perhaps his boy needed more coercion; perhaps more training. He was wondering if he could try something he'd had in mind for quite sometime but realized that it could be catastrophic for his boy. But perhaps he could use it as a threat. But it had to be a real threat. There was another way he then realized. His boy had once mentioned having a gay friend. If he could even just get a name.

It was during their next bondage session the very next day when Yi again engaged his boy in discussion. He had described in detail his 'slaves role.' And he had finally dredged out of his boy the name of the 'friend' he had left behind.

"Boy, you must recognize that your life is here with your master, There is nothing else. You must forget your family, your friends, even your special friend."

"Yes master. But it is difficult. Especially Brian who I think I was falling in love with. How can I forget that?"

"Because you are nothing now but my special slave boy. You must submit boy."

"Master. you want me to submit to everything and I can't." Chris couldn't stop his tears. His grief was palpable. He tried. He really did but it's not enough."

"Boy, you do not understand. I already have everything I want from you. (A lie but a necessary one). You must submit for YOURSELF. Not until you completely submit to me will be able to be completely happy."

Yi realized that any further conversation would be fruitless. More coercion was necessary. But he did obtain a name. And was devising a bold new plan. A plan that had two prongs. One involved making his slave boy more constantly aware of his sexual arousal and need of sexual release. To force his boy to concentrate on only his physical and sexual imperatives. The second involved a new idea. He had one final strong means of forcing physical control but he had been reluctant to use it on his boy. It was too risky. But he was momentarily inspired. He did not have torsion his slave boy.

And Yi eventually devised and developed specifics of his new plan. Even if its fruition was months away.

Dr. Yi made a call.

"Dr. Yi, it is so good to hear from you after all this time. How has that boy worked out for you? Is he able to fulfill your needs?"

"Mr. Dubrandt, my boy is all I could possibly have expected. But I was wondering if your organization would be equipped to do one more thing for me. Of course you know I do not quibble over cost. But I was wondering if you could find another boy for me."

"Dr. Yi, of course. Just fax exactly what you want, and we will find the right boy."

"Well, this time I am interested in one specific boy. He was a very close friend of the boy you obtained for me a few months ago. But the only information I have is that his name is Brian, and that he is gay. I was hoping that might possibly be enough."

"Well Dr. Yi. normally we would not work that way, but for you we will undertake to locate this boy. Do you want him sent to you?"

"Definitely. Exactly what I will do with him will depend on other factors. But yes I want this boy. I would also like as much information as you can get and of course his photo -- naked if possible -- when you have him. But be careful, I do not want even a suspicion about what may have happened to this boy other than that he turns up missing."

"We will see what we can do. I will get back as soon as possible."

It was just two days later when Yi got a call from Dubrandt. A digital photo of a naked boy, about 5' 5" and perhaps 135 pounds was also sent. Somewhat small and thin for his age of 15, but not overly so. The boy had been difficult to find since he had been a run away for the past couple of months. But one of Kenny's men had gotten a little lucky. Armed with a recent photo, he had worked the main area in the city where boys, like Brian, picked up tricks. And since Yi didn't care how the boy was processed, Brian was prepared for the crate while sedated. He was not awakened until the last stage where the mouth piece was fitted into his mouth. To say that he was startled when he found out what was happening to him was a drastic understatement.

Half angry, and half crying Brian cried out: "What the fuck's happening? What are you doing to me?"

Mr. Kerry, the head of Dubrant's East Coast operations, was overseeing this special shipment himself. And he had some interesting instructions from Yi via Dubrandt.

"Boy, all you need to know is this." He held up a photo of Brian's friend Chris taken before he had been abducted. "Do you remember your friend?"

Recognition was immediate and then consternation came right on its heels. Brian was smart enough to realize that these people were also the ones who had taken Chris.

"Where is he? What did you fuckers do to him?"

"Chris is doing well, Brian. Very well. In fact you wanted to know where he is? Well you are going to find out."

And Kerry smiled as he saw the boy's reaction as full comprehension hit.


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