Experimantal Slaveboy, Part 7

[ M/m, nc, bd, slave, mod, oral, anal ]

by Dirt


Published: 14-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Yi picked up and showed his boy what looked like a weird circle of metal and plastic. From it's circumference extended eight pins about a half inch long and a 1/16 th inch thick. Each ended in a small nub. He fit the thing well into his boy's mouth and putting his hands on the inside portion of both the top and bottom of the cage like device which was hinged at the end that was already in the boy's mouth. This pulled the partly collapsed halves apart until there was a snap and the top and bottom halves snapped together forming roughly circular forced opening extending from his boy's mouth. His boy yelled and started thrashing around, the device evidently putting quite a bit of strain on the boy's jaw forcing it to its extreme opening. There were a few tears in the boy's eyes as he tried to pull his hands up to get rid of the invader. He tried to say something but his words could not be distinguished because of the gag.

"Stop it boy. You will get used to it."

Yi forcibly held his boy down until his rebellion subsided.

Yi quickly strapped two belts over his boy's torso, including his arms effectively ending any more chance of rebellion. For good measure he added two more straps across his boy's legs. His boy was still moaning and moving his head back and forth. Yi's now heavily throbbing penis was a visual counterpoint to his intense anticipation as to what he was going to do to his boy.

Yi then looked at the stress on the boy's jaw and decided for now to ease up on it slightly. He made minute adjustment to a screw like attachment on the edge of the gag. The boy's moans subsided and the boy lay passive again. And Yi noticed, that it was the specific passivity that the boy took on when he was highly aroused sexually. He saw his boy's penis sticking straight up and dripping again. Yi still had to finish with the gag's instillation. The eight pins of the gag were currently sticking out all along the boy's upper and lower lips, forcing them to pucker a bit. Yi was happy to see that the craftsman who did this gag had been careful with the pin's precise placement for they lined up exactly with the eight small holes that Yi had made about ¼ inch above and below the boy's lips. Yi now carefully stretched his boy's upper lip up and over the pegs until they finally fit into the corresponding holes. His boy gave out a long drawn out moan during this process. Yi then attached a small intricately machined semi-circular metal bar, curved just right and pushed it down onto the row of pins. It snapped into place holding the boy's upper lip in its strange prison. Yi then did the same with the boy's lower lip. His boy was responding with increased breathing and moans. Yi was happy to note that his boy's lips stayed pink indicating that the pressure of the restraining bars above and below were snug but not overly tight.

Chris never imagined how turned on he could be by this kind of sexual play. He started trying to move his lips finding out just how they were imprisoned. This whole process of entrapping his mouth and lips, in spite of its uncomfortable aspects, seriously turned him on. As he lost more and more control of his mouth the intensity of his sexual drive reached entirely new bounds. And strangely, even in spite of his loss of control over his body, the more he was aroused by the idea of even relinquishing more. For the first time in quite some time he was perfectly happy with his situation. All he was focusing on right now was the sexual intensity of the moment and wondering with anticipation and yearning, just what his master was going to do next.

Yi was delighted with his boy's reaction. "Just one more thing boy." Yi now reached into his boy's mouth with a strange device. From a small handle there emerged two short prongs teach ending with a small hook. The two prongs fit neatly over and below the boy's tongue. The two hooks grabbed onto both sides of the metal fastening that emerged from the piercing in his boy's tongue. Yi pulled the boy's tongue until he was able to slip both sides of the metal fastening until it fit into two corresponding slots of a bar that extended from the bottom portion of the boy's gag. The boy moved convulsively and groaned during this process. Yi smiled. His boy's tongue now too was allowed little freedom.

Then Yi picked up a small rubber piece and showed it to his boy.

"This will now be fitted to the gag and be forced to fill your entire mouth."

It was made specifically for his boy and to exacting measurements. There was even a groove in it where the boy's tongue fitted nicely. The loud moans of his boy were almost entirely muffled with the plug's insertion. But Yi noted that the boy's erection was straining upward as hard as ever.

Yi looked down at his boy now making sure he had the boy's attention. He couldn't resist running his hands over the smooth skin of the boy's chest and stomach. After eliciting a number of drawn out moans he then moved hid hands to the boy's groin. The boy responded by bucking his pelvis upwards. Yi was thrilled at the boy's positive reaction to both his touching him, and more importantly, to his bondage. But it was now necessary to impress upon his slave that obedience was paramount.

"Now boy please pay strict attention. A moment ago when I was first putting in your mouth piece you started resisting. Defying what your master has decided boy, can not be tolerated. Now I wanted to make this something special for you but I now must discipline you. You do understand I have not choice. Nod if you agree."

The boy nodded realizing his mistake. He was now suddenly frightened. His hesitantly nodded, fearing what was to come.

"Very well boy. I'm glad you understand. I am going to release you and turn you on your stomach. I am not even going to strap you down. I want you to willingly not move so that I can observe your repentance. Do you understand boy?"

Another reluctant nod and a lot of heavy breathing. His penis though was still at full rigidity.

Yi started turning the boy over and as he looked into his boy's eyes suffered a slight moment of regret for what he was about to do. But he realized that he had to keep his resolve for the sake of the boy's training. This was for him after all.

Without warning Yi come down the boy's naked butt with a moderate swing of the light cat. The boy screamed. (At least that was what Yi interpreted that muffled cry to be). Yi spaced the swipes at about 20 seconds to let his boy get the full appreciation of the pain he was inflicting. The boy moved a bit under the lashing of his butt, crying and screaming all the while, and instinctively moved his body to avoid the blows. But he fear of something worse, stopped him from any deliberate action to avoid his punishment. Of course there was that one time he tried to cover up with his hands. He found out with the next swipe, which unknown to him Yi deliberately increased in force, that the pain receptors on his hands were a lot more sensitive. He didn't try that again. Yi stopped at 7 swings, because he saw that his boy had stopped yelling at that point.

Yi left the boy there for about 5 minutes to let him recover, and also to allow his boy time to understand how much pain he had caused himself over his indiscretion. Yi then came back and started applying Lidocaine to the boy's butt.

"You see boy, I am trying my best to be kind to you. In spite of your causing me to punish you, which I hated to do, I can't abide seeing you in so much pain. I am therefore applying this anesthetic so you can enjoy the rest of our activities I have planned just for you."

Yi completed his task and put his boy onto his back. The boy's tears had finally stopped.

"Boy, do you think you can be completely cooperative now?"

A quick healthy nod.

"Do you understand how much I regretted having to do that and want you to enjoy the rest of this session?"

Again a quick nod.

"Good boy. Let us continue. I am certain that you will enjoy this. Yi then helped his boy to stand. He could not resist fondling the boy's penis and testicles. (Or what the boy had for testicles). He then lowered a bar and attached the boy's wrist cuffs and raised the bar just high enough to stretch out the boy's arms.

"You might want to grip the bar boy to help keep your balance."

His boy complied. Yi smiled. Yi then picked up the heavy metal belt, showed it to his boy, and explained its features. His boy gasped when he saw the constrictions which would be forced against his sides.

"You see the two holes penetrating the belt from front to back boy? They will allow me to bolt you down to whatever I'd like. Do you remember that middle plate in the frame I showed you and it's two holes? "

The boy nodded looking again over at the frame. It didn't take a genius to understand. Yi was quick to note the rapidly rising penis on his boy. Chris had been stunned at how much that little strap thing hurt. And he sure would never try to stop it with his hands again. And he was immensely grateful for that oily liquid his master put on him afterwards. He sure didn't have to do that. He was really grateful that his master cared enough about him. And he could not mistake some of the looks his master was giving him. He was wondering if, in some really crazy way, his master really cared for him. It sure would seem so. He surely needed someone to care for him right now. He thought of his parents and was starting to think maybe he WAS better off with his master. And he was also amazed how even the whipping he took in some strange way even felt good. Not perhaps good good, but maybe right good. He was sure so horny right now that he decided to just concentrate on the moment and enjoy it. And he also decided that he was not going to feel guilty afterwards FOR enjoying what Yi had done to bring him to orgasm. Suddenly he felt the two halves of the belt being pushed against his sides and he gasped as the sideways constriction was even worse than he had imagined it would be. But even so, when he heard the lock on tieback the belt snick home, he was somehow thrilled. And excited. And anticipating what else was to come with a kind of sexual joy.

Next came the chastity device. Yi was pretty sure, if not attached soon, his boy was going to orgasm before the finale. He was determined that the boy's next orgasm would come in conjunction with his own.

"Now remember boy that I made a promise to you that I'd help you keep from having an orgasm without permission?"

A weak nod.

"Well, here is how we will be able to accomplish this. And it is quite simple. If your penis is imprisoned and cannot engorge, it cannot provide you with an orgasm." (Yi decided that at this time it wasn't necessary to go into all the minor exceptions to this rule).

Yi then picked up one of the two different strap arrangements that could be affixed to this belt and to which different penis (or penis and ball) cages, tubes, and other delimiters could be attached. He chose the one that would still allow him access to his boy's soon to be used rear hole. This metal web strengthened set of leather covered straps affixed to the center front of the metal belt. This three inch wide strap was attached to an anchoring flange that fit snugly around the boy's penis and ball sac. It was designed to accommodate quite a number of different penis restraining devices. Behind the boy's ball sac the flange continued with two smaller straps that continued up to the boy's anal crack but still allowed access to the boy's mechanical urine valve and the hole exit for any inserted penis ring. This specific attachment also went around the boy's anus to allow access to it, and then attached to the back of the metal belt. (The other strap arrangement joined at the boy's crack and continued with a very thick tube-like belt that fit very tightly into the boy's crack, over his anus, and attached at the rear of the belt. This could also provide a means of keeping other dildos and/or butt plugs inside his boy as desired).

Yi showed the device to his boy and was happy to explain in detail its features. His boy was very attentive and seemed quite excited by the thing. Yi pulled his boy's throbbing penis and then his balls through the opening and attached the straps. Yi twisted the flattened ring attached permanently above the ball sac as he pulled the boy's balls through the opening, eliciting a loud moan from his boy. Then Yi had chosen a very simple clear vinyl closed tube for the boy's penis. This one allowed the boy's balls to remain free. Yi showed this to his boy explaining its use. The boy stared at it intently and his penis started throbbing up and down. Yi then wrapped a chemical ice pack around his boy's penis, which brought quite a groan from his boy. It took some time but finally his boy's penis was made to fit into the very restrictive tube, which was no more than 1½ inches long and 5/8 inch in diameter until it faired out a bit to fit onto the part encircling the boy's package. The boy very soon seemed to become a bit agitated as his penis wanted to expand and the tube would not allow it. Yi smiled at his boy's discomfiture.

"Listen boy. You will be wearing such a device quite a lot so you had better try getting used to it. It is for your own good." His boy's apparent agitation could be noted by his higher pitched moans and his moving from leg to leg.

Yi then removed his boy's arms from the above bar and merely attached the leash loosely from his collar to the bar instead.

"Boy, I now require you to stand without any purposeful movement. You will be rewarded soon for your compliance. I am sure you want to please your master. We have a lot more interesting items to attach to you yet."

Yi then picked up the hand restrictors that would now be fitted onto his boy.

"Boy let's see how these fit."

Chris looked on with a mixture of dread, and excitement. But excitement was by far ahead, as he was trying to figure out what those half-cone things could possibly be used for. He now found out.

Yi opened the smaller squat cone by releasing two clips on two sides of the smaller cone, and spreading the two halves open on hinges attached to the larger cone. He grabbed his boy's right hand and forced it inside. It fit very snugly when he closed the upper part and snapped shut the two clips. The fingers and thumb would have very minimal room for movement. The things were well designed to confine his boy's hands but not to press in any one spot.

"You may look at it boy."

Chris needed no urging to lift his right hand and inspect the cones imprisoning it. He was so excited by it that he failed to realize at first the significance. Of course he started to try opening his right hand and moaned as he realized that for the time being his fingers and thumb were entirely useless. But that very idea had Chris so excited and aroused that without an almost conscious thought he offered his left hand to his master.

Yi spoke almost kindly to his slave.

"I most gratefully understand your selfless offer of your other hand boy, but of course I must punish you for moving without permission. I am profoundly sorry."

His boy reacted in a mixture of fear, and something else that would have been totally foreign to him just the day before. He also accepted the fact that he had to be punished. With almost no resistance, Chris allowed Yi to keep hold of his hand as he brought the cat down on his forearm. He flinched and yelped in pain, but screwed up his courage and allowed Yi to keep his hand.

"Boy, because your movement was in fact an unsolicited surrender of your hand, I will generously reward you by forgoing the other nine swipes."

Yi was very pleased with himself as he saw the actual look of gratitude on his slave's face. He then quickly attached the second metal "glove."

"OK boy, now you will understand what these three rings are for right now. Lift your right leg."

The ring was quickly slipped over the boy's right foot. And then the other large ring over the left. When Yi brought the rings up over his boy's thighs and tight to his boy's buttocks, his boy was watching with intent interest, a puzzled expression,. . . and an increase in his arousal if that were possible. Pre-cum was leaking from the small hole at the tip of his penis tube. At that moment Chris' entire attention was on the proceedings and his own arousal. Banished, at least for the time being, were any thoughts of wanting to escape, home, or his past life. What was being done to him far surpassed any arousal he had obtained by the mere fantasies he had entertained while masturbating. The actual occurrence far outstripped what his imagination was able to accomplish. For at least this moment in time he was actually glad that he had been the one chosen for his master.

Yi drew the two outer rings all the way to his boy's thighs. The center ring, which was forced to ride up into his crotch, forced his thighs apart. Delicious. Then with the two special clips, he clipped the two outer rings to the two inner D-rings on his boy's wrist cuffs. Then Yi took the specially made arm restraints that were specifically made to attach his boy's arms firmly to his waist belt. Each restraint consisted of a metal reinforced leather cuff sized just for his boy's elbows. He fitted the first cuff over his boy's right elbow. It reached from several inches both above and below the elbow. He tightened the straps which were on the outside of the cuff and then snapped small projection from the cuff onto it's slot in the waist belt. The metal reinforcements within the cuff allowed almost no movement of the boy's elbow. Yi then attached the other cuff to his boy's left elbow and again secured it to the belt around his boy's waist. His boys arms and hands were well secured and now incapable of coming near his penis. Or anywhere else for that matter. His boy was now almost continuously moaning.

"One last item boy."

His boy looked downward as Yi pulled out a cloth bag containing some very diabolically sharpened short spikes. These were specifically designed to snap into holes in the middle ring. His boy got this look of horror when he saw what came out of the cloth bag.

"Now not a word as I snap these 3 spikes in place." Of course the slave boy, with the monstrous devise in his mouth did not see the humor. These spikes Yi fit equi-distant around the outer diameter of the middle ring. They were about a half inch long and sharp enough to give real discomfort but not draw blood.

His boy was moaning as he tried to move without jabbing his thighs or crotch with the spikes. It was great to watch. Yi's own erection seemed now to be made out of steel. Which he would now satisfy. He removed the boy's penis tube, turned him around, and removed his butt plug. Yi then liberally applied some additional lubrication to his own monster 10 inch erection. Relief for his slave boy was only momentary as Yi grabbed a hold of the boy's mostly rigid arms and started to use his boy's rear hole for its main intended purpose. Yi moaned loudly she felt the still tight confines of the boy's rectum. Faster and faster he moved, pulling out almost completely and then pumping hard back inside. The boy's enhanced musculature tightly squeezing she inserted the huge member.

Chris, on the other hand, screamed at the initial invasion. At least it would have been a scream if he could have voiced it properly. The initial insertion came with a significant pain but at the same time the boy felt the arousal of being used and under control of his master. In spite of the pain, which the boy never realized was nothing compared to what he would have felt had his anal sphincters not been already expanded, he sort of liked the idea of being so used. In fact, in conjunction with his bondage, he was he now was as aroused as was possible at least on a psychological level. And physically his pleasure was suddenly starting to mount as the pain receded to insignificance. He liked the feeling of his having his rectums invaded. Then his prostate had a sudden jolt. He started now going wild as again and again Yi penis hit that such important spot. All other thoughts vanished she climbed to climax. He found himself now not only grateful for his master's use of him, he even no longer minded the modifications that were done. For the first time since his kidnapping, Chris had only one thought about his captor. He was glad for what his master had done to him and abandoned himself completely to his master and his own pleasure. Soon even these thoughts disappeared as his mounting climax drew all his attention.

Yi was staircase felt his boy responding so positively. The clenching of the boy's rectal muscles on his penis finally drove him to the edge. Then his boy's climax initiated a strong convulsion of his rectal sphincters that gripped Yi's member with extreme strength. The enhanced muscles gripped so fiercely that Yi was immediately brought to climax himself. He was sure that it was the best of his life. Massive spasm after massive spasm wracked his groin and spread pleasure throughout. It was enhanced by his own strenuous activity as he plowed again and again into his boy's love hole. HIS boy's love hole. At least 12 massive spurts of ejaculate filled the boy's rectum and began dripping down his slim legs. Coupled with the feeling of the smooth boy flesh under him, and the understanding that this boy was now becoming his perfect slave-boy, Yi was in his own paradise of thought, desire, and pleasure.

And then a strange errant thought came to him as he rested his body on top of his now quiet slave. Unbidden came the thought of rewarding his boy. What was strange another thought of reward itself, but that it was not in connection with his own plans of manipulation.

Chris himself was trembling from his recovery from one of the most intense orgasms of his young life. He twisted his head and look up into the face of his master in a kind of daze. His master had given him an incredible experience. His emotions were at war inside himself. He hated the idea that he was no longer in control of his life. But at many levels he liked what his master had done to him. And was doing to him. And he will be doing to him. It wasn't all bad. He decided to worry about figuring it all out later. Right now he allowed himself to be caught up in the moment.

It took Yi a few minutes to fully recover from his last orgasm. It was more intense than any he had ever known. He started feeling something he had never felt before, but its foreign nature had Yi perplexed. For a brief moment he had actually though of his slave as someone to cherish rather than something to cherish. He did not know how to respond.

Yi finally recovered from his aberrant thought and decided it was now time to introduce his boy to real bondage. He pulled his boy up from the mat they had fallen onto and made sure his boy was properly listening.

"Now boy for some real fun. You will really like this." Ad Yi, if truth be told, really wanted to please his slave. Of course this quickly gave way to thoughts of his own strong arousal as he contemplated what he was doing and about to do. The idea of maintaining this level of total control over another human being brought with it an amazing pleasure both physical and emotional. And for turning that that human being, a boy whom he founds attractive in so many of his attributes, fueled all his amazing lusts. And all his amazing desires. He was near the culmination of his life long dream.

The boy was again attentive, realizing that there was still that frame standing several feet away. In spite of just recovering from a couple of the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced, he was again getting aroused just by the thought of what was coming. He thought to himself that even if his life was to be curtailed and limited, at least he was enjoying the part of it that was allowed him. He fully realized that his master could just as well left the chastity tube on his penis. He was grateful for that. Now his boner was as rigid as ever. He surely hoped that it would be allowed its freedom. The confinement of his penis earlier was one of the more frustrating feelings he had ever experienced. (Though strangely, the IDEA of it had its allure).

Yi cleaned up the copious amount sof cum that was dribbling out of his boy's asshole and down his legs. With a bulb, filled with a specially prepared medication, he squirted up his boy's rectum, he cleaned him out. The medication would drastically reduce any inflammation from the severe mechanical abrasion that had occurred. It was important to keep his boy's love holes healthy. They would get a lot of use. Yi then threw all the soiled items into a bin and returned to his boy. He unlocked his leach from the ring imbedded in the floor and brought his boy over to the frame. He could see the interest in his boy's eyes. He picked up a new butt plug and showed it to his boy.

"This boy, is a rather moderate sized plug, but after the grueling your asshole has taken I have decided to show you some regard. This is designed to fit right here."

Yi fitted it onto the machined end of the screw on the extending arm below the central plate that was an integral part of the large metal bondage frame. This arm onto which it was placed could swivel and the plug could even bend to find its most accommodating position in his boy's rectum. It was also designed so that it would make full contact with his boy's prostate. He also connected the necessary wires to run it's internal mechanisms. His boy was in for quite a surprise. Yi then took full pleasure in lubing up his boy's asshole and rectum. His boy responded also in kind with his usual passivity. Yi then bodily lifted up his boy and sat him onto the plug, gradually letting his feet come to rest on the designed footpads. His boy was now fully embedded onto the 8 inch plug. He then grabbed the two large bolts, lined up the holes on the boys belt to those in the frame and pushed the bolts home. Then he put on the nuts and with a normal wrench tightened them, fully securing his boy's waist to the frame behind him.

The boy made some minor movement of his hips, or tried to, testing the bolts, and reveling in the altogether new feeling that he had a hard time defining. But it sure was arousing as his penis was now sticking out straight and dripping profusely. He was wondering if the ceramic balls were responsibly or something else his master had done to him but he never remembered putting out so much pre-cum before. But he was enthralled by the feeling of his strict confinement. Even the constriction of his waist, though at first uncomfortable, gave him a feeling of being entrapped that so aroused him. His fingers and thumbs could barely move, his arms were held almost immobile along his sides, those blasted spikes made him not want to move his legs at all, and his collar took away some freedom from his head movement. Finally the mouth plug, in spite of its straining his jaw was driving him wild. Sexy wild. He would never have imagined just how much this forced opening of his mouth, along with the weird imprisonment of his tongue could have so aroused him.

Next Yi attended to the boys legs and feet. These he quickly stretched out quite forcibly to the side eliciting heavy moans and groans from the boy. Each leg fit precisely into its intended formfitting groove, with the foot placed in a downward position into its own slanting resting place. Then form fitting metal coverings were placed over the feet, lower, and upper legs. Though each in turn only covered about half of the exposed foot, calf, and thigh, they allowed positively no movement when they too were bolted into place.

Chris could not stop from moaning as his arousal was hitting new heights. He never in his wildest imaginings have realized how turned on he could by someone mounting him into such a restrictive situation. All his former fantasies of bondage and being so controlled by another was as a chimera in comparison. His attention was now totally caught up in what was presently happening. All misgivings, all worries, all fears, all other hopes of a different future, were as if they never existed. Chris was totally living in the present of his amazing arousal.

Yi too was totally captivated by the moment. This boy was HIS. This boy was totally in HIS control. This boy would now forever belong to him. Every aspect of his boy's life was now in his total control. Thoughts of what he would be doing to his boy in the future gave him unbounded delight. These thoughts brought Yi to about the greatest arousal of his life.

Yi now concentrated on the final completion of his boy's bondage.

"Now boy we are almost there. But there is one more item I need to do that will allow me to completely bolt your body to this frame. Yi then brought out the culmination of what he believed to be one of his better ideas. Yi smiled in anticipation not only to what he was going to do to his boy, but in his boy's reaction.

Chris looked with both horror and fascination as he saw his master pick up two halves -- two solid halves, of what was so obviously a full form-fitting metal mask, designed to entrap the entire head.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.