Experimantal Slaveboy, Part 6

[ M/m, nc, bd, slavery, mod ]

by Dirt


Published: 13-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Yi opened the cage, making sure to school his expression and voice. He waited until his boy looked at him. There was the most pitiable expression and then another giant wail."

"You may speak boy."

"Master, I. . . this slave's so sorry! This slave doesn't know what happened. This slave tried SO hard. Please master, this slave is sorry."

Yi sat on the mattress, released the boys chains, and pulled the sobbing boy to his chest. Defecation, urine, odor and all. For several minutes Yi just comforted his boy, murmuring endearments. He even meant them. But his ulterior motive still made him smile inside.

As his boy settled into a quiet tearful sob, Yi said as if to himself: "I should have realized that a boy can get so carried away by his hormones." "And a orgasm cocktail," he added silently.

Finally, the boy, wondering about this aspect of his master that he had perhaps only had tiny glimpse of over that past weeks, was wondering if he might just possibly escape his expected punishment.

"Master, this slave is so sorry master. Master, this slave absolutely promises it won't never do this again."

"I'm sure you won't boy," Said Yi, snickering mentally to himself at the double entendre.

"Master," the boy pleaded with barely a spark of hope, "Maybe if this slave solemnly promises to be forever good, maybe his master can have mercy." The boy was too afraid to actually mention the word punishment.

"Well boy. You know that I am compelled to keep my own promises."

The boy started shaking anew at these words.

"And boy, going all the way to an orgasm is the worst sin the slave can commit."

The boy was getting so anxious and fearful that he was close to fainting.

"However, I have maintained that I am a generous master."

The boys renewed hope soared. He looked at his master almost with worship. His master understood! His master cared!

"Of course, maybe it was even my fault?"

The boy was now truly puzzled. It was he, the slave, that committed so horrible an offense. He, the slave, couldn't let his master, who so cared for his slave, to take the blame.

"Master, I don't understand?"

"Boy, you are a teenager. You are approaching a time in your life when your hormones can run a rampage. And you haven't even reached your maximum level of sexual need. And I am a doctor. Of all people it is your master who should have foreseen such an event."

"Master, but it is this slave that is guilty."

"But boy, I have now two worries. I am starting to care for you so much that I dread hurting you so much. The penalty for masturbating without permission is 25 strokes of the heavy cat. The one you felt two days ago was the light one."

The boy blanched. He couldn't even fathom surviving that. Or wanting to survive.

"And the second thing I realize, I must now make sure no event happens in the future that could cause your master to have to punish his slave for doing it a second time."

The boy was again confused and now a little worried. "Master, what could you do?"

"Well, boy, I could make sure that my slave can never masturbate again." Yi was snickering to himself. He was having too much fun. And his erection was standing straight up.

The boy started shaking at the only implication he could then imagine. He started crying again. "Master do you have to? What would you do to me. . . to this slave? Would you have to hurt my penis?"

Yi let the question hang for a good moment before answering.

"Boy! What a horrid suggestion. Absolutely not. We have to have our beautiful nights together don't we? Besides I could never do that to a boy I am beginning to care for above all else." Yi realized that this was not entirely a lie.

The boy's hope and regard for his so kind master soared again. Just hearing how much his master cared for him made him feel so happy. He hugged his master with all his might.

"Master, then what will happen?"

"I will tell you what boy. Do you know what a chastity belt is?"

"Master, for girls?"

"They have them for boys too. I tell you what boy. What if your master just secures you in a chastity belt when you are left on your own. It doesn't have to be on the rest of the time."

"Master, does it hurt?"

"Of course not boy." And Yi added to himself, thinking of the type of belts he had in mind. He added onlyin his ownmind: "So long as you don't start getting an erection."

"Of course boy, while we are at it. Now that the master realizes that his slave boy stinks. Maybe we can do something about your wetting and soiling yourself. That OK boy?"

Chris was not so sure what that might entail -- he didn't really like the idea of a diaper or anything similar, but he was only too eager to agree to anything. Of course Yi too realized that when he made the deliberately ambiguous statement.

A secreted hypodermic was used to put the boy to sleep in seconds. The boy would never even remember the prick.

Almost ten days later, Yi finally allowed his boy to awaken to full consciousness. Yi had decided, as part of his long term plan, to make his boy totally dependent on him for everything -- as far as possible. Even so far as not allowing his boy domain over his own bodily functions.

The medical procedure was really pretty simple. Yi bisected the boy's urethra midway between his anal opening and his testicles -- or more accurately, ceramic implants. Yi then backed up the urethra toward the anus about a quarter inch and built it up into a knob that allowed the insertion and permanent placement of a small mechanical valve. This valve was the new outlet for the boy's urine. His urine would never flow through the boy's penis again. Next a small catheter was inserted into the urethra until it reached all the way to the small sphincter that allowed the boy to control his bladder. The valve here was incised and the muscle damaged so that his boy would never again have any control over the release of his urine from his bladder. Now it would be Yi alone who would decide when this small mechanical valve would be turned off and on. And as a nasty side effect of this procedure was that, except for about 15 to 30 minutes immediately after emptying his bladder, his boy would constantly feel like he had to pee. Delicious!

Then there was the matter of the other end of the severed urethra. Contemplating what he did here and for what reason was even more delicious. This he did much the same as the other end. Only this did not need any valve. Of course now, whatever he wished to push into his boy's penis slit would easily find its way out just beyond his testicles, or rather his ceramic orbs. It was only limited by lack of imagination. But Yi had a great imagination. One thing he contemplated was a really interesting form of chastity device. A simple ring! Put an open ended ring into the penis slit and have it come out the other side. Then join the ends. Or not. Many variations were possible. Very large and heavy rings would just make sure that it was impossible for the boy not to think about his penis. Or a very small one would easily curtail a full erection. Exquisite! A VERY small one would drive the boy wild! Especially with his now near constantneed foran erection.

Yi wanted to make sure that the full impact of what he had done to his boy was discovered and understood by him right away. After the region was fully healed, and a suitable ring was in place through the boy's penis, encircling his two ceramic orbs in the process, the boy was finally allowed to awake to full consciousness. This particular penis ring was 3/16 inch in diameter, and even though well lubed, had to be forced through the boy's urethra. However, it was large enough so that the boy would still be capable of a full erection even if his penis was forced to curve quite a bit back towards his body. Although this ring was not permanent, another wide metal ring which now encircled the boy's penis just above his ceramic orb sac, was. It was greatly flattened in the direction of the boy's body axis and there was a unique feature. A small rod actually connected the two flattened sides of this ring by going through a hole punctured through the top of his ball sac. Yes, very permanent. And very impossible to ever ignore. One of the ideas of Yi's was to make sure that his boy would never again be able to put aside the conscious thought of his testicle sac and penis. And with the aid of inducing tissue growth in this region of the boy's sac, together with the wide and heavy metal ring, Yi now had exactly what he wanted on his boy -- a pendulous testicle sac. In addition to the weight of the ceramic orbs, Yi had also introduced several ounces of pure gold into the orbs. Gold, since it was non-reactive, dense, and malleable. This increased weight would be quite noticeable to his boy yet have no deleterious effect on the hormone production of the special captive bacteria. Yi was also contemplating adding a series of small gold 'bumps' along the ventral surface of his boy's penis just under the skin but did not wish to preclude his ability to totally engulf the boy's penis. This decision would have to be weighed very carefully.

Yi's slave boy would also wake to a number of other fun surprises. For the entire time his boy was recuperating, Yi had also been finishing work on his boy's two holes. The enlargement of the boy's anal sphincter and rectum, and likewise the enlargement of the boy's throat. Gradually, larger and larger dildo like inserts had been put in place, along with the necessary medications to spur tissue growth, and voila! Yi's entire penis, as monstrous as it was at nearly 10 inches long, and over 2 ½ inches in diameter, was now easily able its full penetration of the boy's two 'love holes.' And during that time, tiny electrical pulses of those very huge impaling devices kept the muscles of the boy's throat and his rectal sphincters contracting around the implements alternately at a rate of about once every three seconds, making sure that his boy's musculature would be able to tighten down onto his huge member. For the present, an absolutely huge butt plug, also with an electric stimulator, was selected to be rammed up the boy's rectum.

The absolutely nastiest mouth gag Yi's fertile imagination could conceive was also selected to be forced into his boy's mouth. It required a series of small holes punctured through the face encircling the boy's mouth just beyond the boy's lips, but it was worth it thought Yi. There was also a necessary piercing near the end of the boy's tongue and a strange doubled knob anchored in place. His boy's tongue would become one of the anchor points of this strange new mouth gag.

Another item made ready was a wide belt, with it's accompanying arm bands, which would encircl the boy's waist. Instead of leather, this one was made of leather-lined steel and very heavy. Thus it had to be affixed very tightly. At first glance it looked like a normal, though wide belt. It was about three inches wide in front and the sides tapering to about 1 1/2 inches in the rear, and looking at it straight on, with the boy installed within, one would see two holes, about a half inch in diameter just above the edge of each hip. And that these holes seemed to actually go through the boy's body and come out the back. Well they did. It was no illusion. If you took the belt off you would see that thick projections from the belt squeezed his boy from both sides. And these two holes were there for a purpose. This belt could be bolted down. Now at each sided of this metal belt were smaller circles of steel web reinforced leather belts that could be used to keep the boy's arms held down along his side. This would add additional stability to the boy's imprisoned arms and hands when the final pieces were fit onto his boy.

Although a separate item, there was also a metal and leather chastity device that could be used in conjunction with the above belt. Simple in design, it allowed for several different types of penis cages which could be affixed to the framework that went around each side of the boy's scrotum. This leather and metal frame work then joined into single thick round belt that tightly threaded up the boy's ass crack. There were a variety of butt plugs that also could be used and held in place by this cord. Yi decided that he would first put the metal ring selected through his boy's piss slit since he was going to have fun bringing his boy to orgasm several times before switching to one of the more severe penis cages.

Yi finally opened a package that had just arrived that morning. He pulled out a set of three wide and heavy rings all interconnecting. The two outer rings were just the perfect size to fit up his boy's legs and rest just below his buttocks. These rings were about an inch wide and a good quarter inch thick. Being stainless steel, they were very heavy. The middle ring, which joined these two outer rings, was about two inches in diameter, about an inch wide and also a quarter inch thick. They were all highly polished. Separate were two small clips that would connect to the D-ring on his boy's cuffs, and then be able to connect to either of the outer rings. Then there were two metal contrivances that looked like two cone shaped objects, one shorter than the other, joined at their fat ends. One cone had an opening on one end that looked just about boy wrist size.


Yi's precious boy was finally rousing. At the moment his boy was totally naked and only encumbered by his permanent metal collar and the four cuffs. As Yi studied his boy's penis, he was glad to see that all inflammation from the most recent surgery was completely gone. The boy's penis was partially erect, jutting out at about a 45 degree angle and was just over 3 inches. At this moment, the penis' foreskin did not quite extend beyond the darkened glans. The oversized balls now extended below the penis and was sharply delineated within the sac because of the metal collar that tightly encircled the skin between the balls and the boy's penis. It was Yi intention to eventually induce further skin growth here so that his boy would eventually possess even more pendulous balls -- a real turn on for Yi. The few scattered hairs above the penis was also to Yi's taste and he was confident that with the boy's current drug regimen would deny any further maturation or change. His slave boy would very shortly be introduced to the full panoply of man-boy sex. And the further anticipation of introducing his boy to more severe bondage had his erection jutting out like a steel rod. All was prepared to the last detail. He even had both the tawse and the light cat with him just in case his boy needed a little additional persuasion. He was adverse to using a cane since it caused too deep a bruising. But he also had an electro-torture device in the wings if needed for more severe punishment for more major offenses or breaches of discipline. Yi firmly believed in a delicate balance of punishment, reward, and subtle coercion to obtain results. (Of course there was also his medical pharmacopoeia).

The boy opened his eyes and started to reach for his testicles, remembering that his master had stated that he would be using some chastity restraint on him, or. . . , as his the master insists, the slave. (Privately, the boy thought that all this strange insistence on not using the word's 'I' or 'me' a bit melodramatic, but he definitely wanted no additional punishments, so this was an easy way to make his master happy). And he stopped his reflexive reaching just in time to avoid a severe breach of the rules.

Yi smiled as he saw his boy suddenly stop moving his hand downward. He was also glad to note that the boy showed no more signs of wanting to hide his sex organs.

"Boy, I see you remembered in time that your penis belongs to me and they are only mine to touch. You may speak; how do you feel?" (The boy's simple mouth insert was currently in places so that Yi could more easily discern what his boy was saying).

"Master, this slave feels fine. Master, may this slave ask a question?"

"Yes boy?"

"Master, what did you just do to the slave? It feels like it's been quite some days." And with a slight pause added, "and the slave needs to pee."

Yi was ecstatic that his boy was properly following the rules.

"Just as I promised you boy. I have made sure that you will never accidentally urinate again and as to your bowel movements, I have started a regimen of enemas on you so that very soon, the only way you will be able to evacuate your bowel is by an enema. You should be grateful that the accident that happened when you were last awake will never happen again. Now let me sit you up and show what beautiful work I have done."

Yi maneuvered his boy into a position where his boy could see the region of his anus and testicles with the aid of a simple mirror.

Yi placed the mirror and then wiggled the mechanical urine plug with his finger. His boy exclaimed. Yi smiled noting how sensitive the area was for his boy.

"This boy is now where your urine will evacuate. This is a mechanical plug. Let me show you how it works." Yi then merely twisted the tiny end and urine started to flow into a pan he had put into place. The boy looked on much more fascinated than appalled. His penis started twitching at the sight and implication of what he was seeing. Then he noticed something else.

"Master, may I ask another question?"

"Go ahead boy."

"What is the other bump and hole there?"

Yi could not have planned it better. It was the next thing on his agenda.

"Ahh, let me show you boy."

Yi reached for a medium sized ring, about 4 inches in diameter. There was a gap of about an inch separating its ends, which could be made to join by a slight twist. He gabbed his boy's penis which instantly erected and proceeded to push the end of the ring into the penis slit. The boy gasped and wanted the invasion to stop but instantly realized that any action on his part would be punished. Fortunately the ring was both well lubed and of slender enough diameter that the feeling of the invading ring penetrating his penis was more exciting than hurtful. Much more exciting. He had simple never though of anything like this and now the operation was very sexually arousing. The boy started moaning as Yi continued to push the ring through. He was so pleased to see that his boy's moan was one indicating sexual arousal. As Yi noted before, the boy then leaned back his head and sat passively apparently very much enjoying the manipulation of his penis. Soon the ring was through.

"Boy, your attention. Now you see what the hole is for?"

The ring extended about an inch through the exiting hole and with a twist of the two ends, Yi joined them to form a continuous ring. The boy's erect penis was forced to follow the circle of the ring but this size ring was not restrictive enough to disallow erection.

"Stand up boy and see how it feels."

The boy enthusiastically complied and drew in his breath as he felt the so sudden and heavy a weight pull down on his penis. And his testicles now seemed so heavy.


This was followed by a slap of a tawse on the boy's behind. And that in turn was followed by a wail from the boy, who realized just what he had done wrong.

The boy contritely looked up at his master, but was silent.

"Good boy. You are learning. Now we have just begun. We have some exciting things to do yet boy."

Yi walked his boy on his leash a few feet over to a special frame. It was made out of square metal tubing and was roughly in the shape of a standing cross but the bottom split into two legs with a final width at the floor at just about the right spacing of the legs of a small boy who is forced to stretch his legs wide while standing. The horizontal bar was boy arm sized too. But there was also a strange plate just where the split legs joined which had two large holes in it plus a bar that extended forward about 5 inches. Sticking up from this bar was a machined screw which seemed to invite someone to attach something there. In fact it was almost the perfect height to just barely reach into this same little boy's anus. Also, on the top extension there was another plate at about little boy head height that had an additional 4 holes a bit smaller than the two on the plate below, two on each side.

"See this frame boy. Soon you will be attached to it. But we will have a lot of fun first."

At the sight of this frame and the understanding what his master was implying, the boy started breathing heavily and his penis started pushing droplets out along the ring currently holding his penis. (Or the slave's penis). The stuff was oozing out at both holes. His sexual proclivities were definitely showing and Yi was sure to note this.

Yi then picked his boy up laid him back onto the padded table. He fit a long spreader bar on the boy's ankles and attached the bar to a cable that could lift his boy legs as needed. He next attached the boy's wrist cuffs to the corners above his head. The boy, very passive as this was done, moaned with arousal. Yi was so pleased at his boy and how he was responding to the situation in general, and this specific activity in particular, that he was going to have to personally thank the boy's procurer at his next convenience. This boy was apparently his perfect match.

Yi then hit a button on a remote that lifted the boys legs exposing his delectable hole. He intended to make sure that his boy's continual and near overwhelming need for sexual pleasure and sexual release would eventually unshakable and irrevocably bind the boy totally to himself. Yi's plan included three means. One, to take complete control of the boy's bodily functions. Two, to maintain control over the boy's movements and even his physical access to his own body through the use of simple to extreme bondage devices. And three, by exercising control over his boy's libido through chemical means. He wanted most of his boy's attention and focus to be solely on his body's physical and sexual demands and needs. Which Yi would provide the only key for assuaging. The boy must become totally dependant for all his perceived needs, and Yi was going to eliminate as much as possible from the boy's conscious mind, any needs for which Yi was not able to provide surcease.

Yi looked down at his boy and could see his palpable sexual response to Yi's manipulation of his young body. The drugs used now were much more subtle and less controlling than before. (Of course, being a young teen, not much was needed). Yi still wanted his boy to "CHOOSE" his own passive role and allow Yi to provide for his pleasure and release.

"OK boy, now for our fun."

Yi lubed the huge butt plug, and showed it to his boy. His boy's eyes widened in surprise and then in genuine fear. And of course genuine excitement too.

"You may respond boy. I am going to push this it's entire 10 inches into your rectum."

"Master, that will rupture this slave. Please don't."

Yi chuckled. "Boy, a expandable plug, almost this size when completely expanded was in your butt just a short time before you regained consciousness. I promise you that your rectum is entirely capable of taking this all the way. You will even enjoy it. Over the past several days I have been expanding your butt hole and rectum to make this possible. You must trust your master. Your welfare is ever present in my thoughts."

All this time Yi was using skilled fingers to caress his boy's tender flesh. His boy was starting to tremble just thinking about what he is master was ready to do to him. He wanted it to happen but was scared nonetheless. Pain hurt! And he'd prefer not to have any. But he also knew what his master would do if he did not cooperate. And there was also the fact that he was getting so horny he was almost ready to try anything. Besides he really didn't have any choice. And perversely, he sort of almost LIKED the idea that he didn't have any choice. He was smart enough to realize that it was his 'horniness' that was gaining control, but knowing this didn't seem to matter.

Finally he just abdicated making any choice at all, and just let it happen. He just moaned as the plug touched the very sensitive pucker of his asshole. He was startled to realize that the huge tip of the thing was already inside him and it felt wonderful. There was not the slightest pain. He was happy to realize that his master DID care about him and wanted him to enjoy the sex as much as himself. His master told him the absolute truth.

"Master, it's starting to make me feel so sort of full down there."

Yi smiled as he saw that his boy was enjoying just letting this happen to him. He pushed harder and twisted the plug a bit. It gradually advanced. His boy now really started grunting and groaning. The plug was inexorably pushed home. The expanded lip of his boy's sphincter had been well prepared. Another big twist and it finally sunk home. His boy let out a yell, followed by a moan.

Yi could see his boy's rigid penis start to twitch. In spite of the weight of the heavy ring forcing it into it's cruel curve, it was keeping time with his heart beat. Yi took off the ring and took the boy's penis into his mouth while pushing the butt plug a little in and out. His boy went wild. He arched his back, pushing his hips seemingly trying to shove his penis down his master's throat. It didn't take long before Yi was sucking down his boy's juice. Yi himself was also on the edge. It was time he decided to make use of one of the holes that were his by right of ownership. After draining his boy, Yi then attached a large syringe to a slot on the back of the boy's butt plug and injected enough water into a small bladder well within the boy's rectum thus anchoring the plug in place. He then released his boy from his restraints, pulled his boy onto his knees aiming his monster towards his boy's mouth. Just seeing the monster member had the boy both aroused and frightened. His master intended him to swallow the entire thing! Impossible. He started backing away.

Yi reached over to the cart and lifted the light cat, waving it in the boy's face. The boy knew fully well how much even alight swing from it could bring instant fire to where ever it hit. He stopped backing away and prayed that his apparent submission would preclude its use.

Yi smiled at the boy's reaction. He suspected that in a few short weeks, his boy would be totally compliant in performing whatever sex act he wished. He spoke to his boy in an almost caring tone:

"Boy, I own you. That also means that I own every part of you. Your mouth is my property to use as I see fit. You understand me boy?"

"Yes, master." He couldn't help shuddering at the intended invasion of his mouth and throat. Strangely it was getting easier to acknowledge that Yi was indeed his master.

"Well now boy, let's see if I can teach you how to use your mouth and throat to please me. Open your slave's mouth."

Yi was hopeful that they boy's gag reflex had indeed been eliminated by the previous surgery. He was going to find out. He pulled the small plug from the boy's throat and started pushing his now dripping member into his slave's mouth. He started explaining to his boy how best to use a mouth and tongue to caress and suck on his master's penis. Even the strange piercing in the boy's tongue added something to the erotic feel of his boy's tongue. But Yi realized that he was too far gone to make this a long lesson.

"Swallow me boy. Swallow!"

With a little push by Yi his boy took his master's entire heavily engorged penis down his throat. Yi was so taken up in the throws of his own arousal he didn't realize that his boy was again hard and dripping. This whole thing was causing his boy to be so aroused that he was totally and unabashedly taking delight in his master's use of him. It felts right. Yi started softly grunting as the monstrous spasms of his orgasm hit. He rammed his penis again and again into his boy's throat. Minutes later Yi realized that he had squeezed his boy against the table and that he was bent double over it, his penis only slightly flaccid. He pulled out of his boy and looked down. His boy was breathing hard, caught up in his own arousal. Yi decided to make the most of his boy's condition. He was going to introduce him to what bondage was all about. Not only would his boy be put into physical bondage, he would make sure that his boy realized that concomitant with his physical bondage was his own personal bondage to his master.

Yi lifted his boy onto the table and made sure he had his entire attention.

"Listen to me boy. We are going to do something special to commemorate this occasion. You should be happy that your both love holes are now ready to bring great pleasure to your master."

The boy tried to speak and soon realized that this was impossible while he was breathing through the hole in his throat. Yi put back the plug because he wanted to hear the muffled groans and moans as he put his boy into his first serious bondage. The boy started gasping in his excitement and Yi had to quiet him.

"Just lay there boy and enjoy."

Yi decided to use the new mouth gag that his imagination had conjured up a while back. It was actually much more than a gag. In conjunction to a tube that was designed to fit into the front of the gag when the rubber plug is pulled out, it could be used as a method of force feeding his boy. There was a plunger that could be made to gradually screw into the tube forcing its contents into the boy's mouth and down his throat. It could even be thought of as a torture device if what was being forced was something not exactly pleasant to ingest. Yi had definite plans for that at some future date.

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