Published: 13-Apr-2012
Word Count:
Chris looked at this man who insisted he was now his master with a little fear, but also with a significant sexual arousal. And what was really troubling him was that the idea of what Yi might next do to him was causing a good part of this arousal. Chris was very conflicted. As apprehensive he was about almost everything that was happening, and in spite of his gradual realization that Yi indeed wanted him as his SLAVE, part of his own mind seemed to be betraying him in his resolve to resist. And the really frightening aspect of this slight impulse to submit was that, at its core, it was not TOTALLY sexual. Of course, he was now getting so aroused that totally rational thought was becoming difficult if not impossible.
Yi smiled as he saw the emotions play across the boy's face. He continued: "I am sure that you would not really care to choke while sucking on my penis and performing other duties with your tongue and mouth, so I again did you a great favor. I am going to remove that last bandage and I want you to remain calm. There should be no pain left; you should not even feel discomfort. Understand boy?"
A nod. And a curious look as the boy directed his eyes downward. However, his thick metal collar would not allow him to watch as Yi tugged off the bandage and then did something that felt like he was pulling something hard that had been imbedded into his throat. Suddenly the boy realized that he was breathing through his throat area. And almost panicked. What had been done to him? He was further startled when he could now hardly emit a single sound.
"Don't fret boy. There is now a hole there so you can breath whenever breathing through your nose and mouth become impossible. You should be grateful."
The boy was now wondering under what circumstances he would not be able to breath normally. He looked a question at his master.
"I can see it in your eyes boy. I know as a fact that you fully understand the idea of deep-throating someone's penis. Now you will be able to do that and not have to worry about getting air to breathe. I have other things in mind that will also make this hole in your throat come in handy. . . Now pay attention."
Yi returned the boy's throat plug and reinserted it. The boy barely flinched indicating most of the soreness was already a thing of the past. Good.
The boy suddenly tried to say something through the gag.
"It is a good thing I have in your mouth gag or I suspect I would now be needing to punish you."
The boy suddenly looked alarmed and stayed quiet. Yi was curious. He removed the boy's gag and gave his boy permission to speak. "What is it that you felt so compelled to say boy?"
"Master. I'm afraid. All these things. . . I'm afraid."
"And what are you afraid of boy? You know that I will always take care of you."
Chris stared down at himself and realized that all these things were being done to him, and he no longer had any control over his own body.
"Master, I feel like I'm just living a fantasy. Nothing is real."
Yi chuckled. He had a boy who was genuinely aroused by a lot of what he was doing, but he also realized that the output of the boy's implants were also starting to come into effect. His overall plan for his slave was going well.
"Well boy, some of this IS your fantasy. You are aroused by what I've been doing to you."
"Master, how could you know anything about what I've fantasized about?" Chris had put some of his fantasies into stories. He was horrified to find that someone might know some of the things he had written about.
"Boy I know a lot about you. And much of it came right from your own computer. The night you were kidnapped, your computer was also searched for anything pertinent. I was very happy to see just where your sexual taste lie. And I am most happy to oblige some of your sexual fantasies." Yi smiled broadly. His boy seemed too embarrassed to say anything more.
"I must also inform you that your decision to run away and escape the pain of your home life was also there on your computer for the authorities to find when your parents told them that you were missing. Your intent, as stated in a letter you wrote to your best friend, was to somehow get to Sichuan Province to find some of your relatives. Your father didn't seem too concerned. He was heard saying something like 'I hope the faggot disappears forever.' Your mom, I mean your step-mom, didn't seem to be even interested in where you might have gone."
The boy sat there almost in shock. One of the tiniest hopes he still had was that his parents were possibly looking for him. But he wasn't really too surprised at the news. But he never wrote such a letter to his best friend. And he was actually hoping that the stuff in his computer could possibly show the police what had happened to him.
"B... Master, I didn't send any e-mail to him."
The boy flinched and yelled as the tawse was brought down on his knee, even if lightly.
"That was to remind you of the rules. And as to the letter it was sent from your computer. But you should also be happy to know that we erased anything that could possibly lead them here. We even erased all of your stories and most of your porn. It was too bondage oriented. And it was decided that even the slightest hint as to what happened to you was to be eliminated. You should feel grateful."
The boy wasn't thinking grateful however. He was thinking that just about any hope that he might have had was now gone. He sighed. He also realized he never even got to ask about the weird hole that had been put into his throat. But he had other more urgent concerns. Like what was next in store for him. Like just what was this crazy man going to do to him next. And then there was that guilty concern at the vary back reaches of his mind. Like how come an awfully big part of him was actually excited about all of this. Like he really liked the sex that the strange man had with him. In that regard it was like all his fantasies were coming true. He was even Chinese; and he was quite turned on by the physical attributes of this guy. And wow was his cock big. The first time that Chris had seen Yi's prodigious equipment, elicited quite a gasp from the boy. It was indeed impressive. Though there were veins running down the outside of Yi's mammoth 10 inch penis, they were not so evident to detract from its beautiful symmetry and overall aesthetic lines. And the glans, though somewhat oval-shaped and slightly elongated on the top surface, was still merely large enough to seem in proportion to the entirety of this huge member. The testicles were large and greatly pendulous. (Though a small portion of their size was do to Yi's own previous insertion of implants that release a chemical which intensifies extends the duration of his own orgasm. Thus, in conjunction with the implants in his own prostate he is assured of utterly intense and protracted climaxes). Because of the extreme size of his testicles -- about the size of duck eggs -- and the length of their attachment to his penis, when left without restraint, they easily reach two thirds of the way to Yi's knees.
Chris' reverie was interrupted.
"Now let's return to important matters. Before you can fully understand how you are to behave, you must understand just what your status is. Well boy I am the master and you are the slave. In fact there is no more Chris at all. He no longer exist. From your point of view that even means that you are no longer to think of yourself with the pronoun 'I.' When you think of yourself you are to refer to yourself as 'the slave.' And of me as 'the master.' Not even as 'your master.' There is no longer any 'Chris.' It is that simple. Do you understand boy?"
"Master, I am not sure."
"Boy, it is quite simple. Any time you think of the person that now resides in the body I am now addressing, you must think of it as 'the slave.'"
"Yes master."
"And furthermore, for you the pronouns 'I' or 'me' are no longer permitted. You must from now on use the words 'the slave.' Understood?"
The boy was really starting to get worried. This whole thing was getting too bizarre. ""Yes master."
"Good. Now are there any more questions?"
"Yes master. Could you tell me if I will ever be allowed . . . Ahhhaaaa." The yell echoed through the room.
Yi had hit the boy across his chest with a good swipe of the tawse. And even though Yi considered it a light one, for the boy it was excruciating. His naked chest had never felt such pain before. It took a few minutes before the boy stopped crying.
"I am very sorry boy but you did that to yourself. You gave me no choice. Please rephrase your last question."
"With tears the boy asked: "Master, could the master tell the slave if the slave will ever be allowed to do anything that the slave would like to do?"
"You must remember what I have already instructed. The slave's ONLY concern is to please the master. Any other thoughts are forbidden. The slave will be trained to eliminate all other wants and desires from the slave's conscious mind."
The boy went pale.
After dinner that evening -- a pureed paste for the slave --the slave was led to the cage in the lab where he was instructed to lay on his back. Yi then pulled both his arms above his head and attached a single chain to the slave's wrist cuffs. He then did the same to the leg cuffs. The slave would be able to move slightly since the chains were not pulled snug, and even turn over. But after a while it got quite tiresome. And boring. Yi left and got back to urgent work he had in the lab, looking over at his boy occasionally with a smile.
The boy, however, was anything but bored that night in Yi's bed. The sex was FANTASTIC and the boy decided to at least enjoy what he could.
Of course that was exactly what Yi wanted.
The next week consisted of a very similar regimen for master and slave. All bondage situations were kept relatively light. And the boy did enjoy the attention he was given even if it wasn't all the time. As the week progressed Yi taught his slave some more aspects of what the boy needed to learn to please him sexually. But so far there were no penetrations. Just a lot of fondling, licking, and touching. In that regard, Yi had also started expanding the boy's throat and rectum. Into each of these orifices, for a couple hours each day, Yi inserted specially designed 'plugs.' The one that went into his boy's anus and rectum was relatively simple. It consisted of an hourglass shaped bladder about ten inches long and less than an inch wide. This was pushed about half way into the boy's rectum where it was then attached to a small tube that inflated both ends thus anchoring the bladder in the boy's rectum. Then over the next three hours the middle portion of the bladder would very gradually expand against the boy's sphincters. A medication which specifically targets tissue growth would gradually leak out. Yi was as interested in increasing muscle mass as he was in increased diameter. For the boy it was definitely more of a turn on rather then painful since it continuously enervated the boy's prostate.
The throat and mouth device was similar but with only one bulb end that anchored it into the by's mouth. This was more uncomfortable as it extended far into the boy's throat. But of course with the removal of the throat plug, there was no problem with the boy breathing.
And since the entire procedure included an expanding and contracting sleeve that fitted over the boy's penis and kept the boy totally aroused as the process continued, the boy was adequately entertained. Of course the boy was also spread-eagled through out the procedure.
Yi loved watching his slave's facial expressions as he SO needed sexual release. At the end of the first three hours, on the first day, Yi removed the mouth portion first and reinserted the boy's throat plug. His slave was in torment.
"You may speak boy."
"Master, please, this slave needs to cum, please."
Yi smiled, and then engulfed the boy's entire penis in one gulp and in seconds the boy erupted. Then Yi made sure the boy satisfied his own great need -- several times. The boy was beginning to enjoy exploring Yi magnificent equipment. Yi decided that he would soon begin the boy's instruction in the art of rimming. But other necessary things came first. He must remember patience. He definitely wanted his boy to enjoy every aspect of their sex. He eventually wanted the boy's entire life revolve around his continuous need for sex, but only expecting its satiation by his total submission and devotion to satisfying Yi's own desires along with his sexual and sensual needs. Then a stray thought entered Yi's consciousness. Perhaps, eventually, he would like it if his boy could also willingly want to be Yi's constant companion. Even aside from considerations of sex. This might entail even eventually backing off on the boy's medication so that his sexual arousal was not all demanding. But that would possibly be in the future. First things first -- the boy's eventual total and irrevocable submission.
This use of the expansion devices, and eventual progression into some serious sex, became the usual procedure over the next week with one addition -- his slave was then expected to reciprocate. Because of the medical procedures previously performed, the boy was now able to take the first several inches of Yi monster into his mouth. As he had been instructed over the usual 'night's sexual festivities' the boy was become very astute in using his own toothless mouth and tongue to stimulate Yi to orgasm. Yi was pleased not only with the boy's new sexual prowess, but more so by seeing the genuine pleasure the boy expressed in being now so able to pleasure his master. By the end of the week Yi would only need to present a portion of his anatomy in front of the boy's face, and his slave would willingly touch and lick these areas with abandon. The boy at these times seemed insatiable and would even moan sometimes when Yi withdrew the object of interest, especially his testicles or penis.
And the sex after the episodes of rectal and throat stretching was eventually so anticipated by his slave that he even willingly submitted to the insertion of the expansion devices because he knew what was to happen later. His boy was now eagerly allowed Yi to direct him in including new techniques to give Yi the sexual experiences he had for so many years enjoyed only in his fantasies. He was also pleased to note the apparent total passivity of the boy when he so engaged. It was so easy to make sure that his boy ONLY did as instructed. It seemed that his boy was even more aroused by the acting in this entirely passive role.
Of course the boy was continually instructed in the rules of behavior. Yi believed in repetition and instant punishment for 'mistakes.' There was indeed one overriding rule. The boy was NEVER allowed to touch his body in any even remotely sexual way. That body BELONGED to 'the master.' Punishment was severe. On one such occasion, Chris was so engrossed by sexual stimulation that he inadvertently started rubbing his penis with his thighs since his continuous bondage was at the time a simple attachment to four chains that pulled his extremities upward while his butt rested onto his anal stimulator.
Yi was watching his boy in an overhead hi-def monitor at the time, and genuinely sighed at the transgression.
Yi walked over to his boy and asked him just what he was doing. His slave as so wrapped up in his sexual stimulation it took a moment for the boy to even refocus his attention onto his master's now stern visage. Yi's boy suddenly realized his gross malfeasance, moaned loudly and burst into tears.
"Boy, one of the most important rules that can never be broken is this. The slave's body belongs to the master. Every part of that body belongs to the master. This body exist for one purpose --to please the master. The slave's body does not belong to the slave. It only happens to be the slave's residence. The slave's body exist SOLEY for the pleasure of the master, and for the master's sexual enjoyment."
Only while the two were in bed at night time was this restriction slightly relaxed as the boy was indeed even encouraged to stimulate himself against his master's own body. But it was his master who became the sole provider for the slave's pleasure. And of course every other necessity in the boy's now very restricted life. As was Yi's overall plan.
"I, however, am a generous master, and also realize that his boy can minister to my sexual needs best when the boy also takes part in this enjoyment. However, this is solely at my discretion. The slave will NEVER touch any erogenous zone on the slave's body EVER. If this is disobeyed, the punishment will be long and terrible. Do you understand boy?"
"Yes master." The boy was quite cowed. And he was determined to behave. Of course Yi was just as determined to make sure that his boy DID eventually disobey this mandate. He wanted to do another procedure on the boy's penis and also wanted to put the boy into chastity devices. Some so severe that they will no doubt drive his boy to distraction. But he wanted the boy's infractions as the reason. He wanted the boy to be responsible for these actions. He smiled in anticipation. He was also already preparing the medication to be given to his boy that would insure his boy's failure.
It was almost a week later when Yi awoke and looked at his boy so innocently asleep beside him. It was quite late in the morning since the sex the night before lasted halfway into the night. By now the boy's implants and glands were at maximum production, and Yi was happy to note that his boy was now never entirely with some degree of sexual arousal. Yi saw that his boy was recovered enough from his previous surgeries so that the next stage in his plan could be implemented. Yi also intended to finish the work on the boy's two love holes to make sure that soon Yi would get full use of them. This dovetailed very well into the scheme of introducing his slave into much more severe bondage.
Yi hadn't had to punish his boy for an entire two days now, he had been so diligent in learning his new slave role. But today was the day. Yi reached over to the bed stand, opened a drawer and retrieved a hypodermic, several vials, and a small atomizer. He first squirted a spray at his sleeping slave's nose. The slave soon fell into a deeper sleep. Then Yi turned his boy onto his back, prepared the hypodermic, and found the special spot in one of the ceramic testicles of his boy and administered barely a fraction of the hypodermic. He repeated the same with the other orb. This would cause the bacteria to work overtime for the next several hours. His horny boy was about to get super-horny. He then administered another medication into the boy's delectable rump. The boy would have an unabated erection for the next several hours. A VERY INTENSE erection. But he was not finished. He now injected a chemical that caused the brain to release all its inhibitions. It was a much more powerful derivative of what was being called the date-rape drug in some circles. It was also modified so that his boy would remember whatever happened in every minute, excruciating, and gilt-ridden detail.
Now to set the stage. He got a pair of extra heavy duty bolt cutters and cut through one of the D-rings on his boy's right cuff. A good pull and his boy could now release his right hand, if that ring were used.
Chris awoke a couple hours later. He was never without some thought of his continuous sexual arousal, nor of his slavery. The boy could not understand completely what was happening. He was finally at a stage where he wondered if he would be able to continue to keep resisting the insidious allure of his slavery. To just give himself over to it. Of course every time he had such a though he was able to renew his resolve to fight his master if only in his own mind. He was determined to maintain his identity as Chris Wong, and not as "the slave." He discovered that he could walk a middle road so to speak. Enjoy what was there to enjoy, but not give in completely. He just had to be careful to follow all the necessary 'ritual' Yi demanded of him. What Yi was trying to inculcate in him almost seemed like a religion, with Yi as his god. But Chris was too intelligent to fall for such blatant devices.
But right now he couldn't figure what was now happening. After his morning ablutions, performed by Yi, and his "breakfast," if a paste of eggs and bacon and milk could be called breakfast, and after giving Yi one parting "blow-job" (which he had to admit he enjoyed), he had been chained down onto the raised mattress in his cell in Yi's lab again, this time almost spread-eagled but fortunately with some slack so he could move a little. He started to day dream and fantasize as was his usual way of passing this time, but for some reason every other though he could think wound up having something to do with sex. Wow was he ever so horny! Impossibly horny! He could no longer resist. All his thoughts were now of sex and things sexual. His need to orgasm was becoming his entire reality. He fought with all his might. The punishment two days ago for just scratching the his nipple brought him 10 swipes of that thing his master called a cat. He had been hung by his wrist for over a half hour, with a long bar snapped between his legs that his master had called a spreader-bar, and the pain alone from that was starting to get too much. But that was absolutely nothing compared to the 10 swipes. After several hits on his tender naked flesh all he could think about was pain. It blotted out all other reality. Even his ever present sexual arousal. Thinking about it now almost caused him to loose his bowels and piss himself -- as he did during the punishment session without realizing it. He would have sold his mother into slavery just to get it to stop. And he realized at that moment, right after the flogging was over, that he COULD NEVER let himself fail again.
But now his need to orgasm blotted out all other reality. There was his penis and there was his need for it to erupt. His master didn't exist. His parents and friends no longer existed. His world was now limited to his awful NEED. He started pulling on his chains even though he knew that was futile. Suddenly his right hand came free, and with almost no volition he started masturbating. In only seconds he erupted. The orgasm was so intense that he almost passed out. Then a world full of despair and dread overcame his entire being. It was like he jumped from heaven into hell. His fear was so great that he released his bowels and peed all over himself. His cries could be heard over the entire lab. More importantly it was heard just twenty feet away.
Yi smiled to himself as he heard the boy's heart-rending wails.
"Boy, what have you done?" It was said in an most mournful voice, full of pathos and concern. "My poor slave boy."
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