Published: 12-Apr-2012
Word Count:
But now he had to get to work. As the boy was kept on the table he was strangely quiet. The doctor almost wondered if the boy were not a bit happy with his situation. He seemed certainly resigned to it. He quietly complied as the doctor made his medical exam of the boy. Even when he pulled down the boy's pants and examined his scrotum and rectal areas. The doctor couldn't refrain from inserting a gloved finger into the boy's apparently virgin rectum. The boy had a second orgasm at it's insertion. The doctor sighed heavily knowing that the boy would never be his.
After a lengthy examination, the doctor finally drew an exclamation from the boy when he presented a hypodermic needle and vials to draw the boy's blood.
"Quiet boy. I'm sure you had a blood test before. This won't hurt me a bit."
The boy even laughed at the joke. After that the doctor finished and let the boy get dressed.
The boy was now getting really frightened again as the other two men kept staring at him and whispering. He looked up at the doctor and asked: "What going to happen to me?"
It was the big guy with the red hair who answered.
"Just made arrangements boy. You were just sold. Tomorrow you will be sent on a long trip to your new owner."
"Sold? For real? You mean I am really going to become a slave?"
It was the doctor who answered. "Just like you fantasized about boy. You'll like your new master. He's Chinese also."
The boy seemed to just stare for a moment and then sighed. "He won't hurt me will he?"
"Boy," the doctor realized he was lying big time, "You'll be a sex slave. Too valuable to hurt."
The boy shuddered a bit and then murmured almost to himself: "I'm only half Chinese."
The huge crate was delivered the next morning right before noon.
"NOOOOOOO!" The boy's voice echoed loudly through the deserted warehouse. That is deserted except for Chris, his two captors, a forklift, an awaiting truck, and the truck driver. The boy, Chris, had slept fitfully on an old blanket, still locked in the small side room. Somebody new stayed the entire night but every time Chris woke up, the man, whom Chris had labeled the ugly guy, had been sitting in a chair reading magazines. The guys called Mr. Kerry and the doctor didn't come back until Chris had been up for hours and complaining that he was so hungry -- to no avail. The ugly guy barely said anything except shut up or one of its variants. And the worst thing was when he had to go pee and the man made him go in a cup. And it overflowed! Geesh!
The wail from Chris occurred when the doctor said that Chris had to be readied for shipment to his new master and opened the door to show Chris the huge shipping crate.
"What's that for?"
"That's how we are going to ship you. We have to get you ready."
The doctor took hold of the boy and wacked him pretty hard on his butt. "No choice kid. And if you shout again you will be punished."
The boy started crying. "Please, let me go home. I promise not to tell."
"Too late. You're going into that box and that's it."
"But I'll die in there."
"You think we'd let anything happen to you? You're too valuable boy. Here let me show you."
The boy's curiosity overcame his fear and he let himself be led out to inspect the crate.
"See boy. That tank there is to make sure you have all the air you need. That thing there is so you can pee if you have to. And that one there is water so you don't go thirsty."
There was actually a lot more to the crate than that but the doctor thought it was not necessary to explain everything. For example there were drugs and a mild muscle relaxant in the water. And the sheath into which Chris was to be cocooned even had its own cooling system. Quite a few deep cycle batteries kept the entire system running and could last for over three days. The time for the trip including a couple planes and the times on various trucks would take an estimated 30 hours. But Chris didn't have to know that.
The doctor had been informed by the lab where Chris's blood was sent that the boy was healthy so the last piece of information needed had finalized the deal with the boy's soon to be new master, Dr. Yi.
The boy was literally dragged back into the room and Chris saw the guy he dubbed the quiet man, because he never more than whispered to people, or talked into his cell phone, was hanging what looked like a hot water bottle from a pipe. There was plastic all lining the floor below it and a couple other chains hanging from the pipe. He was scared all over again. He wondered just what was needed to "get him ready."
"Take off all your clothes boy."
"What? In front of everybody?" There were only three men in the room at that time but the boy simply couldn't make himself strip in front of them. The boy started trembling. The men laughed.
The doctor looked over to the truck driver and to Kerry and said: "OK just hold him." They grabbed the boy and the doctor pulled off the boys socks. (The shoes had disappeared sometime the previous evening). Then he started undoing the boy's belt. Strangely, now instead of struggling, the boy just stood there and let it happen. The boy's pants, urine stains and all, were pulled down. Then the doctor, taking hold of the pant legs, pulled outward causing the boy's feet to lift off the floor, and also causing the garment to be stripped from the boy. The truck driver chuckled and pointed out the boy's evident erection poking through his BVD's to his boss. The boy finally squealed as his briefs were pulled and his feet were pulled out of them. He stood almost naked and now to the men's astonishment, just leaned his head back and became limp in their hands. The doctor couldn't resist fondling the boy again as he saw the beautiful 4½ inch penis poking outward. The boy's nearly hairless testicles and penis were just slightly darker in tone than the flat abdomen above. As the doctor fondled the small orbs in one hand and moved his other through the boy's crack searching out his rosebud, the boy started moaning heavily.
Kerry saw what the Doc was doing. "That's enough Doc, we don't want to damage the merchandise, and we have to get the boy on the plane."
The doctor, almost moaning himself, stood, wiped the spots of the boy's pre-cum from his hand onto his trousers, and lifted the boy's shirt. He realized the boy appeared to be more easily handled if he were kept aroused so stopped short of causing an orgasm. The boy started to react when he felt the shirt pulled off and his arms lifted over his head. He tried to pull his arms away when he saw the quiet man wrap and tie the fattest but softest rope he'd ever seen around his one wrist.
"Stop struggling kid or we might accidentally-like pull your arm off." And with that the man pulled up on the now attached rope and the boy yelled.
And the boy yelled again as his behind was swatted pretty hard by the doctor. "Quiet boy. And you know that you can't stop this from happening."
The driver opined to his boss: "How about we just zap the fucker and be done with it?"
The doctor replied to that. "No. Instructions are explicit. No sedative." He recalled a phone call he and Kerry had received from Dr. Yi. "My instructions are to be explicitly carried out," said the greatly excited Yi. "He is to be conscious and aware during his incarceration and delivery to me. The boy must not be harmed, nor even be subjected to any significant pain. If your assessment of the boy is correct, this abduction, if handled correctly, can be very sexually arousing to this boy. And I want his entire experience to be a positive sexual one as much as possible."
The boy whimpered again but was compliant. The rope was thrown over the pipe, and as the boy was lifted off his feet, the other end was wrapped and tied around his other wrist. The boy moaned and complained about his wrists. But the boy's boner was insistent and dripping. The boy started breathing hard as his body was released and he was forced to support himself on his toes and wrists.
"OK boy, we need to clean you up and prepare you for a small trip." The doctor explained to the boy that an enema would be used to clean him out so that he would not have to go during the trip in the crate.
"But why can't I just go to the bathroom?"
"This is more thorough and won't hurt. The stuff we are using won't cause cramps either."
The boy moaned and complained about how full he was getting but the doctor finally persisted in emptying the entire bag. It then all came out in a smelly brown rush and down the drain in the corner. The doctor picked up a hose that was connected to a janitor's sink in the next room. The boy felt warm water being sprayed over him. Then the boy moaned when it was done all over again. This time the liquid was barely tan. By this time the boy started pleading to be let down that his arms were starting to hurt.
"OK boy, were mostly done. We can do the rest with you sitting down. Will you be a good boy?"
A feeble yes was heard. They dried the boy off bringing his hard boner back and then sat him on the table.
"OK boy, we have to do a few things to you but I promise they won't hurt. First we need to put a tube into your penis up to your bladder so you don't get yourself wet with pee during your trip." The doctor seeing the boy's agitation begin anew added: "Look, they do this all the time to patients in the hospital. It may feel weird but I promise it won't hurt." Well, he thought to himself, not until it is taken out. He used a Foley catheter of medium diameter. Putting on sterile gloves, he lubed the entire length of the tube with KY and placed the catheter on a sterile cloth. The boy was now watching more with curiosity and excitement than with fear. Then the doctor swabbed the end on his penis with some betadine. The boy's penis the doctor felt was rock hard and the boy gasped and squirmed as he took hold of it. The boy held his breath as the doctor started threading the catheter into the boy's penis slit.
"See, Ok so far?"
"I guess. It feels weird. All that can fit inside me?"
"It has to go all the way to your bladder. The boy flinched as the catheter penetrated the small sphincter at the bladder.
"Now here's the neat part. I'm just putting sterile water into this tube. It fills a tiny balloon up in your bladder and that stops the tube from coming back out. Here pull this end easy and see for yourself."
With a bit more encouragement the boy finally pulled on the end and was amazed as the tube would not budge after moving just a bit.
"Wow, I can sort of even feel it inside."
"Now watch when I open this plug."
Yellow urine poured out into a large cup held to the end of the tube. The boy felt weird with that tube swinging from the end of his penis. In fact he felt like it somehow added to how aroused he was feeling. "OK, boy, now for a haircut."
"Why, I just had one."
"Well, not like this." Kerry brought over the electric clippers and started giving the boy a baldie as the doctor held onto the boys shoulders. The boy started whimpering as swipe after swipe of straight black hair fell onto the plastic covering on the floor.
"Now one last item, and you will be ready for the box."
At the mere understanding of those words the boy seemed to take on a frightened look, but one also coupled with some excitement.
The doctor picked up a rather slender butt plug with a strange fitting on the back flanged end.
"What's that for?" the boy asked with real apprehension.
"We can't have you pooping all over yourself can we?"
"I guess not." the boy replied uncertainly.
"Well this is just your rear end plug. This is only slightly wider than the tube we already put into your butt. Now some boys think this kind of feels neat up their butt. It can make them feel real sexy."
The doctor lubed it up well and as Kerry held up the boy's legs, he gradually eased it into the boy's rectum, watching the boy's expression.
"I feel like I have to poop." The boy seemed excited again about what was being done to him. Then the doctor got large syringe filled with liquid, attached it to valve on the end of the plug and started to press the plunger. The boy suddenly gasped as he felt something expand inside his rear end.
"Stop. Please stop!"
The doctor stopped, realizing he had only half the bulb expanded to insure that the plug would not come out. There was also a weird valve built into the plug that would allow the boy to fart when necessary.
"Boy, that should not be hurting. What's wrong?"
"I feel like I'm going to burst down there. It feels too big."
"Does it hurt?"
"Well, only sort a."
"By the look of your penis I'd say you are enjoying it."
The boy looked up embarrassed suddenly. "Well, it feels exciting at the same time."
The doctor finished filling the bulb before the boy could object. There was only a few more gasps from the boy. The doctor signaled to the driver who left and returned with a weird looking bag not too dissimilar from an air mattress. But with an opening down most its length. The doctor then lifted the boy off the table and the bag was placed atop. And quickly laid the boy down onto the table and into the bag.
The boy tried to sit up and suddenly felt the plug in his butt and let out a squeal.
"Stay down boy. This will be your sort of mattress while in the box. It's to make you real comfortable.
"What is it?"
"Well its like an air mattress. Only this one has a built in cover. Stay down boy we need to get you in this thing."
The boy started thrashing around and the doctor had to be forceful.
"Boy be still or we will hold you down."
But the boy started to panic as the true reality of the thing finally sunk it. He was being kidnapped and shipped in a box. And he started being fearful about what would happen to him after that. Momentarily living out a fantasy was one thing, but this was real.
But the boy was too easily overwhelmed. Kerry took hold of the boy's bare feet and stuffed them into a pocket at the bottom of the bag, and quickly pulled up the huge zipper almost to the boy's crotch. And then what was being done to him suddenly triggered another type of reaction. Suddenly the boy started to spasm, lifting the center of his body off the table. With a low moaning wail he started thrusting up and down.
With a surprise in his voice the doctor, said: "My god. The kid is having an orgasm!"
Just as suddenly the boy quieted and just lay still, half in the bag. The doctor was now able to thread the now stoppered end of the catheter through a hole in the bag, stuffed the boys hands and arms into their separate compartments, and quickly finished zippering. The boy was recovering from his orgasm and looking up at the three men.
"Wow." Was all he said.
"We're almost done here boy. This part of the mattress will fit around your head and act like pillow. How do you feel?"
"I don't know. I mean I never felt like that before just wanking."
"No boy, how does the bag feel?"
"All snuggly. But it's not really very comfortable."
"Well we have to put the air in yet." And with that he attached a small hand pump and started filling the bag. It took several minutes but finally all the compartments filled and the boy was totally confined in his cocoon.
"I can't hardly move. But I guess it's comfortable enough."
Speaking to the other men the doctor said: "OK, lets get the boy into the crate quickly and finish up."
The boy started making some unintelligible sounds as they easily picked up the bag and brought it out of the room and over to the awaiting crate. There was a perfectly scalloped space just right to accept the small boy shaped bag. They carefully lowered him into the space, then started attaching the straps in the box to all the rings around the circumference of the bag. They attached all 14 of them and then the doctor went to each in turn and made sure they were all holding snug. The boy was safely in his box.
The boy kept trying to raise his head to see what was happening but finally gave up as the strain on his neck was too great. The top of the bag held his head snugly. Then the doctor connected the air blower to a valve on the bottom of the bag and turned on the switch. It was connected to a thermostat and brought air around the outside of the bag to keep the boy cooled down. The fan was almost inaudible.
"What's happening?" The boy finally asked.
"You are just being strapped in. You don't want to bounce around do you? And that you feel is some air to keep you cool. Sort of like the astronaut suits. You have your own built in air conditioner. Now I just attached the tube from your penis to a container that will hold all your pee. Now boy listen good, because this is important. See this?"
The doctor held up for the boy to see a tube with a small flange made out of soft rubber that was to be fit into the boy's mouth. It was not a full gag but large enough so that when the final padded piece was zippered around the boy's face, it could not be dislodges. The padded piece was merely another portion with air chambers. But it was shaped to fit the contour of the boy's face with comfort. The full zipper around the circumference of the piece was necessary so that the boy was then totally sealed away. The doctor was a bit surprised at how quietly the boy was laying. Only a sudden movement of an arm or leg could be seen poking against the outline of the bag.
The boy tried to nod but could hardly move his head. "Yeah." the boy answered anxiously.
"Well this is so you don't get thirsty. This fits into your mouth and you can use it like a straw. Don't get all worried though if you only get a small amount out at a time. It's designed that way."
"Come on boy open your mouth."
Finally the boy did and the doctor inserted the sucking portion into his mouth. "OK now close your mouth and see if it works."
The boy did as told and tried to nod again. The doctor could see the boy swallow and was satisfied all was in order. He now had one last thing to say to the boy as per instructions from Dr. Yi.
"Now listen carefully boy. This trip will take about 1 ½ days but there is something in the water that will make you relax and even nap now and then. Don't get scared. We've moved boys like this before and have never had a problem. When we place on the lid you will hear some noise. That will be us screwing down the lid. Next you might feel something moving over you and a slight weight. That will be some foam that will flow over the top of you and keep you protected from bumps. You will be on two different planes and a couple different trucks."
As the boy was taking in these words his eyes seemed to expand.
"How about a couple more sips?"
The boy swallowed again. There were a few different drugs in the water and the doctor wanted them to start working on the boy as soon as possible. "Remember the next person you see will be your new master. You will be his slave for life. Think on those words as you make your exciting journey."
The boy started really squirming as the final piece was positioned blocking out his sight. It was quickly zipped and sealed. There was a whole lot of high pitched moaning now coming from the boy. And a lot more squirming. The doctor sighed loudly as the top of the crate was put into position and the driver started screwing it down tight. This was a bigger chore than he had expected. And he realized that he also had a hard-on. The idea of sealing a boy in a box was arousing. He wondered how the boy would react to his new life. So vastly different than he could possibly have imagined. And he realized he had started to loose his objectivity as he handled and talked with the boy. This was the very first one that they crated up and shipped off one without sedating him first. It was quite an experience -- one that will give him quite fond memories. In that very short time he seemed to really bond with that boy. Now the boy will become not only a slave for life, but be subjected to Dr. Yi's new drugs and conditioning technique in his long effort to train the perfect slave boy. Dr. Yi worked with quite a number of boys over the years but this was to be his own very first personal slave boy. He said that going into his middle years he needed the added comfort of a boy companion. One that he had full and absolute control over.
The doctor was taken out his reverie by the noise of the forklift bringing over two large jugs. The steel bands around the crate were already in place and he could see several funnels being fit into holes atop it.
He had never waited to watch this part of the procedure and decided this time to watch. Both jugs were opened and most of their contents were poured into a larger empty container. With some haste both Kerry and the driver started to pour the liquid into the funnels. In less than a minute several gallons of the liquid was poured and the funnels removed. Now the fascinating part. Several minutes later suddenly a white foam was being extruded from all the holes. And just as suddenly it stopped. The boy was now well ensconced. The foam that now filled the entire top portion of the crate filling even the smallest gap and will keep the new slave boy well in place until he reached his final destination -- Dr. Yi's residence and laboratory. A place he will never leave.
Almost a day and a half later, the boy was actually surprised when he was awakened with a heavy jarring of his crate. He had been dozing off and on for the entire journey and sometimes when he awoke needed several moments before he could remember what was happening to him. And both a major thrill and excitement, along with a deadly fear invaded his mind. They made war and only by concentrating on the excitement part was he able to quell his anxiety and fear. He also tried to figure out if he would really miss his home, and was surprised to discover that there was a bit more relief in his thoughts than sadness. He would miss his very best friend though, and his friend will never know what happened to him. But he was definitely glad to be away from the tensions, fights, and ill will of his very unhappy home life. He wished he had told his friend his darkest secret -- not that he was gay -- he told him that, but that he harbored fantasies about being compelled to do thin gs. Being in chains and stuff. But now he never would. In fact it was his friend who came out to him first, way before he was even sure about himself. But he was too afraid to do much with him. He sucked on his friends dick a few times and that was it. A few tears fell from his eyes as he was remembering all the things he and his friend had talked about doing in their lives. Both in their immediate future and later on. He was suddenly scared again about what his future would now be. He then suddenly regretted sending that last message and his picture on the internet -- none of this would have happened. But fortunately there was still a spark of feeling like he was on some kind of exciting adventure that kept him from real despair. And of course there was that one other thing. His entire kidnapping, his being confined to this crate, and the actual idea of being forced into sexual slavery had him more aroused than he had been in his entire life.
Both excitement and dread warred in his mind as Chris heard someone apparently opening up his crate. He would sure be glad to be able to move more than an inch or two again. Just to stretch seemed like an amazing prize.
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