The Execution of Daisy

[ g, bond, tort, photo ]


Published: 5-Feb-2011

Word Count: 2143

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

It was one day after a long modeling session that Mr. Edwards, ....'s long time photographer and her parents friend told them about his new project for the first time.

"I have an idea for a photo album that I'd like to do. The other girls on my portfolio all expressed interest but I think Daisy would be the best subject for what I have in mind. I got the idea from my daughter's birthday whipping." He then explained the concept for the photo book. After the explanation, Daisy's mother was very concerned about such a project and was being protective of her 12-year-old daughter. Daisy, however, was thrilled at the idea. They discussed the potential impact of such a project, including the legal aspects. Mr. Edwards assured them that it is not illegal to photograph and publish pictures of naked children as long as it's not for sexual exploitation. This is, in part, thanks to the American Sunbathing Association which regularly publishes pictures of nude children in their monthly magazine.

Judy was still concerned about the pornographic nature of the proposed pictures. Mr. Edwards assured her that while the picture would be erotic, they were not pornographic. It took a while for Mr. Edwards and Daisy to wear down Judy's resistance. Daisy's father remained neutral in the argument. He was excited by Mr. Edward's idea but also shared his wife's concern. Judy suggested that perhaps she could do the book but she would reserve the right to not publish it after she saw what it looked like. Mr. Edwards said that it would cost several thousand dollars to produce the book and no publisher would extend an advance without assurances that the book would be free to publish. Daisy suggested that she would even give up her pocket money to help produce the book. In that way, Judy could veto the project if she didn't like the final product. Also, it would lend additional credibility to the legality of it since Daisy herself would be the producer. Judy was starting to concede but wanted one more assurance; the book would not be published in the US. It would be published elsewhere, like Europe. Mr. Edwards agreed. They worked out an agreement as to ownership, royalties, etc. Daisy was granted ownership to the book since she would be the model. This would also support their defense should any legal problems arise. Mr. Edwards would get the lion's share of the royalties.

The project involved Mr. Edwards preparing for each picture during the week. There was a lot of logistical work in preparing the props, costumes, and extras for each photo. The actual shooting took place each Saturday afternoon at a rented studio. It took three months to complete the shootings plus another few weeks to put together the rough draft of the book. Finally, the big day came. Mr. Edwards brought home the first draft of the finished book. Daisy's father and mother sat next to each other on the sofa as they were presented with the book. Daisy and Mr. Edwards stood behind them so that they could watch.

The book was titled "The Execution of Daisy; a Fantasy Photo Expose of Child Executions. by Mr. Edwards C." The photo journal contained 10 scenes which represented the final act of a different form of execution. As the reader turned the pages, the left page of each scene contained a written explanation of the scene, the form of execution that was being depicted, when and where it was practiced. The right page of each scene contained a black and white photograph depicting the actual execution of a child. The common thread of all of the scenes was that the condemned victim was 12-year-old Daisy, a totally nude Daisy. Daisy's mother and father turned the pages and looked at each scene.

The Hanging - The nude little Daisy is standing on the trap door of the gallows. The view is just forward of her right side. The front of her can be plainly seen as can her arms which are bound behind her back. Her hands are bound by a generous amount of rope wrapped around her wrists with her hands palm-to-palm. Her elbows are similarly tied behind her back with a generous amount of rope. The effect is to thrust out her breasts. Her little nipples are hard and pointed. Her ankles are also bound with rope. Her long blond hair is gently blowing to her left side. The hangman's noose is around her neck with the knot laying on her right shoulder. The executioner can be seen in the background about to pull the lever which will open the trap door. Daisy is looking straight ahead at no one. The expression on Daisy's face is one of passive resignation to her fate.

Drawn and Quartered - The nude Daisy is seen with both wrists and ankles tied to ropes which are being pulled in four different directions. The picture shows the child hanging by the ropes about two feet off of the ground. The view is from her left side near her left foot. Her head is laying back and her face cannot be seen. Her long hair can be seen laying on the ground. Her hairless vagina is on prominent display as her legs are spread apart at a 90 degree angle. It is obvious that there is considerable strain on little girl's limbs as her pre-teen body is about to be torn into pieces. Even though the picture was staged, Daisy must have been in great discomfort to hang that way by her wrists and ankles.

Crucified - The nude Daisy is "nailed" to a cross in the traditional crucifix position. Her head is laying on her left arm and her eyes are closed. Her long hair falls down the front of her body on her left side. Trails of blood can be seen dripping from the wounds in her hands and feet and also from her vagina and down her inner thighs. The look on her innocent face brings to mind the words "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

The Burning Witch - It's 17th century Salem. The nude Daisy is chained to a stake with her hands above her head. Her feet are covered with a pile of wooded sticks and her nude body shows signs of whipping. The town folk, dressed in traditional puritan garb, are about to watch Daisy go up in flames as one of them is shown about to set a burning torch to the pile of wood. The angelic look on Daisy's face speaks of innocence and injustice.

Beheaded - It's the middle ages. The nude Daisy is seen kneeling with her neck laying on the chopping block. Her hands and elbows are tightly bound behind her back. Her long hair is laying over her head on the ground. Her small neck is exposed. Her face cannot be seen. The view is from Daisy's left side. On her right side is the executioner. A giant man dressed in leather pants and no shirt which shows off his hairy chest. There is a hood covering his head. He's holding a large hatched over his head ready to deliver the fatal blow.

Firing Squad - It's world war I. The nude "Mata Hari" Daisy is tied to a post with her hands behind her back. A paper target is pinned to her tiny growing breast, the pin appearing to be piercing the child's nipple. The firing squad is aiming their rifles at the target covering her heart. The commanding officer has his sword raised about to give the order to fire. Daisy is looking down passively waiting for the bullets to rip through her little body.

Electrocution - The nude Daisy is strapped into the wooden chair. One electrode is pushed gently between the child's labia and inside her vulva and the other inside her anus. The third electrode is tied to her SHAVED head with a harness. Her bald head is a striking contrast to the other pictures of her long hair. Behind her, the warden can be seen with his hand on the switch. He is about to close the switch and execute the little girl.

The Gas Chamber - The nude Daisy is strapped into the metal chair. The view is through the chamber window. Daisy's head is laying back against the chair and her long hair is falling down her front on her left side and lays in a pile in her lap. She is staring blankly straight ahead. A cloud of gas can be seen rising up from under the chair.

Pirate - The nude Daisy is seen about to take the last step off of the plank from the side of a sailing ship. The view is from just forward of her left side Her wrists and elbows can be seen tightly tied behind her back. A pirate can be seen shoving Daisy onward to her fate with a prod to her back with his sword.

Vampire - It's Bram Stoker's finale. The town's people have opened her coffin revealing the nude Daisy with flaming eyes; she's wearing some kind of contact lenses. She has her mouth open revealing long fangs. She looks like a snake about to strike. One of the town's folk is holding a wooded stake to her chest between her beautiful little breasts. Another is about to strike it with a large mallet.

There is one final photograph at the end of the book. It is a picture of a fully dressed Daisy, seen from the waist up, with Mr. Edwards standing behind and to Daisy's left. They are both smiling warmly. The write-up is from the author and photographer Mr. Edwards C., expressing his appreciation and thanks to her good friend and model "Daisy." The write-up further explains that this photo-book was produced with the full knowledge and cooperation of both Daisy and her family.

All of the photo-scenes were designed to evoke a sense of erotic horror. The viewer if filled with a sense of outrage that this beautiful innocent looking child, Daisy, is about to be executed.

Daisy's mother and father sat in stunned silence after finishing viewing the book. Mr. Edwards asked what they thought. Judy couldn't find the words. Finally, Daisy's father expressed their feelings perfectly with the oxymoron "It's grotesquely beautiful." Mr. Edwards smiled broadly and said "Good, that's what you're supposed to feel!" The mother and father finally admitted that it was a good piece of artistic work, even if it was bizarre.

They then discussed each scene and all the work and preparation that was required for the pose. Daisy said that, in general, it was hard work. There were only a couple of times when she got any sexual thrill from the pose. These were the times when she was tightly bound and when Mr. Edwards inserted electrodes into her private parts. She said that the "Drawn and Quarter" pose was especially stimulating. Mr. Edwards and Daisy explained how the pose was done. The ropes were attached to posts which were out of sight of the camera. Daisy was laying on a stool while the ropes were being tied and drawn tight. Then, the stool was removed and she actually hung by the ropes while the pictures were taken. Daisy said that while it was very stimulating it quickly became uncomfortable and she could only hang like that for a few minutes before her wrists and ankles really hurt. It was just long enough to take the pictures. There were several pictures taken but only the "best" one was selected for the book.

Her mother and father then asked about the "extras", the other people who were in the scenes. Mr. Edwards explained that they were all good friends of his. Judy asked about the big hairy "ape" with the axe. Mr. Edwards said that he is a line backer for a professional football team. He agreed to pose for the photo provided that his face was not shown. Daisy added that he is really a kind gentle person and they become good friends.

They finally asked about Daisy's bald head in the electrocution scene. Daisy said that it took nearly two hours of makeup work to hide her hair under a latex skull cap.

Judy again got reassurances from Mr. Edwards that the book would not be published in the US. Mr. Edwards agreed and further stated that there would be nothing in the book that would indicate Daisy's true identity. As far as the reader could determine, this English language book could have been produced in England, Australia, or South Africa. Judy finally agreed to sign the release forms so that Mr. Edwards's photo book could be published.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.