Naughty Little Girls Of The Training Hostel, Part 3

[ MF/ffg, tort, nc, spank, rape ]

by Der


Published: 7-Apr-2012

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Day 3

Monday morning started quickly. I first had to get Janet up and to her breakfast call. You could tell that she had had a good fucking by the way she walked and sat, real sore. I ate breakfast myself and then did a tour of the hallways during first period. The morning went normally. It wasn't until noon, with the halls busy with girls going to lunch that anything out of the ordinary occurred.

One of the matrons had spotted an eleven-year-old whose hemline was not displaying the normal amount of white panty or lower hinny. Keep in mind that eleven and twelve year olds were permitted to wear their skirt hems down to the level of their crotch, but not below. Most girls played it safe and showed off a little of their panties. This girl, named Ronda, had not. I walked up just after the matron had halted her and as she spoke.

"What is your name young lady?"

"Ah...Ronda, Madam."

"Well Ronda, do you believe your uniform to be in regulation?"

"Ah...Well...Ah...Yes Mam. I mean...I tried to do every thing right."

"We'll see. Put those books on the ground and stand up straight...I mean straight! Now spread your knees apart a little and stay still."

The matron unclipped a telescoping pointer stick from her waistband and expanded it to its full three-foot length. Then without a word spoken she quickly brought it up between the girl's legs until it made contact with her crotch.

"Keep your feet flat on the floor. I said don't move or we'll go straight to Madam Hinshar's office. Do you hear me?"

"Oh yes Mam, Please, I won't move."

The matron soon noticed that the hem was very close to the regulation after all, but with a slight upwards push she was able to touch the pointer, simultaneously, to both the front and back of the hem. This was Connor Hostel and the rules simply were not broken, not even a little. The pointer was quickly replaced on the matron's waistband as she spoke.

"You will remove your skirt this instant and hold it high over your head with your right hand."

"Oh Mam, please. It could'Na been too long. I really did try to make it right. Please? You had'a push real hard to make it touch. Oho...Please just let me raise it up some...Please?"

"You're only making matters worst for yourself young lady. You ether do as you are told or you'll explain why not to Madam Hinshar. Do you hear me?"

Ronda had no options. She must obey; as she did. This was my third day at Connor Hostel and I had already seen plenty of girls dressed in only their panties. Still it amazed me. They were all the skimpiest little nothings you could imagine. I could clearly make out Ronda's smooth little hairless cuntie. The thin narrow strip of cotton had ridden up the central crease, exposing bare the plump outer lips. You could now hear passing girls giggling and whispering to each other. They knew what was happening.

"Stick out your left hand...palm up. Out further! Give it to me."

The matron took Ronda's hand with her left and bent the fingers down and pushed the stretched palm up. The standard position for a hand spanking. With a heavy oak ruler in her right hand she applied six smart strokes to the small tender palm before starting her lecture. Ronda responded in very typical fashion. It was almost as if these little girls were programmed to act in this manner. Just as the first stroke landed she started to rise on her tip toes. After the second one she was fully standing on high. On contact with the third stroke one knee bent and its attending foot briefly left the floor. By the fourth stroke she was alternating between feet, her little prance had commenced. She also was starting to cry. After the sixth stroke she was bouncing nicely from foot to foot.

It never failed to raise an instant erection as I starred intently at her small hips and crotch as they swayed in time to her dance. Her raised right hand had lifted the bottom of her already short blouse above her waist, making her appear all the more naked. This display that Ronda was making of herself caused me to add her name to the list of girls who would soon be spending the night in my room. I was already lusting for another fuck, and as it turned out again, I didn't have long to wait. I should have known.

Ronda got her lecture and six more strokes of the ruler before it was over. At the end she was wailing loudly, having completely forgotten that she was standing in a crowded public hallway. It wasn't that her knees were kicking so high as she pranced, it was the pace. It was one of the fastest and cutest tiptoe prances I had seen to date. She was really beating out a tattoo on the floor. I would have expected to see such from a first or second grader, but not from an eleven-year-old. I enjoyed it immensely while it lasted. Had the matron let go of Ronda's hand immediately after the last stroke, it would have signaled the spanking was over, she did not. Instead she continued to keep her hand in position for another stroke long after the last one had landed. This simple act caused Ronda to continue her prance well beyond this end. It took a good 30 seconds for her to realize the punishment had stopped and for her to slowly subside from the peak during this time.

The matron gave no order as to how high the waist band of her skirt was to be repositioned. She didn't have to. She only said to get dressed and to continue to lunch. As I watched her walk away, much more that an inch of her bare lower hinny was showing below the hem. Ronda's panties had also ridden well up the crease of her bottom and could not be seen, and she had made no attempt to adjust them. This gave the appearance that she may be bare naked under the skirt.

It was just after lunch was over and the girls had started the next period that the call came for me to go to the main office. Madam Hinshar wanted to see me about a certain matter. As I entered her office, she was looking out the one window behind her desk. I walked up just as she turned to greet me.

"I understand there is some matter..."

"Yes, yes there is. Take a look at these two papers here."

She reached down and pushed them towards me.

"They look like test papers. Multiple-choice. Nothing looks unusual, but...hold it...yea, yea. I see! After about question nine they both have the exact same answers. That would be way over...lets see...thirty questions. Even wrong answers are the same. This is just not possible, unless...OK...these two girls were copying each other. They had to be."

"That's the conclusion their teacher came to also. Plus they set right next to each other and at the back of the room. One girl, Kathy, had been doing poorly in the class lately. That's her paper here; it's well above her average score for this term. The other paper is from a girl named Terrie, a very good student, to date. There are other factors also. They are known to be good friends, very good friends. It would seem that they have known each other for many years. Well before either girl came here to Connor Hostel. They also bunk next to each other in their room.

"I just finished talking to their teacher, a Miss Novell, before you came in. She is, at this moment, going back and looking up old test papers from both girls. We want to see if there is any pattern to this obvious matter of cheating. We both have a feeling that this may have been going on for some time. I would say that they just got a little too bold and have now been caught. In any case she should be back here shortly and we'll have a look. All three of us. If it turns out that they have, then this is a most serious matter. Very serious! While we wait on Miss Novell, I want to go over what we should do."

By the time Madam was finished my cock was once again in rut and pushing against my stomach. Her plan was simple, to the point, and most thorough. If it turned out that a past pattern of cheating was found, the plan was a stepped approach. * Confront the girls together with the rules of conduct. Give no indication as to what is happening and see how they react. This could be interesting. Then refer specifically to their knowledge of the rules on cheating. Things should get better still at this point. * Display to them the set of test papers that we have collected and watch their reactions. We certainly should see some interesting fidgeting here. * Show them the indications of cheating and ask for a confession. In any case at this point we will inform them that they have been caught and charged with cheating. Not just once, but a long-standing conspiracy to cheat. * Spell out what the consequences of their cheating will be. For me the fun part.

Madam wanted to go slowly and watch the two girls squirm. It was the mark of a true sadist. The discipline part had my cock up and ready. This was going to be quite a "spanking" afternoon and a "fucking" good time. The details would be presented to the girls personally.

Miss Novell returned after only a short wait. During a complete review we saw a pattern emerge. For several weeks unmistakable cases of cheating could be seen. As far back as three months, sets of identical answers were appearing. We all agreed that this was conclusive evidence of conspiracy. Both girls had to have known and worked together on this.

Madam then apologized to Miss Novell for the conduct of these two girls and let her know that the matter would be dealt with immediately. She was also asked if she would mind supervising some remedial makeup for these two culprits on the material covered by the cheating. After discipline the two would have to prove their knowledge of the material before a passing grade could be given. The remedial material would also be far more difficult and demanding. Corporal discipline would be forthcoming for any grade less than a "B" during this makeup. Miss Novell agreed to Madam's plan.

The two girls in question were at this time in different classes. Notices were sent out over the PA that they were to report to the main office at the end of this current period. I could just see the reactions of these two, each could hear the other being called. They had to know or at least suspect what was happening. It was about ten minutes latter that the bell rang for class change. We both heard the door of the outer office open twice and not long after a knock on Madam's door.

"Come in!"

I did not know who these two were, except by name. What I saw made my cock jump. Up to this point we had been dealing with only inanimate names, now that changed. They were truly beautiful young girls. From their dress I could tell that they were petite 12 year olds. Both were brunets with Terrie's hair somewhat lighter than Kathy's. Terrie also was smaller than Kathy, weighing about 85lbs to Kathy's, no more than 95lbs. It didn't take long to pick up the differences in their demeanors either. Kathy was the assertive type and Terrie more the quite one. Madam acted exactly according to plan.

"You two come...stand directly in front of my desk, on the white line. You both are at attention, so act in accordance. Do you both hear me? Well?"

The answer was quick in coming, "Yes Madam."

"I see that both you girls have been here about two years now. Is this correct?"

"That right Madam", was the quick answer from Kathy. Terrie just looked over at her friend.

"Well Terrie, are you going to answer my question?"

"Ah...Oh yes Madam...that's right."

"Do you two girls think I'm playing some kind of game here? You're both at attention! You both will answer with a Yes or No response. that clear?"

"Yes Madam...Yes Madam", two quick responses came back.

"I see from your school records that both you girls have had sessions in the discipline rooms downstairs. It looks like that you, Kathy, have had more than one switching. Terrie, it would seem that you have yet to experience that sensation, but do know the meaning of a good strapping. Do you both agree?"

"Yes Madam...Yes Madam."

"From all of this I must also assume that you two also know the rules here at Connor Hostel and the consequences of breaking them. Do you also both agree with this assessment?"

"Oh yes Madam...Ah, yes Madam!"

Those last two responses began to show signs of trouble. Trouble for the two girls, that is. Madam Hinshar was boxing them into a corner and they were being forced to play this little game. It was easy to see that both were scared to death. Timid little Terrie was already beginning to fret at the knees. She knew! Kathy was not far behind. Madam's next few statements brought tears to Terrie's eyes.

"I can tell you two right now that there are rules here and then there are rules! Some, when broken, will get you a quick hand spanking, others you'll find out what a paddle or strap feels like when dressed in the buff. Still others (Madam looked straight at Kathy) will get you a good switching, bare-naked. There is also worst yet, much, much worst.

"Now we come to the matter at hand. You two! Do either of you two have any idea why you are here?"

Both girls were frozen with fear and neither spoke. Little Terrie let out a weak meow, but said nothing.

"So that's the way it's going to be. Both of you, go over to that bench and strip down to nothing but your undie panties. I want everything off but your panties-in you bare feet. When you're finished, both of you come back and stand on this white line again."

The fun had started. Neither girl had previously exposed herself to me and, from their actions; I could tell my presence was embarrassing to them. Kathy almost said something before she started to strip. I am sure it was about me, but she held back. Terrie was so full of fear that I meant nothing at the moment to her. Besides they may have felt that they were still being allowed to keep on their scanty little undie panties. Little did they know what awaited them. In a few minutes they were back on the line and at attention.

As I had stated earlier, I loved the school panties all girls wore. Kathy's had ridden well up into the plump hairless outer lips of her cunt. The thin strip of cotton could barely be seen and she looked almost totally naked from the front. Terrie's little panties were not much better. It was only her somewhat smaller cuntie lips that permitted the panties to stay more in their normal position. A lot of puppy fat still showed.

Madam did not speak for almost five minutes. She let the tension build-on its own. By the time she did, Kathy's knees were shaking and tears where running down Terrie's face.

"I'll start with you, Terrie. Have you done anything to break the rules here at Connor Hostel? Be careful, I do not take lightly to lies and deception. Well have you...answer me!"

She was caught, she knew she was, but still she could not bring herself to admit to cheating on exams.

"I'm just so scared Mam. I don't what to say. Ooh...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Please...Please just let me off just this one time. Please?"

What happened next surprised me somewhat. I was sure that Terrie was going to spill the whole thing, but something happen and she backed off. Maybe it was because only on the last exam had she let Kathy see her entire paper, and thinking it was only on this one that they had been caught. Let's not forget that Madam Hinshar had not accused them of anything at this point. She was only letting their fear and guilt work on the two little girls. It only made matters worst for the two of them. It also added more lust to my rigid cock that I was now working with my right hand under the robe. Now Madam let out even more rope for the two girls to trap themselves with.

"Well, what is it then that is weighting so heavy on your conscience? Tell me Terrie!"

Though a string of sniffles and moans Terrie slowly spoke, "I'm so sorry Madam; I let my friend Kathy look at my last test paper."

Kathy quickly spoke up, "Oh Terrie, why did you have to te..ll..." As she spoke her little feet began to prance.

"You just be quiet young lady! You're at attention!"

Terrie continued, "I mean I just wanted to help her some. I didn't think it was all that bad. Terrie asked me to. She did."

Kathy just couldn't keep quite, "You said I could!"

"Didn't I say shut up...OK, OK, you want to speak so bad. Tell me what you have to say. I assume this is what you two are talking about."

With that last statement Madam produced from her top draw the referenced test papers and slammed them down on her desk for all to see. All doubt was now gone. At least that's what Madam wanted the two to think. All the other papers from weeks before still lay hidden in the draw. She was letting them dig the hole even deeper and they took the bait, gleefully.

"Terrie said before the test that I could look. That she wouldn't say anything. I mean, I had been trying real hard in the class. I just couldn't seem to get the right answers on a test that's all. I just had to past this one. I'm sorry Madam. I really am."

"So that's how it was, was it? Well, I don't think so. Do you know why, Kathy? Speak up, you seemed to want to talk so much, so talk!"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Madam. I mean I really was trying real hard to pass."

"Well Terry, do you have any thing else to add?"

"No Mam. I really am sorry for letting her look. I mean she really is my best friend, and I just wanted to help some. Oh please, it was just this one time."

That last statement did it. It was just what Madam Hinshar was waiting for. Now she had them lying as well as cheating. She wanted to go just one smaller step before finishing this charade.

"OK. I ask both of you again. Is there anything else you two would like to add to this matter...Tell me, now!"

Two quick answers came back, too quick, "No Mam...No Madam."

"Well you two have really done it now! I am trying real hard to hold back my rage, but I'm not sure how much longer I can. Before I continue, I want both of you two girls to go over to Mr. Fenner and pull off your little pair of undie panties and give them to him. Then you two get back over here. Move!"

Whether it was in their eyes or their movements, I'm not sure. I could just tell that at that instant they both sensed what had happened. They knew and they were really in for it. As they approached me both began to cry freely. Any concern for pulling down their panties directly in front of me had vanished. Quickly both girls were bare-naked. I looked down at two wonderfully smooth pink hairless slits. Kathy's cuntie was quite plump with nice full outer lips. Just the tip of her reddish pink inner lips was visible. Although both girls were twelve years old, Terrie's somewhat smaller size showed up in a much smaller pair of outer lips on her cuntie. No sign of inner lips could be seen. I just knew she was going to be one tight little fuck. When they returned Madam sprung the trap.

"I've given both of you more than enough chance to confess to this matter, but all I have gotten are lies for my effort."

At this point she reached in that top drawer and withdrew the remainder of the exam papers from the past few months. She scattered them on her desk.

"This is what I mean! This! Just how stupid do you two think I am? Did you, for one second, believe that I wouldn't look completely into this matter? Both of you don't say a word. You keep quite and listen to what I say. In a few minutes all of us in this room are going to go down stairs to the rooms. Room 3B in particular. I got something really special in mine for you two. Really special! And don't think that when that's over it will be the end of this matter. Oh no, this will only be the beginning. Just the beginning!

"First off, both of you are going to be getting an "F" on all these exam papers. Next I have set up with your teacher a period of remedial study covering all the subject matter on these exams. These classes will be taken from your own free time, including all Saturday afternoons. You are going to be graded in the strictest manner possible. Any grades less than a "B" and you'll become quickly familiar with the insides of the discipline rooms.

"And lastly, you both are going on Disciplinary Probation, Level Three, effective this instant. What's more you will remain at Level Three for the entire time that it takes to complete this remedial work. Just maybe that will give you some additional encouragement to work especially hard. Only after this work is completed will you be permitted to work you way down from Level Three. I should say that you two are really going to know the true meaning of those Friday sessions."

Both girls were now wailing freely as tears ran down their faces. Terrie's small hands had slid backwards and were doing their best to cover up her bare little bottom. Kathy's still remained at her side, but she began to bob up and down by bending her knees. This movement was, more or less, in time with a set of mews and meows intermixed with her sobs. The room was filled with the sounds of two loudly crying naked girls as Madam spoke into her intercom.

"Miss Standly will you please come to my office. I require your assistance for a short while."

As she entered the room Madam spoke, "Take these two girls in hand and escort them to room 3B downstairs. Take the long way, around the hallway. I want them to start becoming familiar with being naked. It's a state of affairs that they will have to get use to in the coming weeks."

As the matron approached the two girls, Terrie quickly broke into that lovely act of rising onto her tiptoes and rapidly prancing from foot to foot. Her two hands also began to frantically rub her bottom. This act always caused the girl to display her charms in the most wanton manner. It had my cock quivering in my hand. Kathy's knees bent and remained that way as the matron grabbed the two girls from behind, under the armpits, and lifted upwards.

"OK you two; let's go for a little parade, and then it down stairs."

After the girls were gone Madam spoke to me, "John, what I have in mine for these two I think you will find interesting. My plan is for you to fuck one of the two girls while I apply, directly beside you, a combination of curry, Nettles and switch to the other's bare pussy. There's going to be a little contest between the two girls as to who gets which. It is designed to take advantage of the fact that these two are long time friends and feel for each other. You'll get the details as I explain them to the two little prisses.

"I want you to go down there now and help Miss Standly place the girls in the matched pair of low whipping pillories. I picked 3B for these two implements that are there. It positions them so that their backs are parallel to the floor and the waist bar has them bending forward at 90 degrees. Oh yes, see to it that their legs are spread with the long cords. I want their crotches well opened and exposed to begin with. As soon as I have prepared myself, I will join you.

"Have Miss Standly return to her desk after the mounting. This should give you five or ten minutes alone with these two. You might use the time to apply oil to and explore their bodies. It's times like this that I use to find those areas that a girl is most averse to having touched or is exceptionally tender. If you find anything that stands out, let me know. I keep records of these things in their personal files. It can give me an edge in later discipline sessions.

"I have to get ready now, I'll see you shortly. No...No on second thought, why don't you come back here, to my private room through that door. Do apply the oil, but then return. There is no need to knock, just enter. I'll explain."

With that Madam went into her room. I wasted no time going down stairs and heard the door close on 3B just as I entered the hallway below. Miss Standly had made the two charmers strut themselves around upstairs in a manner that would be talked about among the girls for weeks to come. It didn't take long to position them in the twin pillories, and then Miss Standly left me alone with these two naughty little crying girls. I was already naked, having removed my robe immediately on entry to the room. Before she left Miss Standly had seemed to notice my oversized rigid cock from the very start, as I caught her starring at it more than once.

Now I know all the women here at Connor Hostel are supposed to be lesbians and have a sadistic bent towards little girls, but something had always told me that a few might just also enjoy a good fucking by a man as well. More than once while we were placing the girls in the pillories she "accidentally" managed to rub up against my cock. Once, maybe, I felt a short wiggle as she was in contact with it. I planned to look into this matter at some latter date. She did have a fine body that was easily visible, even through the long matronly black dress she wore.

Now to the matter at hand, however. I obtained a bottle of oil from one of the cabinets and started with Kathy. Having some idea of what was about to happen, I applied the oil to all areas of her naked body from shoulders to knees. Then I began to rub and knead it onto those special places at length. Both girls got about five minutes. I bent down between their legs and examined their smooth hairless cunts at length. Both let out long heartfelt sobs at this act. Particularly when I inserted my middle finger up the tight little holes. I finger fucked them both at length, using my left hand to spread their slits open before my right middle finger when in. Their tiny bright red clits also got a good examination. I was a little surprised when Kathy responded with more aversion to this exam then did her smaller friend Terrie. Note was taken. Terrie's somewhat smaller titties also seemed the more tender. When I was through, I left the two in place and returned to Madam Hinshar's private room.

On entry to this room I was immediately taken aback. As I caught my breath, there lay Madam on her back, upon her bed, bare-naked. If that were not bad enough, the matron that had just escorted the two girls on their trip around the halls had her head between Madam's legs. She was performing cunnilingus on Madam Hinshar, who was moaning and panting in gasps. As I stared she had an orgasm that bounced the matron's head up and down. The matron was also naked, and as she arose on the bed, she turned towards me. I was presented with two magnificently shaped, firm round tits. She seems to thrust them out towards me as she wiped off her mouth. With a brief smile, she got up and strutted her naked body pass me towards the door. There she paused only long enough to gather her clothes and leave without dressing. I could not help notice the look in her eyes. She was both proud and happy to show off her body to me. I was sure I would see it again and at length, in pri vate.

I turned to Madam, but she spoke first, "I hope this little scene had not bothered you. I was so horny thinking about those two girls waiting on us that I needed a little relief."

"No problem, no problem. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all."

Madam got up from the bed and made no attempt at all to get dressed as she sat on a dresser bench and started to talk to me at length. As she spoke she rubbed oil onto her two huge tits.

"I want to wait awhile before we go downstairs. This will give those two naughty girls a chance to think about what awaits them. Being good friends, they'll talk and just make matters worst for their imagination. Besides I have a few things to say that I am sure you will want to know.

"Before I start, I would like you to remove your robe. I hope you do not mind?"

"Not at all."

"Good! One more thing. It would make me happy to watch you masturbate. I just love to see you work that big hard cock of yours. If you would have a seat on that chair over there and spread your legs wide, I could obtain a good view of your balls as well. Yes, like that. Perfect...perfect.

"As you know the second summer session starts next week. Now what you may not be aware of is that this session is not considered an academic one. You see, I require all new girls that start this fall to attend this six-week period. It is oriented towards teaching rules and regulations with a good dose of discipline. In fact, lots and lots of discipline. In this way they will know the regiment when the fall session gets underway or will wish they did.

"It is going to be a banner year. More new little charmers then ever before in the school's history. In fact so many that we have opened up the second dorm building. It is a good deal larger that the main dorm because it contains only resident rooms on all three stories. All told there should be more than two hundred students. A number of new matrons have already been hired as well. They should all be here tonight or tomorrow.

"I think you will find the selection breathtaking. This brings me to a point. There is one girl in particular. She is the most beautiful little thing I have ever seen in my life. I want to tell you how I was introduced to her. It will speed up that stroke of yours, I'm sure. About two weeks before you started here I was invited to attend, and give a short talk to, a neighborhood meeting of mothers. They are all members of an elite club of ladies whose stated purpose is to discuss and exchange ideas on the disciplinary training of their daughters. I was asked there because of a number of reasons. One of which I was not aware of until later. The main stated reasons were my reputation as Head Mistress of this school, and the number of publications that I have written on the subject of disciplinary training of young girls.

"I selected as my topic for the talk my most resent paper on the subject of Nettles. There are several copies on the bookshelf over there. It is called 'Green Nettles and White Panties'. Sometime I would like you to take a copy and read it. You should find it informative. It is only one of a set in a treatise on the discipline of girls. Feel free to read them all.

"Getting back to the story of this meeting. You would have loved to be there. There were about twenty-five ladies with their daughters in attendance. When I walked into the house I was confronted with the sight of these women and at least thirty-five young girls. All the girls were dressed in nothing but white panties, shoes and socks. As I would soon learn this was standard fare for these monthly neighborhood meeting. I was quickly introduced to the home's owner, a Mrs. Bennet. She had also organized this particular meet and was the one that suggested that I be selected to give a talk. I do this at no cost for many organizations.

"Well, this was the first time for this group, and I was impressed. Very impressed indeed. I took a good look at the girls' attire. About half wore various forms of small bikini panties made from cotton jersey. Only a few of these had liners in the crotches. Many others wore tiny little unlined string-bikini panties. Oh yes; a few of these panties were made of exceptionally thin nylon instead, and were quite transparent. There were other exceptions as well. Two girls I saw wore only gossamer thin white nylon G-strings. Both of these were delightfully skimpy and barely covered their little pussies. These two girls I'll talk about in a second. I did count four other girls that were bare-naked; save for their shoes and socks.

"Not a single one showed any signs of pubic hair. I must say again, I was impressed with the level of discipline maintained by these ladies. It wasn't the level we have here at Connor Hostel, but well above average. All four of the girls going around naked showed signs of a resent whipping. In fact two of them were ten-year-old twins and both had been well switched on the backs of their legs. The other two girls were about twelve or a year younger, and both had been strapped on their bare bottoms. One of these had also felt the strap on her legs as well. All present were between the ages of eight and fifteen. Only one was fifteen, and happened to be one of the two with a G-string.

"I don't remember her name, but she was quite beautiful. Already she had nearly full sized titties with a tiny narrow waist. Her legs were also very slender, but her bottom was well rounded and set high. It's just too bad she was past the age for us here at the Hostel. She would have made a nice addition. Now her G-string was fabricated of the sheerest nylon that I think can be made. One could see through it almost as if it were not there. And that's not all. It was being held up by a very small, thread sized, elastic waist string that was so loose the nylon fell down and away from between her legs a good inch or more. It was a wonder she could keep it up at all. This permitted her shaven pussy to be seen complete bare when one stood a little to her side.

"Now it was easy to see that being the oldest girl there, and dressed as she was, caused her great embarrassment. So much so that it was getting on her mother's nerves. Something was going to give, and it did. After my talk, several mothers came up and we had a short question and answer session. This lady was right there, with her daughter, and she waited till all others had asked their questions. Her's were a good deal more detailed. Having used Nettles before, she wanted to refine their use to get the best possible effect. Her daughter's embarrassment was now getting out of hand. When I started to describe techniques to spread open a young girl's pussy to allow the Nettles to work their way in, the girl went too far. After speaking out loud about how her mother 'couldn't do that', she started to insist that she still had to Peepee.

"That was it. If my memory is correct it went something like this:

'Now you've done it young lady! You want to Peepee? You're going to get your chance, but not the way you think. Madam Hinshar, would you please do me a great favor? My daughter clearly needs a lesson in manners, and I would really be pleased if you would watch and offer any advice after I am done.'

"I agreed, and we exited to a screen enclosed porch on the back side of the house. As we entered two other mothers had their daughters, both about thirteen, across their laps and were finishing up a twin hand spanking. The two pairs of white panties had been pulled down to the girls' knees. With legs kicking and thrashing the thin air, both pairs of panties were being stretched this way and that. We stood were there quite a few minutes before the twin spanking was over, even though it had been going on for some time before we entered. Both little girls were led back into the house with their panties' waist bands pulled up only to the base of their bottoms. A most interesting technique. Going around with their panties pulled down surely added a good deal to the effects of a bare bottom spanking. I understood later that wearing their panties in that manner let the two girls, and all others present, know that a leather belt was waiting for them when they returned home. Applied in the nude by their fathers, these two were in for a good strapping later.

"Now there was a whipping horse located near one back corner of the porch. The fifteen-year-old was quickly mounted in place without the G-string. While this was going on I could not help but notice how open this area was. The neighborhood behind this house was being permitted to watch and listen to any discipline of a young girl. I am sure many a boy peeked over the fence or through an open window and watched.

"As the girl cried and protested her mother obtained an oval metal pan and placed it on a small shelf between the widely spread legs. The shelf pulled out from one end of the horse and was about one foot below her pussy which overhung that end of the restraint. With an oak wood paddle in her right hand she applied one crisp hard stroke to the center of the wiggling bottom. The girl was then commanded to do her 'necessary' Peepee in the pan. Every time the golden stream would start another pop of the paddle landed and the stream halted. Her bottom would clench tight accompanied with a loud squeal and babbled peas to stop. In a second both cheeks would start a spasmodic tightening and relaxing while her hips wiggled and danced in every direction the restraints would permit. Shortly the stream would return for a second or so before the paddle came down again. On and on it went. Her mother was ruthless with the implement, landing twelve or more strokes before it w as over. A Peepee to remember for that little girl.

"The only thing I would have changed was, when she was released from the horse, she was allowed to replace her tiny G-string. For me she would have stayed naked. Never the less it was a magnificent paddling and I told her mother as much. She thanked me at length and seemed quite proud of her management of the situation. By the time the meeting was coming to an end I had watched seven other girls get one form of whipping or another. My favorite was a small little ten-year-old girl who got one thorough wearing out with a short Willow switch on the back porch. I mean she got burned up! Inside those little legs of hers as well as the backs, and afterwards she stayed completely nude; no shoes, socks or anything.

"Sorry, I can get carried away. I really want to talk about the little blond girl that lived at this house. As I said, she is the most beautiful little thing I have ever seen in my life. Now we have some real charmers here at Connor Hostel, but let me say she is going to be the top one, I think. That's right! Is going to be. She starts next week and not just for a short while either. Oh no. This little one just turned twelve last month and will be staying until she's a regulation fifteen! I'll describe her appearance as best as I can and then tell you how this came about. Then we must get going downstairs.

"First she has the most perfect, silky smooth, golden yellow blond hair I have ever seen. It's straight and full, falling over her shoulders down to her waist. Her mother has cut the front into delightfully full long bangs. They are cut straight across down to just above her eyelashes. When I first saw her, she also had short sections of hair braided into mini pigtails just in front of her ears. Two per side. Tiny pink silk ribbons were tied to each end. She possesses a flawless pink white china-doll complexion. I mean flawless! Not a mark, blemish, mole, scar or anything that I could see. And believe me I saw all of it. Her face is like a Barbie-doll with bright blue eyes. Just gorgeous, with a small pointed nose. I'd say she stands about four feet six inches and weights no more than seventy-five pounds. John, you have just got to see her figure. Tiny narrow hips with a waist that you could almost put your two hands around. Her stomach is not just flat , it actually dips in somewhat! And her bottom! Unreal. It is fully round and high set for its size. It just seems to stick out and ask for a whipping.

"This is still not all. The best part is yet to come! She has perfectly shaped, round but still upward pointed, little titties. Perfect little miniatures, not just 'buds' that you would think a little girl of her age would have. And at last, her pussy. If she shaved I couldn't tell. I think she is still naturally hairless, because she has that light pink look, between her legs, of a girl much younger.

"I want to quickly rap this up. I first saw her when I had just entered the house. When her mother was introduced to me as being the owner. I knew right then that I wanted this girl here if at all possible. But before I could talk much more to the lady the large number of mothers present distracted me. To tell you the truth I fell like a kid in a candy store. Shortly thereafter I had to retire to the ladies room, and going by a partly open door, heard sounds of a whipping under way. A switch has a very unique sound, and I could tell that that was what was being used. Also by the squeals of this young girl I suspected that something a little more tender that her bottom or legs were being switched. I was right. A while latter after I had returned, Mrs. Bennet came up and apologized for not having introduced her oldest daughter to me earlier. She had been in a hurry because, at the time, she was taking Tracy (that's her name, by the way) to a back room for a sh ort switching, as she put it.

"Well in any case, when I looked down it was clear that it was Tracy that I had just heard crying and squealing. Before when we met she had had on shoes and socks and one of the two tiny little shear G-strings that I referred to earlier. She now stood barefoot naked and was showing off her well switched little pussy. If I had taken a red pen and a ruler and drawn those switch welts, I could not have made them any more perfectly aligned and spaced. You could tell that the switch had been brought up between the legs from the backside. The tip had snapped home on the area just above the pussy slit and had formed a perfect little red 'Venus Triangle'. From the front the welts converged downward to a point located just at the estimated position of the girl's clit. The complete area of the outer lips had also received a solid coating of thin welts, using what I would say was just the last two inches of the switch. If this was Mrs. Bennet's idea of a 'short switching' , I would just love to see Tracy get a nice long one!

"It was at this point that Mrs. Bennet asked to see me in private before I left. I had no problem with that and told her I planed to stay for the whole meeting and we could meet towards the end. That was agreed on and when the time came, we retired to her private office. Just the two of us. The first thing said was she wanted Tracy to attend Connor Hostel on a permanent bases. Starting a soon as possible. Now normally the application period had passed, but in Tracy's case, I would make an exception. Boy would I! However I made it sound like I was doing her a favor. In return Mrs. Bennet stated that in addition to the normal tuition she would make a nice contribution to the school for the purchase of additional disciplinary implements.

"She wanted Tracy's training to be especially strict, even for Connor Hostel. We then reviewed many of the school's procedures. She was in complete agreement with them all. In addition I agreed to have her uniform be the skimpiest possible for her age group.

"When I referred to your joining the school staff in a few days, a big smile came over her face. She was delighted with the idea, and said that having Tracy exposed to the sexual implications of a man at her age would teach her not to mess around with boys and get into trouble later. I am sure you will agree with this sentiment completely! We agreed to work on further details later and left the room.

"In closing, a little tidbit. You remember those two thirteen-year-old girls that I referred to as getting a twin hand spanking on the back porch. Well just as I was getting ready to leave, their mothers were walking out the front door ahead of me. Both girls still had their little white panties pulled down just below their bottoms. A big smile came over me as I heard one mother tell her daughter that because they lived just down the block they were going to walk back. Quite a few kids were playing near the street along the way and she was going to have to show herself off to them all on the way home. And at the end of this trip she still had that belt waiting for her!

"Let's get going. Those two down stairs have had enough time to talk things over by now. Why don't you leave your robe here? I'd like you to stay naked. I'll just put on my black boots and...hummm. I've got and idea, just wait a second.

At this point Madam Hinshar got up, put on the boots, and then walked over to a table and picked up that black leather harness she had worn before. She then picked up three of those stainless steel balls and handed them to me. With the waist ban adjusted she asked me to insert the balls into her pussy.

"Work a little wet up in my pussy first. Use two or three fingers and play the outside and then stick all three way up inside. Yea, that's right, pump it some. Yea, pump it good! Now slide those balls way up there."

Madam Hinshar, what a woman. After placing all three balls up inside her pussy, she brought the saddle strap up between her legs and drew it tight. She then turned and strutted out the room with both tits of hers bouncing bare on her chest. We took the private staircase down and entered room 3B.

Both little girls were waiting in-place. Mounted on the special twin pillories designed for bottom work. Standing erect, they had first been bent forward at the waist over a padded bar some three inches in diameter and about two feet long. With their backs now parallel to the floor, their arms were pulled forwards and attached at the wrist by a wooden stock. The position of the bar could be adjusted relative to the wrist stocks and thus both arms were taught. Their small little titties were pointed straight down and were completely exposed. Their feet had been spread apart only some two to three feet. Long cords attached to the far left and right maintained this spread. This restraint of the feet permitted them to be raised and moved forward or backward, but not back together. As we walked up both girls started to whimper and mouth useless pleas.

"Oh Please Madam, Please, I'm Sorry. I won't do it again, I promise. I won't...I won't."

"You two still must think we play games here at Connor Hostel. You two think you're sorry. Let me tell you something. You're not nearly as sorry as you're going to be, before this day is out. This I promise both of you. So listen up and listen well, 'cause I'm going to explain what's about to happen to you two.

"First I'm going to give both of you a nice bottom hole scrubbing with a strong liniment. Next it's going to be a good hard strapping from Mr. Fenner and me. Twelve strokes for each of you. Then we two will swap and you'll get another set of twelve. You're going to be strapped slowly. Given plenty of time to enjoy each and every stroke. And then young ladies we're going to have a very interesting little contest.

"I suggest you two listen well to this. The winner in going to get off light. She'll have the honor of enjoying a nice long...hard...deep pussy fucking. Mr. Fenner's not going to do all the work either. The winner is going to be required to perform a nice cute wiggly Minuet while her pussy is impaled upon his huge cock. You'll be getting it from the position you're in right now with your arms relaxed a little to better permit you to dance.

"Now for the poor looser. Her pussy isn't going to be enjoying a nice fucking. Instead hers is going to be getting a long hard switching. Before the switching starts, you'll be moved to the leather covered exam table and placed on your back. With your bottom at one end your legs will be raised straight up and spread as far apart as possible. Things will then get underway with a between the legs and bottom currying with liniment. There'll be extra liniment for your pussy. A second bottom hole scrubbing and FIGGING will finish up that part. Those same areas will next feel the effects of a large, and very thick, bouquet of fresh green stinging Nettles. Only after the Nettles are through will the switching start and it'll be right on top of the Nettle rash.

"The switching will last just as long as the winner's fucking last. So my advice to the winner is do everything you can to make Mr. Fenner shoot his hot load of cum as soon as possible. It'll make your friend's ordeal that much shorter. This assumes, of course, that you two are still good friends. This brings me to the contest. After the strapping is over Mr. Fenner is going to stick his nice big hard cock part way up your naughty pussies. About the only contact you will feel will be the end of his cock up inside. Each of you then will be given thirty seconds to do a short, but suggestive, Minuet with your bottom and pussy. The winner will be selected from the dance he liked best. So, unless you prefer the switching of your life right on your naked pussy, I'd do the best job on his cock I knew how. We'll now get started with the brush."

Madam dipped liberally into the liniment and then slowly wormed the round brush first into Kathy's bottom hole. Her reaction was not long in coming.

"Oh...Oh...Oh...Ohoooo..ho..ho..ho..ho...OHOOOOO! Don't leave it in...Don't leave it in. Please! PLEASE!! Oh, take it out, take it out. Ohooooooooooo..ho..ho..ho..ho!!!

With the brush fully inserted Madam began to rotate it back and forth before letting go of the handle. She then permitted poor Kathy to do her own thing for a while. As the fires quickly mounted, her bottom began to involuntarily contract and relax. Each contraction only caused her to squeeze down sharply on the surface of the prickly brush. Matters just got worst. Kathy was now humping and thrusting her bottom in some of the most obscenely suggestive ways imaginable. The handle of the brush waved through the air as her bottom wiggled this way and that. Madam finally grabbed the implement after about thirty seconds and pulled it free. The process was then repeated on Terrie's somewhat smaller bottom. After each removal Madam quickly wiped the hole and surrounding bottom crease with a hot damp towel. No liniment was being permitted to dribble down towards the girl's pussy. That had to remain clear of the burning liquid for my up coming fuck. Madam at last tu rned towards me.

"Mr. Fenner, are you ready with your strap?"

"Yes, you may begin. Please."

"We'll alternate strokes between us. I'll take Kathy and apply the first one-you start with Terrie."


"Ohooo...eeeee. Please!"


"Ahaaaa...ah...ah...ah. Oh...Please Sir...Please!"

Both girls felt and reacted to the first strokes of the twin straps. Kathy bounced more freely on her toes as Madam had brought the tip of her strap up-and-under the left cheek. Mind had landed on the high point of Terrie's small bottom. Madam took aim.


"OHOOO...Oh...Oh...Oh! It Hurts...It Hurts...Oh Please!! Please Stop...Oh you got to!!!


"Oh Please! Please not so hard. Please!!"

We were taking our time. Enjoying every squeal and scream from the two little girls. It was as if a contest between Madam and me began to take shape. Each of us was trying to solicit the best and loudest plea after each stroke. My huge cock throbbed and jumped at the sight and sound of each strap as they landed. I now targeted Terrie's inner thighs, near the top.


"Nooo...Oh...Oh...Oh...Ohooo...Ho...Ho...Ho! Oh Not There!! PLEASE!!!"

The strapping continued until each girl got her count of twelve. Madam then stepped back and reached between her legs with her left hand and started to masturbate. She gasped in heavy breaths as her eyes closed. Those three steel balls were doing a job up inside her pussy. I enjoyed a different diversion. Stepping forward to press my rigid cock along the blistered crease of Terrie's young bottom, I reached out and began to fondle her small downward pointing titties. I was sure she was going to be the one I fucked. She had such a beautifully round tiny bottom, and I was sure her pink little cunt would be an even tighter fit than her friend's would. As I worked my cock up and down along her bottom crease, I pinched and prodded the tinder nipple tips. We both raised out sexual desires even higher for several minutes before returning to the task at hand.

After swapping positions behind the two girls, it was only a second or two before the room again filled with their screams and squeals. The undertone of prancing bare feet added to the ambiance. It was soon over, and I stepped back and watched as the two little naked girls' legs subsided from a full blown two-step dance number to a panicky fret and then into a gently swaying motion as alternate knees bent then straightened. Fires continued to burn for some time in their tender young hinnies as the swaying seemed to go on and on without stop. I almost hated to continue as the two little ones were doing such a good job of showing themselves off. All composure and modesty had long since vanished. Then Madam spoke.

"Have you two rested some? It's now time for our nice little contest and to make sure each of you understand what my switch feels like on your bare naked pussies. I'm going to give each of you a sample. I should think three strokes each should get the point across."

Madam wasted no time. In two quick steps she was behind smaller Terrie. Years of experience in this matter let her know exactly how to proceed and before either girl could think, a willow switch whistled through the air. The last three inches snapped home in a diagonal stroke directly across Terrie's oh-so-tender hairless cuntie.

"AAAiiiiii...Yeeeeeeeeee. OH...Ho...Ho...Ho...Hoooooo. Yiyeeeee...Ah...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha."

Tiny little Terrie let out a shrill like scream as Madam moved slightly to the side and applied the second sample stroke. It formed a thin red welted "X" with the first stroke. For the third and final sample I guessed correctly. It landed straight down the center of the pink slit. Without a spoken word Madam stepped behind Kathy and applied her three samples. Neither girl had time to compose pleas. They were too busy screaming and thrusting their naked hinnies out and in. Both girls frantically tried to bring their legs together, but the cords attached at the ankle kept their pink little slits exposed and on view. It was now my turn.

I stepped behind my favorite little Terrie. With my left hand I reached around and under and pressed upward on her lower tummy to steady her wiggling and better position the slit of her cunt. My right hand pushed down my rigid cock as I positioned its tip against the young orifice. The thin red welts made for a perfect target. I wiggled the tip slowly in and then slid forward about four inches. My arrival was announced.

"There my little one! Feel good? I should hope so. You'll find it much nicer sensation than Madam's switch. Time to start your little dance, the clock it ticking. Thirty seconds."

I was impressed! She did a delightful short number on the end of my cock. I knew this was her first fuck as the fit was so tight she had problems trying to move side to side. The whole time she stood on tiptoes. To my surprise she quickly came up with a movement of thrusting her little bottom up and out, then back down as her voice made wavering meow like sounds the whole time. In the last few seconds her legs began to dance or bounce from foot to foot. It was the movement I loved best. Without even fucking her friend Kathy, I finalized my decision on Terrie.

I did give Kathy her sample fuck, of course, and she performed admirably. However, Terry was my number and I wasted no time announcing my choice. Kathy also wasted no time letting us know how she felt.

"No! No! Please, Noooo. Please, please, let me try again. Please. Oh, you just got too...oooo. I promise I'll wiggle better. Please let me try again. Oh please. Please."

Madam spoke not a word. She just went over to Terrie and lengthened her wrist cords to give her more freedom of movement. With a firm grip she removed Kathy from her pillory and carried her screaming to the discipline table. She had to pick her up to get her on her back and laid out on the table top. I, on the other hand, pored out lots and lots of strap oil and began to rub down Terrie's creamy smooth, tiny naked body. As I rubbed and fondled, Kathy squealed without stop while getting her liniment treatment and FIGGING. As Madam started up with the Nettles, I stepped to the left of Terrie's hinny and gave her additional instructions mixed in with a blistering hand spanking.

"Don't think that short trial fucking is what you are going to get now. Oh no!"


"You're going to feel the full effect my rigid cock.

"Wap... Smack."

"I'm not going to do all the work either. You're going to help."

"Wap...Crack...Wap. Smack."

"When I say so, you're going to do another nice little dance on the end of my big cock. When I look down I'd better see and feel that sassy little naughty hinny of yours really wiggling."


"Well, do you hear!?"


"Ohooo...Yes Sir...Ohoo. Please no more. Please stop. It...It's just so big. Please. Not so deep. I can't stand it so far in."

"Do you think we play games here young lady?"


"You're going to feel my cock at every level of penetration little girl!"


"Oh Please stop spanking...Please Sir...Pleaseeee...Pleaseee. I'll try to wiggle real good...Please. Please no more! I'll try...I'll try."

"Well we'll see, won't we?"

With that statement I pushed my cock down between the little blistered cheeks. Stepping forward, I felt the contact of its tip with her hot wet pussy slit.

"OH...OH...OH...OH...Ohoooo. Oh it hurts in deep. Please Sir. Please"

I started her fucking with full thrust till I hit bottom on each stroke. This really was quite easy to do in such a small orifice. At this point I just wanted to feel her to the fullest for several long minutes. After that I withdrew quickly and grabbed an 18-inch-long oak ruler. Eight harsh strokes landed quickly on the upper few inches of each thigh. She again let out a howl, but one could tell fatigue was starting to set in. I again mounted the tight little hairless pussy and started to fuck with long, slow, full, deep thrust. Taking out all but the tip of my cock on each one. This continued until Madam finished with the Nettles. I then withdrew again at the onset of Terrie's switching, and gave Kathy a short rest as I listened to Terrie scream. To rap-up the ordeal I gave Kathy a break during the last five minutes of her friend's switching. She danced a jig on ONLY the first four inches of my cock until I finally exploded my cum into the bald pink hole. That however, was done with a full deep thrust.

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Beautiful story, beautifully executed in each of its three parts (with a regrettable number of typos, but you may be forgiven for that).

What I admire most in your writing is the careful attention to descriptions of beauty, charm, frivolity and shame inherent in young girls. Few authors seem to be aware, as you are, of the importance of delicious details (clothing, involuntary display, nudity, humiliation) for the satisfaction of voyeuristic instincts among readers. Keep going, DER!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.