Naughty Little Girls Of The Training Hostel, Part 2

[ MF/fgg, tort, nc, spank, rape ]

by Der


Published: 7-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Day 2

The new day started out hot. It was still July. Because this was a Sunday, there were no classes and the girls were given the entire morning as personal time. The wake up and morning prep before breakfast, however, remained the same as other days.

The dorm rooms at Connor Hostel were organized in two sets of five rooms. Each set was located on a side of a single long hallway. This hallway being the top, or fourth, floor of one of the main building. Each of the rooms contained space for up to ten girls. This gave a total capacity of one hundred. Currently the Hostel was only at half capacity. Madam Hinshar's strict selection process held attendance back. This still provided for an adequate selection and variety for my personal needs. Applications from parents were increasing, however, and this meant that close to full attendance was expected within the year. Madam always wanted a few empty slots for that unusually delightfully charmer that would apply.

The arrangement of the rooms had five single bunks on each side. The headboards were against the walls. Adjacent to each bunk, and against the wall, was a closet for personal use. A small chest-of-draws was placed inside. Adjacent to this closet was a standard wooden study desk. A short stool, lamp, and trashcan were also provided. One entered each room from the hallway through a doorless opening and saw each set of five bunks on the left and right. At the far end was the bare entrance to the room's common bath area. This facility was fully tiled on the floor and walls. On the bath area walls opposite to the sleeping area were five sinks side by side and recessed in a common counter top. The entire wall above the counter was covered with a four-foot high mirror. At each of the two walls adjacent to the sinks were three exposed toilets. The bath's back wall contained five open showerheads. A coiled water hose was also located here for wash-downs. Near the ceiling, and above the showers were a set of five small windows. These were the only opening to the outside, save for the windows at each end of the common hallway.

As one might expect at Connor Hostel one additional item was located in the center of the bath area. A heavy teakwood whipping horse. One end was higher and wider than the other was. This high end was rounded and curved to better fit and retain a small girl's hips. A collection of black leather straps, switches, and small paddles hung from the center beam. A pair of leather cuffs was in place at the base of the legs at the raised end. These were for holding a girl's legs in place and well spread. Additional cuffs were attached to the other end with adjustable length cords. These would hold a girl's arms taught as she was bent over the raised end.

The teak whipping horses were simple but most effective disciplinary devices. Their locations, one was in place in each of the ten bath areas, made it even more so. The open tiled bath amplified not only the sounds of a corrective implement as it landed on the tender naked skin of a naughty girl, but her reactive squeals and pleas as well. Without any doors on the bath or dorm room entrances, the sound would travel freely to all areas of the floor. This created a form of public discipline. It never took long for the word to get around as to whose cries were being heard. A few particularly troublesome girls' voices were even commonly recognized as frequent "riders" of the horse.

The Connor Hostel had a rather sizable manual on "Rules-of-Conduct". Far too many to list here. However, a few governing the dorm rooms and baths should be listed for basic understanding:

• No girl shall enter the bath area for any reason without first striping completely naked and placing all clothing within her closet.

• No girl shall use a towel for any reason other reason than drying oneself off. Towels shall always be carried, neatly folded, in the hands.

• All rooms shall be ready for inspection from breakfast-call until Noon. No articles shall be placed on bunks nor shall any girl sit or lay on any bunk during this time.

• All room facilities are free for use after twelve Noon on all days. Quite hours shall be between eight and lights out at ten PM on class nights. Lights out shall be eleven PM on Fridays and Saturdays.

On this particular Sunday morning I accompanied Madam Hinshar for the seven AM wakeup, it was at six AM on all other days. Each room had a matron permanently assigned to that room. They were referred to and addressed as "Room Mother" by the girls within. At Madam's command each matron entered her room, turned on the lights and blew a loud whistle, one that you might hear at a sporting event. At this sound all girls were to rise and stand at attention at the foot of their bunks. At Connor Hostel attention meant standing straight, legs together, arms down by your side and head and eyes straight ahead. No moving or talking was permitted. This provided quite a nice little spectacle, for each girl wore only a nightshirt. These were made from the standard thin white cotton jersey and were cut sleeveless with a deep V-neck. What made my cock spring to attention was that each girl's nightshirt extended down only to a length well short of her waistline. With no panties worn, each girl stood naked from just above their waist to their bare feet.

Keep in mind that shaving was a morning ritual. This presented row after row of smooth, pink, and hairless cunties for my visual enjoyment. Not to speak of their soft round little hinnys. Madam's idea of having me present at wakeup call was a most delightful way to start any day. To take full advantage of the opportunity she decided to make a walk through inspection of a number of rooms. The girls were made to remain at attention until we had exited their particular room. Room assignments were generally segregated, in order, by age. With attendance at approximately 50, each room was about half full; therefore, all were in use. We started with the youngest girls, the ten-year-olds. This was a room on the left at one end of the hallway. On entrance, I allowed my eyes to enjoy the feast. Six charming girls were present. I quickly noticed that one nice looking redhead stood completely naked, without any nightshirt. It was explained to me that the night befor e she had received an adjustment in attitude. This had been in the form of a short ride on that teak horse in the bath area. Her small bottom still showed the signs of a nice strapping and, according to regulations, had been sent to bed naked.

Generally, the inspection went normally. It was noticed, however, that on my entrance some of the girls seemed to be taken a little aback. I am sure that by now word of my presence was well known by all, but this inspection still represented the first time most of the girls were forced to "show themselves off" in my presence. A quick word by Madam or a Room Mother had any deviation from proper conduct quickly amended. This meant remaining at attention, nearly naked, while I took my time viewing each one carefully.

All went accordingly, that is, until we entered the fourth and last room to be inspected. This location was assigned to an older group of eleven-year-olds. One girl, a Miss Sharon Thomson, had been at Conner Hostel less than a week, and this was her first walk through inspection. Her parents had placed her here because of her insistent and increasingly arrogant attitude. Unfortunately, for Sharon, she was new to any form of training hostel, having been previously tutored only at home. She now found herself in one of the strictest environments of all and quickly got herself into real trouble.

Sharon had been issued a particularly skimpy and short version of the standard white cotton nightshirt. It would seem that the "Room Mother" had wanted her to feel exceptionally naked during wakeup calls. It worked, for on our entrance she quickly reacted to my presence. From her regulation stance of attention both hands flashed forward, to cover the small hairless slit of her sex. In the same motion her left knee, the one closest to me, came up and crossed over her right as she bent slightly forward. If this was not enough, she also made the additional error of speaking up.

"Oh Madam, Please. You can't let a man come in here! I haven't even got on any undie panties. I'm almost naked! NO!!"

At same time she spoke, she started to back away from the foot of her bunk and towards the front of her closet. This last action was an obvious attempt to hide her tiny bare hinny. The Room Mother, Miss Fisher, and Madam looked at each other, Madam smiled. Miss Fisher spoke first.

"Please, Madam...I'll see to it that she comes over here!"

She walked quickly over to Sharon and spoke in a deep cruel voice, "Remove that night shirt and I mean NOW!"

"Noooo, not with a man here. I'll be all naked...I can't!"

Miss Fisher had had it. She quickly grabbed the girl's shirt and pulled up with one hand as her other griped the girls left wrist. In a flash, it was off. Before the girl knew what had happened, both upper arms were behind her and she was being pushed forward. She now stood in front of both Madam and me.

"Oh Please, not naked, not in front of a man. Nooo. It's not fair...I'll tell Mommy. Somebody, please somebody help!"

As arrogant as she was, her pleas were mixed with sobs as she started to cry. It was quite clear that this was the first time, in the girl's short memory that she had been made to expose herself in this way. What transpired next would teach this little girl that stripping naked in front of me was a simple matter and no problem at all. Madam spoke directly to Sharon.

"You just listen up 'Little Miss Priss'! Your Mother was the one who sent you here! She and I had a nice long talk about your training and we are in complete agreement. You'll get no help from her or any one else. In fact, the way you have just acted I should take you to my special room behind my office and introduce you to some real discipline. However, we are getting many new girls at this time and I want to set a more public example. I've decided you are going to go for a little ride on the horse and if I were you, I'd feel lucky. This is going to be only a sample of what you should be getting."

Madam looked over to me and then Miss Fisher, "Mount this girl on the horse, leave her arms a little loose. I want her to have room to "gallop". Mr. Fenner, will you do the honor of applying the strap oil?"

"Yes Mam, and...", as I answered, I looked down towards the front of my robe. Madam Hinshar understood completely from her quick response.

"Oh Yes, Oh Yes! Just as soon as Miss Fisher is finished giving her a nice ride."

"Please, this isn't right! I haven't done anything. You can't, you just can't!"

Sharon continued to cry as Miss Fisher placed her on the teak horse and locked the cuffs in place. The wrists were free enough for her to raise her shoulders about half a foot off the central bar of the horse. Her feet, however, were locked tightly in place in the normal well spread position. She was quite a sight. Sharon was of a size that was normal for the Hostel, petite, with particularly slender legs. Being only eleven, she was naturally all but hairless between the legs (even that trace had been shaven off). She also had strawberry shaped titty buds that were mostly nipple. Away from home for the first time she was about to grow up and learn about the real world, the world at Connor Hostel.

Madam picked her girls well. Sharon's bottom was indeed small, but stood out well for its size. It was also quite tight and firm with the cheeks parted wide along the crease. I worked the oil in well and moved to the tight little slit. Using several fingers, I wormed my way in to the inner lips and spread her open. I probed the orifice with my middle finger to better gage what my hard cock was going to face; a tight fit indeed. Sharon wasn't quiet during my probing, but I gave her little time to complain before her ride began.

"No...No...No...No...YOU CAN'T! Not there...NOT BETWEEN MY LEGS!"

As I got up, I looked through the opening to the sleeping room beyond and the girls still standing at attention. They all had their mouths open, with a shocked look on their faces. Never had I seen so many vulnerable, practically naked, little girls at one time. Miss Fisher was given the right to apply the discipline and selected an inch wide, long, black leather strap. She stepped back, judged the distance, and swung.


The Connor Hostel is no playground. Miss Fisher took no account that Sharon was eleven years old and possessed of only a tiny, exquisitely smooth and tender, little bottom. The stroke had landed with such ferocity that even I was taken back a little. One could easily hear the leather whistle through the air on it way to the target, and the following sound of the strap landing on the Sharon's tender naked skin. It echoed like a shot through the tiled bath area and beyond. Her head jerked up with her shoulders as far as the restraints would allow. Never in her life had she felt anything remotely like it. At first, she couldn't say a thing and then let out a shrill pitiful squeal.

"Aiiiiiiiiiii...Hia...Hia...Hia. Oh, Lordie it hurts! PLEASE."

I know every girl in the dorm could here her cry. The count had been set for twelve with several to be applied well up and in at the base of the tiny little bottom. It was being prepared for my visit! I started by positioning myself directly behind the little girl to obtain the best possible view of her naked wiggling hinny. With my robe hung on a clothing hook, I stood, also naked, and slowly worked my rigid cock to better enjoy the show. Sharon's lesson continued.


"Aiiiiiiiiiii...Hia...Hia...Noooooo!! Oh Please Stop...Please Stop!!!

"CRACK!!!" A particularly nasty stroke landed, with a back hand, up under Sharon's right cheek.

"OHOoooo...Oh...Oh...Oh! NOT THERE...Not There!! You Can't! PLEASE Not there!!"

Sharon tried her best to perform a "two-step" prance. The tight ankle cuffs simply would not permit it. This resulted in all her efforts being focused on her tiny little wiggling hinny. To see such a tender little eleven-year old girl exhibit herself in this manner had my cock throbbing once again. The teak horse was a perfect tool for the job. The height of the raised end had been sized for girls of Sharon's age. With her standing and facing this end, her ankles were first spread a little until they met the cuffs. These were attached to cords that ran through holes drilled about two inches off the floor at the base of the two wooden legs. After attaching the cuffs to her ankles, these cords were drawn through the holes until they met wood or the poor girl's legs would spread no more. In Sharon's case, these two options were about the same. From there she was bent forward where wrist cuffs were attached. Cords on these cuffs passed through holes on the far e nd of the center beam. Miss Fisher had backed off the cords a little per Madam Hinshar's request.

The shape of the teak horse also added considerably to a girl's exposure. The far end was about ten inches lower than the rounded end that supported the hips. This meant that a girl's head would normally be lower that her hips. Thus, she would offer up more than her sassy little hinny, a pink hairless little slit would be positioned like the center of a target. The skin on each side of her cuntie would be stretched taught, opening the small plump outer lips to show the bright pink inter regions. This was not all. The rounded end that held the hips was not attached directly to the "A" shaped legs. It was cantilevered out horizontally about a foot from this upper attachment point of the horse legs. This exposed a girl's inner thighs all the more. Not only was this position perfect for a good strapping, but also for my "doggie style" fuck that would follow. I now lubed my cock with jelly in anticipation of the last stroke that Miss Fisher now brought a little cl oser.

"CRACK!" The strap landed across the center of Sharon's left cheek while the tip curled inward and landed right in the center of her bottom crease.

"Aiiiiiiiiiii...Hia...Hia! PLEASE STOP!! OH PLEASE...NO MORE!!!"

Sharon no longer showed any trace of her earlier arrogant attitude. It went to show what a good strapping could do to naughty little naked girl. At last, it came to an end as Madam Hinshar spoke.

"Mr. Fenner, get ready. I want you to start the instant this last one lands."

Miss Fisher looked over to me as she spoke, "Perhaps she will feel you a little more if I finish like this."

She moved behind Sharon's bottom and brought the strap upward with a medium stroke. The last few inches landed directly on the small hairless slit. The wind was knocked out of the little girl. Her head jerked upward hard and stayed there as every muscle went taught. A few seconds latter, her scream echoed through the room.


It was now my turn. Even before I heard that last cry, I was positioning my cock. Practice helps, because Sharon was now wiggling as much as the restraints would permit. However, in seconds, my cock was in contact with the soft little target, but before I could even make a move, one of her backward jerks had her cuntie impaled. I was somewhat surprised at how quickly it had gone in; and taking no chances, I quickly thrust forward. I couldn't believe the sensations that followed. As was usually the case when any girl felt my penetration, her body went rigid. Though not completely motionless this time however, for her naked skin had not forgotten the leather. She couldn't stay perfectly still and started to rapidly shake all over. This created one of the most delicious little dances on the end of my cock that I could ever have hoped for. Sharon was proving to be far more delightful a fuck than I had anticipated. As I had expected from the size her cuntie slit, the grip was breathtaking. Still, with help from the lubrication, I was able to easily thrust in and out.

I had to keep in mind that this was a standard discipline fuck (no cumming); and there were other obvious limitations. My cock hit home with still much of its length left. This was somewhat of a disappointment, as one of the most desirable aspects of a doggie style fuck was the contact with a girl's soft round hinny. I was forced instead to reach down with my two hands and manually knead the two well-strapped cheeks. Never the less I fucked the naughty little girl with authority using good firm thrusts. She did not remain silent either. I am sure all the room beyond knew what was happening.

"OH...Oh...Ohooo...NO...Nooo. Please take it out! You Can't...You Can't, it's not right!! NOooo...OH..hooo...hoo...ho!!!

I just couldn't remain silent to such a plaintive little plea. "Oh but I can, and there's nothing you can do now to stop it. SO THERE!" I punctuated the ending with a particularly firm thrust. "Perhaps you would prefer Miss Fisher to apply the nice strap a little more instead! Well?" I answered the question myself and withdrew my cock. Anyhow I was having trouble holding back my cum. "Miss Fisher would you apply the strap directly to my target. I think two or three would do just fine, and then I will continue a while longer." A sense of teamwork set in as she took aim.


"AHAAAaaa...HA...HAaaaiiii...Haaaiiii!!! Oh Please Noooo! PLEASE!!

My cock jumped at the loudness of the strap landing directly on the pink hairless little slit, now well-dilated open. It even had a wettest after sound. Two more good firm ones followed before I continued the little girl's fucking. I could even feel the swollen puppy fat as I began once again to insert my cock into the small tight cuntie. What a way for a naughty eleven year old to start at Connor Hostel. Miss Fisher was now massaging her lower abdomen, through her dress, as Madam Hinshar stood erect, feet spread, and arms crossed in front.

Again, following instructions, I commenced to ream Sharon out with firm full thrust. This time however I reached under her tiny little bottom and ran my fingertips along the red swollen outer lips. They were hot even to my touch and stretched taught from the insertion of my way oversized cock. Her whole body began to shake and quiver all over. Finally, I pushed my cock as far as it would go and held it in place with a constant pressure. I always loved to hold still and let the naughty little girl wiggle on the end of my prick. There are few sensations like it. At last, however, all good things come to an end. I had to withdraw or run the risk of loosing my load in that small squirmy tight hole.

After I washed off in one of the sinks, Miss Fisher stood Sharon up and returned her to the front of her bunk. As Madam Hinshar walked out of the dorm room, she turned to Miss Fisher and gave an order that had all the girls' knees fretting. "You will see to it that Miss Thomson sleeps bare-naked for the remainder of this week. In addition, she is not to wear any undie panties today. I want her to set an example for all the new girls to see. This last point is to be driven home well, so see to it that she has a particularly short sundress on. Perhaps she will learn a little humility from the experience."

This would be a good time to let all understand the dress code at Connor Hostel. Even if I were not to administer a single disciplinary fuck the entire day, this code would assure me a severe case of "blue balls" by bedtime. I give Madam Hinshar five stars on this point, for it set the mood and character for a strictly run training hostel. The most important key in understanding this code is to realize that Madam first segregated the girls into three age brackets. (One must not forget that enrollment at her hostel was limited to girls from age ten to fourteen, inclusive.) These three brackets were girls of age: 1) Ten 2) Eleven & Twelve 3) Thirteen & Fourteen. There were also some small differences between ages in brackets 2 and 3.

First, a few general rules that applied to all girls. No bras at all were to be worn. This was a most delightful touch, for some of the older girls would qualify, due to their titty size. They were simply given no choice and their titties bounced bare under any shirt they would wear. During school days Monday through Saturday, they wore white shirts and very short plaid pleated skirts. On their feet were worn open toe black patent-leather sandals over white knee-high socks. On Sundays white lace one-piece sundresses were worn. There were of course many other articles of clothing for special occasions. These would include gym wear, formal wear, cold weather wear, and more standard wear for use away from school, etc. What makes Conner Hostel stand out were the differences and details.

I will start with bracket 1, the ten-year-old girls. They wore the standard white cotton sleeveless shirts, which were buttoned up the front with high closed "Buster-Brown" collars. A white silk ribbon was placed under the collar and tied into a bow. The free ends of the ribbon hung down about six inches on the center front of their shirts. Their skirts were made from yellow and green plaid cotton. They were also very, very short. For girls in this age bracket the hemline had to be at least two inches above their little crotches. Close attention was paid to all skirt hemlines at this hostel. Matrons would on occasions stop a girl and place a stick horizontally between their legs and bring it up tight against the crotch of their panties. Girls were required to keep both feet flat on the floor, while standing straight, whenever a test of this type was performed. From there the distance to the hemline from the stick could be judged. It was easy for a matron to lift the stick upward with a firm hand and remove any margin of error. Woe is it for any girl to be caught with a skirt too long. It could mean anything from a quick application of the ruler to a trip to Madam Hinshar's special room behind her office. This usually meant that all girls of any age adjusted their waistbands to keep their hems shorter than was required. They could wear them as short as they wished with no problem.

Under these yellow and green plaid skirts was worn a pair of panties that were made from one thickness of the standard white cotton jersey. For this youngest group, panties consisted only of an inch-and-a-half wide strip of material, with no elastic along the edge, which at most was some six to eight inches long. To hold these scanty little articles in place was a quarter inch wide band of bare white elastic spandex. However, the elastic was stitched to the jersey and helped somewhat to better keep the material in place. In addition, their knee-high socks had a single white silk ribbon vertically interwoven along the outside surface of each leg.

The eleven and twelve year old girls in bracket 2 also wore the same type of white sleeveless shirts. However, the silk ribbon around the collar, worn as before, was bright pink. The main distinguishing characteristic of this age bracket was that their plaid skirts were red and green. In addition, the hemline was permitted to be lower but not to extend below the crotch of their panties. In practice this meant that all the girls, in this age group, saw to it that at least a little of their panties would show. A matron placing a ruler between a girls' legs best not be able to touch the front and back hem at the same time.

Their panties were like the ten-year-olds except that the cotton strip now had a backside to cover at least part of their hinnies. The width of this backside, at the waist ban, was about four inches for eleven year olds and close to six inches for girls twelve. As before, the length of these panties was still only six to eight inches, from center front to back, and the crotch no more than an inch-and-a-half wide. The ribbon woven into their knee socks was, like that around their collar, bright pink.

The oldest girls in bracket 3 had plaid skirts made of blue and green cotton. Their hemlines were permitted to cover their bottoms completely (while standing straight at least), but were not permitted to extend more than one inch below their still young crotches. A very close eye was keep to see that they did not exceed this limit. Their scanty little panties were exactly like those of the twelve-year-olds except the material here was gossamer thin white nylon. It should be noted that the crotch was extended to two inches in width for the fourteen-year-olds. Thirteen-year-old girls wore bright red ribbons at the collar and socks, and girls fourteen had bright blue ribbons to set them off from the others.

Any girl found to be a consistent rule breaker, or one that had committed a severe enough discretion, could be put on disciplinary probation (after a suitable correction was applied of course). There were three levels of probation with level three the worst. Each probation level lasted for a week and one had to "work" they way down from the higher levels. At the end of a given week a girl would receive a strapping, usually in discipline room "2A", before being removed from probation or going down to the next level. It was quite easy to spot a girl on probation. Instead of their usually skirt, one made of very open white lace was worn. For level one, the skirt was sized as normal and regular panties were permitted. At level two, the skirt hem was shortened to expose the entire lower half of their hinnies (no matter what their age). In addition, these abbreviated skirts were split up the sides of both hips with a one-inch wide gap. This formed a sort of "loin cl oth" look as the gap started out one inch wide at the waist ban, but would always be much wider at the hem. Regular panties were still permitted.

The poor little girls who made level three wore these same short split skirts, but with out any undie panties at all. They were forced to walk around all week, practically naked from the waist down, for all to see. At the end of their week a trip to room "3A", for most likely a through switching and not a strapping, was the rule. In addition, level three could be an extended sojourn of any number of weeks past the normal one. This of course came with a forced dancing lesson, in tune with a switch or worst, at the end of each one of these weeks. A girl on any level of probation had her conduct reviewed daily at bedtime by the Room Mother. The review was carried out with the girl standing bare-naked and a ruler ready above a raised palm. Many a night a girl on probation went to bed with a red, sore hand. That's not to speak of equally red eyes, from crying, and doing a short tiptoe prance while all her roommates watched.

Today, as on all Sundays, the resident girls wore one-piece sundresses made of an open white lace. The lace was not quite as open as were the skimpy probation skirts, but like the skirts still had no lining. One could easily see through the gaps in the material to what lay beneath. Moreover, what lay beneath was little or nothing. All the panties were cut as before for each age girl except that ten-year-olds were permitted none at all. The material for Sunday panties was made from a near totally shear white silk (the fourteen year olds' panties were a light pink which would stand out clearly through the open white lace). Like the day-to-day skirts, the sundress hem length was at issue. The ten-year-olds wore their hems equal to the base of their small little hinnies. All other girls were permitted hems that extended down about two inches lower. A two-inch wide elasticized "waist" ban was positioned about the lower rib cage. For girls eleven and twelve pink si lk ribbon was woven around the hems and a small pink bow was worn at the collar. Girls thirteen and fourteen had red ribbon instead. Thin all white short socks and white patent leather shoes were for every one.

There was one other difference. The older girls in bracket 3 had the upper sides of their sundresses open from the armpits to the waistband. This delightfully exposed their young little titties when viewed from the side. All dresses were sleeveless with high collars. Should a girl be on disciplinary probation the sundress was modified, from the waistband down, to match that of their day-to-day disciplinary wears. This applied to any panties being worn, or not worn, as well. Lunch on Sundays was a special occasion. When the weather was good, it was held outdoors somewhat like a picnic. The Hostel was located out in the country several miles away from the nearest town. In fact, the main gate was approximately a quarter mile from the complex of buildings, with the outer perimeter fence enclosing several hundred acres of land. This gave the place a feeling, or mood, of total isolation. The Hostel had started out, many years ago, as the private estate of a very wealthy and eccentric family. A remaining endowment from that family supplied most of the funds that ran the Hostel. Tuition paid the rest.

The outdoor lunch was held on the large grass covered lawn, some four acres in size, located at the back of the Hostel and adjacent to the cafeteria. On this sunny and warm summer day, the grass was a beautiful lush green and was cared for as if it were a perfectly manicured golf course. A number of mature and stately oak trees were growing here and there across the area giving it the look of a Victorian pastoral setting. Several sets of swings and metal slides, along with a large complex of climbing bars, were located off to one side of the area. This small playground complex was under-covered in deep white sand.

Behind the playground area was a fenced in swimming pool complex. Adjacent to the pool, and within its fence, was a quarter acre of deep white sand used for sun bathing and the like. Numerous wooden lounge chairs were scattered around the pool and sandlot. Just outside the entrance gate to the pool was a small covered area of several benches and open-wire basket lockers. This last area was for the girls to disrobe completely and pick up their pool panties and towels before entering. As at the beach, the girls were not permitted to ware standard bathing suits, but wore a special pair of scanty little white panties instead. I know it may be hard to believe that these special panties could be any skimpier than the ones worn yesterday at the beach, but they were. They were also noticeable more shear, making them the most quintessential "little nothings" I could possible imagine. The young ten-year-olds were not permitted even these scanty panties; they went bare-na ked. Madam felt that if they wore nothing under their short sundresses, then they should be naked in the pool area.

These Sunday afternoons were also special occasions for another good reason. The standard regiment of discipline was greatly reduced during this time. The girls were free to act and play pretty much as they pleased. However severe misconduct would still be interrupted on the spot, but rarely did even that result in a whipping. A strong verbal warning was the norm, but not always. The girls clearly understood this change and it provided a needed relief, even for Madam. We just enjoyed the visual spectacle of all these charming little girls dressed as they were in their deliciously revealing outfits. The pool area added an additional bonus. All matrons were of course free to swim as well, and some did. They wore only small Lycra G-strings without any tops.

Madam Hinshar informed me that I was also free to use this pool. In keeping with the mood, I wore only thin silk boxer shorts with nothing under them. Remembering what Madam had said yesterday at the beach, I also decided to take the time before lunch to shave my dick and balls completely bare. I wanted to feel as naked under the shorts as the little girls were in fact.

After eating lunch, I joined Madam for a relaxing walk around the area before reclining in chairs under one of the larger trees. Some of the girls had set up an area for Croquet adjacent to us, and we watched them at play for about twenty minutes. It was a delightful game for them to play while clad in their short white-lace sundresses. They went about playing without any regard to my probing eyes. I was having more and more trouble keeping my cock down as the time passed. It again seemed that Madam wanted me to have a continual case of "blue balls".

We were taken by surprise when loud screaming came from the area by the swings. Both Madam and I jumped to our feet at the sound. At the same time, all eyes turned toward that direction and talking stopped. Madam however, quickly spoke, "After all the trouble I go to on Sundays to let them have a good time, this is what I get! Let's go over there now."

One of the matrons had two girls standing together when we arrived. One was a twelve-year-old by the name of Nancy Manly and the other Susie Kimberly. It was easy to tell that Susie was a fourteen year old Senior; her scanty pink panties were clearly visible through the open lace of her sun dress. Madam Hinshar wasted no time in bringing things under her control. She looked at both girls with her all too familiar ice-cold stare.

"I do not know what has happened here, and at this moment, I don't care. We all go to a lot of trouble to let you girls have a nice afternoon and look at what you do! I'm not going to ruin it for the rest of the students; so you just listen to what I have to say. Whatever caused this, it's over!! Do you two hear me? DO YOU??"

Susie responded with hesitation, "Yes Madam."

"Don't think this matter is closed, because it isn't. You two are free to go for now, but at five o'clock you'll both report to my office while the others are at dinner. I'll get to the bottom of this matter then. If I here any more trouble from you two before that, you'll be taken there immediately. Do you both understand me!?"

Nancy spoke next, "Ohoo...yes Mam, but..."

"QUITE! I don't want to hear another word about this until five o'clock. You two get going and you'd best behave yourselves."

Madam Hinshar and I walked back over to the tree that we had just left. She spoke has we approached, "I could tell from the matron, a Miss McKinley, that she knows what happened between those two girls. I'll have her report before I question them a five o'clock. This way I'll catch any attempt to lie their way out of this little matter. This leads to another matter I've been meaning to talk to you about. You did notice the various disciplinary devices in your room?"

"Yes...and I'm quite surprised. It looks like a smaller version of one of those rooms in the basement. Let's see...there is a wooden pillory, a leather cover whipping horse, a long bar along one wall, and, well, several other devices. Oh yes, and a cabinet full of implements. A most complete setup."

"It's not by chance! I know I keep you in a constant state of, shall we say, excitement. Having to administer any number of discipline fucks throughout the day, with no relief at the end of these short fuckings, you must build up quite a desire. This price you pay will not go unrewarded."

"OK", I interjected a comment as I also noticed a small smile appear on Madam's lips. We relaxed in our chairs as she continued.

"Tonight is a good example. I feel certain that the fourteen-year-old girl, Miss Susie Kimberly, is at fault here. She's been at Connor Hostel for several years now and has visited many, if not all, of the discipline rooms at one time or another. I do not take fighting between girls lightly. It is a most serious offense. One that on any other day would result in an immediate trip to the basement rooms, or the like."

"From what I have seen so far, that is what I would have thought."

"Well Sundays are special. I must let up on a regular bases, the girls can only take the regiment but for so long without a break. However, this case is too serious, far too serious, a matter. She and I do believe it will be her, is going to pay dearly for her act. Unfortunately, the discipline I have in mind will not permit you to apply a disciplinary fucking, or any kind of fucking, at its conclusion. I do want you there however, and as naked as the girl and I well be. Therefore, on a routine basis, you may select a girl of your choosing and take her to your room that night. Feel free to apply any form of spanking that strikes your fancy, and of course fuck the little priss as long, and as hard, and as often as you care to. Be creative. She will be yours until wake-up call the next morning. The equipment is there for this use. If you require any assistance, just ask for one of the matrons. Any one of them will be glad to assist, or even stay for a while, if you like. Just remember the rules. Draw no blood and make no strikes above the neck or on their arms. The girls must not be scarred anywhere. There is no need; besides a trained disciplinarian has no reason for such acts. Tonight will be your first opportunity, so let me know who you would like."

Before the afternoon was over, I enjoyed a leisurely swim in the pool. The display of young girls clad only in their scanty little wet panties was breathtaking, and I made my choice.

I was just getting comfortable in a soft chair located in the main office of the Hostel, when the inside door to Madam Hinshar office opened. The matron that had stopped the fight between the two girls came out and looked briefly towards me as she exited. By now, Madam knew the true story of what had transpired and the girls' stories had better match.

It was close to five, as well as a Sunday, and Madam had let the staff go. Normally the outer office had a receptionist at her desk, and behind her would be several other matrons taking care of various other Hostel businesses. A sidewall had a door leading to the infirmary. Along the back wall were offices of the chief grounds keeper, Assistant Head Mistress, and, of course, Madam Hinshar's private office.

Just as the clock on the wall reached five o'clock, the outer door opened and the two girls entered. Being late was not an option, I'm sure. After I informed Madam of their arrival, she ordered the two into her office. I entered as well and took a chair by her desk. She quickly got down to business.

"You two remove your dresses and place them on the stand by the door. Be quick about it and get back over here in front of my desk and at attention."

There was no hesitation on the girl's part and both soon stood clad only in short socks, sandals, and scanty little panties. Fear was the overriding emotion now controlling both girls, but Susie, the fourteen year old, still got off a quick glance towards me. It was noticed. In addition, as she now stood in front of Madam, Susie let her shoulders and arms draw forwards as well as down. It was an obvious attempt to somewhat hide both of her luscious, young, and still growing titties.

"Miss Kimberly, you seem to have forgotten where you are young lady! I know Mr. Fenner will be glad to remind you. Go stand directly in front of him, NOW!"

She was clearly not enjoying this experience, but she obeyed none-the-less.

"Now Miss Kimberly you'll pull your little pair of pink panties down to mid thigh. You're going to give him a nice close up look at everything. Open those legs! I want the waist ban of your panties stretched taught...and get those hands behind you neck; elbows well out to the side! Stand up straight; you're at attention young lady!!"

"Mr. Fenner, would you be so kind as to give the Miss an inspection to see if she has a proper shave between her legs. She seems to be a little averse to your presence. Maybe this will help cure her of this habit."

As she assumed the position, I reached out with my left hand and brought it up between her legs. Susie began to tremble and shake all over as I made contact with her smooth naked cunt. She also let out a gasping "Ohoooo" as her body went taught at this touch. This was becoming standard fair for me at the Hostel, and I savored every moment of it. I loved the way all the girls reacted as I fingered, probed, and fondled every square inch of their young hairless slits. Just at the top of her cuntie I noticed a small area that had a roughness of stubble. I could tell she knew of my discovery, because she started to whimper more loudly.

At this point I leaned back and took in the total view. Susie had a beautiful set of pear shaped titties. Quite large ones, for a girl only fourteen. The tips stuck out a good two or three inches away from her chest. The nipples were also of my favorite shape; small pink rounded cones that had a wonderful upward point. The cool air drew out tiny bright pink buds that protruded from the tip of each nipple. Her hips had begun to take on the classic shape of a woman, but were still quite narrow. She had beautiful long straight brunette hair that ended just above her waist in the back. Straight long bangs capped the top of tearful brown eyes. Her rounded face also had a small nose and mouth. She was quite a delightful little doll.

"Madam, it would seem that she has a small amount of stubble at the top of her....well...her slit."

"As I might have expected. At this point it is a small matter, but will be dealt with shortly. The more important thing is getting to the bottom of this altercation between these two girls."

Madam removed a heavy oak ruler from her desk, got up, and walked over to Susie as she stood in front of me.

"Turn towards me. Now give me your left, you keep that right one behind your neck. Let's see that left hand!"

Madam grabbed Susie's fingers and bent them downward. This stretched the skin of her palm tight. The ruler hovered above this target.

"Did you start this altercation?...Well!!...Did you!!?"

"Oh no Madam, Nancy was being a hog with that swing. She was going to keep it all day. I mean even if she got down, she didn't want to give it up."

"Did she get down from it?"

" I...I...mean she didn't cause I was there. She just stayed on it...I mean she wasn't going to get off all day."

"I don't thing so young lady!!"


"OHooo...hooo...hooo. Oh...WEEE Please!"

In an instant I know Susie forgot my presence. As quickly as the ruler flashed down, the sound of her squeals was mixed with the pitter-patter of prancing little feet. Her beautifully firm bare titties bounced in unison not three feet from my eyes. At the same time the scanty little pink-silk panties began to slide down her dancing thighs making the girl all the more naked.

"I've heard all I need to hear from you young lady! You just stand right here where you are...and don't you open your mouth."

Madam now walked over to Nancy and spoke.

"Pull your panties down and then give me your left hand, palm up!"

Madam now grabbed the younger girl's fingers and bent them downward as she had done with Susie. With the ruler in her right hand she tapped its end against this small target and spoke.

"Now you know what will happen if I get any incorrect answers. So you listen carefully to what I say. Who started this affair?!"

Nancy's little knees began to fret as she tried to think what to say. "Ah...Ah...I wasn't doing anything and...Susie...well...she came up and said I had to give up the swing to her. I know...they are supposed to be on first-come. Right? I mean...I didn't do anything wrong...please."


Three times the ruler rang out in the room. Nancy's little feet rose a bit with each stroke until she was standing on her tiptoes with the last. At the same time her knees became even more panicky in their fret. The waist ban of her lowered scanty panties first stretched this way then that, causing the white silk material to sway between her bare legs. I was expecting her to break into that little in-place tiptoe prance I so loved to watch, but Madam stopped at only three strokes.

"So you didn't talk back to her? Taunt her?...or use forbidden words, or anything like that? Did you? Well?"


"Ohooo...Please! I didn't start it, she was trying to take it away from me. I'm sorry I said anything."

"From what I understand you are correct, but from now on you don't talk back to any student like that. You stop what you are doing and report to any one of the matrons. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mam."

Madam let go of Nancy's hand and ended the questioning.

"Pull up your panties and get dressed. If you hurry you'll have time to eat dinner. Tell the matron at the door that I said you may enter and join the rest...and I don't want to see you in this office again. Now move!"

As Nancy left the room Madam turned to Susie and just looked at her for quite a few seconds without saying a word. You could feel her stare and the tension rise in the room. Susie felt it as well and started to whimper and cry. Her knees began again to panic as her whole body started to shake. It provided another stimulating spectacle, as she stood directly in front of me almost totally naked. She jumped has Madam finally broke the silence.

"You'll finish undressing right were you stand young lady. I want you stark naked and mean NOW! Not only did you start a fight with another student after trying to use your senior status to break the rules, but now you have lied to me and one of my matrons about your involvement in this whole matter. Well...I have a special treatment for girls like you and a special place to administer it, as you are about to find out."

Madam Hinshar grabbed the now naked Susie by her armpit and walked her into that dreaded room behind her private office. Without saying a word she was led to a special leather covered fucking table that was waist high and 2x6 feet across the top. Madam placed Susie on her back with her feet draped over one end. From the ceiling, above this end of the table, a three-foot long trapeze bar was lowered down. We each grabbed one of Susie's ankles and lifted them to the bar. With ankles attached by cuffs to each end of the bar, it was again raised upwards until her hips almost began to rise. At that point a four-inch wide leather strap was drawn up from under the table beside her waist. From there Madam pulled Susie's bottom forward and out past the end of the table. Quickly the strap was drawn tight across her waist and attached to the other side of the table. Lastly Madam pulled her arms back over her head and attached them to cuffs located at the other end of the table. With these cuffs drawn tight Susie was in perfect position for what awaited her.

Madam Hinshar left the room to prepare herself. I was wearing only a robe and placed it on a hook by the door. My cock was already in rut at the sight of this naked little girl lying on the table before me. Madam was right about my balls, they were throbbing from long held back desire. As I stroked my cock with my right hand I walked around the table and admired Madam's handy work. Susie's legs were held straight up and, with the bar between her ankles, formed a perfect giant "V". With this bar drawn upwards as tightly as it was, she could not bend her knees all, for the waistband held her hips down just as tightly. I loved the way her bottom was positioned out over the end of the table. Susie's lovely and firm young titties did not flatten out as one might expect, but amazingly maintained their pointed shape while she lay on her back. I stood at the end of the table and wetted my lust until Madam returned.

The door opened and Madam walked in; my cock jumped at the sight. As the night before, she wore her pair of black leather boots. Only this time she also had on a black belt around her waist. From the center back of this belt a thin, half-inch wide, black leather saddle strap hung down. She walked straight up to me and asked that I reach between her legs and pull the strap forward and up. In almost the same motion she took two polished stainless steel balls, each about an inch and a quarter in diameter, and proceeded to insert them one by one into her naked cunt. Taking the strap from my hand she drew it tightly up between her legs and hooked it to the front of the belt. The strap dug deeply into her cunt with the outer lips bulging on either side.

"Ahh...that feels good. You have no idea what those two balls feel like as I move about. I love to use them whenever I work in this room. I should say as well that I like the way you have shaven. It makes your cock look all the larger."

Madam ran her fingers up and down my shaft as she "asked" if I were ready. No answer was required.

"As I said before, this time I only want you to watch. Unload your desires on another little girl later this evening in your room. You may stand or pull up a chair, just stay at this end of the table to get the best view. To begin with you may move in real close. I'm going to 'prep' her to start with."

Madam walked over to one of several cabinets and took a number of containers off one of the shelves. She placed them all on a wheeled metal cart covered with a clean white towel. As the cart was positioned beside Susie's obscenely exposed naked bottom and cunt, she started to cry profusely and babbled out useless pleas.

"Oh Lordie, Please Madam...Nooo! Please...Please...Don't!! Oh No, Please Not a FIGGING!!!"

Susie seemed to understand what was about to happen and I was getting a quick education. My cock was so hard it was throbbing with anticipation. I watched intently as Madam started to work. She tore off a four inch long piece of wide surgical tape, then attached one end against the skin directly beside the small red crinkly orifice between the bottom cheeks. Next she spread apart the cheeks and stuck the other end towards the outside of the hip. The process was repeated for the other bottom cheek. With the tape so positioned, Susie's bottom was stretched wide open around her buggering hole.

Madam opened a bottle of well know muscle liniment called HEET®. She began to scrub the round felt applicator against Susie's small bottom hole. The reaction was not long in coming.

"Oh. Oh. Ohooo...Oh No! It's burning...Please No! Oh Please Stop...Please Stop...Please!! Oh Pleaseeee Stop!!!"

"You haven't felt anything yet young lady!" Madam spoke with that cold, deep voice.

On replacing that applicator, Madam next opened another bottle with an applicator shaped like a small round bottlebrush. It was about three inches long and a half-inch in diameter. I later understood that this bottle contained a mix of the first bottle's liniment plus that of the oils from a large number of small red hot peppers. She quickly inserted the brush into Susie's crinkly hole.

One must not forget that this is the Connor Hostel. Nothing is done half way, certainly not the discipline of unruly little girls. Madam didn't just inserted the small brush, she scrubbed the inside of Susie's tender hole. Her pleas degenerated to squeals of anguish. As much as the restraints permitted, she arched her back off the table. This only served to offer up her lovely young titties and wiggle them around for my enjoyment. I savored the display by slowly running the tips of my fingers up and down my rigid throbbing cock. After some time Madam replaced the brush in the bottle, but only to obtain a fresh supply of the oily liniment. Again it plunged into the now blazing hole generating fresh squeals and cries from Susie. After a few seconds more, Madam replaced the brush for good.

At many other training schools for girls this would be more that adequate, but not here. Madam Hinshar had only started. She now picked up a foil pouch and tore off one end. It contained a thick oily suppository made from red pepper, cinnamon, and other extracts. Quickly it was in place and doing its job. Susie's eyes stretched open like dinner plates as every tendon in her neck went taut. She tried to cry, but even that small action tightened her bottom muscles enough to set her crinkly hole on fire. Every muscle in her bottom, thighs, and tummy went totally limp in an attempt to keep down the fires raging within her bottom. She could only moan; and further reason to do so was not long in waiting. She had a good idea that this was not over yet. Knowing what was coming, she tried to cry out, but only weak pleas came forth.

"Please Madam, Pleaseee! Oh Please, Please not there too! Noooo...ho...ho! I won't be able to stand it...Please Not There!!"

Madam had poured a small amount of the HEET® solution into a bowl, and was working it into a brush made from pig's hair that was shaped like an oversized toothbrush. The target this time was Susie's plump hairless cuntie. It lay totally exposed between her widely spread legs and was about to be curried with the burning liniment. Madam didn't just bush the pink lips of her cuntie but scrubbed until lather began to form. Even the sensation of a hot poker up her ass could not hold back the screams that rang out in the room. Now I fully understood why I was not going to be able to fuck her tight little cunt this evening.

By spreading the outer lips apart with her free hand, the liniment was worked onto every exposed surface with special attention being paid to the little knob of her clit. The room soon reeked with its smell. At last she finished, and pushed the cart over to one wall before returning.

"So my little would you like to sit on that swing now?! Well, never mind, because this has been only a simple preparation. Get ready for some real discipline now young lady!!"

"Oh Madam, Please...Please Not Now...oooh...Oh it burns, it really burns. Not Now, You Just Can't!"

"Perhaps you would like a little cool air fanned between your legs. I have something over here just perfect for that; a nice bouquet of fresh green stinging nettles. It's a big thick one that I had one of the matrons make up, just for you."

I had heard of nettles before, but had never given them much thought. This was to be my introduction. Something said that their use on Madam's intended target, so carefully prepared, was not an experience Susie looked forward to. She instantly started to cry out a string of babbling pleas that consisted of nothing more than a string of "NO's". As much as it must have set her now limp little bottom and hairless slit on fire, her upward spread legs began to rattle the bar and the chains holding it to the ceiling. Madam's choice of restraints were masterful, for the little girl could do no more than provide a more exciting atmosphere with her wiggling legs. The waist strap held her bottom and cuntie in still perfect position.

Madam placed a leather glove on her right hand before picking up the prickly bouquet. With her bare left hand and she started to caress and knead Susie's small bottom cheeks. Even this mild act had an immediate effect.

"OHooo...Ho!...Ho!...Ho!...Ohooooo...Please Don't!! It makes it bbbburn...Please!!!"

"Yes, I think you're going to really enjoy these nettles. As it should be!"

The FIGGING had left Susie's bottom in such a state that any movement or tightening of her bottom set it afire. Wiggling of her hips or legs would rub together skin within her plump cuntie and turn the flames up there as well. She simply must stay still and keep her bottom as limp and flaccid as possible. This was now the target that the nettles descended on.

Madam started by lightly tapping Susie's bottom cheeks with the bouquet, as if dabbing paint onto a canvas. A while later the motion changed to long sweeping vertical strokes along the crease of her bottom and up to the open pink target between her legs. I'm not sure how to describe Susie's reaction. It came in jerks and screams. (My cock began to jerk as well and I had to stop its massage as I nearly lost my load all over the floor.) It must have been like hundreds of red fire ants were crawling and biting all over her bottom. You could tell she was still trying to keep her bottom limp and hold back the fires that raged. The ferocious itching and stinging of the nettles made this all but impossible. Each leaf was covered with those hollow and brittle fine hairs, every one filled with stinging venom.

It didn't take long before the whole area was overlaid with that red, splotchy, and puffy nettle rash. Soon those areas that Madam was concentrating on the most, the bottom crease and slit of her cunt, told an additional story of anguish. All over this sensitive area dozens and dozens of tiny white blisters began to form. Each one pointed to an unrelenting hellish sting where a hollow nettle hair had broken off in the skin. Susie's tight little cuntie began to look like it was being coated with a fine peach fuzz. Madam didn't stop there. The nettles soon traveled up and down the sensitive top of her inner thighs. With agonizing slowness the leaves lost their ability and wilted, but the effect was to be long lasting.

Her bottom and thighs continued to jerk spasmodically as her voice went hoarse from screaming. Madam discarded the shredded bouquet in a trashcan and walked over to where I was setting.

"We'll let her enjoy the lasting effects of the nettles for a while. I have decided to give you a final test. I only want hard core sadist working for me here at Connor Hostel. If you intend to discipline and fuck one of my little girls this evening in your room, you are going to have to pass this last trial. Open your legs and let me kneel down between them. Move your hands away from your cock. I'm going to suck it until I feel like stopping. If you can hold back your cum and still keep it nice and hard, I feel like you can then be trusted to administer the type of thorough fucking I demand."

I didn't say a word. Only I did thrust up by rigid rod to allow Madam a better angle to perform her test. I wished all my test in school had been as agreeable and easy to pass. Whenever I put my mind to it I could hold back forever and enjoy the resulting ecstasy. Madam cupped my balls in the palm of her left hand as she made a loop with the index and thumb of her right and placed it around my turgid cock. She stroked this loop up and down as her tongue licked the swollen tip. Little by little her lips descended down the shaft until it was all inside her mouth. I could feel the tip start down her throat without the slightest trace of gagging. She certainly knew her job. I not sure how long she sucked, but I enjoyed every minute as I looked on at Susie naked bottom and cuntie. Madam at last stopped and looked up at my face.

"Good...Very, very good! There're not many men that could pull that off. I am truly lucky to have you here. As for the girls...well that's another story. Let's get back to Susie. It's about time we give her a suitable place to sit for awhile. I know you are going to like this!"

To finalize the preparation of Susie's bottom Madam took from one of the cabinets a foot long heavy leather "tongue". It was about two inches wide and made from two layers of quarter inch hard black leather. A perfect paddle for a small little bottom covered in nettle rash. She walked over to Susie and slowly ran just the tip of her left index finger nail across her bottom and thighs.

"You seem so relaxed and still lying there. But...I believe Mr. Fenner would better enjoy the nice display of yourself that you are providing, if you would wiggle around a little. Plus this tongue is just the thing to make the nettles last a while longer."

"Oh Madam if you only knew. Please I'll do anything! Anything you want!! Not NOW...NO...Oh...oh...!!!"

"Ta...Whack! CRACK!! Smack!!!"

"Eeeiiiah...Oh...oh...oh...OH...ha...ha...aoh! Aiiiee...Oh...Oh...No...No...Please!!"


Madam again varied the cadence finding the most tender areas as if my magic. What was so incredible about this whole discipline session so far, was that it really wasn't that brutal. However Madam's touch made it horrificly painful none-the-less. And the displays of the little girls! I could never have imagined so many ways to make them show themselves off. Susie's position opened up every inch of her intimate parts in the most reveling and suggestive manner possible.

With the "tonguing" over, Madam now got down to the real discipline for this session. Up to now this had only been a prep for what was coming. What she had in mind was a device that had been in use for centuries in those places where naughty girls were trained. It was the dreaded "Spreading Bar". Only Madam's version had many personal refinements, especially the manner in which the naughty little girl was held in place. Let's not forget the preparation either!

With my help we soon had Susie back on her feet. They were a little weak and I had to hold her up for a few seconds. Madam took the time to let her regain some of her composure before we continued. She went over rules of conduct and the reason for discipline. Susie showed not the lease concern over her nudity. There was no need to command her to keep her legs apart. She wanted every little part to get to the cool air. I watched, as she would start to quiver and shake and then attempt to hold it back. Fires kept erupting in her bottom and between her legs. Any quick movement brought hell to those tender places. After a short while Madam let Susie over to the "Bar".

As soon as she saw what was happening her knees began to give out. At the same time she let out a long drawn out howl. Madam grabbed her and at the same time gave me instructions as to what she wanted me to do.


I should pause here and better describe the device and how it worked. Only then could you possible understand the horror that was going through Susie mind. The "Spreading Bar" was primarily just that, a bar. However, that was only the beginning. It was made of cold steel that was about three feet long and had a cross section of 3/4 by 1-1/2 inches. Supported from beneath at each end and parallel to the floor, it had the narrow edge on top. This top edge was striated like that of a metal file. The heavy under supports at each end were in reality hydraulic rams that permitted the elevation of the bar to be easily adjusted. At first a girl was made to stand astride the bar with her legs well spread. Parallel to the upper bar were two additional bars lower down and to each side. Their height was about equal to a girl's knee and passed just inside to maintain this spread. The entire length of these two bars was covered with thick round rubber padding. This paddi ng could easily rotate around the bar and thus prevented a girl from attaining any support of her body weight. The two lower bars could also be moved farther apart, if desired, and force a more penetrating spread of her legs.

A one-foot tall vertical steel beam was also attached to the top of the support behind the girl. From its top was welded an additional bar, parallel to and directly above the "Spreading Bar". From here a vertical runner bar was lastly attached. Once standing astride the striated bar, a pair of elbows cuffs were attached to each arm of the naughty little girl and drawn together behind her back. Her hands were left free and only served to provide additional entertainment as they fluttered uselessly to the side. The girl was slowly backed up to the vertical runner bar where the elbow cuffs were attached. Her elbows were now free to slide up and down but her body was prevented from falling side to side or front to back. Again no support of her weight could be obtained.

Now the fun began. I slowed pumped the two hydraulic rams upwards and Madam, using a pair of leather gloves, spread apart Susie's hairless little cuntie. Contact was made along the central slit itself as her feet rose to their tiptoes to postpone this contact as long as possible. The outer lips of her cuntie rapped around the rank steel like a bit in a horse's mouth. The position also made Susie lean slightly forward. This assured that weight was concentrated mostly on the cuntie itself.

I stepped back while slowly stroking by cock to even greater heights. I could only imagine what it must have felt like with her cunt freshly pickled with strong liniment and covered with prickly stinging nettle hairs. Last but not least, she must squeeze together her legs and bottom to best support her weight while astride the bar. This maintained the hellish fires in her FIGGED bottom hole at the maximum. Susie did not of course remain silent throughout this whole ordeal. She moaned in a deep quivering and panicky voice while babbling pleas to be let off.

"Ohhhhoooo...ho...ho...Madam...Please...Please! Ohoooo it cutting me in two!! Please...Please let me off. You got to...You just got to!!!"

Instead Madam walked over to me and caressed my bare bottom with her right hand as she rubbed her own cunt with her left. She then leaned her head over to my ear and whispered with a sadistic voice.

"We'll let her enjoy her seat of honor for a while. Then I'm going to give her some encouragement to wiggle around at bit. I'm sure what you see will make that big hard cock of yours wiggle a bit as well. I want you to keep it stuck way out for us all to see. But...until then, how about you rub Susie down real nice with some strap oil. Rub her all over, everywhere, specially those young titties of hers. I'm going to go and select a nice long...thin...flexible switch!"

Madam had my cock wiggling already. I just loved the way it felt as I walked around naked and let it stick out and bounce. Damn, did I ever want to fuck one of her little girls! I would just have to settle for a long soft fondling of Susie's naked body instead. She just stared straight ahead and tried not to move a muscle. Tears flowed freely down her face as she only emitted a series of long "Ohoooo"'s. It would seem as if the simple act of crying or pleading would make it feel like the bar was sinking deeper into her cunt. Even the act of moving her head was avoided. However, her body would erupt suddenly in uncontrollable quivers always accompanied with a louder moan from the pain it caused.

I applied many hand fills of oil before I came to those tender looking little titties. It was here that my hands lingered for quite a while. I loved to cup a single small titty from underneath and then slowly slide my hand upward across the nipple tip to the top. Susie's stomach jerked as I thumped and pinched the very tip of her nipples with my finger. The fear of impending pain was so great that it was her only acknowledgment of my fondling. I pushed the palm of my hand onto each tit and rotated it to gauge it firmness. After a while Madam finally spoke up.

"I think that will do Mr. Fenner."

She then turned to Susie. Again she sounded with that cruel sadistic voice.

"My! My! You seem to have found a comfortable spot. That's just too bad, cause I think you're going to want to move around a bit when you feel this switch. But first let's spread those legs of yours some more. I wouldn't want you to miss out on anything."

Madam reached down under the bar at one end and slowly turned a crank. The two padded spreader bars began to part even more. Unfortunately for Susie her legs were obligated to follow the spreading bars, opening up her martyred cuntie even more.

"AHaaaaaa...OH NO! Oh Lordie No More...No...No!! I'm Splitting...Ahaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

The full potential of the dreaded bar was being extracted. Her legs were drawn apart as far as possible. She presented a picture of suffering the likes of which I had never seen before. I slowly stroked my throbbing cock as I watched little Susie doing the naked splits on the cold steel bar. Her smooth hairless cunt, as well as the surrounding area, was still covered with the red puffy nettle rash along with its overlay of tiny white blisters. I loved the way her cunt lips hung over the sides of the bar as it sunk into the central slit. The thought of what it must feel like had me breathing in heavy gaps as I humped my naked cock through the still fingers of my right hand and into the thin air. I knew that latter tonight some other little naked girl was sure going to have her legs splayed wide apart as well. Then that small pink cunt that would be offered up was going to be fucked to the max. Once again I had to work hard to get control of myself and not shoot cum are over the room. Before Madam started the switching she turned to me.

"At some training schools that I have seen, at this point, they would heat the bar. Often not, to really hellish temperatures. You would not believe the screams from some of the little girls. Many times this would cause their little slits to blister and leave lasting scars. This I do disapprove of. I have found that a good lengthy application of the switch at this point is very effective and need not leave any lasting scars. As you shall see.

"Well my little one, are you ready? Cause you're going to get several switching, not just one! Between each you'll remain seated on the bar and await the next. Before I'm through I'm going to really burn you up, and I do mean everywhere! You don't tell lies to me, little Miss Priss, and think you're going to get away with it."

As she spoke she tapped the switch all over Susie's smooth tender, well oiled, naked skin. She then picked out a spot just under the inside edge of her left cheek, right at the top of the thigh. It was here that the switching started.


"Ahaaaaaaaa...ha...ha...ha! Ohoooo...ho...ho...ho!! NO...oh...oh...oh!!!

Not one, but four stinging strokes of the switch landed. Each one moved a little more up under and between the legs than the previous. Susie tried to dance. All her efforts only resulted in her two legs doing a delightful little "walk" in thin air as her toes brushed within an inch of the floor. They alternated, as one kicked a little forward, the other went back. It was just what Madam wanted. The useless minuet only scrubbed her cuntie harder onto the bar. Madam continued the switching, pausing perhaps five to ten seconds between each set of strokes.


"Eiiiyaeeeee! OH Please, Nooooo!!"

She now targeted her bottom. Working set after set up and down the central crack.

"Swisswit! Swissssswit...swissswit! Swisssswit! Swissssswit...swissswit...swissswit!"

"Ahaaaaaa...ha...ha...ha...ha! Aiiiiyeee...Aiiiyeeeeeee!! OH Please Stop...Please Stop...Please!!!"

After applying about two dozen strokes all over her bottom and between the legs from both sides of the bar, she paused and looked at me with those piercing cold eyes.

"I think that will do nicely for her first dose. Well let her think about the next one, and where she'll feel it!"

From there Madam set down the switch and rubbed strap oil onto both of her hands. I watched as she walked over to my left side. With her right hand she started to rub and caress my naked bottom, her left reached around to my front and rubbed my stomach just above my throbbing cock. I swear she was trying her best to make me loose control and shoot cum all over the floor. Her change in demeanor was amazing, from one of pain to one of pleasure. I spread my legs farther apart to expose myself even more and began to thrust and roll my loins in response to her caresses. My eyes soaked in the sight of Susie's naked body in front of me, ravaged by involuntary quakes and shivers that only made her seat all the more painful. Madam then moved around to my back and began to rub her huge naked titties against my back as her loins ground into my bottom, now wet with oil. Both her hands reached around to my front and started to caress my balls and inner thighs on each side, as she whispered into my right ear with a soft, slow, unequivocally sadistic voice.

"Are you thinking about that naked little girl you'll have in your room tonight? Who's it going to be...tell me her name."

"I'd like that small little blond, Janet Thomson. Do you know her?"

"Oh yaaa! She'll be perfect. I believe she just turned 12 a few weeks ago. I've spanked her several times; she's quite a little crybaby. I know you'll enjoy her! She's got one extraordinarily small little bottom, but beautifully rounded and quite pink. Her titties are also quite small, about one quarter all nipple. However, they are perfect little pointed cones. She's just right to start off with a long protracted, across the lap, naked spanking with your palm and a small paddle."

"I think I'll do just that!"

"Can't you just imagine what that tiny little pussy of her will feel like when it's wrapped around this huge cock of yours?"

With that last question Madam licked my ear with the tip of her wet tongue, just as she rolled by balls in the palm of her right hand. I was going mad with lust. Poor little Janet Thomson, was she ever going to get one tonight. Madam took a deep breath as she finally backed off and took up again the task at hand.

"Are you rested and ready for another dose of the switch? Well? Speak up!"

"Oh Please Madam, Please! Not again...No more...Please!! I just can't stand it on the bar...Oh it hurts...Oh Pleaseeee...No More!!!"

"You can plead all you want, but it'll do you no good! This is one lesson about lying that you are going to learn well."

Suddenly the switch whistled through the air and landed on back of Susie's naked upper thigh.

"Swisswit! Swissssswit...swissswit...swisswit! Swissssswit...swissswit! Swisssswit! Swissssswit...swissswit......swissswit!"

Again and again the switch streaked through the air and onto its target. Madam moved around to the other side of the bar and evened out matters with the other thigh. She reminded Susie that she still had a hinny by visiting it a few times as well. I could never get enough of Madam's style of switching. She just burned naked little girls up. A lot had to do with her selection of switches themselves. They were lithely thin and long, not a heavy bruising rod. As flexible as they were, they still retained that required stiffness to give the needed tip velocity and accuracy to sting like a hornet on a naughty girl's bare skin. Always leaving a very thin red welt whose sting seemed to never go away.

Susie's screams and pleas echoed throughout the tiled room. Her legs again began their naked walk in thin air, perhaps with a greater kick due to their being the target of interest this time. However, the switching only got worse for Susie, not better. Madam now took aim at the front insides of her thighs, up at the top near her nettled cuntie.

"Swisswit! Swissssswit...swissswit...swisswit! Swissssswit...swissswit Swisssswit! Swissssswit...swissswit......swissswit! Swissssswit...swissswit...swisswit! Swisssswit!"

Again and again and again it landed all over this intensely tender area, and from both sides. Perhaps thirty strokes in all!

Susie's head went back, hair flying, as she painfully squealed and bellowed out her cries. This time her legs didn't so much "walk" as they twisted, grinding her martyred cunt even further onto the bar. At this point Madam again took a break.

As before she walked over to one of the cabinets and, setting down the switch, opened a draw and removed a blindfold. This she placed over Susie's eyes. No longer was she to be afforded the luxury of knowing where the next stroke of the switch would land. We also were now free to enjoy activities without her watching.

Taking strap oil into her hands, she stood directly in front of Susie and began a process of rubbing down her entire naked body. Starting with her beautiful little set of titties, she worked down her front side to the bar itself and her swollen cunt. Returning to the titties, she rubbed, kneaded, and stroked the small twin globes at length. The tiny pink buds at the tip of each nipple were made to grow by using just the ends of her fingers. Around and around she gently rubbed these tips, getting them ready for what was coming with the final dose.

To finish the oiling she reached around to Susie's quivering soft bottom and took her time caressing this target. I'm sure she enjoyed the feeling of the thin red welts, as her fingers at times would just gently brush across this well switched area. She also kneaded and squeezed the twin cheeks as well. This last action also fanned the flames in Susie's still well figged bottom hole. When she finally stopped, the entire naked little body was again wet with a mix of oil and sweat.

"OK, young lady. Prepare yourself for the final round. As to where or exactly when, you'll know when you feel it! I can only tell you that you're really going to be blistered. Oh yes! Before I finish this disciplinary session, there's one more thing you need to know. When you leave here you are going to be placed on disciplinary probation, Level Three, and for two weeks as well. However, you will get to spend the next 24 hours in the infirmary, as a precaution, and to permit you some degree of recovery before returning to classes. But that's to come. Right now...I'd try and find a nice comfortable spot on the bar, cause you're going to need it."

With that last statement Madam returned to the cabinet and scrubbed the oil from her hands. From a rather large collection of switches she then selected one that I had not seen before. A close inspection had me stroking my cock with more caution. What I saw also had me breathing in gasps and on the edge of self-control. I knew what was about to happen to poor little Susie; therefore, this had be one of Madam's favorite specialty switches. One made for small silky titties.

It had originally started out as the flexible end of a lightweight fly-casting rod made from stranded fiberglass. Madam had removed all the hardware and cut off the last twenty inches or so. The raw end, of the tip, had been flame rounded in a manner so as not to increase the diameter at all. These last few inches near the tip were no more than 1/32 of an inch. A six-inch long, round wooden handle was placed on the other end to provide a good grip. This handle was well stained from long use. I could only imagine how this dreaded implement would sting the incredibly tender and satiny smooth bare skin of a young girl's small titty buds. It was with this switch in hand that Madam now walked over to still crying and blindfolded Susie.

Unlike before where Madam had prodded her victim and gave away the target of her interest, she only reached out with the switch to judge the correct distance to stand. Using short silent practice strokes she aligned the tip with the underside of Susie's right titty. She didn't use the long sweeping strokes that had been the norm with the hickory switches. With this somewhat shorter and very stiff fiberglass switch, she applied it with a hard but short jerk of the arm accompanied with a rapid snap of the wrist. Only the last few inches ever made contact with the girl's bare skin.

"Wippit...Wippit...Wippit...Wippit...Wippit! Wippit...Wippit!!"

"AHeiiiii...Aeiii...Aeiiiiii...Aha...ha...ha...hiiii! Aha...Aha! OH...No...oh...oh!! Stop...Stop... Please Stop!!!"

What a switch, what a switching! It had me breathing in gasps again and my loins humping the air in front of me. She had started near where the titty began its outward curve and ended just under the nipple. Very thin red welts quickly sprang up all over this tender underside, but Madam didn't pause and look for long before the switch whistled again. This time it was the very nipple itself on the other titty that bounced.

"Wippit...Wippit! [A nice little pause, and...] Wippit!!"

"Ahiiiiii...Oh! Ahiiiiii...AHaaa...ha...ha...ohooo! Oh Please, Not My Boobies...Please!! Not There...Please, it burns...Oh Lordie, It Burns There...AHEiiiii...OHoooo...Noooo!!!"

Susie babbled and pleaded to no avail, other than to make matters more exciting for us. Her legs jerked with every stroke, making her seat on the bar only more painful. Nothing she could do helped her ordeal. Madam, now standing with her feet well spread, worked the leather saddle strap that cut through her own cunt. Pushing hard upwards, she massaged the two shiny balls that resided within. She continued the switching until each titty had received at least twenty stinging strokes. Susie's nipples seemed to get more than their fair share before it was over.

Madam called into the room a Matron from the infirmary as I lowered Susie down until her feet finally touched ground. We had to help her stand as she was led out of the room. As if nothing important had happened, Madam gave the nurse instructions.

"Please give this young lady the standard care due after severe discipline. She may require a two-day stay instead of the normal one. I'll leave it up to you. When she does leave see to it she is dressed for Level Three Probation."

Turning her attention towards me, "Well John, what did you think of that?"

I had to catch my breath before I could speak. My cock was still sticking straight up, in fact it was still rubbing against my stomach, quivering. As I finally spoke, I watched Susie's blistered naked bottom disappear through the door.

"Exquisite, just incredible! Never could I have imagined such an ordeal. The way those nettles worked on her cuntie and little bottom, I mean after they had been figged and curried. I couldn't believe her wiggles and gyrations, and that final switching on her tittys. Is there a switch like that in my room?"

I had to find a chair and sat down to relax.

"Yes, in fact, there are several. One I think is close to three feet long. I use them on the particular tender areas of a naughty girl. I assure you they sting like hell but you must be careful how you use them. It's very easy to cut the skin. This is especially true when switching the pink inside areas of their pussies. You'll find that you can maintain better control if you just snap your wrist instead of using a long sweep of the arm. Feel free to use one on Janet Thomson this evening. Oh yes, Janet Thomson! I'll see that she is sent directly to your room as soon as we leave. She'll be dressed in only a pair of panties. That reminds me-just in case you hadn't noticed-I always make a girl pull her own little pair of panties off herself. It seems to add an extra touch...I think we had better get going. I'm sure those balls of yours are tired of waiting! Just be ready for Janet, she'll be there shortly."

I was in my room in minutes. Unseen by me at the same time, two Matrons also entered a dorm room for older 11-year-olds. One was the Room Mother.

"Janet Thomson, stand up."

She did, and with a weak fearful voice answered.

"Yes Mam."

"You'll get dressed in a pair of your standard undie panties and nothing else! Right Now!"

"Oh yes Mam, but I haven't done anything...have I? Ohooo Please?"

"You just do as you're told! No talking...I said move it!"

Quickly she removed the nightshirt that she had on and replaced it with the top pair of little panties from her chest.

"You'll follow behind me and say not a word. Do you understand?"


The trio marched in perfect unison, right up to the door of my room.

"You have been ordered to Master Fenner's room for the duration of the night. You will do exactly as he commands-no matter what! Do you understand?"

"Yes Mam but Why? I haven't none anything. I've been good!"

"You were sent here for disciplinary training, and from this moment on this shall be part of that training. Stand directly in front of the door-at attention!"

One of the Matrons rang the buzzer and then they both departed before I answered. Actually I heard them approach and watched the proceeding through a peephole in the door. I continued to watch little Miss Thomson for some time after the Matrons left. The looks on her face were most enjoyable. I played with my cock as I watch her squirm in anticipation. Finally the time had come and I jerked the door open. Janet's face quickly turned to one of horror and shock. She emitted a gasp followed by a series of weak meows, for I stood there totally naked with my cock sticking straight up in a huge erection. I stepped to one side and ordered her in. I slammed the door shut and locked the handle as well; thrusting a dead bolt into place at the top. A heavy hand was used to be sure she clearly heard the sounds of her imprisonment.

I walked over to my bed and set on the very edge with my legs outstretched and spread well apart. Janet's whole body started to shake as I spoke.

"Come over here and stand directly in front of me. Up closer-between my legs! I said UP CLOSE! That's better. Now take off your little pair of undie panties and give them to me. You're going to stay bare-naked for the entire time you're in this room. You'll not see these panties until it's time for you to leave in the morning."

"Oh please Sir, Master Fenner, do I have to? Please...Please not bare-naked. Can't I just keep on these little pair of undie panties, there're really so skimpy? Please?"

"NO! And what's more you just made your ordeal all the more worst. Now get those panties off this instant!"

Now Janet really started to cry. Madam was surely correct about this girl. What a little crybaby! Her face was wet with tears even before her trembling hands finally reached down to the tiny waist ban of her panties and started to push down. If she only knew that her slowness of movement in striping off this last remainder of clothing made the act much more exciting and enjoyable. She finally stepped free of the garment as her right hand, shaking in fear and embarrassment, reached out and handed them to me. I threw them on the bed for the moment-then continued my instructions.

"Listen carefully to what I have to say, for I will not repeat myself. First...from here on you will refer to me as simply 'Master' and I will refer to you as 'Janet', should I feel it necessary to use your name. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master."

"Now you'll do exactly as you're told. To begin with, I want you to move forward all the way till your legs touch my bed."

In small hesitant steps she obeyed.

"Next raise your hands high over your head. Straight up and lock those elbows! Now spread you legs apart until you touch mine. .... Good!"

Along with the next command I reached out with my left hand and grabbed Janet's right bottom cheek. My right I placed on the center of the chest just below her cute little set of titty buds. Her sobbing, along with her "mews" and "meows", started to increase even more.

"Thrust you hips forward as you lean your shoulders back. More! There, that's more like it. You're going to learn how to expose yourself to the maximum for my inspection. Therefore, whenever I command you to present yourself to me, this is how you will do it. I had better see you straining to get those legs apart as far as possible and your hips thrush forward as far as possible. Do you HEAR ME!"

"Oh yes Master! It...It's....just that I've...I've never been naked...I mean in front...Oh!...You know, in front of...Ho!...a man, and...all alone. AHA...Oho!"

Now she really started to cry as her whole body shook with each sob. I couldn't ask for a better subject or response. I took a few seconds to enjoy Janet's display of herself as I slowly stroked my rigid cock to greater heights. Her small little titties bounced and wiggled less than a foot in front of my face. As my left hand continued to squeeze and caress her small tight little hinny, I could feel each tremor go through her body. Like icing on a cake, every time I squeezed her bottom cheeks she rose to her tiptoes and swayed her hips around. Janet's sweet young innocence was totally unaware of the lust that this simple act was creating. I had to let go to continue.

"Now bring your legs together and turn around. Back up again until your legs touch the bed. As before, spread them wide and touching mine. OK, that good. Now bend over and grab your legs below your knees. No! Keep your knees straight. That's correct. Again listen well...whenever I tell you to present you bottom to me, this will be the position I expect you in. This completely presents your naked bottom to me as well as giving me a perfect view between your legs. Do you understand?"

"Oh Master Please...I mean...Yes...Yes Master."

"I'm going to rub this part of you down with strap oil. You will stay in this position, and you had better not move. Do You Hear Me?"

"Yeee...Yes Master."

Boy do I love doing this! I took my time savoring every second. I ran my finger up and down the crease of her hinny, pausing a little around her crinkly tight hole. Janet continued to cry freely, her tears dripping to the floor with her head bent forward. In perfect unison my two hands rubbed her twin cheeks with my fingers kneading the bare skin. This was no time to play games, so when it came time to play with her tight little cuntie I first reached out with my left hand and spread open the plump lips. The middle finger of my right quickly dipped in and sunk all the way up. I diddled her tight orifice front to back with this finger; not without a plea of protest from my subject of course.

"Oh Please Sir...Master, Please. Not there...Please!"

"Before this night is over little girl you'll learn to enjoy this compared to what else awaits you. Your stay here in my room is a positive reinforcement of your training at Connor Hostel. You can think of it as the ultimate test of your willingness to do as you are told. Even if your actions are perfect, you are going to be spanked and whipped several times. If it's not perfect, you'll also receive several switching as well. Lastly if you think this finger feels good (and with that statement I pushed upwards with more force), you will receive several nice long hard fucking, right in this little cuntie of yours."

I removed my finger at last and ordered her to turn around and assume the correct front display of herself. Again I applied copious amounts of oil to this side. Here her cute little titty buds were my main points of interest at first. I took my time playing with the soft succulent small nipples. From there I worked down to her trembling tummy and onward to the pink hairless slit between her legs. This time I only played with the outside of the plump lips before working the inside of her legs to her knees. It was now time for her long and protracted, across the lap, bare-naked spanking to begin.

For this I had a special bench. It was very much like an adjustable padded "weight bench". The padding was covered with a soft, smooth and shiny, bright red plastic vinyl covering. One half of the top could be raised upwards, to a 45 degree angle, and provide a surface to lean back on. Its width was only about one foot and permitted my legs to straddle over each side. The height was perfect because while sitting with my feet flat on the floor, and straddling each side of the bench, my knees were level with the bench top. The 45?-angle back was also just right. This allowed a little girl to be positioned across my lap more directly on top of my loins instead of my legs (as would be the case if I were sitting erect in a standard chair). Also my right hand was a little further away from its target and could apply a more sweeping and thus stinging stroke.

"Step back a little. You will follow me over to this red padded bench. Now stand right here beside it and lower your hands down. Put them behind you...No, not on your bottom, raise them up a little higher. You just stand right there and look straight ahead and don't move one bit."

Janet's little hands had to be rendered useless to her. Only this way could I apply the spanking in the more leisurely manner I desired. My cock was again throbbing in anticipation as it stuck straight up and rubbed my stomach as I walked over to one of the many cabinets that lined the wall of my bedroom. I picked up a pair of pink leather "elbow-and-wrist" cuffs (the pink color was another of Madam's touches, made especially for the extremely small and younger crybaby types). A perfect selection for little Janet. On returning to my subject I approached her from behind and ordered her to bend just a little forward. Each cuff was really a double set with a strong white cord, of adjustable length, between the two.

One cuff from each set was attached to each of her wrists. From there her wrists were raised, behind her back, until each came close to the elbow of the opposite arm. The second cuff from each set was attached to a point just above the adjacent elbow. The cords were then pulled tight. This positioned her arms behind her back with her hands up high and out of the way. One nice touch to the "elbow-and-wrist" cuffs was that they also forced her shoulders back and somewhat down. This position made her stick out her chest, with their attending little titties, and show them off all the better.

Before her spanking began, I had another delightful touch to add-one of my own makings. The day before I had obtained from the Hostel's store two lengths of the 1/8 inch wide bare white elastic spandex. These two lengths were stitched into a pair of simple loops to make two little "garters" to be positioned around a naughty girl's ankles. Each garter had eight tiny little silver "tinkle bells" attached. These would provide a lovely musical accompaniment in perfect tune to her kicking legs as she was being spanked. With these garters in place I reclined on the bench. My cock was jumping in anticipation and I was also beginning to breathe in heavier gaps. I decided to enjoy the sensation even more by just lying there and playing with my cock as I watched naked little Janet. She knew what was coming, and that knowledge had her starting to play a little tune with the bells as her knees went into a delightful panicky fret.

I kneaded the tip of my cock between my thumb and fingertips as I watched the display unfold before me. Janet presented a picture of total helplessness and despair. The longer she stood there the more and higher her slender little legs fretted. A few times she rose to her toes and commenced a short little in-place tiptoe prance. This simple act made me breathe in still deeper gasps for it also caused the tinkle bells to ring in concert with her feet. Her voice also emitted a constant stream of weak mews and moans.

She was standing almost in contact with the bench directly to the right of my waist. It was a simple matter for me to reach out my right hand and caress her soft smooth naked bottom, wet and shiny with oil. After a few minutes of this sadistic but delicious delay it was time to start her first spanking for the evening. As I spoke I reached up with my left arm and grabbed her upper left shoulder. My right hand quickly covered her small bottom.

"You will bend your legs just a little and lean forward and lay across my lap for a nice long spanking on your bare bottom. No, slide a little more forward. There that's better, you're going to keep you're lower tummy right on top of my nice big hard cock. You can wiggle and kick all you want, but you had better not try to slide off. If you do I'll just pull you back in position and spank even harder. Do You Understand?"

"Oh please Master...Sir! Please, I'll be good...I'll do anything you want, Please. Please don't spank! I can't stand pain, I just can't. Please understand, Please? It hurts so bad just does!! You just got to let me off...Pleaseeee...Ohooo Noooo..."

I savored and encouraged her useless pleas my slowly caressing her tiny little naked bottom with my right hand. I then cruelly interrupted her dialog!

"WHACK...SMACK! Whap...Spat! Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack... Whack...WHAP! Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack!

"Aieeeee...Yieeeee! Ohoooo...It hurts! Oh Please...Not So Hard, Please! Ahaaaaa...Ha...ha...Oh it hurts!! Please Stop, Please!!!"

Yes, the feel and sound of my hand on that soft smooth pink little hinny. I just couldn't stop?I didn't want to either. The first twenty or so were applied with long full sweeping strokes, using the full force of my hand. I then paused and gently brushed the small little target. It was definitely turning a redder shade of pink. At the same time my room echoed with a delightful melody of tiny bells ringing intermixed with the cries and pleas of a naked little 12 year old girl. Her slippery oil covered hips were predictable wiggling and dancing across my rigid cock. All this created a sensation that I can't fully put into words. I started up again, this time aiming a little lower. I did not stop again until another twenty or so had landed.

"WHACK...SMACK! Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...WHACK! Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack!

"OHoooo...Ho...Ho...OHoooo! Weeeee...he...he...he...Not on my bare legs too!! Aieeeee...Yeeeee Stop...Stop! Please Stop...PLEASE STOP, Pleaseeeee!! It Hurts...It Hurts...Ohoooo...ho...ho...ho!!!

It was now time to set back and fully savior the experience. I quickly pulled Janet off my lap and to her feet. She was again made to stand directly to my right. I, as before, laid back and soaked in the delicious spectacle that now transpired.

Janet was crying for all she was worth. Red eyes poured down tears over her face, as she babbled more pleas mixed with these cries. She had lost all concern for her nudity and the display that it was providing. Her feet quickly went to their tiptoes and started the most predictable and delightfully petite prance you could ask for. At the same time she thrust her hips forward in some futile attempt to protect that tiny blistered bottom of hers from an imagined next stroke of my hand. They also wiggled side to side. The act displayed her charms in the most revealing and suggestive manner possible, particularly that small plump-lipped hairless cuntie of hers. Her young pointed titties bounced in tune with her feet that played out a matching melody with the tinker bells.

I just played with my throbbing cock as I watched this wonderful display of a naked girl. My cock demanded that it be shoved between her dancing legs, but my sadistic side won out. Another trip across my lap would be required before her first fucking. This time it would also include a small little wooden paddle. Getting up, I went to one of the well-equipped cabinets and selected a thin oak paddle that was about a foot long. The contact end was an oval about three inches wide and four inches long. Perfect?and this was to be applied to an already well redden bottom!

Back on the whipping bench, I quickly repositioned Janet across my lap as before. Under the bench, below my bottom, was a basket in which I placed the paddle for later use. Then, from this same basket, I removed a bottle of strap oil. I wanted her bottom and thighs freshly oiled before the next set began. I pored a large amount onto the small of her back. Quickly the oil was worked down across her bottom to her thighs. It was easy to both see and feel the raised welts on her small blistered bottom. The size and sting of these welts soon began to grow.

"WHACK! Whack...Whack...Whack...Whack! Whack! Whack...Whack! Whack! Whack...Whack...Whack! Whack...Whack...Whack! Whack! Whack!

"Ahaaaaaaa...Aha...ha...ha...ha...Ahaaaaaaa...Eyaiiiiii... Eyaiiiiii... Eyaiiiiii! Ohooo...Ho...Ho... Please...Pleaseeee Stop! Stop! Stop! Please Stop!! Oh it Burns...It Burns! Ohoooo...Noooo! OHooo...Ho...Ho!!!

"Well...if you think my hand makes your little hinny sting, wait till you feel this!"

In one motion I removed the small paddle from the basket and without hesitation...

"POP...PAP! POP...POP...CRACK! (...On her upper thighs) POP...PAP...POP...POP!"

"AHAAAAAAA...Aha...ha...ha...ha...OHoooo...Ho...Ho...Ohoooooo! Eyaiiiiii... Eyaiiiiii... Eyaiiiiii! OH Lordie STOP...Stop...Stop! Please Stop!!

"Now you're finding out what it really like to lay naked across my lap and have your naughty little hinny spanked! And to think we just got started for the evening-I'm afraid you've got quite a bit more wiggling left to go...but first!"

I had waited long enough. This first spanking was now over, and it was time now to enjoy a nice long hot deep naked fuck of this little girl's pussy. Again I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to her feet directly to my right. This time as I enjoyed the spectacle of watching her prance and dance, I also prepared for her fucking. From the basket I obtained a tube of lubricating jelly and worked a good bit onto my rigid cock. Janet's hairless virginal cunt was way too small and tight to fuck dry. Madam's orders...oh well!

I now got up and took her over to the incredible looking "fucking frame". This device had evolved over the years from much experience. It was an open frame device made from two inch OD steel tubing. On this tubing were a number of seats covered with the same smooth bright-red vinyl of the spanking bench. The main support rested on three legs-two in the front and one in the center rear. At the top of this frame (about three feet off the floor) was a small rectangular padded seat that curved upward towards its back. The front was shaped somewhat like a "heart" (when viewed from above).

In front of, and slightly below, this upper seat was a second narrower seat. It ran horizontally towards the rear for about ten inches and then slopped downwards stopping almost directly below the upper seat. At the bottom of this slop was an additional oval pad that was directly below the center of the upper seat. The separation of these two "seats" easily allowed a person to recline between them while resting on the lower.

With a little creative thought I could position a naught little girl and myself in some of the most interesting positions using this frame. The horizontal front of the upper seat was just large enough for my bottom to recline. My balls hung down into the cutout of the "heart" while I lay back onto the reclined back part of this seat. With my legs together as much as the lower seat permitted, I was now positioned with my body nearly arrow straight but leaning back at a 45 degree angle. Janet was made to walk forward, straddling my legs until she touched. Where we touched was perfect-her small tight little cunt rested right on my rigid cock.

While still standing I made her bend forward until her chest was lying against mine. By reaching around her waist I was able to grab her tiny little bottom cheeks and pull her up and forward. About the time her toes left the floor I felt my cock pop free just between her legs. Its tip now in direct contact with the soft plump hairless slit of her cuntie. It was a simple matter to align the tip with the mouth of her opening. I slowly relaxed my grip and her slippery oil covered body slid down and onto my cock. I felt it slowly advance inwards into that wonderfully hot tight opening of hers.

Had she slid down until her heels touched the floor her cunt would have been stuffed full to the hilt with my huge rigid cock. This fact was not of her liking, and therefore she tried to stay as high on her tiptoes as possible. Even with this act she could not get off, but it did provide for some of the most sensational fluctuations and wiggles of her hips and legs. My hands held her in tight contact with my body. Her hands were, however, still in the elbow-and-wrist cuffs and could not provide her with any support or aid. With a relaxed motion I could now rotate my hips and thrust my cock up and in as far as I desired.

I continued for many minutes to thrust my cock deeply into her tight hot cunt. At first I had feared that the sensation would overwhelm me with the desire to shoot my load of cum after only a few strokes. This did not happen. The experience was so exciting and wonderful that the desire to let go never entered my mind at first. My hands roamed all across her backside. From the small of her back to the back of her small hinny, they slid over the oil slick naked skin. Periodically I could feel her body go into one of those involuntary and convulsive shivers. They seem to come more often whenever I made a particularly harsh and deep thrust of my cock and then held it in place. This also meant that Janet would be on the very tips of her toes. This always added an extra touch to her movements as I caressed her little blistered hinny and felt it tighten. She did not remain silent either.

"Oh Master, Master! Ohooo...ho...ho...ho...Please not so deep. Oh it hurts way up there...Pa..Leeeease. It's too BIG...Too BIG! Pa..Leeease not this way, not in my baby pussy! It's going to split...I know it is. OH! OH! OH! Ohooooooooo!! Pleaseeee take it out!!!"

Her pleas added an extra layer to my pleasure-that, and the continuous tinkling of little bells. After a while my balls demanded relief-in fact screamed for it. I had to quit or let got my load. This I wanted to do in bed, but only after one more disciplinary set with Janet. A good overall switching. First I took advantage of her pleas with some sadistic dialog of my own.

"I take it then that you feel my nice hard cock! Good! It just too bad that you desire me to remove it. Cause when I do, you're in for a little treat. A nice hard switching! still want me to stop? Well, speak up! Speak Up!"

The last two statements were punctuated with good hard thrust of my cock. It got her attention.

"Oh NO! No, Please not a switching! I can't stand the switch. I'm all bare-naked...I just won't be able to take it! Please...I'll do lots of nice wiggles. Anything! It's just when it going in so deep. I'll try real hard...Please?!!"

"I'm afraid it's just too late. I've decided to show you how I apply the switch to little naughty girls. Also...where I apply it as well. I think that after that, you'll come to enjoy my nice hard cock."

I grabbed her already well tanned little hinny and pulled up just as I pushed my hips down. With a "plop" like sound my cock sprang free of it enclosure. I felt it jerk twice before I could push Janet away. I had made it out of her tight cunt just in time! Another second and I would've shot my load. It was now my turn to wheel the switch, and in the privacy of my own room.

For the means of restraint I selected the vertical iron triangle. It had been set in storage against one wall, but only took a few minutes to set in place. Once ready for Janet, I first attached her hands to cuffs that were in position over her head. She continued to waste her time with pleas for mercy. If she only knew how they only wetted my sadistic lust. Next her two ankles were placed in cuffs at each bottom corner of the triangle and drawn so they could spread no more. To make the restraint complete I pulled her hands upwards as far as they could go and locked them in place.

There she was, in perfect position to feel the switch wherever I wished. A totally bare-naked little girl who had just turned twelve. It wasn't just her age, she was also the most demure tiny little thing you could imagine. At most she weighted 75-lbs. wet and was the ultimate crybaby. I focused my eyes on her plump hairless slit between her legs-it was stretched open and somewhat dilated from its recent fucking. I knew I was going to take that switch and really wear her out with it. Particularly that slit and her pair of cute titty buds.

First I wanted to enjoy the moment a while longer before I started her switching. I again poured a large amount of strap oil into the palm of my left hand. This I rubbed all over her naked body from neck to knees. Her titties and hinny got extra attention before I moved to that pink slit between her legs. I must have spent five minuets caressing, rubbing, foundling, kneading, and finger fucking. When that was through I stood up and pressed my body against hers. I slowly worked my throbbing cock against the top of her tiny tummy. My hands reached around and grabbed the cheeks of her redden bottom and squeezed as I pulled them hard against my body. I enjoyed the experience for several minutes before letting her go.

It was now time. As I went to one of the cabinets and picked up a two-foot long fiberglass switch, I taunted her with a few last questions.

" ready for this switch? Are you? It's a special one Madam Hinshar had made just for use on the tender front sides of little girls like you. I am going to give you one really good dose of it to. After that I think you'll find my big hard cock sliding up inside your cuntie a much preferred matter how far or hard I thrust!"

The look on her tear stained face! Her eyes were big and wide open starring straight at the switch. At this point she could only utter only a long continuous stream of, "Nooo...Nooo's". I decided to start out on the inside front of her thighs-up near the top. I placed my self to her right and slightly to the front. Reaching out with the switch in my right hand, I took aim and struck.

"Wippit...Wippit...Wippit...Wippit...Wippit! Wippit!!"

"Ahaaaa...Ha...Ha...Ha....Ha....Ahaaaa...OHooo...Ho...Ho! AHAAAA!!!"

That last one caught her by surprise. Whereas the first five landed on the tender inter thigh that last one snapped home on the base of the right bottom cheek. I next moved over to her other side and worked that leg. By the time I stopped switching her front upper thighs more than twenty strokes had landed. Janet continued to squeal the entire time. At best the restraints permitted her to only bow her body forwards or backwards and twist a little. Once this motion was started, momentum keep her swaying in the same manner. I took full advantage of this fact as I timed the switch on her inner thighs with the forward sway.

At this point I walked directly in front of her and moved forward just enough to let my cock make contact and nothing else. It was a titillating little tidbit as her quivering, coupled with an up and down thrust of my cock, added one more layer of sensation to my lust. The feeling of being totally naked never felt so good. As I looked down at the tiny naked little crybaby, her voice turn to more babbling pleas.

"Pleaseeee....Please let me go! No More...Please!! Ohooo...oh...oh...I can't stand it...Please!!!"

"That's too bad. Cause the best has yet to come! Or should I say CUM!!"

With that statement I quickly stepped back and to the side and whistled the fiberglass switch through the air. The last few inches landed just under the cute little nipple of her left titty bud. I switched slowly using only one or two strokes at a time before giving her a nice pause to enjoy the experience. It had to be terribly agonizing for her. Notwithstanding my like of her small hairless cunt, the skin of those two tiny titty buds was the most tender, smooth and velvety-soft thing I have ever touched. Janet had a creamy white complexion and the switch left incredibly thin bright red welts across the entire surface of both little bouncing buds. Many landed directly on the nipples alone.

"Ahaaaaaaa...ha...ha! Ahaaaaaaaaaa...Eieeeeee...Ahaaaaaa!! Oh Noooo...No...No...Please Not There!!! Oh Please, Please Not Again...Not Again...Plea.....!!!"


The first one had landed squarely across her right nipple. The sting cut her plea off in mid word. The second landed along the inside surface due to her twisting and wiggling. For nearly five minutes I switched and switched. During the pauses I often tapped the tip of the switch over both cute buds to add to her anticipation of the next set. When I finally did stop it was more out of my overwhelming desire to again shove my cock into her cute little cunt then her ability to stand additional stokes. Before I did put down the switch I landed a few more across the twin cheeks of her bottom.

I wanted to go to sleep after I finally let go my load. For that reason I took her straight to the bed for the final fucking. No game playing here. With her lying on her back, I quickly mounted and shoved my cock as far as it would go up her hot little quim. Madam Hinshar would have been proud of the way I reamed out tiny little Janet's cunt. The idea of trying to hold out to do a few different positions came and went. I quickly reached around to her tiny bottom cheeks with both hands, grabbed hold, and squeezed tight. I was too far down the road now-just stay in this position and do my thing. However, for over five minutes I did fuck that tight little hole using many different types of strokes from tip fucks to hard deep thrusts.

My cock then exploded with Cum. Once, twice, three times I push hard with each squirt before holding it in place and letting the last drops work their way out the tip. Like the day before I felt my Cum ooze out of her cunt, from around my cock, as the first shot filled the tiny orifice to the hilt. I was exhausted and fell quickly to sleep. It was only the first of many fun nights I would spend in my room with one of the charming little girls that attended this training school.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.