Published: 7-Apr-2012
Word Count:
The Connor Hostel was well known in the district. Like most Hostels, it was for the disciplinary training and education of young girls. Some girls attended only in the summer. Others were there all year long, in accordance to their parents' wishes, and spent their entire schooling at such institutions. The Connor Hostel however restricted attendance to girls from ten to fourteen...regulation age of course. Madam Hinshar set these rules, for the Hostel was hers, completely hers. She did as she wished with no questions asked-being Owner, Manager, and Head Disciplinarian. That she was also known to be a lesbian sadist, with a pennant for young girls, set a reputation at Connor Hostel. In fact, the entire staff was women of this persuasion. All were hand picked by Madam Hinshar, and trained as well in "procedures" at the Hostel.
More needs to be added at this point. Society now condoned these institutions. They were not only accepted but were the norm. It was now accepted that disciplinary training was required of all children, particularly young schoolgirls. The pendulum of society had swung in this direction; hard and very, very far. Parents were not always willing or able to enact such training on a day-to-day basis. Thus, there sprung up a large number of "Training Hostels" for this purpose. They were of course complete schools as well, but their reputed reputations were most noted for their disciplinary training methods. Connor Hostel was by far the strictest and had a long waiting list of parents who wished their girls to attend. Madam Hinshar was very picky as to the young girls she wished to "train". Only 49 currently attended.
Her pennant was for a particular type of trainee; diminutive, slender, and very attractive. The type of young girl that one might associate with being a gymnast. Personalities were a little more varied. Her favorite were the "little cry baby" type and the arrogant. The latter she loved to watch break down and the former she loved the way they reacted to something that they could not stand, but were forced to try anyway.
Me? Well, I'm John Fenner. I also work at the Hostel. If you can call it, work! You see, I am the only male on the entire staff and was also hand picked by Madam. I'm not gay, so I also like girls and young naughty little girls in particular. We both agree as to their training. However, corporal discipline can only be taken so far and further steps were deemed necessary. Remember that Madam's sadistic nature was refined to an art. Being striped stark naked and whipped was bad enough, but to be forced to remove your own scanty pair of little panties and be strapped in my presence added to the training. That was not all. Another layer was added that only I, a man, could administer. Madam Hinshar sometimes loved to watch, as I would administer that last form of discipline. On many other occasions, this special discipline was administered in the privacy of my room with only a naughty young girl and myself present. I was selected for my talent, abilities and d esires. Further details on this later, the story now begins from the first few days of my employment.
It's said that at the beach the best scenes can be had. Particularly Haynes beach; and we were at Haynes beach and on a particularly good viewing day. Very good, when you were with the Connor Hostel. Madam Hinshar would on occasion take a number of recently unruly and naughty young girls to Haynes Beach for the day. To get them away from the bad influence of others within the Hostel it is said, but much more likely to permit them to get into trouble of their own making. Today she picked out two "12 year olds". Twelve that is by regulation. Actually one was twelve, the other thirteen, but "regulation age" was set by one's age on January 1. It was now July 12, but never mind that Tanya's 13th birthday was February 5. Her companion, Debby, would be thirteen on August 1. So it was this hot Saturday morning in July, at about eleven AM when we arrived.
As to these two girls in question, they could be said to fit Madam's desired profile to a tee. Tanya had light brown hair that was long nearly to the waist. She stood about five feet tall and weighed about 85 lbs. By reputation she thought of herself as better than the other girls her age, and could at times walk with her nose pointed a little too high. She was a permanent resident of Connor Hostel, having been there 3 years. Debby was a blond, a true yellow blond, with her hair arranged into two unbraided pigtails lying over the shoulders. At about four feet six inches she weighted no more that 70 to 75 lbs. It was no accident that Debby was the true "cry baby" type. Easily influenced by other girls in ways that often lead to trouble. The types of trouble that both Madam Hinshar and I enjoyed. Debby was only a summer resident of the Hostel, but this was her second summer.
We left the parking lot on foot and approached an area of covered picnic tables. Our entourage of Madam, myself, and the two girls also included a pair of house matrons. The two girls fell in behind Madam and me, and in front of the matrons. We were there a little early today and selected a set of picnic tables nearer the top of the sandy beach. The tide was out and the water was about 150 feet away. One of the wooden tables, which were about waist high to the girls, had a heavy built-up rounded end. A pair of steel eyelets was located on the table top some three feet from this end and about shoulder width apart. I also noticed that the rounded end was stained dark with oil and quite smooth from rubbing.
Now that we were outside in the sun I took a more detailed look at the two girls and their attire. Madam had dressed them in one of the Hostel's briefest summer-outing outfits. Their shirts were paper-thin jersey tank tops of white cotton. All the Hostel's cotton material was made with little or no "nap" and a very lightweight open weave. This provided a delightful level of transparency even with the material completely dry. The shoulder straps were only a quarter inch wide with the shirttails located just a few inches below their little titty buds. The sides were split up to their armpits with the front and back of the neck deeply rounded. Thus any movement to lean forward caused the front to fall away quickly and hang straight down from the neck. The fit was still snug enough for their little nipple tips to outline nicely under the thin material for no underwear at all was being worn.
Their matching shorts were even skimpier and made from one thickness of the same thin white jersey and contained no elastic or seams at all in their construction. They were cut from a single piece of material with the "stretch" direction going front to back. The styling of the shorts would go by the common name of "diaper" or wrap shorts and was custom sized for each girl. The crotch of the shorts, laid flat, was no more than two inches wide and was drawn tightly up between the legs. The sides or leg openings were equally in the extreme but only here they were loose. This gave a deep flutter effect as the jersey fell away everywhere except on the centerline, front to back, were it remained skin tight. Viewed from the back the shorts rode fully into the crease of their little round hinnies exposing the lower one third. The front and back did not meet on the sides until they reached a point at the waist ties. This bared completely the sides of both hips.
If the view from the sides was not enough, that from the front left no doubt that the girls wore not even the scantiest of little undie panties. The gossamer thin cotton jersey clung like skin to their crotches and outlined beautifully the small plump cunties beneath. On occasion little peeks of puppy fat could be seen on the sides of their crotch as the seamless narrow strip of cotton jersey tended to "ride up" the central slit of their little cunts. One other delightful fact was also evident. The material of the shorts was so thin and tight that from the front it was obvious that neither little girl had even a trace of pubic hair. Both had been completely shaven bare as a newborn from their waist to their feet.
But what of the little girls' bathing suits? Well...Madam Hinshar did not believe in such attire for girls under her charge. Instead they were to be issued a scanty pair of "beach panties" as soon as the tables were set up. Madam Hinshar carried these articles in her bag. The process of changing their attire was governed by strict rules and could, at times, be considered part of a disciplinary procedure. I almost hated to see the changing time come. Their movements and actions in setting up the tables while attired as they were had my cock fully erect, but it was soon to stiffen even more.
Madam Hinshar spoke up sternly. "OK girls, remove your clothes and give them to me. Sandals under the table!...and when you are through, go stand in line directly in front of Mr. Fenner. He is going to give both of you an inspection to see if you have properly shaven. Tanya, you first...and I hope you both know how to stand and present yourself. I had better see those legs spread WIDE!!"
Perhaps I should add, at this point, that my employment at the Connor Hostel was new. I had been here little more than two days and few of the girls knew of my presence and none yet knew of my duties. That was now changing and fast. The order caught both little girls unaware. They took a quick glance towards Madam Hinshar and went rigid. Tanya's eyes opened wide and her small mouth formed a circle. She seemed not to be able to move. As for little blond Debby, the reaction was somewhat more pronounced. Her facial expression was like Tanya's except that her eye seems to moisten and she emitted a weak drawn out meow like sound. In addition her slender pink legs drew tightly together and her knees went into a panicky little fret while slowly rising to her tiptoes. Their reaction in those skimpy little outfits, coupled with my anticipation, had by balls on fire and my rigid cock quivering. They were only adding to my enjoyment of the moment.
Both girls quickly noticed Madam Hinshar's ice cold stare. Before she could say a word the delightful little charmers began to strip naked. Tanya was breathing heavily in gaps and Debby's small hands were quivering along with her eyes becoming even moister. Quickly both girls were stark naked. Slowly they began to move towards me as I sat in the middle of one of the table benches, facing outward. They seem to walk with stiff wooden legs.
"And what kind of action is this? Move it-Now! Or would you prefer that Mr. Fenner watch me tan both of your bare-naked bottoms beet red? I want your hands locked together behind your neck with elbows well out to the side. MOVE!!"
They momentarily seemed to lose all concern over the naked display they were now providing me. Tanya was standing so close that her well spread knees almost straddled mine as I sat on the bench. I reached out and ran by right hand up and down the inside of her silky smooth right thigh. My heart was pounding while my cock went rigid beyond belief, touching my stomach on its own. I then massaged the inside of her other thigh. Finally I reached directly between her naked legs with my right hand, and passing under, palmed her soft round little hinny while my wrist rubbed against the moist little cunt. I next reached around her right hip and grabbed her bottom with my left hand while my right pulled back a little and commenced to diddle one beautiful, pink, hairless little slit.
Tanya's "inspection" took a couple of minutes. Her reaction was as I might have guessed, heavy breathing and tense. She emitted a short gasp as the tip of my middle finger ran up and down the moist central slit between her legs and then diddled her pink little clit at length. I looked over at Madam Hinshar. She had a large grin on her face; one of sexual pleasure and satisfaction. I sensed that she was pleased with my actions, for no doubt this was what she had in mind when I was added to the staff.
"OK." I said, "Tanya I find no hair stubble. You're finished...Step back over there! Debby, you're next...Move up here in position."
She seemed to want to cry, but move she did. Playing no games, I quickly reached out with my left hand and grabbed Debby's somewhat smaller bottom and pulled her in close. Her parted knees now straddled the outside of my thighs, which I suddenly opened even more. There was no way that her slender little legs could spread any wider. I diddled her plump hairless cunt at length. With this act she began her sobbing weak little meows again and rose onto her tiptoes. All along the fingers of my left hand kneaded and caressed her small round naked hinny.
Debby was my favorite. Something told me that tonight I would have a reason and opportunity to insert more that the tip of my finger into her moist hairless quim. But for now the fingertip would do. When she felt it commence to slide in, she let out a weak little "ohoo" and her knees again started to fret. It was only a delightful sort taste, and I removed it quickly. Tonight would be much, much different.
"OK Debby, you pass as well. Both of you go see Madam Hinshar for your beach panties."
I could not have lasted much longer. My cock had reached the point where I felt it was going to shoot its load without even being touched, had I not stopped when I did.
Before the panties were handed out Madam Hinshar had each girl rub the other down with suntan oil. It was heavy oil and it soon had each girl's smooth naked skin glistening wet. I could see that Madam Hinshar was not going to let my cock go limp for the entire day, and it would not be long before events would put my restraint to even greater test.
The scanty little beach panties were also home made under instructions from Madam. A one-eighth inch wide strip of skin colored bare elastic-spandex worn very low on the hips held them up. The panty material was everywhere a single thickness of extraordinary thin seamless white nylon. Like the shorts, the panties had no elastic along the edges, only an extremely small hem to keep the material together. The crotches were no more than one and a half inches wide and maintained this width all the way up the front to the waist ban. The nylon only looped over the elastic ban and was stitched to itself on the under side. The ban, being left free to slide through this loop, formed a drawstring effect and thus the nylon tended to "gather" permitting even less coverage than otherwise possible. Drawn deeply up the crease of the pert little hinnys, the panties uncovered the entire lower half. This backside also only looped over the small elastic ban, gathering quite a bit. Overall, the panties were so skimpy that the top of the front was less than an inch above their little hairless slits. The top of the backside, itself only some four inches wide when laid flat, permitted a part of the upper crease to show above the "waist" ban. For easy removal the elastic-spandex ban was held together by hook-and-eyelets on the outside of each hip. These scanty little panties tended to stay wet with the oil, if not with water as well, and looked like transparent second skin.
They were permitted to wear nothing but these panties. Thus both girls were forced to show off bare, their delightful set of young budding titties. Tanya's were shaped like classic round bowls with their centers covered with light brown nipples. These nipples were perfectly circular and pointed slightly upward; the tips extending out about two inches away from the center of her chest. Both titties were very firm and silky smooth, without the slightest crease. Debby, on the other hand, possessed young titties shaped more like pears; they converged to a point. These tips were completely covered with bright pink nipples that were not flat like Tanya's, but were shaped more like rounded cones. The diameters of the nipples were a tiny bit larger than the area they were directly attached to. This gave a cute swollen tip look. Surprisingly, Debby's little buds thrust out perhaps an additional half-inch, or more, than Tanya's. They swayed and bounced delightfully in t une with her feet whenever she moved.
We all had gone out to the white sand, near the edge of the water, and secured an area with a number of large beach blankets. Two hours later I lay in the sun wearing a light pair of boxer shorts with nothing underneath. I was listening to Madam Hinshar talking to the two matrons when the conversation suddenly changed.
Madam spoke up, "Well I think that just about does it for those two. Particularly that Tanya! She is a never-ending source of trouble. I warned them both and they should know by now what would happen."
She looked around for a second and then spoke to one of the matrons. "Miss Manning would you care to go over there, by that loud commotion, and bring Tanya and Debby back here...No, bring them directly to our covered picnic tables. I'll meet you there."
Miss Manning was a large woman. Standing over six feet tall, I know she weighted 160 lbs., or more. She had to be a bodybuilder, for every part of her anatomy was rock hard. Her chest was huge with almost no breast at all and her arms and legs where like that of a man's. Her bathing suit consisted of a G-string bottom that was smaller that the palm of one's hand. The top was a pair of triangles each no bigger than her nipples. The material was a single thickness of bright red Lycra that molded itself to her body contours. The suit was held in place with little more than thread sized elastic strings. One could see that, like the girls, her own cunt was also shaven bare.
At Madam's command she leaped from the blanket to her feet and spoke, "I certainly will Madam. Do you want me to remove their panties?"
"No, not this time. I want both girls to pull them off themselves over by the tables and in front of John."
Picking up her beach bag, Madam also spoke quickly to me, "John, lets go; this is something that I want you to watch very closely. I want the girls to start getting accustomed to your presence when discipline is applied."
It wasn't long before Miss Manning had both girls back by the tables. She carried them on stumbling feet by the back of their armpits, one girl in each hand. They were dripping wet with water from head to foot. Their little panties were disheveled with Debby's having slid a little to the side in the crotch. A generous portion of puppy fat from her hairless cunt showed bare. They both stood side by side in front of Madam Hinshar. Even Tanya's knees were now in a panicky fret. However, poor little Debby's legs had made a delightful transition from a simple fret. Standing high on her tiptoes at one spot, she commenced a rapidly paced small little prance from toe to toe. She had also reached around and placed both hands on her wet panty clad bottom. The hand action along with her legs prancing in place caused her to push her hips slightly forward and sway them, along with her little titties, in tune with her legs. Already my cock was again in rut, pushing the loose boxer shorts well out in front. The waist ban was even beginning to push away.
"Oooho Please Madam. Please. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. Just this one time, Ohoo Please."
"What kind of behavior is this?! You get those hands off you bottom and behind you neck this instant!! And stand still. I haven't yet, but I'm about to give you both reason to prance." Madam's voice was so cold that shivers almost went up my back as she spoke to Debby.
The selection of both Tanya and Debby, for today's beach outing, had worked. They had found trouble. Its details are not important, only that conduct beyond the rules always resulted in a harsh dose of discipline. I was about to watch just how harsh; and, no less, to a pair of the most delightful little charmer's one could imagine. Madam reached into her bag and withdrew an 18-inch heavy oak ruler. The metal edge along the spine had been removed. It was not the intention to break the skin or draw blood as the metal might. However, the contact side of the "working" end had an admirable polish. All lettering and finish had been removed by years of contact with the hinnys of bare naked, naughty little girls. This end had also been rounded somewhat, no doubt to better permit it to work in-and-under and find, on occasion, the more tender areas of a girl's bottom. With Debby's hands now behind her neck, both little girls continued to parade themselves in front of me.
"You both are going to be paddled at length by Miss Manning. Twenty-four strokes each! They are going to be applied in two sets of twelve, starting with Tanya."
It now began.
"Tanya, you will remove your panties NOW and give them to me. Debby, you pull yours down to just below your bottom and don't let the material roll up on the waist ban, let it hang limp."
Madam reached out and took Tanya's scanty little pair and placed them in her bag. Something told me they would remain there for the rest of the afternoon. She then removed a small bottle.
Once again Tanya presented herself bare naked to my eyes. Only this time her knees were wildly and rapidly in a fret. She seemed to lose all concern for the display that this was providing. Tears also seemed to well up in her eyes. Now the only thing on her mind was what awaited her exposed little hinny.
"Tanya, take this bottle of strap oil to Mr. Fenner and then present your bottom to him as if for an inspection."
Tanya handed me the oil and then turned and parted her legs to the maximum. Placing the back of her knees against the bench, she bent forward and grabbed her legs well below the knees. Not just her hinny but her plump hairless cunt was but inches from my face. Gaping wide, the pink inner lips, with their attending orifice, showed bare.
"Mr. Fenner (Madam used my formal name in the presence of her charges), would you be so kind as to apply a liberal amount of strap oil to Tanya's bottom and thighs. Knead it in well, particularly between her legs. Please, take your time. I want her bottom well prepped for the tanning it's about to get."
This time I enjoyed Tanya even more than during the shaving inspection. I even dipped the tip of one of my pinkies into her tight little buggering hole. At this intrusion she gasped and let out a short plea.
"Oh please."
"You shut up! This is to be part of your discipline from now on. You had best learn to expect it."
Madam responded quickly to Tanya's cry.
I more than just diddled her cunt, I inserted a middle finger a good two inches and felt the soft warm sheath, tight even to such a small member as a finger. Yes, someday soon I would enjoy this orifice even more. At last I finished. Tanya's naked target was dripping wet with strap oil.
"OK young lady, I'm through. I think your bottom is ready for a good tanning."
Miss Manning now took charge. "Get over here by the end of this table. Move up against it! There, that's better. Now bend over again and stretch out your arms. Part those legs a little more. Spread them!"
At this time Madam Hinshar reached into her bag once again and removed a pair of leather wrist cuffs. Each was attached to a heavy cord about six feet long. She then walked over to the table and attached one on each of Tanya's small wrists. The cords were then drawn through the two eyelets. The ends were not attached to anything, but only held in Madam's hands. She wanted to be able to draw the cords tight or let them out, giving the girls more freedom to wiggle, depending on the moment.
Standing behind Tanya's round shiny bottom, Miss Manning griped the heavy oak ruler in her right hand and applied four harsh, rapid strokes to the base near her upper thighs.
That was all it took. Tanya's remaining composure disappeared in an instant. Her head went back and she commenced to babble pleas.
"Oh Lordie, Please...NOT SO HARD! I can't stand it!! Oho..ho....ho...ho...Please...Please."
"Excellent! Excellent! From here on apply them slowly. Give her time to savor each stroke. Besides let's also give Mr. Fenner a good opportunity to enjoy the little 'dance number' she is performing." Madam's voice contained a sadistic tone as she spoke.
Again the ruler contacted the tender pert hinny.
"IEEE...Please....Not so hard!"
A dance number it was. Tanya was finally acting like the naughty little schoolgirl that she was. Her feet merrily pounded the ground as she pranced in place from foot to foot.
"Ohoo..ho....ho...Please...NOT THERE!!"
It would seem that Miss Manning had taken aim at a most tender area under the base of Tanya's hinny, and near the center. It was a full swing with a quick snap of the wrist on contact, using only the last inch of the ruler. She was beginning to work under the bottom now. The response was something to behold. In addition to the side to side sway caused by the prancing feet, Tanya began to arch her back first up and then down. This had the effect on her bottom of first thrusting it up-and-out and then withdrawing it back. The round cheeks clenched tight and then relaxed in step with each thrust. One could imagine that poor Tanya was trying to stroke herself off on some giant invisible cock located under her bottom and between her legs.
For a moment I looked over at little Debby, waiting her turn. Her scanty beach panties hung down between her legs. They swayed gently as her knees still continued to fret. Tears flowed freely down her face as she sobbed and emitted little mews and meow like sounds.
Finally the whipping stopped after the twelfth stroke, but Madam still held the cords in place. She waited till Tanya slowed her gyrations and then released her wrist.
"Go over beside Debby and wait for your next set. Debby, remove those panties and get over here now! No! Give them to me."
It seemed Debby was at first reluctant to completely give up her last vestige of privacy.
"You need not concern yourself with your panties. Neither one of you two naughty girls will be putting them back on. You both are going to spend the rest of the afternoon here at the beach-bare naked. I want all to be able to see what happens to your bottoms when you misbehave. As for your front sides...well, that just too bad, I'm sure any young boys who drop by will enjoy the view."
I certainly was going to enjoy the view; now and much later today as well. As with Tanya, I applied the strap oil to Debby's pert little round hinny. I also took time again to diddle her exposed naked cunt. Once finished, I ordered her over to the dreaded table.
"Now bend forward. All the way! Move it young lady or you'll get extra!!"
As Madam started to attach the leather cuffs, little Debby appeared to break down the rest of the way. She was now crying freely and started to babble useless pleas for mercy.
"Oh Please Madam, not hard, Please not too hard. Please...PLEASE! I can't stand it, I just can't! Oh it hurts so bad naked. It burns and burns! Ohoo...noooo!!"
Things took on a more casual pace. It seemed that we all knew there was no need to break Debby's resolve; no need for that rapid application of the ruler as with Tanya. Unfortunately for the little "cry babies", their whippings tended to last longer, and Madam always saw to it.
"Miss Manning, take you time with Debby. I want an extended pause between strokes. This will give her a full opportunity to anticipate each one as well as savior the last. Work a good number up under her bottom and along the top few inches of her thighs as well."
"Both of you young ladies listen up. If either of you two thinks that this short tanning with a ruler is all you are going to get, you're mistaken! Let your lack of panties for the rest of this afternoon remind you that when we get back, both of you are going to be taken to one of the discipline rooms where you will wait my arrival. When I enter I am going to give you both a stark naked hickory switching on the backs of your thighs, and your conduct for the rest of this day will determine just how bad a switching you'll get. I'm going to personally administer it myself, to see that it's done properly, because if you haven't been switched by me, you don't yet know what a real one is like."
With that announcement even Tanya let out a little plea.
"Oh Madam, Please no. I'll be good."
Debby, I'm sure, just could not believe what she heard. She could plead no more and just let out a gasp and started to cry more loudly. Miss Manning took up position behind the tiny little bare bottom. She started by merrily tapping the ruler against the lower center edge of one cheek. I thought I knew what it was like for a naughty little girl to break down during disciplinary training, but Debby now lost all control over herself. With legs spread wide and bottom thrust out, her hairless little cunt, splayed wide open, began to make peepee. At first a little dribble, timed with the ruler's first prodding tap, then a nice little relaxed stream came forth and made a small puddle on the ground below. Things happened fast at this point.
The ruler made prefect contact with the aiming point and was so painful that Debby's reaction instantly cut off the little stream. Her head went back, yellow blond pigtails flying. She let out a loud squeal just as her legs came back together and started to wildly prance-in-place. Her feet made a pitter-patter sound as she danced in her own puddle.
"Aieeeee.....Oho nooo!!"
"JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOUNG LADY?!!!" Madam cried out the question. "You're going to get one nice rare supplement to your switching tonight-one you'll not forget!"
Miss Manning waited some twenty seconds before the next stroke. Debby continued to prance-in-place the entire time. Her naked round hinny was so pert and tight, her thighs so slender, that the plump lips of her cuntie shown clearly even with her legs tightly together. From this pink slit the little stream began to reappear. Miss Manning took notice.
"OHOO....Ohooooo...Oho...Oho...Oho.....Not so hard!....Oh Please Stop!!...I Can't Stand It!!!"
Again the ruler made perfect contact, but not before Debby managed to dribble peepee down the inside of her dancing thighs, increasing the size of the puddle, before the little yellow stream was cut off. Poor Debby continued to squeal and make peepee like this, in tune with the ruler, until she went dry on about the eighth stroke. At this point Madam Hinshar spoke up.
"Hold it Miss Manning. " She went to her bag and withdrew a second pair of cuffs. "Give me a hand. I can see now that Debby is going to have to have her legs held apart. I've NEVER...!"
Her legs were stretched wide to a point. The cuffs were attached to the far ends of the table legs.
"I want to continue Debby's whipping straight though the entire twenty-four strokes. We'll take a ten-minute break after number twelve. It's just too much trouble to remove all these cuffs and then replace them."
"Aheeiiii, Ohoo...No not my legs too..ohoooo...oh...ohoo...Oh Please!!"
"OHEeeeeiiiii, Oh Lordieee, Please not inside,...... Not THERE!!!"
To finish up the first set of twelve, Miss Manning had stepped directly behind poor little Debby's blistered hinny and took full advantage of the now widely spread legs. Using criss-crossing strokes, she applied two quick "twin sets" to the extreme tops of the inter thighs. An area that was so tender!
Miss Manning placed the ruler down on the table directly in front of Debby face and wiped the perspiration from her face. It was a hot day. She then retired to get a cold drink.
"Mr. Fenner, would you please apply a fresh coat of oil to Debby's bottom and then come join us for a drink." Madam spoke as she walked towards the cooler. "Oh yes, Please-take your time. Work it in everywhere. You do understand?" I nodded just in time to see a small sadistic smile come over Madam Hinshar's face.
Elsewhere Madam spoke up to Tanya. "Move over here! Put your elbows on the table and keep those legs spread. You don't move until told to!"
Debby's round little blistered hinny was left to my desires. I set on the ground directly beneath this still wiggling target, (taking time to dry the puddle first) for not many seconds had passed since the last stroke of the ruler. Miss Manning sure knew how to tan little naughty school girls, for her handiwork still left Debby's legs beating out a tattoo. Positioned only inches beneath the pink hairless slit of her cunt, I couldn't imagine how a tender little girl could show herself off any better. Her knees alternately straighten and flexed as much as the restraints permitted.
I started to rub fresh strap oil over both reddened naked cheeks, kneading it in well.
"Oh please, that hurts......Please, it still burns."
Every stroke had left a soft raised red welt, with several overlapping. Those within the top inner thighs were especially sensitive to my touch. Soon I turned to the target of interest. Again my middle finger began to diddle the pink, tight, little cuntie. The small plump lips couldn't be more smooth and hairless. Perfect in shape and size. I pushed my finger in about two inches or so, making Debby start and rise quickly on both tip toes-her legs went rigid. This time, however, things were a little different from her first oiling. She had not completely regained control over her naked bottom. The tanning still had it moving in fits and starts, as well as wiggling in the most suggestive manner imaginable. Unable to regain immediate control, she squirmed her pink little cuntie on the end of my finger-the lips tightening and relaxing with every start and fit. At last I had to stop. Another second and I would have been the one who lost control and fucked her on t he spot.
While I now relaxed with a cold drink, Madam Hinshar spoke, looking my way.
"I can see I made the right choice when I selected you for this position. You have that touch that I was looking for-yes, that ability to savor the moment and enjoy it slowly. I know you'll like this evening. I'm going to take special care to give you a classic example of how a good bare naked, stand-up, hickory switching should be applied to a pair of squirmy young prisses. That is why I'm leaving their legs relatively untouched. Oh! Yes, I do need to know which one you would prefer; sometime before we get back. She'll get special treatment. Although, I might guess." Madam then glanced at Debby-a fact also noticed my Miss Manning. For a good five more minutes we relaxed and enjoyed the warm summer air before Madam decided to begin again.
"Lets continue. Miss Manning, take care to see that their bottoms are uniformly covered with the ruler. I want every square inch as tender as possible for their switching."
We walked over to the awaiting little girl. I took position to view directly from behind. Miss Manning picked up the ruler in her right hand and snapped it briskly into the palm of her left. The sound evoked new sobs from Debby.
Miss Manning spoke up, "Are you ready to receive your next set of twelve, because I think you are going to really feel them? Prepare yourself!"
"Oh please Madam! Not so hard...Please! Please! Oh Nooo......"
"OH Lordie...NO MORE!! I just can't stand it! Please! Please! Not so hard! PLEASE!"
"So it stings, does it? Well that's just too bad! And what do you think of this one!!"
"Aeiiiiii...Aeiii...Ohoo...oh...Not there......Please Not There!!!!!!"
Miss Manning had delivered a nice crisp stroke to the lower, inter, base of Debby's left bottom cheek, delightfully exposed by the now well spread legs. Her blond pigtails thrashed about as she babbled useless pleas for mercy. Miss Manning continued tanning poor Debby's already blistered and tender little hinny, until the last stroke was applied. Quickly Miss Manning removed Debby's ankle cuffs as Madam removed those on her wrist. Within seconds of the last stroke Debby was free to stand, her ordeal over, but not the show. Madam Hinshar always freed a girl as soon as possible upon completion of discipline and permitted her the freedom to move and speak as she wished. This was done for several reasons, not the least of which was for the delightful little spectacle they always provided. We were not disappointed in Debby. She stood erect, both hands around on her still palpitating little hinny. Her hips thrust forward displaying beautifully her plump hairless cun tie. We also enjoyed the cute bare little titty buds as they bounced in tune with her prancing feet. One could not possibly command a naked little naughty girl to show herself off any better.
Madam Hinshar grabbed Debby by her arm and walked her over to one side of the small covered picnic area.
"Please Madam, no more...Please!" Debby managed a short plea between her sobs as tears ran down her face.
"Never mind what I'm going to do. You just wait over here till we're finished with your friend Tanya. Dance all you want; but if I were you, I'd save myself a little. When we get back you're going to need it."
Walking back to the dreaded polished table end, Madam Hinshar spoke, "Tanya, stand up and get over here, NOW!"
Tanya didn't know how to act. Tears began to flow from her eyes as she bit down on her lower lip, hand wringing in front of her. However, she walked slowly towards the spot. With each step she could feel the sting in her bottom from the first twelve strokes. How was she going to stand twelve more? As she was positioned in place, cuffs attached and legs spread, she began to cry loudly. Her creamy round hinny began to fidget and quiver without any regard that such action, combined with her widely spread legs, provided again the most wanton displays possible of her charms. She then began the most heartfelt sobbing pleas for mercy I think I have ever heard.
"Oh Madam please...please. Not now. bottom still hurts, it's sooo sore. I promise I'll be good. I will! Please?! I don't know what to do. I just won't be able to stand any more!"
Such cries only seemed to wet Madam's appetite even more. Picking up the bottle of oil, Madam handed it to me. "Again please, Mr. Fenner."
"Thank you, I will. As before?"
"Oh Yes; definitely so! I am beginning to enjoy your technique. In fact, I would like to watch up close this time. Again rub the oil in well and deeply." That familiar sadistic smile appeared again on her lips.
I knelt down between Tanya spread legs, my face not much more than a foot from her pink hairless cunt. I again began to rub and knead the blistered pert little hinny in the midst of her cries about her sore bottom. What happened next, as my middle finger started to sink into her cunt, caught even me by complete surprise. I noticed that Madam Hinshar quickly looked around to see if there were any people close by our picnic tables; there were none too close. Next, she reached down with her right hand into the front of her own tiny bathing suit and began to frig her cunt. In the same motion her left hand parted the waist band of my suit, and began to gently run fingers up and down my rigid cock. She also began to whisper quietly in my right ear.
"Keep doing your thing. That's right. I just want to feel how big and hard you really are. My...You are big, and like a rock! Gooood, work that finger in deep; just think what it's going to feel like when this big cock of yours slides in there. Don't you dare cum...I want a man who can hold out a long time. When we get back, we'll all be naked in the discipline room. I want this cock sticking out big and hard, and quivering with lust. When it's time, you give Debby's little pussy more than just a good fucking. I want it reamed out; at length!"
Madam knew how to give pleasure as well as pain. Her finger nails ran gently up and down the under side of my rigid cock, twisting the hard shaft smoothly between three of her fingers. I almost exploded with her touch. Only my desire and unbreakable control kept my load in check. My hips began to slowly thrust in unison with Madam's warm touch, as my finger dipped deeply into Tanya's tight cuntie. I wanted to fuck one of these little girls so bad, well...later, later. We soon finished and Miss Manning started...again.
"Oh,!" THWACK! "Ahaaaa, Ohoo...oh...ohooo, Please, Oh Lordie, It Hurts. Please, Not Again, Please Stop!!",...SMACK! "Aeiiii....Aheiii....You Just Got To Stop! PLEASE!! I Can't Stan"....CRACK! "Ahhhh...ha...ha...ha! Oh Please, No!!"
The ruler began to overlap earlier welts, but no quarter was given. Miss Manning was exemplary in her work. When at last it was over, no area of Tanya's little hinny was left unmarked. On release Tanya finished her bare naked minuet on prancing tip toes, and like Debby, made a delicious spectacle of herself.
We returned to the beach blankets. Only this time the naughty little girls wore nothing but their birthday suits. They we made to stand naked under an umbrella that Madam had placed adjacent to the blankets. It did not take long before word got around. During the next two hours that we stayed at the beach, a number of young boys came by in small groups. They would act as if they were only passing by, but would pause and say hello. Madam would welcome them. In fact she would encourage their stay a while longer by talking to them. On a couple of occasions she had the girls explain their predicament directly to their visitors.
"Tanya, explain to the boys what is going on....Present your self properly!" Madam spoke with a sarcastic tone.
"We were naa...naughty, and had to take our....panties off and got a paddling on our bare bottoms."
"And what else are you both going to get!? And speak up!"
"A, Oh.....ohoo, switching......when we get back."
"I might add, boys, that all the girls are switched bare naked standing up with hands held high over their heads. And these two are really going to get a good one and at length. Believe me! What's more, if they don't behave themselves for the rest of this afternoon, I'll switch more than their naked bottoms and the backs of their legs. They'll get one on their front sides as well; specially on those places where little girls are nice and tender. They know what I mean!"
"Oh Madam Please, Please!" Tanya pleaded for the embarrassment to end.
"OK, you'll have to go now. Tanya and Debby have to stay here, but thank you for coming by."
Events like this was what I had expected, but just before we left something happened that was totally a surprise. It went to show just how far this society had changed. Now it was common to see girls under twelve completely naked on the beach. If fact girls twelve and much older were, on occasion, seen nude. So it should not come as a surprise to any one to see young boys, under twelve, also naked. Some were more than just naked.
A friend of Madam, whom she had not seen in a while, happened by. She had several children of her own. One was a boy of about twelve, who had recently reached puberty. She was intensely proud of this fact, and wanted to show him off to other women she knew. He was of average build for his age and like the girls had no public hair; one could see, because he was complete naked. It was not clear if he had been shaven or not. Mrs. Brenner was her name, Timmy was his.
This was not being done by his mother as punishment, but as a reward. Permitting him to enjoy his newly discovered sexuality and prowess. Timmy was somewhat shy; more like Debby than Tanya in personality, but his mother wanted to show him off, and for good reason. I could hardly believe what I saw. Timmy was already possessed of fully formed, nearly mature sized balls. His cock was in full erection, sticking nearly strait up and equally sized. At the close sight of the naked girls it grew a little more and began to jerk front to back with the tip taping his tummy on the backwards move. It was such a strange sight to see these large members, still very light pink and totally void of hair, on so small a boy's frame.
From the look on Timmy's face you could see that he was a little embarrassed, but thoroughly enjoying the experience. His mother had also inserted a small butt plug in Timmy's bottom. She was now caressing his small bottom and playing with this plug. This drove Timmy to push his hard cock out even more.
"Madam Hinshar, would you care to feel just how big Timmy has become?"
"Why Yes!"
"Timmy lets go stand in front of Madam Hinshar. Up close so she can feel just how nice and big you can get."
Both women smiled at each other, and almost laughed. Then Madam Hinshar cupped Timmy's big balls in one hand while she started to run her fingers of the other hand up and down the quivering shaft, as she had done to me earlier. His mother also started to play, once again, with the plug.
"Timmy, these are going to make some little girl real happy in years to come."
"Oh thank you Madam, but please, I can't hold out much longer. I feel a big squirt coming on."
"Yes, I guess I had best stop before we have a nice big cum."
Mrs. Brenner spoke. "Timmy, did you like that?"
"Oh yes mommy. It felt so good!"
Madam Hinshar leaned forward and whispered into Mrs. Brenner's ear. "I wouldn't mind if Timmy had his cum here. We could have him move over to my two naughty girls, and I could make them give Timmy a nice cum he would really enjoy."
Then Mrs. Brenner leaned way forwards and whispered into Madam's ear.
"Are you sure? I just couldn't ask this of you, but I know Timmy would really enjoy it. He saw them earlier today on the beach when they still had their panties on. He told me that he liked the two girls as we were coming over here. I'll tell you just how much he really likes them. When I first asked if he wanted to come over here his cock almost jumped to an erection!"
Madam spoke out.
"Then it's agreed. Good. Timmy I would like you to come over here by my two naughty girls. Your mother said you could have a really nice big squirt with them if you would like to."
"Oh Yes, Madam! Really!? I can?"
"Yes Timmy, but I would like to see how long you can hold out before you squirt. OK? Then your mother and I would like to see you do a really big one."
"Gee, I feel like I can do it any second now."
"I know, I know; but we want you to hold out for a really long time. OK?"
"I'll try. What do you want me to do?"
"For now just stand right here. That right. Now push your thing way out; Yes, that's good!'
Madam looked over towards Tanya.
"Young lady, get over here! Turn around. Don't you move away-get back! I'll get that ruler out again and let Timmy watch as I make you do another dance. Do you understand?"
"Yes Madam. But please...I'm bare naked...I'm not wearing any undie panties or anything."
"That's right! And you're not going to be wearing any panties or any thing else for quite a while, so you best do as you're told. I'm just looking for a good reason to give you extra after your switching."
The spectacle had Timmy's cock throbbing. Never had he seen such pretty girls bare naked and made to show themselves off like this. He could see everything, even their little titties! In the past few months even a short glimpse of a girl's panties would make him get a hard-on; and once hard it took forever to go away. He remembered a few weeks ago that a girl he really liked bent way over with a really short skirt on. It was so short that it just barely covered up her bottom, most of the time, when she was standing up straight.
She had been standing between him and another girl as they sat at this table in the back of a class room. Then she bent way over for a long time to help this girl with her homework. Her hinny was only a couple of feet away from his face and she was wearing nothing but teeny-tiny shear white flutter panties underneath that let him see everything. He was really glad he had put bathroom tissue in his underpants, because when she started to wiggle her bottom side to side, he reached down and played with his cock for the whole time. He then had a big cum right in his pants as he looked at her pussy under those shear little panties. That had felt so good, but!
Madam continued.
"Tanya, back up some more. Now spread those legs more...all the way. Do It Young Lady!! Now bend over and grab your knees. You stay in that position and you best not move."
Madam reached out and put her hand on Timmy's bare young bottom and directed him forward while removing his plug.
"OK Timmy, now move forward and put your big hard peepee along the crease of Tanya's naked hinny. Let the tip stick out the top. That right!...Good! Why don't you reach down and spread Tanya's hinny apart some more. Yes, now let go and your peepee will be all the way in the crease. Now push forward just enough to keep it there. Reach out with you hands and grab Tanya's little titties if you like. You can play with them all you want-even pinch the nipples with your finger tips. Just hold your hips still for a few more seconds."
Madam next grabbed surprised little Debby by the arm pit. She next moved her behind Timmy and pushed her, still standing, against his bottom.
"Debby, reach out and hold Timmy around his waist. Good! Now listen up both you young ladies. You do exactly as I say, or I'll give you both that extra switching-on your front sides. Tanya, now bend one knee a little and lock the other. Now switch back and forth between knees and wiggle your sassy bottom against Timmy's big hard peepee. Debby, you move your legs the same way and rub your tummy against Timmy's soft bare bottom. DO IT NOW!!"
Timmy couldn't believe the sensation he was feeling. Never anything like this. He wanting to do a cum so bad. He fought to hold back the biggest squirt of his entire life.
"Now Timmy, don't squirt yet! Hold on. Push your peepee up and down the crease of Tanya's nice hinny. See how that feels."
"Oh yes Mam! This feels...sooo good."
Several minuets passed before Timmy spoke again.
"Oh no! I just got to do a squirt. Oh, oh, aaah, here it comes. Oh Yes! Ahaaaaaa, Ahaaaa, Oh.....Ohooo. Yes, that good....Oh thank you, Madam, Thank you."
Timmy's young cock exploded cum into the air. The first squirt went nearly six feet up and over Tanya head. The second still cleared her head; only the last two landed on her back. His cock dribbled with cum.
"OK girls, both of you, back under the umbrella! Timmy, come over here."
Madam Hinshar picked up a towel and wiped his cock dry, squeezing out the last few drops of cum. His mother handed Timmy his bathing suit, which he now put on. It was over too fast. To be that age again!
"Mrs. Brenner, that was one of the best cum's I have ever seen. I can't believe Timmy. I know you must be proud of him. Perhaps we could work something out in the future; I'll give you a call. If that's all right with you?"
"Yes, Yes, maybe we can. I look forward to hearing from you."
"Good; however, it may be a few months. Well it has been nice, but we have to get going. There's still this matter of having these two girls perform a nice naked minuet in tune with a switch."
"Well good by. Timmy say thank you again."
"Thank you Madam. I'll always remember this."
"You're welcome. OK girls, let's pick up. Get going."
The girls were made to do almost everything, as I watched. A number of people, including some young boys, watched with smiles as we crossed the parking lot and got into our van. The two girls, still bare naked, sat beside me on the way back. They pouted the entire way back, thinking about what awaited them.
Madam Hinshar wasted no time on our return.
"Miss Manning, take these two girls to Disciplinary Training Room 2-A. Have them stand in the middle of the room-standard position. You should undress as well, we won't be long. Mr. Fenner will apply the strap oil, so you need not do anything else this time."
I was ready now. My cock hardly had had a rest in the past hour. Was I ever ready, but I need to explain a few things before the story continues. The Disciplinary Training Rooms were set up and organized by Madam Hinshar's strict rules. Divided into two sections, "A" and "B", there were six rooms in total, three per section. All the rooms were located in a special basement below one end of the main building. This also happened to be directly below Madam Hinshar's office. She had a private entrance to one end of the basement hallway; the other end being the general entrance. It was along this hallway that the rooms were located. Each room was about thirty feet square, with the "A" section rooms on one side of the hall and the "B" section rooms on the other. The hall itself was about twelve feet wide.
The walls along the hallway were made of gray limestone blocks with bare concrete steps on each end. The floor was laid with heavy oak planking. Several bare electric bulbs lighted the way. Each rooms' door was made of three inches thick solid oak with heavy black steel hinges and equally heavy catches. Each could be bolted from the inside. The doors were about seven feet tall with all ceilings some ten feet high. The top edge of an open window was located about a foot down from the top of each door. These windows measured approximately a foot square and contained vertical one inch steel bars, but were otherwise open to the interior. Five feet long thick oak benches were located beside each door, with clothing hooks on the wall behind. Activities from within each room could be clearly heard in the hall, but the windows were too high for any girl to see in.
All six rooms had floors and walls covered in white ceramic bath tile, with a drain under an open shower head located at the center of each floor. They were also brightly illuminated. Section "A" rooms contained various specially designed devices and implements for the "standard" disciplinary training of young naughty little girls. If these rooms were considered the dry side, the section "B" rooms were considered wet rooms. Each contained additional devices, and were supplied, for the application of what many a person would call "toilet training". The numbers related to the severity of the training. Number three being the most dreaded by the girls.
On the floor above the general entrance end was located some twenty clothing lockers-ten on each side of the doorway leading below. One of a set of two continuous thick oak benches was positioned in front of each group of lockers. Whether or not it was after a regularly scheduled disciplinary review, girl(s) due for training would be taken to the lockers and be ordered to strip down to nothing but their little scanty white panties. They were then lined up in front of the door leading below and only then given their room assignments. The lockers were in the open and anyone in this area of the building was free to watch these proceedings.
On this particular day however, Miss Manning escorted Tanya and Debby straight to Room 2-A. I followed directly behind. On entrance both Miss Manning and I also striped naked and then took a quick shower to wash off the salt and sand from the beach. The two girls were ordered to do the same. However, they were not permitted to dry off as did Miss Manning and I. They remained dripping wet by the drain awaiting Madam Hinshar's return.
They did not wait long. From the private entrance end of the hallway we heard steps-the door then quickly opened and was bolted shut. Both girls let out a "Ohoo" as my cock went even harder, for Madam Hinshar was also completely naked except for a pair of large polished black leather boots. Miss Manning smiled and licked her lips. This certainly was going to be one nice little treat. Madam's boots were zippered tight all the way up to her knees. At that point they flared out making a cup like shape that continued to several inches above the knees. Each boot had five inch long spiked heels. Madam quickly spoke with that icy cold voice.
"Tanya...Debby, listen well! I will not say anything but once, and you both had better jump to it. You both are going to get one really good switching. I'm going to apply it myself and it's going to be at length-I promise you! After that is over...Tanya, you will be returned to your dorm. Debby, on the other hand will be staying for that nice supplement I promised. Then Debby, you are going to find out why Mr. Fenner is now a member of our staff here at Connor Hostel. It is to be a new form of discipline that all girls here will soon experience, and you are going to be the first. We'll start the switching with Debby.
"Miss Manning, position Debby in the high cuffs. Keep the cords loose for now."
At this point Madam took Tanya by the arm pit over to one corner of the room as Debby's wrists were being placed in the pair of leather cuffs. These restraints were each connected to cords that went directly to the tall ceiling, though a pair of blocks directly above (these were blocks or pulleys as used on sailboats), over to a second pair at the top of one wall and down to a crank and ratchet. This crank provided easy and positive adjustment of a girl's wrist above her head. No other restraints were used, thus her legs were completely free to move. However, the blocks above her head were some ten feet apart. This forced her arms and torso into a classic "Y" shape, which prevented a girl from rotating in place once the cords were drawn tight and she was standing on tip toes-as would be the case once her switching started. In addition, this "Y" shape of the arms made it exceedingly uncomfortable for a girl to pick both feet off the floor at once.
One other refinement was made. A girl did not stand directly on the tile floor. Instead a one foot high, circular wooden dais was placed under her feet. This positioned bottom and thighs at a more suitable height for the application of a switch to a short diminutive little girl. The dais itself was so designed that the sound of tiny prancing feet was amplified. One of Madam's classic touches. There were many others.
Madam spoke to Tanya. "You stand right here facing this corner and I'd best not see your head even begin to turn. Do you understand me?"
"Oh yes Mam."
"If you do, you'll get a supplement worst than Debby's...and that goes for your hands as well. You keep them locked behind you neck. There will be no warning!!"
Madam now walked toward Debby. "How are things going?"
"She is in position, Madam."
"Good!...Mr. Fenner, if you please. I would again enjoy watching you apply strap oil to Debby. Be sure to rub plenty into that slit between her legs as well as in and under the crease of her bottom. Oh Yes, this time rub her small titties down as well. I want them both good and wet with oil. Debby, part your legs as far as the dais permits, and you pay attention to Mr. Fenner."
She did! Both little girls were beside themselves. Poor little Debby began to sob and her legs started to fidget as I first applied fresh oil to her still marked hinny. I enjoyed this application even more that at the beach and took my time. We were all naked now and alone in this special room. I loved to rub Debby's soft pert little hind end. Next, standing behind her, I pressed my stiff cock against this freshly rubbed area-right along the crease-and reached around and rubbed oil onto her equally soft tity buds. As I fondled the small titties I worked my shaft up and down the soft crease. When that was over I moved around to her front side and got down on my knees to position my head at the level of her plump little hairless cunt. I started with the insides of her thighs, even at times reaching around to her hinny again.
"Oh Sir, Please! Oh No!!"
Debby guessed what was coming next and I played no games. I diddled her tight cuntie for only a few seconds before inserting my middle finger all the way up inside. While pushing up firmly, I worked my finger front to back, creating a little lather inside. Although the restraints did not yet require it, she quickly rose to her tip toes while her knees did a delicious little fret.
"Oh no, please, not inside! Please...Please. Oh...OHOOO! NO...oooo."
I took all of five minutes to finish. Madam Hinshar was pleased-by the look on her face. I know Miss Manning was. She had retired to a leather covered fucking table, and lying down was masturbating vigorously with her right hand. Globs of her own cum were running down onto her bottom as she lay on her back-knees high and spread wide-with her own shaven pussy gapping open for all to see.
"It seems that Miss Manning is enjoying the moment. Would you care to assist me, personally?"
"Yes, I would...I would!"
"Good, then adjust the crank and raise Debby's arms high. I want her on the tips of her toes as I apply the switch."
As I slowly raised the cuffs, Debby began to panic.
"Please, not like this! Oh no...Ohooo that hurts my arms. Oh Please, Please...I can't stand the switch. Pleaseeee...not a switching. I won't be able to stand it! Not all naked!!"
Debby's pleas were mixed with sobs and tears as she watched Madam Hinshar walk over to a large wooden cabinet and open it doors. In the left corner were a good number of hickory switches of various lengths. Each had a cork handle firmly attached, though which, was also attached a loop of rawhide. They were all hung vertically within a tall, narrow glass vase, with all rawhide loops draped over a single wooden peg. The vase contained a pickling solution of salt water brine, mixed with vinegar. Madam selected one that was about two and a half feet long. The last foot was tapered down to no more than an eighth of an inch, but the pickling had worked-the hickory was like spring steel. All bark had been removed and the surface was sanded smooth. The switch whistled through the air as Madam threw off the last drops of solution and tested it feel.
"Ohooo...Please nooo!"
Debby's legs began to fret as best they could considering her stance. Madam Hinshar took position to her left side and began to tap the last few inches of the switch against the top of her thighs. The switch whistled through the air.
Four rapid times the switch snapped against the tender girl skin of her naked upper thighs, alternating between legs.
"Aeiiiiii...Ohooo...oh...oh...Ohooo! OH burns!! Please not so hard...I can't stand it...I can't!!!"
Goose pimples appeared all over Debby's shiny, oil wet, bottom and thighs. Over those pimples, four bright thin red welts quickly arose. That was only the beginning. At Connor Hostel it was normal to state beforehand the number of strokes to be administered, but that did not apply to switchings, which always had an open count. A naughty little girl was first switched until, it was well determined, she couldn't possibly stand another stroke. Then the switching would continue, whether she could stand it or not, to assure that all areas were covered meticulously with thin welts. Those areas most tender always received special attention. The switch whistled again.
"Ahaaa...Ha...ha...haaaa! Please...Please, No more!!"
Madam Hinshar now began to settle into her favorite sadistic pace. She applied the switch in short little sets of from one to three strokes, followed by a nice pause. This gave the girl a better opportunity to fully enjoy each stroke, and the time to vocalize her feelings. Besides, she also loved to watch the delightful "two-step" minuet they would always perform. The pauses would be timed out to maintain nearly a continuous performance.
"OHoooWeeee...Ohoo...Oho...Oh. hurts too much. Ahaaa...aha...ha...ha."
Poor little Debby, she tried so hard to get both legs up at once. It was just not possible, do to the position of her arms. On contact with the switch that leg would leap forward, with its knee kicking high. Often before that leg could get down, the switch would land on the tender skin of the other. Standing on the tips of her toes also caused the most delicious fluctuations of her naked thighs and that small pert little hinny. I found a chair and placed it close up to the dais to provide a nice view of Debby's back side. Setting back, I enjoyed the performance even more by slowly masturbating my rock hard cock. Once again the switch made its sound.
"AHEeeee...Not There...Not There! Oh Please Not Thereee!!"
On this stroke Madam Hinshar had moved more directly behind Debby, and using just the last inch or so, had brought the switch upwards into the center of her hinny. She squealed loudly with her legs pounding the dais as best they could; her blond pigtails flying. Her pleas were beginning to become more incoherent and difficult to understand. Madam continued, this time not just applying the switch, but scalding it in using a quick snap of her wrist.
"Aeiiiiii...Ha...ha...ha...Ohooo...oh...oh...OHOOOO! OH Lordie...Please not so hard...I can't stand it...I just can't!! Not Any More!!!"
Madam had her own definition of "burning up" a naughty school girl and this was it. The last stroke from that set really hummed in right against the base of her left cheek, more towards the center. Madam now began to concentrate more on Debby pert little hinny, still quite tender from its earlier ordeal at the beach. No amount of prancing seemed to help the sting of the switch on her hinny and her knees no longer kicked quit so high. She reverted to that rapid tip-toe fret like prance with her hips thrust as far forward as the restraints would permit. This provided a most delectable view of her charms. The incentive for further merriment now arrived.
"IEeeeee...Yieeee...No...No...Ohoo...Ohoo...oh...ohooo. Oh Please Stop...Pleaseee!"
I loved the way Madam varied the cadence. She seemed to know just how to make the sting go to the soul. Standing somewhat behind and to Debby's left side, she had bent forward slightly and rotated her head to the left to gather a better view of the target. This obviously came from years of switching little prisses like Debby on nearly a day to day basis. After some estimated forty strokes the minuet finally came to an end. What was left was the most quintessential, well switched, bare naked naughty little school girl I have even seen. Madam now looked at me and then pointed her switch towards the crank on the wall.
"Mr. Fenner.....on my command."
I got up and prepared to relieve Debby's stance just as Madam replaced the switch in the cabinet and walked back. Standing to Debby's left she reached around her front with her left hand and secured her right hip. In a flash her right hand landed harshly across Debby's well striped little hinny.
"OHWeeee...Aeiiiii...Oh please not again. Please stop...please!"
"Release her arms!"
As Debby's arms came down to about shoulder level, Madam quickly removed her cuffs and guided her down from the dais--totally freed. It did not take much thought to guess what happened next. For a minute or so all three of us enjoyed the naked dance show Debby provided. Tanya's turn was next. She was secured as was Debby and received close to fifty strokes before also being let down to perform an encore to her friend's earlier dance number.
"Miss Manning, please take Tanya to the infirmary and then back to her dorm. She is to attend classes as normal tomorrow. Mr. Fenner and I will finish up matters with Debby."
What came next was what I had been waiting for-Debby's first fucking. First, however, some preparations were in order. Madam lead Debby over to a six feet long horizontal bar that was about four feet away from the wall on which it was attached. Two wooden boxes that were about a foot high and two feet square were positioned under the bar. These boxes, some three feet apart, served the same purpose as the earlier dais. In addition they would offer up Debby's hairless little quim at the perfect height for its "up-and-coming" ordeal with my waiting cock. The level of the bar was adjustable and Madam set it to just below Debby's shoulders while she stood on the boxes. The bar had a circular cross section and was covered with soft foam rubber. Another pair of cuffs was placed on Debby's wrist. These had long cords attached like those at the beach. Madam next backed Debby against the padded bar and taking her wrists in hand, pulled them up and over the bar and down t he other side. The cords were lead straight down to the floor slightly towards the wall and firmly attached after being drawn tight. Mirrors had been long ago placed on the wall behind the bar to provide a more complete view of the little subjects. Another one of Madam's delectable touches.
Two more cuffs were now attached to Debby's ankles. These had very long cords attached that lay freely across the floor, directly to the left and right of her feet, and went through blocks located at the base of the far opposite walls. From these blocks, at each wall, the cords went straight up and through a second block and down to a pin rod. These pin rods, one at each opposite wall, went through a set of weights that were set in vertical rails. A large "cotter" pin could be inserted under the desired weight and through one of several holds in the pin rod.
The upper block could be raised or lowered to remove all slack in the cord once a girl's legs were set in the desired spread. This arrangement permitted a girl to bring her legs back together, but only if she could overcome the weights-although her legs were free to move front to back as well as up and down. When the upper block was set Debby's slender legs were stretched wide to a point, with feet positioned more near the center of the two boxes. Weights were selected which could be held up for only a few brief seconds at best. Last, but not least, was the part I really enjoyed. Madam now turned a wheel that slowly raised the bar. The effect was stunning. As the bar went up, her shoulders and arms behind her could not, due to the tight cords at the wrist. Debby's only option was to thrust her hips up and out while attempting to lean back. Her small tender pears shaped titties were also set on high due to her shoulders being pulled back and down.
This position exposed the entire expanse of her tender inner thighs. At the top of these thighs Debby's plumpy lipped hairless little cuntie was perfectly opened to all of Madam's desires as well as mine. Debby's budding soft titties also could not possible be positioned in a more vulnerable manner. I watched in amazement, while slowly stroking by rock hard cock, as Madam went through this procedure of "setting up" Debby. She cried continuously while pleading for mercy. None was to be given as Madam went over to the cabinet and selected another thin springy hickory switch. This one was somewhat shorter, about two feet long, and thinner still than the first. It was perfectly sized for the job at hand.
"Mr. Fenner, please, bring up your chair. Here-in close. Feel free to continue stroking your cock, it's a "touch" I like. I think you'll want to play with yourself some more as you watch what comes next. On many occasions I have one of the matrons or young girls sit on the floor between my spread legs and service me with their mouth and tongue, but this evening I only wanted to two of us here."
Madam Hinshar now looked directly at Debby, whose whole body was shaking with her sobs. She could not believe how naked and exposed she was being made to feel.
"Now Debby, you are going to get that nice rare supplement I promised you at the beach. The next time you get a whipping like that I hope you'll have learned not to do peepee in front of everyone. You are about to get a good front side switching for that and then experience a new form of discipline being instituted here at Connor Hostel."
Little Debby was one of those girls who had almost a pathological fear of the switch, and one might say for good reason. To offer up her naked front side in such an exposed and revealing manner had her dizzy with fear. Madam was well aware of Debby's feelings, and took full advantage of this fact. She whistled the switch through the air directly in front of her exposed hips. Then taking aim high inside her thighs Madam tapped the switch against the exposed tender skin. She then moved higher up to the two pink pear shaped buds and repeated the process, taking care to see that both nipple tips felt the tap. Debby was being informed as to where she could expect to feel the switch land. Next she moved down and ran the last few inches of the switch through the bright pink inter lips of Debby's smooth hairless cuntie. Just as she tapped it home against this target Madam spoke up.
"Yes, that's right! You're going to get it right here to and I do mean well."
"OH NO! Oh Please Madam, Not thereeee. You just can't...Pleaseeee...oh...oh...ohooo."
This last bit of information was once again more than Debby could take and again she broke down completely. Just as her hips began to sway side to side-perhaps an attempt to move her most tender target out of harms way-Debby's pink exposed slit began again to make peepee. It was not a forced stream, but just flowed freely making a wavy pattern in tune with her hips. Madam was ready. The switch scalded home against the inter thigh just below her cunt. The stream instantly stopped, and for a brief second she made no sound. The ferocious sting in so tender a spot caught her by surprise and momentarily took her breath away. Then she reacted.
"Aheeeiiiiiii...he...he...he! Noooo, please, not there! Oh it burns, it burns thereee! Please...Please! Oh...OHOOO! NO...oooo."
It was a familiar plea, one I had heard before, and it still did no good. All her squeals and dancing only provided for a more exiting sexual experience. Madam was also better equipped in this room than at the beach. She had placed a round metal tub between Debby's legs to catch any discretions. The sound of her peepee hitting the metal only added to the spectacle. Unlike Miss Manning, Madam Hinshar did not concern herself with Debby's peepee, she commenced to switch her inner thighs with sadistic abandon using her familiar style of short sets followed by a brief pause.
About twelve strokes had landed on the thighs when suddenly the next snapped home just under the nipple of Debby's left titty bud. There was nothing she could do, but she tried. Her miniature loins looked as if they were trying to hump empty space in front of her. The metal weights clanked as she tried to lift her legs up or inward.
Madam now began to work the little titties with abandon as I continued to work my cock, now lubricated with a jelly to better prepare for the coming fuck. She started by using just the tip of the switch on the undersides, slowly working up to each nipple. The next few went directly into the nipple tip itself. Debby humped wildly with her blond pigtails flying side to side with her head. I began to wonder what it would be like for Debby to gyrate in this manner while impaled on my huge cock. The experience had me on the verge of letting go with cum all over, and I indicated this to Madam. She smiled.
"I'll make the final preparations now. We can't have you let go too soon, not with such an agreeable subject waiting."
The final preparations were simple and to the point. Five quick stinging strokes were landed directly on Debby's wiggling little quim. At that point, Madam Hinshar stepped back and indicated to me that it was now finally time. I stepped forward and positioned myself between Debby's well-spread legs. Due to the boxes, her awaiting cunt was at the perfect height for a good fucking. As I looked down, five thin red welts began to form across the hairless puppy fat surrounding the awaiting target. At first I only ran my cock up and down her naked slit, moist and hot from the long switching. I then positioned the very tip of my hard cock against the center and pushed upwards. Slowly the opening gave way and I stopped with just the head of my throbbing member inside.
A short note may be helpful at this point. As far as Madam Hinshar knew, functionally all girls at Connor Hostel were virgins, none had enjoyed the experience of a good fucking. Technically this was a bit in error. You see all girls had to have their "virginity" removed as a necessary requirement for enrollment. This was always done either by their parents, at a doctor's office, or by the Hostel's infirmary on admittance day. Therefore Debby's tight little cuntie could offer no barrier to my cock as I began.
She was crying freely now and making those meow like sounds mixed with her sobs. I reached around and grabbed the tiny hips and pulled them a little more towards me. As I slowly thrust upwards, she also rose on straight legs and tip toes as much as was possible. This movement only added to my enjoyment. There was quite simply nothing little Debby could do to avoid her fate, but she tried.
"Oh No! Oh please hurts.'s too big! Pleaseeee don't put it in more!"
I was only a couple of inches inside, but it was the most incredibly hot, tight, sheath I had ever inserted my cock into. I played it in and out for a few seconds before thrusting upwards to fully take all she could offer, stopping only when I hit home. Her eyes when wide open while her mouth let out a quick gasp. Her verbal reaction was expected and again only added to the excitement.
"Ahaaaa...You're splitting me in two! It's too big... It's too big! Oh Pleaseeee take it out!!"
The grasp on my cock was so tight that I could feel every wiggle and shake of her body. I positioned my loins to maximize body contact and began to fuck with long deep thrust, withdrawing before each stroke all but the head of my cock. Per Madam's request this was not so much a fucking as it was a good reaming out of Debby's tight little cunt. It wasn't long before I felt her orifice began to dilate. Although it was still quite tight I was now able to insert all but the last inch of my cock inside. I squeezed the small round cheeks of her hinny as I enjoyed each deep thrust. At times I let my cock stay fully inserted as I moved my right hand around to her front and played with her satiny smooth upward thrust titties. My left would remain in place to knead the entire expanse of her pert round hinny. Madam now reentered the picture.
"Well, do you have that full feeling young lady!?"
"Oh Madam! Please...Please. It hurts too much! Oh Please...Oh Pleaseeee make him take it out!!"
"Mr. Fenner, withdraw for a second. I want Debby to find out what happens with a pause is taken before you are through."
"OK...OK...just a second."
This was hard work; I had to do all that I could to keep from exploding cum all over the room. There was a noticeable "Plop" as I withdrew and stepped back. Madam quickly made my restraint all the more difficult.
Even I was surprised as three quick cuts of the switch sliced home against Debby's cunt. It was all the more painful as the fucking had distended open the orifice and the pinkish red inter lips lay bare and exposed.
"Well my little one, which do you prefer?! Well, speak up! Do you want Mr. Fenner to continue or would you fancy a few more cuts of this nice switch?!!
"Please Madam, Pleaseee let me go! I just can't take it any more!!"
"Well I'm afraid you're just going to have to. So there!!"
"Aeiiii...OHooo...ho...ho Nooo!"
"Mr. Fenner, would you continue...please. Take it to the end! I want you to cum deep inside and do it with good hard thrusts."
I had no problem with that! Within seconds Debby's freshly switched cunt was again stuffed full to the hilt. I continued as before only adding more variety, at times slowly penetrating only part way before backing out all but the head of my cock. One other pleasing style was a series of quick jabs, each starting from the outside and going deeper than the previous. I finished this series of strokes with my balls slapping the underside of her hinny as my cock hit the inner top of her orifice. Debby seems to "meow" with more passion when I commenced a nicely orchestrated set of tip fucks. In this technique I would only insert the head of my cock before making a complete withdrawal, always taking care to maintain external contact with the plump slit before the next sharp jab. This was a most delightful way of fucking small hairless young cunties. I could look down and because of Debby's backward lean, savor a clear view of the soft pink target. She also continuous ly kept her target in motion. This attempt at denial only added rhythm to our bodies and intensified my enjoyment of the deed.
Another of my favorite actions was to shove it all the way in and then move around in small circles. I loved the way she tried to respond with her little feet, it created delicious fluctuations of her thighs and bottom. After a few minutes of this diversity, I started-up her reaming out again, thrusting hard and deep. She made small gasping sounds with every insertion. I still could not believe how good her soft, wet, hairless cunt felt. Even after dilating somewhat it remained so tight that I could still feel every quiver of her miniature body. It had the feel of hot, wet, soft velvet. The ecstasy was such that I felt transported to another world. I hardly heard Madam Hinshar as she spoke.
"Mr. Fenner, this is only a suggestion, but you might consider shaving off your own pubic hair. You might find that this increased skin to skin contact with a girl's own hairless pussy would increase your enjoyment. It's only an idea."
"Yes, that's interesting, but right now...I think it's time for a good CUM."
All things have to "cum" to an end, and so it was with Debby's first fucking. Even my ability to hold out had it limits. With one last thrust I pushed my cock as far as it would go. Debby was so overcome with fatigue that she now hardly reacted to this final intrusion. I felt my balls tighten as I let go with a tremendous burst of hot cum into her tight little cuntie. I declare I felt her slender legs rise off the two boxes, as I held a vise like grip with my two hands on the cheeks of her pert round hinny. Again I let go another hot load. With this shot there was more cum than her small orifice could hold. I felt it ooze out along the outside of my cock and dribble down both of our legs. I gave her several more quick finishing shots of cum before I was done. The entire day's experience had cumulated in the most delicious fuck imaginable. Without going into great detail Debby was returned, by way of the infirmary, to her dorm. Thus ended my first day on the job at Connor Hostel. I slept well that night.
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